Nov 2012

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Darian Counts Presents


The Infatuations

Jack White at VOODOO

Nuroksol Benny & Bob Revolution of Rock Ryan Jay Voodoo Danielle Car Theatre Bizarre

Photo by M.G. Nader




DETROIT LIVE MAGAZINE / NOVEMBER 2012 Publisher Granger Publishing


Editor: Darian Counts


Sales: Darian Counts, Brad Simon


Granger Publications 20111


pg. 5

pg. 7

Cover photo: M.G. Nader


Infatuations Ryan Jay


pg. 24

26. THEATRE BIZARRE - JORDAN SARAH WEATHERHEAD Contributors: Benny Jet, Bob Harris, Eric Harabadian, M.G. Nader, Jordan Weatherhead, Tim Cook, Vito Donofrio Graphic Design: Darian Counts, Staff Story Editing: Elizabeth Sinclair, Brad Simon Photgraphers: M.G. Nader, Vinnie Bosscher, Staff


Hello Friends, Thanks for picking up a copy of the New Detroit Live Magazine. For four years we’ve been covering the local music scene. In that time we’ve seen many bands come and go. But one thing that remains constant is the passion and the depth of talent that is the Detroit Music scene. We hope that you enjoy this edition of Detroit Live Magazine and just as Detroit Live supports local musicians we hope that local musicians will support Detroit Live. We provide low cost advertising for local businesses, bands and artists of all kinds. We also welcome your story suggestions. If you have an issue, story or artist you’d like to see us cover feel free to drop us an email at: Also, if you are interested in affordable advertising that is targeted to customers in your community contact us and ask about our local discount advertising program. Rock on,

Darian Counts

ADVERTISE IN DETROIT LIVE!! CALL US TODAY - 734-775-9991 Copyright 2012- Granger publications. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. All materials received without SASE are considered property of Granger Publications. Detroit Live is available free of charge to fans of live music everywhere...Enjoy!



Danielle Car

70’s Detroit style music) not only provide a nostalgic sound, but also deliver soul, R&B, pop, rock, and even a pizazz of funk in all of their songs. by Jordan Sarah Weatherhead

Let’s face it - winter in Detroit can be rough. Gray skies, cold weather, and the worst…less concerts; but there is a saving grace in the dark pit of winter depression for all you music lovers in the Rock City. I recently fell in love with a little band called The Infatuations. It’s not even infatuation…its true love. At Detroit Live’s anniversary show I was lucky enough to get to witness this 6-piece ensemble take the stage. After a night of sitting on my ass and refusing to take on the dance floor, their first song immediately lifted me out of my seat and into the crowd. Normally when people dance, we all have these serious looks on our faces like we’re trying to be sexy and make a statement, but with The Infatuations, everyone was all smiles. Their pure energy and effortless grace on stage had everyone in the venue smiling and laughing through their entire set. They are truly infectious. The Infatuations have it all, including 6 band members who really know their stuff. The band is composed of Christian Draheim lead guitar , Caleb Gutierrez vocals, Jeff Lee on drums, The Wolf on bass, Chris Polite playing rhythm guitar, Bobby Myers supplying percussion, and Nick Behnan for lead guitar. For all the musical genres they offer during a show, it’s no wonder they have such a heavy line-up on stage. The Infatuations (who are mainly influenced by 60’s and

This Story Originally appeared in the January 2012 Issue

Aside from all the band members that make up this groovy and fresh talent, there is also another important man behind the scenes- his name is Marco Lowe. “Marco was the original singer of the band and had all these great ideas for this type of group. We all ended up getting together in May of 2008 and that’s how The Infatuations were born. Now Mark helps with the production and creating some of the songs… things like that. We’re lucky to have him around.” Christian explains of their former lead singer. Says Christian “I feel like the music business is a little stagnant right now. There’s too much starmanufacturing going on and not enough real art development. If we can slip in the back door or break down the front door, now is the time.” From their warm and comforting characteristics to their funky yet modern beats on stage, The Infatuations are an unmistakable power-house in Detroit. Calling themselves a “Celebration Band” of Detroit music, they make us all proud. If you want to see more of The Infatuations before checking them out live, visit their Facebook page for more info or head to to get down with their hilarious and incredibly catchy tune ‘Blame It On You’. -As always, thanks for reading- See you in your nightmares… -JSW

Photo by Vinnie LIVE Bosscher 5


Nuroksol (pronounced New/ Rock/Soul)—their name says it all! This uncommonly talented quintet has been delivering their unique and lively hybrid of hard rock and R&B to the masses since 2005. Hailing from all points throughout southeast Michigan, Flint and Ann Arbor this band has been bringing it strong every time to increasingly rapturous and appreciative audiences from Detroit to Grand Rapids, and even on the national stage. Marlow Morgan (lead vocals), Ant Larkin (guitar/vocals), Jay Freeze (guitar), Randy Martin (bass/vocals) and Chef (drums/ vocals), along with manager Charles Peterson, recently sat down with Detroit Live magazine for a chat at their clandestine rehearsal space in downtown Ann Arbor. Hold on boys and girls you’re about to get a taste of that rock ‘n roll funk machine known as Nuroksol! LIVE 6 6LIVE

Chef: I play drums, background vocals, that’s it. It seems I’ve known By Eric Harabadian these guys forever. It’s a fun family. DLM: It’s interesting that you say family because that’s the vibe I got when I saw you guys at that Cosmic Slop festival at the Artist Village in Detroit this past summer. There was a certain energy there. Chef: It is like a family. Everyone brings a good type of energy to the band and we have fun with it. DLM: Can you talk a little bit about your musical influences and how you put your music together? Chef: It’s an eclectic barrage of spiritual, moving, bluesy, funky, DLM: I’d just like to get a little jazz, rock—you name it! background on you guys. If you could just go around and give your MM: I’m from almost a heavy names and what you do—either a metal background. I started out fake name or a real one (laughs)! listening to Metallica, Slayer—all AL: My name’s Ant….they call that stuff. They try to make the me Doctor Chocolate….no I’m just songs fit my vocals. It’s kinda hard but it’s all good. And I think kidding (laughs)!!! all these guys are from a gospel DLM: Okay….alright! I’m just background. gonna roll with this (laughs)! JF: No, I bleed metal (laughs). AL: I’m sorry (laughs)! My name’s Ant, guitar man. I’m just Chef: Jazz, gospel, funk—that’s kinda my cloth. happy to be in the midst of these RM: Old school funk, rock, you fine gentlemen. RM: I’m Randy, bass player and know. DLM: All the good stuff (laughs)! vocals. And…..I’m in this room with these fine gentlemen (laughs)! AL: I grew up with two sides of music where I’d be listening MM: I am Marlow the Entertainer. That’s MTE. I’m lead to Rick James and the Time over vocals and the clown that’s in front here and then Def Leppard over there. So that’s been my direction of the whole group. And I like with funk and rock. these guys too, they’re so cool! JF: I’m Jay Frozen. They call DLM: And that’s what I’ve me Jay Freeze and I play guitar. I noticed. You’ve got two guitars with a heavy metal edge but do the videos for the group and I am one of the newest members as then there’s that smoother R&B element as well. I just don’t hear well.

too many people doing that today. JF: I have to say that one of the things that really got me interested in this band was how Ant does the jazz thing, with the melding of those weird chords that he uses. I’m listening and going what is that? AL: That’s why I put distortion on so they can’t figure it out (laughs)! DLM: Can you tell me about your discography? AL: Our first CD was entitled Colours in the Sky. That was our breakout where people could hear what Nuroksol was all about. With our new CD People we wanna show how we’ve evolved. Like, the hard stuff, we took a little bit harder but still kept our funk, grooves and melodies. And you could say we explored our softer side but still

kept our roots of funk and rock. We’ll venture off but we’ll always keep one foot on the path so it’s all connected. Hopefully it all flows for everybody. DLM: The song writing is great! Where do you get ideas for material? AL: It’s all real, whether it’s one of our stories or stories that we hear from other people. People will tell you their life stories at a show. Chef: On your break (laughs)! AL: But we’ll say wow, did you hear what they’re saying about this and that. And then we’ll write a song about it. One thing we’ll share that a lot of people don’t know is that the song “Colours in the Sky” is a religious metaphor. When we say you need to find the colors in the sky we’re basically saying you need to find God. We all have the power

cont on pg. 30





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734-362-0988 LIVE 9

Benny jet & Bob Harris

By Benny Jet & Bob Harris

HEY nice to see a NEW edition of Detroit Live Magazine! Don’t just read it, pass it around, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell our advertisers.

Glazer show, which featured Eric and Lisa Harabadian (Chain Reaction band), who where promoting the Vision 561 “Notnin but the Music” movie. Also the Dale Robertson band. Dale told me about the “Steam Howard Glazer Punk”movement. He and his Lets talk some rock and band performed roll, some good times, in Boston for some bad times, lying, thousands of Steam cheating and life in the Punk fans! fast lane. The MC 5 aka Recently, the Detroit Music Awards people, had a meeting Motor City Five, at the Motor City Casino. Wow, that place looks nice. The was one of them meeting was held on the 16th floor in Club Amnesia. This Detroit, kick out place is well worth the price of admission. Very sleek, very the jams, rock and Vegas, or New York City. Two story room, with center bar, roll bands, that tried to change the world. Their motto was dance floor, video wall, performance area, DJ booth and a “If your not part of the solution, then YOU are part of the view of the city I didn’t know existed. Looking out the full problem.” glass wall, you see the old train station, the Ambassador Bridge, Ren Cen/GM building, The Fox Theater, Comerica Did I mention all the lying, cheating, and greed. OK, this Park. Truly a multi-million dollar view. is just a rock and roll column, in a rock and roll magazine. But pick up a newspaper, or see the TV news, and it is A mini who’s who, of the Detroit music scene, Lawyers, everywhere. Lawyers, judges, teachers, preachers, politicians, DJ’s, agents, musicians,members of The Howling Diablos, there seem to be a lot more bad guys then good guys. Where Friged Pink, Sweet Crystal, Christina Chriss, Jill Jack and or how will it end? I don’t claim to have the answers, but Thornetta Davis talked about the up coming music awards. things are not looking Note; yours truly, always thinks our downriver area is under good. Like people and represented. I also suggested maybe an award for radio the world are going in the stations that play and promote LOCAL music. wrong direction. Last year, music promoter Bob Harris and I (Benny of the Jets band) made it to the awards show, which was held at the Fillmore theater. Great event, yes it was, a who’s who/class reunion type event. They really should pass out name tags, so many friends and musicians, some you haven’t seen for years and years. Bob was the presenter to the Pleasure Seekers and 60’s Detroit girl group which featured Susie Quatro. (Bob managed and promoted the band back in the day). 10 LIVE

I recently saw the Howard

Christina Chriss

Do the right thing. Try to make the world a better place, a happier place. One song at a time, One day at a time, One project at a time. Make things a little better NOT a little worse. To contact Benny or Benny and the Jets band call 313 730 1627 See and hear the band via FACEBOOK Or www.myspace. com/bennyandthejets NOTE: Benny plays Tuesdays at the Fiddle BIKINI Bar in Wayne. Wednesday 5 till 7pm radio show via and Thursdays Acoustic Open mic at the Redford Moose on 5 mile. Tino Gross




AND WE’RE BACK!!! Detroit Live is back, I’m back, and we are all back. Much has changed but the one thing that hasn’t is the great original scene in Detroit. On a personal note I am no longer the booking agent at Rack ‘n’ Roll Nightclub in Riverview, I personally moved on to a better situation at Simons After Dark in Allen Park. I now work for an owner with the same vision, love and By Tiny Tim Cook of Rock belief in the local metal, rock and punk scene as I do. Between Kevin Blanton and myself, Simons will become the standard. We are going for a CBGBOriginal Blondies-type vibe. Check us out on facebook or reverbnation at Simons After Dark. Don’t forget Rack ‘n’ Roll though, actually soon to be known as The Crimson Lounge because new owner Sam Thomas is bringing a new vision and will kick-ass. Between Simons, The Crimson Lounge, The Rockery in Wyandotte, Double D’s in Rockwood and The Nuclear Lounge in Newport, the eastside has nothing on Downriver when it comes to original music. Bring it on eastsiders.

drop me a line at, twitter. com/tinytimrocks, or Until then always remember ‘Earth, Soul, Rock n Roll and Life Rules!’ -Tiny

Meet Me At The Skyline

Now back to the bands, since we last spoke a whole hell of a lot of new music has tickled my ears. The ones I truly recommend are Meet Me At The Skyline, Bristol Street, 5th Wall Concept, Sounds & Scenarios, Nigel and The Dropout, Narco Debut, Collin Sylvester and The Fish, Ever Disappear, Ivory To Ashes and The Mike Hopper Trio. Over the next few months I will write about all these amazing new bands and more. Looking forward to it. On yet another personal note you can now hear me on Detroit’s ONLY LIVE local music show, ‘The Tiny & Plankman Show’ Sunday nights from 9pm to midnight on The Internet Radio Network. You can also hear me on Tuesdays from 5pm to 7pm on on ‘The Good, The Fat & The Chubby’ where myself and co-hosts DJ E-Rock and Jimmy Shots talk Detroit sports, Detroit bars, Detroit music and Detroit boobs. Check us out my friends. Can’t wait to talk to you next month, 14 LIVE

The Mike Hopper Trio

When it comes to Audio and Lighting

Go with the PRO’s

In the 70’s a small company known as Disc Jockey Supply was born from the back room of a car stereo shop. In the 80’s as consumer demand increased, they realized there was a need for a place both professional and home grown DJs and KJs (Karaoke Jockeys) could go and not be treated as an outsider. The 90’s things really started cookin’, increased business demanded expansion soon thereafter the Garden City location was opened. The latest chapter in Pro Audio and Lighting history was written on October 15th, 2012 when they moved to their new home at 2400 E 14 Mile Rd., Warren. This 14,540 square foot facility combines their off site warehouse and old Warren store into one spot. “Pro Audio and Lighting Commercial Division” is heavily involved in the Detroit music scene and has supplied gear for the Detroit Electronic Music Festival, Freedom Festival, Auto Rama, the Thanksgiving Day Parade, the World Series, the MLB All Star game and numerous Super Bowl parties, among many others events too vast to list. They’ve supplied gear and worked with Detroit artists like Kid Rock, Eminem, Richie Hawtin, Slum Village, Paxahau, Ghostly Records, as well as international acts like Fatboy Slim, Franz Ferdinand, Bad Boy Bill, Paul Oakenfold. With their massive inventory

Pro Audio and Lighting has been known to save the day in case of last minute audio and lighting emergencies and has been known to be on stage at the Palace of Auburn Hills, to trouble shoot problems or supply equipment. Pro Audio and Lighting employees continue to work in the industry after hours. Most everyone who works there has some form of entertainment experience. Most of the gear offered has been taken out by the employees or the owners to test it out. If they experience problems with it, they don’t sell it. That is why you may not see all of the brands that other stores carry. Pro Audio and Lighting want to make sure the gear they sell you will be as trouble free as possible but still have enough choices to fit your budget and feature list. A quick look at their web site and you’ll be confident that when you purchase equipment from PA&L, you are purchasing from real people with real store fronts. They are there to service you and to give solid advice on your next purchase. Stop by their Warren or Garden City Locations for all of your audio, lighting, DJ, VJ and KJ needs.

2 convenient locations

2400 East 14 Mile Road Warren,

31445 Ford rd Garden City,



Eric Harabadian

Tiles, Off the Floor (Standing Pavement Recordings SPR 012-100):

The phrase “off the floor” is actually recording studio jargon for committing a performance to tape with minimal or no overdubs. And that’s exactly what you have here. It’s the southeast Michigan-based prog rockers captured live in the studio. It’s warts and all, with no excessive multi-tracked vocals, guitars or highly sweetened drums. But Tiles have never really relied on studio gimmicks and trickery anyway so what you get is a rawer and more immediate kind of audio experience. It’s kind of a “best of” album, with over 70 minutes worth of music! Tracks like “Landscrape” and “Token Robert Lee Revue, City of Smooth Jazz Pledge” burst out of the gate with a vibrancy (Associated Michigan Recordings): that is a bit abrasive but pleasing at the same time. “Modification” is so rhythmically dense This is the follow up album to their and richly textured that, in combination with the impressive 2010 debut For the Love of Smooth harmony vocals of bassist Jeff Whittle, guitarist Jazz. The latest release continues the group’s Chris Herin and front man Paul Rarick, the effect forays into Latin-flavored grooves laced with is uncommonly powerful. There are a couple cool keyboard textures and stellar guitar “behind the scenes” moments where songs work. Highlights include “Cuertos Latino/ recover from a false start amid studio banter. Latin Quarters” where the tune’s mid-tempo One of those is the magnificent magnum opus vamp sets the pace for the overall relaxed feel “Checkerboards” where drummer Mark Evans of the disc. The somewhat spacey and eerily gives Herin advice on the timing of his mandolin atmospheric “Callejon/Back Street” rolls on intro. This is Tiles at their most honest and most shining the spotlight on Tom Barsheff’s versatile personal, right down to the liner notes! Kudos sax work. “Para Los Dos/For the Two of Us” is go to the production team of Bob Phillips and a beautiful ballad that displays sophisticated Jeff Whittle, along with mixing by the legendary writing and arrangement between guitarist Terry Brown. ### Robert Lee Balderrama and keyboardist Frank Rodriguez. There are a couple tips of the hat to the band’s ties to the Great Lake State, with the slow cruising “Woodward Avenida/ Woodward Avenue” and the new age-like “Bahia de los Grandes Lagos/Great Lakes Bay.” Both are standout tracks and RLR’s take on pure Michigan! They wrap up the ten track collection with the bluesy “Grito Finado/Late Call.” Balderrama and Rodriguez—who are also charter members of Question Mark and the Mysterians—further explore their contemporary jazz roots, with a style and sound destined for mass appeal. ### 16 LIVE

The Rolling Stones, Under Review 1975-1983 The Elvin Bishop, That’s My Thing: Live in Concert Ronnie Wood Years, Part 1(DVD, Sexy Intellectual (DVD, Delta Groove Music, Inc. DGPDVD010): SIDVD575): Whether you grew up in the ‘70s or not there are certain perennial songs from that era Although this is technically an “unthat have seeped into our consciousness and authorized” documentary of the Rolling Stones remain unforgettable. One of the classics featured the producers leave no stone unturned in their a young Mickey Thomas—later to front Jefferson incredibly meticulous and journalistic account of Starship—baring his soul on a country/blues type the band’s roller coaster of a career through the ballad called “Fooled Around and Fell in Love.” ‘70s and early ‘80s. The “Greatest Rock ‘n Roll Not only did Thomas sing the heck out of it but Band in the World” was coming off of critical and the sensitive and incisive guitar work throughout commercial success in the early ‘70s with albums resonated as well. Well, the composer and like Exile on Main Street and Sticky Fingers. guitarist on that bonified hit was none other than But cracks started to form in their organization Elvin Bishop! The thing is, Bishop had quite an in 1974 when guitarist Mick Taylor announced illustrious career going as a bluesman beforehand, he was leaving the group. Also, Keith Richards with acts like Paul Butterfield, and also jamming was beginning to sink further into drug addled with B.B. King, John Lee Hooker and The Allman excess which would bring upon him jail time Brothers. Here we are in the modern era and the veteran roots and blues guitarist/vocalist is as well as distance from songwriting partner featured in his natural habitat performing live at and compadre Mick Jagger. This film details the process of bringing guitarist Ronnie Wood aboard Club Fox in RedWood City, California in December of 2011. It’s a magical night that spotlights and travels through the experiences of working Bishop, with a stellar band and 96 minutes of on all the Stones albums from 1976’s Black and Blue to the hugely successful Some Girls up to the down home humor, gutbucket blues and major crossover entertainment value. Bishop is one of politically-driven Undercover. The story is told through concert footage, vintage interviews with the architects of the southern rock sound even Wood and Richards , Stones harmonica side man though he tells an amusing story about originating from Oklahoma and California, by way of Chicago. Sugar Blue and an articulate team of first rate This is Bishop— pundits and scribes including Anthony DeCurtis raw, uninhibited (Rolling Stone Magazine), Robert Christgau and at the top (Village Voice/Rolling Stone Magazine), Nigel of his game! Williamson ( Uncut Magazine), Paul Gambaccini Also included is ( broadcaster/writer), Mark Paytress ( Mojo a bonus feature Magazine) and Barney Hoskyns ( Rock’s Back interview where Pages). It’s 115 minutes spotlighting a complete Bishop talks in and in depth account of, not only what was going depth about his on with the personal life and Stones’ career his fascinating during this 50 year career transitional in the music biz. period, but They broke the what was going mold when Elvin on with the Bishop came on music business the scene. Highly in general, and recommended! the emergence ### of “arena rock.” ###



There is a southern wind crossing this country and its coming from Michigan!”

Ryan Jay

If you think a Country Boy can’t come from Michigan, think again!

Even though upcoming country artist Ryan Jay was raised in the north, his heart and soul is from the South”. From the sticks of New Boston, MI, Singer/ Songwriter Ryan Jay gained the love for Country music at a young age and developed a love for ” The Redneck Side of Things” real fast!” With the Musical influences of Hank Williams jr., George Strait, Jamey Johnson and Eric Church, Ryan’s catchy lyrics and melody lines is all he needs to really woop it up on a Saturday night. Raised with a love for country and the support of his family and friends, Ryan was soon playing hometown shows and quickly received notoriety for his natural vocals and songwriting abilities. Ryan has been gaining popularity among the masses and continues his quest to give back to those who have inspired him and made sacrifices so that he could pursue his dream. In early Oct. 2012, Ryan was signed by Buck Shot Productions Inc. His Debut CD/Itunes Release Entitled: “The Red Neck side of Things” is expected Spring of 2013. If you’re looking to see a great up and coming country artist before the rest of the world gets to, catch him at a local venue near you and Experience “The Redneck side of things” for yourself! For more information go to www.facebook. com/ryanjaycountry and listen to his first single “The Dream”.

Vito Donofrio 2012 Buck Shot Productions Inc.




Day two line-ups at Voodoo were all set up until a month ago, when headliner Green Day announced it WORSHIP THE MUSIC was canceling shows, which included Voodoo Fest. It did not take long for the promoters and all involved to fill the empty void; with the announcement that Metallica would be the replacement headliner, ticket sales were boosted and the general consensus was this festival just got even better! With Story and photos by Marc Nader the buzz of the new headliner day two Since 1999, Voodoo Festival, in the first time in over a decade. was filled with great artist from conjunction with Halloween, has Leading up to this performance Dave Stewart (The Eurythmics) to played host to over 500 artists and some great musicians added rising stars like Silversun Pickups, over a million fans. The three-day their art to the experience. From Awolnation, The Revivals, The festival engulfs the New Orleans legends like Thomas Dolby (she Vettes and NOLA’s own Queen of City Park with art, food and blinded me with science) to new Soul Irma Thomas. These artists multiple genres of musicians from comers like Gary Clark Jr, The set the stage for one of the biggest all over the world. This year’s Avett Brothers, Nervo and the metal bands in history and as festival brought legends as well South African rap-rave group Metallica busted on stage the cool as new stars to the five stages that Die Antwoord just to name a few night air changed to hot metal were positioned through out the made day one a great start to this winds. Although James Hetfield park. Voodoo fest is one of the three day event. As Neil took the jokingly introduced themselves as few festivals that are laid out with stage to finish the evening off, you Green Day and even played the convenience in mind. From the couldn’t help but recognize that a beginning to GD’s American Idiot art tents, food stands, attractions legend was going to show us how later in their set, he commented and music stages, The Voodoo its done and Young proceeded that he hopes Green Day get fixed Experience is one of a kind. to blow the stage up with his because the world still needs them. hot handed guitar playing while Metallica ending the evening with Excitement filled the air on day singing his biggest hits that thrust “Creeping Death” to make day one with the anticipation of the day one into Voodoo history! two a Voodoo experience of all legendary Neil Young & Crazy time! Horse playing together again for Skrillex


Coheed and Cambria

James Hetfield

Silversun Pickups

The multi day experience is never complete until the last band plays and day three turned out to be as good as any day. Starting things off was rock duo Black Box Revelation and straight into the long awaited return of the alternative metal band “Tomahawk” (members of Faith No More, Helmet, Melvins Lite and The Jesus Lizard) then rolling into greats like Skrillex, NAS, Vintage Trouble and Coheed & Cambria. But as I mentioned before the experience is not over until the last band plays and who better to end this great event than Detroit’s own Jack White. Jack’s new album “Blunderbuss” has to be his best work to date and is thrusting White into the list of the greatest artist’s of all time. Jack jammed old and new Neil Young

Dave Stuart

hits accompanied by his signatory guitar solos, White and his band filled the air with pure rock n roll. Jack even won the hearts of locals by playing NOLA’s very own James Booker tune “Papa Was a Rascal”. Festivals are held all over the world but The Voodoo Experience is one of kind that is enriched with the tradition of song and art. This event will continue to be a part of New Orleans as well as a part of music history. If the word Voodoo reminds you of some sort of religion, I can guarantee you this festival will have you worshiping the music!

The Vettes




Danielle Car By Darian Counts


In 2008 she made a break with Derringer and teamed up with famed producer Chuck Alkazian. She and Chuck began working together in the studio with Brian Lords to create a 5 song EP that stands toe to toe with anything topping the country charts today. The combination of Chucks production, the top shelf musicianship and Danielle’s vocal talent and song writing skills are evident on every beat of every measure of her Debut release. Danielle music has an uplifting energy that’s sassy and concise. True, she comes from fine Italian stock but you wouldn’t know it to hear her play. I asked how an Italian girl ended up singing country songs she had this to say: “Country is a relate-able genre it speaks to every one. It’s about telling a story that we all can relate to.” and she is right. Influenced by country superstars like Dwight Yokom and the Mavericks Danielle has put her heart and soul into her music. While it was For Danielle Car, forward motion sometimes comes evident to me that during our conversation she was from taking your foot off the gas just a bit. For years more intent on delving into her new CD. I, as someone she fronted the country house band “Derringer” at one who hadn’t heard her previous album, couldn’t help but of Michigan’s best knows country bars Diamondback be impressed by the feel of it. The songs are fresh and saloon. Working the cover scene tirelessly Wednesday captivating. She has an authenticity and familiarity that thru Sunday can be an uplifting/ draining chore/ give the impression that you’ve been listening to DC’s accomplishment. But after almost 900 performances music your whole life. Songs like “Pretty Please” and Danielle decide to take redirect her efforts into her “Hazard to My health“ highlight her songwriting skills original music. And country music fans are happy she as well as the richness of her voice. The Song “ Biggest did. Mistake” undeniably puts front and center the velvety softness of a voice that has the perfect combination of Music has always been a big part of Danielle’s Car’s life. natural talent and years of practice. Performing her own Growing up in a first generation Italian home saturated acoustic guitar, with everything from Poverati to Neil Diamond to fiddle and banjo Air Supply, Danielle quickly found her love for music Danielle is truly and performing. Musical theater in high school lead to the real country her enrolling at EMU as a vocal performance major. deal. Her time performing in high school and at EMU took Danielle to the place where all country artists eventually “We’re Huge in end up, Nashville. Her “crash course “ in the country Europe.” music capitol gave her enough faith in her ability to feel that performing was something she could do for a living. In addition But unlike most of the millions of country artists who to her music have become permanent Nashville residents, Danielle being played had the haunting feeling that she could just as easily on WYCD as build her career in her home state of Michigan. Danielle’s music is making an For years Danielle was heavily involved in the Michigan country scene. You could catch her 4-5 nights a week impact all over the world, recently she topped the charts at Diamondback saloon she played every Hoe Down, in Austria and can be heard on the cable tv’s Music Harley Davidson event and country music festival she Choice channel. She has also released a Christmas single could find, then in 2008 she shifted her focus to original called “ Save your cookies for me”. Daniele is definitely music, no more covers. As she puts it. It was great to a great example of Michigan talent , we anticipate great perform at the Diamond back , but eventually I looked things in her future and look forward to watching her around and realized “ wow there are four hundred people career grow. here , but they’re not here to see me they are here for cheap beer and .25 cent chicken wings.” It was at that point she decided it was the time to change the direction of her career. LIVE LIVE 25 25

The moon hung in the balance, waiting and anticipating it’s victims of the night. Creatures spellbound, stalked the dusk in hopes of reaching The Theatre Bizarre in time. The Masonic Temple stood tall and masculine against the dark sky and the clouds hung low and were lit by the dull moonlight. People from miles and miles away stood in line in the crisp coldness, buzzing about what was within the walls of the hauntingly beautiful building. With tickets in hand, costumed attendees chatted quietly amongst each other as the line crept forward; and just as the whispering silence was too much to bare, out appeared a cast of crazed performers to entertain the crowd. A man dressed in black leather and a face of a skull, began to thrash around a giant whip. The cracks and breaking sounds of the whip on the concrete statues were chilling and then and there, the night began! Next to follow was a group of fire throwers. The crowd cheered and watched mesmerized as they crept closer to the entrance of doom. If you haven’t heard of Theatre Bizarre, or haven’t gone, you’re missing out on one of the greatest Halloween masquerades of all time. Being it was my first year at the Bizarre, I didn’t know what to expect. I had seen photos and heard tales, but nothing can prepare you for the professionalism


theatre Photos by M.G. Nader

and horrifying grace that is put into this event. To say it was “over-the-top” is an understatement of monumental proportions. I was completely floored when my husband and I walked into the Masonic Temple. Immediately my eyes darted around the enormous ballroom to about 5 different acts performing in the corridors. A bar was to my right and instead, I headed straight into the center room to see the giant white painted clown on stilts. When I pass a cash bar to go check out the event first, it’s a pure miracle.


Story by Jordan Sarah Weatherhead

Marc Nader, who was there providing photography, led my husband and me down the stairs to the bottom two levels. The eerie hollow setting matched perfectly with the extreme Halloween décor and people walking around in a costume of every kind. What shocked me the most at first glance was this; there wasn’t any “Spirit Halloween” or “Halloween City” costumes adorned only serious, self-made, and well thought out attire. This was no ordinary Halloween party that was clear. People had been planning their outfits for months… maybe even a year, for an event of a lifetime. The basement labeled “Floor 1” was full of acts such as sideshows, and circus acts. Floor 2 (still the basement) was the Cont on 29



For Decades Downriver residents have enjoyed Jdubs on Sibley rd in Riverview. Most of us aren’t sure when it arrived on the scene. Much like Stonehenge or the pyramids, it’s just always been there. So when we heard it was changing hands we had to take time to talk to the new “ Captain”. We spoke with Gary, the new proprietor and asked “What kind of changes he had in mind for the New Jdubs.” “Well, we are now open 7 days a week with an exciting new menu. Also we’ve got one of the best gamerooms in town, complete with shuffle board and a high quality foosball table. Oh, and as usual we’ll be hosting some of the best bands around”. Stop in this winter to the All New Jdubs and MAKE SURE YO U TELL THEM DETROIT LIVE SENT YOU!!


On Nov. 16th rack and roll will cease to exist and in its place will stand the All NEW

Crimson Lounge.

For years Rack and Roll has been known as a fantastic venue for live music. A list of past performances reads like a who’s who of local rock. New Owner Sam Thomas is committed to continuing to bring to the area some of the best local and national bands. The bar has a reputation for having a fantastic sound system run by renowned audio engineer Steve Bastow. We look forward to the new look and feel of the club and are anticipating some fantastic shows. Stop in on Nov. 16th for the official launch party of The New Crimson. See Live performances by: PAUL SAMOTIS THE OSHAUNESSY BOYS JFK HIP HOP and more!!! Hoist a toast to the new club and wish Happy B-Day & congrats to new owner Sam.


At one point Floor 5 was so crowded I could barely

Photo by M.G. Nader

get to the bathroom. I wiggled and jammed my way through a sea of horror and Halloween fanatics and ended up in line just in time. Afterwards, we took a break by the long tall windows that peeked out over a gorgeous gargoyle balcony. The windows were cracked just enough that a slight crisp breeze wisped in and touched our cheeks. Out the window you could see the Fox Theatre sign lit up as well as the FORD FIELD sign. It was a magical view that made the night even better than I had hoped and made me thankful (even more so than before) to be a part of such an amazing city. Taking the stairs up to Floor 6 we didn’t think there would be anything better than the previous level, but it was just as hauntingly incredible! It consisted of The Asylum

and The Odditorium! Sideshows, peepshows, freak shows, music shows, and more filled up this astonishing level and the entertainment was well… To Die For! Men and women in glass cages hanging from hooks stuck in their skin, women in scantily clad zombie outfits dancing on stages, and burlesque style horror hounds catching everyone’s attention! It was a feast for the eyes and ears! The time and effort put into this affair was screamingly apparent throughout the night. Finally, Floor 7 held the infamous GHOST TRAIN! The Ghost Train is a ride that swerves around in the pitch black fog, teasing your senses and toying with your emotions! Just when you think you’re safe…think again! It was the perfect end to an unforgettable night. As we decided the night was festering down enough to escape, we took one last look around each floor. I can honestly tell you, I never overheard one complaint, one concern, one fight breaking out, or one look of disappointment. Instead I saw fascination, amazement, and pure and utter lust as to what they were witnessing that enchanted evening. I can also tell you, I will forever tell the story to my friends not as fortunate as to the night I had the best time of my life. Big thanks to Theatre Bizarre for allowing us to attend and provide this review; as well as for giving the city of Detroit an unbelievable event each year. For more info check out their Facebook or visit them at! Photo by M.G. Nader

One of my favorite parts was riding the elevators to each of the 7 levels. The 3 large and beautiful elevators where customized with their very own Theatre Bizarre Bell Hop ready to press your buttons and take you anywhere your beating heart desired. The architecture and design of the building only added to the amazing effects of the performances and costumes. On Floor 4 we found “The Sinema” which was serving popcorn and playing classic horror films on an old projector screen. After walking around 4 for a while we traveled up to Floor 5; famous for many reasons and a crowd favorite. Floor 5 consisted of Dirty Devil’s Peepshow, The Liar’s Lounge (piano and singers performing music in the hallway), and then the Fistitorium featuring ‘Lady Pain and her Tortured Souls’!

Photo by M.G. Nader

Dance Hall where costume dressed bands rocked out all night and kept the zombies and creatures moving and grooving to amazing music. Floor 3 was the Entrance and “Zombo’s Emporium” which had souvenirs of all kinds for sale.


NUROKSOL cont. to change. You have to change yourself. But while you’re changing yourself you need to find the colors in the sky. DLM: Jay you do a lot of the video work for the band. Can you talk about the new song you’re working on? JF: We’re doing a video right now for the song “Yesterday.” I’m pretty excited about it. It’s a real powerful song. I thought it would make a good first video for the band. DLM: What can you tell me about it? AL: This is hard to talk about. But basically it’s about my girlfriend at the time. It was almost like a movie. It was one of those days where I was on my way to work and I was almost out the door. She calls me and says she wants to hang out. I call into work and we end up spending the day together and had a great time. And at the end of the date she died. So basically that song is about that last day that we spent together. JF: You know we titled the new album People and that being about as real as it gets, we thought it would be a good first video. Chef: It’s a different kind of texture that you don’t normally hear in rock. Usually everybody’s gotta be a tough man. And we just wanted to have more artillery when it came to music with what we do. JF: I think it’s a real blessing to play with a band that is staying true to what they really wanna do instead of becoming part of the machine. Everything is so cookie cutter right now. This feels like a real project where you can contribute real emotion and real energy. It’s not straight out of a mold. This is what a band should be doing and this is why I like playing with these guys! Chef: And what I really like about the band is that we’re not that different from what you’ve heard before. There may be elements of what you’ve heard before but we’re different. It’s not so far to the left where it’s really complicated but it’s also not watered down to where every single line rhymes and you have this four bar loop that continues to roll. AL: We also wanna thank Tony LaBrie/Banana 101.5 and The Machine Shop in Flint for giving us a lot of support. We’re gonna be dropping our new album People in January and start the single “Yesterday” as soon as possible. For more information please contact Charles Peterson@ 734-686-1328/ or check them out online @ . --Eric Harabadian 30 LIVE


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