Council Minutes for 20th August 2012

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Ald S L Martin (Mayor) in the Chair Ald B L Cole Ald G F Goodwin Ald P G Hollister Ald A J Jarman Ald J T Keay Ald L M Perry Ald A L Rockliff Ald W M Squibb

Council Officers: General Manager, I McCallum Assistant General Manager Customers and Community, E Ewins Assistant General Manager Technical and Finance, M Atkins Executive Manager Corporate Support, S Crawford Administration Officer, R Inglis Communication and Media Officer, S Titmus 1.0

APOLOGIES That the apologies from Ald L M Laycock and W P Wilson be noted.


LEAVE OF ABSENCE 195/12 RESOLUTION Ald Goodwin / Cole That the Leave of Absence for Ald GB Kent for tonight's meeting be noted.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Ald Perry declared an interest in Agenda Items 4.4 and 4.5 Ald Squibb declared an interest in Agenda Items 4.2.

4.0 CLOSED SESSION 196/12 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Perry That the meeting be closed to the public, to enable Council to consider Agenda Items 4.1 to 4.6 as prescribed in Regulation 15(2) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005. 4.1

Drainage Issue at 160B and 162 Sheffield Road, Spreyton


Lease of Upstairs Restaurant - Mersey Bluff Precinct


Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting - The Devonport Maritime & Heritage Authority - 3 July 2012

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

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Devonport Football Club - Lease of Clubrooms


Offer to Purchase Land


Performance Report


Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb, and Perry




RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RAISED AT PRIOR COUNCIL MEETINGS (D275315) 204/12 RESOLUTION Ald Cole / Rockliff That the report advising of responses to questions raised at a prior Council meeting be received and noted.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



Questions asked at this meeting MR DAVID RENODEN – 2 ELLICE HILL DRIVE, SPREYTON (D276772) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. Letter received from the General Manager, dated 22nd June 2012, stated that due to recent legislation and subsequent legal advice, a remission on rates could no longer be applied. This was a deception to rate payers and to the Aldermen, leading them to believe it was nothing to do with council and a remission was no longer possible. As recent legislation has nothing to do with the ability to apply a remission, as stated in Local Govt Act 129, section 4 and confirmed by an email from the Premier and Cabinet Dept, which said “As per our telephone conversation today, regarding Devonport City Council’s decision to remove the General Rate (Single Dwelling) Remission, for the 2012-13 rating year I CONFIRM that Section 129 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides a council with the power to grant remissions on rates. This is further supported by the Burnie council’s budget document, referring to act 129/4, stating that they will continue a remission on rates in section, 3.4.1. The same letter from the General Manager spoke of SUBSEQUENT legal advice, this also was misleading to the rate payers and Aldermen, as the word subsequent means to follow or to follow the event. As far as my information goes, this legal advice was sort (sic) in April 2010, so certainly did not FOLLOW the recent legislation, which was December 2011, some twenty months after the advice. The current system is no indication at all, of a person’s ability to pay higher rates and some rate payers are now being asked to pay up to three times the average general rate. A high number of these rate payers are pensioners, self funded retirees, single mums and people on disability pensions. The council is causing people like this real hardship and it was said by one person, they could sell their home, move to where it is cheaper and put money in the bank.

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

Page 3 of 15 These people have been in their homes for most of their lives, they wish to live there, in peace, for the rest of their days. If it was your parents, or someone you loved, would you wish this upon them. In the council’s paperwork, there was one statement that said, if higher value properties receive a remission, they are being subsidised by the lower rate payers. Wake up council, the exact opposite is true, if higher value properties are paying up to three time the general average and only receiving the same services from council, it is the higher value properties who are subsidising the low rate properties by paying more, so as to keep their rates low in comparison. So my question to the Mayor and Aldermen is, With this new information, WILL you now rescind your decision and reinstate the remission for high value properties?? The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR KAY KIDD – 99 NORTH STREET, DEVONPORT (D276770) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. I want to ask a question relating to the question of an increase in rates. • •

The rates decision was based on flawed advice given to the General Manager and passed on to Residents and Council. Affordability is a key issue for many of the affected ratepayers. Several years ago Council saw the need to cap the general rate for high value properties: o In 2009 the cap was at $1,375 o This was increased by stealth to $1,600 in 2010 and further to $1,900 last year o At the same time the AAV was increased by Govt. decree by 10% thus increasing other charges such as the fire levy. o A further increase up to 20% or in some cases up to $3,000 is proposed for a number of properties this year (and for several more years) on the false claim that this is required by a change in the legislation. o This would result in an additional increase above the norm for some residents of more than $905 in 3 years and up to $380/yr for at least 3 or more years making a total increase of about $2,000 over 6 years. (In one known case $3,125) o The Dept of Premier and Cabinet has confirmed in writing that no legislation has been changed to prevent Councils providing rates remissions. o The letter from the GM announcing this price gouging increase, and the alleged reasons for it, (which has since been found to be untrue) enraged a number of residents in my area and promoted a petition containing 35 signatories asking for a reversal of this decision, being presented to the GM for presentation to our elected representatives. o Shortly after this, an article by Peter Lyons (Advocate July the 17th), led to a storm of other residents wanting to be involved in the petition. o It was learned that 524 Devonport properties were selected to pay this unjust slug of up to 20% increase compared with the announced

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

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increase for average residents of only 1.8%. A petition containing more than 150 signatures has already been forwarded to Council and other people are still asking to be involved. It should be noted that for this year we are prepared to accept that this 1.8% will apply on top of the $1,900 cap accepted last year and this therefore means that the more highly valued properties still have to pay several times the amount billed to the general population.

My question is therefore, will you rescind your previous motion and revert this year to the 1.8% for all Devonport residential properties? The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR MAC RUSSELL - 16A VICTORIA PARADE, DEVONPORT (D276766) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. My Question relates to the recent significant increase in rate charges in the Devonport Municipality. The impact of the recent decision by Councillors is that an annual increase to many properties will be 20% for some time to come. By way of example my home rates will progressively increase, on today’s costing by $2500 due to your decision. That amounts to a 131% increase, clearly not affordable and cannot be justified at any time let alone in the current environment. Whilst not providing a big return relevant to Council’s revenue, the impact on many of our Cities residents has been significant and indeed has provided unnecessary stress, financially and personally. A situation that can now be corrected by this Council as the previous view that the cap removal was necessary due to Government legislation has now been proven incorrect. You are now at liberty to do as your letter of 22nd of June said, quote “However Council was very mindful of the effect on you of this change and resolved to limit the increase”. You can reinstate the previous cap. This has been well canvassed in previous questions. Going forward we need to ensure that a fair and just system is used to set rates. I understand that there is a move at foot to move from AAV as a determinant to Capital Value. This would also be unjust, we must move away from a system that continues to demand excessive and inequitable payments from selected persons, who in many cases simply cannot afford it and should not have to pay. My question is, will Council work towards implementing a fairer basis of rating, such as Average Area Rating (AAR), or similar as is allowed for under the Local Government Act, for the next and future years, noting that three Tasmanian Councils already use this fairer system? The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR MARK SEATON – 322 KELCEY TIER ROAD, SPREYTON (D276768) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. Devonport City Council general rate is the second highest in Tasmania second only to Burnie. In view of the high general rate for the current year: Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

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When will the DCC get back to the basic function of councils, (infrastructure maintenance, waste disposal and capital works), rather than spending money on a whole range of optional extras?


Would Aldermen be prepared to conduct a full ratepayer survey to ascertain whether or not ratepayers consider that the DCC rates and charges represent anything like value for money?


Has Council ever considered preparing its annual plan and estimates on a zero based approach? (That is, starting with a clean sheet as if the council has just been formed, compared with the usual approach of “last year, plus a bit”) •

If it hasn’t, why not, in view of the fact that the Audit Committee recommended that this be done in 2008 and 2010?

If it has:It clearly didn’t result in significant cost savings and this is most surprising especially as the costs in Devonport are higher than 27 other councils in Tasmania. Would council like us to assist in identifying significant savings which can easily be made, by reviewing the methodology used? If not, why not?

In his letter to ratepayers, why did the General Manager pretent that legislative changes have caused Council to remove the capping of rates when the truth is that there is no such requirement contained in the Local Government Act and this has been confirmed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet? •

If the General Manager did not mislead Aldermen and the public and it is no longer legal for Council to cap rates, why did Council break the law and cap rates at $2280?

In view of the Prime Minister’s ultimatum to the States in which she gave them 4 months to come up with ways to slow surging power prices, which have increased by around 50% over the last 4 years, how do Aldermen justify general rate increases of nearly 70% for some residential ratepayers in the same period? The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MRS CAROLINE SEATON – 322 KELCEY TIER ROAD, SPREYTON (D276769) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. It costs no more to service two homes in the same street in regards to council & municipal infrastructure. The Aldermen may set rates under the act as they see fit. You alone can decide under the act how to rate homes. Two houses in the same street, next door to each other, same size block. Similar in size. House A not looked after run down, not well maintained. It gets valued at $250,000. House B same as above yet immaculately maintained, well presented so is valued higher at $350,000.

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

Page 6 of 15 Why should the owner of House B be penalized & pay more rates because he shows pride in his home? Please do not reply it is the system we have to work under because under the act you can change it. If you agree that he should not be penalized, what are you going to do about it? The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR KAY KIDD – 99 NORTH STREET, DEVONPORT (D276771) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. 1.

15 councils offer a discount for early payment, but this does not include Devonport.


Council recently entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Association of Independent Retirees ostensibly to be more friendly towards the older people in our community. The brochure recently sent out with the rates notices advises that pensioners can apply for a discount on their rates but unfortunately the Council discriminates against Self Funded Retirees who hold a commonwealth Seniors Health Card. This card is only issued to Self Funded Retirees on the bottom end of the income scale and it generally entitles them to the same privileges as a pensioner.


Council also recently discriminated against the elderly when they cancelled the parking voucher scheme that had been introduced to help them.


We ask our elected representatives to show more compassion than this by: A.

Reducing the rate demand to 1.8% for all residential properties. This will reduce revenue by an estimated $100,000 in a $29 million budget.


Treating Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Holders as pensioners.


Reinstating the parking voucher system for the elderly in our community.


Offering a discount for early payment of rates.

This should then entitle us to change the City motto to “The City with Compassion”. The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR NICK POLTOCK – 25 CUTTS ROAD, DON (D276773) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. Re the Devonport Swimming Pool Project Why was the initial site investigation, which, I believe, revealed contamination in one of the four drill holes, not followed-up immediately to define the contaminated area, as is standard procedure and what will be the cost of the consequent delay? Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

Page 7 of 15 The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR DAVID RENODEN – 2 ELLICE HILL DRIVE, SPREYTON (27192) In regards to the improvements to the swimming pool most Devonport ratepayers would agree that it will be advantageous to Devonport. Launceston has a similar complex which costs $800,000 per annum to keep going, what is the estimated cost of the new Aquatic Centre to the ratepayers of Devonport? The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MR BOB VELLACOTT – 11 COCKER PLACE, DEVONPORT (D276761XD276765) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. This is a request regarding proceedings tonight. I note the “door step” size of tonight’s Agenda and that Item 11.4 regarding the petition about excessive rates increases is on page 219. Because of the number of people here tonight that have a direct interest in Item 11.4 may I respectfully request as a courtesy to them, that after the Public Forum that you permit an Alderman to move a Suspension of Standing Orders that would allow Item 11.4 to be brought forward. I am sure it would be appreciated. I refer to Council’s administration and cost cutting and redundancy program of June/July 2010. My question: 1.

Since June 2010 to this day 20 August 2012 how many new positions have been created and persons employed?


What is the overall annual cost of the new appointments?

The Mayor advised that the matter would be taken on notice and a response provided in writing. MRS JANET RAYNER – 7 JINGELLA PLACE, DEVONPORT (26370) Wants to know why a workshop was not undertaken prior to the setting of the rates rather than after. The Mayor responded that the budget process was very thorough and included several workshops to discuss various items including the setting of rates. MS TRISHA BRICE – PLANNING CONSULTANT FROM THE PLANNING GROUP (D276767) Note: The following is a transcript of a letter handed to Council Officers at the Council meeting. My name if Trisha Brice and I am a Planning Consultant from the Planning Group. I have been requested by the proponent of Planning Scheme Amendment 2012/02 (Changes to Showroom Provisions, Devonport Regional Homemaker Centre Zone) to attend this meeting and to ask a question of the Council: Do the Council understand that showrooms that are proposed to be less than 500m² in area are a Discretionary Use, which means that Council Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

Page 8 of 15 may either approve or refuse the application and they cannot be established without being assessed. Further that the applicant must demonstrate consistency with the provisions of the Homemaker Zone which includes controls on the range of goods that can be sold, as well as limits on the number of smaller tenancies that can be established, meaning that Council has the ability to refuse an application if appropriate? The Assistant General Manager – Technical and Finance responded that Council was aware of that fact. MR BARRY FAIRFAX - 53 CUTTS ROAD, DON (26370) Mr Fairfax firstly commended citizens for coming tonight and encouraged them to come more often. What is the Aldermen’s view to being the victims of deception and what actions would they take to rectify the situation. The Mayor responded that as stated previously the matter will be workshopped to discuss the rating issue as raised by residents and resubmitted to the September meeting. PROCEDURAL MOTION 205/12 RESOLUTION Ald Cole / Jarman That Standing Orders be suspended to allow Agenda Item 11.4 to be brought forward. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb, and Perry




PETITION - NORTH STREET & CHALMERS LANE AREA RESIDENTS (D275907) 206/12 RESOLUTION Ald Goodwin / Cole That the petition from residents of the North Street and Chalmers Lane area of Devonport be received and noted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



PROCEDURAL MOTION 207/12 RESOLUTION Ald Jarman / Keay That Standing Orders be resumed. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb, and Perry



Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

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ORDINARY MEETING – 16 JULY 2012 208/12 RESOLUTION Ald Goodwin / Cole That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 16 July 2012 as circulated be taken as read and confirmed. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry




WORKSHOP AND BRIEFING SESSIONS HELD SINCE THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING (D275327) 209/12 RESOLUTION Ald Cole / Keay That the report advising of Workshop/Briefing Sessions held since the last Council meeting be received and the information noted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry


Alderman Cole


AM2012/02 AMENDMENTS TO SHOWROOM PROVISIONS TO HOMEMAKER CENTRE ZONE - 88,90,92,98 & 100-102 STONY RISE ROAD (D276015) MOTION Ald Hollister / Goodwin That this report be forwarded to the Tasmanian Planning Commission as per the requirements of Section 39 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Hollister, Keay and Rockliff


Aldermen Cole, Goodwin, Jarman, Squibb and Perry

The motion was LOST. 210/12 RESOLUTION Ald Goodwin / Cole That Council advise the Tasmanian Planning Commission that it supports e)

In the Table of Use Clause 8.20.3(ii) in the use class “Showroom” Conditions/Restrictions column insert the following words: “equipment and” after the word “Office” and Below the words “Pet supplies and ancillary services” insert “Furnishings, fabric and homewares Swimming pools and spas Baby and children’s goods, children’s play equipment and accessories Sporting, cycling, leisure, fitness goods and accessories.”

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

Page 10 of 15 Further that the Tasmanian Planning Commission be advised that Council supports the representations in relation retaining the floor area criteria as is currently required by the Devonport and Environs Planning Scheme 1984 and it does not support recommendations a), b) c) d) and f) of the Council Agenda.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



REQUEST FOR MINOR AMENDMENT TO PERMIT SA2009.0006 - 110 SHEFFIELD ROAD, SPREYTON (D276177) 211/12 RESOLUTION Ald Goodwin / Rockliff That the application has been investigated and it is recommended that the application to amend the planning permit for SA2009.0006 not be approved for the following reason: 1.

The proposed amendment changes the effect of the Tasmanian Planning Commission decision made under Section 43H of the Act.


Nothing has been provided that demonstrates any change in potential land use conflicts between the subject lots and the adjacent Rural Zone to the west.


The restriction still provides a reasonable area of land suitable for development containing habitable rooms.


The existing drainage easements constrain large development including outbuildings on this portion of the lots anyway regardless of the added imposition of a 25m separation buffer.


Aldermen Goodwin, Rockliff, Hollister, Keay and Martin


Aldermen Jarman, Cole, Squibb and Perry


REINSTATEMENT OF PARKING CONCESSIONS - NOTICE OF MOTION - ALD G F GOODWIN (D275888) MOTION Ald Goodwin / Keay That Council reinstate the parking concession for self-funded retirees as soon as possible. PROCEDURAL MOTION 212/12 RESOLUTION Ald Cole / Jarman The matter be deferred pending a workshop being held. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



Ald Perry left the meeting at 8:55:32 PM.

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PRESERVATION AND ALIGNMENT OF EXISTING WINTER USAGE RIGHTS GIRDLESTONE PARK AND DEVONPORT OVAL - NOTICE OF MOTION - ALD L M PERRY (D275889) The Mayor declared this item lapsed in accordance with Regulation 16(7) of the Local Government (Meeting) Regulations Ald Perry was not in the Chamber to move the Motion.

Ald Perry returned to the meeting at 8:57:10 PM.


MAYOR'S MONTHLY REPORT (D275233) 213/12 RESOLUTION Ald Goodwin / Cole That the report advising of the Mayor’s meetings and functions for the month of July, 2012 be received and noted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry




ELECTED MEMBERS EXPENDITURE REPORT (D275236) 214/12 RESOLUTION Ald Rockliff / Cole That the report advising of Mayoral and Aldermanic Expenditure for the month of July, 2012 be received and the information noted.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



GENERAL MANAGER'S DELEGATIONS (D275387) 215/12 RESOLUTION Ald Keay / Rockliff That the General Manager be delegated powers in accordance with the attached delegation schedule.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



REVIEW OF COUNCILLOR NUMBERS (D275697) 216/12 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Keay That Council make a submission along the lines originally submitted to the Local Government Board in relation to the Board Report into the Review of Councillor numbers and that Aldermen make individual submissions to the General Manager for inclusion in the final submission to the Minister.

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

Page 12 of 15 AYES:

Aldermen Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff and Squibb


Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin and Perry


DEVONPORT SIGNAGE STRATEGY - DRAFT (D275195) 217/12 RESOLUTION Ald Rockliff / Jarman That:



Council endorse the draft Devonport Signage Strategy and sign templates and enter into a three week consultation period; and


Consider allocated funds in the forward capital works program to implement priority actions outlined in the Strategy.


Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry






The Combined Minutes of Controlling Authorities, Working Groups and Special Committees be received and noted;


The revised Art Collection Policy be adopted;


Graham Kent be appointed Master of the Ketch Julie Burgess.


Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING RE SES TASMANIAN EMERGENCY SERVICES, THE DEVONPORT CITY COUNCIL AND LATROBE COUNCIL (D275905) 219/12 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Keay That Council endorse the Memorandum of Understanding between the Tasmanian State Emergency Service, the Devonport City Council and Latrobe Council defining responsibilities for the ongoing management and support of the Mersey SES Unit.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT POLICY (D275906) 220/12 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Rockliff That Council adopt the Community Engagement Policy.

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Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - TASMANIAN COMMUNITY RESOURCES (D275990) 221/12 RESOLUTION Ald Squibb / Jarman That Council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Tasmanian Community Resources Inc.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EVENTS SPONSORSHIP - TOUR OF TASMANIA (D276126) 222/12 RESOLUTION Ald Keay / Goodwin That Council provide Economic Development and Events Sponsorship of $12,000 in 2012/13 to Caribou Publications to deliver the Tour of Tasmania. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry




FINANCE REPORT FOR JULY 2012 (D275396) 223/12 RESOLUTION Ald Rockliff / Hollister That the Finance Report for July 2012 be noted.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



DEVONPORT OVAL SCOREBOARD - TENDER REPORT (D275202) 224/12 RESOLUTION Ald Squibb / Hollister That Council accept the Tender from Tecno Vision Australia Pty Ltd for the replacement of the Devonport Oval scoreboard, for the Tendered sum of $126,400.00 exclusive of GST.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



CAPITAL WORKS REPORT (D275777) 225/12 RESOLUTION Ald Hollister / Cole That the progress report on the 2012/2013 Capital Works Program be noted.

Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

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Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



RESIDENTIAL STRATEGY (D275945) RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the Residential Strategy as per Attachment 4 to the Agenda. 226/12 RESOLUTION Ald Perry / Goodwin PROCEDURAL MOTION The matter be deferred pending clarification and definition.



Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Squibb and Perry


Alderman Rockliff




That Tedmon Street, Mulligan Drive and Ronan Court be accepted as the assigned names for the Woodrising subdivision and the names forwarded to the Nomenclature Board for ratification.


That ‘Charlotte Gardens’ be assigned to the building estate nearing completion off George Street, Devonport and the name forwarded to the Nomenclature Board for ratification.


That the first option for future street names be given to the 2006 list of submitted names if an identifiable link can be established.


That alternative street names endorsing the Nomenclature Boards guidelines based on more recent events also be considered.


That delegation is granted to the General Manager to consider alternative street name options.


Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



REQUEST FOR MINOR AMENDMENT TO PERMIT SA2009.0006 - 110 SHEFFIELD ROAD, SPREYTON (D276177) This item was renumbered 8.2 and considered as a Planning Authority Matter earlier in the meeting.

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SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF SIDE ARM GARBAGE COMPACTOR UNIT AND TRUCK (D276114) 228/12 RESOLUTION Ald Goodwin / Jarman That the quotation from Webster Trucks - Isuzu for the supply of a FVD1000 Isuzu Truck fitted complete with a MacDonald Johnstone SL5-18 Side Arm Compaction Unit at a quoted price of $317,052.00 (GST exclusive) be accepted. AYES:

Aldermen Martin, Cole, Goodwin, Hollister, Jarman, Keay, Rockliff, Squibb and Perry



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.53pm. Confirmed


Minutes of Devonport City Council Ordinary Meeting held 20 August 2012

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