POLK SWCD BOARD MEETING AGENDA Date 6:00–8:00 PM February 11, 2015 Polk SWCD Offices: NRCS Conference Room 580 Main Street, Suite A, Dallas, OR 97338 503-623-9680 Please keep speaking time close to five minutes.
6:00 PM
6:01 PM
6:06 PM
AGENDA ITEMS APPROVE: Modifications to published agenda APPROVE: Treasurer Report : (attachment A) APPROVE: January 14, 2015 Board Minutes: (attachment B) APPROVE: Committee Assignments (attachment C) APPROVE: Public Record Request Update (attachment D) APPROVE: NRCS Section 1619 Compliance (records privacy) (attachment E) APPROVE: NACD/OACD Dues
Simmons Nembach Simmons Simmons Nembach T.Finegan Simmons
Information: Marquardt-Sutton resignation Information: Calendar (attachment F) Information: SDIS Best Practice Program (attachment G) Information: Annual Work Plan Meeting Feb. 25th 6pm Information: Budget Committee Update/Needs (attachment H) Information: Native Plant Sale Recap Information: Storage Clean Out by 2/28/15 Information: Lower Basin Meeting (Wed. 3/15/15) Information: Conservation Innovation Grant (attachment I)
Nembach Wilson Wilson Nembach Nembach Nembach Nembach Simmons Simmons
Discussion: Joint Director training with Marion/Yamhill/Polk SWCD Discussion: New parking spot needed for trailer and Claudia Discussion: Staff attending quarterly meeting
Simmons Nembach Simmons
COMMITTEE REPORTS Easement - Update Personnel – APPROVE: S. Finegan raise: Step 1-Third year (effective Feb. 26) Policy - Update
Woods Simmons Simmons
7:25 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
REPORTS NRCS Watershed Councils Staff (attachments Z) Chair Directors Adjourn
Simmons Public
Tom Finegan Representatives Staff Simmons Directors Simmons
The Polk Soil & Water Conservation District is an equal opportunity provider and employer which complies with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) If you need an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact us at (503)623-9680 x 5or by email at polk.swcd@polkswcd.com prior to the event date.