THE BLUE NUN MANY YEARS AGO, when nuns and priests still governed the grounds of StFX, the Blue Nun walked these very streets... Confined within the rustic brick walls of Mount St Bernard College, the Blue Nun longed for a life outside the Congregation of Notre Dame. She was forced to join the convent by her strict religious parents in the early 1800s, but she always dreamed of shedding her habit and starting a family. For years, this was solely a forbidden dream of hers; she understood her commitment to the Church and did not want to disappoint her parents. Then one day, while the Blue Nun was gazing out the window of her own captivity, she spotted him: the priest. Their eyes locked, and in that instant, she knew she could never settle for a life with the sisters. It happened slowly: first just a look, then a subtle brush of the hand on a happenstance encounter, until one day, a note appeared in her dormitory: Meet me behind Gilmora Hall after evening prayer. And so their secret whirlwind romance begun. Months of bliss passed. They were truly in love; it felt like nothing could stop them. And then one day: nothing. The absence was the indicator. She was condemned - she would be shunned if found with child. He was in the seminary, with no family and of little means. One dark and stormy night, the Blue Nun became hysterical and could not overcome the shame she felt from the unexpected pregnancy. The convent life was all she knew. She realized that her dream beyond the Congregation was a mere delusion and she could not forgive herself for the sins she committed. She climbed the spiral staircase up to the fourth floor of the building that had defeated her. Trembling, she looked out into the courtyard where so many of her precious love letters had been buried. Suddenly, her betrayal and guilt overtook her. The Blue Nun flung herself to her death. Upon hearing word of his deceased forbidden lover and being unable to live in a world without her, the priest wrapped a noose around his neck in the stairwell of Gilmora Hall. To this day, the couple’s spirits still haunt the campus. The two allegedly still “supervise” the halls of Mount St Bernard, ensuring that students are obedient and that the cleanliness of the building is still up to the standard of the strict Blue Nun. It has been said that they say they hold grudges most against those who have the opportunity to live together happily. You may even catch a glimpse of her roaming the halls of the renovated residence…
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