I can Climb !

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I can climb !

level 1

_¢ M‹T> gH$Vm h±ÿ!

Written by Mini Shrinivasan

Illustrated by Deval Maniar

coIH {_Zr lr[ZdmgZ

{MÌH ma Xodb _pU`ma

Original Story in English ‘I can climb!’ by Mini Srinivasan Illustrations: Deval Maniar ‘Mein chad sakta hu !’ - Hindi Translation by © Pratham Books, 2011 First English-Hindi Edition: 2011 ISBN: 978-81-8479-097-9 Typesetting and layout: Pratham Books, New Delhi Printed by: EIH Limited Unit Printing Press, Manesar Published by: Pratham Books www.prathambooks.org Registered office: PRATHAM BOOKS 633-34, 4th “C” Main, 6th ‘B’ Cross, OMBR Layout, Banaswadi, Bangalore 560 043 T: +91 80 25420925 / 42052574 Regional Office: New Delhi T: +91 11 41042483 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

I can climb!

_¢ M‹T> gH$Vm h±ÿ! Written by Mini Srinivasan

Illustrated by Deval Maniar

coIH {_Zr lr[ZdmgZ

{MÌH ma Xodb _pU`ma

I’m a big boy now.

_¢ ~‹S m hmo J`m h±z& 2

I can climb up the steps.

_¢ gr‹T>r M‹T> gH$Vm h±ÿ& 3

But I can’t climb down again.

na _¢ CVa Zht nmVm& 4

I can climb up on to a chair.

_¢ Hw$gu na M‹T> Vmo OmVm h±ÿ& 5

can’t climb again. I But canI climb up ondown to a chair.

‘¢ na Hw$gu_¢naCVa M‹T> Zht Vmo OmVm nmVm&h±ÿ& 6

I climb on to the chair, and then on the table! But I can't climb down again!

na M‹Th±>ÿ Vmo _¢ Hw$gu na‘¢ M‹HwT$gu > OmVm Am¡OmVm a {\ h±aÿ& _oO na ^r& 7

But I can’t climb down again.

na _¢ CVa Zht nmVm& 8

“Papa! Papa!” I shout. Papa laughs. “Sonu, learn to climb down!” he says.

nmnm! nmnm! _¢ nwH$maVm h±ÿ& nmnm h±gVo h¢& gmoZy, A~ CVaZm grI bmo! do H$hVo h¢&


I am afraid. But I do not cry

_wPo S>a bJVm h¡& na _¢ amoVm Zht& 10

Slowly, I get down from the table, and I candown climbfrom up on tochair. a chair. the

Hw$gu_¢ na > VmogoOmVm h±ÿ& h±ÿ Yrao-‘¢Yrao _oOM‹Tna CVaVm Am¡a {\$a Hw$gu go& 11

At last, I have learnt to climb down too!

Am{Ia _¢ ZrMo CVaZm ^r grI hr J`m& 12

Pratham Books was set up in 2004, as part of the Read India movement, as a nation-wide campaign to promote reading among children.Pratham Books is a not-for-profit organization that publishes quality books for children in multiple Indian languages. Our mission is to see “a book in every child’s hand� and to democratize the joy of reading. If you would like to contribute to our mission, please do email us at info@prathambooks.org.

Mini Shrinivasan helps NGOs to design and implement their education programmes for marginalised children. She has a special interest in the problems of children with different home and school languages. Based in Pune, she writes in English for children, and is a winner of the Sahitya Akademi's Bal Sahitya Puraskar. Deval Maniar illustrated this book as a student at Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore.This book was part of the Pratham Books lab conducted there. He loves to work with digital media as an artist and as a visual communicator.

Bilingual books allow children to read the same story in two languages — English and another Indian language. It works wonderfully if the story is first read in the language that the child is more familiar with and then read again in the second language.

{Û^mfr` nwñVH$m| _| ~ÀMo EH$ hr H$hmZr H$mo Xmo ^mfmAm| _| n‹T> gH$Vo h¢- A§J«oµOr _| Am¡a {H$gr ^maVr` ^mfm _|& `{X H$hmZr nhbo Cg ^mfm _| n‹T>r OmE {Oggo ~ÀMo H$m n[aM` hmo Am¡a ~mX _| Xÿgar ^mfm _| Cgo n‹T>m OmE Vmo `o nwñVH|$ ~hwV Cn`moJr {gÕ hmoVr h¢&

Here, a little boy learns to climb up. But can be climb down? This book is one of the four books in the ‘Growing Up’ series.

EH$ b‹S>H$m D$na M‹T>Zm grI boVm h¡, na ³H`m CgZo ZrMo CVaZm ^r grIm? `h {H$Vm~ "AmAmo ~‹T>| 'ûm§¥Ibm H$s Mma {H$Vm~m| _| go EH$ h¡& Learning to read — level by level. This is a Level 1 book.

www.prathambooks.org I Can Climb! (English-Hindi) MRP: ` 25.00

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