Destino Los Cabos Fall 2010

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DESTINO s o b a sC The Lifestyle Magazine of Baja California Sur




OIL ON CANVAS Artist: Javier Guardarrama


GO local

Mexico Celebrates 200 Years September

16, 1810 Mexico declared it’s independence from Spain becoming the Republic of Mexico finally in 1821. However, on this day an event known as the Grito de Dolores is re-enacted in every town square in Mexico. As the history goes, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a priest in the small town of Dolores, rang the church bell calling for the people to begin the uprising against Spain. The Grito starts out ¡ Viven Los heroes que nos dieron patria! And after a number of versus the last 3 versus are: Vive Mexico! Vive Mexico ¡Vive Mexico! (Long live the heroes who gave us the mother country. Long live Mexico!)

The major celebration every year is Mexico City, where this year many thousands participated in the festivities and President Calderon shouted the Grito. Multi-millions were budgeted by the Federal Government for the country to have a big celebration this year, which also commemorates the 100 Year

Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution (Revolución mexicana) This was a major armed struggle that started in 1910, with an uprising led by Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio Díaz. The Revolution was characterized by several socialist, liberal, anarchist, populist, and agrarianist movements. Over time the Revolution changed from a revolt against the established order to a multi-sided civil war. After prolonged struggles, its representatives produced the Mexican Constitution of 1917. The Revolution is generally considered to have lasted until 1920, although the country continued to have sporadic, but comparatively minor, outbreaks of warfare well into the 1920s. The Grito was shouted in every town square throughout Baja Sur and a party full of food, drink and music lasted well into the warm evening! Parades with all ages participating lasted throughout the national holiday. ¡Viva Mexico!

Meaning Of the Mexican Flag Today’s flag was adopted in 1968, but is similar to the one in continuous use since 1821. Originally the green represented independence, the white represented religion and the red the union of the Americans and Europeans. During the secularization of the country under President Benito Juarez (President 1858-1872) the meaning of the colors were adapted to represent home (green), unity (white) and the blood of the national heroes (red). The Mexican Coat of Arms in the middle of the flag is taken from an Aztec legend which tells the story of how they chose the site for their capital, Tenochtitlan (Mexico City). The Aztecs also known as the Mexica (med-shee-

ka), were a nomadic people traveling from the north of the country. Their leader was informed in a dream by the god of war, Huitzilopochtil, that they were to settle in the place where they came upon an eagle sitting on a prickly pear cactus holding a serpent. The place where they saw this sight was quite inhospitable - a swampy area in the center of three lakes - but this is where they settled and built the great city. When the Mexican flag is displayed Mexicans stand at attention with their right arm placed in a salute over their chests with the palm facing down. Flag day is February 24 and is celebrated throughout Mexico with civic ceremonies.

lSales Offices l Model Open l Luxury Homes l Fazio Golf l Surf Club lSpa Wellness lTennis 01 624 145. 66. 09




Isla Espiritu Santo


El Coyote El Tecolote


Save Swim Gas Station

LAND’S END Intermediate-Advanced


Isla del Carmen



50’-60’ and just 5 minutes by boat you’re swimming with sea lions and moray eels. Also a sunken boat can be seen in the Falls.


SAND FALLS Beginners - Advanced


El Tesoro Marina Costa Baja Coromuel


La Paz

Bahia de La Ventana El Sargento La Ventana


30’-100’ Steep sand banks go down sharply into a canyon filled wit tropical fish. A short boat ride from shore, the canyon runs from the depths of Cabo San Lucas bay to within 30 feet of shore, making the Bay one of the deepest in the world.

Whale Watching


Ensenada de los Muertos


Los Planes

25’-80’ Just 5 minute boat trip to this large rock that attracts many tropical fish.

Bahia de Los Sueños


Boca del Alamo San Antonio El Triunfo

80’-100’ Spectacular canyon wall dive.


Punta Pescadero

San Bartolo


Bahia de Las Palmas

HWY 19

Los Barriles Buena Vista


BALLENA Beginners

20’-40’ 25 minute boat ride to dive through large boulders with lots of fish

SANTA MARIA CAVE Beginners 20’-40’ 35 minutes by boat, or dive from the beach. The entrance to Santa Maria canyon has a huge variety of fish who feed right from your hand

La Ribera Punta Colorada

Cañon de La Zorra Km 93

Pueblo Magico Km 55 Km 57 Km 59


Las Barracas


Todos Santos Punta Lobos Las Palmas San Pedrito

Punta Arena

Agua Caliente

Cabo Pulmo

Miraflores Los Frailes

Km 65



Art & Beer

Boca del Salado Palo Escopeta

HWY 19




Cabo Pulmo Marine Park


San José del Cabo

La Fortuna

La Playa

Santa Cruz Punta Gorda Puerto La Laguna


TWIN DOLPHIN Beginners 20’-40’ 35 minutes boat ride and a sandy and rocky bottom. PARKING Lots of turtles sited here, tropical fish, night dives DIVE CENTER • RENTALS • TRIPS

EL GAVILAN Intermediate - Advanced 70’-100’ 35 minutes boat time. Rocky ledge leading into a canyon where groupers and larger fish are often sited.

BLOW HOLE Beginners – Advanced 30’-70’ 35 minutes boat ride from San Lucas, or just 10 minutes from Chileno beach. Rocky valleys present a variety of fish.


30’-45’ 1.4 hours by boat from San Lucas, or 1 hour by boat from La Playita. A sunken Japanese fishing boat attracts a large assortment of fish.

Los Cabos

Pacific Ocean


Cabo San Lucas

Costa Azul Km 28 Palmilla Km 27 El Tule Km 15.5 Chileno Km 14.5 Santa Maria Km 13 Monuments Km 5

El Medano Lover’s Beach

Destino Los Cabos S. A. de C.V. © 2010



GORDO BANKS Advanced 110’-120’ 1 hour boat from La Playita, there is a seamount where you can see Marlin, Hammerheads, Skip Jacks and at times huge Manta.

CABO PULMO Beginner-Advanced

Sea of Cortez

30’-100’ 2 hour drive East of San José then 5 minutes by boat you’ll find the only living coral reef in the Sea of Cortez. Note: travel time is from Cabo San Lucas marina

FROM THE PUBLISHER Los Cabos proved to be truly “The

Best Place on Earth” this summer. Our weather has been gorgeous… lovely breezes on warm nights, clear evening skies with Venus looking as close to the earth as the moon, light steady rains that water without flooding. While erratic weather plagued the north with record breaking cold, heat, rain all over, this latitude and position on the Pacific Ocean proves this to be a comfortable 12 month environment. “The Light” is the reason most artists give me for settling here. A good deal of art has been inspired by the fantastic natural environment in Baja Sur, and this issue you’ll find a few examples of this. Writer Nanette Hayles captured a personal story about Gabo, well know in local art circles and collected world-wide. Patricia Mendoza is organizing art presentations for Las Ventanas as well as her own PM Gallery in San José. She recently presented Carmen Estrada at Las Ventanas resort with more famous-inMexico artist shows planned. Our cover is an oil-on-canvas by Mexican artist Javier Guardarrama, which looks so much like a photograph, don’t you think? Good health is something many people seek who visit or move here. The sunshine, organic food, fresh seafood, temperate climate, and cosmetic surgery, hormone therapy and cost effective laser treatments help keep the “youthful” glow. Destino writer and personal trainer Robyn Littlewood shares her personal stories of seeking out weight loss programs and finding one that produced results. She also researched the local area and shares the effects of Bio-identical Hormone Therapy and even how to set up a home gym. Robyn gives us the unique perspective of experiencing the procedures and programs she writes about, so her views are valuable. Also note, Dr Bill’s article on Diseases of Affluence. Interesting. In his Cabo chiropractor practice he has a unique view of the typical problems we all bring him. His articles every issue are wise and give



good, practical help. Our GO LOCAL sales promotion continues strong into this issue. With our neighbors to the north still in shock over their financial melt-down, businesses realize there are plenty of opportunities to spend more time with local residents and regular visitors. Our readers are using the discount coupons, and you’ll find new ones in the issue. Golfer alert! Look on page 15 for $50 golf at the Club Campestre course in San José! Thanks to Villas de Mexico! The point of marketing locally is to keep our money in this market and help stimulate this area of the world, while enjoying the variety of restaurants, outdoor adventures, water sports, night clubs and all the fun things to do in a tourist resort. Most businesses are offering local discounts now, so be sure to ask. I personally recommend swimming with the dolphins in Cabo as a very special and joyous experience. Real Estate is in motion again and we welcome RE News writer Terry Curtis who will give us the inside news. Villas de Mexico have finished, well priced property. Querencia has awsome view land and villas available, and Cabo Riviera on the East Cape is making progress carving out their marina and creating their islands. For those of you into Buddhism I can recommend a world renown teacher, Yeshi Namkhai who will be teaching Nov 12-21 at the Dzogchen retreat center 45 minutes north of San José airport. He’s the son of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, a famous teacher and writer of the Tibetian traditions. What luck someone donated them 4000 acres in our State. The fishing tournaments and annual events like the Humane Society’s Dressed to the K9’s and the Restaurant Association International Food, Music and Fun party called Sabor a Cabo will start out December. Life in Baja Sur is full of art, and celebration. Enjoy!

Susan Carol


Trina Brown

Consular Agent Boulevard Marina Plaza Nautica Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 2 pm Tel: (624) 143 3566


Marie-Evee Pomerieau

Consular Agent Boulevard Marina Plaza José Green Hours: Monday - Friday 9 am - 2 pm Tel: (624) 142-4333

Issue Features Mexico 200 Years Old 3 New Author Laura Bueno 7 El Mar Art at Las Ventanas 9 GABO Home grown famous 10

ENVIRONMENT EAST CAPE Ocean Foundation 8 National Treasure Cabo Pulmo 22 Kickin Around San Antonio 20


Police 066 Red Cross 065


Cabo San Lucas 143-3577 San José del Cabo 142-2466

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Meetings 8 am Thursdays

Playa Grande Cabo San Lucas Fridays



San José Del Cabo, BCS Ph (011 52) (624) 143-4949

email: ISSUE 45 Fall 2010 Printed in USA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. © 2010 Destino Inc. Numero 45 Otoño 2010 Todos los derechos reservados por Destino Los Cabos prohibida la reprodución total o parcial del contenido sin previa autorización por escrito de los editores. © 2010 Destino Los Cabos SA de CV DESTINO: LOS CABOS welcomes all written and photographic material. We cannot guarantee return. Rights to publish unsolicited material are retained for 12 months. Circulation throughout Southern Baja. For advertising rates and placement, Please contact:

Live Music LIST 26 POLO 35 HALLOWEEN Hotel California 25


Rapid Weight Loss Hormone Therapy Diseases of Affluence Cosmetic Surgery Home Gym



SURFING FISHING DIVING Effects of Color Health Service Providers

13.... 14 15 17 16

30 31 33 34

26.... 26 4 14 16

MAPS Peninsula beaches San José Historic Dist.

4 27

“I’m not worried about the cry of the violent, corrupt, the dishonest, the unethical. The main concern is the silence of good”. Martin Luther King

Commemorating 200 years of Mexican Independence

Local Author Laura Bueno Avilés Launches Children’s Adventure History Book

THE ANGEL OF INDEPENDENCE HAS DISAPPEARED! The day the Mexican nation commemorates the bicentennial of its independence, the Angel of Independence is gone! The news has shocked the entire country: “The majestic Column of Independence has lost its luster.” Alicia Rivas Mercado, the voice of the monument, has asked for help from Javier, a boy of six years, to seek out and persuade Angel to return to it’s pedestal before the night of Sept. 15. Javier is going to take a wonderful adventure full of surprises and dangers while searching for the missing Angel of Independence. Let us hope that the Eagle, the Aztecs, the Volcanoes of the Valley of Mexico, and other characters in the history of Mexico will guide Javier and take care of the dangers that may arise. Will he return the Angel to it’s Monument before the night of 15 September?


a story, Laura Bueno’s eyes become wider, her voice animated and her words instantly transport you to living the adventure. Laura G. Bueno Avilés was educated as an attorney, and found her natural talent for communication and story-telling after becoming a mom. She is now launching her first book for children of all ages called “Where is the Angel?” Laura’s new book was inspired after her migration to Baja California Sur from Mexico City to join her new husband Javier Troncoso. They worked together growing their law practice, Bufete Troncosco and embraced the growing Los Cabos community. As their two sons grew, Laura realized they will have a totally different upbringing than she had in Mexico City. The frontier State of Baja Sur offers a a more rugged outdoor imprint on a child than the sophisticated cities of mainland Mexico. Laura’s education was full of history and culture. Her grandfather was Mexican chief justice Mtro. Manuel Torres Bueno and she was raised by a family full of lawyers and writers. Her University professor

father is the author of “La Razón de la Sinrazón” as well as various articles in Mexican publications. The story is about the journey of a young boy (her son Javier) in the heart of Mexico City. When he comes upon one of the famous statues along Reforma boulevard the story takes him to the time and adventure in history that the statue commemorates. It’s a very creative way to teach history to young children, and probably even adults who have no idea about the various chapters of Mexico’s history. Full of graphic illustrations and colorful details, it’s sure to be a favorite of children and parents, and the beginning of many more Mexican adventure books by Laura, as seen through the eyes of a child.



Pro Peninsula joins The

Ocean Foundation

by Nanette Hayles


Peninsula is dedicated to the conservation of the Baja peninsula’s unique natural environment and it has joined forces with The Ocean Foundation. This Foundation is dedicated to ocean conservation “reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environment around the world.” Pro Peninsula and The Ocean Foundation are intimately linked in their efforts in caring for the Baja peninsula environment and the world’s oceans. Destino

Marketing That Produces Results!

Los Cabos Magazine and its staff are also dedicated to these organizations and their vision. It is our hope that Destino readers will become more aware and active in the preservation of the Baja’s unique but fragile environment and the worlds oceanic environments. Our future is dependent on our actions. Both organizations have detailed descriptions of projects that they are actively involved in, singularly and jointly, providing us with numerous opportunities and ways that we can help and be aware. Pro Peninsula’s projects and goals include working closely with local fishermen and involving them in more sustainable techniques, basic level environmental education, capacity building and sea turtle conservation programs. Some of the more crucial problems involving our

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peninsula are: over-fishing, toxins and trash, aquaculture and energy development. Co-founder Kama Dean adds, “this area is threatened by unchecked and un-sustainable growth and development, overharvesting, understaffing and under-funding of the region’s protected natural areas.” The Ocean Foundation “ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, international public foundation with a specialized practice. Our niche is providing high-end philanthropic advice for a community of donors who care about the coast and oceans.” Their motto is, “tell us what you want to do for the ocean and we’ll take care of the rest!” Their mission is to support, strengthen and promote organizations dedicated to marine conservation that promote healthy ocean ecosystems and benefit the

All your shipping needs


GO local

Shipping supplies Greeting Cards Receive a USA mailing address Regular Document Mail Service to USA American owned and operated

Attract more business!

Advertising works fastest to build a good reputation. 20,000 READERS EVERY MONTH THE LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE OF BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR



DECEMBER 1, 2010




Hours: M-F 9-5:30 • Sat 9-12 • ph (624) 143-5533 2501 Lazaro Cardenas (between Amerimed & Lenny’s Deli behind Dominos)

communities that depend upon them. Funding comes from private, public and governmental sectors. The Ocean Foundation also hosts its own projects which include: Gulf Restoration Fund, Coral Reef Fund, Coast and Beaches Fund and the Arctic Ocean Fund, to name a few. All of us, including businesses, could be doing things just a bit different, if we were more educated. Sometimes a little effort combined with just a simple change can have an exponential impact for the best! For example, this holiday season we can think about supporting one of these organizations. We can regularly contribute to programs that clean up and protect our environment. Taking action will, in the long run, benefit us all. We are all entitled to have healthy environments but it takes everyone contributing. Destino looks forward to hearing directly from Giuliana Schroeder, Communications and Marketing Manager for Pro Peninsula in the next issue! To find out more:



Reserve Ad space Today! pH (624) 142-4949 ‘e’

Regular Art Exhibits open to the public at Las Ventanas Resort Las Ventanas al Paraiso resort in the center

of the corridor, is always one step ahead of trends within their resorts. Managing Director Lionel Álvarez partnered with gallery owner Patricia Mendoza Gallery in San José to present regular shows of wellknown Mexican artists. With the desire to offer their guests a variety of Mexican experiences, the idea to open the resort to the community while sharing and showing art along with champagne, wine and a discount at any restaurant on the property has turned out to be a good idea. The exhibit is complimentary to all visitors and it’s an example of the culture and style found throughout the Los Cabos. Each of the showings Patricia has planned, will host an artist as well to discuss their works and pose for photos. This particular September evening featured Carmen Estrada and her sumptuous works. Her art clearly shows tones and subject style similar to famous New Mexico artist Georgia O’Keffe. Carmen is founder of the ACE Painting Academy and recipient of numerous painting awards and featured continually in collective and individual exhibits. Artists showing their works at Las Ventanas this Fall are Javier Guadarrama and Joao Rodriguez.


El mar

Patricia Mendoza, exhibit curator (left) Lionel Álvarez, Managing Director Las Ventanas resort, Carmen Estrada, artist.


Destino Cover Artist Javier Guardarrama

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AS CANV OIL ON darrama r Guar

Javie Artist:


“In my recent artwork the main subject is landscape. Through landscape I try to convey my own life experiences, the way I see the world and all the everyday-day-life little things that visually marvel me. The main goal in my work is to create both a poetic and suggestive painting in a plain image. As part of the subjects I’m interested in, sea –which I love-, water transparency and reflections on it have determined a palette where blue is predominant in my current work”.

FALL 201

Meet the artist Oct 15 at Las Ventanas Resort



2 Artists, 4,000 Paintings in 5 Months Gabo and Gabriel make an art team

By: Nanette Hayles

I spent roughly 4 hours with artist

Gabriel Rodriguez Villalpando, known by many as Gabo and his son, Gabriel, also an artist in his own right. They both have a set of intense blue green eyes that can look right at you and straight through you! Our conversation was the intermingling of the 4,000 BBG Communications Painting Project, art in general and their personal lives. I remember a long time ago, a fellow artist friend gave me a book called The Art Spirit. It is a collection of writings by the students of an American artist/ professor, Robert Henri. One of the many things that Henri is accredited for saying and expounding on is, “life is art and art is life”. Gabo and Gabriel were reinforcing that saying, which I as an artist have also found to be true. Gabo’s near death experience changed his whole family, especially that of his young son, only 14 years old at the time. At a crucial moment they made a pact “to live”, despite the odds. The devotion of Gabo’s wife, Christina and particularly their son, forever changed the course of their lives. Gabriel’s courage and Gabo’s determination took Gabo out of the gripe of death and on a spiraling path up towards life. They willed life, not just survival. They reinforced each other with promises: things to do, places to go, their motto was “no suenas, metas” (don’t dream, do it!). One of their many

plans included a 250-kilometer walk from Astorga to Santiago in Spain, (which they did). Their description of the emotional trauma and deep sadness, their determination to re write the doctors scenario and co create their own scenario makes a remarkable and inspirational story of what can be. Fast forward, 5 years later. I’m sitting in front of them both in one of their three studios…or is it four? They have traveled together, exhibited their work together, walked together and worked on this phenomenal project together; four thousand paintings in five months! Briefly the project is for personal gifts from the BBG Communications, Inc (makers of telephone booths and cards all over Europe and other parts of the world). The paintings are to be distributed to 163 different countries. They are all 18” x 28”. Gabo painted two thousand and Gabriel painted two thousand. The project occupied 2 very spacious studios. It took two kilometers of canvas (roughly 2x the length of the Malecon) and one container of wood imported from the United States. They hired only three other workers. They had their own machines that cut and prepared the wood for the frames. They all assembled the 4,000 frames, put on the canvas, painted the base coat and then proceeded to paint and paint and paint and paint! Each piece was documented, photographed, given a title and boxed. The dimension of

the art was partially determined by the standard size of boxes available. Each art piece was put into a plastic sleeve and packed with 2 original art pieces per box, one painting from Gabo and one from Gabriel. Each box is labeled with the title and photograph of its contents. There were other artists that solicited for the project. But it was Gabo’s vision as explained above and his clarity in how to accomplish this, that landed him the project. He accomplished this all in his 15-minute, no muss, no fuss presentation.

Gabriel, the Son

Gabriel learned to paint observing his father when he was only two years of age. It was then that he started to realize what he would do if he had the paintbrush. Colors, shapes and materials were all there for him to work and play in. Gabriel, thankful for the freedom his parents gave him, has published three books: one of poems, one of short stories and one of his lithographs. He just turned 21 this June. Gabriel also went to chef school and is presently painting and studying piano. A lot of life squeezed in a twenty one year old.

A few words from Gabo....

What is your favorite period of Art Gabo- The past century is my favorite period in art when Picasso, Miro and Dali all went to school in Spain. Imagine the same school producing three masters each distinct in his artistic expression. What is lacking in the world? Consciousness, respect for all, and the realization that “borders” exist only in the mind. Favorite food? Seafood and pasta What would you like to do in your next life? I LIVE NOW! That is a toy question, a game people play that are not living their lives NOW. What words of wisdom can you give us now? Don’t waste your time with insignificant things. Practice dying, go and lay in a casket for a while. Think and feel death. When you come out, hopefully you will leave the insignificant stuff in the casket. Now go on with your life. Address only the things that really matter and count. The answers are always right in front of you! If you could change something about yourself, what would you change? I would try to live more and more like the bullfighter, always in danger of being charged, always threatened that life could end at any moment, by any move! Real art is dangerous; a challenge like life, living in constant awareness is life. Besides this…I’d sleep less and dream more. Gabo NOW is a worldrenowned artist living with his family in La Paz, BCS Mexico. He has exhibited extensively in the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe and Mexico. He is in deep gratitude to his patrons and those who come to Baja California Sur to see the art and meet the artists.

Local Baja Sur artists. Left to right: Fedencio Romero, sculptor; Nanette Hayles painter/mosaics; Gabo, painter /sculptor; Leonardo Diaz, painter. Taken c 2000 in front of Gabo’s studio in Todos Santos.



GABO ART SHOW 18 of November 2010

Galeria 106 Gabo Calle 106 Independencia (2 blocks from the Malecon) La Paz, Baja California Sur

Time: 8:00 p.m. cocktails and piano

Artists exhibiting: Gabo, Gabriel, Mauro Gomez of Mexico City, Leonardo Diaz, and Anibal Angulo

By Robyn Littlewood- Personal Trainer Desert Spa

The rapid weight loss program based

on HCG has arrived in Los Cabos. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and when injected in the body or placed in liquid form under the tongue, it enables the body to mobilize a pound a day of abnormal fat for elimination. Normally, rapid weight loss regimens result in failure because they attack both your structural fat stores and your muscle mass. Muscle mass is the one thing that can truly raise your metabolic rate, the rate at which your body burns calories. Structural fat is fat that you don’t want to lose, (particularly the fat in your face which keeps you looking healthy and young). Abnormal fat is mainly found in the mid-section of the body and contributes to premature aging, heart disease, Type II diabetes and cancer. Having fat in between your shoulders and hips contributes to many health problems because the fat is choking your major organs like your heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas and etc. Your waist should be eight to ten inches smaller than your hips to lessen health risks. Because of the HCG, (pregnant women have a lot of it in their body while the protocol uses 125 ml per day, a tiny amount), the very restricted calorie diet attacks only the abnormal fat stores, resulting in a very fast way to target belly fat specifically. Belly fat is not only the most common complaint personal trainers hear about but it is also the toughest fat to get rid of for most of us. Often, it is the last to go. The thing that made me initially reject this protocol was the super low calorie diet. Low calorie diets are something I normally don’t recommend to clients because they are totally impossible to stick with for any length of time. However, the HCG mobilizes so many fat calories in the body that most people don’t feel hungry while doing the procedure. A person should probably not attempt the HCG diet unless they have at least twenty pounds or more to lose.

ALKALINE WATER THE BEST During the procedure, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, from 2-5 liters per day. Water helps to detoxify your body. We store many toxins in our abnormal fat so it is vitally important to get these out of you as quickly as possible if you are losing weight quickly. Normal bottled water is not as good as alkaline water for this purpose. Alkaline water can be found in the Los Cabos area at the Spa Mar al Dentro, where the organic market is held in Cabo San Lucas on Saturday and Wednesday mornings. Fresh organic vegetables are also recommended while doing the HCG weight loss program. Alkaline water can be made by adding baking soda to distilled water but an easier and less expensive route in the long run is to buy a machine to filter your tap water. After the initial investment in the ionizer machine, you will save a lot of money on your bottled water bills. In Los Cabos, where we have to buy our drinking water anyway, owning a water ionizer machine is kind of a no-brainer if you can afford the upfront cost. Alkaline or “Ionized” water not only tastes much better than most bottled waters but it is more easily absorbed by the body, due to it’s smaller molecular size than water purified by the reverse

osmosis process. Dehydration becomes a major health issue as we get older, due to reduced capacity to absorb water in our colon. Reducing the water molecule’s size is very important for improving absorption. Consider the analogy of taking a handful of marbles and throwing it at a fence around a tennis court, as opposed to throwing a bunch of tennis balls. Obviously, the smaller “marbles” (ionized water molecules), would penetrate more often than the larger “tennis balls” would. Personally, I don’t drink anything else anymore. The thing I noticed for myself, (besides the great taste of alkaline water), was that my recovery time and muscle soreness from exercise was greatly reduced. I find it boosts my energy levels also. Many competitive athletes use alkaline water for its performanceboosting qualities. Ionized water is believed to provide a host of other health benefits from assisting in weight loss to cancer prevention. Water ionizers have been used by hospitals in Asia for over thirty years in mixtures for IV drips and other medical mixes. For more information on the health benefits of alkaline water you can visit the Athena Water Ionizer displays at the Organic markets: Shoppes at Palmilla on Fridays and the Saturday-Wednesday markets at the Spa Mar al Dentro in the Pedregal. For me, the most challenging part of staying on the HCG diet was the near impossibility of going to a


A Safe & Rapid Weight Loss Program: hcg

restaurant without totally blowing it. But thanks to some extra effort put forth by Cathy Damman of Spa Cielo, the HCG provider in San Jose, she can offer you a list of “HCG Friendly” restaurants in the Los Cabos area. You can find supervised HCG rapid weight loss programs by US certified providers in San Jose at the Spa Cielo and in Cabo San Lucas at the Cabo Medical Clinic. More questions? Email me at


T he Fountain of Youth NOW AVAILABLE IN BAJA SUR

San José Spa Cielo: Raices y Brazos:

Cabo San Lucas Maradentro Spa Pedregal

Todos Santos La Esquina Cafe Calle Topete y Horizonte Pura Vida Health Food Store 612 169-2095 For more ionic water information contact Pat Light ‘e’

“Change your water change your life” “Ionized water is up to 6 times more hydrating, loaded with powerful antioxidants, high in oxygen, helps detox and balance your body’s PH balance.”


GO local



Bio Identical Hormone Therapy By Robyn LittlewoodPersonal Trainer Cabo San Lucas


her book, “The Sexy Years”, Suzanne Sommers refers to the unwelcome hormonal changes of menopause as an evil version of

the seven dwarves: Itchy, Bitchy, Dumpy, Sleepy, Sweaty, Forgetful and All Dried Up. Doesn’t sound like something to look forward to, let alone make me think my fastapproaching fifties are going to be a sexy decade for me.


GO local

Men also go through a mid-life change sometime around fifty called andropause. This change of life for men is often accompanied by erectile dysfunction, trouble sleeping, hair loss, visceral weight gain and buying really expensive sports cars. Hormone replacement therapy has gotten a very bad rap after big pharmaceuticals started prescribing “one size fits all” hormone replacements to women during menopause and after full or partial hysterectomies. Pharmaceutical brands of estrogen and progesterone have been found to increase many types of cancer in women, particularly women who smoke. Pharmaceutical testosterone is less often prescribed but also has some very negative side-effects due to the way the dosage is decided upon. Three examples are facial hair growth, aggressiveness and voice deepening. (If recruiters for the East


Colors are vibrations just like humans are vibrations. Basic physics proves that one vibration can change another vibration. Everyone and everything has a different basic vibration and rhythm. This is the reason certain colors are more comfortable than others. RED: Stimulates, energizes, motivates. Builds stamina and strength. Passion. Power. Moves stagnant energies. ORANGE: Joy, happiness, anti-depressant. Stimulates enthusiasm. YELLOW: Wisdom, mental stimulant, and aids memory. Color of gold represents wealth. GREEN: Harmony, balance, calming, cooling, healing, relaxing, expansion and

BLUE: Sedative, relaxes the mind. Intuition. Expression of faith. INDIGO: Concentration, gives energy VIOLET: Meditation, intuition, purifier, euphoric, and spirituality. WHITE: Neutral color, purity, cleanliness. BLACK: Concentration.

German women`s weight lifting team visit your house, you will know your dosage is definitely way off…). Hormone replacement is a very personal thing. What is needed for my body is definitely not the same for all women. Hormonal balance is so crucial to our overall health and wellness that bio identical hormones are becoming of huge interest to middle aged women like myself. I don’t relish the idea of having to deal with hot flashes and a fat belly, (the “menopot”), if I can avoid it without increasing my risks of cancer. Bio identical hormones are derived from plant sources and closely mimic the body`s own hormones. They are very safe when taken in prescribed doses. Bio Identical hormone therapy has been part of Wendy Rudell`s practice in the Cabo area for the past five years. She works with Dr. Tai, a world leading expert in bio identical hormone therapy from Health Secrets. Dr. Tai analyzes the saliva tests that are done on each patient and makes the recommendations for each of the necessary transdermal creams that may be needed. The most common transdermal creams that are used are progesterone, estrogen, DHEA, testosterone and a cream for increasing women`s libido. Other suggestions might be made based on the questionnaire given to patients and results of the lab test on their saliva. These suggestions may include thyroid support, adrenal support or other supplements to support body and glandular health. Bio identical hormone therapy, creams and saliva testing is available from Wendy Rudell;

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Heal Your Life Through

Creativity By Susan Biali, MD excerpted/adapted from “Live a Life You Love: 7 Steps to a Healthier, Happier, More Passionate You”, Barnes & Noble and

When you deliberately get in touch

with your natural sense of play and creativity, you begin to uncover long-forgotten aspects of yourself, along with new joys and talents that you never knew existed. If you don’t think you have creative leanings, I encourage you to simply start to play. Get out of your head, and get into the rich world around you. Think of the things you loved to do when you were little—could you start doing any of them again, now? When was the last time you built a sand castle? Wander through a used bookstore and instead of buying the usual, buy piles of books on fascinating quirky subjects that interest you. If money’s tight, spend an afternoon at the library. Reconnect with color, music, stories, and adventure. Get out the catalog for your local community center and sign up for something that sounds fun. Interrupt your routine. Go for long aimless walks and listen to what starts to burble up inside your mind. Write pages in a journal about nothing in particular. For me, traveling always works—I always find myself, and aspects of myself that I didn’t know existed, whenever I go somewhere new. When you give yourself permission to play, your whole world expands and becomes sweeter. You’ll laugh more, finally take those longedfor risks, and develop an appetite for adventure and new experiences. It’s contagious, too—you’ll be surprised at how many people in your life will rise up to join you. Best of all, you’ll eventually discover that you like yourself, and your life, a whole lot more. Your whole body will rejoice in all this new fun. You’ll have more energy and enjoy better health and happier, more playful moods.

The Diseases of Affluence by Dr. Bill Sniechowski D.C.


Blood Pressure. High Cholesterol. Type II Diabetes. Heart Disease. Obesity. The Diseases of Affluence. These conditions are all caused by the excesses that come with affluence. There is a restaurant in the U.S. featuring a double patty hamburger with all the fixings BETWEEN TWO grilled cheese sandwiches. Too much of the wrong things. But you already know that, don’t you. You’ve heard it all before. Several times. And now you’re going to hear it again. It’s important. And all the money and medicines in the world won’t fix it. In fact, they’re making it worse. We are now suffering from an epidemic of autoimmune diseases because they’re looking in the wrong direction. We are killing ourselves with chemicals in the name of the good life. We are all living in the thriving metropolis of Toxi-City.

Fixing The Big 5

High Blood Pressure. Diuretics won’t fix it. They just drain you of precious water and you’re already dehydrated. Detoxify your liver and kidneys, feed your adrenal glands and cardiovascular system and drink water. That’ll fix it. High Cholesterol. Statin drugs won’t fix it. They imperil your liver, shrivel your gonads and turn your cell walls to Jello. Stop eating flour and 16 oz. steaks and start eating vegetables and drinking water. That’ll fix it. Type II Diabetes. I have seen on the menus of several restaurants the morbidly apt dessert, “Death by Chocolate.” Drugs manipulating insulin won’t fix it. They just impair your liver’s ability to produce bile salts and condemn you to a life of digestive upheaval. Stop eating sugar and starches and start eating –all together now – vegetables and drinking water. That’ll fix it. Heart Disease. Beta blockers and bypass surgery won’t fix it. They weaken your heart, cause fatigue and mental anguish. Get off your duff and get some exercise, eat and drink the way you know you’re supposed to and get some balance in your life. That’ll fix it.

Obesity. See all of the above Better Living Through Chemistry The maladies of modernity are given fancy names like Syndrome X or Adult Immunocompromised Attention Deficit Disorder (doesn’t that sound like just about everybody you know?) so they can make a new drug for it. Better living through chemistry has failed us. This generation of children is predicted to have a shorter life span than their parents - The first time in our history that this will occur. The hubris of western medicine is thinking they can do better than or outwit Mother Nature with drugs that suppress or control symptoms and manipulate numbers on lab tests. I asked my dad once, “ How’s your blood pressure?” He replied, “ Perfect. I just take one little blue pill in the morning and everything’s under control.” He said this while eating a kielbasa sandwich smothered in onions on a Kaiser roll. He washed it down with a cup of coffee loaded with a powdered creamer and four teaspoons of sugar. Good Lord.

Hippocrates Was Right…Again

Hippocrates said, “Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear.” In other words, you can’t outrun your lifestyle. Pick up any medical journal nowadays and study after study concludes that addressing modifiable risk factors is more effective and less costly than drugs in the treatment of the above mentioned conditions.

What are modifiable risk factors? Stressors. Things under your control that, when modified, controlled or eliminated, give you the best shot at living a happy and productive life without drugs. Because once you start with drugs, it is very hard get off them. In fact, you inevitably need more. The average geriatric in the U.S. is on 911 medications. What is under your control? What and how much you eat. What and how much you drink. How much you exercise. How much you sleep. Your work life. Your home life. Your sex life. Your relationships. Your attitude. There are tons more. You know what they are. Get them under control.

The Good News The Diseases of Affluence are not only preventable they are also reversible. Because it’s a lot harder to be sick than it is to be well, prevention is the preferred course of action. The good news is that if you already have one of the Big 5 – and if you have one, you usually have or are well on your way to developing the others – the treatment protocol for them all, with some variations based on your individual circumstance, is basically the same. What you need is to identify the foundational cause of the physiological imbalance and a plan to “turn that train around.” That’s where I come in. For the past 28 years I have specialized in supporting the physiology of the whole person to maximize health and well-being. To learn more about how you can live the life you were meant to live, call 624 118 1603 or email




a home gym

By Robyn Littlewood, Personal Trainer Desert Spa


you are finally ready to start working out and have started checking out the gyms in the Los Cabos area. You have discovered they are either very expensive or grungy and crowded. What should you do? Give up on your plan? No, please no! If you have a room in your house that you can dedicate to your home gym, that would be the best route to follow in my opinion. Jamming exercise equipment into your bedroom or living room usually

ends up making your workouts uncomfortable and you will be more likely to get interrupted. When I am called to a private house to do a home gym set up, I can tell you immediately how successful the client will be based on the priority they have given their gym in their home. If they have created a comfortable place, they have a much greater chance of success at sticking with their program. However, when I walk down the stairs of a huge villa in the Pedregal, through 4 levels of gigantic view rooms, (sitting empty with expensive furniture in them), and I am lead to a small crack outside in between their house and the garage, I know they have given it no priority in their life. Of course, money and space may be an issue for you, if you are like most people. Many of us in



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the large muscles in your back. If you can afford it, or you can talk your friends or your HOA into chipping in, I recommend adding a cable machine of some sort. These run from $700 to $3000 depending on the grade of the equipment. The most versatile and high quality model I have seen for the money is the Vectra Functional Trainer, (see the Vectra at the end of this article), available for sale at Spa Cielo in San Jose. The main thing I like about the Vectra machine, is that it is a commercial grade machine for a reasonable price so the cables move smoothly and it will last a lifetime. I hate cables that are sticky when performing an exercise. Besides being irritating, it is ineffective and can cause injury to your muscles and joints. The other reason I like the Vectra functional trainer is the super-easy repositioning on the adjustable arms. The independent arms move up, down and sideways in all directions and at all angles. This makes it possible to transition quickly between dozens of different exercises for all parts of the body. In this way, the Vectra is superior to the extremely expensive Free Motion machines that you see in the gyms in the US and Canada. The arms on the $5000+ Free Motion only move up and down, unless you buy the other model that only moves horizontally. So you would have to pay $10, 000 to get the same range of exercises available on the Vectra for less than a third of that price. In any event, spend a little or spend a lot but get yourself moving. For more tips on developing your own gym or your fitness program please send me a text message to 044 624 129 6135 or send an email to

the Los Cabos area live in smaller houses or apartments. But do not despair, it is still possible to get a great workout in a small space with very little investment in the gym. I have designed effective gyms for as little as $300 before. It can be done and done well. What does a $300 gym look like? A Swiss balance ball: $20-$30, an adjustable free weight set: $100$250, and a Reebok Step: $25-$50. Now, I don’t suggest you run out and just buy this stuff and try to figure it out on your own. Free weights are the most effective way to build your muscles but they are also the most dangerous when handled improperly. I will say it again, hire a certified trainer. This will add a few dollars to your plan but you will be 100% more likely to succeed if you do this for two reasons: 1) They will show you what to do. 2) They will help get you in the habit of doing it so you can continue on your own. A good trainer will give you a way to remember the exercise regimen without them, not make you dependent on them. It should not take more than six or eight sessions for you to learn a routine and get going. The main problem with free weights is it is difficult to get an effective workout on your back muscles. There are only a few exercises that I know for the back using free weights but they are not as effective as using cable machines. You can rig up cables using resistance bands but they don’t offer as much weight as you really need to develop

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Cosmetic Surgery choice

LASER WRINKLES AWAY by Robyn Littlewood- Personal Trainer Desert Spa at Villa del Arco

Hey, I don’t mind getting old but I

don’t want to look old. If you have read any of my articles before you know I am certainly in favor of plastic surgery if you can afford it. I can even recommend a great local cosmetic surgeon or two if you want to go that route. Myself, I plan on putting off a full facelift for as long as possible because they are risky, painful, expensive and require a lot of time away from your job. Plus, if you do too much stuff to your face you will start to look really weird. Sort of like a cross between a wide-mouthed bass and a porcelain doll with a surprised look on her face. Keeping your skin in great shape requires a lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise, fresh water, vitamins and clean eating. The same physical activity and eating habits that keep your body strong and beautiful also keep your skin from falling down off your face. Obviously, good sleeping habits, avoiding the sun and not smoking cigarettes must be part of your skin maintenance strategy also. If you are not willing to exercise, avoid sun and eat a nourishing diet then I suggest you stop reading this article now, as any skin intervention, surgical or otherwise, isn’t going to help you very much. Part of my personal surgerypostponing strategy includes laser skin tightening. At nearly 46 years of age, my skin is starting to lose elasticity due to a break down in the elastin and collagen fibers. Collagen and elastin break down in all of us as we age and that is what leads to saggy skin and wrinkles. You can think of it like a woven mat in the deep layers of your skin. When the fibers of the weave start to stretch out, the mat loses its shape. The upper layers of skin reflect this by starting to sag and bag. The sag is made worse by age spots and other environmental skin damage that

thins the skin. Spa Cielo in San José has three different cutting-edge lasers to deal with the signs of aging and sun damage: The Cutera Titan, The Limelight IPL and The Genesis. The Titan laser is used first, in combination with a radio-frequency machine. The Titan laser emits a range of infrared wavelengths, safely heating the collagen fibers, which causes the collagen to contract, tighten and regenerate itself. The surprising part for me was that it was virtually painless and I even managed a little nap during the procedure. Quite frankly, I have had facials that were less comfortable than this procedure. The radiofrequency machine is used to assist the Titan laser to keep the heat up for a longer period of time in your skin, which has been proven to improve results. The results of the skin tightening were immediately visible but the collagen will continue to rebuild itself during the next 90 days so the final results won’t be seen until then. Already, I am extremely impressed with the results. I was considering using a filler called Restylane and now I don’t need it, (hooray, less needles!). The following procedure that I underwent was with the other two lasers, the Genesis and the Limelight IPL which together work to shrink pore size, reduce fine lines, remove spider veins and reduce/ remove age spots and freckles. This was followed by a gentle acid peel to speed the skin turnover. I found this procedure to be slightly less comfortable because I could feel the fillings in my teeth as the IPL laser passed over my face. Still, it was fairly quick and relatively painless.

The results were again immediate but now I have to wait a week or so for the upper layers of skin to replace themselves so that the age spots will disappear completely. It was amazing to see the dark spots lift to the surface of the skin and now they are starting to literally rub off my face, leaving clear white skin underneath. The other immediately noticeable change was the vertical wrinkles around my upper lip disappeared. I really hated those so that was a pleasant surprise. The Limelight IPL laser can also be used to eliminate unwanted facial hair, if the hair is dark. My facial hair is blonde and it apparently doesn’t work well on blonde facial hair for some reason. New clients are welcomed at Spa Cielo by their very professional and English speaking staff with a free UV skin scan for sun damage. The VISIA scanner is a very hightech piece of equipment that takes a sub-dermal photograph of your skin, revealing damage at a level unavailable to the naked eye. You can see the before and after photos of your face to track your progress over time and after your procedures. If you insist on having a tan, get a great fake in their new automated spray tanning booth instead of ruining your skin and risking cancer! The tans look very natural and don’t damage your skin. I would definitely recommend a visit to Spa Cielo for a Visia Scan to see if you can benefit from one or more of these painless and affordable procedures. Contact them for an appointment at 105-2209 or email me for more information at




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Kickin’ Around the East Cape

With Walter...exploring San Antonio

By Walter S. Zapotoczny Jr.


is the first in a series of adventures we will be taking together as we travel around the East Cape area. The history of the East Cape is colorful and its people are diverse. The villages along the Sea of Cortez and the mountain pueblos have many interesting stories and legends. Come along as we discover them together! Our first adventure takes us to the picturesque pueblo of San Antonio, the oldest continuously occupied community in all the Californias. Just off Route 1, about 119 kilometers (74 miles) north of Los Cabos International Airport, it is a perfect day trip for the photographer and those interested in Baja history. Turning at Kilometer 159, near the Pemex station, I followed the worn cobblestone street into town. The brightly painted stucco and brick Spanish colonial-style buildings, with heavy wooden doors and arched windows, made me think I was traveling back in time. Ornate ironwork decorates many of the windows and doors. On the right, just past the whitewashed walls, is the San Antonio Community Center. The white and yellow building with

green windows and doors was once the home of former State Governor Santo Ruiz. As soon as I walked in, the director, María Sonia Díaz greeted me with a

Gold mine in San Antonio big smile and information about the self-guided tour of the historic buildings and sites. I left my vehicle parked in front of the Center and walked a short distance to the church at the corner of the central plaza. An old woman was sweeping the plaza in front of the statue of Manuel Márquez de


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León. Born in San Antonio, he was a hero in the War of 1847 between Mexico and the United States and went on to become the Governor of the states of Durango and Sinaloa. The old woman paused from her work long enough to give me a broad smile and point to a plaque mounted beside the church. I learned that the Huchiti Indians were the original inhabitants of this area. In 1748, Manuel de Ocio, a former soldier of the California Missionary Guard founded the Santa Ana Mines near San Antonio. A Jesuit missionary by the name of Juan Jacobo Baegert would travel from the Todos Santos Mission to give religious service to the believers of the early mining camp. The camp’s inhabitants began construction of the present structure in the 1800s. As I walked to the little tienda past the plaza to buy a bottle of water, I heard horses trotting on the cobblestones of the nearby alley. I expected the see Spanish soldiers entering the town but the horses belonged to local ranchers. They wore colorful chaquetas (jackets) made of leather. After tying their horses, they disappeared inside the tienda. On the back of each horse lay a hand-tooled saddle with a rope hanging to the side, and skirtlike pieces of bull hide tied to the saddle horn. The Mexico vaqueros (cowboys) of the 1800s used these types of chaps while herding cattle. Maybe I was time traveling! I now know why Bon Jovi used an image of the alley on the cover of their album “These Days.” A STEP BACK IN TIME I visited the Casa de Familia Mendoza (Mendoza Family House), located just off the plaza. The large structure with hand-cut stone walkways and multi-level rooms is reminiscent of the life of one of the wealthy mining families of the period. The wooden balconies overlook the patio and gardens of this splendid house. I could almost hear the musicians entertaining the guests from the balcony. The house has a detached kitchen where servants prepared the meals. They handed the meals through a window to another team of servants who then served them to the family and

guests. I strolled around town photographing the Casa de Moneda (House of Currency) and many of the historic buildings, slowly making my way back to the Community Center and my vehicle. A couple of horses where grazing in front of the Asociacion Ganadera Local (Local Livestock Association) building. I spotted a man sitting on a wrought iron bench in the plaza playing with a rope. I went over to talk with him. He was a rancher waiting for his children, who attend school and live in dormitories in town throughout the week, returning home on the weekend. He told me that gradually the quality of the silver declined over the years and of a hurricane that whipped through the region in 1918, flooding the mines. There were attempts to repair the operations but the mines finally closed in 1923 and the area declined. Today, San Antonio’s population is about 500 with it’s economy based largely on cattle ranching. Back at the Center, I discovered an art class in progress and soon learned from María Sonia that the Community Center is a place where young and old can learn the pottery, palm weaving, jewelry making, and painting techniques of their ancestors. The crafts are for sale at the Center, with the money going to the students who created them. I purchased a painted clay mask and a necklace made with seeds of the Colorín tree for my wife. GOLD & SILVER MINING Reading one of the Center’s pamphlets, I learned that in 1878 Mexican President Porfirio Diaz granted a contract to the El Progresso Mining Company from the United States to extract and sell the gold and silver. San Antonio and El Triunfo formed the important mining district of the southern part of Baja California, with seven mines




For the past 6 years, the Van Wormer resort



dorado shoot out



tombs are very ornate with the symbols of their religions. The families of others could only afford a pile of rocks and a simple marker. Looking at the inscriptions on the stones, I wondered how they died. Did they die from the smoke and the fire deep in the mines or from the toxic chemicals used to separate the ore at the processing plant? Old Age? The residents of San Antonio have protected the important buildings and sites, which provide visitors the opportunity to reflect on the town’s rich mining history and heritage. Many of the buildings and sites are open to the public. Be sure to stop by the Community Center when you get into town and get a map of the buildings and sites. For more information about San Antonio or the Community Center, phone María Sonia at 044.612.119.7668 or email her at


operating then. I decided to find the processing plant used to extract the gold and silver from ore. A short drive (a little over 2 kilometers) past the cemetery, the plant sits on the side of a hill. I drove up the rugged road as far as I could and parked at the base of the plant. You can drive up the road easily, if you have a four-wheel drive vehicle. I decided to hike the rest of the way to the top, wishing that I had bought more water. The red brick structure has a chimney at the top and one at the bottom, with terraced beehivelike condensation rooms between. Wood fires heated the rooms. The melted minerals flowed down to separation rooms at the bottom of the hill. The steam railroad built by the mining company transported the refined gold and silver to the pier at Ensenada de Muertos, near La Paz, for shipment north. This must have been a bustling place in its day! Standing on top of the hill, I had a view of San Antonio, nestled in the lush palm valley that descends eastward all the way to the Sea of Cortez. I could see many of the old trails on the side of the hills. I pictured the ore from the local mines loaded

group have sponsored a one day tournament with the entry fee a low $350 for 4 anglers plus daily jackpots. A lively and large group enjoyed great weather and fishing in mid-July and many took home prizes of money and a brand new Honda. Serious fishermen enjoy the abundant fishing and calm waters of the East Cape in summer, and plan their month competing in the tournaments. Next year’s Van Wormer event is July 16, and they are already accepting room and boat reservations. Summer is happening on the East Cape led by the fhshermen!

María Sonia informed me that San Antonio is having an art festival on November 14, 2010. I vowed to come back then and continue my adventure in San Antonio. Perhaps Bon Jovi will come back for a visit too. Look for Kickin’ Around the East Cape with Walter in the next issue of Destino Magazine! Our next adventure will take us about 24 kilometers north of Los Barriles on the unpaved beach road to El Cardonal to find the Indian rock paintings. I hear there is a good restaurant there too. It should be fun!

Walter Zapotoczny Jr. is a retired U.S. Army historian. He works today as a freelance writer and contributing writer for World Book Encyclopedia. Walter has published several books and is working on a book of stories about the Baja. He and his wife Bonnie live in Los Barriles while they kick around the East Cape.

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By Patricia Baum Photos: Nancy Tankersley


relationship with Cabo Pulmo goes back fifteen years to a particularly rainy Oregon winter in 1995. I was planning a month long trip down the Baja Peninsula and saw a beautiful and alluring photo in a Baja travel guide. It depicted a small bay with a white sand beach, lapping turquoise waters, and rustic palapas; a paradise so far removed from my present life, that I felt an insatiable longing to go there and experience it first hand. Later that winter, on a windy December day after almost a month on the road, I rounded the final bend of a rutted and seemingly endless dirt road, and looked down on Cabo Pulmo for the first time; the color and clarity of the water took my breath away. I spent four timeless days with Fabiana, my indispensable spanish speaking traveling companion in “Pulmo” as it’s known by the locals. We swam with sea lions, marveled at schools of incredible multi-colored tropical fish, walked the beach collecting fossils, hung out with the locals and generally absorbed the good vibes and kicked back atmosphere present in only a few remote parts of the world, where nature, local culture and tourism achieve equilibrium. Fast forward, to June 2010, the Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park (CPNMP) celebrated it’s 15th anniversary with four days of ecological activities for all ages, including, photography exhibits, environmental education workshops, guided tours, soccer and volleyball tournaments, a dance and finally an all important community beach clean-up. I’ve visited the park



at least twice a year since then and I‘m pleased to say that very little has changed in the last decade and a half, thanks to a dedicated group of local fishermen, dive guides, housewives and residents who form the community based group, The Friends of Cabo Pulmo, (Amigos para la Conservación de Cabo Pulmo, ACCP). ACCP is headed by Judith Castro Lucero, daughter of one of the town’s founding families, and as defined in their mission statement; the group is dedicated to preserving the beauty of the park, fostering local involvement in decisions which affect the community and promoting sustainable economic activities, like diving and eco-tourism. According to the conservation group, WILDCOAST, “Cabo Pulmo Reef is a success story of Mexico’s conservation. The reef provides a safe haven for about 300 species of marine animals and is considered to be the only hard coral reef in the Sea of Cortez.” ACCP works with a team of oceanographers and biologists from the National Comission of Natural Protected Areas, (Comisión Naciónal de Áreas Naturales Protegidas) or CONANP, the government agency in charge of insuring that rules and regulations are enforced within the marine park’s 17,572 acre boundaries and that the Park’s long term sustanable management program is carried out. The main focus of the Conservation and Management Program, (Programa de Conservación y Manejo) developed

by CONANP biologist, Carlos Narro Flores, and implemented in 1999, is the protection and restoration of the area’s natural resources, which include thousands of different marine organisms, marine mammals, a small population of nesting Olive Ridley and Leatherback sea turtles, Hawksbill turtles, who forage on sponge, and on the most important resource in the park; the live coral reef, which is extremely vulnerable to human impact. It is possible to enjoy the park in many different ways. There is a full complement of dive services available in Cabo Pulmo, including PADI open water certification. Tour companies based in Los Cabos bring groups to kayak, snorkel and dive in the “living aquarium”, at the park’s world renowned sites, like the playa La Sirenita, El Bajo de los Meros, and the sunken Mexican fishing vessel, the Vencedor, where legendary big fish and rays abound. I believe that a real Cabo Pulmo experience involves watching the sunrise over the Sea of Cortez, but in order to witness this amazing wonder, one must spend at least one night, preferably two at one of the cabañas in the village or camp at Los Arboles beach. Camping is permitted in the park, but you should be prepared to be completely self sufficient, by bringing your own potable water, shovel and garbage/recycling bags to “pack it out”; low impact is the key to responsible camping in Cabo Pulmo. October through July are the ideal months to enjoy the park, after a day of intense sun, the nights are cool and balmy, and there are almost no biting insects. The town of Cabo Pulmo has at least five restaurants, one store and a variety of well appointed solar powered accommodations. My favorite part of village life is walking to the beach, restaurants and dive shops, as cars are parked upon arrival and are started up again only when it’s time to leave paradise and go back to civilization. VISITING CABO PULMO

of CONANP wrist bands ($40 pesos/$3.50 US per day), which allow the bearer unlimited access to the CPNMP. Basic guidelines for visitors are: Fishing and the gathering of any live or dead sea life is prohibited inside CPNMP’s boundaries, as is standing on the reef, collecting coral, removing sea shells, native plants and burning endemic hard wood. Small campfires are permitted (BYO firewood) in the playa Los Arboles, but only in existing fire pits and of course the federal moratorium on motor vehicles on the beach or dunes applies in CPMP. The park’s management team is headed by CONANP oceanographer, Javier Alejandro Gonzalez Leija, includes a park ranger recruited from the community and biologist, Zuemy Rangel González, who plans and implements education programs for local kids. These youth act as environmental ambassadors by representing Cabo Pulmo at their local primary and secondary schools in nearby La Ribera, and by attending state wide sea turtle and shark conservation conferences. Community elders and regional conservationists alike believe that their continued environmental awareness is the key to a sustainable future for the fragile natural resources of Cabo Pulmo. Amigos para la Conservación de Cabo Pulmo, http://www. Other links, Cabo Pulmo Sports Center, (http:// Cabo Pulmo Beach Resort www. Grupo Tortuguero,


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The park’s infrastructure, is supported in part by the sale

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TODOS SANTOS NEWS ARTS Artists of Todos Santos Nov 11-26 special show celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Revolution & Independence of Mexico. Show at Cafelix. Students under the direction of Poncho Hernandez and Erick Ochoa will create portrait studies of the historical figures and will be part of the opening opening November 11th at 5:30. Dec 2 - Jan 13 “Small Works Showâ€? opens at Cafelix. The 2nd Annual “Juried Photography Showâ€? will host an opening reception and presentation of awards on Jan 13th at Cafelix., Info on art shows contact Diane Knight, dianekknight@hotmail. com. ORGANIC HEALTH Pura Vida Health Food Store & Deli. Located 1/2 block behind Pemex gas station in town at Posada del Molino. Joella N Kurtis, k u r d y s p u rav i d a @ g m a i l . c o m , 612.169.2095, WEEKLY Basilfields Organic Fruit And Vegetable Stand 10:00 to 1:00, Colegio Militar across from Telcel, Todos Santos

Dec 16 “Meet the Artists� Cafelix Feb 24 - Mar 20 the “Artists’ Studio Show� at Cafelix on Feb 24th. March 20 The 2nd Annual “Artists’ Studio Tour� For a full calendar of events website

La Coronela, Live Mexican Music 12 - 3 PM Daily Hotel California La Garra Happy Hour - Daily 47PM 2x1 Beer, Wine & Margaritas. SAND BAR Friday & Saturday Live Reggae Band

LIFE GUARDS NOW at Cerritos Beach The

beaches of Todos Santos are a hot item of discussion right now. Not only the controversy of whether you should build on the miles of precious untouched dunes, but also the strong and unpredictable nature of the Pacific Ocean. For those who swim at Cerritos Beach, the sometimes dangerous undertow has taken many an unwary person out to sea.The necessity for Lifeguards has been obvious, but no one was able to figure out how to get Lifeguards on the beaches here... until now. Proplayas de Todos Santos is a group of concerned locals and surfers who got together to establish a Lifeguard Academy that would train eligible locals to become Certified Lifeguards for all of Baja Sur. Their vision is to help spread a more complete awareness of our beaches which includes safety, protection and

We’re Off to See the Wizard S omewhere

“Our mother is happy when we take care of the planet�


Passions, Poems and 1000 Hearts December 4, 2010 La CaĂąada del DiseĂąo in Todos Santos 4 pm - 7 pm 612 145-0183



over the rainbow in Todos Santos, the stirrings in the community are building into a gigantic rumor. What’s that buzz about? Todos Santos will now host it’s own theater productions and add another dimension to the ever growing artist community in the Pueblo Magico. The first Todos show with all local people will be The Wizard of Oz but with a twister. Dorothy (59 years old) has just moved to Baja and is living on the beach in her trailer, when the hurricane hits. Off to Oz she goes, but everything is a little different when seen through the eyes of this seasoned ex-pat from Kansas. Blue Moon Productions is the genius behind this parody of the original classic which is sure to hit home for many people who have come to Baja. The play is scheduled to play January 28,29, February 4,5,11,12 /2011 at a new venue in Las Tunas, Todos Santos. See the next issue of Destino for details.

environmental issues. Very timely. In one year they have successfully trained 6 lifeguards, and put up a Lifeguard tower on Cerritos Beach with 3 lifeguards on duty from Wednesday to Sunday. Their next phase is to train more Lifeguards so that more beaches can be covered. Last October, Hotel California put on a huge Halloween party to help raise money to get the Lifeguard program started. This year will be an even greater Halloween Party for the Lifeguard program, with prizes for costumes, live music with Curvas Peligrosas, a raffle to raise money and free admission. To help Proplayas realize their vision contact Paula at mx For information on the Halloween Fundraiser at Hotel California October 30th Sat:

The Occult Meaning of The Wizard of Oz The

creator and writer of this famous story L.Frank Baum, was a Notable Theosophist, which influenced his writing from the core. The entire story of the Wizard of Oz is an allegorical tale of the soul’s path to illumination – the Yellow Brick Road. In Buddhism (an important part of Theosophical teachings) the same concept is referred to as the “Golden Path�. The story starts with Dorothy living in Kansas, which symbolizes the material world, the physical plane where each one of us starts our spiritual journey. Dorothy feels an urge to “go over the rainbow�, to reach the ethereal realm and follow the path to illumination. She has basically “passed the Nadir� by demonstrating the urge to seek a higher truth. Google L. Frank Baum to learn more....

GALERIA NE HAYLES Art Exhibit. November 26th at 8 pm. Passion, Poems and 100 hearts at La Cañada , Dec 4th at 4 - 7 pm. Il GIARDINO has new owners, the Sorretino/Ambrosi family from Mexico City’s famous Da Ciro restaurant. They promise to deliver the same great quality and many of the same great items on the menu including some of their own specials. Open all year Tues.-Sat. 5-10pm and Sunday 2-10pm. LA CAñADA DEL DISEñO is full of new shipments in from Pueblo and Asia. Barbara Perkins and Linda Hamilton Designs and works of art by NE Hayles are represented at this center. www. GALERIA 106 GABO La Paz Art exhibit featuring Gabo himself, his son Gabriel and other prominent Mexican artists. 106 Independencia

NOURISH YOUR SEED ~ Full Moon Yoga Retreat with Chia Rafelson
Feb 12, -19, 2011
Prana del Mar ~ Baja Mexico About Seeds: Seeds can lay dormant for long periods of time. With nourishment and the right environment they will flourish and grow.
What is lying dormant in you? 
What is ready to emerge and thrive?
Come and nourish your inner seed in a supportive environment. This retreat is for everyone ~ Open to all levels Phone 1.866.373.4316 CAPRICIOS Restaurant in La Paz has a new chef, Carlos O’Brian from D.F. Mexico City. He is from the famous Carlos and Charlie family and history of making great food. GALERIA TODOS SANTOS Opening for Gloria Ruenitz December 12–26th. Cocktail reception on December 12, 1- 4pm Her show will feature photographic


Que Pasa in Todos Santos?

images of local women with an encaustic wax medium.

MEDITATION & MOVEMENT Vipassana Meditation Retreat with Robert K. Hall and Richard Strozzi Heckler.
January 16 - 23 in Todos Santos at Serendipity. For schedules and information contact: and www.
Recent interview with Robert K. Hall at: mikebrozda. PUEBLO MAGICO The new sewage system treatment center is in full operation. Everyone is grateful to those who worked so hard on resolving this problem. The Municipal of La Paz recently allocated funds for a new dumpsite and the town’s theater is still under renovation. The plaza’s “new look” is almost completed and everyone is looking forward to seeing how it all

turns out.

ESCUELA PACIFICA A new elementary school... w w w. e s c u e l a p a c i f i c i c a . org... currently services students 2nd through 6th grade, and is based on the core premise of bi-lingual, bi- cultural education taught by Jackie Pavia and Serena Saltzman. With a heavy emphasis on parent involvement and environmental awareness, the goal of this school is to educate students to our role in an expanding global community.

Grotto of St Joseph, Patron of the family Blessed by Catholic Hierarchy The

ground-breaking attracted a number of Catholic bishops and a Cardinal to Todos Santos in August. Next to the church in the main center of town, a grotto is now under construction that will be a garden for contemplation, as well as community gatherings. The main focus of the grotto will be a sculpture of Joseph, Mary and Jesus as a young boy, and be dedicated to the family. The gathering was impressive, and the Pueblo Magico designation of the town attracts this type of attention. The Hotel California donated the property, and fund raising is in full force to pay for the entire project. To contribute contact:, or cash in the donation box in the church.



LIVE MUSIC Cabo San Lucas

THE OFFICE daily 7-10 pm Daline Jones, Diego Ramirez & Luciano Callado Tue/Wed Shalom, Samantha Rae with Tito Rodriguez Fri - Sun. AMARONE RISTORANTE Diego Ramirez and Daline Jones Sat. 7-10 pm BAJA BREWERY in Cabo Villas Sexto Sentido every Friday, 8-11 Hot Steele, Sat. CABO WABO CANTINA, Sammy Hagar’s legendary night-club in Cabo San Lucas. Live music nightly. Be Polite in Baja Sur

MAMBO CAFÉ Salsa, cumbia, meringue & disco every night 10-2 closed Mon

TATWANA Pueblo Bonito Pacifica (world music) Wed. -Sun. 7:30-10 pm, SPA Sat. 10:30 meditative concert. CABO LOUNGE Jorge Cu Piano Thurs, Fri, Sat. 8-11 CASA RAFAEL Romantic ballads in Spanish and English Wed-Mon. 6:30-10 ROMEO & JULIETA Pianist every night except Mon 7-10 pm 143-0225. BAROMETRO On the marina next to the mall. Films, bar, events JACK’S RESTAURANT On the marina Fri/Sat Johnny Rockstar! SAND BAR Playa Medano, Loud music on the beach.

LAS QUESADILLAS The Edgar Mendes Group with Francis Mendes.

CABO REY Dinner Cruise Dining, dancing, floor show. Call 624-143-8260.

BAJA CANTINA Daily 710 PM. Sun/Tues Jhonny Rockstar Classic Rock.

LOS CABOS WINERY Tel. 143-8088. For musicians who feel like jamming.

TWO FOR THE ROAD in Tesoro Hotel Tues -Sun, after 6 pm. Montana, keyboard, and vocalist Kathy Daniels.

San José del Cabo

CAPTAIN’S TABLE next to Tesoro Hotel. Tues/Fri AM Jhonny Rockstar

TROPICANA Grupo Cubano Tropicana Cuban music. Wed thru Sat 10 -1. Friday Dinner Show.

HARD ROCK CAFÉ Rock-n-roll Fri & Sat, 10-12 pm. Plaza Bonita Mall ESPERANZA The Roberto Blanco Trio with vocalist Marie Elaine Cullen Fri. & Sun 8 pm. Km 7


CASA NATALIA Weds. Howie Clifton on sax, Nahuel Bailo keyboard, Pedro Cervera drums

7 SEAS @ Cabo Surf Hotel Various events. Call 142-2676 RAICES Y BRAZOS Changing schedule so ck web HAVANA SUPPER CLUB New Owners! Open 4 PM Tues - Sun. Live music daily. Wednesdays: Todd Closer, with The Beautiful Organ Trio Pedro Cervera, Adam Linz & Roberto Blanco.


HOTEL MARQUIS Memo Ruiz Guitar. Jazz, romantic & American song book.7-10 PM WESTIN REGINA Las Cuerdas Clasicas, Chamber music al fresco. Everyday but Wed & Thurs, 8-11am LAS VENTANAS Marci Castro piano Wed & Sun 7-10 PITAHAYAS Sheraton Hotel, Cabo Del Sol Smooth jazz, bossa nova, bolero & romantic sounds Thur-Sat 7:30 - 10

LIVE MUSIC Pescadero

CERRITOS BEACH Daline Jones & Diego Ramirez Sun 2-5 PM

BAJA BREWING Live music after ART WALK Thurs.


LA CASONA Restaurante (inside Villa La Estancia) Medano Beach Vocalist Wendy Tosoff, Sat 10:30-2:30 Mexican by Luz de Luna.

La Internacional - On the plaza. Music nightly


LATITUDE+22 Peter Bacon Thurs, Fri, Sat, 7-10 pm.

SHOOTERS BAR and RESTAURANT. across from Municipal Hall, rock n roll.

EDITHS Restaurant Traditional Mexican music every night 6-10 pm

RED Wine Bar DJ, electronic and pop music.

Todos Santos

Curvas Peligrosas and Dancing bands Sat PM

For additions or corrections to this schedule, please email destinoloscabos@gmail. com




is a grass root movement in town, initiated by Mexican professionals and business owners, to create a Sea Cortés or Be Courteous movement in Los Cabos. The past few years have been difficult for Mexican tourism and resort and business managers are learning it’s easier to take good care of a visitor today, they will come back tomorrow with their friends and more money. Marketing executives know it takes 10 times more money to attract the first time visitor to our resort than to invite back a happy traveler. The mission for Sea Cortés AC:

W e aim at creating community awareness so that together we can cultivate cooperation, unity, respect, and the common good. We depend on families, public and private schools, government at the federal, state, and municipal levels, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, developers, associations of hotels, restaurants, and human resources, the media, professional groups, foundations, and international organizations. We seek a new encounter with our VALUES to appreciate harmony among all living things

We are a nonprofit organization from Baja California Sur that hopes to spread throughout our beloved MEXICO. COURTESY is our flag, VALUES, our foundation, And EDUCATION, our main purpose and interest. We are professionals from diverse disciplines. United by our shared concerns, we have met to formalize and establish our objectives: COURTESY at all times, along with RESPECT for our environment and for others. Our philosophy is very simple and inclusive... If this land—with its seas, rivers, mountains, and deserts—shows us its goodness, it is our responsibility to care for our environment as we become an integral part of it.

“Sea Cortés… en el Mar de Cortés” “Be courteous…on the Sea of Cortez COURTESY is our motivation and foundation. We know that courtesy must be cultivated to ensure its survival. In this way, we remain connected with our surroundings: the VITAL SPACE that we all share.

To donate to the organization or schedule a training:

4 8



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Bank Vicente Guerrero

Santos Degollado

Ignacio Zaragoza

Destino Los Cabos S.A. de C.V. © 2010








Alvaro Obregon


5 4




10 1

Manuel Doblado



Main Plaza


P Jose Ma. Morelos


Leading the organization is Enrique Silva, at an information meeting at his Tequila restaurant, with Rosa Luz Treviño VP, Blanca Pedrin tresurer, Patricia Mendoza Secretary.



rt onfo


City Hall

5 9 ares

Business owners have been working for a couple years on a plan to totally renovate and create a vibrant, Mexican town center. A dedicated team have gathered opinions from the everyone and will be changing the street routes, main plaza, lighting, landscaping, store fronts, seat benches. They’ve worked out the financial plans, applied for funds with the government and have ideas about fund raising for specific needs. The first phase of routing cars to the outside of the town center has been accomplished, and now with the bridge to La Playita open, there is a destination for this road other than a circle. Dedicated residents committed to the area will follow this project through and keep San José a desirable destination.


nt. Mij


“Nothing is more attractive in the human being than courtesy, patience, and tolerance.” Cicero

Bvrd. A

Cabo and San José streets are now blocked off on Sunday mornings from 7-11 am. This is to encourage walking, cycling, and walking your dog on the comfort of wide pavement and no cars. The main street between the ocean and the town square will be closed on one side, and in Cabo the “out” side of the main street between City Center and Casino Royal on the marina will be closed. Enjoy a Sunday stroll free of traffic.

Sea Cortés Be Polite

Miguel Hidalgo




Galleries A La Sancristia B Galería Patricia Mendoza C Casa Paulina & ARTE Gallery D Galería Corsica E Muvezi Fine African Art F Arenas Gallery G Silvermoon H Casa Dahlia I Sfumato Art Studio J Amber Gallery And Fine Art K Old Town Gallery L Casa Don Pablo M Galería de Ida Victoria N El Armario O La Dolce Art Gallery P Teohti Gallery

1 Smoke Shop 2 Theater 3 Baja Brewing 4 Ixchel Spa 5 Hotel Coli 6 Old Villano Restaurant 7 Morgan’s Encore Rest. 8 El Encanto Hotel 9 French Riviera Restaurant 10 Cabo Hats 11 Mollys Restaurant 12 Morgans Restaurant 13. Casa Natalia 14. Damiana Restaurant



It Takes a Village To Raise a Child

Youth Sports are Alive in the Baja Thanks to community donations and volunteers

The rapid growth of young families arriving in Baja Sur over the past 10 years for the growing tourist and construction industries has strained the tight public resources to keep up with education and nutrition. One program that was not funded by any public school was athletics. Along with the growing problem of childhood obesity an opportunity was seen by Ray Thomas and Steve Mills to create a soccer program for boys and girls of all ages. Originating in La Paz, and then moving to Cabo and San José,

there are now over 3,000 children participating in sports programs organized by Grupo de Apoyo Ray Thomas (G.A.R.T.). Soccer programs un-coverd the need for breakfast programs and kitchens have been set up throughout La Paz and Los Cabos and today feeds hundreds of students breakfast. When children are fed, they are ready to learn and have the strength for sports. Children also receive the experience of teamwork, so essentials for participating in a positive way to a community.

Help raise healthy children in our community. Your donation will bring results! BREAKFAST PROGRAM SOCCER PROGRAM Thanks to generous food donations from local businesses and corporations, you can help feed a student for only $200 USD. This guarantees your child breakfast or lunch for an entire school year.

For $200 USD, you can sponsor a team of 7 for an entire school year. Each team will receive uniforms proudly displaying your logo or chosen team name, coaching sessions, games, tournaments, prizes, and more.

Contact Steve Mills:



The problems of overcrowded classrooms, understaffed schools and overworked parents are only intensifying. G.A.R.T. is committed to working with all the youth of our State, and the dedicated volunteers are grateful to receive your donation of money and time to help raise healthy children for our community.


The Essential Meal Te a c h e r s of all levels agree that success in the classroom, begins with a healthy breakfast. Help ensure that all students have a chance at becoming tomorrow’s leaders by getting involved with G.A.R.T.’s adopt a student program.

Anchor Storage

Safer, kinder, cheaper? By Lola Lupita Lozario


Storage is the new mini storage player in town which you probably heard of because they are also the folks with $2/day parking right by the international airport. Their slogan is “Safer, Kinder, Cheaper”, but ‘cmon, is that for real? I decided to ferret out the truth. I started from the top and interviewed Lu Marie Cordova, la jefa, and asked her why exactly Anchor Storage was “safer.” “We are the only facility that has humans (not dogs) guarding the facility and living on site,” she explained, “We are also the only facility that has a no-leak standing seam roof, instead of roofs with rivets that always wind up leaking. It’s worth it to keep your goods safe.” Cordova’s father was born in Mexico, but the family has been operating mini storage in the States for over 36 years, so she says they’ve seen about everything and know how to protect our stuff. I met Ignacio who is the truly delightful, very bilingual day manager, though the title on his card says “Concierge.” Really? Seemed like a good guy to ask about the “Kinder” part of their motto. “We are not just about selling space for parking and storage,” Nacho waxed philosophical, “We want to give people peace of mind, knowing they can come to us for anything with moving, traveling, storage and more.” I looked at their list of concierge services which covered everything from trucking your stuff from the US to Mexico to cleaning your boat or RV to getting a car wash or a tire changed. Along with the standard locks, they sell car covers, wheel locks, windshield blocks, and he’s got a beer in the fridge if you’re ready for a cold one. They will build shelves in units and give you a ride to or from the airport if you give them enough notice. So onward to the next brain, the newly installed general manager, Ana Hulko. Again bilingual, with a kind air and gentle manner, she explained the “cheaper” part of their mission. “Just compare our prices with any other service in town,” Ana challenged, “and you will see our value is extraordinary,” Extraordinary indeed: The airport charges over $30 dollars a day, and they charge $2. Other useful services the provide: Mail Service for $5/month, Display for Sale or Rent your vehicle, ATV, bulldozer on their highly visible lot. They also have Safe Box and DocuBoxs. I could not help teasing Cordova just a little. After all, they are brand new with one lonely building on a dirt lot and temporary office trailers. Cordova laughed, “Yep, we are the newbies, but we love and believe in Mexico and we’ll be blossoming right alongside her.”

Sabor a Cabo

Mexican Election Season Mexican


Best International Food Festival that occurs in the State every year will take place December 1 on the beach at the Hilton Hotel. Organzied by CANARAC, the restaurant association, and 40 different restaurants will participate showcasing their special food dishes. Last years great party on Medano Beach at Casa Dorada attracted well over 1000 people and close to 2000 are expected this year. Headliner Music feature is Aleks Syntek whos sounds are sure to keep the crowds dancing. He’ll be joined by local musicians that will be announced or just show up!

Profits for this event go to the local firemen and red cross, and is one of their major fund raisers. For one entrance free, foods from all the restaurants are eager for tasters. It’s a terrific way to discover the talents of the chefs at the restaurants from

Political races are very different from the same activity in the USA. The state of the political “race” is not obsessively discussed for months or years. Bu law, political office seekers can only actively represent their party in any race for 5 months. From October to February a variety of well-known political names will be active on the political scene. All summer various Mayors across the State resigned from their position to actively position themselves for Governor and Mayor positions changing by law. One term is allowed in Mexico. This year there is a lively dialogue attracting seasoned and new names in this State’s governance. Baja Sur has the challenge at this particular time, of blending Mexicans from every State in Mexico along with a wide variety of immigrants from the north and south. Investors from Spain and once again “conquering” the new territory, this time with resorts, golf courses, marinas and even a polo club. REmoved from the northern and southern border towns and the violence, Baja Sur is the jewel in Mexico’s tourism future, and the leaders running the government are more important to everybody than ever before.


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Former State Tourism Director Alberto Treviño is pursuing his political career, and says “for every room built for tourism, 10 workers are needed, so it’s imperative business and government are planning together so the workers have a house to move to”.

by Sam El-Hindi

When you hear the word ‘frontier’, I am sure what is conjured up in your mind is an image of dusty cowboys riding their horses across mountain ranges into ‘the West’-ern United States. I do not assume that you think of the prodigious, upand-coming group of adventurous individuals who have traveled from all over the world to help Los Cabos make its mark on the map. An even more distant image would be one of Las Villas De Mexico, a fullownership real estate development that is reinventing the idea of ‘home’ right here in San Jose Del Cabo. Yes, I am here to tell you that Los Cabos is the new frontier, and Las Villas De Mexico exemplifies the excitement and innovation that is taking place in our region. Las Villas sits at the foot of a mountain in the heart of San José and is nicely nestled within Club Campestre, an 18- hole championship golf course and grand ocean vistas. Right now you may be asking yourself, “There are a number of developments in Los Cabos, what sets Las Villas apart?” Well, in the Old West, cowboys had oil and gold. Our new frontier on the other hand, is being built on beach and golf. Las Villas De Mexico is the only development in town that has capitalized on this magnificent combination, the combination that has breathed a new life into our Los Cabos. Las Villas offers its homeowners

a chance to live within a worldclass golf course and not only have gorgeous ocean views, but a way to experience that ocean through a private beach club. Like the cowboys who knew that they had to make the best of the land around them, Las Villas and Homex, the homebuilder that has changed the face of Mexico, are taking what San José has to offer and making it elegant and accessible. When I think of the courageous folks that made the West what it is today, I have to tip my hat to their ingenuity. The cowboys were not afraid to try something new. They did not just reach the edge of the West and set-up camp. No, they built the West by creating strong and mobile communities. Homex is creating this strong sense of adventure and community through their Open Door Property Partnership service. This service allows homeowners to experience reciprocal villa and condominium exchange. Las Villas is the first of these Homex Tourism Division developments, and the company is breaking ground in Loreto and Cancun, and soon in Cabo San Lucas. This means that in the future, residents living in these developments will have an easy way to explore Mexico’s most appealing destinations without losing that sense of ‘home’. Not-to-mention, this service also offers a potential income stream for homeowners who wish to capitalize on this avantgarde rental opportunity.


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by Terry Gray Curtis

Where is the Los Cabos Real Estate market heading today? First, a little history. If you were to ask the seventy or so local brokers or their more than 200 agents, you would get around 300 different opinions. The bad news (for us) is that in 2010 compared to 2007, the number and volume of sales is down – way down – and hundreds who were agents in 2007 are no longer working here. The good news (for you, the potential buyer) is that many of the 2007 values were inflated, and those inflated prices are gone. Right now it is truly a buyers market, although we have not hit – and will not hit – the disastrous levels that hit some US markets. Several factors are at work. Nervousness about the US economy, and individuals’ problems with their US holdings or portfolio, have forced some second-home owners in Cabo to re-evaluate their true need for that Cabo property and its attendant expense. Thus some “fire-sale� bargains are available. On the other hand, only a small percentage of our properties are financed, so the motivation to get out of a property here doesn’t include having to service a mortgage on it, in most cases. Today 80% of sales are in the $200K-$400K price range. That’s where most of the inventory exist price wise, as well. That is also where most of the hot deals are to be found. There are some homes in the higher end price range ($1M and up) that have also come down in value significantly, but that represents a smaller portion of the market and a lot of those people can afford to just sit back and wait for prices to come back



up. Basically, most of those owners are not even a thinking about selling at all. As everyone knows by now you can own second property in Mexico as an American, and you can h o m e, even finance it here. So this broker’s opinion as d o n ’ t to where we are today in Real Estate is: The next hesitate too 9 months, from now to the end of “high season�, much. We believe is going to be extraordinary. We have over $2 we have hit the billion of listings on our local MLS (called AMPI/ bottom and prices will FLEX). The amount of property on the market solidify and probably start has created competition between sellers, which back up next year. opens a big window of opportunity for buyers. Look for this column next issue List prices now are in most cases 20% or more with hot property Predictions for off their pre-disaster levels, and a seller is often 2011! willing to take significantly less than even this lowered asking price Terry Gray Curtis, a 21 year Cabo resident, People are shopping. Real buyers, aware Mexican Citizen and Businessman. He is a of the above factors, are walking through the Co-Broker at Century 21 Real Estate Paradise Properties in downtown Cabo doors of our local brokerages, touring a selection of properties that fit their needs and making offers. We are making sales, and buyers are getting deals. The year 2009 was dead. The Financing Available year 2010 is alive and %QPVCEV C %GPVWT[ %QPUWNVCPV well. We think that %CDQ 5CP .WECU our higher than normal 5CP ,QUG FGN %CDQ sales in our traditionally (TQO 75# %#0 slow months, June, (KPF OQTG RTQRGTVKGU QPNKPG July and August, are an EGPVWT[ DCLC EQO A N a m e Yo u K n ow A n d Tr u s t indication of what the RCTCFKUGRTQRGTVKGU EQO future holds. In the Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed Each office is independently owned and operated traditional sales season of Oct -May, we expect to have a strong season. If you have interest in retiring here, or having


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Ssshhhh.......... The best kept secret in Cabo San Lucas

On beautiful Medano Beach facing the world famous “El Arco” A palm village oasis and hideaway • Unique Mexican-style luxury

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A HIDDEN TREASURE Querencia Private Golf and Residence Community

Most people in Los Cabos have no

clue that the #1 rated golf course in Mexico is in this area! Having a discrete entrance on a mountain hill outside of San José, and a private golf course ultimately limited to 350 members, Querencia golf and residential community is exclusive and inviting and the Tom Fazio golf course a wonder to play on. A 40,000 square foot Clubhouse with stunning vistas, is the gathering place for the Querencia community. Club Village boasts a spa, state-ofthe-art workout room, bar, game rooms, restaurants, swimming pools, youth cllub, yoga pavilion, tennis anc various play courts and a well stock pro-shop. The well known people who are golf members or owners are looking for some new neighbors so they have their own real estate company called Querencia Real Estate which represents both developer inventory and resales. Querencia offers five types of residential opportunities. Four of them represent finished products, Los Cabañas Condominiums, Club Villas, Los Cañadas and Custom...

“Haciendas”. To create your own home design to most enjoy the fantastic vistas on your custom home site, Querencia offers an Architectural Design Center, that is professionally staffed to assist the home site owner in developing their dream home. The Querencia still has raw land with prices starting at $300,000. Finished residences starting at $1,200,000. To check out the project stop by the Real Estate office located outside the gates of the private community and can be accessed via Querencia Blvd. which intersects the main highway and proudly reads, “Querencia.” Those in Real Estate living in Cabo for more than 10 years may remember Sales Manager of various Villa Group project in Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta. Querencia and his love of Cabo lured him back to this area and he is now their Director of Sales and Marketing. He proudly states,” I am a member of an incredibly gifted sales team. Our motto is, Always exceeding our customers expectations”. Querencia is open every day. Phone 145-6615.

50% off 10 x 10 Unit: Just $45 per month

LAND INVESTMENT PROPERTY LOS PLANES...15 minutes from Bahia Los Sueños. 1st phase of sub-division at Los Quijotes Ranch 26 lots approximately 2000 meters each Close to the road to El Cardonal from Los Planes (future plan road paved to Los Barriles)

Vegetation consists of nice size cardon, cholla cactus, mesquite. Good soil on site w/ no real rocky ground but sand and pebbles present.

$12,500 USD each, 50% down 50% with title Contact Randy ‘e’


1 BR, first floor condo Fully furnished Family resort, secure, casual Pool, Spa, Grocery, Restaurant Walk to downtown Cabo 1 block to Medano beach Weekly/Monthly

The besT value in CabO

Tel 624 172-5615 ‘e’ DESTINO MAGAZINE

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RENOVATIONS ISPECIALIZE SPECIALIZE IN IN PARTIAL PARTIAL OR COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS, HOME RENOVATIONS TO TO YOUR YOUR SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS 5 years of varied projects available for viewing. 30 Years Cabo resident with good references. Interior decorator and skilled craftsmen are part of my team. Landscaping experience.

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New Marina with home sites under construction on the East Cape







Tel 624 172-5615 ‘e’ DESTINO MAGAZINE

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STONE SEALERS MEXICO Impregnating sealers for stain and graffiti protection


Minimum 1 quart per customer. While supplies last

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by Nydia


you visit Los Cabos and see miles of beautiful resorts along the coast like El Dorado, Esperanza, Cabo del Sol, and Palmilla to name a few, you probably wonder what more could you possibly Cabo Riviera, a planned yachting marina community on add to this luxurious the East Cape, is actively dredging water to create islands. lifestyle. How about inspired Village with old European your yacht parked at your own dock architecture in a modern day world. outside your home with swimming Cafes, restaurants, and boutique beaches and small village life? shops will line pebble stone streets I found a little slice of paradise and walkways. Health spas ,tennis when I took a short 45 minute drive clubs, boutique hotels, and beach from the Los Cabos International clubs name a few of the amenities Airport up the beautiful East Cape this resort will behave surrounded highway North towards La Paz. from by lush landscaping as it part of it is the Los Cabos International Airport. now a date plam and Mango orchard All I needed to do was follow the oasis. signs that read CABO RIVIERA This Dubai inspired resort along the way. is ideal for the yacht enthusiast As I drove the paved and wanting their boat docked in their perfectly maintained East Cape front yard. Similar to what you two-lane highway I noticed how would find in Florida or Newport different this part of Los Cabos was Beach, but no slip fees. All owners after the hustle and bustle of Cabo will pay for is power and water San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. usage. The boating lifestyle is one About midway to Cabo Riviera, of the key components at the heart around Miraflores, I passed signs of Cabo Riviera’s design concept. that led to a new U.S. inspired water Everyone in La Ribiera is a park for the entire family, zip line strong supporter and involved in tours, picturesque waterfalls and the Sea Turtle protection program hot springs. in Baja Sur. The owners are long When I reached La Ribera I standing protectors of the unique felt as though I had stepped back natural beauty and resources of Baja in time to about 30 years ago. This Sur and the Sea of Cortez. area is virgin raw and a naturalists This development is on track dream come true for living in this to deliver the first Marina Harbour stunning area by the Sea of Cortez. Island lots, approximately 30 golf Cabo Riviera is a 900 acre lots and the Marina Village area by development on the Sea of Cortez; December 2011. There is a lot of dirt an area known best for it’s World being moved out there and it looked Class Sport Fishing, un-paralled to be one of the only developments marine life, uninhabited desert moving at such a fast pace in Baja. islands, living coral reefs and a clean The prices are rock bottom at this and clear Sea of Cortez protected stage and after touring this property by the nation and adjoining states. I realize you can only appreciate The Cabo Riviera project covers the value of this resort when you over 2 miles of gorgeous white sand see it first hand. Many say this is beach that is safe for swimming for how it used to be in San José, and all ages. You could actually walk the relaxed lifestyle surrounded by out 30 feet on sandy bottom and gorgeous weather and lovely seas still have the water just chest high. makes this developing East Cape The vision being executed for Cabo resort another jewel in Baja Sur. Riviera is to be a Nautical Colonial-


Los Barriles Noelia Coronel Todos Santos Vivianne Jauregui Cabo San Lucas McDonalds Luke Bocanegra Cabo San Lucas Office Depot Gina Inzunza Plaza Peninsula Applebee´s Edith Quintero

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