spring | 2016
up h o lste r y o c c a sio n a l lo o kb o o k
UP HOL S T E R Y Every room tells a story and one with A.R.T. upholstery tells of style, comfort and craftsmanship. Inspired by timeless designs and fashioned with unparalleled attention to detail, our exquisite upholstered furnishings are the perfect complement to our successful casegoods collections. Shapely frames, hand-tufted details, hand applied nail head trim and SUHPLXP ZRRG ŹQLVKHV DUH WKH KDOOPDUNV RI WKHVH H[FHSWLRQDO IXUQLVKLQJV 2XU IUHVK IDVKLRQ IRUZDUG GHVLJQV DUH EDFNHG E\ SUHPLXP VHDW FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG FXVKLRQLQJ 6NLOOIXO WDLORULQJ ULFK IDEULFV DQG OX[XULRXV GRZQ EOHQG WRVV SLOORZV HQVXUH HYHU\ ŹQLVKHG SLHFH ORRNV DV JRRG as it feels. Our ability to mix casegoods and upholstery on the same container PDNHV LW HDVLHU WKDQ HYHU WR GHOLYHU EHDXWLIXOO\ XSKROVWHUHG VRIDV FKDLUV sectionals and ottomans.
3 Upholstery | ARThomefurnishings.com
% 5 , 6 72 / L I N E N
7KH KXHV RI WKH VDQG ZDWHU DQG VN\ SOD\HG D UROH LQ GHYHORSLQJ WKH SDOHWWH IRU WKLV FROOHFWLRQ 7KH ULFK GDUN ŹQLVK RXWOLQHV WKH WDSHUHG OHJ WKUHH VHDW VRID 6KRZQ LQ D OLQHQ FRORU WH[WXUH DFFHQWHG ZLWK OX[XULRXV GRZQ EOHQG ŹOOHG WRVV pillows featuring indigo embroidery, medallion print and blue texture trimmed 0RGHUQ VW\OLQJ FUHDWHV D GUDPDWLF ORRN IRU WKH $YD $GHOH &ROOHFWLRQ withdesign grosgrain ribboninclude trim. The astretcher base accent is shown in a cadet Key features wood trimmed frame,chair tapered wood legs and EOXH JULG SDWWHUQ &XUYHG EDFN DFFHQW FKDLU VKRZQ LQ EOXH PHGDOOLRQ SULQW WLJKW EDFN GHVLJQ 7KH JURXSLQJ LV VKRZQ LQ D PXWHG WH[WXUH LQ PLQHUDO ZLWK features turnings on theby arm. an ogee twist pattern inspired the hardware on the casegoods collections. • 'RZQ EOHQG ŹOOHG VHDW FXVKLRQV DUH UHYHUVLEOH IRU ORQJHU ZHDU Down blend toss pillows add a touch of luxury. Sloped arm accent chair • 'RZQ EOHQG ŹOOHG UHYHUVLEOH WRVV SLOORZV DOORZ \RX WR FUHDWH GLIIHUHQW ORRNV combines ebony velvet with animal pattern accents for dramatic results. • 5HźHFWLRQV %XUQW 8PEHU ŹQLVK Accent Chair with Tapered Wood Legs 516514-5001AA 30W x 36D x 34H
Settee with Stretcher Base 516535-5001AA 64W x 35.5D x 34H
3 Seat Sofa with Tapered Legs 516521-5001AA 85.75W x 36D x 35.25H
17 Upholstery | ARThomefurnishings.com
Carved Wood Accent Chair 516554-5001AA 29W x 31D x 37H