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Taking ADVANTAGE of Your MEMBER Portal
Our goal at Network Health is to make it easy for you to manage your health insurance. We work hard to ensure you understand and are comfortable with your insurance plan. That’s why we created the Network Health member portal. Visit login.networkhealth.com to sign up or log in to your existing Network Health account. Once there, you’ll have access to a variety of tools and information.
Mailing Preferences
Choose which information you want to receive in the mail and which information you want to receive via email. You can go paperless for some communications and receive emailed information. Or, if there are communications you’d rather receive as hard copies through the mail, you can select that preference. The choice is yours.
To select your preferences, simply log in to the portal, click your name in the upper right corner and select Change . From there, you can choose email for any or all of the available categories. Make
Plan Information
the New Black Go Paperless
The member portal is your personalized online account where you can find information specific to your health insurance plan. It is a secure, password-protected account that keeps you well informed and provides plan information at your fingertips.
efits and coverage overview ut-of-pocket expenses tracker laims detail and status onthly explanation of benefit (EOB) statements ccess your mobile ID card (or request replacement hard copies) elect or update your personal doctor ecure messaging with our local member experience team nd more
More Resources
The member portal also provides seamless connections to other valuable ellness programs and tools* harmacy benefits and claims information* ommunication preferences irtual visits our health questionnaire
The portal works great on your mobile phone and is built to be viewed on any device at any time. That means you have access to your important insurance information wherever you go—the pharmacy, doctor’s office or even on vacation. Just visit login.networkhealth.com.
*Not all Network Health plans have a wellness program or pharmacy benefit. Your portal will show information specific to you and your plan.