DJN JULY 1 2021

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ince Israel declared its independence in 1948, the top Naftali Bennett political leadership has largely secures his been represented by figures from the kippah in a so-called “secular” community — sec2014 photo. ular but committed Jews who understand and embrace the importance and sanctity of our traditions. Still, the fact that Rabbi David Israel’s new prime Stav minister hails from Times of Israel the religious Zionist regard to most of Halachah. Certainly, community deserves to be there is great potential for conflict between celebrated by all segments of Israeli society, pikuach nefesh and, for example, keeping as well as supporters of our country from all Shabbat — and it is here that a leader’s over the world. requirement to keep people safe exceeds Naftali Bennett’s election illustrates that even his requirement to observe Shabbat. Torah observance is not an inherent barThe potential for prioritizing pikuach rier to serving in the top position of the nefesh to complicate Shabbat observance Israeli government. At the same time, the gives rise to the very specific halachic fact that it took this long for someone who question of whether it would be preferable publicly promotes religious Zionism means to retain non-Jews to act in certain roles some questions about the compatibility of over Shabbat and enable the Jew to avoid personal practice and public role are to be transgression. However, because the prime expected. minister makes lifesaving decisions on a Of course, issues will need to be regular basis, he cannot be dependent on addressed on a personal and case-by-case the involvement of a non-Jew. basis. On this very practical level, there are True, consideration could potentially be specific halachic (Jewish law) issues that the given to setting up halachically-designed prime minister will need to confront, and I communications systems ahead of sunset am confident that he and his staff will do so on Friday. Such a system would be acceptwith humility and insight. able only if it could be determined with The Jewish tradition dictates that even certainty that it would have no negative the highest-level public servant, such as a impact, whether operational or practical. king, or in this case the prime minister, is The priority is first and foremost preserving not above the law, and has the same halach- and defending human lives. ic requirements as every subject or citizen. In addition to issues of Shabbat, the This includes upholding the halachic prinprime minister is in every way the public ciple pikuach nefesh, saving a life, a rule that face of the nation and that also has halachic takes priority over nearly every other matter implications. For example, during the times of Jewish law. of year on the Jewish calendar designated The responsibility for the lives of others for collective national mourning (such as provides a leader with both the permission for the destruction of the two Temples), and the obligation to give pikuach nefesh when many halachically observant men the utmost priority in a more practical way refrain from shaving in a demonstration than is needed by most people, and with of mourning, the prime minister would


How Can Israel’s Orthodox Prime Minister Run the Country? be permitted to shave and dress in a respectable fashion as befitting a world leader. Global expectations as to one’s outward appearance are clear, and being presentable to the world is vital for the daily functioning of a figure on that stage.

POSITIVE RESPECT When it comes to a specific need for a prime minister to act in a certain way that is related to his performance of the job, the underlying concept that drives halachic practice is one of accommodation. This requires a level of wisdom and discernment on the premier’s part, but showing the public his respect for Halachah will allow our traditions to be revealed in positive ways never before possible. Though questions of religious observance while running a country might spotlight a conflict between the two, the country should focus instead on the beauty of halachic practice and its dynamic nature. The very application of the concept of pikuach nefesh (the primacy of saving a life) to explain Bennett’s future conduct highlights the flexibility of Halachah, and the way it can be drawn to apply to any circumstance. In that vein, the public awareness of how the prime minister can function fully within the guidelines of Halachah will expose more people to the encompassing nature of Jewish law. Deliberations and debates that were once the purview of only certain rarefied elements of Jewish society are likely to become of interest to the broader public in ways that I firmly believe will allow them to better recognize and appreciate the beauty and meaning of our halachic-legal system. I believe that we should only be thankful for these political developments that are providing this opportunity. Rabbi David Stav is the chief rabbi of Shoham, Israel, and founder and chairman of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization.

JULY 1 • 2021



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