17-03 June/July 2012 Lodging

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O f f i c i a l P u b l i c at i o n o f t h e F lo r i da R e s ta u r a n t & Lo d g i n g A s s o c i at i o n

WANT TO LOWER YOUR OPERATING EXPENSES? OUR ENERGY-EFFICIENCY REBATES CAN HELP. Lower your expenses by increasing the energy efficiency of your hotel or restaurant. Progress Energy’s rebates make energy-saving, bill-lowering upgrades easier and more affordable than ever. SAVE ENERGY AND MONEY WITH OUR ENERGY-EFFICIENCY REBATES. UPGRADE




Up to 40% of lighting costs

Up to $5 per light for every fixture replaced

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning Coil Cleaning

Up to 20% of heating and cooling costs

Earn $15 per unit cleaned

Demand Control Ventilation

Up to 20% of ventilation costs

Earn up to $50 per ton with all electric equipment

*Other requirements may apply. Rebates subject to change based upon changes in applicable local, state or federal law.

To get the savings started, schedule a free Business Energy Check by calling 1.877.372.8477. J u n e /J u ly 2012                                   WWW.RESTAURANTANDLODGING.COM

©2012 Progress Energy Florida, Inc.

Casa Marina Key West Resort

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