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DETROIT LIVE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2011 Editor-In-Chief: Darian Counts


Media Liason Senior Photographer M.G. Nader


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Sales: Darian Counts Mary Beth Ryan Jennifer Howey Susan Blossom Amanda Blanchard Office Operations: Alice LaPointe Photgraphers: M.G. Nader, Steve Sexton, Tom McNaughton, Merideth Gillhespy Contributors: Benny Jet, Bob Harris, Eric Harabadian, Jordan Weatherhead, Boyd Baumgartner Darian Counts, Alice LaPointe



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Graphic Design: Darian Counts, Brad Simon Cover Photo M.G Nader Story Editing: Donna James, Alice LaPointe




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WHY EVERYONE IS WATCHING THE WALKING DEAD (AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO)! By Kaylee Pope The Walking Dead has quickly cemented itself into the short list of shows that absolutely everyone is watching. Last October the first season premiered on Halloween to a stunning amount 5.2 million viewers and the second season rivaled those numbers on October 16 with 7.3 million viewers. The Walking Dead has been nominated for several prestigious awards including a nomination in the category for Best Television series for the very first season at the Golden Globes. You can catch it at 9 PM EST on the cable network AMC every Sunday night. This is one of those shows that if you are not already watching, the masses are probably demanding you do

so and if you’re like me that demanding bit of human nature almost always drives me to do the exact opposite of what everyone is telling you to do. But the truth is you should be watching the Walking Dead and here are the top five reasons why I’ve been watching it (along with everyone else). 1. The characters: Much like several other popular AMC and cable shows (here’s looking at you Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire), this show is character driven. The characters are well-written, fully-formed and expertly acted. Every time a new character enters the picture, the viewer easily gets attached. The Grimes family and their lovely ragtag team of fellow survivors are people you root for and care about. This show has made me cry several times and it was not out of sheer terror. It was because the actors on the series have been able to mold themselves into characters that the audience becomes deeply emotionally invested in. 2. Novelty: This show is television history in the making. Never has there been a show with a formula quite like this. We’ve seen campy horror shows featuring vampires and werewolves, witches and Cont on pg 10 Get the Detroit Live Digital Edition!!! - sign up at TODAY- 7

A Night with


he worked hard for and lose friends along the way, he’s happy with how many others he’s met and had the opportunity to play with. He’s learned a lot from each musician he’s interacted with. He and his new band members push each other every day to new heights, as was obvious during their performance later that night.

When Scallions tells me about the album Sunburn he says that the old saying rings Fuel is one of those bands true and maybe that’s why it was so great. They’ve played together for a while but JB that never had it easy. Never walked a The saying being this: “You have a whole was nice enough to let me steal Andy from walked a straight line; never had a smooth him,” he explains. “We’ve just been having a lifetime to write your first album, but only a ride. From the beginning, they’ve taken couple years to write all the others.” He says lot of fun together.” their fans on an emotional rollercoaster. that those life experiences that add up beAlthough from 1998 with their release of fore your first album are what make it great, When I asked Brett if the new their album Sunburn, to 2006 they had a and then you only have a few years of new songs and albums will sound “Fuel-esque” strongly woven group. In 2004 drummer or go in a totally different direction, he tells material to put into your following records. Kevin Miller left and in 2006 the band me he’s not 100% sure. Subconsciously I shook Brett’s hand and got a announced the sad departure of the talented wanting to stay somewhat connected to what lead singer Brett Scallions; that is when all Fuel originally intended to be, he doesn’t try hug goodbye and I couldn’t help but get a the madness would start. to make that happen when he writes. “I just huge grin as I stepped write what feels good at the time. There will off the tour bus and On Sept, 27th at the Emerald into the cold rain. be bits and pieces of the original sound in Ballroom in Mt. Clemens, Fuel took the there but I don’t try to emulate what the past After hearing from stage for their long-time dedicated fans. was. No one wants to write the same record the man himself, the It was a different Fuel, perhaps, a better personal accounts of two, three times in a row unless you’re… Fuel. Brett Scallions is now back with the his long career, I was well, never mind…” he laughs and shakes band he loved for so long after years of even more anxious his head. many great side projects and gracefully to see them perform took the time to talk to me and DLM about on stage. We waited Quickly changing the subject he their new line-up, why he says his ups and says, “Just look at David Bowie, who never through a few opendowns are a blessing, and the future of the wrote the same record twice. Then there ing acts and then new Fuel. they finally came on, were other artists who emulated what he almost 4 hours later. did like Marilyn Manson or Scott Weiland While sitting on their beautiful with Stone Temple Pilots. Those guys seem tour bus Brett tells me about how he and It was to make records and each time it goes to his new band members found each other. “I a different world. You try to do that but at worth the wait. knew Brad (Stewart) from when he played the same time you just want to write good Not only with Shinedown, very briefly; we met here music.” the wait that night, and there for a few years on and off. But but the wait to see I ran into him a couple years ago at the Brett spoke a lot about the ups the new Fuel in acNAMM Show, and asked what he was up and downs of going through ever-changing tion. The new band to, asked if he wanted to jam sometime; it’s band members and offers some advice to a great history from there,” he says. musicians who are struggling with the same members gave a burdens. “I think that everything happens for mind blowing and “And with Ken (Schalk), I was a reason. It sucks to lose the friendships but personal performance doing a project with the World Fire Briat that same time you have to move forward that is not to soon gade. The songs were done and we needed with your own life and you can’t live with be forgotten. Along someone to do the drums and my partner regrets. You just gotta do what you love and with Ken, Brad, and knew Ken from previous work and advised love what you do. The right opportunities Andy, Brett delivered us to give Ken a shot. So we went through will always come your way as long as you a show full of 17 some pre-production on the songs and Ken keep an eye out for them.” incredibly energized killed it. And basically from that point I songs. They played told him he wasn’t ever leaving me! Then all of their radio hits, Scallions tells me that he truly I met Andy through my friend JB who was feels blessed that his career went as it has. a few favorites from the original bass player for Buck Cherry. Although it was hard to lose some things

Story By: Jordan Sarah Weatherhead Photos by Merideth Gillhespy

Sunburn, and a couple new songs that I am looking forward to hearing again on the new album. “When our tour is done this fall, we go straight to recording. I fully intend to have the album out by the spring of 2012,” Brett said back on the bus. “I just want to thank everyone for sticking with me this whole time and want to let them know that there is more great music to come.” I felt the passion and new found strength Brett has for his new line-up and his bright future ahead. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for their new music and catch the next show that rolls into Detroit. Also, be sure to check out Scallion’s other project titled World Fire Brigade if you just can’t get enough of this singer’s addicting voice. Thanks to Brett and the rest of Fuel for being so humble and gracious and putting on a fantastic show for Detroit to experience! -JSW

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-See you in your nightmares…







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Benny jet & Bob Harris WARNING this column could, and probably should, offend some of the people, all of the time, and all of the people, some of the time! With our new front page of the Detroit Times (Detroit Live Magazine) location, in a Occupy Wall Street / Turkia Mullin / Bob Ficano / Wayne County, severance-gate era, we feel an immense responsibility to our readers. So lets get the formality’s out of the way. My partner Bob Harris, is the guy who wrote the Motor City Rock and Roll of the 60’s and 70’s book. I’m Benny, of Benny and the Jets Band, we write this column. I do Karaoke Sunday and Tuesday at the Fiddle BIKINI Bar in Wayne, Thursday and Friday at the Redford Moose, and a radio show 5 till 7pm every Wednesday, on WCXI 1160am (remember Deno Day?) and on the web via This is and will continue to be an entertainment, what’s happing, kind of column. But like the big radio stations, we play the HITS, and can’t be afraid to mentions the hot topics of the day. OK, Severance-gate, sounds cute, but more and more, is becoming the way of big business and big government. The little guy, or the rank and file, take pay cuts, the big guys get huge bonus or what is call golden parachute and severance packages, ie; Visteon company lays off 750 people, boss gets a 750 million dollar bonus? Kmart goes bankrupt, boss gets 14 million dollar severance? The guys at the top of the food/work chain are getting 50 thousand dollars a DAY, while the rank and file are asked for give backs and pay cuts. The system is broke. When the system starts breaking down you get Occupy Wall Street type events. (there is a occupy Detroit happening at Grand Circus Park downtown) The sad part is often the people at the top and even people at the bottom don’t ge it. It was a Ivory Tower - Let them eat cake moment. (Note to our readers: Let them eat cake, goes back to the days when the rich Queen sat in her Ivory Tower and heard the poor people

out side where hungry/had no bread to eat, she replied if they have no bread, let them eat some cake!) But in this case we have the Golden Tower of the WJR radio moment. Paul W Smith, doing the morning show, gingerly, yet condescending interview with a women from the occupy Detroit movement. Smith try’s to find out why the movement people are upset? He try’s to explain RICH people pay a lot of money via TAXES! That my friend is the problem. It is not WHO pays HOW MUCH. It is some people have SO MUCH and so many have NOTHING. Air, water, food, shelter, education, transportation, roads, health care, certain things we think of as necessities that all people should enjoy. My partner Bob always likes to mention bands and area entertainers. Rusty Lunchbox, Sykofish, Justine Blazer, Category 5, Remedy, 50 amp Fuse, Lath Al-Saadi, Jill Jack, Killer Flamingos, Chain Reaction Snap Kount, Shock Wave, 3 Whisker Betty, Christina Chriss, Carolyn Striho, War Machine, Jessica Harnandez, Daniel Harrison and the $2 Hwy band, and the Howling Diablos!

psychics, but this formula of combining the horror-genre and the undead with the television drama has never been done before. It probably will never be done (this well again). This is something new and it is unlike anything television has seen before. 3. Zombies: For one reason or another, zombie popularity is on the rise yet again. They’re the in style monster yet again. Everyone loves a good zombie movie and one can speculate wildly as to why. There’s entire college courses like the zombie class in the English department at the University of Baltimore taught on the subject. The Walking Dead gives you a zombie fix once a week or twelve hours of it should you decide to pick up the first season on DVD.

5. The catharsis: A lot has been said about why we obsesses over the idea of zombies. Some social scientists claim it is about our everyday fears about the people around us rearing it’s ugly head. Basi4. Writing: Much like the deep apprecia- cally, we’re afraid our neighbor is going tion for well-rounded characters that was to turn us in for stealing cable or our sister listed in number one, the Walking Dead might steal out boyfriend. We also harbor is a well-written piece of work. Sure, it ugly feelings for people who have already is a lot of blood and gore, but it is also done this stuff to us. Watching people expertly suspenseful and emotionallyget reanimated and come back extra ugly charged. Based off of the Walking Dead means we get to face those fears on some graphic novel series by Robert Kirkman level and shoot them in the head (and not and Tony Moore, this show has a wealth feel guilty about it). In the Walking Dead, of story. It is not formulaic and it is not we watch a group of survivors win the predictable. Despite the whole zomwar against the undead (usually) and it bie epidemic, the Walking Dead is not makes us feel good to see that they can gimmicky and remains unpredictable. It survive. Basically, it is violence we don’t is just good old fashioned story telling need to feel squicky about seeing and with a post-apocalyptic flair. there’s plenty of it.

Interestingly entertainment promotion is a two way street. It is sad to see how lazy entertainers and bands are. We know they get beat down by the constant, send us your stuff, but that is part of the business. How can anyone know who you are, or what your doing, if YOU don’t tell people about it. Yes, fans to are lazy too. How can YOU be a fan of the Detroit Music Scene and not know who the Howling Diablos are? Or Sykofish, War Machine or Lath Al-Saadi? Here in the social network age, we still need to talk, communicate, listen and learn. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Note: Howling Diablos - all star, guitar, bass, drums, sax, keys, funky lead singer, Detroit rock and blues band. Sykofish - tuff rock with an edge band. War Machine - Kiss tribute and related to the illegal band. Lath Al-Saadi - top area guitar player. To contact Bob Harris call 313 399 8285. To contact Benny and the Jets (or Benny SOLO) call 24 hot line 313 730 1627 FACEBOOK or e mail .

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Come”. Our content is a witty conglomeration of things we like, for example: decade has been a hell of a ride. Line up satirical, controversial, degrading and changes, combined with playing over 1200 weird topics ranging from our friends to gigs in the last few years has put them on Vampires. the precipice of success. After a decade of writing, recording and performing, this DC: What is the secret to the bands lonexplosive quartet has definitely found gevity? their mojo. With the upcoming release of their “Just Got Ugly”CD and a new video Ian: The secret to our bands longevity has for the song “Dig It” they’re on the verge been being able to deal with ones shortof breaking out bigtime. We had a concomings. If one guy punches another guy versation with Lead Singer Ian Thomas to discuss their metamorphisis from hardworking unknowns into becoming one of Michigan’s most talked about new bands.

For the band CRACKJAW the last

in the band in the face because one guy Overall Crackjaw records always have ate the last piece of pizza, the secret is the a similar vibe and by similar we mean guy that punched the pizza thief knows all over the place but “Just Got Ugly’s” deep in his head the pizza thief is a dick biggest difference from past records is the and loves him for that and we all make-up guitar playing. Reeves is a totally different to play another day. guitar player than Rian. Not one better than the last just different. DC:How does this upcoming release differ some of the past Crackjaw stuff? DC: How did the “Where’s Gerald” show get started Ian: The new record rip’s, it may be a little more dynamic than the last record. Ian: Where’s Gerald was started 11

DC: Tell us about the genesis of Crackjaw? Ian Thomas: The Genesis of Crackjaw started in 2000 when we were all young lads. The most interesting part about it is there are no actual original members of Crackjaw currently in the band. The way Crackjaw has always operated is that Crackjaw is not about one person, Crackjaw is an entity. No matter who is in the band the philosophy is to collaborate with a wide range of influences, create catchy interesting music and act like idiots while we do it. A band on a national level that operates under these same principals is “The Dillinger Escape Plan” DC: Since the band members have changed, perhaps we should get the current line up. Ian: Myself, Ian Thomas onVocals, Justin Revoir-Guitars , Rian Pennanen-Drums, Steven Jean-Bass DC: Has your music changed a lot over the years? Ian: Our music has changed a lot over the years but truthfully our music changes from song to song. We have had so many internal and external influences our music is in a constant state of flux. One constant is the focus on song arrangement and catchy hooks. DC: What are some of the events that have influenced or directed your writing style or content? Ian: There are so many things that have directed our writing style, the biggest being growing up together. We have all known each other for such a long time. Even if the line-up was different all the members of Crackjaw (Ian, Rian, Dave, Reeves, Steven, Roger, Ricardo, Penguin, Sean) have been playing music together in some capacity for over a decade. Oh yeah and Refused “The Shape Of Punk To


Photo’s By M.G. Nader

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Ian: We have played with so many great years ago by Crackjaw and three great friends. The name evolved from promis- bands and even more not so great bands. cuous young women where if the phrase If you are asking what popular bands “Where’s Gerald” was uttered there was a have we played with, the answer is too pretty good chance she was banging some long to give you but at some big festivals we have played with bands such as “Every dude. Time I Die” “Avenged Sevenfold” “The DC:Who are some bands you’ve shared Devil Wears Prada” “Alien Ant Farm”, “Andrew W.K.” just to name a few. the stage with? DC: I read that you have played 1200 shows since 2004. Where are some of the

sixteen party. Like the show on MTV, as soon as we finished playing they drove in some ridiculous car into the venue and Ian: We have played so many strange places but more importantly we have slept just gave the girl the keys it was nuts. A side note to that very same show one of a lot of strange places. I recall one of us waking up in a crib at one point I honestly our extra creepy friends (who was wearing a head to toe track suit) was able to don’t remember what state or country get into the party and invade the open bar that was in but it was funny. We have that was set up for the parents. The night played in churches in Europe and basements in parts of south that would freak ended with said friend winning a dance contest (which all of the contestants were out leatherface but the strangest place Crackjaw has ever played was at a sweet teenage girls and our friend who was a 22 year old male). His prize was a $1000 Visa gift card... hilarious. strangest places you’ve played?

DC: Where have you experienced the wildest crowds? Ian: We have always had wild crowds at home and when we were touring our draw across the country would get better with each tour making for wild crowds even on slow nights. Consistently the wildest crowds we experienced on a nightly basis were in Europe. Less music cynics and more music fans it was a welcome change of pace. We love music fans everywhere though; there is a new great band every day. The most depressing piece of literature we have ever read was in AP. Our record “Giants From The Stereo” had just come out and we were charting and doing well. Our Label at the time had bought us an add in AP that we were all really stoked about and a caption on the cover read as follows “The 500 bands to look out for in 2006”. That was a harsh reality at the time and made us realize how tough it really is to make it. We pressed on! DC: Where did you film the “Dig It” video?


Ian: We filmed “Dig It” in a few different places: The Russell Center (DETROIT), Rack-N-Roll (RIVERVIEW) and most importantly a Methodist Church (REDFORD). Shooting some of the scenes in the church we felt like we were going to burst into flames but do to the satirical nature of it I think the big guy (whichever one you believe or don’t believe in) has a pretty good sense of humor. All the actors and actresses in the video did a bang up job it was a great experience and cannot wait until the next one. DC:Who directed it? Ian: “Dig It” was directed By Raymond Grubb and Matt Hutton of Throwback media along with James Linck and Quenton Thomas. DC: Where was your current CD recorded? Who produced or engineered it?

Ian: We actually recorded our new record Talks to Darian Counts Cont on pg 1613 Get the Detroit Live Digital Edition!!! Sign up at TODAY!!! November 2011 Detroit Live Magazine

Blue October & Justin Furstenfeld has more passion and love for his daughter than one could possibly imagine. I found a man, who is a bit tormented, a bit angry, a bit bitter, but a good man, a man with a huge heart who just wants to see his daughter.

Every time I see a moving father daughter moment on TV or in the movies, I cry. Tears stream down my face and my husband makes fun of me, because he knows the waterworks are coming. The reason why: I am extremely close to my dad; I always have been. I am also a child of divorce. Although I could not ask for better step-families, or a better mom or dad, divorce still has it’s ugly effects; no matter how clean the break, which is why my conversation with Justin Furstenfeld (lead singer from Blue October) was so emotional. Not to mention my son is the same age as his daughter, and I can’t begin to imagine having to suffer through what he has.

I sat on the couch next to Justin and through the entire interview he opened up his chest, took out his heart, and laid it on the table. He spoke honestly, intelligently, and openly about his new album, his beautiful little girl, and his current struggles. At times Justin spoke perhaps a little too honestly and out of my pure respect for him, I am leaving out parts in which would be taken the wrong way by the wrong people. I will tell you one thing though, nothing he said was malicious, hateful, or even rude, but with the sensitive situation he is in, certain statements will be omitted from this article. I will log the most important things Justin said and try and reflect the best I can his truest emotions and feelings.

Story by By: Jordan Sarah Weatherhead / Photo’s by MG Nader

know, can you explain the importance and inspiration for this album, ‘Any Man in America’?” I asked.

album, there’s not one exaggeration on the album, there’s not one poor pity pity me; it’s the truth… and it sucks.”

He began, “This album is probably one of the most important albums just because the contents of it were things I couldn’t say in court. I needed my daughter to know, and the world to know what happens inside the court and the legal system of divorce and the rights or lack of rights that men have to see their families.

I wanted to address his new website and his video for ‘The Feel Again (Stay)’. Justin created his website for women, men, and children of divorce. He wanted to host a positive and uplifting place where these people can go to express their deepest thoughts and emotions. The video posted on the website is extremely hard to watch for me, and I’m sure many others.

Not even necessarily custody because every time I say that word they laugh.” He fakes an evil laugh, “‘Ha ha ha’, like it’s not even a remote possibility I get custody; like it’s not even an option. And all I’m asking is that you let me see my daughter on the times that you say I can see my daughter,” his voice is low, soft, and pure. He sounds hurt and passionate.

“Justin, I truly cannot make it through this video without crying my eyes out. How hard was it to film this for your daughter?” I asked him.

You can see the emotion build up in his face before he even begins explaining. “Well I needed to make that video for her, because honestly I was losing my mind a little bit,” he says. He shifts a bit and before I could ask my next question, he contin- “All her memories of being with me are so horrible and twisted to be something ues, “It’s been a very hard four years that I’m not, so when I made that video and a very big learning experience. I always felt like the justice system would it was all for her, so she knows the truth. I said to the guys, ‘let me just sit down have my back and that I would get an and give it 3 times and that’s all I can equal and fair trial; but it just doesn’t happen that way. So while all that was do’ because it was very hard for me to happening I just decided to write down shoot that video. It was a cheap way to film but it was just so f**kin’ hard bethe major points and write the honest to God truth. There’s not one lie on the cause right behind the camera, there was

enjoy the rest of this article on

Marc Nader and I were lead down the cold and drab hallways and stairwells of the Royal Oak Music Theatre a few weeks ago to a small and cold dressing room. We stood in the doorframe, waiting for Justin to come. When he did, we were both a little hesitant at what we’d be meeting with. After years of being a fan of Blue October’s screaming music, I came to know a lot about Justin. With his angry honest songs, black make-up, painted fingernails, and deep and dark art including poetry and painting, I really had no clue what this interview would hold. Would he be a bitter, dark man, full of scorn and hatred? Would he treat us like any other journalist and photographer, getting us in and out as soon as possible? Would he speak quickly and shortly? Would he hardly speak at all?

We started out talking about the tour and he was shocked at how well people took to it. He told me they were a bit slow in the beginning on the west coast but when people really gave the album a chance, they tour flourished. “I’m just blessed people are buying the album and get the meaning behind it and that I’m not just some angry man, screaming for no reason,” he told me.

I will tell you what I found when I met Justin. I found a man who

“Although a lot of us already

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The Detroit Live Show Rock & Politics Tuesday & Thursday 9-11am The Pam Rossi Show M-F 11 am -1 pm Paradise Valley To Motwown / The Rock Starts Here Bob Bauer M-F 2-6 pm Chizzy Cam Tuesday 8-10 pm

Palmer, Johnny, Rocquel, Spider 34 Bliss

Mark Farner, Brian Pastoria, Rick Derringer, Micheal Vee, Dave Mason, Bob Bauer and Mark Pastoria.

DoGgyTV Wenesdays 6-8 pm Red Remote Wednesdays 9-11 pm

Bob Bauer, Brian Pastoria and Ronnie Montrose

Theresa Hebert, Bob Bauer Michael Allman & guests Darian Counts and JTX

Outdoor world w/ Bob Bauer Thurs 6-8 pm Motorcity Special Live Thursday 8:30 pm-midnight The Jerome Clark Trio 10pm - 1 am Detroit’s Fix College Night 7-9 pm Crooked joint 10pm-1 am

Citizen Zero with Matt Dudley, Joshua Mayle

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Bringing Back Music That Matters

By Caty Dochenetz

People like Elvis Pressley or Elton John were not afraid to try something different despite the criticism of the public’s perception of music. Aretha Franklin could sing the roof off a theater just singing about respect, and the only thing you hear about anymore is how much money people have. I do not think people realize the impact they have on the world when you are placed into the public eye, and make a record. I know when I listen to music I hear the words; I can feel the words, but only with “oldies” because no one can step up and have the strength or the talent like big names. When was it decided that vinyl records were old or that The Beatles were considered oldies? Nowa-days, we are stuck listening to the rants of Justin Bieber or Lil Wayne, but what about them really makes them an artist? Justin Bieber has a nice bowl cut and Lil Wayne can growl into a microphone, but can they really make a person get up and want to dance or change their mood. Growing up I did not listen to music like people have to put up with these days, I’d wake up to the sounds of James Taylor or Elton John and it would touch the rest of my day. Technology has advanced and vinyl records are gone but what is anyone doing to change the face of music? All people have to do to get a record deal today is sing about something with no significance and an upbeat tempo. When will someone make a difference in the music industry like The Beatles or Michael Jackson has done?

Although this is purely an opinion piece, I really do wish I had a voice or even and impact to change the music industry as we see it now. I would give anything to hear the radio play Ray Charles, Aerosmith, or even early Madonna because those are people who sang with heart and feeling. You would never see anyone dance with their loved one or father at their wedding to the songs of Soulja Boy. When rap music happened Run DMC did not rap about money, clothes, and “hoes”. Here is a fun fact, not one person cares about the grill you have or the car you drive because more than likely it is a one hit wonder. Why must the only music people ever truly loved be considered oldies? I do not know if people really just do not think about it, but music is not just for teens to mid-twenties. Find a band with the voice of the cranberries and guitar skills of Jimmy Hendrix, and that would be a band worth listening to! I am not saying there are people these days with no talent I am personally a fan of Adele, with a fresh soul sound. All I am asking, when will good music come back? If I had a chance to be the one to change it I would make a difference of epic proportions.

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cont at our Studio, the Brickhouse in Southfield. We have recorded our last four records ourselves. We have worked with several outside record producers and engineers (big & small) in the past. Although we learned a lot about song writing from each one of them IF YOU WERE READING THE DIGITAL EDITION YOU COULD CLICK ON THE the sound quality MEDIA WINDOW AND WATCH THE “DIG IT” VIDEO BY CRACKJAW and the lack of a signed by an indie out of Europe that financial/time concurrently has offices in New York and straint allowed us do our records exactly LA called I-scream records. It was not a how we wanted. “Just Got Ugly” will good fit for either party and we went our be our best sounding record yet. In the separate ways. We are currently shopfuture I’m sure we will explore the opping “Just Got Ugly” tion of an outside studio. Rian Pennanen produced (along with Crackjaw) and DC: Tell us about your upcoming Cd reengineered “Just Got Ugly”. lease party (who is on the bill with you?) DC: Are you guys signed? We are not currently signed; we were

16 Detroit Live Magazine


Our “Just Got Ugly” cd release party is December 10th at The Rack-N-Roll. The show is all ages and $8 at the door, which cont on 17



Crackjaw conclusion

By Boyd Baumgartner Since the financial meltdown of 2008, the American people have had to swallow their dignity, their pride, and their sense of security. Many of us have lost our jobs, our homes, our retirement savings, and our concept of the American dream. The pariah’s to blame are the CEO’s of America’s largest banking institutions, and our government. This country found itself on the verge of a financial collapse beyond imagination because of their greed and arrogance. Back room deals were cut between our government and the CEO’s that would ensure that our banks wouldn’t fail. Well, they got what they wanted, but where did that leave the rest of us?

It was only a matter of time. Actually, one could ask “What took so long?”. The Occupiers. Interesting name don’t you think? They occupy Wall Street, and other cities where financial institutions have corporate encampments. They number in the thousands and they’re mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore. Don’t we all feel that way? Haven’t we all been through enough bilious schemata that we’re all mad as hell and we ain’t gonna take it anymore?

What’s hard to fathom is why no one was held accountable. If it had been you or I who had screwed up so royally, we’d be out on our ear, no questions asked. The old saying “Money talks and bullshit walks” comes to mind. Well they certainly got the money, and the rest of us got the bullshit. Then, the Occupiers came to town. Thousands of people, some jobless, some bankrupt, some homeless, and all very angry. They’re saying what we’re all thinking. The gap between the middle class and the wealthy has grown to the point that even middle class status seems unobtainable. What kind of country

puts profits before its people? Listen, I don’t begrudge anyone that worked and sacrificed to make their lives better, whether financially or intrinsically. That is the American dream. But that dream seems so quixotic. Will we live long enough to see our children attain it? That’s why we’re so angry. We see it slipping away. Conversely, not all of these so called Occupiers are there with good intentions. There will always be a segment of our society that wants something for nothing, and will act with self righteous indignation of they don’t get their way. So beware my friends. The overall message being conveyed here is one that has needed to be brought to the corporate criminals for a long time, but only a credible argument will be taken seriously. A bunch of hygienically challenged, 1960’s hippy wanna be’s will not a credible argument make. I call them professional protesters. They have really no vested interest in the actually cause of the protest, just as long as they can march, carry a sign, and smoke a bowl afterwards. We will see what comes from this. Time will tell if the message of these protests does anything to bring these criminals to justice. I hope for all of our sakes that it does. But the super wealthy in this country seem to be untouchable and will try to hang on to their ill gotten gains until the bitter end. But, I can always hope. Stay thirsty my friends.

gets one entry and a copy of “Just Got Ugly”. On the bill with us are: The Dead Still Dream, Know Lyfe (Lansing, Michigan), Fall Prey, Undaground Disciples and Live It Out. All great bands. This will be a gnarly show. The doors are at 6:30 and We will be playing songs off of our records “Giants From The Stereo”, “Gather The Monsters”, “Lean Cuts” of course our new Record “Just Got Ugly and a few more tasty treats.



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Matt Hicks Rickett Pass



When we stared Detroit Live magazine 3 years ago we knew it would be an uphill battle. Yet with a bleak job outlook and a faltering economy many of us figured we could just was well succeed at promoting the Detroit Music scene as anything else. We kicked off on Oct 4th 2008 with a huge show at the Rack and Roll Night club in Riverview, Michigan. Great bands like Pistol Day Parade and Ray Street Park headlined a show that filled to capacity the 400 seat venue. In the past 3 years we’ve published almost 40 issues, interviewed legends


Michael Robillard The Distinguished Gentlemen Gelineau The Distinguished Gentlemen 18 Detroit Live Magazine NovemberBranden 2011 - Get the Detroit Live Digital Edition!!! - sign up at TODAY!!!

Joe Vega Rickett Pass

Mason Damn Tinsley Rickett Pass

like Ted Nugent, Alice Cooper, Megadeth and Clutch as well as countess local bands. In addition, we’ve since spun off “Detroit Live Digital edition” (a downloadable electronic version of the magazine complete with embedded video and links to advertisers and bands websites) AND the Detroit Live Show (filmed in front of a live audience at the Udetroit Café at 1427 Randolph Downtown Detroit and seen on Tuesday and Thursday morning on We’ve had help from up and coming writers,


Ted Whitman Rickett Pass

photographers, and bands as well as from music fans all over Detroit and the world. People like Marc Nader, Ryan LaPointe, Sarah Stonebreaker, Susie Wilson, Jordan Weatherhead, Benny Jet, Bob Harris, Donna James and many others have made incredible contributions helping to make the magazine what it is today. Without their hard work and dedication Detroit Live would not be what it is today. Also local venues like ALL AROUND BAR, MARLOWS, THE MACHINE SHOP, TOKEN LOUNGE, QUIT N TIME,


Cont on pg. 24

Carey Weaver JTX

Joe Doc JTX CarneyLive JTXDigital Edition!!! Sign up at TODAY!!! November 2011 Detroit Live Magazine 19 Get Brian the Detroit


Photos by Merideth Gillhespy

he would do often during the set. At one point, while playing “The People That We Love (Speed Kills),” Rossdale let fans rub his easily recognizable shoulder length hair.

The crowd was buzzing with anticipation as they waited for Bush to take the stage of The Fillmore in Detroit. After 8 years of separation, the band is returning to the stage to support their latest album, “The Sea of Memories.” The crowd was obviously eager to have them back. One fan shouted, “It feels just like we’re back in 1995;”

a perfect sentiment as Bush played “Little Things” for their show opener. This was the perfect venue for a very personal re-acquaintance with the 90’s grunge band. As they played “Everything Zen,” lead singer Gavin Rossdale leaned out into the crowd, letting them touch his arms and face, something

After drummer Robin Goodridge stood up with drumsticks in hand, to conduct the crowd through the chorus of “Swallowed,” Rossdale left the stage to walk through the crowd. He performed most of “The Afterlife,” the lead single from the new album, while giving high fives to the crowd. He returned to the stage for an astonishing rendition of “Machinehead” which would end the regular set. As Rossdale melodiously sang the final lyrics “I walk from my

Review by Dave Gillhespy

machine,” he removed his guitar and left it on the ground; the feedback resonating as the band left the stage. Lead guitarist Chris Traynor returned alone to the stage and began playing a menacingly crunchy version of The Beatles “Come Together” before the rest of the band joined him for the first encore song. The band then left Rossdale alone to play the first half of “Glycerine,” immediately transporting me back to the Friday night afterfootball-game dances of my freshman year of High School. The night of 90’s nostalgia came to an end with the lyrics of “Comedown” reverberating in my head: “I don’t want to come back down from this cloud. When I did come down from the clouds, I was completely satisfied. Welcome back Bush!

20 Detroit Live Magazine November 2011 - Get the Detroit Live Digital Edition!!! - sign up at TODAY!!!

Darian Counts talks to

DC: It there a big change in the product since the recording style has changed? Leigh: Well yea, we finally got to do what we like to do. Pop Evil being the band name we like to Pop Evil featured on the Cover of March 2009 have an acoustic/melodic Detroit Live Magazine aspect which is the pop end and then of course One of the most promising new we have our evil side where we turn up the guitars. bands to emerge from the great lakes And finally­­ having the opportunity to put together an state is Muskegon’s Pop Evil. The band has had album from start to finish we’ve definitely learned a incredible success over the last few years so much lot. That’s why we called the album “War of Angels” it so that at this years Muskegon’s Summer Celebration represents our struggles on and off the stage being able the Mayor declared July 5th “Pop Evil Day”. Since to tell that story in a song. the release of their first album in 2008 the band has consistently toured, spreading their brand of rock and roll to all who will listen. With hits like “100 in a 55” and “Hero” the band got national attention. Consistent radio air play and incessant touring with bands like Papa Roach and Judas Priest has helped to add fuel to the fire.

DC: What are some of the things you’ve learned over the last few years of touring and recording?

ing creative is one of the most valuable things we’ve learned. You have to constantly find ways to brand your band instead of having some person from the label take it to the promise land it’s about you dong it and coming up with your own creative ideas. It’s not just about the music, it’s also about branding your company and your company is your band name. DC: It sounds like you’re much more submerged in the business aspect of the industry than you were a couple of years ago? Leigh: Absolutely. At this particular time with all the momentum Pop Evil has, it’s important now to command that and to make sure we’re thinking about that regularly. Then of course the music part is the fun part... that’s what we were born to do, I mean were constantly writing but we mainly focus on the music when its time to go into the studio. DC: Tell me about the U of M song and how that came about. Leigh: We are huge U of M and college football fans. We were working on the song and we pitched it to Johnny Kay and he loved it. He knew the right people at U of M and we figured lets record the song and see where it goes. We had it done last season but with all

Cont. om pg. 27

start to finish. On the last album we kind of had to record a piece at a time, we’d go to Detroit on weekends to record then go back to Grand Rapids on the weekdays it took quite a long time to get the album done. We feel very blessed and humble that the recording was as well received by the fans as it was.

Leigh: One of the things we’ve learned over the last few years is how hard it is to stay relevant, to pack a club night in and out, and to get people to buy tickets and buy records. In this changing landscape that is Their latest release is a “War of Angels” serves as a rock and roll music is something you learn not to give testimony to their tenaciousness and talent. With songs up on. Sometimes these days it seems like every other like “Bosses Daughter” co-written by Mick Mars of genre of music seems bigger than rock and roll at this Motley Crue and “Monster Made You” it’s no great time. You don’t get as many breaks whether it’s a news surprise that the album spent time at number 1 on article or TV show or magazine you just don’t get the I-tunes. breaks like you used to. Add that to the fact that there DC: I know you‘ve toured extensively over the last few is just a lot of great rock and roll bands and it makes for an uphill battle. years and I’m sure learned a lot about the music biz. Has your experience altered the way you guys write or DC: What are some of the challenges you’ve experirecord? enced? Leigh: We got an opportunity to work with legendary producer Johnny Kay out of Chicago. Getting an opportunity to work with an A-list producer really helped us up our game not only with our writing but with our sonic production as well. This is the first time we actually got a chance to work on an album from

Leigh: Well I would say a big challenge is staying focused and finding ways to be creative. I mean we know we are on to something that is unique to Pop Evil. We had an opportunity to write and record the University of Michigan song and we pitched it to them and they loved it. The value of doing things like that and be-

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altogether featuring a soulful horn arrangement and backing vocalists. “Detroit Blues Party” is one of the highlights of the album that spotlights blues veterans Emanuel Young, Lady T and David “Honeyboy” Edwards—who recently passed away at the age of 95. Glazer usually adds a topical song or two on his records and the Robin Trower meets Johnny Winter rocker “Wall Street Bailout” tackles issues ripped from today’s headlines. “I Got a Good Girl” showcases Glazer’s acoustic bottleneck prowess, “Reel Me In” is pure Tower of Power-influenced funk and the closer “Detroit Blues Party ReTerri Lyne Carrington, The Mosaic Project prise” features some of legendary poet John (Concord Jazz, CJA 33016-22): Sinclair’s best work. Fourteen tracks in all; this is Detroit blues/rock at its finest! Carrington is a drummer/percussionist/vocalist that has played with a wide assortment of Brett Garsed, Dark Matter (www.brettmodern jazz, rock and pop artists over the ): years. So when she decided to put this collaborative disc together with some of the top One of Australian guitarist Garsed’s early names in jazz and r&b it flowed like second nature. This all female ensemble includes such luminaries as keyboardists Patrice Rushen and Geri Allen, percussionist Sheila E., vocalists Nona Hendryx, Cassandra Wilson and Dee Dee Bridgewater and GrammyAward winning bassist Esperanza Spalding. Thirteen tracks in all—fourteen if you include one bonus—that span the gamut from the stream-of-consciousness vocals of former Labelle singer Nona Hendryx on the funky “Transformation” to a re-worked and re-harmonized take on Lennon-McCartney’s “Michelle.” Also, Carrington truly shines, with smooth vocalizing on “Magic and Music” and the somewhat avant-garde Miles meets Sting vibe of “Mosaic Triad” really typifies gigs was as a sideman for the band Nelson. In the ensuing years he has progressed from the overall mood of the album. Well done! the pop/metal world to become a well-reHoward Glazer and the EL34s, Wired for spected axe wielder in the jazz-fusion field. This self-released disc finds him at the top Sound (Lazy Brothers Records, LB 1013): of his game surrounded by some of the best Detroit guitarist/vocalist extraordinaire Glaz- studio cats on the scene today. The whole record seems to resonate with a sci-fi space vibe and this all-instrumental excursion would probably not be out of place as music on some epic film soundtrack. Title tune “Dark Matter” opens the disc with a nice bed of funky rhythms that quickly evolve into odd-metered musical detours and pleasingly sonic mayhem. “Android” continues Garsed’s high-wire guitar hysteria matched with well-crafted dynamics. “If Only” brings things down a notch as the beautiful ballad offers the listener a breather. A little down the list the cleverly titled “James Bong (License to Chill)” is a cool and relaxed blend of hip-hop grooves and killer shred guitar. “Poison Dwarf” returns to the space theme sounding like an outtake from “Docer and company are back with their latest re- tor Who.” And “Be Here Now” is another lease that maintains an old school Americana/ ballad that puts the spotlight on Garsed’s blues feel, while offering something progres- fine chord acumen and slide playing. This is sive and fresh at the same time. The disc be- a flawless piece of work and a must-have for gins with a cut called “Touch My Heart” that any guitar mavens and aficionados. sounds like a rare track taken from an old Savoy Brown record and fortified with strains of W.A.L.E., Tokyo Girl (independent release): freak-out psychedelic guitar. “Happy in My Arms” follows and ushers in another mood W.A.L.E. is a band that hails from Amster-

by Eric Harabadian

ematic and orchestral qualities of this piece are, again, accented most admirably by guitarist Fluitsma. Another outstanding track is “What a Day,” with its dynamic arrangements and Beatles/Sgt. Pepper vibe. And, perhaps, the band comes by that comparison honestly as some post-production was done at London’s Abbey Road Studios. /

Left for Dead, Left for Dead (www.facebook. com/LFDdetroit ):

dam, The Netherlands. It is the brainchild of guitarist/vocalist/front man Harry de Waij and keyboardist Joos van Leeuwen. They began working on this project in 2009 and it was well worth the wait. “Anywhere to Be” opens the disc with a fanfare of sorts featuring mammoth guitar leads from Erwin van Ligten. Once they have your attention, lush strings and horns frame the somewhat languid and melancholy vocals of lyricist de Waij on “When You’re on Your Own.” “Love Affair” follows in a slightly more upbeat manner, with a mid-tempo ballad featuring tuneful slide guitar from Jochem Fluitsma. Title track “Tokyo Girl” really grabs you via its epic chorus and ethereal mood. The cin-

This is the kind of sound that defines Detroit rock ‘n roll—loud, aggressive, relentless and tinged with some grooving goodness! These east side guys know how to write songs that can make you bang your head and, at times, incite one to cut a rug. “Learn How to Crawl” bursts out of the speakers, with a driving Social Distortion meets George Thorogood bravado. Lead vocalist/guitarist Mike Lipski delivers a raw and lean vocal as drummer Mark Cicchini and bassist Keith Jones solidly lay it down. “Overrated” cleverly examines fame and reality stardom as crunchy guitars and thick grooves boil below the surface. “Not Done Drinkin’ Yet” sounds like a pretty strong party anthem while “Idol Threat” is a hilarious attack on the façade of instant success. The two featured cover songs couldn’t be more different, with a flawless metalized version of Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues” and a hysterical and very well done take on the unlikely Captain and Tennille ‘70s hit “Love Will Keep Us Together.” That has to be heard to be believed! Cool biz, kids!




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Mike Azuri Superlast John Quiroz Superlast

kicked off their shoes and threw down a performance that would make Jethro Bodine and Jed Clampett turn over in their graves. This all acoustic redneck revival is the kind of show every Appalachian refugee can relate too. With Ted’s ability to make his washtub bass sing, Joe’s magical fingers stroking his mandolin, Matt’s ability to find his guitar under his suh-weet Grizzly Adams beard and Mason’s adept skill of singing, playing banjo and acoustic guitar all while ingesting his homemade brand of whiskey intravenously, these guys are a band that must be seen.

RACK AND ROLL have done their part by h t t p : / / f a c e b o o k . c o m / r i c k e t t . p a s s taking advantage of our discount advertising rates. So when the time came to plan the 3rd anniversary show we were excited to bring on Next to take the stage was a personal favorite some of Detroit’s best bands to put on a show and a good friend of DL Mag. Detroit’s own that would be talked about for some time. JTX, fresh from the road supporting his song “Love in America”. This was JT’s first live appearance at a Detroit Live show and surely The show kicked off at the Rack and Roll Bar, won’t be his last. JT was featured on the cover the same location as our kick off show three of the September 2009 issue of Detroit Live. He years earlier. This time a whole new lineup and his band have had great success on the road would take the stage to show Detroit what with his hit songs “Party like a Rock Star” and they’re made of. The show kicked off with “Nothing Matters” but what many people aren’t “The Distinguished Gentlemen”, a two piece aware of is his extensive co writing credits. He band consisting of acoustic guitar and stand has worked with Uncle Kracker on the song up bass. Michael Robillard and Branden Ge- “Smile” as well as Kenny Chesney for the song lineau throw down a high energy, performance “Somewhere With You”. On this night he and that will entertain and offend (in a good way). his band put on a performance that had everyone in the room wide eyed. JT and his incredible h t t p s : / / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / band pulled off a 30 minute power set featuring T h e D i s t i n g u i s h e d G e n t s all of his hits. Anyone who wasn’t already familiar with JTX left the room a huge JTX fan. Following “The Gents” was downriver’s favorite Rickett Pass. Ted, Matt, Joe and Mason

h t t p : / / j t x p e r i e n c e . c o m /

Superlast drummer Rich Pyle is used to getting attention due to his consistent appearances on the show “Hardcore Pawn”. But this night it was all about the music. The band and busloads of Superlast fans stormed the Rack and Roll night club and helped to make the show a smashing success. While the TV show “Hardcore Pawn” may have helped Superlast gain the attention of music fans, it’s their hard work and talent that have kept it. Lead singer Mike Azuri’s ability to captivate the crowd was undeniable. John Quiroz’ unorthodoxed guitar picking style is as original as it is impressive. And Tim Reamer on guitar and Tim Downs on bass provide the perfect string section. All of this combined with Rich Pyle’s savant like command of his drum set come together to create the powerhouse that is Superlast.

h t t p : / / w w w. re v e r b n a t i o n . c o m / s u p e r l a s t

Rich Pyle Superlast

Tim Reamer Superlast

24 Detroit Live Magazine November 2011 - Get the Detroit Live Digital Edition!!! - sign up at TODAY!!!

Lacy Baby The Infatuations

After three years we’ve covered some great local as well as national artists and are looking forward to a fruitful future of highlighting the Detroit live entertainment scene. I’d like to thank all of the people who have put blood, sweat and tears into helping us create Detroit Live Magazine and extend an invitation to bands, artists, writers, graphic designers and even sales people to contact us to see if there is a career in your future with Detroit Live. We’ve grown a lot in the last few years but its nothing compared to where we plan to go…

Thank you all, Darian Counts

Nick Behnan The Infatuations



Headlining the show was the 8 person funk explosion that is “The Infatuations”. Lead by Christian Dreheim this band is as comfortable on the stage at Rack and Roll as they are on the stage at the Palace or DTE. This self-proclaimed “Celebration Band” is heavily influenced by the music of 60’s and 70’s and it shows. Their unique amalgamation of Soul, R&B, Funk and Pop with a Rock twist, reverberated throughout the club causing spontaneous and unstoppable gyrations on the part of club goers as well as the staff. The culmination of the night was their performance of their hit song “Dancin’ on My Knees”. If you haven’t yet experienced The Infatuations get to one their shows ASAP and look for a feature article in an upcoming issue of Detroit Live Magazine.


Chris Polite The Infatuations

The Wolf The Infatuations

Christian Draheim The Infatuations

Caleb Gutierrez The Infatuations


him and soon he was getting national radio and television exposure. A quick listen to some of his latest releases and a look at his recent video for the song “Hit Your Heartbreaks” and it’s clear that John is talented and here to stay. John stopped by the UDetroit Café to appear on the Detroit Live Show last month to play a few songs and shoot the breeze a bit. We enjoyed some great coffee and a quick conversation about his career so far.

Darian: Hey John, I know you’ve been spending time in Nashville, how are things going down there? John: Things are going great. I’m working with songwriter Ray Barnett and I recently signed a national record deal. Darian: It had to feel good to get a record deal... John: Yeh, well it’s great to see progress. For local musician John Maison, it’s all about the song writing. A native of southeastern Michigan his musical goals had to be temporarily sidetracked while he obtained a finance degree. Yet throughout college, John would write songs in his apartment every week with hopes of someday recording them. “Every time I wrote a song, I’d put it in one of those big Coca-Cola piggy bank bottles,” Maison says. And what a collection it was. John finished college had begun his song writing career. In 2008 he was chosen as a semi finalist on GAC star. The exposure opened many doors for


Darian: What do you think contributed to getting the deal? John: Well a lot of working hard and working smart, playing a lot of shows, as a balance you try not to exhaust yourself do all the right things; you make mistakes but hopefully learn form then.

By Darian Counts

day when I go back and listen with fresh ears. The songs I usually enjoy are songs that are based in real life experience then you add the entertainment element into it. It’s fun to take something that’s real and embellish it a bit. But it’s important to be able to tell a story from start to finish in about three minutes. Darian: Does getting together and hashing out songs in front of a live audience help your songwriting? John: That’s the great thing about playing live is you get instant feedback: I mean sometimes you may be busting out a new song and you look out and see what we call the “cell phone glow”. That’s when everyone is checking their messages or playing angry birds instead of listening to your song… that how you know that you may want to write another. See John Live on Friday Nov.25th (the Day after thanksgiving) with Uncle Kracker at Annabelle Rd Royal Oak Music Theater. IF YOU’RE READING THE DIGITAL EDITION CLICK ON THE MEDIA WINDOW TO WATCH THIS INTERVIEW

Darian: Do you spend a lot of time in Nashville? John: Well I kind of split my time up between here and there, I’m mostly here in Detroit but I have a place down there. I team up with a lot of other writers down there. Darian: I hear there is a great writer’s scene down there. Is that true? And what are some of your favorite songs you’ve written?

John: Yes, there is a large writing community down there. People get together in groups and just write songs. Sometimes the songs are great and sometimes not. My favorite song is usually the one I wrote that day. Until the next 26 Detroit Live Magazine November 2011 - Get the Detroit Live Digital Edition!!! - sign up at TODAY!!! SEE THIS ENTIRE INTERVIEW AT WWW.DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE .COM


Toby Keith rode into Michigan and made the last concert of the season at DTE one to remember. As fitting with Michigan weather, rain and cold fall air blasted the grounds of DTE Energy Music Theater making conditions almost un-fitting for an outdoor concert. And as fitting with country music fans this didn’t stop anybody! Fans of all ages swarmed into the venue excited to see one of the toughest guys in country music. By the time Toby hit the stage the pavilion was full with fans that were happy to be dry yet doing their best to shake off the cold. On the outer edges of the venue, the DTE Energy general admission hill was, to my surprise, quite full. Standing in groups huddled together wearing cheap clear rain ponchos, hundreds of wet shivering fans stood in a brown muck that used to be grass. The rain, cold, and mud, none of that seemed to matter

when Toby blasted on stage. The crowd welcomed Toby to Detroit like he was born and raised here. DTE came alive and Toby did not disappoint. From working in Oil Fields to being one of the biggest Country Stars around, Toby Keith as always gave his fans one rockn’ show. And from working 9-5 jobs and fighting to make ends meet in a struggling economy, Michigan music lovers proved that night that there is no fan like a Country Tough Fan!


the turmoil last year we wanted to wait and give the song a fresh start. Now with a new coach and the team doing well people are really embracing the song. It’s exciting to be able to give back to a program that’s given so much to the state of Michigan and to our band.

DC: You have a show on Nov. 18th at the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor. Are you excited to play a small club after some of the venues you’ve been playing lately.

Photo by M.G. Nader

Leigh: Well we’ve been doing shows with 3 Doors Down, Theory of a Deadman and Puddle of Mudd in some pretty large stadiums so we are Photo by M.G. Nader excited to get back to an intimate club. It’s funny because when we started we could never get booked at the Blind Pig. They are a well respected club and they’re particular about who they book. So this will actually be our first time playing there and we can’t wait. Catch Pop Evil at the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor on November 18th and at the Emerald Theater for the 34 Bliss CD release party on December 17th (FREE SHOW Dec. 17th) And pick up their album “War of Angels” at record stores, on I-tunes and at www.

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Get the Detroit Live Digital Edition!!! Sign up at TODAY!!! November 2011 Detroit Live Magazine 31

TINY’s Revolution

By Tim Cook

Join us for Lions, Red Wings U of M and Michigan State games on our HUGE

200 Inch Plasma TV!!!

Hello everyone, once again I am back. Sorry for no article in last month’s 3-year anniversary issue but health problems took me from writing. Parkinson’s continuing muscle/nerve problems can be a little crazy but here we go again. This month I want to talk about some pretty controversial subjects. One - Benefits at bars and nightclubs. Two - Local R&B and Hip-Hop shows. I must apologize to any new bands I see that I usually talk about in Detroit Live, plus a huge thank you to Darian Counts for letting me do a column in HIS magazine since day one. (I remember when Darian first talked to me about this idea on a Wednesday at Moose MacGregors in Brownstown when he hosted karaoke there, trust me we had some fun.) It took some GIGANTIC BALLS to do this. Thanks D for letting me come along for the ride.

First, I want to talk about benefits. Recently I watched a Facebook group called “Stop Fake Benefits” spring up and gain many members. I agree with Shawnee Hojnack for starting this group and the reason why she did. (Check out “Stop Fake Benefits” on Facebook and see why) Plus I see why members of this group will not support benefits; members like Phil Taylor of the band Smack Alice; I give these folks credit for standing up for what they believe because fake benefits are complete bulls***. But after reading some posts in this groups page some things need to be addressed as a person that truly believes benefits and fundraisers are a necessary tool for today’s society) For most folks, especially local music fans these events are a way to help. Just because a benefit isn’t done for the right reason doesn’t mean you shouldn’t support any benefit/fundraiser. If you have been burned, don’t give up on the folks who need help because the local music community is the most giving in Metro Detroit. Want proof, come out to the D.U.I. Rallies to Feed the Homeless every other Sunday in Cass Park in Detroit, the anti-cancer benefits I did for my Pops, Mason Tinsley of Rickett Pass’s father, friends of Crackjaw, Nowhere Fast, Sympathy Orchestra

and more, the benefits and fundraisers I have been a part of. The Juvenile Benefits Research Foundation, Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, the Wounded Warriors Project, the Southgate Anderson Drumline, the Riverview High School Football team and Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan have been all taken care of. The local Detroit music scene is the most giving I have ever seen and I hope it doesn’t stop because of a few con-artists. Second, as a believer and supporter of all local music it is disheartening to see the failure of hip-hop/r&b shows downriver. Rack n Roll, Simons and Modern Exchange (before the shutdown) did these shows and they were all epic failures. Between the low attendance, late start times, violence and horrible bar sales downriver is just not embracing this form of local music. I truly believed when I started booking that I would book EVERY form of local music and I have tried over and over but full hip-hop/r&b shows have never worked. Some artists have worked on shows; artists like Young Arias, Mnstrs, Myke Murder, Dagda, Die-Verse-City, Destroid and Rich Mind; but full shows have not. My apologies to the local hiphop community. An amazing show to check out is “HellBent For A Cure II” on Friday November 11th at Rack n Roll Nightclub to benefit MS. This show features Bat On Fire, Forest Wade, Fall Prey, The Product, False City and Cybertrybe. A great show for a great cause. This show is being put together by the McNaughtons. Everyone knows Annie and Tom so please come help the cause. Time to go folks, drop me a line at tinytimrocks@, or Until next month remember as always Earth, Soul, Rock n Roll and Life Rules!- Tiny


A Parkinson’s Benefit Kill Whitey, Rickett Pass, Fall Prey, Forest Wade, Bat On Fire, Lava Moth, Jezter, DieVerseCity, One Click Gorilla, Rear Knuckle Robot, Pink Lighter Boys, Auroras of Autumn, Scarred Inside, Nowhere Fast, Rusty Lunchbox, Sean Baker Orchestra, Goliath

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Photo by Merideth Gillhespy



SMASHING PUMPKINS October 15, 2001 – The Fillmore, Detroit, MI by Dave Gillhespy

If there was ever a band that could play an amazing show with mostly B-sides and new tracks, it is the Smashing Pumpkins. With over 150 official songs to choose from, the Pumpkins had to make a choice: either play for the radio fans who only know the hits, or play for the die-hards who know every B-side and obscure track. At The Fillmore in Detroit, Billy Corgan and the latest lineup of the Smashing Pumpkins chose to play for the die-hards. Of their 23-song set, 6 were from their forthcoming album, “Oceania,” 8 were mostly lesser-known tracks from their major releases, and the remaining 9 songs were B-sides, rare tracks, or from their debut album “Gish.”

It was evident from the lack of energy in the crowd that most were there to hear the hits and were obviously disappointed.

The show opened with “Quasar/Stella Polaris and the People Mover” and “Panopticon,” the first 2 tracks on “Oceania.” Less-known tracks “Starla” and “Geek USA” followed. It wasn’t until “Muzzle” that the crowd tentatively started getting into the show only to lose interest in the next 10 songs before “Cherub Rock.”

During the encore, Corgan spoke to the audience for the first time during the show to thank Detroit for being one of the first cities to embrace his band in the 90’s. The final song was a slightly up-tempo rendition of one of the Smashing Pumpkins biggest hit, “Bullet with Butterfly Wings;” a fitting gift for the fans that stayed for the entire show.

The die-hard fans in the crowd were treated to such Smashing Pumpkins gems as “Frail and Bedazzled,” “Window Paine,” “Siva,” “Silverfuck,” “I am one,” the bands debut single, and “Pissant” during the encore. As always Corgan’s guitar playing was awe inspiring, the sound was loud and amazing, the lights were brilliant, and the new line-up played great together. At one odd, but awesome point Corgan broke into singsong renditions of Peter Piper and She Sells Sea Shells.

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HOROSCOPE Aries Horoscope (March 21-April 20): Nothing written for Aries and Taurus is available to you, either. The financial these days has to do with your intentions (to be Spiritually endowed), with your focus (only focus on your inner life), and a restructuring of your future because the past is entirely over. This includes how you spent/spend your money and who you thought were Spiritually important people. There will be no union far away. Study astrology to uncover other's agendas.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You may go to church this Month or at least consider either a deeply philosophical and/or religious Truth. This will be intellectually comprehended and will aid your creation of long range goals. Be truthful about where you stand, remain detached from irritability and impatience, and hold close to yourself some of your future plans lest others misunderstand and/or copy them. Something at a distance matters.

Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21): The emphasis, as usual these days, is financial which has much to do with your future ambitions and power to bring into manifestation things needed by your group. There may be thoughts of buying and selling resources. Use both the Mars (action) and Mercury (thinking) retros for assessing and evaluating only. Action will come later but the quality is dependent upon your present ponderings.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The entire Month is about secrets and it's good that others know this. Don't reveal too much about what you are doing and/or planning. In the meantime review your resources and finances in order to begin to rebuild what has fallen down. In private begin to restore your health which will vitalize your finances. They go hand in hand. Gardening is excellent.

Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20): All Virgos need to study astrology seriously now for it will bring them information concerning their future in a practical, day-to-day way. Astrology also reveals what the Path of service is and how to best heal their pets, their plants, and their children (in that order). Astrology also reveals where Persephone is. This is a myth that's not really a myth. Can you unravel it? You might consult, "Adriane's Thread."

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): This is the Month that partnerships and all things intimate take on a new appearance. Actually, it's the other side of the coin, so to speak that will show up. In terms of close alliances, you'll need to maintain cooperation, collaboration, and divine indifference (nonjudgement). Neglecting these, arguments, reactions, and drastic change of environments may occur. You can do this since your behavior is often based in play. Think "Patch Adams."

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20): Self analysis, visiting the ill and worn out, being part of something institutional, and pondering on what you consider to be limitations will take up lots of your mental and emotional time. These are good things during the retros, providing vast insights and illustrative dreams. Mistakes from the past may remind you that forgiveness is essential now. Don't despair (or do). Whatever you feel, sit with it till it shifts. Then knowledge occurs.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): Notice this Month that all of your activities have service as their basis. This is important to realize since the purpose of our life on Earth is to serve others and is the real reason for reincarnation-assisting our family group. It's called Redemption. While ob-serving this do serve yourself a bit more, too, through efficient scheduling, adequate nutrition, and being aware that every minute of the day holds opportunity.

Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22): It's time to consider once again what your hopes, dreams and wishes are for your future. Perhaps there have been long ago desires that you've had to put aside in order to pursue more social or professional goals. No matter what you're doing now, the past will intrude into the present, providing you with memories of a group you once knew. Contact them for they will assist you.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18): This is the month of divine inspiration, excessive creativity, interacting with young vital people, proving that you're executive material, and perhaps, oh dear, beginning yet another love affair. One, some, or all of these may occur. Beware of details, risks, excessive spending, Las Vegas, all pleasure and not enough work, and seeing things in old ways. Quite a bit to ponder, yes?

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Something will be given, something illumined, and something recognized in your professional life this Month. Be prepared for both honors and for those who don't agree with you. This is a polarity and it's purpose is to make you stronger in your beliefs and bring about a greater reality as to your purpose in the world. There's more to come. Don't fall down. Accept the challenge as a Warrior of Light.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20): On the other hand, if you've read Aquarius, you may end a love affair. Bye-bye, you say tearfully and then go home to your community and/or base of operations and become the executive you already are. You are to construct the foundation stones/bricks that lead to freedom and future achievements. Do not question security. You already have it.

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