Special Edition 2014 newsletter | American Rivers

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Mark Quasius

Saving River Wildlife


id you know that the United States is home to three-fifths of the world’s known crayfishes and one third of all known freshwater mussels? From these small creatures to black bears, herons, otters, and salmon, our rivers support an extraordinary variety of fish and wildlife. As a member of American Rivers, you help defend these animals every day. Thanks to you, we recently celebrated some important victories that will help ensure abundant river wildlife for our children and grandchildren.

North Fork Flathead, Montana The waters of the North Fork Flathead River are so clear that you can see native cutthroat trout and bull trout suspended at the bottom of 20-foot deep pools. Grizzly bears,

wolverine, lynx, moose and elk still roam here. Thanks to our advocacy, this river and its wildlife are now one step closer to protection. In March, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the North Fork Watershed Protection Act, which would ban all new mining and energy development on 430,000 acres in the North Fork Flathead River watershed west of Glacier National Park.

Town Brook, Massachusetts In April, we celebrated the return of river herring to Town Brook, the stream that sustained the Wampanoag Nation and the Pilgrims in Plymouth. In recent years, American Rivers worked with partners to remove or modify six dams that had damaged the health of the brook and its fisheries. Now, the herring run is improving, serving as food for important commercial and

recreational fish like cod and many birds and mammals.

Ashley River, South Carolina American Rivers and local communities recently announced the creation of the new Ashley River Blue Trail. The blue trail will enhance recreation opportunities, help protect clean water, and safeguard habitat for fish and wildlife such as redbreast sunfish, striped bass, endangered shortnose sturgeon, and the graceful swallowtailed kite. You can help river wildlife! Adopt a river animal in our online adoption center: AmericanRivers.org/Store

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