Léon Orthel - Symphonie no.2 [preview]

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Léon Orthel Symphonie nº2

Piccola Sinfonia

Fijnjekade 160, 2521 DS The Hague, The Netherlands www.deussmusic.com

Léon Orthel Symphonie nº2

Piccola Sinfonia

opus 18 (1940)

Fijnjekade 160, 2521 DS The Hague, The Netherlands www.deussmusic.com

Written for: Eduard Flipse

First performance on: 31st October 1941 by Rotterdamsch Philharmonisch Orkest directed by Eduard Flipse

Duration: 16 min.

Copyright © 1940 by Léon Orthel and Albersen Verhuur b.v. Printed in The Netherlands

All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher: Deuss Music managed by Albersen verhuur b.v., Fijnjekade 160, 2521 DS, The Hague

The Netherlands


Transposed Score



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