March 2013

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magazine MARCH 2013










TAPROOT Photo by M.G. Nader
























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Aluna Michaels

Copyright 2012- Granger publications. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. All materials received without SASE are considered property of Granger Publications. Detroit Live is available free of charge to fans of live music everywhere...Enjoy!



Rich Pyle

By D. Counts

DC - Were they seriously thinking about firing you during that episode or was that fabricated drama for the show?

Rich - I have worked for AJL for nearly 25 years. It is hard to separate what is going on in the heads of the family from reality and drama for the show anymore. You truly never know what is going to happen next. DC - Has the HCP had a major effect on your life…? Life style? RICH - The success of the show has definitely made a difference in my life. Both in my personal life, and at the shop. Pretty much everywhere I go people stop me and say hi, or ask for an autograph, or buy me a drink, either because they like the show or they feel sorry for me because of all the shit I have to put up with. And they hope the drink will help with the frustration. But most places don’t carry enough booze to numb my senses to the frustrations. But I do appreciate the gesture. DC - Is a lot staged on the show?

Photo M.G. Nader

Anyone who has watched the Detroit based reality show “Hardcore Pawn” is well aware of the fact that it doesn’t really put Detroit’s best foot forward. It’s pretty much a parade of crack heads and vagrants trying to pawns mom jewelry to buy god knows what. Be it the customers or staff no one really comes off as someone I’d like to have a beer with, with one exception, Rich. I can say this because recently that’s exactly what I did. I sat down for a beer at local pub with HCP’s Rich Pyle. Before we get into the meat of our conversation let me state that I’ve never been a fan of the show. Rarely have I watched and when I do it’s for a quick second to see if some one gets smacked. But to my dismay it never happens. I have to admit I do enjoy seeing their security team drag belligerent customers out to the parking lot. Due to my previous contact with Rich I began to slow down between Lizard Lick and Worlds Dumbest Criminals to see if I can catch an episode where Rich is featured. Sure enough, lately I’ve seen Rich on the show quite a bit. He’s not hard to notice. Not due to his Mohawk or is custom 6 inch beard. It’s because he’s one of the few people on the show who come off as genuinely likable. He maintains that demeanor while dealing with some of the most unreasonable and insane “customers”. Yet something registered with me recently as I watched the show. It was an episode where Rich was talking to a customer who was trying to pawn something. The shop owner seemed to be incensed that Rich was talking too long, He Became angry and started using the F-word. No…not that F-word, the other one. The one that is truly an expletive in today’s current economic environment. He said “Fired”

RICH: Believe it or not, a lot of the dealings with the customers are genuine. Cameras are kind of like alcohol. They are a personality enhancer. If you are a nice, sweet person and get a camera put in your face you may either curl up in a ball and hide, or turn into Mother Teresa. Now if you put a camera in the face of someone who is a bit argumentative, well... there’s a good chance they will make it on the show. DC - As far as the family is concerned; do they put on a show for the cameras or are they accurately portrayed. Rich -The Golds are pretty much just what you see. DC - Has the show changed the dynamic of your career at AJ & L? RICH - Definitely. Before the show started I was Les’s right hand man. I have been there longer than anyone and I know the business. After the show got its success, the focus was switched inward on his family. I think everyone has seen that. Cont. on 12



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music scene for the past twenty plus years with his dark theatrical performances and controversial songs. He has been ridiculed and shunned by society for his belief in selfexpression but what critics fail to see is that Manson’s musical work is his art; you either hate it or love it! Quote; “In a society where you are taught to love everything, what value does that place on love?” ~Marilyn Manson~

Review and Photo by Marc Nader

Marilyn Manson ripped The Fillmore Detroit into shreds on his 2013 North American Tour. The venue was full of followers with an appetite for a dark theatrical performance that only Manson could satisfy. He opened the show with “Hey, Cruel World”, that


was all it took to bring the crowd into the mind of Marilyn Manson. Playing songs like “No Reflections”, “Dope Show”, “Sweet Dreams”, “Beautiful People” and “Little Horn”, Detroit got the Manson show they were looking for. Marilyn Manson has impacted the

Plus A.S.S. has a MANIAC for a drummer, not one but two out of their mind CRAZY, collaborating cousins on guitar, a meticulous bass playing co-conspirator of insane ideas, and a notorious madman for a singer! When we play live, even WE don’t know what’s gonna happen! We just strap in and hold on! 2. (Detroit Live): How is A.S.S. different from Halloween?

5 Questions with A.S.S. Lead Singer Brian Thomas By Sabrina Deville A.S.S. is a hard driving metal band that doesn’t take itself too seriously. This fierce some five-piece is celebrating the release of their debut CD “Easy Pieces of A.S.S.” on Friday, March 1 at The Token Lounge in Westland, Michigan. Fronted by Brian Thomas of legendary Detroit rock band Halloween, A.S.S. also features Foot (Motown Rage) on drums, guitar shredders (and cousins) TJ and Brandon Richardson, and Chris Taylor (Youthcorpse) on bass. Juggling A.S.S. and Halloween music duties makes Brian Thomas one busy rocker - but he took a break to answer a few questions from Detroit Live. 1. (Detroit Live) What can fans expect from seeing A.S.S. Live? BRIAN: Fans can expect the unexpected! We play our original songs but for fun we also play a variety of cover songs. No Top 40 here – we cover Nevermore, Amon Amarth, Thin Lizzy, The Scorpions, In Flames, Slayer, Halloween, Youth Corpse, Bullet For My Valentine, Abandon and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! Like I said – FUN! We have scantily clad women on stage from time to time - always a crowd pleaser!

Brian: A.S.S.’ songs are a little less serious. We bring a wide variety of styles and sounds to the table and have fun with them. Halloween by design is more theme-oriented and it would be hard to do some of the things that we do in A.S.S. in the Halloween setting. I for one enjoy having different ways to express myself. The opportunity to do a lot of different things keeps life interesting. I love being in both bands as well the other projects that I am involved with -Syrant and Acoustic Hell.

Talks to B r i a n Thomas

changed the name we intended to use acronyms for each show and we made a list of ideas. We are still taking submission from fans so feel free to send us any ideas at – and we may use yours too! Some of my favorites are Anti Suicide Squad, Anti Social Society, Anonymous Super Stars, Amazing Slut Stuffers, All Sortsa Stuff, Abnormal Sarcastic S-O-B’s, Angry So & So’s, Another Shitty Saturday, And She Swallows, Always Something Son, Already Seeing Someone- the list goes on and on! 5. (Detroit Live): The band is letting fans choose what type of Ass they want for their CD artwork at the show. What’s your favorite kind of ass?

Brian: Oh come on now – a gentleman never tells…wait – I’m no gentleman! I just 3. (Detroit Live) What is your favorite like a nice shape, nice curves, medium size A.S.S. song to play live and why? - not big, but not anorexic. I can’t name names but if you show me pictures I can Brian: Man it’s really hard to pick a favorite. give a thumbs up or down! If we choose Every single song has a personality and your ass for the cover – that’ll be my favorite! life of it’s own that makes it fun to sing and perform. When we play live and our Don’t miss A.S.S. at the Token Lounge on set gets cut short, it really bothers me March 1 with very special guests Banned because I hate not getting to every song. from Hell, Dark Avenger, Mare Crisium I feel like we are leaving out an important and Stone The Herd. Lucky Monkey part of who we are that night. If I have Tattoo will also be on hand – awarding to name one song that is my favorite to a $50 gift certificate in a live competition perform though it would have to be “The for the most interesting booty tattoo! Running of the Bull.” That song is nothing but fun! It’s quirky, sexy, brutal, offensive, insightful, honest and awesome - but so are all of the others – including all of the For more on A.S.S. and Halloween visit their respective web sites cover songs we do! In case you can’t tell – I’m a huge FAN of this band too – lol – I’m not only the singer – I’m also a client. 4. (Detroit Live) The band’s name has generated some controversy. Tell me some of your favorite acronyms for A.S.S. ? Brian: Well we started out as “Massive Hard Attack” – which by the way contains “ass” in it. Irony? I think not! When we


Benny & The Jets Hi all, a lot of stuff to talk about in this column, St. Patty’s, guitars, Detroit graffiti, and hillbilly women. Well I just kind of through the hillbilly women in there to get your attention, but I will work it into the conversation somehow!

Girls Guitars & Graffiti

I’ve said it time and time again, for better or worse. It has become an iphone, facebook world. People want headlines, tweets and pictures. Hmm that could be why I have a photo of Kid Rock and yours truly on the Benny and the Jets facebook page, It could be why Detroit Live Magazine has photos of Christina Chris on the cover, D Counts and the Billionaires wear suites, White Rhino has that beautiful gal in their ad, Perfect Pitcher, Noir Leather, Big League Brews, too. QuitN-Time usually has that bikini gal in their ad, last month they had a cool flaming guitar, and Mike Carey Music has instruments too. We like guitars and I vote for more photos of guitars and girls! (Note: my fav is a 55 Les Paul Gold Top guitar) Simons, Crimson, J Dub’s, and All Around, had bands and in their ads, and we like that too. I mention status up dates, tweets, photos, and advertisement, because it may have something to do with graffiti. Graffiti can be art; it can be advertising, eye catching, shocking, scary, bad, or cool. But something is going on. Anyone who has been downtown lately has seen it. Especially

Jeff and Rick Ray Street Park 10 LIVE - DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM

in the last month. Detroit has always had its share of graffiti (Benny and the Jets band stickers) and tagging, but lately, there has been a graffiti explosion. So much so it kind of scares me. I like to think, I have a youthful outlook. I always thought NY and LA where kind of cool with all their graffiti art. I often thought they should embrace the graffiti art they have. Then BANG! Be careful what you wish for. Detroit get covered in graffiti. (Note: there is a Detroit Graffiti facebook page) Some of the graffiti is incredible, explosive colors, jagged asymmetrical shapes and shadows, almost like a 60’s art poster. Some of it is incredibly huge. I can not figure out how they paint billboard size graffiti on the side of a 20 story building seemingly overnight? I’m not sure you could hire a company to paint that much stuff that fast. This graffiti is probably here to stay. I’m not sure you could paint over or sandblast this much stuff. Even if you did many walls and buildings would never look the same once repainted. OK. St. Patty’s Day is right around the corner and it has turned into one of the biggest bar nights of the year. Historically New Years Eve was the biggest, but over the years Halloween and the night before Thanksgiving have become big bar/ entertainment nights. Super Bowl party’s

are big, but little can compete with all day all night pouring of the green. This year St. Patty’s falls on a Sunday. (People will have the day off) Many Clubs add entertainment and outside tents. Gaelic Irish American Club, Old Shillelagh, in Detroit, Malarkey’s in Southgate, Do Hickey’s in Wyandotte count on St. Pat’s like many retail stores count on Black Friday. So this year, do your part to keep the local economy humming along by hitting your favorite bar or pub and indulging in a bit of green beer, cabbage and perhaps dance a little jig to a local bagpipe band. For more info or to contact Benny or Benny and the Jets Band (for your club, event, festival, or party) call 313 730 1627 find us on myspace, facebook or St. Pats at Albert’s in the Alley in Garden City


Flogs The Fillmore

Review by Kelly Tucker Photos by Marc Nader

Flogging Molly is fast, intense, and fierce; these Celtic punk rockers stirred up a crazed frenzy before a boisterous crowd recently at The Fillmore in Detroit. The show began with “The Who’s - Teenage Wasteland” blaring over the PA system filling the crowd with excitement and anticipation. As the intro song faded to an end, a familiar banner, donning a four-leaf clover and two snakes, descended behind the drum riser. The lights went completely black, and the crowd absolutely erupted. Flogging Molly hit the stage with passion as if it was their first show, which set the tone for the night. The band opened with “Another Bag of Bricks,” and got the throng hollering along immediately. Flogging Molly tunes have a fistpumping, chant-at-the-top-of-your-lungs effect on people. Whether it was “Saints and Sinners”, “Devil’s Dance Floor” or “Within A Mile From Home” they have the ability to extrude roars from their audience that almost threatens to overpower the band. The capacity house ate up everything King and his mates dished out. In a classic punk rock manor, the songs were a visible release of aggression for both the band and the crowd. From the mezzanine to the stage, fans moved like continuous waves that crashed and ebbed in rages of fury. As Flogging Molly went into their Detroit-inspired tune “The Power’s Out,” a cut from Speed of Darkness, the horde sang along “From the town of Detroit where we fight ‘til we drop YEAH” it was abundantly clear that Flogging Molly holds this town near and dear to their heart. F.M. expertly sequence their song selections, always throwing in a calmer piece or two in efforts to keep the crowd at bay but with a strike of chord it’s back to turbo-charged crowd chanting mayhem. Flogging Molly performed a twenty three-song set without a rest; and as proven by their longevity, I don’t think they ever will. If you have never seen a Flogging Molly show, we highly recommend this one; get out and see the music!


Rich Pyle cont.

thousands. Saying that they were boycotting the show and never watching it again, if I really got fired. I was truly touched and completely humbled. That was probably the most memorable moment for me. DC - Has being on the show created a lot of unexpected opportunities for you? RICH- Like you would not believe!! Being on TV or being placed into some kind of”celebrity status” was not something that I would have predicted for my future. But now that this has been thrust upon me, I plan to take every advantage of it that I can. I have other TV show opportunities coming up. I have a meet and greet tour just about to start. My band, SuperLast, is looking into national tour dates, etc. You could say that I have a lot of irons in the fire... and they are turning red hot!!! DC - What would you say is the most memorable moment of the show so far?

DC - Are you as recognized in other states /cites as you are in Detroit / Mi?

RICH - I would have to say... there was a scene where I was “fired”, or “let go”. But that wasn’t the most memorable part of it. It was the huge outreach of support that I received from all over the country. People were calling and writing and showing their support by the tens of

RICH - I would have to say that I am more recognized in other states that I am here in Detroit or Michigan. People from all over the country call me to do interviews in papers, magazines and on radio. A lot of radio stations from around the country are asking for SuperLast’s CDs so they can put our music on rotation. But here

in Detroit it is a lot harder to get our music on rotation. I think that the radio stations are to afraid to take any chances with new music and they want to take the safe route by riding the coat tails of music and bands that have already gotten popular in other states and on other stations. I guess to them we are just local boys in a local band. Don’t get me wrong. I love Detroit and always will. I am always wanting and willing to help out my local family and will do anything for them. I guess I just expect that in return. DC - How have you been able to translate the show into success for you band Superlast? RICH - The only way that the show has helped SuperLast is by sparking interest in people to want to hear what my band sounds like. After that, the success of SuperLast is on its own shoulders. I think that some people would expect that the only reason that we have gotten any attention at all is because I am on a TV show. But after they hear the music and the emotion and the talent in the band and the song writing, they realize that we are for real. I have been playing music and in bands since I was in 3rd grade, way before I was ever on a TV show. And weather I am on a global tour, gigging at a corner bar in Detroit, or just playing in the basement... I will be playing until I die!!


Who: Robert Libres former vocalist for metal fiends Mansfield Park, plus Dana Forrester (bass), Peder Seglund (guitar), Brent Hall (guitar), and Ryan Schimming (drums) from now defunct, acclaimed hard rock band 60 Second Crush. What: Tequila soaked outlaw rock that will cause spontaneous fist pumping! Where: Saturday, March 9 at The Ritz in Warren, Michigan as part of the Hard Edge Radio Show’s 1st Anniversary Bash! Sounds Like: A hell-raising mix of Clutch, Deftones and Soundgarden with shards of Pantera, Rob Zombie and Motorhead – powered by a Detroit hemi! More info: Hit the band’s deadinfive 12 LIVE - DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM

Meet Me At The Skyline

The Lion King the Detroit Opera House

By Darian Counts

This February the Broadway Hit ‘The Lion King“ Rolled into the Detroit Opera House. This Disney classic transforms the stage of the opera house into the African savanna. The performance brings return of all your favorite Characters, Simba, Mufasa, Scar, Timba, Poomba and a whole host of animals you never thought you ‘d see wandering the isles of the opera house. From the opening of the play the spectator is overwhelmed by man made versions of some of Africa’s most majestic creatures. The costumes in this production are incredible. Many times I found myself missing lines of the play due to being distracted by the technical prowess of the costume designers. The productions adhere closely to the cartoon giving it a fun familiarity. This is a wonderful excuse to load up the whole family and head downtown. The kids will be impressed.

Lion King @ The Detroit Opera House February 13 - March 10, 2013. For tickets call


Make sure you tell them Detroit Live sent you!



ANTHRAX protect the artist as opposed to the record companies.

DC: I read that you mentioned that the late 90’s were a difficult time to be in the music business. Did you ever consider leaving the band and doing something else? Charlie: I never thought of doing something else. We just had to weather the storm. I think all bands go through that at some point and if you stay in it long enough you find hard times and you either stay the course and weather the storm or you bail. Some people can’t handle that and the panic and quit. I’ve always been a very loyal person and always believed in the power of the band, so it was never an option for me to bail on it. DC: I notice you got a Grammy nomination for “I’m alive”. Is this the first one or is this a common experience for Anthrax. Charlie: Well it’s not the first one, but wouldn’t not say it’s common. I’m not taking it too lightly. I was honored that

they recognized us. My only issue is that it’s very political and not always the best artist wins. I mean for them to pick one band or one style of music to win just because the want TV ratings kind of defeats the purpose of giving out achievement awards. I’ve been behind the scenes at these shows and watched the rehearsals and let me tell you it can be a kin to watching paint dry.

For over 30 years Anthrax has been inspiring mosh pits all over the world. Since the days before anyone even know what a mosh pit was, these guys were mixing double bass drum beats with 32nd notes to create the infectious sound that has become their signature. Since 1983 Charlie Benante has been the purcussionary force that drives the band and works fans into a metal frenzy. Detroit Live had the opportunity to talk with Charlie to discuss the bands upcoming Detroit appearance. DC: How have things changed with the band over the years Charlie: Well we have all evolved musically and as people. We’ve become part of this whole rock world. The thing about being in a band that gets to travel the world is that it’s probably one of the greatest things a musician can achieve. I mean it’s a lot of work and there are a lot of peaks and valleys. But over all it’s a great honor to be able to share our music with fans all over the world and earn a good living doing it. But things have definitely evolved in ways we could have never anticipated. I mean we could have never thought there would be a need to include things in our contracts that involve digital downloads or streaming audio. I mean these are things that are, at least from the perspective of who we were when the band started, totally futuristic to us. I think as things are today there are definitely things that need to be changed to 14 LIVE - DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM

DC: So some of the bands who are nominated or even win are not as impressive as many people might expect? Charlie: Yes…the term “underwhelming” comes to mind. DC: You are considered on of the pioneers of the double bass. Who were some of your influences as a young drummer? Charlie: it wasn’t until around 82/83 that I decided to get into the kick drum. I remember hearing a Judas priest album has Simon Phillips playing on it and I heard him play double bass and I remember thinking “What the hell is that?” He seems to have a drum beat going but he’s throwing in an extra bass drum and I had to learn it. Also Motorhead was another band that made me want to get another kick drum. DC: Tell me about the “Anthems” CD where you guys cover Rush, AC/DC, Thin Lizzy and other great classic bands can you tell me about that. Charlie: Well yeh. The whole idea was to have fun. This CD was a long time in the making we just wanted


By Darian Counts


The last few years for the band Superlast have been quite a ride. What started out as 5 guys working as studio musicians has grown into a tight knit musical powerhouse. Coming off of a year where the band played venues like the Magic Bag, DTE Music Theater, Winter Blast 2013 and the Machine shop, Superlast has done its best to make it self available to music fans all over Michigan. Yet it’s the road gigs that truly tell the tale of Superlast. Sure it helps to have a band member on a national reality show. But it’s the mental cohesiveness of this band that’s driving their success. It’s clear that all the members of this band are on the same page. I met up with Rich Pyle, Tim Roemer and John Quiroz (Johnny Q) at a local pub to discuss the evolution of the band.

mean if we go to out of state Rich is a national figure. In Michigan we’re just another band. But on the road, it’s a whole different deal. Johnny Q: We get a lot of love on the road. We rolled into Boston recently and they were playing us on the local rock station. But in Detroit we just don’t get airplay from the local rock and roll stations. Rich Pyle: We love the motor city and we feel lucky to be from a city with such a rich musical history. We’ve got a lot of incredible fans here, but what really pays off for us is out of town gigs.

Performing multiple Sturgis events as well as with bands like Jackyl for the TV show Full Throttle Saloon combined with Richs appearances on Hardcore Pawn has given Darian: How much has Rich’s role on Superlast an incredible nationwide Hardcore Pawn affected the band? following. But the reality is that it doesn’t matter how many people Tim Reamer: It definitely helps. I show up to your out of town show if 16 LIVE - DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COMthe band isn’t tight and over the past

three years this band has definitely come together to form a cohesive unit. But right now, what really is propelling this band is the success of their newly released self titled CD. Comparing the CD to their debut release the difference is night and day. Their first CD “American Lunatic” was released in 2009. The CD was a project they were all hired as studio musicians to do and when health issues of the person who hired them became an issue they banded together and finished the CD and released it. For this latest release Superlast has really dug deep. There is an emotional presence on this CD that differentiates it from their debut. It’s obvious this release is more of a reflection of who the band is in 2013. The presence of a talk box, mandolins and upright bass give this CD variety and depth. It’s clear that the last few years have helped this band gel. The ten tracks of the

CD wander from reflections of Alice in Chains to Jackson Brown to Led Zeppelin. All while maintaining the original sound they’ve worked hard to develop. The harmonies and melodies combine with intricate percussions, strings and keys to give the CD a power, depth and legitimacy that most bands strive for. Superlast seems to have struck a balance that most bands only dream of. Lead singers Mike Azuri skills s front man are undeniable. During Superlast’s many live performances Mike focuses the bands energy and ignites the crowd. Rich Pyle on Drums is the locomotive engine that powers the bands unending intensity. Johnny Q (John Quiros’s) unorthodoxed guitar style combined with Tim Reamers perfect tone and execution give the band that arena style & feel and Tim Downs on bass guitar knows when to chill and just be the bass and when to funk and get in your face.

Photo Matt Dolinar

Photo Matt Dolinar

Photo Matt Dolinar

2013 truly looks like its will be the year of Superlast. With all the attention the band has gotten from their local and national performances as well as the release of their latest CD They are definitely poised to assume their rightful place atop the long list of Detroit rock and roll legends.





Mary Janes Pride Half Light Music Blind Season Throat Punch By Granger Downs

on Jan. 26th Detroit Live sponsored a four band showcase at Simons in Allen Park. This was Detroit Live’s first showcase at Simons and we were looking forward to a great show. Our line up this evening was very strong; Blind Season, Half light Music,

Mary Jane’s Pride and Throat Punch were poised to blow the roof off of Simons. Simons bar is located in Allen Park and is know to locals as the Bar that spawned fantastic bands like The

Half Light Music

Killer Flamingos and BlackBerry Brandy. But these days it’s all about the original scene.

Mary Jane’s Pride took the stage

and kicked off the show with a thick guitar sound that captivated the whole room. As their set progressed you could feel the bands intensity and passion coalesce into a powerful sound.

Half Light music’s Cheyenne Goff has been known to music fans all over Michigan for over a decade. He and the fellas from HLM kicked off their set in full stride. The quartet, Cheyenne Goff (Lead vox & rhythm guitar), Marty Yount (Lead guitar), Don Patty (Bass), Bob Cook (Drums) are as polished as their performance. The Halflight originals are thick with melody. Cheyenne’s writing style is classically modern and flawlessly executed by the entire band. All the while being politely and ravenously consumed by a room full of Halflight Music Fans. halflightmusic


Mary Janes Pride

Blind Season is the kind of band I

like to see. They are young and full of energy. They are what rock and roll is all about. Shane-Christian Sigro, Adam Ross, Michael Sean, Nick Sword even though a bit youthful for this crowd, won over anyone who was a rock and roll fan. Their performance was genuine and impressive. It’s not only their performance that’s impressive a quick trip to their reverb nation page at solitairedetroit show you why Blind Season is a band to keep an eye on!

Driving the whole thing home was Sean Baker and the boys from the band Throat Punch. As you can probably guess with a name like Throat Punch they probably aren’t

exactly playing Neal Sedaka songs. Sean Baker and Alfredo Riojas have shared the stage together for years and each possess guitar skills of a Jedi master, but together, on the same stage shredding weaves an auditory tapestry of guitar that’s melodic and complex. Add the skills if Bill Jones and Dave Donigian and Mix in a few songs from The Sean Baker Orchestra and sit back and watch the fireworks…Great Show guys!


Blind Season



to honor these songs as well as make it cool and interesting. I mean, a lot of these songs were done in the 70’s. Many of these songs are the songs that shaped us into the musicians we became.


Walking Dead is a good example of that.

DC: Do you have a favorite character on DC: Do you have a favorite cover tune. the show? Charlie: Nope. I love them all … seriously. I love playing all of those tunes. When one ends and another comes up I get excited.

Charlie: I have a few. I really like Daryl and Meryl. I like them a lot. I also really like what they did with the Glenn Character. His character has had a

Take a song like dirty deeds by ACDC. I mean in reality it’s a pretty simple song. But what’s cool about it is its simplicity. I mean I could have played a hundred drum fills in the song … but I didn’t I played one. That shows musical restraint. I mean Phil Rudd, to me is one of the greatest drummers that ever lived. He doesn’t get a lot of credit but he is a big part of why AC/ DC has the power they have. DC: I read you’re into comics and Zombies: Are you a Walking Dead fan? Charlie: well there’s been a lot of exploitation of the zombie genre lately. When it’s done well, it’s great.

DC: Any special Detroit moments or performances that stand out for you?

Daryl Dixon Walking Dead

great evolution since the beginning of the show. I’m a big fan of the show really as well as the whole Horror genre.


Charlie: Probably my most special Detroit Moment is playing at Cobo. Most of us in the band we grew up worshipping Kiss. Kiss Alive was recorded at Cobo Hall. The first time we played there we were at sound check and just started playing Kiss tunes and that was one of those rock and roll “nerd“ moments for us. Detroit is just a great place to play… cant wait to get back there.



Emily Rose, Porchlight Tragical: Songs Written Under Synthetic Moonlight (www.emilyrosemusic. com): Rose is a Detroit area-based singersongwriter who received notoriety in 2009 and 2010 for “Outstanding Acoustic Songwriter” by the Detroit Music Awards. This album bears witness to those honors by displaying an artist with uncanny lyrical dexterity and a captivating vocal presence. Her songs have a sweet, yet haunting quality, with vivid imagery that will stay with you long after you hear them. Ani DeFranco, Kate Bush, Joni Mitchell and Aimee Mann come to mind upon experiencing her song craft and emotive delivery. A number of the songs have a dramatic arc that play out very cinematically. She is aided here, in particular, by Oliver Thompson who provides essential orchestral touches, as well as keyboards and bass, which give the songs a pseudo-classical and progressive feel. Overall, a very poetic and provocative work. ###


Peter Vitalone, One of Us (www. ): Vitalone is a NYC-based keyboardist who has been seen and heard backing world class singer-songwriters such as Richie Havens, Dayna Kurtz, Sam Sherwin and others. But here Vitalone dons his solo performer, composer and co-producer hat to craft a record of thoughtful and lyrically astute rock and pop that puts him front and center. This is the kind of disc that transports you to decades past when Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen and Elton John were doing some of their seminal and most important work. Vitalone has a smooth and expressive tenor that grabs your attention ever so intimately. Songs like “Same Time Next Year” and “Miss Ecstasy” are little slices of life and personal stories that will envelope your soul if you let it. Notable cuts like “Enough” have a latter day John Lennon vibe while “Consolation Prize” features a real treat, with trumpeter Randy Brecker blowing soft and cool accompaniment. Kudos to production partner Randy Crafton who gives the album a pervasive warmth and ambience. ###

e cuts By Eric Harabadian

Paul Williams, Still Alive (DVD, Virgil Films 670836): Singer-songwriter Paul Williams— anybody remember him? Maybe the name might not immediately register but you certainly have heard the many songs he’s written! “We’ve Only Just Begun,” “Rainbow Connection,” “Just an Old Fashioned Love Song,” “Out in the Country,” “Evergreen,” etc. In the ‘70s he was one of the biggest celebrities around, with several appearances on The Tonight Show, guest shots on numerous TV game shows, sitcoms and dramas and was Little Enos in the “Smokey and the Bandit” movies. He was still hitting a bit in the ‘80s but then it seemed like he retired or faded away. Some, like director Stephen Kessler, even thought he died. You see, Kessler was a lonely kid growing up in the ‘70s and related to many of William’s melancholic and alienationthemed songs. Upon going online one night to purchase music from William’s back catalog he stumbled on a most startling discovery……Paul Williams was still alive!!! The journey to connect with his idol and the mix of comedy and drama

that ensues is the basis for this clever this amazing DVD! You’ve got over 2 and highly entertaining bio pic. There is hours of non-stop concert action, with an interesting arc to this documentary no filler and a great roster of material that goes from an awkward and unsure from Schenker’s impressive career relationship between filmmaker and catalog, including “ Armed and Ready,” subject to the evolution of a true bond “Lovedrive,” “ Lights Out,” “Rock You and friendship. At the core is Williams’ Like a Hurricane,” “Doctor Doctor” and revelation of his struggles with drugs and “Blackout.” alcohol at the height of his fame, why he Schenker is on fire and totally stepped away from the limelight and how relaxed, playing off the energy from he finally embraced sobriety and, in doing the crowds and his band mates in so, found real peace. It’ll make you laugh, equal measure. Besides Way, other it’ll make you cry and it’ll make you feel! guests include Schenker’s brother and Well done! ### Scorpions alum Rudolf as well as vocalist Michael Voss and guitarist Jeff Scott Michael Schenker, Temple of Rock: Live in Soto. What more can be said? You’ve Europe (DVD, Inakustik INAK 6187DVD): got performances from two dynamic As the liner notes state—“This concerts from 2011 and 2012 along with DVD takes you from intimacy to ecstasy extras featuring bonus footage of the all the way from Tilburg, Netherlands to band getting goofy before a show. That London’s High Voltage.” The “intimacy” part is not too revealing but kind of offers part must come from the fact that the back stage calm before the storm. Schenker is in his element at home Michael Schenker is a legend and one of with his extended rock ‘n roll “family” the most consistent and inventive heavy like Scorpions Herman Rarebell, Francis rock guitarists over the last 35 years. Buchholz and UFO’s Pete Way. And the But then you knew that, right? Essential MAGAZINE LIVE LIVE29 25 ecstasy is obvious because that’s what viewing! you will feel when you watch and absorb --Eric Harabadian DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM - LIVE 25 ###




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By B. Simon

invades the Crimson Lounge

w/s/g SHUDDER, UNDERLAND AND CRACKJAW Last Month Taproot rolled into the Crimson Lounge. Joined by local favorites Underhand, shudder and Crackjaw it goes without saying the place was packed. In reality Underland, Crackjaw and shudder could put on a fist class show, but add Taproot to the mix and you have a recipe for one ad incredible show.

Underland has been a favorite of Detroit Live magazine for years. Guitarist Lou Abraham is a fantastic front man. Underland’s originals are dark aggressive and complex yet the band isn’t above having fun with a cover tune on occasion. Bassist Chris Lucas is not only a talented musician but one of Michigan’s most entertaining stage performers. Drummer Lawrence (Law) Wilson on drums sets


Josh Day Shudder

the pace for the band with his savant like beats and fills. Underland always wows the crowd in addition you can always count on them pack the house. Crackjaw in an incredibly powerful band. Since being featured on the cover of Detroit Live Magazine in late 2011 the band has been working the Detroit and National music scene diligently. Since 2004 they have performed over 1200 shows. Their performance this night was flawless. Ian, Rian, Justin, Dean & David captivated the crowd and definitely won over some fans. Shudders performance enlightened many Crimson concertgoers to the power this band possess. This 5 piece metal machine

Ian Thomas Crackjaw

Revolution By Tiny Tim Cook

Hello again music fans this month I wanted to write about a specific local musician that I believe deserves some recognition. The man I am talking about Drew Clark of local alt-rockers Social Class Zero. I met Drew and the band including guitarist extraordanaire Al Hurd and others a few years back when I was booking the Rack n Roll. Slowly but surely getting to know the band and their love of all things wrestling and Brett Favre, I asked them to play my fathers cancer benefit on April 10, 2010. They were the last band my Dad got to see before he got sick at the event and had to go home. My father loved live music and shortly after that night he passed away after battling against cancer. Social Class Zero was the last live band he ever got to see. They did a cover of the Dead Boys classic ‘Sonic Reducer’ that my Pops loved. When I told Drew this he told me he was honored and at that moment we formed a kinship that has been very

of Rock important in my life. Drew is always positive and has helped me multiple times get through some pretty hard times personally. On the music side, the band was so touched by my Pops story that this band never says no to a benefit. They have done more benefits for me than anyone. Even if the band can’t do it, Drew goes solo with his acoustic project The Drew Clark Experience. Drew and the band have also been guests on my show ‘The Tiny & Plankman Show’ multiple times, where they have performed such classics as ‘The Brett Favre Ballad’ and along with me on vocals “I’m A Sexy Boy”, the Shawn Michaels WWE theme song. I just want to take this moment to thank Drew publically for being awesome and I will always call you a brother. Huge kudos to some new bands that have been extremely impressive. Go

Social Class Zero

Tiger Go(!), Neenuh,Sharks Never Sleep, NamThe Kook & TheLai Typhoon Anthony band and Victoria Marie (of The Long-Haired Freaks) just to name a few. You will not be disappointed if you check them out. Check me out at tinytimrocks or or listen to my shows ‘The Tiny & Plankman Show’ Sunday nights from 9pm to Midnight and ‘Beauty & The Freaks’ Tuesday afternoon from 5pm to 7pm both on Until next time always remember Earth, Soul, Rock n Roll and Life Rules!


Aat the Crimson Lounge. Cont.

impressed those who’ve never experienced the bands performance prowess. New addition to the band Stephen Shaheen, formerly of Paper Street Saints, takes an already fantastic band to the next level. Josh, Stephen, Brian, Kelly and Kevin form a band that is sure to make waves in the Detroit music scene. Taproot is a local national band. Hailing from Ann Arbor these guys have had incredible success in the last few years. To have then roll into our local watering hole creates an experience few will forget. Their power and stage experience is evident. Performing favorites like “Poem” from their 2002 release “Welcome” Taproot solidified their stature as a made in Michigan powerhouse. DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM - LIVE 29

SPIRITUAL HOROSCOPE March 2013 by Aluna Michaels, M.A.

Spiritual Horoscope for March You could have an exciting opportunity to advance or to work with someone very important. Don’t let fear make you hesitate! This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, so move ahead right away! Also, your intuition is strong now, and you could have breakthroughs with relationship issues. Trust your gut and act on insights. You can improve long-standing relationships, or clear out old “stuff” that keeps you from attracting the best person for you! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – If you’re bored with meditation or spirituality, seek out new approaches. Use a mantra; try walking meditations; study a foreign religion or mythology; explore qigong, yoga or tai chi. Find what excites and inspires you. Your new style will bring breakthroughs and creative solutions. Also, release grudges and past trust issues. On the 3rd dimension, look at finances and clear out old debts. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – Mercury will go direct mid-month, clearing up relationship confusion and misunderstandings. Write a gratitude list about your partner and meditate on it. Make another about how awesome YOU are and meditate on that too! If single, creatively visualize the kind of person you want to attract. The Universe wants you to be happy and fulfilled in this area of life. Forgive yourself for human flaws and know you are loveable! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) – Electrical energy is coming into your relationships! Open your heart and mind to new possibilities. Meditate to release old experiences, disappointments, and expectations. What’s in front of you is more perfect than your cherished fantasies. And the Universe can’t give you something new if you’re bogged down by the past stuff, be it bad or good! You could also have a breakthrough with health or diet/body image. Again, open your mind for new solutions. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Work is going to be busy, but exciting! You might get a raise or a new position. Co30 LIVE - DETROITLIVEMAGAZINE.COM

workers can inspire you. On a spiritual level, you might start a new health regime that makes you feel powerful and able to clear out negativity on a mental or karmic level. Heart-to-heart talks with romantic partners or close friends provide revelations and breakthroughs. But don’t dwell on heavy issues – get the solution, implement it and move on! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – Meditation provides insights into family issues. You’ll see how “old stuff” interferes with relationships. The freedom you achieve will make connections easy. If you have kids, you’ll see how you re-enact your parents’ negative stuff with them – eek! Now you can see the souls that they are, and let them be free to grow. You can offer guidance without being judgmental. Also, be honest with yourself about spending habits. When you’re anxious, you can spend compulsively or randomly. Being spiritually grounded keeps you from blowing your budget! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – If you’re feeling emotionally “triggered” by people or situations, meditate and ask to see the roots of your tension. There could be a family pattern being set off in your subconscious. There might even be a past life pattern you might uncover! Either way, the key to freedom is forgiveness – forgiveness toward yourself, and toward others involved. You’ll be lifted to a high place in your mind and see solutions from that perspective! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – Like your Capricorn pals, you might be feeling edgy and irritable. Meditate and see how you are procrastinating – or how you might not be living up to standards you’ve set for yourself. Make a list of priorities, so certain activities definitely get accomplished. Please put meditation or some form of spiritual connection at the top! Soul connection turns this month’s energy into exciting bursts of intuition and creativity! Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 5831663 or visit


One of Detroit’s most talented drummers, Jason Hartless joins Pistol Day parade

This month Detroit powerhouse Pistol Day Parade was signed by Goomba records. After almost 5 years of hard work and determination the boys are finally getting their due. Detroit Live caught up with PDP bassist Jason Lollio to see if we could get some details. While Jason was a bit tight lipped about the details of the record deal he wanted to thank all the friends and fans who have stood by the band over the years and let them know that they are in the process of recording a new CD that will be out soon. Also he wanted to welcome newest member of PDP the one and only Jason Hartless. Says Lollio, “Jason Hartless is one of Detroit’s best drummers and his presence has already brought a lot to the band. Having him join the band and getting signed all in the last few months tells us that it’s going to be a great year for the band.” CONGRATS GUYS



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