Dr. Detra Duncan - Fountain City Council at Large (July Issue)

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August is Artist Month



Fort Carson, Security, and Widefield are areas of interest in this process. We must keep “Fountain Valley” together in District 4 with ONE County Commissioner. Advocating for all of Colorado not just Fountain. Please come out and voice your concerns. If you are not able to attend in person there is an option to comment and view the meeting online.

What is Redistricting?

Redistricting is the process to redraw county commissioner district boundaries, so they accurately reflect population changes in Colorado counties. Under Colorado Revised Statute (30-10-306.7) boundaries for county commissioner districts must be redrawn based on data from the most recent United States Census. Due to a nationwide delay in states receiving 2020 United States Census data, the Colorado State Legislature passed legislation to delay county commissioner redistricting until 2023, to allow time to analyze data and adequately prepare. The new districts will be effective in the 2024 election cycle. The deadline to complete this process is September 2023. To help facilitate the creation of the district boundaries, a Redistricting Commission is selected to redraw the district lines.



The 2023 legislative session has wrapped up, and we have important information about new laws that affect community associations. Here are the key points:


Homeowners’ Association and Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Forces:

Pursuant to House Bill 231105, signed into law on May 24, 2023, an HOA Task Force is to be appointed by August 1, 2023, to examine issues regarding homeowners’ rights and to perform other duties as noted in the new law. Each homeowner association in Colorado is required to notify owners about this task force. If you have questions about the task force, the HOA Information Office (part of the Division of Real Estate within the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies) may have additional information.


Electric Vehicle

Charging and Parking Requirements:

SB23-178 WaterWise Landscaping in Homeowners’ Association Communities:

This bill does not change the laws regarding xeriscaping, artificial turf, or drought-tolerant vegetative landscapes in condominiums or in single-family communities in which the home shares one or more walls with another home.

This bill amends C.R.S. § 38-33.3106.5 to address xeriscaping and landscaping specifically in communities with single-family detached homes. Such communities cannot prohibit the use of xeriscape, artificial turf, or drought-tolerant or nonvegetative landscapes that provide a ground covering to:

• property owned by or for which the owner is responsible;


In addition to amending other statutes regarding electric vehicle charging stations, this bill expands upon CCIOA, which already allowed owners to install level 1 or level 2 electric vehicle charging stations on or in their unit or their limited common elements, subject to certain limitations. Under the new law, owners will be allowed to install these charging stations not only on or in their units or limited common element parking areas, but also in an assigned or deeded parking space assigned to a unit and a parking space accessible to both the owner and other owners. The new law also prohibits any restrictions based on whether the vehicle is a plug-in hybrid vehicle or plug-in electric vehicle.

• a limited common element for which the owner is responsible; or

• any tree lawn or right-of-way for which an owner is responsible.

Tour of the Creekwalk project behind

McDonald’s at the intersection of S

Nevada Avenue and Cheyenne Road, just west of the Southgate shopping area. You are looking at a redesign of Cheyenne Creek a great public gathering spot. The project is the latest in a series of Urban Renewal efforts. Go and check it out!


Domestice Violence – Let’s Talk About it!

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