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As Gotland wakes

As Gotland wakes


The nature of Gotland is extraordinary with its pebble and sandy beaches, lush meadows, famous sea stacks, looming cliffs, harsh limestone plains, pine forests, bird-rich wetlands and so much more. Man's grazing livestock have also been shaping the landscape for thousands of years. Thanks to the climate and its location in the Baltic Sea, Gotland boasts flora and fauna that is found nowhere else in the world.

Gotland’s bedrock is over 400 million years old and consists of e.g., limestone and sandstone. Embedded in the bedrock are plants, corals and animals that are older than the dinosaurs. But today, they are simply fossils. People have been good about preserving the Gotland landscape through the ages so that even we can enjoy it today. If we continue to show consideration, even coming generations will be able to partake in its beauty. Three tips for your visit to Gotland:

1. Take pictures – not fossils

On the beaches of Gotland, you can often find stones containing the fossilised remains of plants and animals that were found on the island during the Silurian period. Fossils show us how environments and organisms looked millions of years ago. You are welcome to take home a fossil or two as souvenirs from your visit to Gotland. However, you may not take large amounts, use the stones for commercial purposes or break fossils off of stones or sea stacks.

Photos, on the other hand, are free for the taking and for sharing with friends.

2. Create memories – not cairns

Stones may be hard, but they are also fragile. Many of Gotland’s unique environments attract visitors – the sea stack areas and our lovely stone beaches, to name a few. There are nature reserves in which moving stones is prohibited such as at the popular Langhammars on Fårö.

On certain beaches, you are not prohibited from raising cairns, but please take them down before you leave. Formations made of heavy stones can injure children and animals if they tumble at an inopportune time. And it’s likely that the area's next visitors would like to find the same, untouched, wild beach as you found.

3. Enjoy the roads – don’t drive in nature

Our winding roads, flowering roadsides and beautiful stretches offer a wealth of experiences. Enjoy the ride and consider your surroundings. It is not permitted to drive cars or other motor vehicles off-road. Stay on the roads and park in the designated parking areas. By doing so, you help preserve the land, foliage, outdoor and animal life, agriculture and forestry.


In Sweden and in Gotland we enjoy the right of public access which welcomes everyone to nature. But this freedom also carries with it the responsibility to leave things undisturbed. You are responsible for nature and animal life and for being considerate towards landowners and other visitors.


Don’t take anything home with you other than pictures and impressions. Leave nothing behind but gentle footprints. Enjoy your stay. Everyone on Gotland is part of someone else's experience – please show consideration.

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