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As Gotland wakes

As Gotland wakes


Culture, music, nature, sport, food and drink. Loads of events, from Fårö in the north to Sudret in the south, are reason enough for a visit. Some follow a fixed annual schedule and others move around. You can purchase tickets to some of the events on destinationgotland.se. A few tips:

Photo: Jesper Hammarlund/Bildvision


Easter – The great Easter parade takes place in Visby. Close to 4,000 people, donned in the Easter Witch best, parade through the streets of the city. Anyone in costume receives an Easter egg.

Golfing Around Gotland – In mid-May, one of Sweden’s largest golf tournaments takes place. Hundreds of participants play five different 18-hole courses in five days. Gotland Hiking Week – Hike with skilled guides as the flowers of spring pop from their beds. Day hikes ranging from 10 to 20 kilometres in beautiful landscapes, with a focus on the coast. Good food and nature in all its splendour with birds singing their spring song. Walpurgis and 1 May – All around the island on 30 April, Walpurgis bonfires are lit and we welcome the spring with song. The first of May is a bank holiday. Studios open – One long weekend in conjunction with Ascension Day in May, Gotland’s artists, craftsmen and designers all over the island open their studio doors to visitors. One of Sweden's most expansive art tours. Premiere for early produce – Food and tourism companies in Gotland offer delicious morsels and lessons in true food art. This event usually takes place at the end of May.

Releasing the Stallion at Lojsta heath – At the end of May, the stallion selected for the year is released into the paddock to meet the rest of the herd. It is quite the spectacle!


National Day – Sweden's National Day, June 6, is celebrated in various ways.

Garden Week – In mid-June, some of the island's gardening enthusiasts open their gardens to visitors. Inaugurated in the lovely Botanical Garden in Visby.

Midsummer – Kicking off summer. Perhaps the most festive of all of Sweden’s holidays, with a wealth of events. Dress and dance around the Midsummer pole, enjoy pickled herring and the first strawberries of the year.

Bergman Week – An annual festival in the spirit of Bergman. Five days filled with film, theatre, music, lectures and exciting guests. Stångaspelen Games – The first week in July marks Gotland’s own “Olympic Games”. Crowds of spectators watch as women and men compete in events such as “pärk”, caber tossing and a physically demanding pentathlon. Almedalen Week – The world's largest democratic meeting place for societal issues. The eight Swedish Parliamentary parties are the main organiser. Gotland Chamber Music Festival – annual chamber music festival with concerts in the St. Nicolai ruins and other lovely locations.

Roma Theatre – Romateater at Roma Cloister Ruins has, for the past 30 years, established itself as one of Sweden's largest and most beautiful summer stages. It features Shakespearean dramas and comedies as well as other classics.

Viking Week at Stavgard – For a full week in August, the Viking Age (8th-11th centuries) is recreated with markets, crafts, performances, archery, games and music. Mediaeval Week – Mediaeval Week has been a staple of Gotland since 1984. This festival, attracting thousands of visitors from many countries, takes place on the week starting Aug. 8.


Harvest Festival – At the beginning of September, Gotland’s delicious, abundant pantry is available. The Harvest Festival offers the “from earth to table” concept in various events across the island.

Fårönatta Festival – It is time for Fårö’s great close-ofthe-season festival on the third weekend in September. Fårö's farm shops, stores, restaurants, concerts, art exhibits, markets and accommodations are alive with activity. Many free buses to take you between activities.

Autumn markets – The markets on Gotland offer places to meet, the sale of goods and lots of other happenings. The largest autumn markets are in Kräklingbo, Slite, Klintehamn and Hemse. Truffle Festival – in November, the annual Truffle Festival is held in Gotland. The focus is on seminars, markets, ceremonies and a bunch of dishes featuring truffles. Gotland's “Drikke” Championship – “Drikke” is a cultural brew with a lot of history. On the first Saturday in October, the championship for home-brewing drikke takes place. Visby Day/Culture at Night – In honour of World Heritage City Visby, a weekend full of cultural events and shopping is organised. This takes place annually on the first weekend of October. Gotland Pride – Gotland’s very own rainbow festival celebrating diversity kicks off in November. Gotland Grand National – Extremely muddy, wet and absolutely fabulous if you ask the 3,000 motorcyclists and thousands of spectators who gather at Tofta shooting range for the largest Enduro competition on the last weekend in October and the first in November. Christmas Markets – There are a number of lovely Christmas market experiences all over Gotland that take place starting in the beginning of December. Celebrate New Year on Gotland – A whole lot of accommodations and restaurants have special offers for celebrators of New Year. Take in a wintry, glittering, extravagant Gotland.

NOTE: We reserve the right to make changes to the coming events and activities.

Tickets to important events, concerts and centres

You can find tickets to many concerts and events at destinationgotland.se


Kulturens Ö is a collaboration between Destination Gotland and Gotland’s cultural life. They will help you find and book interesting cultural experiences on Gotland. Read more: kulturenso.se.


Island of Sport is a partnership between sporting bodies on Gotland and the tourist industry on Gotland. Read more: idrottenso.se

Photo: Alva Callermo

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