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www.elisabettademariaartist.com info@elisabettademariaartist.com

Born in Italy, she graduated in piano in just 5 years with honors (10/10) at the Verdi Conservatory in Turin. Later she began to attend courses with Italian and Spanish painting teachers, discovering a true and deep passion for portraits with pastels. In 2019, she was awarded the CDA: Certificated Decorative Artist, USA.

She is part of the American magazines Pixelated Palette, Painting Ezine, Painting World Magazine, Colored Pencils Magazine and of the Canadian magazine Coup de Pinceau. She has done several exhibitions in Italy including L’Expo di Milano. She currently teaches Online, in collaboration with important American organizations.

Elisabetta tells of a world made of layers of buttery mines that overlap to form faithful hyper-realistic portraits.

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