Taste your brand.


This is the place where advertisers wishes and dreams come true all year round. Like in a wonderland or a land of ‘‘milk and honey“, you‘ll find plenty of extraordinary ideas for your campaignsno matter what time of year. Because we believe, that a tasteful advertising stays in your mind longer than any logical explanation.
Obviously, good taste has to be resembeled by the packaging itself, too. Since ‘‘food that’s beautiful to look at tastes better than food that isn’t“.
W ith us you have both: Delicious advertising material that excites your customers‘ taste buds and packaging in your individual design. This is a reality in which all senses make a brand.
And if something doesn‘t exist yet, we simply invent it - always according to the motto:
Pack your brand. Taste your brand.
The Forest Stewardship Council® is an international nongovernmental organization that promotes an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. We are committed to comply with the FSC core labor standards (derived from the ILO core labor standards) according to the set standard by FSC. Keep an eye out for our FSC-certified products.
Visit ww.fsc.org to learn more
The independently controlled Fairtrade seal stands for fair traiding and the empowerment of small farmers and workers in the producing countries. Fairtrade promotes better working and living conditions, as well as environment and climate protection.
Rainforest Alliance
The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organisation, which works at the interface of trading, agriculture and forestry. Our passion is to create a better future for people and nature, where responsible business practices are understood as the norm.
Ritter SPORT – Our cocoa
Ritter SPORT exclusively sources certified sustainable cocoa.
Lindt – Cocoa program
With it´s Farming Program, Lindt & Sprüngli stand up for an improvement in living conditions of cocoa farmers and for the preservation of the environment.
100% climate neutral
Emissions we aren‘t able to prevent, are being calculated based on internationally approved standards and leveled out by chosen climate protection projects, to set our company up completely climate neutral. We currently support a project in Rimba Raya on Borneo. The tropical swamp forest is one of the natural for orangutans. The independent organisation ClimatePartner certifies our carbon footprint.
To learn more, visit www.climatepartner.com with our number 13255-1904-1001.
Packed in Germany
Almost all our products are produced and packed at our production and packaging site in Arnstadt. Even our filling goods have highest standards from Germany and Europe.
100% recyclable plastic
The plastics we use for our products are 100% recyclable.
98% recycleable tinplate
Our tin cans are 98% recyclable, this saves energy, resources and emissions.
Bee happy
Since September 2019, two bee colonies with over 80.000 bees have been buzzing on the company roof. Our bee project is a valuable contribution towards the preservation of the local honeybee – and provides us with our own honey.
100% carton
Many of our products are made of cardboard that is 100% recyclable, and we are continuing to extend this proportion of the packaging.
Most of our advent calenders are packed with inlays, that are made completely out of compostable materials. The fossil-oil-free deep-drawing-products are completly decomposed by natural microorganisms in the environment. This sustainable advert-surprise will not only delight your customers, but especially all of the animaland plant world.
This product supports a nearBees beeprotection project.
We work in Germany - from idea to packaging!
Good working conditions and fair wages are a big matter for us, of course. Clever packaging, for various kinds of products, is produced in our own printing and packaging facility. Products are designed, printed, processed and packed directly in-house, with our know-how and according to your individual taste.
No matter whether the fabrication is done by hand or by machine, with us everything will be done under one roof.
We are very proud of that - and also of our long-standing cooperation partners in Germany.
For example, for many years now, we are actively supported in production of our promotional items, by workshops for people with disabilities.
Because inclusion also is a matter of our hearts.
Promotions, product samples or pilot runs packed attractively and conviniently yes we can! Sustainable packaging, unusual sampling campaign or an outstanding haptic experience - we realise your packaging wishes. Because implementing clever, sustainable and successful ideas is our specialty! Customised, reliable in the highest of qualities.
Starting with the first idea, up until shipping. Your product is the star. Our packaging solution is the red carpet, that puts your product in the right light. Alongside all the glamour we take care, that your product, from small to big product run, is reliably manufactured and shipped-with pleasure also distributing or as a single shipping.
Whether it‘s gluing, folding, punching, banding, imprinting or repacking - we make sure, that your product and the packaging casing it, alsways make for a great impression.
Whether it‘s a fully automated manufacturing or manual handcraft, we provide the best solution for your product in the smallest to big production runs.
made from 100% saved chocolate
This includes many tons of high-quality chocolate. As with every change of type in chocolate production, hundreds of kilograms of chocolate are lost.
If production is switched from milk chocolate to dark chocolate, for example, several hundred kilogrammes of so-called ‘‘batch separation mass“ are produced, consisting of dark and milk chocolate. These usually remain unused and are even disposed of unused. And much worse: together with the chocolate itself, all the resources expended are also thrown away. After all, a single kilogram of cocoa alone requires up to 20,000 liters of water during production.
Chocolate packed in compostable foil
RETTERGUT‘s mission starts exactly there, where others have given up - saving food with a meaning! The Berlin startup is trying with passioned heart and soul to save food with more sustainability, appreciation and against its waste. With part of its proceeds, the brand also supports projects of other rescuers and valuers in the areas of nutrition, environment and health.
Promotes sustainable projects
Due to the increasing variety of chocolate types on the market, more and more type changes are necessary, that results in more and more mixed chocolate. This high-quality chocolate mix of different chocolate types uses RETTERGUT to produce big and small tenderly melting mix chocolate, the finest Santa Clauses and Easter bunnies and many other delicious treats. And all this CO2 -neutral with certified cocoa, fairly produced in Germany and packaged compostable. And we go one step further: We give a sustainable and individual packaging sleeve to this delicious chocolate. So your advertising and you become food savers - nothing gets better than that!
Zonama food - as a fan of fruity and of course healthy snacks - sees resonsibility for themselves to act towards a positiv future. This Startup from Hannover supports different charity projects with each sale of its products, trying to give something back to our environment. This is a promise and Zonama takes it as serious as a Zebra takes it´s stripes.
This startup wants to give something back to our planet and recognizes the protection of mother nature as a base for our products. Therefore Zonama Food plants a tree for every tenth sold product. Together with Eden Projects – a renowned reforestation network, the brand has already planted 12.167 trees where they help people and nature.
Eden Reforestation Projects is a Non-Profit-USOrganisation, which is comitted to global reforestation. As of today more than 250 million trees have been planted in countries like Ethopia, Madagascar, Nepal, Haiti, Indonesia and Mozambique. In this way the project does not only make an immense contribution to the environment, but also creates new jobs for the locals.
There is nothing more refreshing in summer than a delicious fruit preparation „ready to freeze“. It includes only natural sweetness and a big portion of sustainability.
Take a bite & feel the wild
Practical vitamin- & engerybooster to go, found in three fruity delicious flavors: cacao orange, cashew crush and cherry tart.
Zonama Food is sure that high impact food does not need industrial sugar or other additives/ingredients. Only high quality, vegan and gluten- and lactosefree ingredients end up in the bars. Thanks to the gentle raw-food-process, all valuable nutrients are retained.
We are with you throughout the year! Not only Easter and Christmas are occasions to promote your products. Whether a summer festival, Grand Opening, trade fair, company anniversary or just to thank your customers - with us, you‘ll have the most delicious products for your event.
Saving your customers Easter in spring with Easter bunnies and chocolate eggs made of the finest mixed chocolate from Rettergut.
Delicious ice cream, drinks and fresh, fruity snacks will refresh your customers during summer
For the energy kick in autumn we recommend our delicious bars made out of sustainable and healthy nutrients. And in winter, you can end the advertising year with 24 little doors, gingerbread and mulled wine candies.
You didn‘t find what you were looking for? If so, give us a call! Together, we are going to establish new and cool ideas for you.
The anti-stress programm for your advertising plan: select brandquality chocolate, peppermint or fruit jelly gums from our express product range at your leisure. Ready for dispatch in just 6-10 working days, these products allow you to
surprise your customers with a delicious giveaway, that is designed by you, with your individual advertising message. Perfect for spontaneous ideas and events at a short notice.
»We do not have too little time. It‘s too much time that we are misusing.«
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Order quantity 1.800, 3.000, 5.400 or 10.200 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 7 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 600 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 6-10 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Order quantity 5 40, 1.080, 2.700 or 5.400 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture from the varieties strawberry, orange, pineapple and lemon, 6,5 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 85 x 55 x 9 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard; bag made of transparent foil with a standard design, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 540 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 6-10 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Order quantity 6 30, 1.260, 2.520 or 5.040 pieces
Contents Ritter SPORT Chocolates Bites (only unmixed), 5 g Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 85 x 55 x 9 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 630 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 6-10 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Order quantity 5 00 or 1.000 pieces
Contents Ritter SPORT Mini chocolate variety fine milk chocolate, 16,5 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 57 x 50 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper banderole, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 6-10 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
small & handy with big EFFECT
Tamper-evident safety seal with perforation for easy tear-off
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Order quantity 312 pieces
Contents P feffi sugar free peppermint pastilles, 19 g
Shelf life 18 months
Format A pprox. 60 x 50 x 18 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin made out of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 156 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 6-10 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
Show your customers and business partners that protecting the environment and the climate is important t o you: opt for sustainable advertising ideas.
We are constantly developing new sustainable packaging
solutions such as our biodegradable cereal cups, tearresistant kraft paper or recyclable composite cans. With c omplete freedom for your individual printing desire.
»To achieve the impossible, you can only succeed if you think it is possible.«
Honey is extremely delicious and a valuable foodstuff, but it gets even better: when you purchase a honey bee product, you are supporting a nearBees bee protection project. As pollinators, the hard-working producers of the
golden treat see to flourishing landscapes and bountiful harvests, as well as the future preservation of fauna and flora. This attracts honey fans and many people who value the small, gold-striped insects.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 506 pieces
Contents I ncluded in base price:
Unwrapped honeybee sweets with regional quality honey by nearBees, 50 g; Herbal mix sweets, 50 g or fruit mix sweets, 50 g For an additional charge: Mentos chewy candy in fruit or mint, 50 g; Mentos Gum peppermint sugar free, 45 g;
2 Zonama Zebra Bar Minis, 18 g; M&M‘s Peanuts, 50 g or 2 Lindor milk balls by Lindt, 25 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; Mentos chewy candy: 12 months; Mentos Gum: 12 months; Zonama: 5 months; M&M‘s Peanuts: 4 months; Lindt: 6 months
Format H eight approx. 50 mm, Ø approx. 50 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper can made from biodegradable kraft paper; paper label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 46 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Honeybee sweets
Herbal mix sweets
Mentos chewy candy Mentos
Strawberry Lemon Orange Gum peppermint sugar free Mint
Zonama Zebra Bar Mini
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 506 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Unwrapped honeybee sweets with regional quality honey by nearBees, 120 g; Herbal mix sweets, 120 g or fruit mix sweets, 120 g For an additional charge: Mentos chewy candy in fruit or mint, 130 g; Mentos Gum peppermint sugar free, 120 g;
6 Zonama Zebra Bar Minis, 55 g; M&M‘s Peanuts, 120 g;
4 Lindor milk balls by Lindt, 50 g;
6 Ritter SPORT chocolate cube, mixed, 48 g or 12 Sarotti chocolate bars, 55 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; Mentos chewy candy: 12 months;
Mentos Gum: 12 months; Zonama: 5 months;
M&M‘s Peanuts: 4 months; Lindt: 6 months; Ritter SPORT: 6 months; Sarotti: 4 months
Format H eight approx. 100 mm, Ø approx. 50 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper can made from biodegradable kraft paper; paper label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 23 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Honeybee sweets Herb mixture sweets
Strawberry Lemon Orange Gum
peppermint sugar free
Minimum order S tarting at 510 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Unwrapped honeybee sweets with regional quality honey by nearBees, 200 g For an additional charge: Mentos chewy candy in fruit or mint, 220 g; Mentos Gum peppermint sugar free, 200 g; 10 Ritter SPORT chocolate cube, mixed, 80 g; M&M‘s Peanuts, 150 g or 40 pieces Sadex dextrose, 102 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; Mentos chewy candy: 12 months; Mentos Gum: 12 month M&M‘s Peanuts: 4 months; Ritter SPORT: 6 months; Sadex 6 months
Format H eight approx. 100 mm, Ø approx. 70 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper can made from biodegradable kraft paper; paper label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 15 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sadex dextrose
Raspberry Orange Lemon
Mentos chewy candy
Strawberry Lemon Orange Gum
peppermint sugar free
An excellent combination: A biodegradable paper can with delicious honeybee sweets made from nearBees honey.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 540 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Trolli fruit juice jelly bears with 10% fruit content, colourful mixture, 6,5 g or Mentos chewy candy single in the variety mint, 2,6 g For an additional charge: Extra Professional White gum, sugar free, 14 g (minimum order 2.160 pieces)
Shelf life Team Jelly Bears: 6 months; Mentos: 12 months; Gum: 4 months
Format A pprox. 85 x 55 x 9 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 540 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Promotion card in the classic business card format
Filling options
Mentos chewy candy
Also for Easter or Christmas:
Highest attention for your business card
Perforation for easy tear-off
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 630 pieces
Contents Ritter SPORT chocolate bites (only unmixed), 5 g or Riegelein chocolate heart from fine milk chocolate from Fairtrade certified cocoa (Fairtrade cocoa with quantity compensation: Info.fairtrade.net/sourcing)
Shelf life 9 months
Format A pprox. 85 x 55 x 9 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 630 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites
Alpine Milk Almond Cornflakes
Perforation for easy tear-off
10 mm Spine
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 600 pieces
Contents Ritter SPORT Mini chocolate bars (only unmixed), 16,5 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 95 x 10 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 300 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Promotion card made of cardboard, FSC-certified carton
Filling options
Ritter SPORT mini
Nougat Fine Milk Chocolate Marzipan Hazelnut
Long....see page 40
10 mm spine
Ideal size for gift cards
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 700 Pieces
Contents Trolli fruit juice jelly bears with 30% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 10 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 95 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified
Delivery packing
Delivery time
„Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Classic give-away in a new appearence
Fruit juice quality exquisite with 30% fruit juice content (only gummy bears)
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 450 pieces
Contents i ncluded in base price: Fruit Stripes in the varieties Apple, Apple Sour, Strawberry and Cherry Sour; only unmixed, 7.5 g For an additional charge: Meßmer tea bag in the varieties Classic, Green Tea, Energy, Relaxation (only unmixed) or Just Spices bread spice mix, 5 g
Shelf life Fruit Stripes: 12 months; Meßmer: 12 months; Just Spices: 4 months
Format A pprox. 95 x 80 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Energy GingerElderflower Meßmer Green Tea Gentle-Awakener Relaxation Rooibos-MelissaRoseflower-oil Classic Finely-Aromatic Apple Strawberry Apple sour Cherry sour Filling optionsLot‘s of space for information about your product samples
14 mm spine
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 500 pieces
Contents L indt HELLO mini Stick milk chocolate in various fillings, colourful mixture, 10 g; LEIBNITZ Pick Up Mini Choco with a milk chocolate bar in cookie sandwich, 10 g or Zonama Zebra Bar Mini bar of fruits and nuts in the varieties Cherry Tart, Cacao + Orange and Cashew Crush, mixed, 9,5 g
Shelf life L indt Hello: 9 months; Pick Up: 5 months; Zonama: 5 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 95 x 14 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
A sweet treat for your guests
Filling options
Salted Caramel
Crunchy Nugat
Strawberry Cheesecake
Cookies & Cream
Cacao & Orange
Cashew Crush Cherry Tart
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 240 pieces
Contents Z onama Zebra ice cream with real fruits to freeze yourself in the varieties mango & passion fruit or guava & strawberry, 50 g
Shelf life 2 months
Format A pprox. 100 x 170 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing O nly available as pallet shipping
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
ready to freeze
show us what you have we‘ll put it on a Promotion card!
everything has to be edible
Upon request we take care of the entire organization and handling for you – from sourcing your content, it´s acquisition, covering the packaging up to making sure of a reliable and on schedule delivery. We are happy to help you with our performance- and service spectrum.
Obtain a non-binding offer
Start of our Co-Opertion
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 266 pieces (vehicles) Starting at 270 pieces (house)
Contents Inc luded in base price: Mentos chewy candy single in the variety mint, 36,5 g For an additional charge: 12 Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 60 g; Lorenz nut-fruit mix with cranberries or yoghurt pops, 40 g; Lorenz Nic Nac‘s peanuts in crispy coating, 35 g; 4 Lindor milk balls by Lindt, 50 g or 4 Zonama Zebra Bar Minis, 38 g
Shelf life M entos: 12 months; Ritter SPORT: 6 months; Nut-fruit mix: 5 months; Nic Nac‘s: 4 months; Lindt: 6 months; Zonama: 5 months
Format A pprox. 150 x 80 x 53 mm (vehicles)
Approx. 130 x 84 x 53 mm (house)
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Packaging made from white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing c artons containing 38 pieces, 4 cartons per each shipping carton (vehicles) cartons containing 30 pieces, 4 cartons per each shipping carton (house)
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites
Mentos chewy candy
Nut-fruit mix
Day Dreamer
100% carton
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 240 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: 20 Sadex dextrose sweets, 50 g or 15 Mentos chewy candy single in the variety mint, 42 g For an additional charge: 16 mini Sarotti chocolate bars in 4 different flavours, mixed, 73 g; 6 Ritter SPORT chocolate cubes, mixed, 48 g; 16 Rettergut chocolate bars, 48 g or 6 Zonama Zebra Bar Minis, 57 g
Shelf life S adex: 6 months; Mentos: 12 months; Sarotti: 3 months; Ritter SPORT: 6 months; Rettergut: 6 months; Zonama: 5 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 80 x 80 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ox made of white, FSC-certified card board
Delivery packing C artons containing 120 pieces, product carton is shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Sadex dextrose
Raspberry Orange Lemon
Zonama Zebra Bar Mini
Cacao & Orange Cashew Crush Cherry Tart
Ritter SPORT chocolate cube
Mentos chewy candy
Sarotti chocolate bars
Whole milk
Dark chocolate Hazelnut
Mixed chocolate
100% carton
Easily pushed opened and closed
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 250 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: 13 Sadex dextrose sweets, 33 g or 10 Mentos chewy candy single in the variety mint, 28 g For an additional charge: 6 Mentos Mini chewy candy in the flavours mint or fruit mix (green apple, orange, lemon, strawberrymixed), 63 g, 13 Rettergut chocolate bars, 39 g or 3 Zonama Bar Mini, 28,5 g
Shelf life S adex: 6 months; Zonama: 5 months; Mentos mini: 6 months; Mentos chewy candy single: 12 months; Rettergut: 6 months
Format A pprox. 64,5 x 65 x 34,5 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Slipcase made of white, FSC-certified carton
Delivery packing C artons containing 70 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page
„Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Sadex dextrose
Mentos Mini
Mixed chocolate
Mentos chewy candy
Big fun, lots of anticiapation and simple and pure exitement - whether having an anniversary, festival, project-finish line, shop-opening, product launch or biggest trade fair event of the year. We do celebrate each of your events like X-Mas! Because there are thousands of good reasons to celebrate a countdown, and if not - we will find one. What a fun - 3, 2, 1 - it is done!
traditional get‘s even better
How to succeed and get a homerun
24 doors until the Big Day
for all crazy people loving advent calendars during the year
real eye-chatcher
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 330 pieces
Contents 24 Brandt crunchy balls with a crispy whole wheat core, coated in finest milk chocolate, 21 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 140 x 125 x 16 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box with compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 66 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Highest quality of print and foodsuff compliant packaging as per stated quality- and hygiene guidelines - that‘s the attention, we like to satisfy you with. Alongside high-quality printing on white and transparent foil, we also provide joining machine-made packaging of foodstuffs in different sizes, and all that from a single source. With a lot of experience in the foodstuff and promotional item branch, we would be happy to work on your project.
Transparent or white foil?
That‘s your decision, and we‘ll be happy to help you. The print result will absolutely be a highlight.
Our compostable foils make it sustainable. Whether transparent Flowpack or 4-colour printed foil packaging: your product is in the spotlight with it.
The Co-Packing story continues on page 94.
Fruit jelly gums are highly effective promotional products, as they address deeply rooted feelings. The combination of fruity and sweet flavours even has an impact on children. We provide a wide variety of fruit at top brand quality, with
a high fruitjuice content, in many different shapes and special shapes or sustainably packed in compostable foil. Take advantage of the various possibilities for your customised advertising.
Sparkassen „S“ Smile Heart
Garden compostable: the biodegradable foil made from renewable raw materials becomes a fertiliser for plants
The wood fibres for the compostable foil come from certified sustainable sources
We are developing innovative packaging that optimally supports your advertising objectives and is as environmentally and climate friendly as possible. Best example: our compostable foils made from renewable raw materials protect all the contents perfectly and can be printed individually.
7 g
Low price per contact
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.800 pieces
Contents B asic fruit jelly bears, colourful mixture, 7 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 600 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.800 pieces
Contents Trolli vegan jelly bears with 14% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 12 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.800 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly bears with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 7 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 600 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.800 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 10 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.750 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 15 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 350 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.800 pieces
Contents Trolli fruit juice jelly bears with 30% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 10 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
10 g 15 g
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.750 pieces
Contents Trolli fruit juice jelly bears with 30% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 15 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 350 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.500 pieces
Contents Trolli fruit juice jelly bears with 30% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 15 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 65 x 70 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Tetrahedron made of white or transparent foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Fruit juice quality exquisite with 30% fruit juice content (only gummy bears)
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.750 pieces
Contents Fruit juice quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with pieces of fruit and 10 vitamins, peach flavoured, 15 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 105 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 350 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.500 pieces
Contents Fruit juice quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with pieces of fruit and 10 vitamins, peach flavoured, 15 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 65 x 70 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Tetrahedron made of white or transparent foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.500 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 15 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 65 x 70 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Tetrahedron made of white or transparent foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.500 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 50 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 120 x 145 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.500 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture, 12 g Customised colours/flavours available in quantities of 50.000 or more, upon request
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 120 x 45 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Flowpack made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 7 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.500 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture of the varieties strawberry, orange, pineapple, lemon, 6,5 g Customised colours/flavours available in quantities of 50.000 or more, upon request
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 45 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Flowpack made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 7 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.800 pieces
Contents Skittles candy, colourful mixture, 10 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 9 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 4 cartons per each shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 35.100 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with special shapes with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture (green, red, orange, yellow), 10 g
Fruit jelly gum size: max. 15 x 15 mm
Customised shapes with exquisite fruit juice quality available upon request
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time A pprox. 6-8 weeks after approval of the printing copies and the shape. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 23.100 pieces
Contents P remium quality Trolli fruit jelly gums with special shapes with 10% fruit juice content, colourful mixture (green, red, orange, yellow), 15 g
Fruit jelly gum size: max. 20 x 20 mm
Customised shapes with exquisite fruit juice quality available upon request
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 350 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time A pprox. 6-8 weeks after approval of the printing copies and the shape. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
You deliver the product/motif/logo
We create a drawing for the mould a stamp is created
the finished jelly gums in the desired shape
Whether it‘s jam out of a tube, cool mocktails and delicious fruit puree to bite into, or chewy candies ranging from fruit to mint flavour, they all have one thing in common: they provide an extra fruit- and freshness kick to all situations.
That’s how these promotional items are guaranteed to become your customers‘and business partners‘ favourite. Discover the variety of our assortment of fruity-cool promotional ideas. Among them are also vegan treats, because even the nutrition-conscious like it fruity-fresh.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 252 pieces
Contents 3 mocktail water-ice from the „24 ICE“ brand, two in the variety Mojito and one in Strawberry Daiquiry, non-alcoholic Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 45 x 221,5 x 44 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion packaging made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 21 pieces, 5 carton per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Contents Z onama Zebra ice cream with real fruits to freeze yourself in the varieties mango & passion fruit or guava & strawberry, 50 g
Shelf life 2 months
Format A pprox. 100 x 170 x 10 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing onl y available as pallet shipping
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 540 pieces
Contents Inc luded in the base price: Mentos chewy candy single in the flavour mint 2,6 g For an additional charge: Extra Professional White gum, 14 g (minimum order 2.160 pieces)
Shelf life E xtra Professional: 4 months, Mentos: 12 months
Format A pprox. 85 x 55 x 9 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 540 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Mentos chewy candy
Do you like paper packaging?
Our Slim Box with „Japanese Mint“ is found on page 81
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 450 pieces
Contents Fruit Stripes in the varieties Apple, Apple Sour, Strawberry and Cherry Sour; only unmixed, 7,5 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 95 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Apple Filling options Strawberry Apple sour Cherry sourPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 252 pieces
Contents Marmetube fruit spread from the tube in the variety strawberry with 66% fruit content, 220 g Other varieties on request
Shelf life 4 months
Format A pprox. 45 x 221,5 x 44 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion packaging made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 21 pieces, 5 carton per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
66% fruit content
Seller TOP
Card in Advertising Medium
freely designable
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 500 pieces
Contents M entos Mini chewy candy in the flavours fruit mix or mint (green apple, orange, lemon, strawberrymixed), 10,5 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 118 x 64 x 18 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Transparent compostable foil; promotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Compostable foil
Probably the smallest sweet in the world, lollies, chewy sweets, filled or vegan sweets – your advertising options are as varied as our product range. For any occasion and all year round. At trade fairs, as
promotional items or as mailings. Convincing due to their “Made in Germany” quality and assured of success due to creative ideas.
»It is impossible –only if you don‘t believe in it.«LEWIS CAROLL - ALICE‘S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 50 kg per each flavour
Contents Sweets, unfilled, in 9 delicious flavours
Shelf life 24 months; Multivitamin: 18 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 20 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material C ompostable foil wrapper, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 4 bags of 6,25 kg each, product carton is shipping carton 50 kg = approx. 10.500 sweets
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
In 9 delicious flavours
Filling options vegan
Lemon with Vitamin C
Ice Crystal
Filling options not vegan
Solvens (eucalyptus menthol)
Raspberry Liquorice
Sweet wrapper four-colour printable
With tasty chocolate inside
white wrapper
how to portray your logo
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 50 kg
Contents Mint sweets, filled with tasty chocolate
Shelf life 24 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 20 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material C ompostable foil wrapper, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 4 bags of 6,25 kg each, product carton is shipping carton 50 kg = approx. 10.000 sweets
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
white wrapper-ends
all-over print
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 50 kg
Contents O ne Sweet, fruit mixture
Shelf life 24 months
Format A pprox. 55 x 27 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Flowpack made of white foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 6,25 kg, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 50 kg
Contents O ne heart-shaped sweet with cherry flavour
Shelf life 24 months
Format A pprox. 55 x 27 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Flowpack made of white foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 6,25 kg, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 240 pieces
Contents Micro sweets, 30 g
Shelf life 24 months
Format A pprox. 55 mm, volume Approx. 50 ml Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Sweet jar; plastic screw lid; paper label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 120 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Japanese mint
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 240 pieces
Contents Micro sweets, 30 g
Shelf life 24 months
Fruit mix vegan
Format A pprox. 55 mm, volume Approx. 50 ml Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Sweet jar; plastic screw lid; doming label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 120 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 960 pieces
Contents B all-shaped Chupa Chups lolly, 12 g Varieties are always mixed
Shelf life 18 months
Format A pprox. 27 x 31 x 27 mm, total length approx. 95 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard promotion box, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 240 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Content Chupa Chups
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 480 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Micro Sweets, 10 g
For an additional charge: Skittles candy, 12 g or M&M`s chocolate drops, 12 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; Skittles candy: 12 months; M&M`s chocolate drops: 4 months
Format A pprox. 25 x 50 x 18 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ox made of white cardboard; freshness seal made of compostable foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 240 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 500 pieces
Contents I ncluded in base price: Micro Sweets, 25 g
For an additional charge: Skittles candy, 30 g or M&M´s chocolate drops, 30 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; Skittles candy: 12 months; M&M`s chocolate drops: 4 months
Format A pprox. 30 x 80 x 20 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ox made of white cardboard; freshness seal made of compostable foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.800 pieces
Contents A merican Style Jelly Beans, mixed colours, 10 g
Shelf life 12 months; compostable foil: 6 months
Format A pprox. 70 x 84 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ag made of white or transparent foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 280 pieces
Contents 9 handmade hard candies with included motifs: shamrock (apple), heart (strawberry) or thank you (apple), 40 g; only unmixed possible For Christmas: sweets with mulled wine taste (without alcohol), 80 g or 9 handmade caramels with 3 different cast-in christmas motifs, mixed, 40 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
On request also with individual motifs, honeybee sweets or herb mixture sweets
Shelf life M otif sweets: 6 months; mulled wine sweets: 24 months
Format A pprox. 60 x 40 x 115 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Clear foil bag; promotional tab made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 56 pieces, 10 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Individual designs on demand
Christmas hat
Christmas tree
also possible: unwrapped sweets in a stand-up pouch
Also with X-Mas motifs on p. 213 on demand
Different shapes and fillings, quality materials and extraordinary print finishes make the promotional boxes uniquely versatile.
And the best thing is: they are doubly sustainable. Because they are recyclable and can be reused. This means that your message makes a long lasting impression.
»Sometimes just one second means forever.«LEWIS CAROLL - ALICE‘S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND
Fruit Mix sweets
Caramel sweets
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 324 pieces
Contents N ostalgia sweets in the flavours caramel, fruit mix or mint (raspberry, lemon, orange), 135 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format H eight approx. 35 mm, Ø approx. 100 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin with slip lid made of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 36 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Mint sweets
Filling options
Caramel sweets Fruit Mix sweets
Mint sweets
Bottom part of the tin with freshness seal
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents Unwrapped sweets herb mixture, 50 g or unwrapped honeybee sweets, 50 g; the honeybee variety support the nearBees bee protection project
Shelf life 24 months
Format H eight approx. 25 mm, Ø approx. 75 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin with slip lid made of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Tamper-evident safety seal with perforation for easy tear-off
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 630 pieces
Contents Micro Sweets, 15 g; Pfeffi sugar free peppermint pastilles, 12 g or dextrose sugar squares with raspberry flavour, 12 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; peppermint: 18 months; dextrose sugar: 18 months
Format H eight approx. 17 mm, Ø approx. 45 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin made out of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral , Spray mist at the edge technically not 100% excludable.
Delivery packing C artons containing 210 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Tinplate to 98% recyclable
Filling options
Peppermint pastilles vegan, sugar free
Japanese Mint vegan
Fruit mix vegan
Dextrose sugar squares vegan
Tamper-evident safety seal with perforation for easy tear-off
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 480 pieces
Contents Micro Sweets, 19 g; Pfeffi sugar free peppermint pastilles, 19 g or dextrose sugar squares with raspberry flavour, 19 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; Peppermint: 18 months; Dextrose sugar: 18 months
Format H eight approx. 20 mm, Ø approx. 57 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite or blank tin made out of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral, Spray mist at the edge technically not 100% excludable.
Delivery packing C artons containing 240 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Peppermint pastilles vegan, sugar free
Japanese Mint vegan
Fruit mix
Standard colours
Dextrose sugar squares vegan
Can available in white or silver
Filling options
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 312 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Micro sweets, 19 g; Pfeffi sugar free peppermint pastilles, 19 g or dextrose sugar squares with raspberry flavour, 18 g
For an additional charge: Mentos chewy candy in mint or fruit (strawberry, orange, lemon, mixed), 25 g; Skittles candy, 22 g; sugar free Mentos chewing gum (peppermint), 22 g or M&M´s chocolate drops, 22 g
Shelf life Sweets: 36 months; peppermint pastilles: 18 months; dextrose sugar: 18 months; Skittles candy: 12 months; Mentos chewy candy: 12 months; Mentos gum: 12 months; M&M`s chocolate drops: 4 months
Format A pprox. 60 x 50 x 18 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite, matt-silver or blank tin out of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 156 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Japanese Mint vegan
Can with tamper-evident safety seal
Fruit mix vegan
Mentos chewy candy
Peppermintpastilles vegan, sugar free
Strawberry Lemon Orange Gum
peppermint sugar free Mint
Standard colours
Can available in white, matt-silver or blank
Can with tamper-evident safety seal
Filling options
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Micro sweets, 25 g; Pfeffi sugar free peppermint pastilles, 20 g; dextrose sugar squares with raspberry flavour, 20 g or Mentos chewy candy in mint or fruit (strawberry, orange, lemon, mixed), 25 g; For an additional charge: Skittles candy, 25 g or M+M´s chocolate drops, 25 g or Mentos chewy candy in mint or fruit (strawberry, orange, lemon, mixed), 25 g
Shelf life Sweets: 36 months; peppermint: 18 months; dextrose sugar: 18 months; Mentos chewy candy: 12 months; Skittles candy: 12 months; M&M`s chocolate drops: 4 months
Format A pprox. 55 x 55 x 18 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin made out of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 150 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Japanese Mint vegan
Fruit mix vegan
Mentos chewy candy
Peppermintpastilles vegan, sugar free
Dextrose sugar-squares vegan
Strawberry Lemon Orange Mint
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 270 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Micro sweets, 13 g; Pfeffi sugar free peppermint pastilles, 12 g or dextrose sugar squares with raspberry flavour, 14 g For an additional charge: Skittles candy, 18 g or M&M´s chocolate drops, 15 g
Shelf life Sweets: 24 months; peppermint: 18 months; dextrose sugar: 18 months; Skittles candy: 12 months; M&M´s chocolate drops: 4 months
Format A pprox. 35 x 80 x 13 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin made out of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 270 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Japanese Mint vegan
Fruit mix vegan
Peppermintpastilles vegan, sugar free
Dextrose sugar-squares vegan
Tinplate to 98% recyclable
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 504 pieces
Contents Sugar free minties (peppermint with stevia), approx. 17 pieces
Shelf life 18 months
Format A pprox. 51 x 26 x 6 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Blank tin out of 98% recyclable tinplate , climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 252 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sustainability plays a big part in our products. Starting with the material made from fast growing resources right up to a climate neutral production. Great, if the packaging is reused after it‘s initial use, e.g. as a nice pencil holder or safe-keeping box.
Your product is preciously packed in a can of 98% rycylable tinfoil with a customisable print - charisma and longevity guaranteed.
box variety
Advent calendars inlays made from 100% carton and big compartments for non-food items, too.
Inlay can be recycled or used as a planting bed for example.
Refresh your target group with our selection of drinks as an advertising medium. For example, with a refreshing drink that is not only invigorating, but also brings the necessary power into every marketing campaign.
Combine this power with your brand logo and a strong advertising message. This way, the promotional product will become an effective energy kick for your success.
»Water is the driving force of all nature.«
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 450 pieces
Contents M eßmer tea bag in the varieties Classic, Green Tea, Energy, Relaxation (only unmixed)
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 95 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboars, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 450 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
A WA RD 2012
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents O ne tea bag in nylon bag (only unmixed) Feel Relaxed - herbal tea, Passion - green tea, English Breakfast - black tea, Fruit Tea - raspberry flavoured
Shelf life 18 months
Format A pprox. 75 x 133 x 5 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Transparent four-sided sealed bag; teacup rider made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 500 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Herbal tea
Green tea
Deposit-free and resealable
Lid made of 40% sugar cane
Packaging is recyclable and the cardboard is FSC-certified
Natural organic mineral water from a depth of over 100 m deep
Gently and carefully bottled directly at the source
Landpark Bio Mineral Water combines naturalness and sustainability in a refreshing way. Obtained from a depth of more than 100 m, the water is gently filled into the deposit-free packaging directly at the organic spring and is more strictly controlled than ordinary drinking water. In the resealable and recyclable packaging made of FSC-certified cardboard, the low-sodium mineral water is the perfect companion for your everyday life.
Lid made of 40% sugar caner
Packaging is recyclable and the cardboard is FSC-certified
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 240 pieces
Contents L andpark natural, low-sodium, non-carbonated mineral water in the variety Naturelle, 0,5 l On request starting at 8.000 pieces in other flavours
Shelf life Naturelle: 12 months
Format A pprox. 60 x 160 x 50 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Recyclable tetrapack in promotion packaging made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 12 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
on demand in other flavours starting at 8.000 pieces
A chocolate gift conveys an immediate positive feelings immediately andactivates the reward centre in the brain at full power.The best way to attract and retain customers.
Use our wide variety of products, packaging and promotional items for this. Brand-quality mini chocolate bites, bars and fine pralines from controlled cultivation are guaranteed to suit the taste of your target group.
»To see, you must close your eyes and enjoy.«
» Give advertising donate a meal «
» Share your promotion «
The delicious Swiss chocolate from Share will not only bring a smile to the faces of those with a sweet tooth: The palm oil-free chocolate of the fairtrade praline variety also helps those in need from poorer regions. Because the Share 1+1 principle means that with every chocolate bar sold, a meal is donated to someone in need, making your everyday life twice as sweet.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 200 pieces
Contents Swiss milk chocolate praliné by share without palm oil, fair trade, 100 g Fundraising campaign: 1 meal per chocolate
Shelf life 4 months
Format A pprox.160 x 80 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified white cardboard slipcase, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 20 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
With every change of type in chocolate production, the machines are flushed with high-quality chocolate and thus cleaned. Hundreds of kilos of this actually high-quality chocolate are lost in the process! Rettergut has made it its business to save such food and produces a delicious mixed chocolate from these masses, which is produced climate neutral and packed sustainably.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 200 pieces
Contents Rettergut Mixed Chocolate, 80 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox.160 x 80 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Chocolate in compostable foil; FSC-certified white cardboard slipcase, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 20 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time
G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
German brand chocolate with Fairtrade-ingredients
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents A lpine whole milk chocolate of German brand chocolate, 10 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 56 x 36 x 6 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Transparent, compostable foil; white paper banderole, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 500 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents A lpine whole milk chocolate or bittersweet chocolate from Confiserie Heidel, 3 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 19 x 33 x 6 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Chocolate wrapping: aluminium-paper composite; white paper banderole, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 1.000 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping cartons
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents Alpine whole milk chocolate from Confiserie Heidel, 5 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 35 x 35 x 7 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Chocolate wrapping material: aluminium-paper composite; white paper banderole, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 1.000 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 500 pieces
Contents Ritter SPORT Mini, mixed or unmixed according to customer requirements (cartons each unmixed), 16,5 g Minimum per flavour: 250 pieces
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 57 x 50 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite paper bandarole, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Ritter SPORT
Nougat Yogurt
Marzipan Fine Milk Chocolate
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 200 pieces
Contents Ritter SPORT chocolate (only unmixed), 100 g Further flavours available on request for orders of 1.000 pieces and more
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 115 x 90 x 13 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified white cardboard slipcase, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents 6 Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 30 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 50 x 80 x 38 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard promotion packaging, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Content Cornflakes Alpine Milk Almond
Ritter SPORT
100% paper
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 288 pieces
Contents F our Lindor mini balls by Lindt made of whole milk chocolate, 50 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 155,6 x 50 x 50 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion slipcase made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 48 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
5 advertising surfaces
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 90 pieces
Contents 9 L indt Mini Pralinés, 44 g
Shelf life 4 months
Format A pprox. 100 x 100 x 25 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Advertising slipcase made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, optionally neutral, with rabbit ears or with tree to break out and put up, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 90 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Whole milk with brittle
Easter p. 148
X-Mas p. 201
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 500 pieces
Contents O ne Toblerone Milk Tiny - Swiss milk chocolate, 8 g or one Ritter SPORT chocolate cube, mixed, 8 g
Shelf life Toblerone: 3 months, Ritter SPORT: 6 months
Format A pprox. 118 x 64 x 18 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Transparent, compostable foil; promotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Ritter SPORT chocolate cube
Choco Crisp à la Mousse au Chocolat
Toblerone Milk Tiny
Whole Hazelnut in Praline Creme
Double Caramel
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 480 pieces
Contents Toblerone chocolate bar in the classic milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat variety, 35 g
Shelf life 3 months
Format A pprox. 142 x 30 x 30 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified white cardboard promotion slipcase, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 120 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 216 pieces
Contents Six chokolate soccer-balls made of milk chocolate in a colourful aluminium wrapper, 33 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 95 x 62 x 43 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Egg carton with sticker label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 72 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Delicious crispy pastries as snacks are always well received by your target groups. Vegan waffles, fortune cookies or chocolate biscuits are available for selection with brand power, a variety
of packaging and a lot of creative scope for your advertising. You can secure extra attention with the promotion card or the mini-cake in the original congratulatory box.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents F ortune cookie made of flour with a promotion message inside (white slip of paper 1-colour, printed individually), 6 g Slip of paper can be printed on both sides on request
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 97 x 66 x 35 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Transparent or white foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 200 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.000 pieces
Contents Two crispy Manner wafers filled with hazelnut cream, 15 g
Shelf life 5 months
Format A pprox. 95 x 50 x 15 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard promotion slipcase, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 200 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents Crispy Manner wafers filled with hazelnut cream, 75 g
Shelf life 5 months
Format A pprox. 100 x 85 x 15 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified white cardboard slipcase, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents B ahlsen Caroline Collection biscuit mix, 161 g
Shelf life 1 month
Format A pprox. 235 x 209,5 x 25 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion packaging made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate-neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 20 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 528 pieces
Contents B ahlsen butter cake, 27,5 g
Shelf life 3 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 60 x 30 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material C ake in plastic foil; Box made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 66 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Savoury nibbles are really trendy. Stand out from the competition and surprise your target groups with this savoury alternative to sweet promotional gifts. We provide a wide
range of branded products such as pretzels, crackers, nuts and trail mix. This also enables you to enhance your advertising stimuli, as people generally nibble on snacks in a social gathering.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents H uober mini salt pretzels, 9 g or snack mix, 10 g
Shelf life 6 months; compostable foil: 5 months
Format A pprox. 120 x 105 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite foil, compostable option, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 150 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 320 pieces
Contents Roasted and salted peanuts, 60 g; peanuts with honey and salt, 50 g; sweet roasted almonds and peanuts, 50 g; pretzel balls with honey and mustard, 25 g; spicy peanuts, 60 g or nut cocktail mix, 50 g
Shelf life 12 months
Format H eight approx. 66 mm, Ø approx. 54 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper label; tin made out of 98% recyclable tinplate, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 80 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Roasted and salted peanuts
Peanuts with honey and salt
Pretzl balls honey mustard Spicy peanuts
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents Ültje peanuts, roasted and salted, aroma-packed in a protective atmosphere, 15 g
Shelf life 4 months
Format A pprox. 65 x 70 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tetrahedron aroma-protection foil, climate neutral; transparent foil not available
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents Pittjes trail mix (peanuts, raisins, cashew nuts, hazelnuts), aroma-packed in a protective atmosphere, 15 g
Shelf life 4 months
Format A pprox. 65 x 70 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tetrahedron aroma-protection foil, climate neutral; transparent foil not available
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 3.000 pieces
Contents Roland Pretzl Balls aroma-packed in a protective atmosphere, 8 g
Shelf life 4 months
Format A pprox. 65 x 70 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tetrahedron aroma-protection foil, climate neutral; transparent foil not available
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
Crunchy energy bars and muesli, fruity apple cubes or precious vitamins in a sweet form: these allow you to give your customers an energy boost and advertising message at the same time. Use these extraordinary promotion products as an energy
boost for your business. You will make a special impression with the sustainable muesli cup made from biodegradable and renewable resources.
» Completely crazy. But that‘s what makes the best ideas!«
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 5.000 pieces
Contents D extrose sugar (square-shaped) with vitamin C, 5 g
Shelf life 18 months
Format A pprox. 55 x 35 x 6 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 1.000 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 2.500 pieces
Contents D extrose sugar with vitamin C (pharmacy quality), rectangle with breaking notch, 3 g
Shelf life 18 months
Format A pprox. 54 x 65 x 8 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard card; plastic stay-fresh blister, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 27 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
Print 4c-Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 500 pieces
Contents L orenz nut-fruit mix with cranberries or yoghurt pops, 40 g;
Shelf life 5 months
Format A pprox. 160 x 50 x 18 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified white cardboard promotion case, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4c-Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 250 pieces
Contents H andmade, vegan Oat Bar by Oat King in the varieties Pure or Chocolate Chip (only unmixed), 95 g Additional varieties available on request
Shelf life 5 months
Format A pprox. 90 x 48 x 25 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified white cardboard promotion case, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 50 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Wheter at work, at practise or while travelling - a fruity-healthy snack is always great. The idea of the young startup Zonama Food is to create an uncomplicated vitamin- & energy-booster to-go, that satisfies with natural sweetness and taste.
With the sale of Zebra products, the startup wants to support various aid projects to give back to our environment. Together with Eden Projects, one tree is planted for every 10 Zebra-products sold, somewhere, where it helps human beings and nature!
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 600 pieces
Contents Z onama Zebra Bar (raw fruit and nut bar) in the varieties Cacao & Orange, Cherry Tart and Cashew Crush, 35 g (only unmixed)
Shelf life 5 months
Format A pprox. 130 x 38 x 16 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion slipcase made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 200 pieces, 3 carton per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Gluten and lactose free
New: Customize your foil!
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 2.500 pieces
Contents Z onama Zebra Bar Mini (raw fruit and nut bar) in the varieties Cacao & Orange, Cherry Tart and Cashew Crush, 9,5 g (only unmixed)
Shelf life 5 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 45 x 20 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Vegan, raw
Main base ingredient: dates and cashews
10 Zebra Bars = 1 Tree
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 500 pieces
Contents Z onama Zebra Bar Mini bar of fruits and nuts in the varieties Cherry Tart, Cacao & Orange and Cashew Crush, mixed, 9,5 g
Shelf life 5 months
Format A pprox. 80 x 95 x 14 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Cacao & Orange Cashew Crush Cherry Tart
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 576 pieces
Contents Kölln chocolate oat-muesli, 40 g, (milk can be served into cup)
Shelf life 4 months
Format H eight approx. 65 mm, Ø approx. 92 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Biodegradable cup; promotion paper insert, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 96 pieces, product carton is shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 600 pieces
Contents C orny cereal bar (only unmixed), 25 g or 20 g
Shelf life 6 months
Format A pprox. 140 x 30 x 16 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard promotional case, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 200 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Free, 20 g (chocolate, reduced calorie)
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 1.000 pieces
Contents C ereal bar with premium corn, apple pieces and raisins, 25 g
Shelf life 4 months
Format A pprox. 140 x 30 x 15 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 200 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Easter is in in the wings: Soon it‘s the time of the year again. Sweet bunnies and coloured easter eggs are going to be booming again - and your advertising success will too, if you surprise your target group with original ideas and sympathetic
treats from top brands. And the best thing: You don‘t even have to search for it, because everything you need, you‘ll find here.
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 128 pieces
Contents Rettergut Mixed Chocolate bunny, 50 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 55 x 145 x 42 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B unny in compostable foil; FSC-certified cardboard box, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 32 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
bye waste of resources
made from 100 rescued chocolate packed in compostable foil promotes sustainable projects
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: Klett chocolate Easter bunny made of whole milk chocolate, 12,5 g For an additional charge: Rettergut Easter Bunny Mini from saved mix-chocolate, 12,5 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 37,5 x 62,5 x 22 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Easter bunny wrapped in foil; white, FSC-certified carton promotion box, climate neutral, individually printed
Delivery packing C artons containing 150 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Easter bunny bronze
Easter bunny Mini
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 216 pieces
Contents Six Klett chocolate Easter eggs made of the finest milk chocolate in a colourful aluminium wrapper, 37,5 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 95 x 62 x 43 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Egg carton; sticker label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 72 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Content Klett
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 216 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price:
Six Rettergut chocolate Easter eggs made of rescued mixed chocolate in one colour stanniol foil, in three different colours, 37,5 g
For an additional charge:
Six Lindt mini-eggs filled with milk cereals and milk hazelnut, 3 each, 50 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 95 x 62 x 43 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Egg carton; sticker label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 72 pieces, Rettergut: 5 cartons per shipping carton
Lindt: 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 90 pieces
Contents 7 L indt Lindor Mini eggs and a Lindt chocolate bunny, 42 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 100 x 100 x 25 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P raline box; promotion slipcase made of white, FSC-certrified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 90 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Also available with different fillings: All-season p. 114 X-Mas p. 201
Eears to fold out
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 506 pieces
Contents L indt chocolate Easter bunny made of fine alpine whole milk chocolate, 10 g and two Lindor mini Easter eggs made of milk chocolate, 4,6 g each Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format H eight approx. 50 mm, Ø approx. 50 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper can made of biodegradable kraft paper; paper label, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 46 pieces 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
2 x Lindor Mini Easter eggs 1 x Chocolate Easter bunny 10 g
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents L indt chocolate Easter bunny made of fine alpine whole milk chocolate, 10 g and four Lindor mini Easter eggs made of milk chocolate, 4,6 g each Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 50 x 80 x 38 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard promotion packaging, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
4 x Lindor Mini Easter eggs1 x Chocolate Easter bunny 10 g
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 360 pieces
Contents L indt chocolate Easter bunny made of fine alpine whole milk chocolate, 10 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 38 x 60 x 28 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard promotion packaging, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 180 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 92 pieces
Contents L indt chocolate Easter bunny made of fine apline whole milk chocolate, with little bell, 50 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 74 x 94 x 40 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite, FSC-certified cardboard promotion packaging, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 46 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents L indt chocolate Easter bunny made of fine alpine whole milk chocolate, 10 g and two Lindor mini Easter eggs made of milk chocolate, 4,6 g each Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format H eight approx. 25 mm, Ø approx. 75 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin with a snap-on lid made of 98% recyclable tinplate; display insert made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 108 pieces
Contents 4 K lett Easter eggs made from the finest milk chocolate in colourful aluminium foil, 24 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format H eight approx. 35 mm, Ø approx. 100 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin with a snap-on lid made of 98% recyclable tinplate; display insert made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 36 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 540 pieces
Contents C onfiserie Riegelein massive chocolate bunny made of premium milk chocolate with Fairtrade certified cocoa, 5 g Fairtrade cocoa with quantity compensation: Info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
The design of the Easter bunny can vary Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 55 x 85 x 9 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 540 pieces 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 330 pieces
Contents 24 Brandt brand crispy balls with a crunchy core of whole grain, coated with the finest milk chocolate, 21g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 140 x 125 x 16 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box with compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 66 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Standard design
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 266 pieces (vehicles)
Starting at 270 (house)
Contents 10 chocolate Easter eggs made of the finest milk chocolate in a colourful aluminium wrapper, 63 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 30.06.2023
Format A pprox. 150 x 80 x 53 mm (vehicles)
Approx. 130 x 84 x 53 mm (house)
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Packaging made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 38 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton (vehicles)
Cartons containing 30 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton (house)
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Other possible filling goods
Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites
Alpine Milk Almond Cornflakes
Easter S. 42 or on demand
Also available as a van with surcharge
Gingerbread, Stollen, Santa Claus etc. – everyone loves these tasty pre-christmas messengers. In original packaging and with an individual design, they will become the perfect
Christmas greeting for your sector. Whether it’s the energy sector, the automotive branch or the insurance industry, you will find the perfect gift here for every division, presented in a tasteful way.
The inlay of our advent calendar ECO XL consists of 100% fresh fiber.
100% recyclable in paper waste
100% paper
Zero Waste - composted in 6 weeks
Complete composting in the home compost
e.g. as a planting bed
100% renewable raw materials
Send us your product then! Together with your design we will create your very own calendar!
Until then we need your products and approval for printing - so that your calendars arrive in November.
Inlay with large compartments 70 x 40 x 30 mm
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 120 pieces
Format A pprox. 406 x 305 x 35 mm
Request for advertising space dimensions as imposition layout
Material FSC-certified solid cardboard cover, inlay made of 100% FSC-certified paper, climate-neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 12 pieces, product carton is shipping carton; no deviating special packaging or individual shipping possible
Delivery time
Until September 15th we need your products and the approval for printing – then you will receive your calendars in November
Filling options
Unlimited advertising space on the back
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 120 pieces
Contents I ncluded in base price: 24 Ritter SPORT chocolate cube mixes, 192 g For an additional charge: 24 Zebra Bar Minis, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, mixed flavours, 228 g; or 24 Lindor milk balls from the brand Lindt, 300 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 406 x 305 x 35 mm
Request for advertising space dimensions as imposition layout
Material FSC-certified solid cardboard cover, inlay made of 100% FSC-certified paper, climate-neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 12 pieces, product carton is shipping carton; no deviating special packaging or individual shipping possible
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Lindor Milk Ball Lindt Cacao & Orange Cashew Crush Cherry Tart Zonama Zebra Bar Mini 100% paper Choco Crisp à la Mousse au Chocolat Whole Hazelnut in Praline Creme Double Caramel Ritter SPORT chocolate cubePrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 330 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price:
24 Brandt whole wheat crunchy balls with crispy whole wheat core, coated in finest milk chocolate or Black & White, 21 g For an additional charge:
24 M&M‘s Crispy crunchy balls with crispy rice core in fine milk chocolate with colourful sugar coating, colourful mix, 24 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 140 x 125 x 16 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box with compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 66 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Back with integrated table stand
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents 24 mini Alpine milk chocolates with ingredients according to Fairtrade standards in German brand quality, 50 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 205 x 134 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box, climate neutral and 100% recyclable
Delivery packing C artons containing 50 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Covering page out of carton, 4-coloured print available
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents 24 Heidel mini alpine milk chocolates bites, 50 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox: 220 x 155 x 12 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cover sheet, climate neutral; deepdrawn part in cream-white
Delivery packing C artons containing 50 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Deep-draw piece in cream-white with practical stand to fold out
In order for people to be able to utilise all possibilities in their lives, even outside of our Wonderland, there is a need for future perspectives. For many years now, we put in effort to provide these perspectives, by being involved in helping to shape people‘s social environment. This begins, of course, with the youngest children. That‘s why we support the Albert Schweitzer Children‘s Village in Waldenburg with our annual fundraising campaign during the Christmas season and enable help at a place where it‘s urgently needed. And you contribute to this as well - because every euro donated results from a Classic Wall Advent Calendar purchased from us.
This is especially true when it comes to the issue of food waste. Because every year in Germany alone, around 12 million tones of food worth 20 billion euros end up being thrown away. In order to counteract this, we donate to the food bank several times a year – to help those who need it most urgently.
Classic wall advent calendar: A good deed every day. 24 times
The Share 1+1 principle: Each bar you buy equals another meal donated.
Because we live in a globalised world and believe that everything tastes even better when shared, our commitment does not end at Europe‘s borders – but continues here with the support of Share. Share is a brand that enables you to do good with every purchase of a bar of chocolate and automatically donates a meal to a person in need according to the 1+1 principle.
For every Classic Wall Advent Calendar sold, we donate a part of the proceeds to the Albert Schweitzer Kinderdorf and Familienwerke.
For many years, we have provided targeted support for the integration of people with disabilities into day-to-day work through our collaboration with workshops for disabled people.
As a result of our regular donations to food banks, we are actively taking action against the ever increasing food and, at the same time, helping people in need.
Shared tastes twice as good. That‘s why we also support Share chocolate products. Share is a brand that donates a meal to a person in need for every chocolate bar sold.
Every calendar donates!
Both vertical and horizontal format available
Friedel chocolate bites in christmas motifs
Design completely customisable
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents 24 Friedel mini milk chocolate bars, 70 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 244 x 345 x 10 mm (portrait format)
Approx. 345 x 244 x 10 mm (landscape format) Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box,climate neutral and 100% recyclable
Delivery packing C artons containing 25 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Back with integrated table stand and hole to hang up
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents I ncluded in base price: 24 mini Sarotti chocolate bars in 4 different flavours, mixed, 100 g
For an additional charge: 24 Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 120 g or 24 mini Lindt chocolate bars in finest milk chocolate in three festive colours, mixed, 124 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 210 x 210 x 14 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box with compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 50 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sarotti chocolate bars
Whole milk
Dark chocolate Hazelnut
Cornflakes Alpine Milk Almond Dark chocolate
Lindt mini chocolate bars
Milk chocolate
Inlay made from 80% recycled plastic and also 100% recyclable
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents I ncluded in base price:
24 Sarotti mini chocolate bars in four different flavours, mixed, 100 g
For an additional charge
24 Rettergut mini chocolate bars made from rescued chocolate, 72 g; or
24 Lindt mini chocolate bars in finest milk chocolate in three festive colours, mixed, 124 g
Calendar only unmixed available.
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 244 x 345 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box, inlay 100% recyclable, cilmate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 25 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page
„Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Filling options
Sarotti chocolate bars
Whole milk
Dark chocolate
Milk chocolate
Mixed chocolate
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents I ncluded in base price: 24 mini Sarotti chocolate bars in 4 different flavours, mixed, 100 g For an additional charge: 24 Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 120g; Rettergut chocolate bars from rescued mixed chocolate, 72 g; 24 mini Lindt chocolate bars in finest milk chocolate in three festive colours, mixed, 124 g or 24 Zebra Bar Minis, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, mixed flavours, in variaties Cacao & Orange, Cherry Tart and Cashew Crush or 228 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 160 x 150 x 70 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box with compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 10 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sarotti chocolate bars
Whole milk
Gianduja Dark chocolate Hazelnut
Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites
Cornflakes Alpine Milk Almond Dark chocolate
Lindt mini chocolate bars
Milk chocolate
Mixed chocolate
for an with space individual gift!
Sample application
Delivery packing
Delivery time Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites
Cornflakes Alpine Milk Almond Dark chocolate
special present inside the tower
Approx. 150 x 85 x 85 mm
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 256 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: 24 mini Sarotti chocolate bars in 4 different flavours, mixed, 100 g For an additional charge: 24 Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 120 g; 24 Rettergut chocolate bars from rescued mixed chocolate, 72 g; 24 mini Lindt chocolate bars in finest milk chocolate in three festive colours, mixed, 124 g or 24 Zebra Bar Minis, Raw Fruit & Nut Bar, mixed flavours, in variaties Cacao & Orange, Cherry Tart and Cashew Crush, 228 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 225 x 120 x 70 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box with compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 16 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sarotti chocolate bars
Whole milk
Gianduja Dark chocolate Hazelnut
Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites
Cornflakes Alpine Milk Almond Dark chocolate
Lindt mini chocolate bars
Milk chocolate
Mixed chocolate
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 120 pieces
Contents 24 Lindor mini chocolate balls by Lindt, mixed, 109 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 210 x 210 x 23 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard box with compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 30 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Lindor Mini balls
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 112 pieces
Contents 24 Lindor mini balls by Lindt, mixed, 109 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 75 x 193 x 75 mm (portrait format)
Approx. 193 x 75 x 75 mm (landscape format) Free space inside: approx. 193 x 35 x 35 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard box and compostable inlay, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 56 pieces, product carton is shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Space for a special present inside the tower
Approx. 193 x 35 x 35 mm
Also available in landscape format
Lindor Mini balls White, Milk, Dark and Caramel
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents Inc luded in base price: 24 Ritter SPORT chocolate cubes, 192 g For an additional charge: 24 Zonama Zebra Bar Mini mixed, 228 g or Ritter SPORT Mini, mixed, 396 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 365 x 365 x 20 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard stick-on cover; compostable deep drawn component in cream white, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 25 pieces, product carton is shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page
„Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 80 pieces
Contents 2 3 pieces of Lindor mini balls from Lindt, mixed Behind the 24th door is a 10 g Lindt Santa Claus, 113 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. ø 280 x 22 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cover and compostable deep drawn component in cream white, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 20 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
100% carton
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 96 pieces
Contents 24 Ritter SPORT chocolate bites, mixed, 120 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 86,5 x 81 x 51 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material 100% FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 12 pieces, 18 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
2 slots for easy removal of the chocolate bars
Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites
Cornflakes Alpine Milk Almond Dark chocolate
2 slots for easy removal of the mini chocolate
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 98 pieces
Contents 24 Ritter SPORT Mini chocolate bars, mixed, 396 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 126,5 x 104 x 58 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material 100% FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 14 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Ritter SPORT Mini
Nougat Yoghurt Hazelnut Fine milk chocolate
Completely made from FSC-Certified cardboard
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 150 pieces
Contents 24 Meßmer tea bag mixed in the varieties Classic, Green Tea, Energy, Relaxation
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life 12 months
Format A pprox. 64 x 114 x 74 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 15 pieces, 10 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
100% carton
options Energy Ginger-Elderflower Meßmer Green Tea Gentle-Awakener Relaxation Rooibos-Melissa-Roseflower-oil Classic Finely-AromaticPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 240 pieces
Contents Ha eberlein-Metzger Nuremberger Elisen gingerbread, glazed, 60 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 109 x 109 x 18 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Gift wrapping made of white, FSC-certified cardboard
Delivery packing C artons containing 60 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents 4 L indor mini balls by Lindt, colourful mixture, 18 g and one Lindt Santa Claus, 10 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 50 x 80 x 38 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite cardboard promotion packaging, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
10 g S anta Claus
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 128 pieces
Contents Rettergut Mixed Chocolate Santa Claus, 50 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 55 x 145 x 42 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material S anta Claus in compostable foil, promotional box made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 32 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time D elivery time Generally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
made from 100 rescued chocolate packed in compostable foil
advertising box made from FSC-certified paper
federal award winner
"Too good for the bin 2021"
10 g
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 528 pieces
Contents L indt chocolate Santa Claus made of fine Alpine milk chocolate, 10 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 27 x 65 x 20,5 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotional box made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 88 pieces, 24 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Sample design
40 g
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 236 pieces
Contents L indt chocolate Santa Claus made of fine Alpine milk chocolate, 40 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 41 x 112 x 29 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotional box made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 59 pieces, 10 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
25 g
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 531 pieces
Contents Riegelein milk chocolate Santa Claus with Fairtrade certified cocoa, 25 g Fairtrade cocoa with quantity compensation: Info.fairtrade.net/sourcing Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 41 x 112 x 29 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotional box made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 59 pieces, 10 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
25 g chocolate Santa ClausPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 90 pieces
Contents L indt Mini Pralinés Christmas with 7 Lindor balls and a Santa, 42 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 100 x 100 x 25 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P raline box; promotion slipcase made of white, FSC-certrified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 90 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Also with different fillings: All-season p. 114 Easter p. 148
Christmas tree to fold out
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 100 pieces
Contents L indt Santa Claus chocolate made of fine Alpine milk chocolate, 10 g and two Lindor mini balls each 4,5 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format H eight approx. 25 mm, Ø approx. 75 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite tin with a snap-on lid, made of 98% recyclable tinplate; cardboard display insert, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 100 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Lindor Mini Balls
100% carton
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 120 pieces
Contents 8 L indor mini balls, 36 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 84 x 50 x 79 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material B ox of FSC-certified white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 120 pieces, product carton is shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Box transforms into a small bowl
Minimum order S tarting at 432 pieces
Contents Two Lambertz Domino (three-layered) filled with marzipan, apricot jelly, covered with fine dark chocolate, 25 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 70 x 37 x 27 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite, FSC-certified cardboard promotional box, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 144 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
2x Domino LambertzPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 200 pieces
Contents Mini stollen in unprinted, transparent foil, 80 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 90 x 55 x 40 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite FSC-certified cardboard box, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 50 pieces, 5 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
High-quality marzipan stollen
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 2.500 pieces
Contents S tollen confectionery with finest marzipan, 20 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 100 x 35 x 20 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
High-quality marzipan stollenPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 2.500 pieces
Contents B ahlsen gingerbread with chocolate base, 8 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 80 x 45 x 20 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
tarting at 2.500 pieces
Contents W EISS gingerbread heart with apricot filling and chocolate coating, 15 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 60 x 100 x 25 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 250 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents F our WEISS gingerbread minis with chocolate base, 50 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 74 x 50 x 69 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite, FSC-certified cardboard packaging, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 60 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
ContentPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 300 pieces
Contents F our WEISS gingerbread minis with chocolate base, 50 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 80 x 50 x 47 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite, FSC-certified paper box, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 60 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Mini gingerbread in carton Carton sealed in foilPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 96 pieces
Contents Ha eberlein-Metzger gingerbread mix with eight different varieties, 150 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 215 x 120 x 33 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material W hite, FSC-certified cardboard promotional case, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 24 pieces, 3 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Slipcase sideways open
covered in dark cocolate
Gingerbread-mix packed in foil
gingerbreadPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 72 pieces
Contents Ha eberlein-Metzger gingerbread mix with eight different varieties, 150 g Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 200 x 130 x 40 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Gift package made of metal, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 36 pieces, product carton is shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Metal box long-term usable.
covered in dark cocolate covered in dark chocolate gingerbread gingerbread metal present-boxPrint 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 540 pieces
Contents C onfiserie Riegelein chocolate Santa Claus made of fine milk chocolate with Fairtrade certified cocoa, 5 g Fairtrade cocoa with quantity compensation: Info.fairtrade.net/sourcing
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Until at least 31.01.2024
Format A pprox. 85 x 55 x 9 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material P romotion card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 540 pieces, 2 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 50 kg
Contents Sweet with mulled wine taste (without alcohol)
Shelf life 24 months
Format A pprox. 55 x 27 x 10 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Flowpack made of white foil, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 6,25 kg, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 280 pieces
Contents Unwrapped: sweets with mulled wine taste (without alcohol), 80 g or 9 handmade caramels with 3 different cast-in christmas motifs: Christmas hat, reindeer, Christmas tree, mixed, 40 g
Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life Mulled wine hearts: 24 months; Christmas motif sweets: 6 months
Format A pprox. 60 x 40 x 115 mm
Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Clear foil bag; promotional tab made of white cardboard, climate neutral
Delivery packing Mulled wine hearts: cartons containing 56 pieces, 4 cartons per shipping carton
Christmas motif sweets: cartons containing 56 pieces, 10 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Mulled wine heart without alcohol
Filling options
Mulled wine hearts
Christmas motif sweets
Christmas hat
Christmas tree
More filling options on p. 83
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 506 pieces
Contents Unwrapped, candied mulled wine hearts (without alcohol), 50 g
Shelf life 24 months
Format H eight approx. 50 mm, Ø approx. 50 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper can made from biodegradable kraft paper; paper label all around, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 46 pieces, 8 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
Print 4 -c Euroscale
Minimum order S tarting at 506 pieces
Contents Unwrapped, candied mulled wine hearts (without alcohol), 120 g
Shelf life 24 months
Format H eight approx. 100 mm, Ø approx. 50 mm Request the dimensions of the advertising space as an imposition layout
Material Paper can made from biodegradable kraft paper; paper label all around, climate neutral
Delivery packing C artons containing 23 pieces, 6 cartons per shipping carton
Delivery time G enerally 10-20 working days after approval for printing. See also in the catalogue on page „Information“ or at go.pfile.de/agb-en
With tamper-proof seal
Paper cans with different fillings starting at p.31
Designing an advent calendar is very easy. There are two possibilities: Download
Or you can use one of our numerous design templates and it‘s done in just 5 steps
2. CHOOSE YOUR DESIGN TEMPLATE based on the name or the motif number.
3. PLACE YOUR LOGO in one or more position(s) of your choice.
4. CUSTOMISE YOUR PRODUCT with your advertising message/your christmas wish or change the colour of your motif.
5. YOUR ADVENT CALENDAR IS DONE with an individualized design template.
Many design templates also work for other formats as well.
We have put some basic information together for you. Please note that every inquiry naturally has to be dealt with individually as we could not hope to cover every possible case in writing here. Our customer advisers would be happy to advise you and answer any questions you may have by phone. To make sure the advice you get corresponds to your particular inquiry, we require your desired print subject.
Delivery times
Our delivery dates are valid as stated in the order confirmation, in each case within the delivery week/day of delivery. Our delivery times depend on the approval of the printing copies and not on when printing copies were received. We cannot confirm a delivery time without an approval of the printing copies.
In the case of high capacity utilisation, delivery times may be extended (e.g. during the Christmas and Easter seasons)
Perishable foodstuffs
Foodstuffs cannot be exchanged. Please check the goods as soon as you receive them and send us any complaints within 24 hours. We cannot accept any complaints received after this period of time. Once the goods leave our premises, we no longer have any influence on our foodstuffs and thus cannot accept any responsibility or liability either in terms of quality or in terms of the food law.
In warm weather, it might be necessary to deliver some prod u cts by cold-storage lorry to guarantee the goods arrive in perfect condition (note: differnet freights costs).
Nothing is printed until you have given us your approval in writing. Making changes to the proof you receive from us does not constitute an approval. You will receive a corrected proof to be checked and approved. Please make sure you check the proof we send you very carefully. If you are at all unsure, give us a call. We would be happy to help you. Your approval is a mandatory part of the order. It has unlimited validity and cannot be revoked. We cannot assume any responsibility for the prints you approve or for errors of any kind which may have been overseen.
If we are in possession of your data 1:1, the proof is created free of charge. We reserve the right to charge a flat rate for changes made to the proof starting with the third corrected proof.
You will be charged for any work carried out by us in preparation for your approval if you subsequently cancel your order. For extra ordered or seasonal goods, we will also have to charge you for these costs.
Order Changes
After receiving the order confirmation, we can only make system-relevant changes requested by you for a fee of 49,- €
If you have any complaints, please get in touch with us immediately. We require at least ten per cent of the total order as proof of the fault. Please send the goods back to us as proof in the original packaging. This also applies to any complaints you have about printing. Complaints about the taste and appearance of foodstuffs can only be accepted if you handled and stored the goods correctly.
Example: Foodstuffs must be stored in a dry place and be protected from changes in temperature (warm/cold).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our customer advisers.
Damage during transport:
All delivered goods, whether on pallets or in the form of parcels, must be checked immediately for any damage (correct securing, wrapping/boxes undamaged). The driver (freight/logistics company) must be made aware of any visible damage and should confirm this damage in writing on the delivery papers.
Please note down the exact details of the damage, including photos, and inform us immediately. Claims concerning damage reported at a later date and/or damage not recorded on the delivery papers cannot be claimed retroactively!
Order quantities
For technical reasons, divergence of quantities up to ± 10% is possible. Depending on the category of product, our products are either counted or weighed before they are packed. This can result in different quantities in individual boxes. The final number is checked and logged by us. If there are any irregularities per packing unit, please check the final number.
When ordering, please take our packing units into consideration. The specified freight costs are approximated, not binding, and cannot be determined precisely until the order has been completed. Biscuits, cookies, and other baked articles can break during transport.
Depending on the material and product, colours may deviate.
In the case of multi-coloured printing, a colour-binding proof of the provided data is mandatory.
When using a transparent, coloured, or metallic base, colour reproduction can vary if a white background is not used. We would therefore recommend that you use a white background, if technically possible, which is charged as an additional print colour (not in digital printing). To avoid complaints about colour, please make sure you include a colour-binding proof.
Unchanged reprints can also demonstrate colour deviation. This is for technical reasons and cannot be avoided. Nuances of colour devia tion will therefore not be recognised as a complaint.
QR CODE and barcode
Please note that we cannot guarantee that QR codes will be legible.
Further processing
Variations can occur during processing for technical reasons. This applies, for example, to press cuts and blanks of cardboard packaging. In the case of foil products, there can be a slight shift of the motif during packing. In the case of solid designs, cutting can only be controlled within a certain tolerance. It is therefore possible that colour transitions in the motif are displaced in the cutting area and thus visible as a fine stripe (of the other print colour) at the cutting end of the packing.
In the case of bags, the content text may be concealed in part by the sealed seam.
Tetrahedron packaging:
Due to the packaging, it could happen that the position of the printed image varies on the triangular advertising space.
Sticky wrappers:
Slight blistering may occur and it could happen that the ends of the wrapper may not meet exactly.
Shelf life
The best before date printed on the promotion packaging (1 week tolerance) ist based on the delivery date at the time the print is approved. If there are postponements on your part, we will only adjust the best before date at your request and will charge 49,- € for the change. No more changes are possible if the print has already been made.
The best before date can only be guaranteed if the storage is suitable for use with foods. Taking the product specific properties into account, please ensure you store the product in a dry, cool place protected from sunlight. Temperature fluctiontions should be avoided, especially with products containing chocolate, as otherwise a bloom of fat (white coating) can form.
Manufacturer’s notification on products
In accordance with EU directive 178/2002 for the guarantee of food safety and in compliance with the requirements of the food law, we will be attaching a manufacturer’s notification to our products/selling units. For most products, the end customer, dealer, or agency can decide whether he himself as the issuer should be specified on the product packaging or outer packaging or whether the manufacturer should be named. If we are not provided with a manufacturer’s notification, we will use our manufacturer. If the end customer explicitly rejects all these specifications, the manufacturer must be released from all claims in writing.
We are obliged to advise you that manufacturer’s data must comply with legal specifications. The data are not intended for any promotional purpose.
Due to food law regulations in accordance to VO 1169/2001, the declaration must be in the official language of the country in which the goods are distributed. If declared in another language, we can not guarantee the marketability of the goods. The responsibility of marketability in this case passes to the customer.
Distribution list
If the products are to be sent to different shipping addresses, please send us the address data as an EXCEL file with one address component per column (e.g. company1 / c ompany2 / s treet / p ostal code etc.). Just ask for our template. Bills of delivery must be provided in triplicate. Depending on the work involved, additional costs may be incurred.
If possible, match our provided imposition layout 1:1. Data editing costs will otherwise be incurred.
– L ine drawings should have an optimum resolution of 1.200 dpi or be vectorised. Continuous-tone illustrations should have a resolution of 300 dpi.
– W hen sending files by email, please make sure you use the appropriate program extension (e.g. .indd for InDesign, .ai for Adobe Illustrator, .psd for Photoshop).
Our programs:
– Adobe Illustrator CC
– Photoshop CC
– InDesign CC
Open data:
If your document includes any imported/embedded files (e.g. tif, eps, bmp, or jpeg files), please make sure you save these separately! Please change the fonts into character paths to avoid the loading of any other fonts. If this is not possible, send us the fonts (only Mac fonts).
Please note the following when supplying data as a PDF:
- Your created data should correspond to our layout template, please do not change it.
- PDF compatible up to PDF/X-4 (Acrobat 1.6)
- No encrypted PDF files (password protection or the like)
- No coloured pattern cells/tile patterns
- No comments, form fields, or the like
- No transfer curves
- L eave layout sketches at “overprint” and you must leave it at our separate special colour with the name “Stand”
Data carriers (if you want to send your data by post):
– Please write your address, file name, logo name, product name, and order number clearly on the data carrier (e.g. CD) and include a printout of the files.
– T he printout should include the file name and the name of the printing colour(s) required, e.g. HKS, Pantone.
The fastest way to order:
Just send your data, including the name of the motif, by email to your customer adviser. If the data exceeds 100 MB, we recommend you send us the data via FTP server. If you have any further questions on exchanging data, please do not hesitate to contact your customer adviser.
Fine details, small fonts, and trademarks can smear or disappear. In the case of multi-coloured printing, a colour-binding proof of the provided data is mandatory.
Printing methods:
4-c digital printing: Paper/cardboard, boxes, foils, labels
4-c designs are available at attractive prices even with small quantities. Register differences cannot occur. The colours are always compiled from the 4-c process. Special colours in accordance with HKS or Pantone can only be approximated.
Boxes: Applying a white background to the motif, as is usual with silver boxes in pad printing, is not possible. In these cases, transparent inks are not opaque and therefore often do not achieve the desired colour tone (can look dirty). Please also note that negatively recessed elements will appear in box colours in print. On the other hand, this can result in a very elegant effect thanks to the shining through e.g. of a shiny box.
Slight streaking may be visible with extensive colour designs.
Due to the bled-off round surface structure of the product, there may be a slight distortion of the printed image.
Foils: Some parts of the sealed seams cannot be printed (see imposition layouts)
1–4-colour flexo: Foils
In full-surface printing, register differences are possible to an extent. A fine unprinted line over the foil is a result of the block ends meeting. Colour rubbing on the sealed seam is also possible in full-surface printing. Designs with extensive ink coverage and metallic colours should be varnished to protect them from colour rubbing (counts as an additional print colour).
In printing technology, breaks in the screen cannot be avoided.
The tolerances for this are:
– Flexo printing 3%
Sweets: In full-surface printing, a white edge (each of 1 mm) remains on the side at the end of the wrapper ends. Due to the block ends meeting, a fine white stripe runs across the width of the paper.
Note: Halftone motifs only after a printability check. A colour-binding proof of the data provided is required with multi-colour screen motifs.
1–4-colour offset: Paper, cardboard
An attractive price for larger print runs. Printing of special colours in acc. with HKS and Pantone is possible. Fluorescent inks cannot be used.
1–4-colour pad: Boxes, dispensers
Register differences are possible to an extent. The double printing of individual colours may be necessary for full-surface motifs (counts as an additional print colour in each case). Slight scratches and unevenness may appear due to the material.
Depending on high capacity utilization and material availability, the delivery time is usually 10-20 working days after print approval. Delivery time by individual products, large quantities as well as distribution and individual shipping might be different. We will be happy to provide concrete deadlines as part of the offer or your order.
The delivery dates stated in the order confirmation apply in each case.
In printing technology, breaks in the screen cannot be avoided. The tolerances for this are:
– Pad printing 15%
Sleeve: A slight distortion is possible on rounded parts. We alone make the decision on which printing process we use for our products/orders
The offered Easter and Christmas items are valid for the Easter and Christmas season of 2023.
prices are valid from January 1st, 2023 and do not include VAT. Subject to alteration of prices. The products in the catalogue are not shown true to the original and differ in size, shape and colour from the original. Printing errors, mistakes and changes are possible. With the publication of this issue, all previous sales documents lose their validity.
We provide your product with the needed glamour. Since we think, packaging isn‘t only your products shell, but more like the red carpet at the Point of Sale or in your campaign. In order to be able to roll out that red carpet easy and fast and impress your audience at first sight, we are taking care of everything for you. Starting with logistics, filling, processing, finishing and packing, up to punctual shipping. Whether it being food-industry or non-food-industry, either way, your product is our star.
Wheter co-packing, packing, product processing, packaging, commissioning or shipping service, we provide you with our diverse Full-Service all around your individual co-packing. And all this starting at small quantities - packed in Germany. You decide, what services you want to use.
Step 1: your packaging your product
Step 2: packing
Step 3: commisioning & shipping
Step 1: our packaging your product
Step 2: print & packing
Individual onPackaging demand
Step 3: commisioning & shipping
Step 1: our packaging our product-sourcing
Step 2: print & packing
Step 3: commisioning & shipping
Individual onPackaging demand