Catalogue studio2016 17

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Montréal vol. 14

Printemps-été 2016 / Spring-Summer 2016

En couverture/On cover Robe 2 en 1/Dress 2 in 1 I93 P.2 Camisole/Tank top I71 / Jupe de jersey/Jersey skirt I80 Robe 2 en 1/Dress 2 in 1 I93 Tunique imprimĂŠe/ Printed tunic I76 / Legging 3/4/3/4 leggings I60 / Robe unie/Solid dress I92

P.4 Camisole/ Tank top I71 / Jupe de jersey/ Jersey skirt I80 / Ens. 2 pcs robe/ 2 pcs dress set AI190 P.5 Ens. 2 pcs tunique/ 2 pcs tunic set AI175 / Ens. 2 pcs robe/ 2 pcs dress set AI190




P.6 Top de molleton/ French Terry top F70 / Pantalon de jersey/ Jersey pants F22 Robe imprimĂŠe/ Printed dress F91 P.7 Robe de jersey/ Jersey dress F92



P.8 Robe imprimée/Printed dress F91 / Cardigan/Cardigan F30 Top de molleton/French Terry top F70 / Pantalon de jersey/Jersey pants F22 Tunique imprimée/Printed tunic F79 / Legging uni/Solid leggings F60 P.9 Robe imprimée/Printed dress AF96


Top en dentelle/Lace top L12 / Jupe dentelle/Tulle skirt L81

Robe imprimĂŠe/Printed dress L91


Tunique unie/Solid tunic L75-A / Legging uni/Solid leggings L60-B

Robe de jersey/Jersey dress L90


P.12 Robe Ă volants/Flounce dress AL96 P.13 Robe Ă volants/Flounce dress AL96 Ens. 2 pcs tunique/2 pcs tunic set AL177




P.14 Top de milano/Milano top J73 / Short de milano/Milano shorts J23 / Robe de chiffon/Chiffon dress J92 P.15 Robe de milano/Milano dress J93 Pull ST71 / Chemise/Shirt S10 / Jeans Y29



P.16 Robe à dentelle/ Eyelet dress F99 Chemise/Shirts N10-A / Nœud papillon/ Bow tie NN-B / Veston/Jacket N31-B / Pantalon/Pants N20-B P.17 Cardigan tricot/ Knit cardigan NT32 / T-shirt imprimé/ Printed t-shirt N70 / Bermudas/Bermudas N25-C Top de milano/ Milano top J73 / Jupe/Skirt F88


P.18 Robe de molleton/ French Terry dress H92 Tunique/Tunic H76 / Legging à rayures/ Striped leggings H62 P.19 Camisole/ Tank top H72 / Jupe chambray/ Chambray skirt H82 Tunique ample/ Loose fit tunic H75 / Legging imprimé/ Printed leggings H61 Tunique/Tunic H76 / Legging imprimé/ Printed leggings H61 Tunique/Tunic H76 / Legging à rayures/ Striped leggings H62



Top imprimĂŠ/Printed top G10 / Legging capri/ Capri Leggings G60

Pull en filet/Mesh sweater XT70 / Camisole imprimĂŠe/Printed tank top G71


Robe en filet/ Mesh dress G90

Pull en filet/Mesh sweater XT70 / Camisole imprimée/Printed tank top G71 / Jupe de milano/Milano skirt G80

Robe imprimée/ Printed dress G92


Top ample/Loose fit top MG77 / Maillot 1 pc/Bathing suit MG15

Veste imprimée/Printed jacket G30 / T-shirt imprimé/Printed t-shirt G70 / Pantalon sarouel/Sarouel pants G20

P.22 T-shirt imprimé/ Printed t-shirt D72 / Jupe à volants/ Flounce dress D82 P.23 Robe à volants/ Flounce dress D90 Robe sans manches/ Sleeveless dress D92




P.24 Robe de molleton/ French Terry dress E95 Haut sans manches/ Sleeveless top E11 / Jupe imprimĂŠe/Printed skirt E81 P.25 Haut sans manches/ Sleeveless top E11 / Jupe imprimĂŠe/Printed skirt E81 Robe de coton/Cotton dress E91 / Legging uni/Solid leggings E60 Haut en molleton/ French Terry top E75 / Short de molleton/ French Terry shorts E25 Robe de molleton/ French Terry dress E95


P.26 Robe imprimĂŠe/ Printed dress C98-A / Legging imprimĂŠ/ Printed leggings C68 Tunique imprimĂŠe/ Printed tunic C78-A / Legging capri/ Capri leggings C 63 Robe de jersey/ Jersey dress C95 P.27 Haut sans manches/ Sleeveless top C73 / Short fleuri/Floral shorts C25 Printed leggings C68




P.29 T-shirt imprimé/ Printed t-shirt B71 / Short imprimé/Printed shorts B26 Combo-short/Pears jumpsuit B46 Robe à manches courtes/ Short sleeve dress B95 / Legging à rayures/ Striped leggings B62 Tunique imprimée/ Printeds tunic B75 / Legging uni/Solid leggings B61


Pyjama court/Short pa jama ZB28

Pyjama long/Long pa jama ZB20

Pyjama long/Long pa jama ZB22


Pyjama court/Short pa jama ZG29

Pyjama long/Long pa jama ZG23


T-shirt imprimé/Printed t-shirt U72 / Bermudas de sergé/Twill bermudas X25

Polo/Polo U74 / Bermudas à carreaux/Plaid bermudas U25


T-shirt uni/Solid t-shirt U70 / Pantalon de molleton/ French Terry pants U24

T-shirt uni/Solid t-shirt U70 / Bermudas de molleton/ French Terry bermudas U28


T-shirt uni/Solid t-shirt U70 / Bermudas chambray/ Chambray bermudas U26

T-shirt uni/Solid t-shirt V71 /Bermudas de molleton/French Terry bermudas V28

T-shirt uni/Solid t-shirt V71 / Bermudas denim/Jeans bermudas Y27

T-shirt imprimĂŠ/Printed t-shirt V70 / Bermudas de sergĂŠ/Twill bermudas X25


T-shirt Ă manches longues/Longsleeve t-shirtV72 / Bermudas de molleton/French Terry bermudas V28



P.36 T-shirt imprimé/Printed t-shirt T70 / Pantalon canevas/Canvas pants X20 Chemise à carreaux/Plaid shirt T10-B / Bermudas de sergé/X25 T-shirt imprimé/Printed t-shirt T70 / Bermudas extensible/Strectched bermudas T28-B T-shirt uni/Solid t-shirt T71 / Bermudas à rayures/Striped bermudas TV27


Cardigan a/glissière/Cardigan w/zipper S34 / Pantalon de molleton/French Terry pants S24

Chemise à manches courtes/Short Sleeve Shirt S11 / Pull/ Sweater ST70 / Bermudas à rayures/Striped bermudas S26


T-shirt à manches longues/Longsleeve t-shirt S72 / Bermudas denim/Jeans bermudas Y27

CANADA Siège social / Head office, Layette Minimôme inc., 225, Chabanel Ouest, suite 800, Montréal, Québec, H2N 2C9 Tel.: 514-383-3408, Fax: 514-383-4559, Toll free: 1-866-557-2222 Ontario - Tel.: 416-350-9690, Western Provinces - Tel.: 604-669-3776

USA Atlanta Tel.: 404-524-8897, Boston Tel.: 781-407-0718, Chicago Tel.: 312-751-6800, Dallas Tel.: 214-634-2402, Los Angeles Tel.: 213-689-8779, New York Tel.: 212-695-1733, Philadelphia Tel.: 201-773-3122

UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: +44 1704 576033

IRELAND Tel.: 0 11353872579141

Crédits / Credits Photos: Julia Marois Direction artistique / Artistic Direction: Claude Diwan / Louanne Hallé Décors / Decor: Audrey Lorrain

GRAND GAGNANT EARNIE AWARD_ MEILLEURE COLLECTION POUR FILLES 2015 EARNIE AWARD_ WINNER BEST GIRLS COLLECTION 2015 P.39 T-Shirt imprimé/Printed t-shirt S71 / Pantalon de sergé/Twill pants X21 À l’endos / Back cover T-shirt imprimé/Printed t-shirt D72 / Jupe à volants/Flounce dress D82


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