2 minute read

Advertise Where Candidates Visit

Lure in Great Candidates

One of the rst steps to nding great employees is determining what type of person will t into the new position and the company. But nding the right way to lure candidates can be dicult if not done properly.

The key is to reach out locally as well as outside the region to reach a range of people and a range of talent.

Advertise Where Candidates Visit

When planning to advertise, it’s important to put your company name where you want to get candidate’s attention. Industry specic sites are an ideal place to post job openings or opportunities to hand in resumes.

These sites can appeal to candidates currently looking for work or those simply interested in the particular type of industry and line of work. Online job websites are a resource for job seekers, which makes them a great place to advertise and seek new candidates.

Hiring Strategies To Attract Great Candidates

In print, trade magazines appeal to a large group of magazine buyers and often cater to a focused group of job seekers. Although newspapers are decreasing in popularity and readers, advertising with posters or newsletter articles are a great place to start looking for new recruits. Increasing exposure to the growing public will increase chances of nding more candidates and increasing company exposure.

Develop Corporate Citizenship

Corporate citizenship is the process of a corporation working together to share responsibility and initiatives. Also known as corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship can cover a wide range of services and processes, including charity works, business plans, and oce procedures. Developing corporate citizenship among employees helps them become engaged with one another and hold each other accountable.

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