Graphic Design portfolio

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Born in South Africa, I finished my GD qualification and set off for the capital of the world ‘London’. Here I have been working in the corporate design market for three years, but also spend most of my free time developing an illustrative style I feel passionate about. I’ve also had the opportunity to work on great shoots for my second love ‘photography’. In this portfolio is some of my past and present work in these fields.

Design Creative instinct


Corporate Tender Documents


Marketing material








A collection of fun design pieces created to enspire

Creative tender bid document specialised for each client.

Recent marketing campaigns

Designs and photography for events campaigns

Logo design, corporate stationary, brochures etc.

Corporate family events, Jewelry, Weddings, Sports events

Creative instinct I love expressing humour in work and doing creative design is the perfect opportunity to show your capabilities. No client to please means the sky is your limit. Over the years I have developed a distinct style and would definitely call this my first love.

Here are a couple of my private pieces. The smallest idea or concept can be blown completely out of proportion and that is exactly what I was trying to achieve here.


Ford Fiesta concept

The new and exciting Ford fiesta with its fun, environmental friendly potential

Summer Love

This piece was done with frustration during the long UK winter. A splash of colour seemed to do the trick


Good morning

Expressing that in-love/waking up with a smile on your face feeling

Polka dot girl

My interpretation of the ‘gold digger’


Corporate tender documents There is a huge market for creating corporate tenders to suit the needs of every potential client. Since I started working at MITIE their tender teams have won a much higher percentage of tender bid’s due to the professionalism, and demonstrating a complete understanding of each individual client’s brand. This has made MITIE stand out above all other competitors and always shows that willingness to go that extra mile. It’s amazing what a bit of initiative can mean to the success of a company.

Featured here are some of the recent tender campaigns for clients including, Hiscox, Barclays, Sainsbury’s, Astrazeneca, Cable & Wireless and LDSI. This has been the most blooming part of our business and the success stories speak for themselves.


MITIE Facilities services proposal to Hiscox

01. Hiscox This was a bid document on behalf of MITIE to Hiscox. It was for the provision of Security, Catering and front of house services. Look and Feel: The client wanted an approach of things being taken care of, sense the peace of mind concept.


MITIE Facilities services proposal to Barclays.

02. Barclays A bid document on behalf of MITIE Client Services to Barclays. It was for the provision of front of house services. Look and Feel: Once again the client wanted an approach of things being taken care of. To take a burden of their shoulders and total peace of mind.

MITIE Cleaning proposal to Sainsbury’s

03. Sainsbury’s A bid document on behalf of MITIE Cleaning services to Sainsbury’s. It was for the provision of cleaning services. Look and Feel: The client wanted a contemporary approach, by using the familier Sainsbury’s colour palette to represent a sense of ‘fresh and clean’.


04. Astrazeneca MITIE Cleaning, security and Mailing services tender to Astrazeneca. (Above) Welcome pack folder artwork. (to right) Tender document

A bid document on behalf of MITIE FM to Astrazeneca. It was for the provision of Mailing, Security and Cleaning services. Look and Feel: As Astrazeneca is a pharmaceutical company, the client wanted to represent a healthy lifestyle. Fun, dynamic and wonderful (as above). With the tender document (as below), I represented DNA strings by using the elements of each of the services involved in the bid.

Layout of Total security tender

05. Security This was a bid document on behalf of MITIE Security to Hiscox. It was for the provision of Security services. Look and Feel: I played around with security elements, bold colours and simplistic black and white photography.

LDSI is a Legal document services company that deals with very high quantities of sensitive material. This is a brochure I did to advertise their services. This was also largely a branding exercise as I was free to come up with a new colour palette and choose a photography style. Look and Feel: Professional, trustworthy, ahead of the competitors but also fresh and contemporary.

Layout of LDSI marketing tender


Marketing material Being involved in marketing material and campaigns gives me a chance to challenge another passion of mine. The psychology of business and the way the general public re-acts to certain things. I share a great love for psychology and always use it when presented with a challenge.

On the following pages are a couple of my recent marketing campaigns including work for Merrill Lynch, MITIE’s multimedia company, Ingredients catering en MITIE’s Client services


Merrill Lynch has a client room centre open for clients around the world to use when they visit London. These rooms are equipped with all the latest technology and even has an outside entertaining area when business gets to serious. The client asked me to photograph all the rooms and create a brochure that gives potential users/hirers the technical specifications of each room to help them with their choice in advance.

Double page spreads from the Merrill Lynch client room brochure

01. Merrill Lynch Client meeting rooms brochure

Double page spreads from the ingredients brochure

02. Ingredients brochure Ingredients is MITIE’s catering services. They have an exciting range of restaurants and business cafeterias around the UK. This was a brochure to show potential clients what they’ve accomplished.


Illustrations for multi-media company. below. Reverse side information regarding there specialist fields

03. MITIE multimedia brochure MITIE has a range of services including design, printing, film and mailing. They asked me to come up with a range of illustrations to signify these services. This illustration was used in various forms of advertising including this z-fold coaster (seen on the right).

04. Revolution Academy MITIE Client Services offer a range of training programs and asked me to come up with a range of cards the trainees would collect during these courses as they complete each session. MCS loves to resemble a 5 star service/ hotel reception feeling in the corporate working environment. This project was very successful and the feedback led to their brand developing entirely around this approach.

MITIE Client services training slip case with training cards



Designing for events gives you the chance to break free from the usual brand guidelines and push the limits . Definitely one of my favorite areas to be involved in as it normally offers a great deal of involvement. The following pages features a couple of recent events I’ve worked on and also some photography opportunities.


MITIE Client services hosted a uniform and clothing range fashion show in Channel 4’s London building. This was a large campaign and had various design and creative elements. The client asked me to not only come up with a brand, logo and various design pieces, but also do the events photography.


Invites, promotional material and images from the STRUT event

01. STRUT Above are the invites and e-flyers. Also one of the promotional ‘goody’ bags and photography from the event.


02. Corporate functions All companies love sparking a bit of enthusiasm among their employees once or twice a year. I’ve been involved in creating a couple of these invitation and function branding over the years. They’re great fun and normally have no design limitations.

Parties and event invitations

Boxing Invites, tickets and flyers.

03. Downside Fisher Boxing Downside fisher boxing club hosts an annual charity boxing dinner and I have done the design for these events over a couple of years. I have also been asked to do the event photography and these are the photos used in the following year even invitations, e-flyers, posters and all other marketing material.


Branding Branding is one of the most painfull design processes in my experience. I think it could almost be putt in it’s own categorie of design as you get specialist that are extremely good in this field alone. I’ve attempted a couple of rebranding projects and here is the result.

01. MITIE Rebranding project MITIE has existed for more than 20 years. They wanted to add another dimension to their look. For this project a team effort was definitely needed. We came up with a style that would not only compliment their existing material, but also take the brand forward. We gave them a friendly (no-small talk) approach that gets down to business.

Logo and assets:

New font, extra colour swatch to already existing palette and additional Logo to support MITIE logo. Set of quote examples to demonstrate new tone of voice.


Adverts as they would appear in public

MITIE is build around it’s people. So we wanted to make potential clients realise that by ‘introducing’ them. We Above is a representation of the advertising campaign, creating the sense of knowing the individual instead of a cold brand.

We have adapted the current MITIE blue to one that is much warmer and ‘passionate’. We also came up with a new MITIE language to complement their ‘people approach’. A set of quotes are set up for all employees to easily access and drop into any marketing material they set up. Not only did we have to come up with a style, but also a user friendly approach for all 49 000 employees to use.

MITIE Collateral:

CV Example, Case study and graphs Designs for MITIE vehicles


Brochure example:

Cover, contents, and DPS as they would appear in marketing material

Powerpoint presentations:

Example of how slides would appear in powerpoint

Photography My second love is photography and I have worked on some great shoots since I’ve been in London. Photography not only allows you to get some time out of the office and meeting loads of people/ potential clients, but is also an amazing medium I always use in my own creative designs. It is one of the best ways to express the ideas I have in mind.

Here’s a couple of events I’ve done recently. From company family days/ kids events, jewelry shoots, weddings, boxing events and company team building day’s out.






If you’d like some work done, please give me a call. I’m always up for the challenge. All work is done privately and by myself only which makes it an affordable way to get your message across.

078 7737 5931

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