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Unit Design
Complex Design
First impressions of Kathaalaya in 2D
Design discussions
First impressions of Kathaalaya in 3D
Design discussions
Understanding folk performing arts
Integration of part to whole in design
Understanding approaches: Learning from friends
Analysing approaches and its response
Introduction of Site
Identifying responses to site
Material and Construction Techniques
Spatial organisation and Volumetric Exploration/Water management systems
Building study as a mode to understand material and its expression/Reflection notes
Resolving and discussing architectural characteristics
Building language through materials and construct
Design for specially able-d
Design discussion and inputs
Final Submission & Jury
Students are to make three kinds of meeting places to grasp the understanding of public places:

I A place where two groups of opponents will discuss an important matter.
II A place where friends will spend time and talk to each other as they wish.
III A place where strangers will sit, waiting for something (say for example waiting for another friend to arrive, or waiting for being called for attending to something etc.).
They are given 4 types of architectural elements with which to make the place. Any number of any element can be used. There are two sites. One is flat, with horizon visible on all sides. The other has a 1:4 slope, higher towards the north, and sloping down southwards. They have to design all three kinds of places for both sites. There will be a total of about 30 persons in each alternative.

Introducing collage exercise .

Given are Plan A and Plan B (Jahaz mahal and Fateh pur sikhri )

Students are to make a integrated plan of the whole complex for the following programs of a hospital, hub for amazon shipping and represent in cutouts or layouts.

Designing a complete unit for the following activities: Each place has two parts to it, different in the way they work and the general atmosphere. Design to suit each appropriately, but the total should show unity. Think as if this is the only thing to be built in stage one. So all facilities –water, toilets, pantry, storage etc. should be provided.

The design should give a pleasant and comfortable space, of a scale that is neither too big or too small. The given areas are for hinting at rough size, but you can vary them if you feel the need. Give thought to how plants, trees, windows, height of roof or ceiling – all these affect the quality of the spaces.

A place for telling stories
An adjacent place for learning performance art. 20 people and 2 instructors in each case. (50 sq. Metres each).

Making model using 4 elements mentioned below:

1) Planar (chapat)
2) Linear
3) Solid (Ghan)
4) To join
Based on the previous discussions students are to make 1:50 representations of their idea in 3dimension.