Reviewing the Methods of Installing Plantation Shutters Sydney
For several decades now, plantation shutters have been hugely popular among all the segments of society. They have emerged as a really handy alternative to venetian blinds and window shades. If you have also planned to install the customized version in your house, the first thing that you need to be aware of is the way in which they are installed. There are several ways in which they can be installed and most of them are custom made. Companies that sell them offer installation services as well. The experts say that they use different methods and in this post, we will be discussing two of them.
Mounting outside the window into the frames
Mounting them inside of the hanging strips
In these two installation methods mentioned above, they are either attached to the frames or hanging strips and are indirectly attached to the windows with the help of hinges. The sellers of
Plantation Shutters Sydney say that both are equally effective methods employed in their installation. Upon getting installed with either of these two methods, they are fitted well enough to block light gaps and prevent sunlight from entering in the room. However, some sellers of things like roller blinds Penrith who advocate the use of the frame mounting method and they say it to
Be a better among the two methods. This is actually right because the outcome of using this method of installation is more beautiful, Attractive and pleasing to the eyes. This is the reason why this method of installing has become way more popular than the other methods used.
Installing plantation shutters Sydney via hanging strips The hanging strips are nothing but narrow strips made up of wood with an average size of 1x1. They are attached to the left and right jam of the windows. They are usually attached in the "L" formation and the panels are then attached to the hanging strip that suspends the panels in front of the strips. The benefit of this method is that they become completely invisible when panels are closed.
Listed below are the PROS of this method. • This method allows them to be mounted to the window with minimal distances. • The hanging strips in the windows that have 2" or more deep casings allow plantation shutters Sydney to the mounted flush with a trim. • The overall installation cost is much lower as they usually cover a very small area. It is estimated that it can by 70-80% less expensive at times.
Installing them via frames In this method of installation, the shutters are usually mounted flatly against the trim present around the window. However, there www.sydneyblindsandshutters.com.au
are different kinds of trim present and therefore, there are different portfolios to select from.
Let us quickly go through the pros of this method of installation. •
Frames are given a better look as they mount directly from the trim. •
Only the narrow hinges are visible.
• The framed plantation shutters Sydney look as if they were custom-designed. • The overall process of installation is much easier, less complicated.
Resource: http://marcus2012.soup.io/post/677368150/Reviewing-TheMethods-Of-Installing-Plantation-Shutters
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