Portfolio Devina Oktaviani 2017
Hello! My Name is Devina: a cheerful Graphic Designer that was born in October 10th, 1996. A fast learner and adapt quickly to a new enviroment. I eager to learn a new things and meet new friends. I also capable to work in a team or individually :)
Informal Education
2014 - Present Bina nusantara University Visual Communication Design -New MediaCurrent GPA : 3,63
January 2014 Bong Chandra School of Business August 2016 Photography Workshop with Rio Motret
! i a H Skill :
Organization Experience
March 2016 Citra Kemasan : Redesign Packaging Bross Bakar ‘Ibune’
2015 - 2016 Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik Binus Media Communication Division
Working Experience
2015 - 2018 Legio Mariae Bunda Hati Kudus Binus Organization Secretary
February 2017 - June 2017 PT Dewaweb UI-UX and Social Media Graphic Designer
Let’s Begin!
Portfolio Website // Website Design // One-Page portfolio website as one of my University Project. Keyword : Cheerful, fun, feminime, cute
Kuche Website // Website Design // A Group project assignment to make an E-Commerce website. We choose to make an E-commerce that’s sell Kitchenware product from Germany; that’s known for their good quality product Keyword : Clean, simple, modern
TechTech Application // Mobile Apps Design // TechTech - Computer Technician Mobile Apps design. The purpose is to make it easier for people to find a computer technicians when needed Keyword : Technology, Modern
Dewapress Website Landing Page // Website Design // Dewapress is a website builder that’s provided by Dewaweb. It makes easier for people to make a website. Keyword : Clean, Creative, Millennials, Bright
Dewaweb Social Media // Social Media // Dewaweb as the first cloud hosting company in Indonesia, has a desire to also give a value to people. One of the methods is give the values through social media. We make it look like a story to make it more interesting and have more aesthetic value.
Astra Life // Powerpoint Design // PT Astra Aviva Life Tbk is one of afiliated company of PT Astra International Tbk, member of Astra Group in Insurance industry. Keyword : Clean, simple, using blue-yellow color of Astra Life
Gavthen // Branding // Gavthen is a Personal Graphic Design that’s first established by Gaviola Thenaria. I make a branding of her to get started with and also as a University Project. Keyword: Fat, Fun, Fast, Cheerful
March Sari // Branding // March Sari is a small yoga institute in Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta. The idea of the logo is where the ‘M’ and ‘S’ combined and makes one of the yoga pose, “Sukhasana”-means Happy & comfort-. The water in middle of ‘M’, is a symbol of freshness an calmness in the middle of a crowded city. Keyword : Calm, Flexibility, Minimalist
Seana Makeup Artist // Branding // Seana Makeup is a Makeup Artist Business that’s based in Kelapa Gading Jakarta. “Define the Beauty in you” as the tagline want to show that Seana will do their best to show your beauty through the best makeup artist. Keyword : Feminime, Elegant
BisCity // Branding // Bis City is a Hotel & Spa based in Jakarta. The Idea of the logo is about comfort and relax that was given through Spa. Keyword : Elegant, classic
Rebranding Ocean Dream Samudra // Branding // Rebranding one of destination in Jakarta. The family recreation park, ‘Ocean Dream Samudra’, is a fun way to educate children and introduce them with animals Keyword : Water Animal, Fun, Ocean, Attraction
Ocean Dream
Ocean Dream
Regular Ticket IDR 90.000
Ocean Dream
Ocean Dream
Ocean Dream
Devina Oktaviani
Regular Ticket KID IDR 95.000
Ocean Dream Samudra Infographic // Branding // infographic about one of Jakarta’s Destination; Ocean Dream Samudra. Keyword : Water Animal, Fun, Ocean, Attraction
Semnas Teknomedia // Typography Poster // Semnas Teknomedia is one of national paper contest. The Poster is the redesigned one from the original poster using a Typography styled Poster.
Digital Imaging // Photoshop // Digital imaging as one of many design scope about making new image with some other pictures; through some concepting- to get mixed and combined using Adobe Photoshop.
MaScaRa Scarf // Graphic Reproduction // Masker Scarf Nusantara (MaScaRa) is a Scarf shop that’s based on Indonesia’s Cities uniqueness. Every Scarf was design with one of Indonesia’s City uniqueness as the ornament of the scarf. Two of the design are : Jakarta & Papua
T-Shirt Project // Graphic Reproduction Method // Two of T-shirt University project. One color and CMYK. Both was designed and produced manually.
Timba Kids Toys // Packaging // Timba is a kids toys brand. The idea is about profession. Every toy have a different packaging, where the profession is customized with the toys inside.
Vyns // Packaging // Vyns is my personal brand for a clothing line. the clothing that I choose is a sweater. I took Mother rabbit as my main character to show the warm feeling of mother and the softness of the sweater, just like a rabbit fur.
Soba Snack // Packaging // SOBA is a noodle stick snack that’s produced by Siantar Top. For the concept: the target market are kids, so I took a look like children storybook character for the Japanesse Chef and the style to make it more Japanesse and show the flavour through color and ornament on the pan and also a pattern on the background.
Kalo dari SIANTAR TOP, rasanya, PASTI TOP!!!
Capturing Moment // Photography // Capturing moment is the name that i gave for my photography collection, where every picture that I took is not only a photos, but a moment to remember.
Capturing Moment // Photography //
Contact Me! devinaoktaviani96@gmail.com @Devinadechii
Devina Oktaviani
0812 - 8803 - 3335