ПРОЕКТ №2014-1-BG01-KA101-000553 Подобряване качеството на преподаване на чужд език чрез интегриране на иновативни подходи Проектът се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на Център за развитие на човешките ресурси по програма „Еразъм +“ на Европейския съюз
ОУ „Христо Смирненски“ град Раковски 2015г.
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
New Ideas for the English Classroom
New Ideas for the English Classroom
Настоящият наръчник е резултат от проект „Подобряване качеството на преподаване на чужд език чрез интегриране на иновативни подходи“ (2014-1-BG01-KA101-000553) на ОУ “Христо Смирненски“ град Раковски. Проектът се осъществява по европейска програма „Еразъм +“ и е финансиран от ЦРЧР ( 7214.0 евро). Наръчникът съдържа идеи, придобити по време на обученията на учителите по английски език в училището, които могат да бъдат приложени от други учители.
NEW IDEAS FOR THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM Excel English, London, United Kingdom
Oxford House College, London, United Kingdom http://www.oxfordhousecollege.co.uk/ Деяна Пейкова, старши учител по английски език в начален етап взе участие в този обучителен курс, където основните акценти бяха върху актуализиране на знанията за съвременните проблеми в методологията на преподаване, придобиване на нови идеи, практически умения и материали в помощ на преподаването на английски език; запознаване с дълбочина с най-новата теория и практика в преподаването и др.
Материали в помощ на преподаването на английски език и споделения опит от обучението могат да се намерят на следния адрес: www.professionaldevelopment.alle.bg
http://www.oxfordhousecollege.co.uk/ Валентин Ишпеков, старши учител по английски език присъства на обучителния курс, в резултат на което той придоби знания и умения за актуалните тенденции в развитието на езика, както и на методите на преподаване. Основните теми бяха свързани със Стилове на учене; Подходи в преподаването на чужди езици; Развиване на уменията за слушане; ИКТ в обучението по чужди езици; Коригиране на грешки; Насърчаване на уменията за говорене и дейности за четене; Лексикален подход; Учене чрез поставяне на задачи; Използване на литература и изкуство; Песни в чуждоезиковото обучение и др. Материали и ресурси от обучението могат да се намерят на адрес: www.newideas.alle.bg
Line True or False
Materials: Small pieces of paper, shoe box or coffee can. Write words on pieces of paper and fold them in half (sight words, vocab, blends etc.). Also add a few cards that say „BANG!“. Ss take turns picking cards and if they read the word correctly they get to keep the word. If they draw a BANG! card they yell BANG! and then return all their cards (except the BANG! card) to the can/ box. Very simple but the kids love it and there are many variations for the game!
Put a line of tape on the floor and designate one side „True“ and the other „False“. Hold up an object or flashcard and say its word. If Ss think the you have said the correct word they jump on the True side, if not they jump on the False side. Incorrect Ss sit out until the next game.
Basketball Ss take a shot at the trashcan/box/etc. First ask a question to S1. If s/he answers correctly then s/ he can have a shot at the basket. If the S gets the ball in the basket then s/he wins 2 points. If the S hits the basket without going inside then s/he wins 1 point. The person who gets the most points is the winner. This can also be played in teams. Can You Actions Use this game for teaching „Can you...?“ „Yes, I can“ „No, I can‘t“. These actions are fun: wiggle, dance, run quickly, hop, skip, do a star jump, do a handstand, touch your toes, cross your eyes, snap your fingers, whistle, sing. E.g. Ask a S „Can you cross your eyes?“. If the S replies „Yes, I can“ then say „Ok, go!“ and the S does the action. If the S says „No, I can‘t“ say „Too bad. Ok, can you (wiggle)?“. Last Letter, First Letter (A popular Japanese game called Shiri Tori). Have the Ss sit in a circle with you. T starts by saying a word, then the S to the T‘s right must make a word that starts with the last letter of the word that the T said (e.g. bus --- steak --- key --- yellow --- etc.). Continue around the circle until someone makes a mistake.
Make Words Game: Write a few random letters on the board. Have the Ss work in pairs/small groups to make up as many words from the letters as possible (e.g. letters: g, h, a, t, p, e, c. Possible words: cat, peg, tea, hat, get, etc.). The team with the most words is the winner. Story Pass Put up a picture or a first sentence as a writing prompt. Divide students into small groups and have them create a story from that prompt. Each student takes a turn writing one sentence to add to the story and passes it on to the next student. Keep it going around in the group until they have finished it (it may be helpful to have a length limit or time limit so the stories don‘t get too out of control!). Vote on the best story, based on creativity and flow. Train Ride Game Have Ss form a train (standing in line holding onto each other). Choo choo around the classroom and call out instructions (e.g. faster, slower, turn left/right, stop, go). Touch Have Ss run around the classroom touching things that T orders them to do (e.g. „Touch the table“ „Touch a chair“ „Touch your bag“). Colours work well for this, as Ss can touch anything of that colour (e.g. „Touch something green“).
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
New Ideas for the English Classroom
New Ideas for the English Classroom
A nice getting to know you game. T draws a flower on the board with four large petals and writes a word or number that is special to her in each petal. Sts have to guess why those words are special and when they have guessed them all they draw their own flower and a milling activity can begin. This encourages more communication than the usual find someone who activity.
1. The Human Clock
7. Phoneme Board Race
T has pieces of paper/ card with numbers 1 to 12 written on them (about A4 size) which she puts on the floor in the shape of a clock. She asks the two of the students to be the hands of the clock and says a time and the students have to stand in the correct position. Other sts then take over to say different times and confirm if the sts have moved to the right position. The students who are the clock hands have to change so that all of them gets a turn. 2. Change Places Game Sts sit on chairs in a circle with no spare chairs available and T stands in the middle. T says “Change places if you have ever eaten sushi” for example. Any students that have change places with other students. T continues along this line until the sts get the hang of it and then the T sits in the place of one of the sts who then has to take over the T’s role. The aim is for the st in the middle to ask the question and try to take the spare place. This can be used for anything e.g. present perfect, clothing vocabulary, likes/dislikes. 3. The Human Map This is good with intermediate level up. The T points out certain things in the room to represent places on a map of the world. For example the window might be the north pole and if it is opposite the board would be the south pole the T then stands where for example the England would be and the students have to stand in places that correspond to where they are from. When everyone is in place the students tell the rest of the class where they are and maybe describe it e.g. language spoken, climate, capital city. The T asks students to move to the country that they would most like to visit – again when in place sts explain why. You can chose any questions that you want. 4. Picture Discovery Very simply you put a picture of anything on the OHP but keep it covered with a piece of paper and gradually uncover it asking sts to guess what it is. Another version is to draw a picture on the board but start with maybe one line and ask students to guess what it is going to be. This can be quite good fun and you don’t need to be good at drawing (it makes is funnier if you are not!) 5. Alien T picks up a normal day to day object and pretends that she is an alien and has never seen it before. Sts have to explain what is it and what it is used for. The T can make this as easy or as difficult as they want. 6. Flower Game.
T writes a list of words on the board and puts the class into two teams. The T then says a word and the students race to the board to rub out the phoneme that they have heard for example. brooch, bird and egg are among those written on the board and the T says phone and the sts guess which one to erase. This is particularly good with minimal pairs. 8. Yes / No Game The teacher asks the students questions but they are not allowed to say yes or no. If a st says either word they are out of the game. Last one standing is the winner.
FUN GRAMMAR ACTIVITIES 1.DICTATION a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
Dictation True /false prediction individually for teacher Comparison with partner Feedback Personalisation Comparison with partner Language analysis Language manipulation – question formation
Example On Saturday evenings I usually stay in I often borrow things and forget to bring them back If it is a nice day I often head for the beach I always put on some music when I get home I don’t like cooking so I tend to eat out I look after my neighbour’s cat when they are away Language analysis – 3 types of phrasal verbs Stay in) intransitive Eat out)
give back) put on )
transitive separarable
head for ) intransitive look after) prepositional
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
New Ideas for the English Classroom
2. TRANSLATION FOR MONOLINGUAL CLASS Write sentence on the board get students to translate and reformulate target language and then state what the target language is and highlight the form Example By 2012 Stratford will have been redeveloped for the Olympic Games = future perfect 3. TRANSLATION LISTENING FOR LOW LEVEL MONOLINGUAL CLASS Record someone in their native tongue then play the listening to the class eliciting vocabulary and reformulating it on the whiteboard using target language Example Village description / there is / there are 4.DICTAGLOSS a) Dictate paragraph at natural speed get students to write down key words b) Dictate again get students to write longer sentences c) Dictate again get students to work in groups and reconstruct the text d) Give feedback in errors and compare texts to the original; e) Get students to write their own personal text 5. SKELETON TEXT Give out full text or skeleton text for students to personalize. Example ‘’I have’’ by Rhys Burton I have seen I have heard
New Ideas for the English Classroom
I have touched I have smelled I have tasted I have done I have remembered It’s high time you________ It’s high time you________ It’s high time you________ _____________________keeps saying Thanks for the advice ________________it’s my life But please_____________ 6.GAP FILL WITH CHOICES FOR MODALS OF OBLIGATION Example Decide if the following refers to the job of a teacher or an aeroplane pilot A/an ___________ has to wear a uniform A/an ___________ don't usually have to work 2 days in a row etc. Must/ has to / should/ doesn’t usually
8. JUMBLED TEXTS Mix up lines from 2 texts and get students to arrange them separately in order Example 2 biographies of famous people (one dead, one still alive) using past simple and past perfect See Madonna / Elvis appendix. 9. MEMORABLE DATES 1) Write on board memorable dates in your life 2) Get students to predict why they are important to you 3) Elicit answers and reformulate and board 4) Students write own dates and personalise Example 1969 I was born 1988 I left home 1991 I started university 2001 I started teaching Regular and irregular past tense verbs
Write questions for students to discuss using target language, then they compare with their own countries.
1) Split class in to groups 2) Show a sentence to one person from each group 3) They go back to their group and draw a picture of it 4) Students guess the sentence and reconstruct it
Example In Britain a) You have to vote at 18 b) You don’t have to marry until you are 16 c) You can buy cigarettes once you turn 16 d) You shouldn’t smoke e) You can’t buy a pet yourself until you are 12 f) You can drive when you are 17 but you need a licence g) You should see a dentist regularly h) You have to start work when you leave home
Example My uncle has been travelling around the world Vocabulary for family and present perfect continuous 11. CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING TASK– NAME THE PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE
Either put the pictures on an OHT or give to the student and either dictate the statements or get the students to read them depending on the focus of the task. Students should be trying to identify countable/uncountable nouns and the difference between a/ an and the zero article. SUMMARY When considering your grammar activities Scott Thornbury considers the factors below to be the most important: EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY, EFFICACY E FACTOR A FACTOR APPROPRIACY GENERALISABLITY G FACTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY How to teach grammar S Thornbury (Pearson) Uncovering grammar S Thornbury (MacMillan) Teaching grammar creatively G Gerngoss? H Puchta, S Thornbury (Helbing Languages)
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
New Ideas for the English Classroom
New Ideas for the English Classroom
jective they are representing. When they think they know what adjective the person they are speaking to is trying to express, they should write it next to their name and move on to speak to someone else. At the end of the game, tell students to sit down and then call out the name of each person in the class and ask students to say the adjective they thought that person was trying to represent.
1. Dialogue build: Writing/Reading
5. Reported Speech Adjectives
Put students into pairs and give each pair six strips of blank paper. Tell them to write a short dialogue to recycle any new lexis or language. Explain that they should write each line of dialogue on a separate strip of paper. Give students time to think of a dialogue and write the six lines of their dialogue on their strips of paper. Monitor and check for accuracy. When students have finished, tell them to mix their strips of paper and exchange them with another pair of students. Explain they should read the strips of paper and try to put the dialogue in the correct order. When students have completed the reordering activity, tell them to practice the dialogue with their partner, focusing on any difficult pronunciation. Tell students to continue to exchange their strips of paper with their classmates until each pair has reordered and practiced each of the dialogues.
Start off by repeating the step above. Ask students to choose three of these adjectives and write them on three slips of paper. They then give the adjective to someone in the class and tell them why they are givingthis adjective to them. e.g.
2. Sentence Hot Seat! Students often have trouble with sentence formation often forgetting the auxiliary verbs this is a great activity to drum the correct form into their heads! Put the students into teams . Hand out 6 slips of paper to each group and ask them to write a sentence on each slip of paper using the target language e.g. present continuous. She is playing tennis at the moment These are then passed to another group. One person picks up a sentence and elicits the answer from their group without using the words on the piece of paper. The first team to finish is the winner! 3. Important dates in your life Teacher writes three dates that are important to them on the board. Teacher asks students to ask them questions to guess why they are important. The students then write three important dates in their life on three different pieces of paper. These are then put in chronological order with the rest of the class. A coin is used as a dice. When we land on a persons date the class must ask questions to find out why this date is important. 4. Party time: Speaking/Vocabulary Brainstorm adjectives of character (shy, generous, etc) and write as many as students can think of on the board. Then tell each student to choose one of the adjectives of character from the board. Explain to students that they are all at a party, and that they must mingle and chat to each other in the role of their character adjective. Explain that they must pretend to have that character, but that they must never say what the adjective is. Have students write the name of each student in the class on a piece of paper. Tell them to start mingling, and explain that they should try to speak to everyone and identify the character ad-
SQUARE Steve you are so square because you always come in early to do your lesson plans. 6. If… Writing/Speaking Give students two or three strips of paper each and tell them to write the beginning part of a second conditional sentence on each strip. Write a few examples on the board to give them some ideas, such as ‘If I was a bird…’, ‘If I went to Rome…’ Make sure students only write the beginning part of the sentence. When they have finished collect all the strips of paper and mix them. Put students into small groups and divide the strips of paper between each group. Place the strips of paper face down on the desk in front of the students. Tell students to take turns choosing a strip of paper, turning it over and reading what it says. Explain they must finish the sentence. Demonstrate this activity by using the examples on the board: ‘If I was a bird… I’d fly around the world’ ‘If I went to Rome I’d visit the Vatican Museum.’ When students have finished tell groups to swap their strips of paper and continue the activity. You may wish to monitor and make notes of any errors students make. At the end, read out the incorrect sentences and have the class listen and correct any mistakes they hear. 7. DIY Jumbled sentence Ask students to choose a nice long sentence from one of their grammar exercises in the coursebook or workbook. Tell them to take a piece of paper and rip it up into as many pieces as there are words in the sentence. They then write one word on each piece of paper. Tell them to mix up the pieces of paper on their desk. They then move over one place so that they are sitting in another student’s chair in front of a new jumbled sentence. Tell them they have a time limit (30 seconds or 1 minute) to put the pieces of paper in the correct order and make the sentence. When they finish, they can check with the student who made the sentence if they are correct. GOOD FOR: structures with several elements (e.g. going to, perfect continuous tenses, conditionals), questions and negatives, adjective and adverb placement in sentences. Variation: To make it extra difficult, ask each student when making the sentence to add another piece of paper with an extra word that doesn’t fit into the sentence. The other student has to reorder the sentence and spot the “intruder” word.
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
New Ideas for the English Classroom
New Ideas for the English Classroom
8. Find the other half
Tell students they need two small pieces of paper. Ask students in groups or alone to write a two line dialogue using the target structure. They can take something from the course book if they like, or invent it themselves. They must write one part of the dialogue on one bit of paper and the other part of the dialogue on the other. Circulate and check a few to make sure that they are correct. Collect all the papers and redistribute them. Ss must find the other half of their dialogue. You can do this with longer sentences too. GOOD FOR: almost any grammar (for dialogues, this in fact is more about coherence), longer structures like conditionals for sentences. Variation: This can be done at the end of the week using a new piece of vocabulary and the definition.
Below is a list of pair or group improvisations. They are easy to set up as they require minimal preparation.
9. Messenger
• The Hypochondriac – Student A is a hypochondriac determined to have as many pills as possible. He/she consults student B who is a doctor strongly against giving out pills willy-nilly.
This is similar to an internet char room but in class what you need to do is divide the class into pairs and give each pair a blank piece of paper. Explain that they have six minutes to have a conversation with each other, but that they cannot say anything. They must do this in writing. One learner writes a message on the piece of paper and hands it to the other learner. The other learner writes a response and hands it back to the first learner. This kind of situation be a weird to students at first, as they might not know what to say. But once the paper has passed back and forth two or three times you might find it hard to stop them writing! Variation: You can give your learners more guidance by supplying them with a role play situation each, e.g. You are a doctor. Explain to your patient that she (or he!) is pregnant. 10. Presentations On the top of an A3 students write a topic that they are interested in e.g. for the Turkish students….Ataturk, Istanbul! Next other students walk around and write questions they want answering on the topic. Students then write a mini presentation using answering the questions. When they are ready, have students come to the front of the class to give their presentation. Give each student up to five points for each of the following categories: Level of interest, Eye contact, Fluency, Grammatical accuracy, Range of vocabulary, Pronunciation. Finally, give your feedback to each student on their performance before announcing the winner.
Pair Improvisations • The Small Ad – For sale/To rent/Friendship. Student A has seen a classified advertisement in the paper. He/she can decide the subject of the advertisement for him/herself. He/she then chooses any other student (Student B who has placed the ad) and calls him/her about it. E.g. “I’m calling about the car you have for sale...”
• The Career Counsellor – Student A has lost his/her job and consults a career counsellor (Student B) about a suitable new profession. Lots of questions and advice (modals). • The Clairvoyant – Student A consults a clairvoyant (Student B) and asks questions about love life, health, money, etc. •
The Pearly Gates – Individual interviews with St. Peter to gain permission to heaven.
• The Tourist – Student A goes to another country (or planet) and calls home to tell student B all about it. Group Improvisations • The Fire – A detective or journalist interviews witnesses (one of whom may be a suspect) about what they saw/heard/did. This activity uses lots of questions and the past simple. • The Amnesiac – Student A is in bed in hospital, having lost his/her memory. The other students are medical staff, police officers, visitors (family, friends, etc) who try to bring memory back. •
Press Conference – Group of journalists interview a politician, sportsperson, film star, etc.
• The Extra-terrestrials – Two female aliens have come to Earth. Their appearance is totally human and their mission is to procreate because they need to repopulate their planet. They find lots of men and ask them discrete questions to test them and find suitable mates. They must be careful not to reveal the truth to the males because this will frighten them. • Teachers’ Meeting – Teachers discuss imaginary students to decide who should continue next year. One teacher is the ‘chairperson’ and has a list of students (“Now we’ll discuss Erika...”)
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
New Ideas for the English Classroom
Наръчник с идеи за учители по английски език
New Ideas for the English Classroom
Раковски 2015г.