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Devra Waterman
I'm a stay at home AF vet, wife/mom. Married 7+ years to a G-d-fearing man with FOUR! beautiful daughters ages 6 and under! I'm currently pursuing a AS degree as a Master Herbalist with designs on obtaining a BS as a nutritionist. I'm not outgoing so I come across as either rude, stuck-up or shy but in reality I'm just reserved. When I know someone, I'm straight with them. I love being a stay-at-home wife/mom and learning about how things were done in the old days and doing them (such as making cottage cheese and butter from raw milk). I could say I should have been born two hundred years ago except I don't think I could give up hot showers and disposable (environmentally friendly) sanitary pads (although now I make my own cotton pads). Sustainability baby!