Drip Irrigation How and Why? Presented By
Val J. Tancredi Stettler Supply Company, Salem
What is Drip Irrigation?
Low Volume/Low pressure method of applying water and nutrients at high frequency directly into the root zone of a plant. Water moves through soil pore space by capillary action and gravity. Pioneered in England 1940’s, perfected in Israel, introduced to USA in early 1960’s. 1970 here in Willamette Valley.
Types of Micro-Irrigation Long Term (20 yrs) Heavy Wall Emitterline On-line Emitter installed on Tubing In-line Emitter installed in the Tubing Micro-Spray or Micro-Sprinklers $$ Short Term (1-2 yrs) Thin Wall 5-15 mil. TAPE Must be protected against Physical Damage Higher filtration requirement than emitters
Water Movement in Soil Gravitational Water Movement saturation-free water, de-oxygenation Percolation-Leaching Hygroscopic Water, Adhesion & Cohesion Capillary Action High Frequency = Pulsation
Capillary Action
Emitters spaced so the wetting patterns overlap and support the crop feeder roots
A System Approach
Modern Irrigation too important to be bought as “parts” - should be viewed as a production tool & purchased as a system. Meet Crop Water Requirements, Daily High Application Uniformity, > 90-95% Efficient & Reliability with Economy O & M Training and Warranty
Wide Row Hops, Well Water ď Ž
Hops with Surface Water
Drip in Vines
Caneberry-Dripline on wire
Visually Confirm Operation Less Rodent/Coyote Problems
Warmer Soil, Fewer Weeds, Dry Roadways
Support Cover Crop
Conduct Cultural Practices while you Irrigate
Drip System Mechanics
Single Emitterline down each row on ground or wire Emitter Spacing & Flow Rate based on Soil Type, Desired Application Rate Tubing Diameter based on Length of Run
Drip System Mechanics BLUE BERRIES
<.5 GPH (4 L/H) Emitter at < 18” o.c. Double Emitterline down each row Stagger emitters to cover bed Bungee cord tension to keep tube on hill
Blueberries on Raised Bed
Start Plants on Single Line Possible
New Planting
First Year Response
No Translocation = Two lines
Keep Dripperline on Top of Bed
Bungee Cord Tensioner
End Of Tubing
Drip System Components
Emitterlines and Fittings with screen washers PVC Sub-mains with Flush Valves PVC Saddles with Flex Hose Risers, Ball Valves Pressure Regulating Control Valves Filter Stations with Chemigation Check Valves Automatic Controllers Water Management tools
Injector Pump
Manual Screen Filter Station Fertilizer Tank ButterFly Valve
Manual Screen
Pressure Relief Valve
Chemigation Check Valve
Inject Agro-Chemicals Evenly
System Approach Results in Accuracy and Permanent Record
Isolation and Control Valves
Use Water Tight Wire Connectors
Block Regulator
Gauge to Confirm Required Pressure
Ball Valve Flush & Drain Installed below Ground to avoid Tractor Blight
Note PVC Flex Hose Riser on Submain
Riser Assembly Wye
Hose Fittings Connected to Submain by PVC Flexible Hose to Avoid Breakage
Double Dripperline Tubing
Tubing Installed After Crop Planting
Operational Considerations
Operated frequently enough to meet crop water requirement to avoid soil cracking. Drip Water can’t cross crack. (Sawdust) Lower application rates mean no catch-up capacity, operate daily. Pulsation (multiple applications per day) demands system automation.
Monitoring the System
Like Checking the Oil in the Tractor – Drip Systems need Regular Maintenance Establish Flushing Schedule for Filters, Submains, and Emitterline Ensure Proper Operating Pressure Monitor Soil Moisture & Adjust Run Time Watch for and Treat for Bacterial Slime
Automatic Disc-Kleen Filter
Pressure Gauges on Inlet and Discharge Indicate when the Filter is Dirty and Requires Flushing
Flow Meters Management Tools
Note Straight Pipe, generally 10 up and 5 downstream pipe diameters
Water Quality Issues Wells-Groundwater Water Test for Physical & Chemical Sand Cl, Mn, Fe & Iron Bacteria Sand use Separator and Screen Filter
Surface Water, P + C + Organic
Self-Cleaning Screen or Disc or Media
Chemigation Check, Separator-Screen Constant Air/Vacuum Relief Vent
Automatice Flush Valves to Waste
The Secret to Production is the Fertilizer injected into the Water
Separator with Screen
Larger Separator for Higher Flowrate
Sand Media Filter Station
Automated Disc Filters
Self-Cleaning Screen Filter
Drip Advantages Production & Efficiencies
Precise Application/Uniformity of H2O & Nutrients Dry Roadways and Beds = Less Weeds Dry Foliage = Less Disease, Warmer Soil Higher Ratio of Soil Oxygen = Better Growth High H2O Efficiency and Lower HP Reqrm’ts Even Moisture content through Daily Cycles Even Growth, Crops Ripen More Evenly Undisturbed Cultural Practices = Spray and Harvest during Irrigation
Drip Disadvantages
Management Requirements Higher, Different Water Not as Visible as Sprinkler System Filtration of Source H20 a Necessary Expense Chemical Control of Bacterial Slime required Rodent, Insect, Equipment Damage a Problem Tape Disposal/Recycle can be a Problem
Even Growth!
Drip Irrigation of Blueberries
Work Field while Irrigating
Economics of Drip on Blueberries Lower Start-up costs:
Solid Set OverHead Sprinkler Materials: $2,400 Acre Installation: $3,000 Acre Double Drip on Blueberries, less for Single Cane Materials: $2200 Acre Installation: $1,000 Acre
Put Drip to Work for You!
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