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Letter from the President and CEO
2020 was a challenging year of unprecedented events. As we step into 2021, it is a time to look forward at what the future may bring. It is a new year. A time for renewal. A time to start again … in all things. Your health. Your wellness. Your everyday lifestyle.
Network Health remains dedicated to creating healthy and strong Wisconsin communities, and our resolve to do so has only strengthened. This new year presents us with the opportunity to embrace our Hometown Advantage™. To embrace our community, our friends, our family. I am talking about you, our members. The small-business owner. The parent. The husband. The wife. The fellow Wisconsinite.
Network Health is dedicated and determined to go above and beyond and to continue to move forward. Just like you and just like Hannah Neylon in our feature story in this issue of Balance. Along with her story, you will find resources to guide your future health care decisions and awareness. Inside these pages are a variety of information, tips and valuable articles I believe you will find informative.
Thank you for being a Network Health member and for providing us the opportunity to share our Hometown Advantage with you.
Wishing you a safe and healthy 2021.
Coreen Dicus-Johnson President and Chief Executive Officer