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Message from the President
By Michael J. Quaranta
When two large automakers left Delaware for good, many thought manufacturing in our state was kaput. Some people still hold that belief, but nothing could be further from the truth. While the manufacturing industry accounts for a small percentage of our business community, it is a very healthy and growing sector of our states’ economy. Today’s manufacturing jobs are in high demand, and oftentimes require skills like team building, familiarity with technology, and more.
The old vision of manufacturing is one that included dimly lit workplaces that were dirty and unsafe. Even that was not universally true back in the day. Manufacturing today takes place at sites that are very clean, bright, safe, and well managed. Employees working at manufacturing sites report making very good wages, find the work enjoyable, the camaraderie and “family-like” atmosphere pleasant, and relish the challenge of making things faster, better, and more cost efficient.
Each spring our Delaware Manufacturing Association hosts the Spring Manufacturing & Policy Conference. We have some exciting updates planned for this event, including a competition that will determine “The Coolest Thing Made in Delaware”! We look forward to using this online, March Madness-like bracket contest as a method of promoting the importance of the manufacturing industry—its significant contribution to our economy and the many amazing career paths offered. A public nomination process will open in early 2024, which will determine the manufacturers who make it into the Sweet 16 portion of the bracket. From there, each week will eliminate participants until we have a Final 4. The winner will be announced at our conference in March.
There are many vital and innovative products manufactured in the First State—many that even lifelong Delawareans don’t know about. So, plan on nominating your product or one you know, voting for favorites, and learning what is the coolest thing made in Delaware!