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Committee Spotlight: Environmental
The State Chamber’s Environmental Committee met in late April and was joined by Representative Debra Heffernan and Senator Stephanie Hansen. They provided an update on some of the key environmental bills they are working on which have either been introduced or are expected to be debated before the end of session.
Representative Heffernan discussed two bills—HB 249 (Permitting Fees) and HB 248 (Pre-Permit Outreach in Underserved Communities). HB 249 proposes 155 permit/fee changes. The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is proposing the changes to contribute to funding investments in technology, salaries, and other aspects for the Department. HB 248 would establish a pre-permit community outreach process for any qualified project, as defined in DNREC regulations, that wishes to apply for a permit within three months in an underserved community.
Senator Hansen highlighted several bills, two of which were SB 237 (County Comprehensive Plans) and SB 290 (Freshwater Wetlands). SB 237 amends the provisions in Title 9 of the Delaware Code relating to the county comprehensive plans for Sussex, Kent, and New Castle Counties, and Title 22 of the Delaware Code relating to municipal comprehensive plans for municipalities with populations greater than 2,000. The act would require that their comprehensive plans increase community resiliency and address the impacts of climate change. SB 290 attempts to fill a gap left by changes in Federal wetlands jurisdiction. The proposal strives to protect the environment and give landowners a person they can talk to in the State when it comes to what they’re able to do on their property that may or may not have a freshwater wetland on it.
By the time this article is published, some or all these proposals may have passed. However, we hope our members will consider participating on our Environmental Committee, if not already. Meetings such as this give our members the opportunity to provide feedback directly to legislators and helps the State Chamber form our policy positions. If you’re interested in participating on this group and helping shape future policy decisions, please contact me at tmicik@dscc.com.