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magazine jan/feb 2013

THE Kaleido’s Christina Chriss











By Darian Counts On February 8th Candlebox returns to the motor city. To St. Andrews to be exact. Most of us who were of age in the early 90’s remember the band as a hard rocking powerhouse with great rock anthems like “Far Behind” and “You”. When they came to Detroit they almost always played huge venues like the Palace or Cobo. Today the industry has changed. Few bands come to the large arenas anymore instead opting for the more intimate venues like St. Andrews.

Kevin Martin: Well like a lot of things in the industry our writing style bears no resemblance to what it was years ago. The way it used to be was, we all lived in Seattle and we’d get together and spend weeks and weeks writing material, Then go to the studio and record it. Whereas now, we send stuff back and fourth and spend more time trying to pick the find the right songs. Then we’ll schedule time in Seattle or possible LA and meet up in the studio and begin to work on the songs.

Alternative band “ or “ A Blues Rock Band” . To us the whole “grunge” thing was stupid but the fact was, we were from Seattle, and no matter how many times we told people “Hey were just a straight up Rock and Roll band” it just didn’t matter. Fortunately we never bought into the “grunge” thing. I mean we’re just not the kind of band that does the whole Drop D / Drop C tuning thing.

DC: When we spoke a few years ago you said you felt that your 2008 release “Into DC: So the first time you actually play the the Sun” was the bands best work. Three Yet with all the recent changes in the years later do you still hold that view? new songs live with Candlebox is in the record industry, one element remains. Studio? That is the ability to write great songs Kevin Martin: Yes, I still think it was our and perform them in an awe inspiring best album. But this record, ( Love Songs Kevin Martin: Yes. We don’t like to fashion. That is a skill Kevin Martin have everything establish going in. We’ll and other Musings) is a really good record, and the guys from Candlebox perfected That Being Said, I think that If “Into usually go in with about half the CD decades ago. the Sun” would have been our follow up written and inevitably we write a few I got a chance to speak with Kevin during more while we’re there. We always end up album to our debut, instead of “Lucy”, writing in the studio a lot of times it ends we’d have had a much different career. his current tour to discuss Candlebox up being some of the best stuff. past, present and future as well as the But one of the reasons that this record, changing the music industry. “Love songs and other Musings” is a DC: When you guys first hit, people game changer for us is because we knew FYI one of the first people/radio stations to labeled the band has “Grunge”. Did you if we wrote a record like this, regardless play Candlebox and help introduce them to agree with that label? of whether or not it got airplay, the the country in the early 1990’s was Doug Candlebox fans would allow us to grow Kevin Martin: Well the industry just Podell on WRIF. and continue along the path to writing needed to put a handle on us, and that music that’s a bit more accessible. Music always happens. I mean you can say DC: Tell me about your writing like some of the stuff we’ve grown to love, procedure and how if any it has changed “We are just a Rock and Roll” band but stuff that’s been inspiring us over the last someone’s going to say No, you’re an “ over the years.


five or ten years. Bands like Coldplay, My Morning Jacket and Arcade Fire. Rather than going back to what we love about Zeppelin, The Clash or the Who style. We are getting great response from our fans about the record it’s just that we keep hearing it’s hard to find it.

to a main stream rock format (WRIF). I mean I love the wrif and I love Doug Podell but the reality is they dont sell records for us anymore. I mean look at what bands like “Muse” are doing .. their ticket sales are un-f*cking-believeable .. and they’re not on rock radio.

DC: Really why is that?

DC: If you were 24 years old in 2013 and had to do it over again do you think Candlebox would have the same success?

Kevin Martin: Well it all goes back to issues we continue to have with our label. I mean it’s due to poor decisions on the part of the label management and staff . I’ll tell you I’m never signing to another label .. I won’t do it!.

Kevin Martin: Laughs… long pause……. Sigh…I don’t know . I don’t think Candlebox would have the same success now. To be honest with you I think that if bands like Led Zeppelin were to release DC: When new last spoke you were have a record now, no one would listen. I can label issues before .. with Maverick right? tell you this. I would hate to be a 24 year old trying to make it in this market. That being said if I could go back and do it all Kevin Martin: yeh, it’s because no one over again I’d make completely different knows what do to with us. I mean I sat decisions. down with the management and told them they are making a huge mistake DC: So are you going to start your own right now. label? DC: By doing what? Kevin Martin: In all honesty what we’ll Kevin Martin: Well they picked “Believe probably do is just release a couple new songs on our website every month and In It ” in it as our first Single. The record Came out in April we should have bypass the label altogether. come out with the song “Summertime”. Especially when we are going after a bit a DC: You re-recorded Far Behind, You and Cover Me … Why? different market..more of an alternative / hot AC market (Doug FM) as opposed

Kevin Martin: We were asked to do Far Behind and You for a new Guitar Hero Game, but it never ended coming out. Also, if we wanted to use those songs we had to pay the original label. None of that stuff came out in Asia and South America so we figured if were going to approach those markets of the next few years its best to use new recordings rather than pay those guys to use our own art. DC: I know you had money issues with Maverick records for along time. Last time you spoke you said you still hadn’t gotten payment for a lot of the old Candlebox stuff. Are you all good now? Kevin Martin: Yes, finally as of last April were all square. Oh, and it wasn’t our idea to put the re-recorded versions on the new album. We just wanted an 8 song album. But again the label prevailed and they ended up on it. DC: How was it re-recording those songs? Kevin Martin: Man, it was hard as hell to go back and recapture that sound. So much has changed in 20 years. We don’t have the same guitars , amps or even style. I mean I don’t event sing like that any more. When I was young I didn’t know how to sing and I trashed my voice a lot. For me to now try and go back into the studio and try and sing like that again was Cont on 21



Jeff Dunham & Friends invade Detroit Story By Eric Harabadian Photos Marc Nader

Controlled Chaos and Jeff Dunham: Minding the Monsters is his latest venture and tour Disorderly Conduct. And Dunham, indeed, brought the funny with his aforementioned cast of characters along with “Bubba J.,” “Jose the Jalapeno on a Stick” and “Little Jeff.” The two hour show opened with Dunham making jokes about some of the stage props and, by laughing at himself, got the audience on his side from the get go. He immediately went into a “slide show” where he took everyone on a hilarious walk down memory lane, with childhood photos of humble beginnings with his first dummy Monty. Let’s just say, as a youngster, he left a little to be desired in the fashion department. But then, hey, it was the ‘70s! After the intro it was time for “the little people in boxes” and Dunham delivered with crowd favorite “Achmed the Jeff Dunham—Joe Louis Arena, 12/28/12 Dead Terrorist.” With his bugged out eyes, “Silence, I Keel You,” “Hey boney frame and acerbic wit, “Achmed” Dumbass,” “Am I Pissing You Off-fatalked a good game about “death to the fa?” These are just a few of the rants and infidels” and goofing on modern western catch phrases that flow from the mind of culture but, of course, it was all for laughs. comedian/ventriloquist Jeff Dunham—or are But he set the tone for Dunham’s mix of they? Perhaps they should be attributed to adult themes and political incorrectness, with their respective owners, namely “Achmed a somewhat family flair. America’s favorite the Dead Terrorist,” “Walter” and “Peanut.” brewery security guard “Bubba J.” was next The acclaimed Dunham does such an and traded rapid fire barbs with Dunham amazing job of blurring the line between the centered on being drunk and disorderly. At actions and words of his colorful puppets one point Dunham flubbed Bubba’s name and himself that it’s difficult to tell who’s and then the blooper-filled hilarity ensued. running the show! On the heels of his hugely Again, Dunham, ultimately back pedaled successful DVD/TV specials Jeff Dunham: out of it with aplomb by joking on himself.

The master ventriloquist took a moment out for a short commercial about his own ventriloquism kit featuring a cocky smartass version of himself named “Little Jeff.” What started out as a sort of infomercial quickly erupted into Dunham engaged in an argument with the dummy and chasing him all over the stage. Manic, ADD-afflicted purple creature Peanut followed by heckling the audience, spewing spastic one-liners and joined Dunham in giving a good natured ribbing to a guy named Don in the front row. The comedian then brought “Jose the Jalapeno on a Stick” into the mix and it was game on! The “mother” jokes and other politically incorrect insults were flying and Dunham could barely keep a straight face in the fray. And speaking of insults everyone’s favorite curmudgeon “Walter” leapt out of the box and into the crowd’s hearts. “Walter” could give Don Rickles a run for his money and spoke on everything from marriage and family to sex and politics. To close the show Dunham and “Walter” took questions from the audience and the term “interactive” took on a whole new meaning! Performing before a near sell-out crowd, Dunham was a hot ticket. And this show justified why he is one of the top rated comedian/ventriloquists working globally today. --Eric Harabadian DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM - LIVE 9

Benny & The Jets

reflections of a Palace

Do you know of the Michigan Palace Theater? I guess you would have to be old, a rock and roll history buff, or student, to know of it. My daughter tells me, there is a collage, rock and roll history class.

By Benny Jet

While the Michigan Palace is not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a lot of the people who are in the Hall of Fame, know of the Michigan Palace. My daughter, and some of her Rock and Roll classmates may know the theater, now an infamous parking lot, from Emienem’s 8 Mile movie. (The fight scene in the parking garage is where you see the now iconic Palace roof. ) KISS, Iggy, Bowie, Seger, Aerosmith, fans may remember this historic 5000 seat, Detroit concert theater. Which sat on the corner of Bagley and Cass. Not far from the similar, Fox Theater, in the once great Detroit Theater District. The Palace, unlike the seemingly more revered, Eastown or Grande Ballroom, was truly a Palace. Words and photos have a hard time taking your breath away, the way this Taj Mahal like, Three story, black and white marble, mirrored, chandeliered, red velvet roped, Palace lobby did, when you entered. The theater, built in the Vaudevillian great movie palace era, of the 1920’s, kicked off it’s Rock era, in the early70’s. September 22 1973 a brand new Glam Rock band, the New York Dolls, sold out opening night.

This list of bands, and historic rock moments, go on and on. Starting with that legendary New York Dolls show, and including the first KISS show. I guess I should add my Dad, Leo Speer owned the Palace. The story goes, He was so happy about the Dolls opening night sell out, he asked lead singer David Johansson, if there where any other New York bands that would do well in Detroit. Johansson said you have to see this band KISS! My dad hired KISS, paid them $500 to open for Blue Oyster Cult. Kiss went on to be a huge part of the Palace family, and Rock and Roll history. Interesting side note, famed KISS photo from the KISS ALIVE LP, was taken in front of the curtain/ stage of the Michigan Palace, NOT Cobo Hall. DaveatGTS Iggy, recorded his live, Metallic KO LP, the Palace. There where great, ZZ Top, Sly and the Family Stone, Linda Ronstadt, Badfinger, David Bowie, moments. Peter Frampton was still an opening act. A money back guarantee concert by a young Bruce Springsteen. Where Bruce came on stage played a few songs, then offerd to refund money to anyone who felt it wasn’t a great show! Everyone stayed!

Jeff and Rick Ray Street Park


BTO, Rush, Nugent, Seger, Aerosmith, all became regulars and part of the Palace family of bands. In fact Seger opened for BTO and toured nationally together. Rush became a

regular touring partner with KISS. Nugent and KISS still do dates with Aerosmith. The Palace haunts me. I see it so often in movies and on TV. Like many Rock and Roll Icons, the Palace seems to have become more famous in death, then life. Recently used in an H and R block commercial. Most everyone saw it in the Eminem movie and video. The TV show, Detroit 187 did an episode there. New Tyler Perry movie, Alex Cross. Flipping the TV channel, I come across a county music video, from Thomas Rhett, filmed in the Palace. I hear everyone in Detroit talking about Big Sean, so I watch HIS new video, a lot of Detroit scenes, I no sooner think he could have used the Michigan Palace in this video, and BANG, there HE is singing in the ruins of the once great theater. I can only hope that when the guys in KISS or Aerosmith see the Eminem or Big Sean Videos or Tyler Perry or YOU see the iconic still standing roof lines, everyone will feel the magic of an history old Michigan Palace Theater. Note: Palace parking lot is open for Detroit event parking. Enter through what would have been the lobby, If you park on the third deck look to North arch, over what would have been the stage and dressing rooms, the South, and see part of the balcony and projection booth. Now in production a Vision 561 “nothin but the music” documentary will feature scenes of Benny and the Jets band, filmed in the Michigan Palace. For more info contact Benny 313 730 1627 via e mail find Benny and the Jets band on facebook and myspace. DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM - LIVE 11

Revolution of Rock

By Tiny Tim Cook

The Anthony Lai band

Happy New Years folks. My resolution is to find some bad-ass new music to replace some of the amazing bands that called it quits last year. Many great memories and thank you’s to Death of a Hero, Another Broken Hero, All Hands Lost, Rose From The Ashes, Dirty Whiskey, Tiny Water Flea Clocks, Slayton, Reign, Eternal Affliction, The Distinguished Gentlemen, Auroras of Autumn, The Dead Still Dream and Our Brother The Butcher to name a few. Plus hopefully we’ll soon hear from bands that have been on hiatus over the last year, like Dear Pilot, Seasons of Eden, Tex Watson, A Hero Falls, Carta Immense, Soldiers of Scrape, Lava Moth, Seven Year Reign and Mansfield Park. I also haven’t heard a whole lot from Rotation, Detroit VooDoo, Motown Rage, Otto Vector and Passport to Nowhere. Some new blood has gotten me lately like Final Phase, Ora’s Attic and Sharks Never Sleep. Final Phase is a bad-ass metal band from the Westland/Canton area. Ora’s Attic is a straight-forward rock band featuring members of Crackjaw and Mustache Baby. Sharks Never Sleep is a young punk band from the downriver area. We’ve got a couple of great benefit shows coming up at Simons After Dark in Allen Park. One is to help the family of Social Class Zero bassist Jason Cox find his missing Aunt. On Saturday February 9th, the Benefit Concert will feature Social Class Zero, Sorrow For Tomorrow, Meet Me At The Skyline, The Idiot Kids, 34Bliss and Read Em and Weep. The other is to help a friend of Jay Sims, former Sykofish and Attracting Insanity guitarist.


The F*** Cancer Concert is Saturday February 16th with Mindrought, The Ruiners, Recycle The Soul, The Copy Cats, Fire For Effect, Mary Jane’s Pride and the return of Bootleg. For more info on these shows check out Simons After Dark’s Facebook page. Well, time to hit the road once again. Drop me some info at, Plus listen to my radio shows The Tiny and Plankman Show Sunday nights from 9pm until midnight and The Good, The Fat and She Gives Me A Chubby Tuesday late afternoons from 5pm until 7pm both of As always, Earth, Soul, Rock n Roll and Life Rules! - Tiny

Meet Me At The Skyline




KALE By Allison Martin

Photo MG Nader Kaleido- Christina Chriss - vocals, Joey Fava - drums, Ronnie Rosolino - guitar, Cody Morales -bass & Jamie Burnham guitar After years of working in the music industry on the West coast, I returned to Detroit Rock city to find an interesting phenomenon performing on the legendary stage of Detroit’s Magic Stick. Kaliedo, a faux-punk, five piece powerhouse lead by charismatic front woman Christina Chriss.

It was just over a year ago when Chriss, who was singing in a cover band and drummer Joey Fava Decided to form Kaleido. They immediately added Cody Morales on bass, then guitarists Ronnie Rosolino and Jamie Burnham. Since then Kaleido, has been taking Detroit by storm. In just under a year, Chriss and Fava and the boys have managed to not only co-create a wildly popular sought after band but release the band’s first ever self-tilted EP. A conversation with the talented front woman unveiled some of the mystery behind the band’s fast track to success. Chriss, who has been singing since the age of five, is seemingly unstoppable. This 26 year old songstress can write, produce, and captivate an audience with her full range of gut wrenching vocal talent. When asked about her journey over the last year Chriss’ voice has the same passionate, throaty, undertones as she did when giving her captivating performances at The Stick. She describes Kaelido, just as the Greek word it was named for, as” being a beautiful form” and also a as collection of her life experiences”. Chriss mentions how the bands hard work and dedication has landed them gigs at some of the biggest and baddest venues around. This impressive list goes on to include Comerica park, The Fillmore Detroit, The


EIDO Palace of Auburn Hills, DTE Music Theater, and yes, even the famous Roxy stage in Los Angeles.

After a whirlwind year of non-stop shows and studio recording, Kaleido is nowhere near ready to slow down. When asked what’s next for her band Chiss enthusitaclly answers, “WE WANT TO TOUR!” Chriss talks about her bands intentions to play the famous South by Southwest show case in Austin, Texas next year. If that weren’t enough, the band had a headlining gig on New Year’s Eve at St. Andrew’s Hall in Detroit where Chriss expressed her excitement to show her fans the lighter side of Kaleido with an onslaught of originals and covers tunes.

Aside from catching their show at one of the bigger stages in town, Chriss has most recently added an open mic gig to her repertoire at Freddy’s bar on Monday nights in Clinton Township. A venue that is near and dear to Chriss’ heart owned by Frederick Craprotta, a man who Chriss described a someone very important to her and a person who helped many local musicians launch their careers. Kaliedo’s track “Goodbye” which was written with Ty Stone, is a tribute to the late Freddy Craprotta, who died unexpectedly in September. With the bands long awaited EP in place, Chriss describes how she and her band mates feel a sense of pride and accomplishment over this feat. It is quite astounding to note that the band has had a slew of impressive shows over the last year despite not having a finished product. This just goes to show what all the hoopla is over this newbie band…a punkpop band that whose energy, showmanship, tenacity, and volume will knock the socks off just any cheeky Detroit music scenester.

Photo by Rosanne Frank





WHO IS J O H N LEBANG? By Brad Simon


John Lebang is a man that is haunted. Haunted by questions. When asked, “What about people like political figures Ron Questions that don’t necessarily have answers but must be Paul”, Lebang gets a bit reflective and says “I have respect asked. for Ron Paul, I would have liked to see him fight harder” Should have he run 3rd party? “No, that’s what I respect Johns various online TV/Radio shows (The John Lebang Show about him; He said he wouldn’t run as a 3rd candidate and and Pirate TV) are asking all the right questions and seem to he didn’t. In today’s politics it’s rare to see a man who be the answer for thousands of viewers all over the world. keeps his word”. From his inner sanctum he broadcasts weekly to the entire known universe. Tackling issues like Monsanto & genetic food modification, chem trails, 2nd amendment infringements and illuminati. When I asked John “Are you spreading the truth?” He says “I’m not bringing the truth, I’m bringing questions. I believe we live in an era of disinformation. Everything is disputable and disputed. For any issue, you can look for information online and find convincing arguments claiming two exact opposite viewpoints is are true. It’s impossible to know what is true today. I mean 50 years ago we didn’t have a fraction of the information we have today, yet we had ideals we could cling to as truths. Today, people have no truth. So I raise questions and accompany people as they search for answers.” Through dry humor, hyperbolic characters and clever audio and video editing, John has developed his very own brand of entertainment. When compared to national talk show host Alex Jones, Lebang is quick to point out that while he shares some opinions with Jones, John feels that Jones’s recent full on melt down on the Piers Morgan Show demonstrates that Jones is either a complete nutcase or an agent of disinformation and distraction.

Today, gun laws and 2nd amendment issues seem to be at the forefront of the news. Have you covered this on your show and what are your views? Says Lebang, “This is where I have a problem with Alex Jones, he goes on national TV with a chance to make a reasoned argument for Americans

Alex Jones in Mid Melt Down on the Piers Morgan Show.

right to bear arms and ends up making us all look like raving lunatic redneck. (No offense intended to actual rednecks) I think that America is a country that is broken, that’s why we see all these shootings; these are not the acts of a sane well balanced society. I think something is off, and people know it. I think we need to get back to the basic ideals and qualities that at one time put this country far ahead of the world. Some of those qualities are; independence, personal responsibility and hard work. But its hard to know what those things are when the media puts out so many mixed messages, I guess Ted Nugent said it best when he said:” “The media and the government is hell-bent on convincing that water is dry and we should all reconsider our conclusions about the dampness of H20,” he said. “These people are out of their cotton-picking minds, and they scare Americans who are committed to logic, truth and common-sense” T. Nugent




difficult. We actually had to look at it as if we were covering our own songs. DC: Last time we spoke you turned me onto a couple of new bands that hadn’t broke yet. Bands like Kings of Leon that eventually went on to do very well. What new bands are listening to now? Kevin Martin: Man, I listen to a lot of new bands all the time. But actually what I’m listening to right now is some of the first Van Halen albums. But lets see… well, there is a band called “Say Hi” they kind of remind me of the early Beatles. “Surfer Blood” and a band from Minneapolis called “Now Now”. Oh and I’m currently listening to “The Joy Formidable”. I think it’s brilliant. DC: What’s your favorite Detroit Venue performance wise? Kevin Martin: I have to tell you, I am incredibly excited about coming back to Detroit to play at Saint. Andrews. I mean that is one of my favorite venue in all of the United States and I love playing there. Seriously… I love that place!

Get to St. Andrews on Feb 8th to see

CANDLEBOX Pick up their new release “Love Songs and other Musings” as well as their previous release “Into the Sun” online. Get tickets for this event Or go to

Comedian Sidney Smith bringing night life By Sara Kandel to Eastpointe

This article ariginally appeared on

it’s amazing what they have done with that Nine Mile and Woodward corridor that they have. It pretty much mirrors the Nine Mile and Gratiot corridor that we have here.” By producing quality events at local venues, Smith is h9ern, and together they’ve developed a plan for attracting the folks they refer to as the 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. crowd. “There are all kinds of bars in Eastpointe, but there’s nothing really happening here,” Sage said. “You have to make it happen. You have Sidney Smith to take those steps to make it happen. YoungTwo Eastpointe residents, a restaurant er people want drink specials, entertainment owner and an entertainment company ownand late-night food specials.” er, are working together to bring a nightlife scene to Eastpointe. The duo showcases their effort three days a week at Sugar Bush, located on 10 Mile Sidney Smith, known locally for his work Road, just west of I-94, with karaoke on with the Chamber of Commerce and in Thursdays, disc jockeys on Fridays, a live stand-up comedy and T-shirt design, re- band on Saturdays and drink specials all cently made public his latest endeavor — a three nights from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. business called The Eastside Party, a booking agency and party-planning service — “I want to beef up the nightlife around here,” with a hopes of profitability, not only for said Sage, who moved to the city to be close himself, but also the city in which he reto the restaurant. sides. “We have a good dinner crowd and a great “What we want to do is bring a Royal Oak lunch crowd, and I’m hoping to get that 10 feel to Eastpointe,” Smith said. p.m. to 2 a.m. crowd next. We just want to spruce up the nightlife, at Sugar Bush and in “We want to bring that feel to this side of Eastpointe.” town. There is a lot of potential and a lot of energy here. If you look at what Ferndale Read the rest of this article on has been able to do over the last 10 years — DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM - LIVE 21



choice cuts

by Eric Harabadian

The Yardbirds, Making Tracks (DVD, MVD Visual MVD 5606D):

They were one of those legendary British rock bands that were birthed in the blues and had their share of pop hits as well. The Yardbirds emerged in the mid-‘60s amid fellow countrymen such as The Animals, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Hollies and countless others. But what they had that a lot of other groups didn’t was, arguably, three of the greatest guitarists in modern music history did an apprenticeship within their ranks; namely Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck. With that kind of legacy anyone who filled their shoes would, undoubtedly, have quite a challenge ahead. But original group members Jim McCarty and Chris Dreja recruited guitarist Ben King, vocalist/harmonica player Andy Mitchell and bassist Dave Smale and toured the U.S. from 2010-2012. This two DVD set is a document of that adventure and proves that sometimes you “can” go home again! Captured live at various venues throughout the east coast, the seasoned energy of drummer McCarty and guitarist Dreja along with their young 24 24 LIVE - DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM

counterparts is a nice contrast as they all play off each other exceptionally well. Hits like “Heartful of Soul,” “Train Kept A Rollin’,” “ Shapes of Things” and “For Your Love” are solid and do not disappoint. And deeper cuts like “Mystery of Being” and “Drinking Muddy Water” cast a fresh take on psychedelia and the blues. Prior to getting the gig the guy that was probably shaking in his boots the most was lead guitarist King. But from the first tune “I’m Not Talkin’” you can see why he got the job. Whether it’s slide work, finger taps, volume swells or straight ahead shredding, the man is bad! Also included are a number of great DVD extras like individual member interviews, additional tracks and a full tour documentary. Highly recommended! ###

Carmel Liburdi, Martyrs & Misfits ( ): Liburdi is a Detroit area singer-songwriter that approaches this two-song EP with a mix of levity and introspection. The first song “Bartholomew the Great” is a tribute to a multi-talented circus performer and high wire specialist. Liburdi’s depiction of the character’s bravery in the face of deathdefying feats is illustrated by whimsical piano chords and her relaxed, yet expressive voice. She really knows how to spin a tale and put the listener at the center of the story. The second song “Mia Culpa” is taken from the Latin phrase meaning “my fault.” Here Liburdi appears to go first person, with solo acoustic guitar, staking a claim for standing behind one’s personal beliefs. In her words: “ Don’t listen to those that don’t know you. Forget what your parents have told you. Mia Culpa will tell you, don’t let them repel you, follow your heart or be a ghost.” Heady stuff from one of the Motor City’s rising musical poets. ###

Syzygy, A Glorious Disturbance (CD/ DVD, SME 090808, www.syzygymusic. com ): The pride of Cleveland, Ohio! No, I’m not talking about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! I’m talking about one of the finest U.S. progressive rock bands on the planet—Syzygy! These guys have toiled in various incarnations throughout the Midwest for over three decades. And their music has, even, been praised by legendary world class artists like Patrick Moraz and Steve Hackett. But their shining moment has to be the long-awaited release of this three disc masterpiece. It is a CD, concert DVD and bonus features DVD package that is a fan collector’s dream and a comprehensive gateway into rare modern music delights for the uninitiated. Included is live footage from 2009’s Three Rivers Progressive Rock Festival in Burgettstown, Pennsylvania and 2010’s Day of Prog Festival in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania. There are nearly five hours of music and extras! And the extras consist of extensive band interviews, historical footage and insight into the creation of one of their most popular albums Realms of Eternity. The camera angles on the live segments are engrossing and transport the viewer to the stage. And the option of 5.1 Surround Sound makes the audio portions of this package engaging and a feast for the ears. Superb musicianship, excellent fidelity, extensive liner notes/lyric sheets and breathtaking graphics make this a must-have for anyone into modern rock that goes beyond! ### Matt Dmits, Bury Me With My Guitar (www.reverbnation. com/mattdmits ): Dmits is a singer-songwriter and guitarist that hails from Lincoln Park, Michigan and has been a solo performer and accompanist for over ten years. In that time he’s played with national artists and local musicians alike, most notably as a member of the Detroit songwriter’s collective The Inside Outlaws. This six-song EP is his debut release and certainly holds a lot of promise for his growth and development as a burgeoning fresh talent. The run down begins with the title track “Bury Me With My Guitar.” Dmits has a big voice and projects proudly over a bluesy country groove. His guitar work is full and beefy as well. “Norma” is about as real as it gets in terms of a classic Nashville-flavored ditty. When Dmits sings “N-O-R-M-A” in the chorus you hear the heartbreak in his voice. “Saint Christopher” is a dreamy Johnny Cash-tinged piece. There is some tasty pedal steel guitar here courtesy of Pete Ballard that is icing on the cake. “Got Me in Pieces” is simply a very well-written and heartfelt slice of Americana. There are also great harmonies that truly raise the song’s hit potential. “When All Your Friends are Gone” is a solid acoustic-fueled rocker that sounds like a blend of Steve Earle, Ryan Adams, early ‘70s Stones and a little Tom Petty. Finally “Fifteen Bullets” is pure acoustic bliss, with a raw and rustic edge that can’t be beat. Matt Dmits is a great songwriter and performer. And with backing vocalists like Ryan Dmits, Ty Stone, Dan Duprie and Katie Grace, Vinnie Dombrowski on drums and Jim Diamond producing, this is a strong first time effort. Watch out Nashville, Dmits and his fellow cats from the “D” are comin’ for ya! ###





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SPIRITUAL HOROSCOPE for February 2013 by Aluna Michaels, M.A.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – Happy birthday Aquarius! This is a great relationship year, starting now! You’ll feel more fulfilled, even if you’ve been in a long-term partnership. You’re able to feel things are fresh and new, and problems seem to smooth out. If single, you could start a fabulous romance with someone you blend with effortlessly. Be patient at work this month, as blessings in that area will be slower – but they will come! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – You’ll find home life more peaceful – especially if you meditate daily. Your spiritual energy impacts your environment powerfully, even if you only meditate a few minutes. Consistency is the key. If single, visualize someone with the qualities that are most valuable to you. You can meet someone who links with you on a higher level. If partnered, focus on the best things about your mate. Your bond will improve, and you can communicate even higher ideals you’d like to strive for together.

helping you to fulfill many goals and have things fall into place. It’s a great idea to release old, limiting attitudes – especially about self-perception and relationships! You’ll make way for even more happiness. Throwing old stuff away is also the best way to allow extra prosperity to flow! Meditate on ways you can be kinder to your body through relaxation, better eating habits, and more stress reduction (yoga, deep breathing, positive thinking). Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – If relationships seem to be following old patterns, make time for meditation and see if past fears that are making good things look bad. Forgive and release experiences that interfere with lack of trust. Ask for guidance in dreams to see emotional blocks to closeness. The next six months hold many breakthroughs with bonding, and also with financial abundance, so do the spiritual work and reap the rewards!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – You’ll be able to make new friends, or get involved with projects/hobbies that make you feel excited about life. As the Universe blesses you, take time to forgive people and situations that haven’t turned out well – especially in matters of finances or deep emotions. Releasing clears the way for prosperity in terms of money, and also of trust and relationships. On the other hand, it’s great to be enthusiastic, but have discretion with spending. You can be prosperous-minded, without being overly impulsive!

peaceful “internal kingdom” be invaded. Set boundaries with “downer voices”! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) -- You’ll feel renewed about your spiritual path. Maybe you’ll be inspired by a new book or meditation technique. Experiment with a different yoga class, or try tai chi. If partnered, meditate together, even for just a minute or two – it will create more depth in your relationship. If single, you could meet someone who’s open to your viewpoints. Meditate to expose unconscious negative messages that keep you from feeling as awesome and lovely as you are! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Saturn turns retrograde in your sign, creating a time of introspection about self-image and relationships. Meditate on what habits and attitudes you need to release. Then you’ll send off better signals, and have happier results interacting with others. You’ll also feel more confident! Saturn wants to show you the flaws in your system, so don’t dwell on defective internal messages – just note them, and be rid of them! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – If you’ve been struggling about relationships, things resolve this month! You’ll feel positive and happy in current partnerships, or if single, you can meet someone new who’s into spiritual topics. Meditate to release the problems you’ve just overcome so you can move into the future freely, with your mind not dwelling on the past. It’s also a great time for creative visualization or dream work, to draw even more future happiness!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – If friends or activities encourage bad habits, take a stand and ask for what’s best for you -- especially with eating habits and Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – spiritual practices. Let people know you’re Relationships will be great! You can meet rededicated to taking better care of yourself. someone new if single, and have much more You don’t have to change your whole social harmony if already partnered. Enjoy good life, but do let people know your new plan times with friends and activities too! Also, of action. You could inspire everyone around make sure you have a quiet meditation space you by being true to your goals. Also, you’ll at home. De-clutter and prioritize serenity have extra prosperity this month! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – You’re in your house – and office too. Meditate to such a giver in relationships, but it’s time to release negative childhood messages that Aluna Michaels is a secondgive love and attention to yourself! Doting could poop on this happy time that you so generation astrologer and Soul Evolutionist on your own needs centers and re-empowers strongly deserve! practitioner. She also holds a Masters you. Your self-worth will increase and you’ll in Spiritual Counseling and has been have more to give others without getting Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – It’s teaching and consulting for more than two drained. Also, you can fall into the parental a great month for job stuff! You could get decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 role with your mate, which causes tension a coveted position, a raise, or even start Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in and sputters sexuality. Retracting your a new career. Enjoy the sense of things Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for overly strong level of caretaking restores going smoothly!! Get in a regular routine appointments in her home or by phone. Call romance and harmony. of meditating and taking extra good care (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels. of yourself, since good habits stick easily com Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Jupiter, now. In meditation, stave of any negative the planet of expansion, success and fun, is thoughts with a strong “NO!” Don’t let your in your sign and moves direct this month, 30 LIVE - DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM



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