Happiness is a choice

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Happiness Is A Choice carlosbatista.go-online-today.com /happiness-is-a-choice/ Ever heard someone say,”…he/she is great, but I’m just not happy?” Or have you ever wondered why you just couldn’t seem to find happiness? Read on to learn how you can choose to be happy.

Choose To Be Happy

Happiness is something you have to “choose” to be. A person could have all the money in the world, and still be unable to acquire what it is they really want, and ultimately remain unhappy. A person could be surrounded by all their friends and loved ones, and still be lonely. And, a person could have to eat bugs to survive, in a cold, wet prison cell, and still be happy to eat those bugs, and happy to be alive. This person has gratefully accepted their surroundings, and has found some good or greater meaning in it, making the experience more pleasurable. This person chose to be happy with what they had, by being mindful of the moment, recognizing the potential it may have. Getting into the habit of being happy is easy. The first step is learning to appreciate your blessings, seeing the good or greater meaning of things. This requires that you become more aware of your five senses. How else could the smell of freshly baked cookies cheer up your woefully dreary day? How else could the faint sound of your sleeping child’s breathing ease you into your own peaceful resting state?

Use Your Senses We need to use our senses to become more aware of our surroundings, and accept them. It’s then that we can change our surroundings to become more pleasing to us. This could include some small, but significant changes, like placing candles by the bathtub, or buying a special lamp for your reading area. Scientific research suggests that colors play an important role in one’s moods. Light green and orange seem to make people feel happier, whereas red makes them feel hungry. Many people have been hiring interior decorators as part of their strategy for feeling better, as interior decorators have studied colors, patterns, layouts, etc., and they use these factors to create a comfortable living area, tailormade to your needs.


Just remember to research your interior designer, and be frugal. The positive effect that redesign brings, needn’t be boggled down by guilt from over-doing it. The idea is to do things that make you feel good. It won’t make you feel good if you overspend, or overindulge. But it will make you feel good if you shopped around, and you got the best deal, completely fitting all your needs. Again, awareness is the key to happiness. After you have become aware of yourself and surroundings, you can choose to be appreciative and happy.

Abundance Is A Feeling What do you mean it’s a feeling? First, one of the important things that we’ve come to learn with the Law of Attraction is that we can duplicate feelings. In other words, just through the words I use I can stimulate somebody or discourage them. In short, we can create feelings within ourselves and within others by what we say and what we think. Abundance is a feeling. Do you ever notice how excited you feel when you know you have a check coming or when you know you’re getting an income tax refund? The excitement you’re experiencing is the feeling of abundance. We feel abundant knowing that it’s coming, even before we put it in the bank. So a question to ask is, “Do I feel abundant knowing that I’m receiving some money or do I feel abundant only when I put it in my bank account?” For most people, they feel abundant knowing that it’s coming. It has nothing to do with whether that have it or not. So because abundance is a feeling, and the Law of Attraction responds to feelings (vibrations), what if we were able to duplicate the vibration of abundance deliberately? (This is what’s called Deliberate Attraction). We’ve come to understand that this powerful force called the Law of Attraction is constantly checking to find a vibration that we’re sending and duplicates it by giving us more of the same. So what if when the Law of Attraction is checking at every moment, that in that moment, we are offering the vibration of abundance? Given the formula, the Law of Attraction would duplicate that vibration and bring us more of the same. That’s why it’s called the Law.


How do you attract more abundance? The Law of Attraction does not care why you are offering a vibration. In other words, it does not care whether you are remembering, pretending, complaining, creating, day-dreaming or observing your reality. It obediently duplicates that vibration. So ideally, we would find something that makes us feel abundant and include it more often in our daily vibration. There are a number of tools that people can use to duplicate the vibration of abundance. I’ll give you one of them today. How do you record abundance in your own life? On my fridge, I have 2 pound winning lottery ticket. So I can clearly and truthfully say I won the lottery. I’m a winner. You know when people buy those lottery scratch tickets? Most would celebrate the win for 21 seconds. So for 21 seconds, you are offering the vibration of abundance by saying things like, “Hey I just won 2 pounds! I love it when I win scratch tickets!” And after the short offering of abundance vibration, most people cash the ticket in again and again until they lose. And now they catch themselves saying, “I just wasted money on this lottery again. I only ever win 2 dollars. Easy come, easy go.” Now they’re in a place of offering a negative vibration. So here’s how to take advantage of the 2 pound winning lottery ticket. Don’t cash it. Keep it in your wallet. Put it on your fridge. And as you look at it each time, it will be a brief reminder that you won 2 pounds. Now you can tell yourself, I won the lottery! I won money this week! And now, for more than 21 seconds, you are offering the vibration of abundance over and over and over again. Your 2 pound winning lottery ticket is worth more to your vibration than the 2 pounds. How would you like to use your new found happiness and use that positive vibration to build a life and business you love? Follow this link to discover professional, proven resources that can help you build a life of your dreams.




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