Devonport Community Newsletter - Edition 7

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Devonport Community Newsletter Devonport City Council 44-48 Best Street Devonport Edition No. 7 – September 2012

What’s Inside: Mayor’s Message Annual Plan and Estimates Capital Works Update Long Term Financial Plan Recent Council Decisions Community Engagement Tree Planting - Fonterra Burrowing Crayfish Relocation Eastern Shore Rejuvenation Mersey Branch AIR Sports Facilities Funding Don River Railway Financial Budget at a Glance Events Council’s Sustainability Officer Phil Murray plants trees with Spreyton Primary students

We live lightly on our valued natural environment of clean rivers, waterways, beaches, rich agricultural land and coastal landscapes so future generations can also enjoy this special place. Fonterra is helping us to achieve this vision by joining with Council to provide local primary school students with the opportunity to plant trees whilst learning how to care for our environment.

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To page 8.

Turning of the Sod - Aquatic Centre

Tree planting with Hillcrest Primary

Devonport Jazz Competition winners

Mayor’s Message Contact Us Devonport City Council 44-48 Best Street Devonport PO Box 604 Devonport Tasmania, 7310 Telephone: (03) 6424 0511 Facsimile: (03) 6424 9649 Email: Website: Office hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm This publication is part of the Council’s commitment to improving communication and consultation with residents. It is published four times per year and is delivered to all Devonport households. It is also available from the Customer Service Centre at Council’s Best Street office and from Council’s website. This publication is printed in Devonport with vegetable based inks on 100 percent recycled paper. For more information on any content within this publication, to obtain further copies or provide feedback, please contact the Customer Service Centre on (03) 6424 0511 or email

It is with a great deal of pride that Devonport Jazz has again dusted off the winter blues and been the main event in Tasmania at this time of the year. Jazz was not just a major local event, but visitors came from across the country especially for Jazz. Congratulations to all involved for making Devonport the place to be in the middle of winter.

rejuvenate East Devonport. Council is also pleased to be working cooperatively with the Mersey Branch of the Association of Independent Retirees and the Don River

In this newsletter we are focussing on Council’s


Annual Plan and Estimates 2012-2013 and

It’s been a happy relocation and an

rates. Council has limited its rates rise for the greater majority of residential properties to 1.8% whilst delivering additional services. Council will spend $24 million on priority projects and an

environmental first for the Council with a colony of Central North Burrowing Crayfish moved from Main Road Spreyton to nearby Clayton Drive. Also in Spreyton, Council is working with local schools and Fonterra on a

extra $1.5 million providing services to the

special tree planting project.

community in the coming year.

Your input is sought on Council’s draft Signage

Good news for sports facilities users

Strategy which is designed to promote

with Council returning the cutbacks to

Devonport’s attractions and assist everyone as

maintenance from the previous year. This will

they move around the City.

enable adequate maintenance including

Happy reading.

extra mowing of grounds. In this edition we also look at the achievements of the Devonport Eastern Shore Project Special Committee set up to


The City with Spirit

Steve Martin

What are rates? Rates are a tax levied by Council. Their purpose is to support Council in providing services for the benefit of all residents. Rates help pay for:

Home Hill

Spirit of the Sea

Mersey foreshore

DCC limits rates, increases services Council will spend $24 million dollars on priority projects and an extra $1.5 million dollars providing services to the community over this financial year. The total budget in the Annual Plan and Estimates 2012-2013 is $56,526,420. This operational and capital expenditure includes productivity measures across all operations, which allows services to continue to be cost

As a result every cost across Council has been scrutinised. This approach has not only identified continues to improve how Council delivers on

by the community Council has been able to minimise a rate rise by: Bringing in productivity efficiencies of 5.3%;

Council has strived diligently for several months

Reducing staffing costs with the non

to ensure sustainable outcomes against rising

replacement of some positions left vacant

costs and to ensure the community’s enviable

and associated costs; •

Community safety initiatives;

general materials, minor equipment

the community is not possible without a rate

purchases and contractors.

Street lighting and cleaning;

Local roads, footpaths and drainage;

Stormwater disposal services;

Operation of halls and community centres;

Maintenance of parks, playgrounds and sports grounds;

Reducing expenditure on advertising,

Meeting the ongoing diverse expectations of

the average household.

Animal control;

To meet expenses and provide services required

charges rise of 1.8% or just 59 cents a week for

community and customer expectations whilst ensuring community priorities are met.

Waste and recycling collection and disposal;

more cost effective ways to deliver services but

effective and efficient.

lifestyle is protected.

Youth, family and senior services;

Just like households, Council daily costs are

Community events;

rising and if the Alderman did not support a low

State Government

Council has kept the rate rise to an absolute

rise in rates, some services would possibly have

minimum enabling services to continue to be

to cease, causing much angst throughout our

provided and not reduced.


Council is aware that the cost of living continues

The Council will continue to be diligent over the

to be a challenge for individuals and families

next 12 months monitoring all costs, but the rate

across the municipality, and like running

increase is recognition that Council requires

any household, Council itself has reviewed

additional revenue to support community needs,

expenditure to ensure the organisation is living

address maintenance works and maintain

within its means.


The City with Spirit

charges for a range of services including fire service, planning and libraries; •

Other works, programs and facilities.


Customer Service Centre Office hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm Payments can be made for Council rates, dog registrations, parking infringements and more. Common question: When are my rates due? Answer: Rates are due either: •

In full by 31 August 2012; or


Rooke Street Mall

Council to spend $22m on capital works Council’s capital budget for the next year is

Did you know?

part of the long term strategic plan, which was

been filtered through a prioritisation process

developed in consultation with the community.

featuring risk assessment and long term

Council has allocated $22,052,824 in the 20122013 Estimated Capital Works Budget, which also includes expenditure carried forward from

The Council’s Capital Works Program has

financial planning; •

There are necessary maintenance works that if delayed would create a backlog of

2011-2012 of $3,689,658.

maintenance on roads and facilities that

Expenditure for waste management services will

it simply would not be able to bring back

be $2.7 million, $2.2 million for maintenance and

up to scratch, costing more to repair in the

resealing of Council’s existing road network,


$1.9 million for road safety improvements and

Council will continue over the next 12

In four instalments

$1.9 million for the maintenance of Council

months to monitor closely all its activities

31 August 2012

parks, reserves and sports grounds.

and will develop the best way forward in

30 October 2012 28 February 2013 30 April 2013

Specific highlight projects include: •

Improving your way around the City

open December 2013;

Council has a five-year plan to upgrade way

Late Payments:

Mersey Bluff Car Park extension;

Any instalment not

Bass Strait Maritime Centre enhancement

signs help people orient themselves in a new space and makes it easier to get from one

Central North Burrowing Crayfish Reserve

place to another, especially for our visitors.


The plan outlines guidelines for new signage

Miandetta Cycleway Link at Formby Road;

and suggests priorities where signs should be

Tiagarra toilet access ramps;

replaced. Your ideas are sought on the draft

Waste Transfer Station access road

plan, including designs of new signs. Visit Speak

upgrade seal and drainage;

Up Devonport

Stormwater projects worth $605,000 ;

to have your say.

immediately following the instalment due date.

finding signs across the City. Way finding


paid by the due date will incur a 10% penalty

consultation with the community.

Aquatic Centre redevelopment. Planned to


Aquatic Centre

Building a Unique City

Rates and Charges Policy Recent changes to the Local Government Act 1993 now require Council to adopt a Rates and Charges Policy. Harvesting carrots outside Devonport

East Devonport farm land

Long term planning for sustainability Paramount to the management of the

community’s assets and sustainability of services is the Devonport City Council’s long term financial plan. The 10 year plan was recently adopted by Council at the same time as the Annual Plan and Estimates 2012-2013. Why a long term plan? •

capital expenditure program which encompasses renewal and new capital expenditure. In the five year period from 2010-2011 to 2014-2015 it is estimated that Council will have spent approximately $81 million on new capital projects and renewing existing assets. Over $51 million, or 63% of this expenditure, will be on new

by Department of Premier and Cabinet, Division of Local Government, Security and Emergency Management, titled “Local Government Rates and Charges Guidance Paper for Policy Development”. This document was workshopped with Aldermen on 7 May 2012. A draft Policy was prepared

capital. While some of this expenditure

of the Strategic Plan into financial terms.

has already been spent, it brings with it

The projections provide guidelines in which

increased operating, maintenance and

Aldermen on 4 June 2012.

Council needs to operate to ensure it

depreciation costs which has been factored

remains financially sustainable;

into the financial plan.

The Policy, a copy of which is

It is a vital tool to assist in the annual

The financial goals of the Council are based on

planning process by providing Council with

long term sustainability and relate to the five

a medium to long term view of operational

goals outlined in the Strategic Plan 2009-2030:

Council wants to ensure that facilities and services can be maintained at least at current levels in the years ahead;

Council is currently undertaking a substantial

with a publication produced

It translates the objectives and strategies

and asset management decisions; •

Council has been supplied

The Plan brings together a number of Council policies and plans and provides a consolidated view of the financial impact of continuing to meet our communities’ service level requirements and implementing

1. Living lightly on our environment 2. Building a unique city

and workshopped with

available to download on our website, has been prepared in accordance with the Act and the language used is intended to make it easy for the reader to understand. Technical jargon has been

3. Growing a vibrant economy

avoided and it is hoped that

4. Building quality of life

this objective is achieved.

5. Practicing excellent governance To view in full the Long Term Financial Plan visit Council’s website:

Scan me to head straight to the site!

Councils’ strategic direction;

Building a Unique City


Aquatic Centre

Coastal walking track

Stewart & Rooke Street

Recent Council Decisions 2012 Schedule for Council Meetings 17 September

At Council’s recent monthly meetings, the

tender process for the management of the

following decisions were made:

Centre as recommended in the report;

Joinery Pty Ltd for the construction of the Devonport Aquatic Centre for the tendered sum of $10,488,253 was accepted; •

adopted; •

The Draft Residential Strategy was placed on public display for a period of three weeks

Entry off Fenton Way (opposite Harvey Norman)

Council’s long term financial plan covering the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2022 was

The public session of commence at 7.15pm.

The tender from Vos Construction and

Entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mersey Branch

Action Plan implementation supported;

19 November

Council Meetings will now

Network Strategy was adopted and the

15 October

17 December

The Devonport City Council Pedestrian

Association of Independent Retirees Limited; •

That Council install pay as you leave car parking in Rooke Street car park in the 2012-2013 Financial Year and also hold a workshop to consider other possible parking improvements such as: •

with credit card facilities; •

That the Annual General Meeting will be

Entered into a Memorandum of

Options for creating additional parking spaces in the CBD; and

held on 22 October 2012 at 6pm; •

Abolishing car park charges for the first hour on Saturdays;

seeking comments; •

New ticketing machines in all car parks

Improved car park signage.

Understanding with the Department of Police and Emergency Management to establish a framework to operate, maintain and utilise the Council’s CCTV network; •

Considered a report from Sport and Leisure Solutions for a Management Model of the new Devonport Aquatic Centre and agreed


to undertake an Expression of Interest and

Practicing Excellent Governance

Community influences Annual Plan Earlier this year, Council conducted a Customer

improve residential amenity and access

Satisfaction Survey to determine community

and improve safety;

priorities for Council services and facilities and to gauge how the community felt Council was performing. A total number of 367 residents

Prepare and adopt a new Parking By-law;

Continue with the process to facilitate a partnership with private or individual firms

completed the survey over a period of three

to ultimately see a substantial development

months, the culmination of which assisted in

on Council owned land in the CBD,

determining our priorities for the 2012-2013 financial year. So how is Council performing and in which areas can we improve? As always, garbage and recycling collection and services is a priority for residents, as well as parking management. The majority of those who identified garbage and recycling collection and services as a priority also indicated they felt Council performed well in this area. The community told us that economic development, consistency of Council decisionmaking, and opportunities for the community to participate in decision-making processes were of great importance. However, Council’s

Community Email Register Would you like to receive this newsletter and other Council information via email?

particularly in the Northern Rooke Street

Head to:


Develop a focussed Marketing

and register today!

Campaign for the City to drive economic

By registering, you can

development in the City and region.

select the areas of Council

Later this year Council will adopt a Community

important to YOU.

Engagement Policy, based on various activities

We promise not to fill

as advocated by the International Association

your inbox with spam,

of Public Participation (IAP2). Effective

rather provide you with

community consultation is good business

useful information on

practice and critical to good government. For

what’s happening around

this reason Council is committed to seek the


views of all our residents when making decisions that affect the Devonport community.

performance in these areas rated quite low. As a result of the survey, Council have identified in the Annual Plan and Estimates 2012-2013 the following actions: •

Want to have your say? We have a number of consultations available for comment now at

Develop a plan for timed parking to

Practicing Excellent Governance


Bass Strait Maritime Centre When it reopens, Devonport’s maritime museum will be renamed the Bass Strait Maritime Centre. Our State is an island because of the notorious piece of water known as Bass Strait that separates us

Devonport Primary students

Spreyton Primary students tree planting at Fonterra

tree planting at Fonterra

Sharing natural assets Fonterra has recently provided an area

will benefit from improvements to the buffer

adjacent to its Spreyton factory for primary

zone both visually and with noise reduction.

school students to plant trees as part of an initiative in partnership with the Devonport City Council.

The long term project aims to demonstrate that some forms of development can co-exist with the natural environment.

from mainland Australia. How

The Council received funding of $4,000 from

we see this stretch of water

Cradle Coast NRM through the Land Manager

is different from how the

Community Partnership Grants to make the

mainland sees it.

partnership possible.

The special relationship

Council recognised that that there was a lack

included not just the practical planting of shrubs

of understory plants due to the type of trees

but direction and education for students.

we have with Bass Strait will be explored in the new contemporary interpretation centre being built as an extension to the present heritage maritime museum site.

planted around 10 years ago and saw this as an opportunity for Fonterra to involve the community.

Council has been encouraging and supporting Fonterra in its plans to manage this unique area in a sustainable manner with the organising of the student tree planting days which have

Fonterra’s ongoing commitment to the project will involve undertaking annual maintenance of the site which is in excess of 140 hectares with

Students have been to the site, on the southern

the factory footprint being less than 10 percent

side of the factory, planting suitable trees during

of that area.

National Tree Day activities and Fonterra staff will be involved with Clean Up Australia Day and other tree maintenance events. Students who have been planting at the site so far have been from Spreyton, Devonport, Hillcrest and East Devonport Primary Schools. The Council and schools benefit by having areas to continue tree planting projects and the local community, particularly close neighbours,


Living Lightly on Our Environment

Central North Burrowing Crayfish

Piping the open drain

One of the new burrows

Crayfish a real traffic stopper They were found, treated with the gentlest of

have assisted in preparing the crayfish’s new

care and are now settled into their new home


– it’s been a happy relocation for the Central North Burrowing Crayfish formerly of Main Road Spreyton.

These tiny burrowing crayfish are of the Engaeus genus. Within the Engaeus genus there are 15 species, 13 of which occur only in Tasmania

A colony of 206 were painstakingly removed by

and two we share with Victoria. Of these 13

hand one by one over three days in July to their

endemic species, five are threatened, with

new specially built home at a Council reserve in

three of the five species of burrowing crayfish

nearby Clayton Drive.

found in Tasmania listed as endangered on the

The crayfish, which grow to about 10 centimetres long, were found a year ago during

threatened species list. It’s believed there are only 80 colonies in existence.

an environmental study into planned road

Residents of Sheffield Main Road have waited

widening and a safety upgrade a couple of

years for the road upgrade, but didn’t mind

kilometres up Sheffield Main Road.

about the further delay while the crayfish were

Because the crustaceans, which if you are wondering, are related to the saltwater crayfish,

relocated. Council would like to thank the residents for their patience.

are on the endangered species list – they

The road works are expected to be completed

needed to be treated as VIP’s.

in October with widening of the road, the

Council is delighted with the outcome as the crayfish had to be removed by hand and

continuation of piping of open drains and a footpath.

placed into temperature controlled containers

Council has abided by all local and national

and taken to the new site. Their new home

environmental permit conditions, regulations

is a Central North Burrowing Crayfish haven

and guidelines in completing the project.

Tasmania’s Burrowing Crayfish The five threatened species of burrowing crayfish are: • Scottsdale Burrowing Crayfish • Furneaux Burrowing Crayfish • Central North Burrowing Crayfish • Mt Arthur Burrowing Crayfish • Burnie Burrowing Crayfish Did you know? The burrowing crayfish of the genus Engaeus, found only in south eastern Australia, are very specialised crayfish living in tunnel systems in muddy banks, seepages and peaty areas.

complete with a running stream. Volunteers, including the Friends of Don Reserve

Living Lightly on Our Environment


New Skate ‘Hub’ coming to Devonport

Members of the Committee

The Spirit of Tasmania

Playing in Pioneer Park

Devonport City Council is

Connecting East to West

partnering with Skateboard

The dreams are big and so they should be

on the eastern shore and it’s a priority to

because nothing happens without a vision and

continue to work with the Devonport Eastern

the Devonport Eastern Shore Project Special

Shore Project Special Committee.

Australia to offer a free regular program to the regions skaters that focusses

Committee has made a difference.

“The Council and the State Government have

on skill development,

Six years ago Council set up the Committee to

recognised the significance of the area as a

mate-ship and community

discuss, engage, explore and manage projects

major gateway for the entire State and we

engagement. The program,

that the community wanted.

are continuing to work towards maximising

known as Streetwise offers

Chair Clyde Eastaugh, speaks proudly of what

older skaters the chance to

has been achieved, but he isn’t complacent,

undertake a training course

saying there is still much to do.

and start mentoring younger skaters. This is also coupled with regular events at both the Bluff and East Devonport skate parks such as competitions and coaching clinics. For further information or to

The Committee’s charter is to rejuvenate East Devonport and to connect the east and the west focusing on the physical, the socially responsible and community. Clyde says improvements so far include the on and off ramps connecting Tarleton Street and the Bass Highway, upgrades to Reg Hope Park with fishing, barbecue and toilet facilities and

the gains for the local community and for the region and State as a whole,” Mr Eastaugh said. “The freight facilities and the Spirit of Tasmania ships provide a hub for not just East Devonport but the City and region and we are looking at making the most of that by working on a nautical theme in the shopping area to improve the experience for tourists and locals,” Mr Eastaugh added. The street scape of East Devonport is certainly a lot more engaging than it was a few years ago.

working on improving town planning residential

The future is bright for East Devonport with

contact Damian Collins at


local business leaders constantly looking for

The Zone on (03) 6423 4099.

Other improvements include the new East

find out how to get involved

Devonport Skate Park opened a few months


ago which is providing a much needed facility

New freight ships are coming and the TT-Line

for the youth of East Devonport.

plans to replace the Spirits by 2017.

Council recognises the community challenges


opportunities with Council to enhance the

Building Quality of Life

Ald Hollister signs the MoU on

Eric Tommey & Ald Hollister at the

Eric Tommey signs the MoU on

behalf of Council

signing of the MoU

behalf of Mersey AIR

Retirees enter partnership with Council As part of its approach to represent the needs

“This partnership between the Mersey Branch

and aspirations of many retired and partly-retired

and Council aims to improve dialogue and

people, the Mersey Branch of the Association

cooperation between us for the betterment of

of Independent Retirees (AIR) has entered into

AIR members and older residents in general,” Mr

a four-year partnership with the Devonport City

Tommey said.


The essence of the partnership with Council is

Formed in 1990, AIR is a not-for-profit, non-political,

to improve collaboration on matters of mutual

volunteer organisation that is focussed on matters

importance and to promote opportunities for

affecting and supporting the standard of living,

participation in both Council and AIR activities.

health and welfare of fully or partly self-funded retired and partly-retired people. Mersey Branch of AIR Acting President, Mr Eric Tommey, said AIR is involved in advocacy, lobbying and disseminating information to members to assist them in making informed decisions regarding their finance, health and welfare. “We attend meetings on matters that may impact on retirees, the health sector, pensions, welfare, finance, taxation, etc., presenting the older Australians’ point of view,” Mr Tommey said.

Most of all it opens the door for the views of our

Community Information Directory The Devonport Community Directory is available online via Council’s website. It lists many community organisations and activities throughout the City and is a valuable source

members to be heard.

of information on services

The Mersey Branch has 200 members and meets

assistance to you, your family

every second Friday of the month at 10am at the Devonport Soccer Club. All retirees are welcome because by better understanding the needs and views of retirees AIR can better influence

and facilities that may be of and your friends. Is your business or organisation listed in the Directory? If not,

decision makers at all levels of the community and or if you would like to update your details, please head government. For information contact Mersey Branch AIR on 0438 242 354 or


au/information-directory to download an information form.

“AIR is one of the few aged Australian groups that is solely represented by senior Australians. Our members feel that we have a better understanding of what ageing entails.

Building Quality of Life


Strategic Sport & Recreation Special Committee The Devonport City Council will soon announce a Strategic Sport and Recreation Special Committee (SSRSC). The committee will provide a forum through which Council can consult with and receive advice and guidance on the future of sport and recreation development within the City of Devonport. Positions on the committee were recently advertised in The Advocate. Community members with a knowledge and background in sport and recreation will be active members. Council will soon announce the full committee.

Devonport Oval

Meercroft Park

Funding restored for sports grounds The Devonport City Council has responded to community concerns and this year’s Annual Plan and Estimates 2012-2013 sees a reinstatement of cuts in funding for the maintenance of sports grounds.

Lovett Street Soccer Ground No 1 irrigation

East Devonport Recreation Centre - Entry doors

Meercroft Park - toilets/change rooms

In this financial year Council will spend $70,000 more than it spent last year on mowing, line marking, general maintenance and ground renovations.

Byard Park - toilets/change rooms

Devonport Oval - Cricket Club amenities renewal

Devonport Oval - Visitor change room (football) showers

Maidstone Park - Upgrade timber seating

Spreyton Netball Courts - resurface and drainage

Recreation Centres - security

Maidstone Park - Power supply upgrade

Listed below are the proposed capital works for 2012-2013 for sports grounds and letters advising the works schedule have been sent by Council to all user clubs and organisations. Last year the sports ground maintenance budget was reduced resulting in a reduction in maintenance. This created concern amongst sports clubs and organisations. Fortunately this year the budget has been reinstated and in addition a significant amount of funds have been allocated for work at Devonport Oval, Spreyton Netball Centre and ground irrigation at Valley Road Soccer Centre. Additional funding has been allocated to the following projects:


Aquatic Centre - Indoor facility

Devonport Oval - Scoreboard replacement

Building Quality of Life

Indoor Aquatic Centre

One of the many trains working out of Don River Railway

All aboard at Don River Railway The Don River Railway and Council are working

Today the organisation has one paid employee

together on the long term future of this unique

who is supported by passionate and dedicated

Tasmanian railway attraction.

volunteers who share their knowledge and

A committee has been formed with the key aim to ensure its viability. The committee includes key people who have played a role over the years in operating the railway. The Van Dieman Light Railway Society was formed in December 1971 as a voluntary organisation with the basic aim of preserving a representative section of former Tasmanian Railway equipment for future generations to enjoy.

skill in a range of ways. A great deal of work is undertaken on the carriages themselves and skilled volunteers are always welcomed to assist in keeping one of Devonport’s greatest historic assets operating in good order. The railway is an established and loved part of the region and the Council is keen to see it continue to meet its original aims of providing a reminder of passenger rail as it used to be many years ago. The cost to maintain the facility and keep it

After much searching for a suitable site the

operating is getting harder and the committee

society decided to use the track bed of the

has been formed to work on a strategy to

former Melrose line and began trading under

ensure the Don River Railway continues to

the name ‘The Don River Railway’.

be an important part of the fabric, of not just

The railway was established on the Don site in 1973 and trains commenced running in November 1976. Their aim was to recreate the atmosphere of a genuine working passenger railway and the Devonport City Council has been an

Devonport or the region, but for all of Tasmania. Tourists and locals can visit the Don River Railway at Don Village on Forth Road and see the display of steam and diesel engines and other rolling stock that have played an important part in Tasmania’s rail history.

Don River Railway Forth Road, Don Village Telephone: (03) 6424 6335 Web: The Don River Railway has on display a wonderful selection of steam and diesel engines and other rolling stock that has played an important role in Tasmania’s railway history. Look through their museum of artifacts and photos and enjoy a half hour ride on a genuine vintage train along the old Melrose line to Coles Beach and back. The Don River Railway is open every day of the year except Good Friday and Christmas Day.

enthusiastic supporter owning much of the land on which the railway operates.

Growing a Vibrant Economy


Maritime Museum construction

Aquatic Centre construction

Shared pathway - Quoiba to CBD

Financial budget at a glance The budget incorporates $56,526,420 in operational and capital expenditure:

Devonport Events Devonport City Council have been working on improving the communication and paperwork for community groups and organisers for events held in the City.

Budget Summary Operational Budget Income $33,913,596 Expenditure $34,773,596

To keep in touch with all the latest events happening in and around Devonport, LIKE us at: devonportevents



Comparable operating result


Capital Budget Carried Forward 2011-2012

If you are planning on holding an event – be it something you’ve done before or a new event – please contact us for more details. You can also download the Events Pack from our website: au/events-management-guide

Adjusted Operating Result

Asset Renewal

$3,689,658 $6,379,865

New/Ugrade Projects


Total Capital Budget


External Funding New Borrowings


Capital Grants


* Comparable operating result assumes Federal assistance grant paid in the year that it applies

Key Funding Allocations (inclusive of Federal and State Funding) •

$10.2 million for the new Devonport Aquatic Centre

$1.6 million to complete the redevelopment of the Maritime Museum

$3 million for Marketing, Tourism and Recreation

$2.7 million for Waste Management Services

$550,000 for footpath and drainage improvements to Sheffield Road

$2.2 million for maintenance and resealing of Council’s existing road network

$358,000 for footpath and shared pathway extensions

• •

$1.9 million for road safety improvements $1.9 million for the maintenance of Council parks, reserves and sports grounds

Growing a Vibrant Economy

Caravan Burlesque

Dorothy the Dinosaur

The Mikado


Homage: The Royal Dozen (2008-2010) & The Regal Twelve (2004-2007) Princesses, warlords, dandies and divas take the stage to form two highly complex fine art series titled The Royal Dozen





Senior’s Week

(2008-2010) & The Regal Twelve


Burnie Show Day (FREE parking in Devonport City Council car parks)

Through the study of nobility

Opening - Homage: The Royal Dozen (2008-2010) & The Regal Twelve (20042007) - Devonport Regional Gallery

September 7-24 School Holidays

18 AcO2 - Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre



Dorothy the Dinosaur Beach Party Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre


6-27 Spring Squeeze - FREE Films - Devonport Regional Gallery (each Thursday in September) 27 28

11-14 Sister Cities Australia Annual Conference

The Mikado - Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre Caravan Burlesque - Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre

Diving for Pearls - Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre


Rock Revolution with Jon English Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre


Devonport Show Day

(2004-2007). in history and portraiture, multimedia artist Alexia Sinclair has produced twentyfour innovative artworks formed from thousands of photographs and illustrations. Legends of the lives of the nobles continue to captivate us today, from the pampered decadence of Marie Antoinette to the epic legend of Alexander the Great. Other rulers who also form these series are less renowned yet equally intriguing. An unusual blend of Royalty, their selection was based on their contrasts in leadership, their flamboyancies and their enduring influence

Alexia Sinclair Marie Antoinette -The Extravagant Queen (1755 – 1793) 2005

Alexia Sinclair Louis XIV – The Sun King (1638 – 1715) 2010

The City with Spirit

upon society. Opening Friday 24 August 6pm DEVONPORT REGIONAL GALLERY 45-47 Stewart Street, Devonport


Contact Us MAYOR, Ald. Steve MARTIN 0418 614 781 Email:

Ald. Justine KEAY 0409 259 879 Email:

DEPUTY MAYOR, Ald. Graham KENT 0418 137 058 Email:

Ald. Lynn LAYCOCK 0400 193 724 Email:

Ald. Brian COLE (03) 6424 2078 B/H Email:

Ald. Leon PERRY 0407 843 431 Email:

Ald. Grant GOODWIN 0417 516 237 Email:

Ald. Annette ROCKLIFF 0419 103 385 Email:

Ald. Peter HOLLISTER 0408 209 513 Email:

Ald. Warren SQUIBB 0407 272 065 Email:

Ald. Alison JARMAN 0437 240 501 Email:

Ald. Bill WILSON 0439 363 149 Email:

Waste Transfer Station Bay Drive, Spreyton (off Mersey Main Road, near Maidstone Park) Telephone (03) 6427 3351 Hours of Operation Monday to Friday 7.30am to 4pm Weekends & Public Holidays 11am to 4pm Closed: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Devonport Cup, Good Friday, Easter Sunday & Anzac Day All patrons to the Spreyton Transfer Station are encouraged to Reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by segregating items that can be Recycled or Recovered for Re-use.

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