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Polk Soil & Water Conservation District

580 Main Street, Suite A ~ Dallas, OR 97338

Annual Oregon Native Plant Sale


Pre-Sale Order Form 2013 Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Return completed form to Polk SWCD, 580 Main Street, Suite A, Dallas, OR 97338 by mail or in person with full cash, check or credit payment (credit card pre-orders must be done in office) Online credit/debit card orders also accepted at:

Due by Friday, February 8, 2013


Name: Address:_________________________________________ Phone: E-mail: Please check this little box if you do not want to be on our contact list:

Order Pick-up:

Filled by


Avoid the rush by calling to schedule pick up of your order Thursday February 14th. Otherwise come to the sale and pick it up.

The Sale: When & Where


(for office use only)

All items subject to availability. Orders will be processed in order received. For orders less than $25 add a $5 processing fee. Sold out items can be substituted for like value at time of pickup or refunds will be available after February 21.

February 15th and 16th, 2013 Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 550 Morrow Road, Independence, OR 97351

PRODUCTS Planting Supplies Tree Protector Set *available by pre-order only Rigid Woven Seedling Tube and a Bamboo Stake

Books & CD CD - Gardening w/OR Native Plants (by OSU Ext.) Gardening for Wildlife - Flip Card Booklet Mushrooms of the Northwest Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast Revised Ed. Birds of the Pacific Northwest Coast Donate to: Natural Resource Teacher & Student Scholarships 6th Grade Outdoor School Student Scholarships

Price Qnty


$10.00 $15.00 $21.95 $22.95 $16.95

$1.00 $1.00


Price Qnty Total Posters $5.00 Pacific NW Old Growth Forest $5.00 NW Native Conifers $5.00 NW Native Broadleaves $5.00 NW Woodland Wildflowers $5.00 Rain Garden for NW Gardeners Bird & Bee Nest Boxes $30.00 Barn Owl Nest Box $25.00 Kestrel/Flicker Nest Box $15.00 Songbird Nest Box $25.00 Wood Duck Nest Box $15.00 Mason Bee Nest Box

Total Products $

Notes: (for office use only)

FINAL ORDER REQUIRED: Please turn in form with check or cash payment in full

DATE: (for office use only)

Enter Totals:

Products $ Paid with (Pone): Page 2 $ q Cash $5.00 $ q Check If order is under $25 add (if by check fill out box below)

Check # (Payable to Polk SWCD) Grant # (for office use only)

Grand Total


Polk SWCD Annual Oregon Native Plant Sale Quantities are limited - all items are subject to availability

TREES CONIFEROUS ID# Common Name - Scientific Name


Price Qnty Total ID# Common Name - Scientific Name


Price Qnty Total

1 Douglas Fir - Pseudotsuga menziesii

BR 12"+


5 Cedar, Incense - C. decurrens



2 Grand Fir - Abies grandis

BR 12"+


6 Cedar, Port Orford - C. lawsoniana

BR 18-24"


3 Noble Fir - Abies procera

BR 2'


7 Western Red Cedar- Thuja plicata

Plug 12-18" $2.00

4 Ponderosa Pine (W.V) - Pinus ponderosa BR 9-12"


DECIDUOUS 14 Chokecherry - Prunus virginiana

8 Alder, Red - Alnus rubra

BR 18-24" $1.00

9 Alder, White - Alnus rhombifolia 10 Beaked Hazelnut - Corylus cornuta

BR 36"+


15 Oak, Oregon White - Quercus garryana BR 3-6"

BR 3-4'


BR 12-18" $1.25 $0.75

16 Oregon Ash - Fraxinus latifolia

BR 18-24" $1.00

11 Big Leaf Maple - Acer macrophyllum BR 18-24" $1.25 12 Black Cottonwood - Populas trichocarpa Tube 24"+ $1.00

17 Pacific Crabapple - Malus fusca 18 Pacific Dogwood - Cornus nuttallii

BR 18-24" $1.50 BR 4"+


13 Cascara - Rhamnus purshiana

19 Quaking aspen - Populus tremuloides

BR 6-12"


BR 12-18" $1.00

Subtotal - Trees

SHRUBS 20 Black Twinberry - Lonicera involucrate BR 12-18" $1.00

33 Nootka Rose - Rosa nutkana

BR 12-18" $1.00

21 Blue Blossom Ceanothus - C. Thrysiflorus 1 gallon 22 Bog Blueberry - Vaccinium uliginosum 1 Gallon

34 Oceanspray - Holodiscus discolor 35 Pacific Ninebark - P. capitus



BR 6-12"


36 Red osier dogwood - Cornus sericea 16-24" 37 Salmonberry - Rubus spectabilis BR 6-12"


23 Currant, Golden - R. aureum

$6.00 $8.00

BR 12-18" $1.00

24 Currant, Red Flowering - R. sanguineum 16"+" 25 Douglas Spirea - Spiraea douglasii 16"+

$1.00 $1.00

26 Elderberry, Blue - Sambucus caerulea BR 12-24" $1.25 27 Elderberry, Red - S. racemosa BR 6-12" $1.00

38 Serviceberry - Amelanchier alnifolia BR 12-18" $1.25 39 Snowberry - Symphoricarpos albus BR 6-12" $0.75 40 Tall Oregon Grape - M. aquifolium 41 Thimbleberry - Rubus parviflorus

BR 9-12"

42 Vine Maple - Acer circinatum 43 Western Azalea - R.occidentale

BR 6-12"



2" Band



44 Willow, Pacific - Salix lucida

BR 6-12"


45 Willow, Scouler's - Salix scouleriana BR 6-12"


28 Huckleberry, Black - V. membranaceum 1 Gallon 29 Evergreen Huckleberry - V. ovatum 1 Gallon


30 Indian Plum - Oemleria cerasiformis BR 6-12" 31 Kinnikinnick - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 3.5" 32 Mockorange - Philadelphus lewisii



BR 10-16" $1.00


BR 12-18" $1.00

Subtotal - Shrubs

ASSORTED PLANTS 46 Aster, Cascade - Aster ledophyllus


47 Aster, Douglas - Aster subspicatus

Liner pot $1.00 Bare Root $1.00

48 Bleeding Heart - Dicentra formosa 49 Coast penstemon - P. serrulatus 50 Cattail, Common - Typha latifolia 51 Fringecup - Tellima grandiflora 52 Goats Beard - Aruncus dioicus


Liner pot $1.00 rhizomes $0.75



M. Crowns $1.00

53 Great Camas - Camassia leichtlinii L. Bulbs $1.00 54 Heartleaf Buckwheat - E. compositum M. Crowns $1.25 55 Lily, Harvest - Brodiaea coronaria XL Bulbs $1.25 56 Lily, Tiger - Lillium columbianum 57 Lily, White Fawn - E. oregonum

XL Bulbs $1.25 L Bulbs $1.25

62 Oregon Iris - Iris tenax

Seedlings 63 Oregon Sunshine - E. lanatum Liner pot 64 Pearly Everlasting - A. margaritacea Liner pot 65 Piggy-Back Plant - Tolmiea menziesii 3.5" 66 Red Columbine - Aquilegia formosa 67 Salal - Gaultheria shallon 68 Scarlet Gilia - Ipomopsis aggregata 69 Sea Pink - Armeria maritima

$1.00 $1.00 $1.00

M. Crown $1.25

$1.00 Plugs $1.00 3.5" Liner pot $1.00

70 Shooting Star - D. hendersonni

M. Corms $1.25 71 Stream Violet - Viola glabella bare root $1.00 72 Streambank Lupine - Lupinus rivularis 1 Gallon $4.50 73 Sword Fern - Polstichum munitum

58 Meadow Checkermallow - S. campestris M. Crowns $1.00 59 Monkey Flower, Pink - M. lewissi $1.00 Plug


60 Monkey Flower, Yellow - M. guttatus Plug 61 Nodding Pink Onion - A. cernuum L. Bulb








bare root $1.50 Western Blue-Eyed Grass - S. bellum bare root $1.00 Wild Hyacinth - Brodiaea hyacinthina XL. Bulb $1.00 Woodland Strawberry - Fragaria vesca Rooted $0.50 Plug $1.00 Yarrow - Achillea millefolium

Subtotal - Assorted Plants Total - Page 2 $

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