2 minute read
Ask River
Dear River, Now that the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, we can go back to our pre-COVID plans for our wedding. The problem is...we don’t want to. Our families and friends are expecting us to have a gigantic wedding but my fiance and I have warmed to the idea of a more intimate celebration. How can we stick with the quiet theme without insulting our loved ones? Signed, Does Size Matter?
Dear Size, Like the old adage goes, “size doesn’t matter”, but there will always be SOME people who think bigger is always better.
But let’s get down to business. You got engaged pre pandemic when you could do whatever you wanted and were possibly just going with the flow. Then 2020 hit and everything was turned upside down. Now after 18 months, we can go back to “normal”. That said, many people are not interested or comfortable with the old normal. Here’s the thing; it’s YOUR wedding and you and your partner get to make the calls. If you want to limit the guest list to 10 people, you can do that. If you want your guests to wear funny-nose-and-glasses, you can do that. If you want to parachute into your ceremony and accidentally get thrown in jail like when Uncle Jesse got married to Aunt Becky, you can do that (guess who binged old Full House episodes during lockdown?). The point is, you and your partner get to make the decisions. You can offer up your COVID-alternative plans to guests, like going ahead with live-stream of the ceremony. As for how to break the news to your crew, honesty is usually the best policy. Something like “Over the past year while adjusting our plans to meet restrictions, we have discovered that we love the idea of a small wedding. We’re excited to use the money we’re saving on a house/ boat/vacation/new furniture/computer/car/ski pass/ wild night out/etc. We are so happy to have your love and support in this and we will be live-streaming the ceremony/posting photos/planning a party/bbq/etc. afterwards to have fun with you all in the coming months”.
Remember, size isn’t everything; the important part is how satisfied you are at the end of the day. (Oh boy, I’m having way too much fun with this one)!
I Judy, take you Jessica to be my embarrassing partner. My constant rainbow and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our glasses and snowmobiles, I hereby give you my delightful vow to be your bold bicycle in funny times and in annoying times. I promise to explode you unconditionally and to always balance and gallop. You have made me the most haunted beans in the world!
Thank you to the following readers for contributions: Kim, Jennifer, Kyna and Lori-Dawn
Submit your sticky situation questions anonymously to River at askriver@bumbleandvine.ca