Collegianer Vol. I No. 2 | 2nd Semester 2017 - 2018

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The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University Volume I No. 2 | 2nd Semester S.Y. 2017 - 2018



The University shall primarily provide

A premiere institution of innovative

advance education, higher technology,

and ethical leaders for sustainable

professional instructions and training in


the fields of education, arts and sciences,


public administration, information technology, accountancy, law and other

Pursuit of Excellence

related fields of study. It shall promote


research and extension services and


provide progressive leadership in the

Commitment and


areas of specialization.

Cultural Sensitivity

Managing Editor BABY JANE Q. ANAY


VOLUME I | NO. 2 2ND SEMESTER S.Y. 2017 - 2018


Circulation Editor RAÑEL G. BANDRIA Feature Editor RONA D. MACALAM Literary Editor MARK ANGELO S. DUETES Sports Editor DEANNA ALEXA M. ABEJUELA

Bukidnon State University is committed to produce globally competitive and responsible graduates through excellent instruction, responsive research, sustainable extension and quality production for the highest satisfaction of its stakeholders.



Adversities screamed uproar in the today’s society, enclosing the Filipinos in a box of horrors and tensions. Victims had increased in a rapid state, causing thousand of lives at risk and wasted. Fortunately, the tragedy which shook Marawi down has finally come to an end. Yet, this nightmare is never the last. We have witnessed the


dark day. It is now the time to be widely awake. We have been awakened — woke.


We were woke, and must stay woke — never missing each passing moment. Let us be


watchful, keeping track on the motions around us. Let awareness hold the power to


lessen the mournful scenes, turning each watchful eye — corner by corner.


Words: Mark Angelo S. Duetes


The Collegianer is committed to practice responsible campus journalism by providing a reliable, timely, and just


Apathy, negligence, disdain, and oblivion try to deceive

information for the administration,

her but she can clearly see the injustice, the cruelty, the

faculty and staff, students, and the

mockery, the inequality, and the one-sidedness. Eyes can

community as a whole, as an avenue in

get blinded but the will of the human mind to see beyond

promoting freedom of expression.

what is there to see constantly prevails to disclose the


truth and the unknown. Behold, she is now unmasking

(1) Awareness on the current issues and production of informative articles which will be distributed in a timely manner; (2) Students’ freedom of expression, thoughts and opinions, through writings, caricatures and broadcasting; and (3) Enhancement of skills and organizational relationship of the editorial board and staff, in order to serve better the students and the community.

the facade. Witness it’s unveiling. Words: Danielle Blanca G. Oracion Model: Shaira Pearl B. Rulida Photographer: Deyrold L. Casinabe

Address: Ground Floor, Student Activity Center, Office of the Student Publication, Bukidnon State Universty, 8700, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines Facebook: Collegianer

Twitter: @collegianerpub


Printed by: Imageworld Digital Printing Inc.


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University News Feature Column


Panapanahon ang pagkakataon, Maibabalik pa ba ang kahapon?


Simply Jail Worthy

07 13 16

Logic Central



Kanlungan ko ay Ikaw


How Important is Mental Health to you as a Student Leader?

TIGAW: A Campus Journalism and Spoken Poetry Competition



WOKE, Now What?



University News


HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception



How Eyes Speak

Being an Academically Excellent Student




A Place in the Universe


Movie + Book Reviews

Narrative on Spotlight

Infobahn Artists





UNDEFINED C O N Q U E S T We were severed from the drastic pandemonium that we encountered

last year. A national crisis emerged and we Filipinos, though resilient in nature, bled. Indeed, we were wounded. But the light of the tunnel was achieved and a new era dawned upon us — Conscious. An awareness and a wakeup call to all the blind folds. Our eyes were shut in the pandemonium’s fright but now, they are open like the petals of a flower opening to its rebirth. We are slowly healing and together with the nation’s restoration of loss, we awake to a new awakening. With eyes and hearts opened with consciousness, we stand victorious from the bloody battle. We stand firmer for wounded people are much stronger because of scars that embodied their bravery. Only then, the conquest is still undefined. We, in Collegianer would like to thank all the people who fought the pandemonium and won. The safety has been restored and the military as well as the police efforts were not in vain. The worn smiles of the people in the frontline are indeed worthwhile because finally, we obtained a victorious scuffle against these militant. We also would like to thank the individuals behind this magazine: the editorial board and staff of Collegianer student publication for their sweat and blood that was shared through relentless efforts; the advisers and proof readers who facilitated the entire making of this semestral magazine; and the students who fought the battle through prayers — we wouldn’t be victorious without all of you. In this edition, we hope to give the necessary information once again. We hope to open your eyes with awareness. Dear students, do not let yourselves get blindfolded by the fallacies that were assumed correct. Do not close your eyes with the conspiracies that happen. Do not be afraid for the good always win over the bad. Together, we will wake up. Together we will uphold and define consciousness.



Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


Simply Jail-Worthy

‘A man whistles at a woman when she walks by; A woman looks at a man up and down when he walks toward her; ‘Your instructor detains you after class with his/her paternal or maternal hugs that hung heavy on your shoulders’; ‘Guys “accidentally” brush up against you in crowded multicabs to and fro the BukSU campus;’ — these has been ‘very normal’ in today’s setting that are portrayed as acts of appreciation or natural happenings in real life but technically speaking, with such simple remark, gesture, or behaviour, this can already be branded as ‘Sexual Harassment’ — Yes you’ve read it right people. Republic Act No. 7877- an act declaring sexual harassment unlawful in the employment, education or training environment and for other purposes or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 involves the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks in bullying or coercion of sexual nature. Presumably, not everyone is quite conscious of these ‘sexual advances’ that are already subject for deliberation of sexual harassment. Verbal, non- verbal, and physical portrayal of such is already a sexual manifestation. May it be unwanted deliberate touching, pinching, gestures such as staring, winking or throwing kisses, telephone calls, unwanted sexual jokes, questions, or comments, innuendos or

stories, personal questions about social or sexual life, sexual comments about person’s clothing, anatomy, or looks, and even simple kissing sounds, howling, smacking and licking lips, or telling lies or spreading rumours about a person’s personal sex life are already as heavy as actual or attempted rape, sexual assault and other pressure for sexual favours. Generally, women are more prone to sexual harassment according to a recent survey in the US that reveals 95% of this provocation is done by men to women and about four to five per cent are done by men to men. Reported crimes and attempts pertaining to sexual harassment that leads to rape are very rampant in the society. On the contrary, the victimization of men and the LGBTQ community are by some means tabooed because of the stereotypical view amongst women. But as what were aforementioned, male, female, and other genders have rights and have no excuse to deny such jail-worthy behaviours. Moreover, men being called by women names like ‘testosterone-fueled’, ‘casanovas’, ‘play boys’ and ‘womanizers’ can already be subjected as harassment of sexual nature. Of course, women can also do the offense. But will Adam dare report that he was sexually harassed by

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University

Eve? Definitely, by all means, this is an egodestroyer for the masculine. This is why cases like this are being flushed in the drain because of the radical pigeonhole. In conclusion, those who are now aware of their wrongdoings must reflect and ask a significant question: can you be liable of the repercussions the victims may undergo by the aftermaths of your comments and gestures that are sexual in nature? Sexual harassment is not just a feeble matter. It may seem ‘naturally accepted’ but remember: we can never undo suicide when an individual commits it from elicited depression, lowered self-respect, and extreme paranoia due to sexual harassment. So distinguish a compliment from a sexually harassing statement or exploit. Be conscious of your spoken words and actions or live your life repenting. Ultimately, we should be aware of this issue because as conservative Filipino citizens, it is much suggestible to wear clothes that serves its purpose to not trigger sexual harassers. Although we are slightly touched by foreign liberalism, we should practice a humane world free from violence, inequality and harassments that are seemingly ‘simple’ but already ‘jailworthy’.



BukSU Student Election Gets Automated BY LIZZANNE KATE B. PADILLA

CLICK TO VOTE. A student casting her vote during the University Wide Student Government Election last March 15, 2018. Photo from BukSU COMELEC.


he Bukidnon State University 2018-2019 universit y wide student election commenced on March 15, 2018 9:00am- 7:00pm, utilizing its very first automated method of voting at the Computer La b o rato rie s of th e unive r sit y campus spearheaded by the Student Commission on Election (COMELEC) within 4 weeks of preparation. The system was designed by Marvin C. Cimacio, a 4th year Information

Te c h n o l o g y s t u d e n t w i t h t h e assistance of Jade P. Hoyos and the Head Commissioner of the Student COMELEC Mark Ian Mukara, all were IT students. Among the many prior student elections that occurred, this has been considered as the fastest election that transpired in BukSU due to its computer-integrated software having proclaimed the winners of the election as soon as the Election Day terminated.

THAI Teachers Train in BukSU BY RAÑEL G. BANDRIA


he Bukidnon State University College of Education facilitates the training of Thai teachers from April 1-30, 2017 as part of the two-way process in an academic collaboration with the Anubanchonburi School since the university also sends some of its Student Teachers to have their practice teaching with the said partner institution in Thailand. With 3 males and 22 female Thai teacher trainees, the training was successfully completed together with the aid of the program’s team leader, Prof. Lora E. Añar, covering 160 hours on teaching Communication Arts, Mathematics and Science having English as their standard language. With this, the lessons were handled by seasoned educators from the skillful members of the BukSU faculty, providing also activities that enhance the trainees’ teaching competence, communication and pedagogical skills. This alliance was implemented due to 03

the Memorandum of Understanding that was agreed by both parties coming from the two partner institutions on November 5, 2014. It was then later on fulfilled upon the signing of Memorandum of Agreement by BukSU’s former University President, Dr. Victor M. Barroso and Anubanchonburi’s former School Director, Mr. Sinchai Samphanphorn on April 7, 2014. The aforementioned pact aims to establish the ASEAN spirit of enhancing cooperation for working together in human resources development and educational capacity building. From the previous years, 16 Thai teachers were trained in 2014, 25 Thai teachers in 2015 and 14 teachers in 2016. And for the year 2017, there were a total of 25 Thai teacher trainees; 24 are from the Anubanchonburi School and 1 teacher trainee from Anubanphanatsuksalai School.

The student COMELEC initially declared that by the end of the month, the newly elected student officers will soon be active with their positions and their roles and responsibilities will most probably start by next semester. The automation of voting will also soon be carried out for the next USG Elections along with the establishment of the office of the Student COMELEC for this school year. M LIGHTNING NEWS

CAS offers BS-EMC

College of Arts and Sciences opens its new course, Bachelor in Science in BS- Entertainment and Multimedia Computing major in Digital Animation Technology, and Game Development launched on the 1st semester of this school year, 2018-2019.

BukSU recognizes new USG officers The BukSU Comission on Elections (COMELEC) proclaimed the University Student Government (USG) winners of the BukSU student election on April 16, 2018 at the Student Activity Center. The new-fangled Supreme Student Council (SSC) President was Mr. Dante A. Damit- a COB student while Mr. Anotado, Ms. Macalam, Ms. Luminton, Ms. Gaymara, and Mr. Renegado won as the novel college governors in the COE, CAS, COB, CON, and CSDT respectively. Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


Padayao Takes a Spot as a Bagong Rizal National Awardee BY DANIELLE BLANCA G. ORACION


BEHOLD. Padayao poses with his awards during the The Mga Bagong Rizal: Pag-asa ng Bayan Awards Night.

he Mga Bagong Rizal: Pag-asa ng Bayan cherry picks BukSU’s 3rd year Philosophy student Earl Guen Q. Padayao as one of its national awardees during its two-yearly countrywide search. 17 national awardees were chosen after a series of nominations, paper applications and interview. All recipients of the award are young Filipinos notable for remarkable skills and giftedness embodying love for the country and of Dr. Jose Rizal’s virtues. 4 of which including Mr. Padayao are from Mindanao. Representing the 17 awardees, Mr. Padayo delivered the Response Speech during the Awards night addressed to

prominent national figures as Dr. Leticia Penano –Ho, President of the Philippine Center for Gifted Education; the board of advisers of the Bagong Rizal award composed of UP Diliman Guidance counselors; and a Philippine wide delegation of leaders and educators from diverse institutions. “The impetus of this reward is not the recognition of greatness but the hope that today’s millennial leaders are cut out for the task of leading the nation.” Mr. Padayao said. He also dedicates this achievement to his parents, his family in the philosophy program and the University.

COE Student wins the Annual Youth Lead Film-Making Competition BY LIZZANNE KATE B. PADILLA


ringing the face of the Valencia City Youth Task Force, Mr. Joker Estenzo, a COE student who is majoring in BPE-SPE, 3rd year, ranked as the champion in the film-making competition during the 6th Philippines I TRANSFORM! Young Leaders Convention with the theme: “Harnessing Innovations in Entrepreneurship and Governance, Transforming Communities” on September 21-25, 2017 at the Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City. His five-minute video entitled “Asa na ba ta?” garnered the highest point in the video making category thus won the first place against schools and universities that participated nationwide. 2nd runner up was from La Salle University, Ozamis City and Zamboanga City Polytechnic College ranked as 3rd placer. “If you have faith and trust in God, everything is possible. Although I lacked practice, I can really say that prayer is indeed powerful. I had a simultaneous event in the BukSU Intramurals 2017 as a Badminton player which I forfeited to join the Youth Lead because last 2015, I

THE CHAMPS. Estenzo (4th from the Right) receives the top award of the film-making competition of the 6th Philippines I TRANSFORM! Young Leaders Convention at Baguio City.

was only a runner-up and I grabbed this opportunity for a comeback.” Mr. Estenzo said. “Through film-making, I can express my visions. Also, this is where I grew as an individual. In this field, you are not just a videographer and an editor “but a

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University

storyteller as well”, he added. Not only did Mr. Estenzo won the award but he also garnered the admiration of the BukSU studentry and the nation as a whole.



Senator Bam Aquino Discusses Free Tuition Law BY LIZZANNE KATE B. PADILLA


s th e p rin cipa l s p o n s o r and co-author of the R. A. 10931 or widely known as the Free Tuition Act to all State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) and TVIs (Technical Vocational Institutions) in the Philippines, S enator Pa olo B enig n o -A g uirre “Bam” Aquino IV visited Bukidnon State Universit y (BukSU) for a forum on March 8, 2018 at the BukSU gymnasium to further clarify and elaborate the corresponding guidelines, grants, and queries of the Free Tuition Law. According to a recent study, 71% of students who belong to families are struggling to send at least one child to school and 40% (16-17 years old) drops out from college. The imperative question now comes in: Isn’t it unfair that ever yone is liberated from paying the tuition? How about those financially capable students? M os tly all other S U Cs , LU Cs , and T VIs, including BukSU has an estimation of 80-90 per cent student 05

populace who comes from average families an d m os t of th em are undeniably poverty-stricken. Senator Bam shared that there were numerous debates and deliberations in the senate about this issue. It was then decided to liberate everyone from paying tertiary tuition since approximately 80 -90 per cent of students are financially challenged anyways. This is also to lessen the dropout rate among schools nationwide. Nonetheless, students who believe that they can afford the tuition may still opt to pay and not avail the Free Tuition consequently. Moreover, the qualification of the Free Tuition encompasses as long as you are a Filipino citizen who passed the school’s admission and retention standards, and a first degree taker plus an additional year in college (e.g. if you took a 4-year course, after four years of tuition-free education, you are still able to enjoy it one more year if certain setbacks come your way). Sufficiency was further tackled and Senator Bam assured that the recent allocated budget in 2017 was 8.3

billion pesos and in 2018, 41 billion pesos is already a food in a platter waiting to be eaten. The big leap of amount was rather intriguing from two succeeding years but the ‘catch’ is: you can now crush out the miscellaneous fees because including this fee and other bills everything is totally free. Basically, you could go to school without spending even a penny. Further questions were asked all throughout the Free Tuition discussion and Senator Bam added a significant fact that there is an existing and continuous deliberation and hearing in the Senate and Congress to also give a refund to those who paid the miscellaneous fee during the previous second semester in 2017. In short, there is a pending resolution to it. “…I’m hoping that students will really appreciate the fact na the government is investing in them so they really do their best. And that’s why pinapashare namin dito talagang those who really value education…we hope na ma-inspire yung mga ibang estudyante sa testimonials nila.” Senator Bam said. Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2




“Sir, how to move on? It’s so hard.” “Di na ko kasabot! How can I manage my time?” “Ate, tubaga daw ko — PAANO BA ANG MAGMAHAL?” “Bess, sakit kayo. Unsaon ko ni nga gibagsak man ko ni maam?”


fl o o d of q u e s tio n s a n d thought s drown us with tensions in our stressed minds that even winding up for a day will not fit the comfort we want. We are stupefied by the thought that none but ourselves are the ones that can solely answer all our questions. Motivation and hope has become a grand pursuit, putting thousands of lives lining up in misery. The contemporary youth is drowning deep and lost and is undeniably evident to the number of suicide casualties in 2017. But there is one thing, especially to the students, that I would like to ask: have they been to a guidance counselor? People ignore the fact that there are still instruments which can effectively become leverage to one’s dying hopes. People are afraid to voice out the message of their hearts and would rather enclose it within. This is one reason why people end up becoming insane and helpless. If only there is enough strength within them to step out of their door and talk to those who hold the key to enrage motivation in them once more, it must be an assurance to lift themselves from fully drowning into the dark. There are a lot of people we can talk to and places to visit where we can voice out our deepest concerns. One of which, dearest students, is our university guidance office. The university guidance office is one facet of BukSU’s most crucial

components in the entirety of the university’s educational system as it provides a wide variety of services essentially set parallel to the dynamic needs of the students in any aspect of their lives. Responsive to the concerns and conditions of the students, the of fice not only caters emotional concerns of the students but also provides other student services like Career Development and Placement Service and the like. The frequency of the Counseling Service, being one of the leading guidance center services, quite makes the office more attracting to the students. A wide-ranged percentage of students usually have personal problems and concerns which primarily necessitate the attention of the office. The center provides professional assistances on personal, educational and vocational problem areas wherein students’ concerns are addressed. Like any other university guidance centers, it aims to assist students in producing an array of services to fulfill its vision which to produce intellectually competent, socially-conscious, morally upright, spiritually enriched and meaningfully responsible students to which the university itself also put their efforts in doing so. The importance of this center is magnified through its positive effects to the students. It not only leads the students to the rightful path but also puts their own selves back on track.

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University

A student’s life is but a sound waves motion - never constant and always changing with the surroundings. Thus, the center reaches out to the students to guide them with what rightful step should be taken. However, majority of the students find themselves scared and shy in going to the guidance center as they find it embarrassing and at some point, they might not get the words they want to hear. This results to an undermined privilege they should have had. The guidance center actually comprises of a wide and open-minded counselor which professionally deals with the concerns students have, whatever these may be whether big or small. It highly respects the students decisions and even leaves them with priceless knowledge they need to solve their problems. Whether love, future, career plans, and conflicts, the guidance center will always give the best words for the students, not to mention that all confessions and conversations are held confidential for the students’ security. If only students ignore the “embarrassing” and “ scared” feelings they have, the outcome of their counseling would be very remarkable and self-satisfying. Student s , com e h om e to th e University Guidance Office, located at Ground Floor, College of Arts & Sciences Building.


LOGIC CENTRAL A BukSU Student Leaders’ Discussion TORAYNO ARIEL S.

CAS - Governor 2017-2018

Mental health awareness is important. There are so many people that are used to being mentally ill and it actually feels normal to them. Many don’t even know that they have an illness and that they can be helped and that there is another way to feel aside from being miserable. Mental Health strengthens and supports our ability to have healthy relationships, make good life choices, maintain physical health and well-being and handle the natural ups and downs of life. Mental Health also improves the Quality of Life: when we are free of depression, anxiety, excessive stress, addictions, and other psychological problems we are more able to live our lives to the fullest. Peace of mind is a natural condition, and is available to everyone.


CON - Governor 2017-2018

Mental health awareness is important. There are so many people that are used to being mentally ill and it actually feels normal to them. Many don’t even know that they have an illness and that they can be helped and that there is another way to feel aside from being miserable. Mental Health strengthens and supports our ability to have healthy relationships, make good life choices, maintain physical health and well-being and handle the natural ups and downs of life. Mental Health also improves the Quality of Life: when we are free of depression, anxiety, excessive stress, addictions, and other psychological problems we are more able to live our lives to the fullest. Peace of mind is a natural condition, and is available to everyone. 07



COB - Governor 2017-2018

Keeping a good mental health is important in every stage of life from childhood and adolescence through adulthood as it covers vital parts in human life. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and socialwell being. Mental health affects how we feel, think and how we act. Each of us should value the importance of proper diet and regular exercise and be mindful in keeping a balanced and good mental health because according to world health organization 2007, it is a state of well-being in which individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and be able to have a great contribution in the community.


Debate Varsity Deputy Prime Minister 2017-2018

One out of four people in the world is affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Around 450 million people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide. The figures invites government to make strategic decision in order to bring positive changes in treating mental health disorder. This calls for further information dissemination, modification of policies and public awareness to directly counter the magnitude of stigma, ignorance and misinformation . It’s paramount to handle this issue seriously, we should not wait to be the next patient.

Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


How important is Mental Health to you as a student leader? NOYA


Mentor’s League President 2017-2018

As a future teacher, mental health and the emotional atmosphere in a classroom setting is important to student’s experiences. Mental health will help in increasing learning, creativity and productivity of the teacher. Mental health is important at every stage of life. It provides positive relationships, ability to deal constructively with negative feelings, ability to cope self-esteem and contentment. It is more than the absence of mental illness, but is something that everybody experiences over their lifetime. All aspects of our lives are affected by our mental health to effectively function in daily life. Therefore, if you don’t have a healthy mental state it will be hard for you to live your life to the fullest extent.


JOHN DERICK L. COE - Governor 2017-2018

It saddens me whenever I hear about a suicidal case committed by a student. I even experienced someone expressing his downfalls in life and asking for wisdom. How could this be treated? If it can’t be possible at home, I think the school is second to family’s obligation for them to have a place where they could express. To lessen victims, the school must see the importance of mental health. It is always important to approach the issue of depression and suicide in a holistic, thorough and in-depth manner. I am an advocate of suicide and depression awareness guide for all students.

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University


LIZZANNE KATE B. Collegianer - Editor in Chief 2017-2018

Problems that pertain to the psychological aspect of a human being is somehow worsening. The causes of a poor Mental Health may be because of abuse, trauma, neglect, discrimination, and many more that results in social isolation, loneliness, severe stress and worse, suicide. It is indeed important to not neglect this matter because ultimately, the brain is the organ that serves as the center of the nervous system and functions to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body by generating patterns of muscle activity. So in short, our brains control our bodies so we must keep them healthy. Remember: Mental illness is never a personal failure and help is constantly available.


RASHIA MAE DEVA E. CSDT - Governor 2017-2018

Who would not agree that your life is only as good as your mindset? Your mental disposition controls your decisions, your path, and your life. However, the state of this is oftentimes taken for granted. As a leader, daughter, friend, student, and a person, we shouldn’t wait for the dead end to realize that our mental health has slowly been digging our graves. Our thoughts are powerful. Like a fire, this could give light and warmth but this could also be our own hell. Will you put your memories and dreams into ashes?



The Art of Growing Old VANITY DUKE Mark Angelo S. Duetes

Maybe it’s time to grow up --- no, to grow old. Old, that means to say you have to take all the best decisive measures and pick which one best fits for the situation, not for the imagination. Growing old, that is to say, is putting aside all the reveries and fantasies you have long been marveling since your childhood days. Upon growing old, we have to make a pause and scrutinize: have we been doing the best thing? Have we been thinking the most careful decisions? Have we been feeling the most appropriate emotion to control

Pharisaism: a Hypocrital Attempt Towards Moral Perfection CAFÉ BLANCA Danielle Blanca G. Oracion

Have we ever wondered why we take so much of a big deal when one insults another in a public display and how we wish this person goes to court facing libel when we casually character-assassinate those we resent in private? Have we ever 09

and not to just to feel it? Or perhaps you have not thought of this until now? Am I mistaken to say you have long drowned your self in the make-believe stating the world is a flow of fate and order; rebellion is a sinister, flowing with fate is haven --or am I not? Have you long been thinking that whatever befalls to man is what he can only gain and nothing more? That, my dear, is the fabric thought of growing up, not growing old. To be old, you have to be wiser, wiser to choose decisions and not just create them, better in establishing your situations and not just handling it, stronger in counting the rightmost steps and not just taking them, and bolder in merging your rationality with the real world and not just watching it flash before your very eyes. In growing up, it takes one’s heart to fill in the gaps and the holes made by one’s flaws. In growing old, it takes the heart, mind and soul’s collective response to do so. If a child, for instance, would be left susceptible in hitting back with his fist. If he concerns the surrounding before trying to react, that is growing up --taking other matters into considerations. And if he observes the surrounding, stares at the stranger and calmly asks

his matter while restraining any negative emotion that might worsen the situation, that is growing old --- there is wisdom in every thought, in every deed and in every feeling. It is obtained at any age; there is only a matter of will. Thus, in growing old, one is required to take which among the variables is highly deemed likeable for the situation and not for the feeling we have. It highly exhibits the precognitive mind, always thinking of what will serve the consequence of every action. The real world is a river where most people float with its current, caged to the idea that fate is the supreme and not man. Man might just accept what befalls them, unaware of the thought that one can do something beyond where his mentality situated him. In life, you have to choose decisions at high risk, be ambitious for your dreams, blur all distractions around you, and sometimes let go of things which stop you from going anywhere. There will always be sacrifices and lines to let go. If we remain where we are now, we might never get to celebrate the things we deserve to have, not unless we let go and then move. You have grown up for quite a long time. Now is your time to grow old and make decisions for yourself.

questioned why we don’t call ourselves “thieves” when we steal coins from our mom’s purse while we unashamedly nail this noun to those who rob with knives and guns alone? To be moral indeed is to be human. To be morally upright is perhaps of the highest value in most of humanity’s hierarchal coup. We live by the concept that life’s highest achievement is to obtain moral well-being and progress. However, that being the case, today, aiming for moral perfection has been more of a scourge inflicted by principles of hypocrisy and less of what is the truest essence of morality. It is truly disturbing how we try to bother more of how others are doing even when we can barely keep our heads above water. We go on setting adulterated ideals of what we think are morally acceptable guised in bricks of religion and doctrines of human values when we can’t follow these rules ourselves. We brazenly cite the wrongs of others proving ourselves less of a sinner and yet deliberately overlooked our exploits in secret. Stealing coins from our moms indeed

would be incomparable to the millions robbers stole from banks but we cannot gauge stealing by the value of what we took nor defaming with the ears which have heard us. We doom public offenders because they have erred publicly but we consider our errors in secret because no witnesses can throw stones at us but the truth is, stealing, lying, slandering, or any actions which deviate from predefined morality are the same whether they are done in small scale or big. True enough that laws restrict, values civilize, and criticisms moralize but perfection can never be achieved in any of life’s countless facets. Unless our definition of morality is universal and unless we are moral in absolute entirety then we can’t proclaim others less ethical. Condemning people because they don’t do what we do or they do less of what we do more is foul. What we can’t follow flawlessly we have no right to make as a criterion in judging people. Thus, before we bother telling people about the crease on their clothes we should probably check ourselves first if we have perfectly ironed ours. Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


provided by the state’s central bank. A simple example will be in line of the food that we eat, the allowances provided by the parents, clothing, industries—basically everything. It revolves coming from your blood and sweat work days down to your paycheck ticks. Well, it is the lineage of the government used for the progress of the realm and for the aids of the people living within it. But then again wait, before you rejoice upon receiving roughly from a brown envelope or added figures to your account, have you tried to wonder and gauge why all we devour and the whole thing we bought has this what we call “tax”? Maybe others know what it means and how it systematically works towards the cycle of transforming ideas upon building a better future not only for today’s lives but also for the next generations to come. One question is that; Do we really need to pay? Or is it really important? Nevertheless, we, as the present hope for the improvement of our country must put in mind that in understanding the importance of tax we must first know the roles, the systems on how it works

and by this, we must surpass and cross the barricades in order to help the whole sovereignty towards achieving its goals and how we can interpret the matters and provide better solutions and array of options to provide for the welfare of the people. It is our duty to wage taxes and by that it is not the fault of the government, yet due to the absence of resources in line for the reason of natural catastrophes and other phenomena occurred, the sudden alteration of prices of the goods and the firm stand of the government employees’ taxes went down became an aggravation to other people who did not understand. We must also encourage other people to pay their taxes for the betterment of the nation’s upcoming resilience of improving lives. so again, my question is; Are you one of them?

these horrendous remarks every day and people are just laughing out their noses off. There is so much cacophony on social media. As long as your hauling a hefty volume of likes, retweets, and shares, you won’t stretch a bat if your post is ‘correct’ or not. Truly, social media is a feast to our egos. Anything we say can fall under the banner of free speech. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right. Everyone has the right to express any opinion without LEIBNITZ censorship or restraint. Pitching out your Deyrold L. Casinabe thoughts about celebrities, political issues, feelings and what-nots are definitely fine. Thank God for free speech, right? Humans A child named Bimby Aquino has been are expected to say something as we are flanked with a myriad of homophobic blessed with a mind and an ability to think. remarks. A reporter has to deal with We must exercise our right to free speech! sexual remarks and eat death threats But netizens facilely abuse this right on for breakfast. And Xander Ford was a mecca called the world wide web. Racist, blitzed with a militia of hate and futile hateful, maligning, and extremist opinions commentaries. Some even attack ordinary is definitely a form of abuse. Anyhow, free individuals as well as dish out phony speech has always been a convoluted gossips from crooked sources. These are matter and internet made it even more people who say what they want to say, like an awfully tangled earphones. The post what they want to post, oblivious of internet amplified that freedom; granting the effect they have on others. We see us a shroud of anonymity, control, and

power, ergo people think they can get away with anything. Remember, your right ends where the rights of others begin. We should never forget that freedom of speech isn’t absolute. Individuals can be held accountable for the consequences of their ‘speech’. For instance, the person you harassed can file a case such as cyberbullying and libel against you. So my fellow comrades, please, before you share your opinions, take time to look at yourself. Do we have the right to say so? Do we do what we preach? Would my opinion inflict misery to other person? Will my opinion do any good to me? Let us always be respectful with our contrasting opinions on certain matters. Indeed, it all boils down to our values, ethics, and morals. In a blazingly fast and free realm known as the internet, the margin between blatantly expressing impudent opinions and exercising the right to freedom of speech is becoming dicey. But we will hold the line, right?

Tax-is-it? ROYAL BUZZ Deanna Alexa M. Abejuela

Tax—one word, three letters, pretty much treacherous when you mess up with. The most relevant thing which makes the whole word turn. Starting from your one-peso coin up to your one-thousand-peso bill. Confidently contemporary in each integer you have in your salary slips, properties, investments and businesses. Beholding from a positive outlook, tax can help us in everything we need. It runs in the whole kit and caboodle we do as to what we make use of the coins and bills

Where do we draw the line?

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University



abutin ang kung ano man ang gusto nila maging. Ngunit, hindi ito gaano kadaling matanggap marahil sobra na ito at labag na sa batas ng pagiging isang indibidwal. Ilang araw lamang bago ipalabas ang balita at litrato ng pagpaparetoke ng ilang mga kilala sa industriya ng pag-aartista. Lubos na kumalat sa sosyal medya ngayon ang isyung pagpapalit-anyo ng mga ito gaya na lamang nina Arci Muñoz, Charice Pempenco o mas kilala na ngayon bilang si Jake Zyrus at ilan pang mga personalidad na tila tatak talaga sa panlasa ng mga nitezens. Hindi sa mga paraang tanggap sila ng mga ito ngunit karamihan ay ‘disumang-ayon sa mga naging resulta ng pagpapalit-anyo nila. Kaya naman ay umani sila ng mga samut-saring batikos. Sa ‘di-kalaunan, mas ng viral sa sosyal medya ang bagong mukha sa likod ng pagkatao ni Xander Ford na kilala nuon bilang si Marlou Arizala. Lingid sa ating kaalaman, ito ang naging puhunan na ni Xander Ford upang sya’y sumikat ngunit sa ‘di kalaunan, ito rin ang naging dahilan upang sumubra na ang lakas ng kanyang loob kaya pati ang mga kilalang artista ay kinakalaban nya na ng walang gaanong maayos na dahilan. Ang tanong ko, pag gumwapo at gumanda na ba o nag-iba na ang anyo ng isang tao eh mapapasakamay nya na

ba kaagad ang huling halakhak? Ano sa tingin n’yo? Kung ako ang tatanungin, wala sa anyo ang biglaang pagbabago ng katangian ng isang tao. Wala rin sa resulta ng paggamit ng teknolohiya na maaaring dahilan ng iyong pagkakakilanlan sa iba. At lalonglalo na, wala sa mata ng ibang tao ang buhay na mukhang dala, kinakapitan at pinapangalagaan mo. Kung pangit ka man, may kaisa-isang tao pa rin na tatanggap sayo at ipagmamalaki ka sa karamihan. Kaya, huwag mag-alala kung mukha mo’y di kaaya-aya dahil malamang maganda ka naman sa taong mabuting katangian mo ang nakikita. Likas sa ating mga tao ang mapanuri at mapagmatyag. Meron tayong mga mata at iba’t-ibang aspeto ang nakikita nito, ngunit, mas binibigyang pokus nito ang labas na kaanyuan ng isang tao sapagkat una natin itong napapansin. Ang payo ko lamang sana, huwag tayong agad na manghusga marahil ang taong ating nakikita ay hindi pa natin lubos na kilala.

sa kapaligiran. Kung sino-sino lang ang palaging sumusumbat sa kanilang pagiging late, at pagiging ‘passive’ sa paaralan. Nilalayuan niyo sila dahil sa takot kayong maimplwensiyahan, madamay sa kamalasang dala, at naiinis kayo sa mg tanong nila tulad ng ‘Anon’g ginawa niyo kahapon? Ano ang gagawin? Nag quiz ba? Ano ang diniscuss niyo? Pano gawin ‘to? Sila ay nabibilang sa pamilyang ‘isang kahig, isang tuka’. ‘Yung tipong sila mismo ang nagsusumikap para sa sarili at pamilya. SHY-LIIT Lahat ng pagsusumipag ay gagawin para Vanessa N. Pamisaran mitapos ang pag-aaral habang tumutulong sa pamilyang humigit-kumulang isang dosena. Malapit na magsimula ang kanyang Alam niyo ba na kinakailangan din nila klase! Takbo pa… Takbo pa… Kunti ng makakapitan at karamay sa oras ng nalang. Ayan na… nakaabot din siya. pag-aalinlangan sa buhay? Sila yung tipong late sa lahat ng bagay; Nakakaramdam sila ng paninibago late sa pagpasok sa paaralan, late sa sa paligid na parng hindo naaangkop sa requirements at late sa mga impormasyon sosyalidad. Oo, lingid sa kaalaman niyo

ang dinranas nila. Kaya’t ganoon kadali para sa inyo ang humusga sa kanila. Bawat isa ay may kani-kaniyang problemang pinapasan, ang tanging lunas po nito ay ang pagiintindihan. May suliranin ka, may suliranin din siya, may suliranin tayong lahat. Pagtutulungan ang nararapat. Ang nangangailangan, tulungan, ang inabanduna, samahan ang umiiyak, patahanin ang nawawalay sa landas, ba’t di natin buksan ang daan para sa kanya? Makiisa tayo, magtulungan at makitungo sa bawat isa.

Ang Totoong Mukha sa Likod ng Teknolohiya JUANA SUPLADA Baby Jane Q. Anay

Sa gitna ng mga isyung bentang-benta ngayon sa ating lipunan, iba-iba ang mga reaksyon ng sambayanan patungkol dito. Ang iba eh tanggap ang desisyon samantalang mas marami naman dito ang tila tiwali at hindi nasasayahan sa mga naging resulta nito. Ngunit, may karapatan ba tayong manghusga at manglait sa desisyon ng ating kapwa tao? Hindi man sila biniyayaan ng kanilang gusto na maging – babae, lalaki, maging maganda at gwapo sa mga mata ng ibang tao at katanggap-tanggap sa lipunan, eh mayroon naman silang karapatan na

Mungkahi ni Shy-Liit


Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


Earth: The Unfortunate Planet INCREDIBLE HUNK Rañel G. Bandria

For 4.5 billion years, the Earth, the only habitable planet known to man has traveled its course around the sun as it sustains the life of its inhabitants. For long centuries, the earth renews it resources and performs its cycles purposely designed for the survival of man. It is true and correct to think that this life-supporting planet is a marvel, a blessing, a home but it’s wrong to assume

Excellency in all Honesty MARIAFICENT Rona D. Macalam

Most of us think that if a student excelled in class and earns big accomplishments in life, he is now the happiest person alive. Loudest cheers of congratulations and warmest greetings of compliments were all generously given and audiences can’t help but envy. Because who would not be? We see them as very privileged and blessed beyond compare so we think that fate is an unfair gentleman who only offers luck and fortune to those he favored. Yet unconsciously, in the open area of the beautifully painted

that it will remain to be the same way for long given the constant torment it is living through today. Humanity has diverged into the path of destroying the Earth and exploiting its resources believing that they are limitless. We blackened its rivers and seas with waste and removed their practical purpose for human consumption, for livelihood and for the habitation of aquatic beings. We blanketed its soils with our landfills, shaved off its thick forests into nakedness and turned its fertile lands into barrenness. We corrupted its air with poison and blurred the skies with chemical impurities. We massively toyed creatures and stripped them off their lives and their homes. It is a questionable thought how humanity endowed with superior intellect fail to coexist with the Earth when fishes and elephants have no problem in doing so? Our negligence towards our only home has made our existence a disease spreading like cancer, killing life forms and leading the Earth to its untimely end. We have made the Earth an ugly planet when all it did was to provide us a home.

Unless we stop the deliberate torture of our planet we will all live to suffer the consequences. We will drink waste, eat waste and die due to breathing waste. We have always grown to have a liking for convenience but convenience will be nowhere to be found soon. We will all regret, begging to turn back time where we can undo our idiocy. However, time is just and fair. It will never allow the undoing of our mistakes but will grant us otherwise the lessons of our thoughtlessness. Let us enjoy the luxury of the comfort of our homes and the security of our needs because soon we will thirst for clean water. We will soon kill for little food. We will soon wail as we bask under the scorching heat of the sun. We will soon cry for the death of the countless. Soon we will come to face the unthinkable ire of the mistreated planet. It will soon take the price for its irreversible damages, the price it deemed right for the injustice it has suffered in our hands. Only until then we will come to realize that the price is death.

bars of their achievements is the growth of frustrations lying obviously in the corner of the room. Because the reality is, with the pile of attainments achieved is the truth of more expectations by their family, by their friends and the people that surround them. We have no more reason to deny that expectations create various results to a student both in positive or negative aspects. A consistent dean’s lister is expected to graduate as cum laude and pursue master’s degree, while a student leader is expected to become a politician someday and succeed in life. These anticipations may play a great role as to how the student deals in the world of academe. While others see it as a driving force to continue what they have started — many of them fell short and suffered depression in return. Though we have reasons to assume that these students are pleased about their accomplishments, we still have to consider that all of those expectations may impel them to strive; taking steps beyond the limits of their capacities even forget to prioritize their health. In the hope of earning higher grades, sleeps were traded

with a caffeine induced night due to the promise of sleeplessness which becomes evident through a visible pair of eye bags conspicuously exhibited in their faces. And in this note, according to an online article published in caffeine.informer. com, excessive consummation of caffeine may result to adrenal fatigue, irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, accelerates bone loss and tremors that may lead to an early death. Yet, this might not become a threat if this happened only once but with consistency, this will prove otherwise. In all clarity, expectations have two sides depending on the way a person takes it. It is very enthusing to note that there are people who believe in your abilities and you may well use it as a motivation. You may rise higher than your usual place with the support of the crowd behind you. But how far are you willing to take in order to meet the expectations of those people around you? Until when will you sacrifice sleep, skip meals, cope up with depression, pretend to be strong and ignore mental health for the sake of the standards you are trying to reach? Dear student, excel if you must but learn to set limits.

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University



e is n languag a y a is ? b ” in “TIGAW (leisure) ditorial WHAT IS w-lingaw’ a g in ‘l 17-2018 e s 0 n a 2 . e .Y m S h e ic h e t Tigaw wh aturing th itiated by fe in t n n io e t v a e c r li ver majo ianer pub here the first e SU Colleg rnalism. T k u u o J B s e u h t p f staff o and Cam nglish, board and rd Poetry o W n petition; E e k m o o p c S y f r o t e n o spoken p rnalism competitio mpus Jou ries in the a o C g e e t h a t c , d e eature other han were thre Writing, F a. On the y s a w is e B N , d g n lism in Filipino, a orial Writ otojourna h it P d E d n e a h , t g f oses o artoonin ge. that comp Editorial C , g in ino langua it r ip il W F s t d r n o a p h in Englis Writing, S ommence c l il w n io competit


WHO WON LAST TIM E? The winners of the Spok en Word poetry were M s. Janeza Bombeo in the Filipino Category, M r. Van Boyd Gante in th e En glish category and Ms. Duzzel Miane Kia Jimenez in the Bisaya ca te go ry. For the Campus Journalism are as follo ws: Ms. Kristine Jane Do ng ogan Ms. Kristine Joy Dongogan Mr. Kher Tyson Bastinga


Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


rize nd Cash P ITS YOU? a A , e t W a A c T ifi t WHA edal, Cer ‘Tigaw’ M r e n ia g e ll Co

WHEN IS “TIGAW” CELEBRATED? The events of Spoken Word Poetry and Campus Journalism competition are usually held on FEBRUARY of the year to celebrate the annual Heart’s month.


WHY SHOULD YOU BE PART OF IT? In Collegianer, we acknowledge your talent and participation, and together, let us celebrate Facets of Love with very meaningful and worthwhile cause: To both revel freedom of expression and the essence of Valentines.

WHERE TO GO FOR RE GISTRATION? Collegianer office, SAC Ground Floor, Bukidno n State University Campus.

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University




Madaling lumipas ang panahon. Ilang tulog nalang bagong taon na naman. Bagong hinaharap. Magkakaroon ng bagong buhay ang ilan, yung iba ganoon pa rin. Sa mundo ng makabagong henerasyon, ibat-ibang teknolohiya at imbensyon ang nag-alipana. Hindi mo inakala, sa isang “click” nalang sa cellphone o sa computer ang mga bagay ay nagbabago na. Nalipon na ang matatalinghagang pandama. Naging alipin ng makabagong teknolohiya. Tila lahat ng bagay nagagamitan na ng teknolohiya. Hindi ka na mapapagod, mababahala lahat ay parang mahika nalang. Noon galing sa skwela sa ilalim nang magandang buwan, kahit gabi na’y naghahabulan, tumbang preso at patintero, pag pagod na tambay lang muna sa kanto, may kwento ang matandang si lolo may patubig si manang Biday, si manong kutsero ayun masasalubong mo na naman sa daan manghaharana kay Inday. Lahat ay masaya, nagkakatuwaan, nagkakantyawan pero walang personalan. Pag-uwi sa bahay mano kay Nanay at Tatay, pagkatapos kumain manghuhugas nang plato si Manay, matutulog na si Otoy at si bunso. Pagkagising sa umaga bago pumasok sa skwela tulong muna


sa pag-aasikaso para bigyan nang baon ni Tatay. Sa paaralan, sabik na sabik na makita si titser,sabik kung ano na naman kaya ang aming gagawin, kung gagawa ba kami uli ng tula at hahayaan sa puno ng kahoy mag-isip ng mga kataga, kung pagkatapos ba ay babasahin namin ito ng may damdamin. Hanggang sa tila ako ay uma-amin, nalaman ko na ako pala ay may angking galing. Naka-kamiss bumalik sa nakaraan, yung tipong simple lang ang pamumuhay ngunit masagana’t masaya naman. Yung palakad lakad sa kagubatan, pagtampisaw sa ulan, yung habul-habulan, pangingisda sa ilog at aakyat sa mga puno ng matatamis na mangga. Ngunit,lumipas ang panahon at ilang bagyo ang ang sumalanta,sa isang kisap ng mata biglang nagbago ang lahat. Nakilala na nang mga kabataan si twitter, si facebook, google, instagram at si youtube. Umaagaw ng atensyon, kumakain ng oras. Palagi nalang online sa social media “stalk”nang “stalk” sa mga sikat na artista. Post dito post doon, mga opinion sa mga bagong issue ay minsan masakit minsan di makatao, nawawala na ang respeto. Pag-uwi galing sa bahay lagi nang napapagalitan ni nanay at tatay, wala nang nanghuhugas nang plato halos puyat

ka-kafacebook. Tirik na ang araw kung gumising at huli sa klase kung pumasok. Nasaan na ba ang masasayang kahapon? Nawala na lang na parang bula. Ang mga puno ay tumataghoy at nalulungkot, wala na ang kabataan, nalipon na ng bagong mundo. Mga kwento ni lolo ay laos na, napalitan ng “my story” sa social media. Nakakalungkot sa bagong mundo, tila wala ka na ring makausap pag ikaw ay nag-iisa kasi yung iba may ginagawa sa cellphone nila, kaya depresyon, stress, suicide ang resulta. Pati yata mga tunay na kaibigan para ng crush o boyfriend mo na walang pakialam sayo. Gusto kong bumalik sa nakalipas na panahon. Gusto kong maging malaya sa nakagisnang panahon. Sa panahon na wala pang social media, ang buhay ay kay saya, walang gaanong problema, lagi ka nalang nakangiti at ang lungkot ay minsan lang. Gusto kung bumalik sa kahapon na kay ligaya. Mga dahon ay berdeng berde sa punong matatayog na may dalang hanging kay lamig walang halong kemikal at usok. Kay ganda nang kahapon na hindi na mababalik ngayon. Pana-panahon talaga ang pagkakataon, maibabalik pa ba ang kahapon?

Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


n a g n u l n a K ay kaw i ko NI DIANNA LOU QUIJADA

Mundo ko ay gumuho noong nadatnan kitang umiiyak sabay tanong “Anong nangyari?” Tahimik ka lang habang nagpupunas ng iyong mga mata, bakit di mo masabi? Dahandahan kang tumayo sabay hawak sa aking mga kamay at sinabing “Anak, mag-aral ka ng mabuti.” Nabigla ako kung bakit hindi mo man lang masabi sa akin ang totoong mga pangyayari. Ano ba ang iyong iniiyakan? Ilang b uwan matap os ang nakakabagabag na pangyayari hindi ko pa rin nakaligtaan ang katotohanan. Nag-aalinlangan na kausapin ka kaya dinadaan ko na lang sa pangugulit, nagbabasakali na marinig ang iyong salaysay kahit alam kong nahihirapan ka. Nabigo ako. Hindi ka umimik sa aking mga pagtatanong na humihingi ng mga sagot. Tila pilit mo na itinatago sa nagdurugong puso ang mga salitang hindi mo mabitaw-bitawan sa akin. Napakaraming bagay ang pilit kong idinadahilan sa aking sarili sa iyong pag-iyak. Mga bagay na maaaring aking nagawa na ikinadurog ng iyong puso. Ngunit isang gabi, habang itinutupi ko ang mga bagong-inahon na sinampay sa kwarto, may narinig ako mula sa silid ninyo ni ama dahil hindi nakapinid ang bintana. Sumilip ako sa kurtina na paborito mong gamitin dahil sa mabulaklak na disenyo nito. Amoy na amoy ko pa ang halimuyak ng dama de noche na namumulaklak malapit sa dingding ng inyong silid. Hindi ko mapigilan ang sarili na lumuha ng mabasa ko sa iyong mga bibig ang

mga pangungusap na hindi mo kayang ipahayag sa aking harapan. Mali ako asa lahat ng aking mga dinahilan, yun pala, kinabukasan ko ang iyong iniiyakan. Namulat ako sa buong katotohanan kung gaano ako kahalaga sa inyo. Hindi ko masasabi na nawawalan ka ng pagasa, ngunit ang mga pag-iyak ng isang ina dahil sa walang kasiguraduhan na kinabukasan ng kanyang anak ay pagpapahiwatig ng pagmamahal na walang kapantay. Wari’y sa bawat pagpatak ng mga luha ay katumbas ng mga pag-aalalang hindi maipagkakaila at mga pag-aalinlangan na hindi maiiwasan.

“Sadyang kay bilis ng mga pangyayari. Totoong may mga pangyayaring hindi kaaya-aya ngunit ito ay mga pangyayaring naging dahilan ko sa pagiging masipag sa aking pag-aaral.” Kaya naman pinagbutihan ko ang aking pag-aaral. Oo, kapos tayo sa pera pero hindi naging hadlang iyon. Hindi ko ito ikinahiya bagkus naging maigi ako sa lahat ng mga gawaing aral. Natapos ko ang sekondarya at naipasa ang entrance exam sa Bukidnon State University. Tuwang- tuwa ka noon dahil kasabay nito ang pagiging iskolar

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University

ko. Unti-unti kong nakita ang mga pagbabago sa iyong sarili. Lumiwanag ang iyong mukha at mas gumaan ang iyong pakiramdam sa pakikibaka para sa aking kinabukasan. Hindi ka na humihikbi dahil sa katigasan ng ulo ko. Kahit gaano kahirap tiniis mo ako, hindi itinakwil, sa halip ay lalo pa akong inalagaan at minahal. Binago mo ang buhay ko kasabay ng pagbago ko sa pananaw mo na makakaya natin ang mga balakid na ating kinakaharap sa pagkamit ng kinabukasang ating inaasam. Sadyang kay bilis ng mga pangyayari. Totoong may mga pangyayaring hindi kaaya-aya ngunit ito ay mga pangyayaring naging dahilan ko sa pagiging masipag sa aking pagaaral. Halos apat na taon na rin ang nakalipas magmula nang mangyari ang lahat ng ito. Hindi ko lubos maisip na nalagpasan natin ang mga gabing walang tulog at mga araw na gising sa pag-aalala. Habang nandito ka sa tabi ko mananatili akong matatag dahil sa iyo ako humuhugot ng lakas. Iba ka rin kasi Nay, buong puso akong nananalangin sa Maykapal na maisuot ko ang maitim na toga hawak-hawak ang iyong kamay. Hindi ko na lubos mahintay na ilakad kita sa aking pagtatapos sabay bulong sa iyo na “Nay, nagawa natin.” Habang buhay kitang pasasalamatan dahil kahit gaano man kahirap ang buhay, kanlungan ko ay ikaw.







Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2

K E ?? W O K E ? W O K E ? KE ? WOK E? W OKE? FEATURE K E E? K OK E? WO KE? W O E? W O K ? O E? W KE WOK O E? OK E? W We all have utopian dreams. We all wish to land K ? WOK O W K E a good job, live in a safe, healthy and perfect WO

But I dare say being awake is the easy feat. It only means social awareness. Don’t get me wrong, but Filipinos do not lack the ‘woke’ element. Filipinos are aware. Only that a lot of us opt not to care, nor to do anything in response to what we know. The word ‘woke’ is of inspiring origin. It was used as a reminder by Black people to their colleagues, that in the prime of White supremacy in United States, Black people should have perceived awareness of issues concerning social justice and racial equity. The word later on became a teenager slang used to press heightened awareness of events around us. But awareness in itself begs the question: What’s next? Now what? I say, our country should not settle with just awake individuals. We need movers. This is where I note that it wasn’t awareness alone that won the Black people their rights in America; the black people worked to win what they deserve. In the Philippines, this is an element that a lot of Filipinos subconsciously dismissed. Yes, you’ve got that right. A lot of Filipinos are awake but dismissive. On a micro level, this attitude divulges on our behaviour with mobile phones. I fathom everyone’s familiar of an accident scene where taking photos comes first before calling authorities.

Taking videos comes first before actually doing, or worse, simply taking videos and not helping at all. Filipinos love to be woke bystanders and documenters, albeit dismissive actors. Perhaps this is a problem not exclusive to us, but still a troubling realization. Also with our attitude online, people prefer ranting, earning likes and sharing posts rather than actually living the cause in the real world. Ironic that the energy we collectively show online is not as powerful once converted in real life. A cause to help a homeless old man, for example, amassed 100,000 shares and around 180,000 likes but donation flow around 2,000 pesos at most, if nothing at all. It is saddening to see that strong online consciousness merits merely marginal change outside the confines of phone screens. Sadder still that a good number of people are woke online citizens but dismissive Filipino citizens. I hope that from this we note that real battles are won offline. Looking at the dismissiveness on a macro level is far more daunting. Issues like LGBT rights, lacking water and electricity access in far flung areas, widely unavailable health care services in hundreds of barangays, and limited schooling opportunities for lumads are just some of the many other issues which are widely known. Nonetheless accrue little affirmative action from the populace. Sad that a good number

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University


community, and be able to sleep peacefully at night. But friend, we do not have these niceties, at least not everyone. Any WOKE individual would realize that the world, the Philippines, is far from our utopian dream. of people opt to play the ‘I can’t do anything’ card, and in the comfort of their lives, does nothing to help. And with the same set of people, what is the common narrative? Blame the government. This is a vehemently wrong principle. While I concede that the Philippine Government is accountable and responsible for our issues, still, as a common Filipino we should own a sense of ownership of the problems we face collectively as a nation. So again, we ask the imperative on what should be done next. I think by this time, it is clear that the impetus of my discussion points out to the new trend: The trend of becoming a responsive Filipino, ergo a Filipino mover. The new trend is not merely being woke, but being socially relevant as well. The ideal millennial and the ideal Filipino is a volunteer, a community builder, a researcher, a leader, a teacher, an artist and the like. Perhaps this could be the trademark of our generation the kind that would not allow ourselves be confined in our awareness alone but also conduit real impact in our communities and the country. This is where we harness true change. This is where we truly elicit development. In the end of it all I dare say being woke isn’t enough. Be a mover.




Being an Academically Excellent Student

Just when I opted to study in this educational institution, there were already two questions which consistently bugged my mind. “Do I have a potential which will strongly help me to compete with the diverse and brilliant learners of this university?” After an exhaustive contemplation, the only thing that I could think of were the numbers reflected in my fourth-year card and as nonsensical the answer appeared to be still, it brought relief in my part. But then another disturbing question sprang out. “Can my grades really attest that I can have the guts to assert myself in class?” And after a thorough deliberation, I made an answer. An answer which told me that yes, I have the guts to compete with them ‘cause my grades confirm that I can. From kindergarten up to high school, due to intense family pressure and societal expectations, I was raised to believe that grades do matter. And because I was always driven by that belief, I really was so much fueled to perform at the higher level for each time I became an awardee, I did not just bring honor to myself but to my family as well. I was oriented that if more medals were hanging on our wall, they could be determiners that I could be successful. Since I took a step in this university, Bukidnon State University, my ultimate aim was to become an honor student just like what I was way back in the past school years, and to be someone who could also give an honor to the university. Fortunately, I was able to do it but sometimes, just like what other’s experienced, I also got ridiculed by some cause for them, grades are just grades and that they could still be greater than me in other aspects and I admit that it was all true. In BukSU, most Dean’s Listers say that grades do have weight. Probably because they do not just burn candles during the examination weeks but almost every night. However only few declare this for the majority has an opposing claim. Majority 19


claims that grades are just figures, that they are just numbers and thus, they will never become the measure of one’s intelligence. And since they won’t, grades can never become predictors of their success and I won’t oppose to this. What makes it a sad thing is that, their perception of grades gradually clouded their views for it appears to be so typical for some to get low and even failing grades. Such a sad thing when these students are obliged to add another year as an extension of their stay in the university. Yes, I agree that the longer you stay, the more experienced you become but it is only good for students who have well off parents but how about those economically challenged ones? Extending one year is equally the same as lengthening your parents’ struggle whereas graduating

after the expected years makes your parents graduate too from struggles and burdens. Think that an extension of one year is stealing their chances, their remaining little time to feel the comfort of how satisfying their lives would be with you—who now supports them back. My fellow BukSUans, I do not write this to tell you that you can never be successful when you have 3.0s, 5.0s, INCs and FAs in your Transcripts of Record. I do not mean to say that you will surely be unproductive when it will take you so long to finish your studies. It is because even if I am an academic excellent student, I, too, have second thoughts for I have to admit that my grades do not guarantee that I can be successful because anyone can be successful regardless of what his performance in school was. Even Bill Gates, the richest person on earth became accomplished even if he was never academically inclined during his school years. Just like some of us, he too dropped out during his Junior years but he proved that he can be greater and more successful in his field than those who graduate as Cum Laudes as he once said, “I studied everything but never topped. But today, the toppers of the best universities are my employees.” However, I do not say that it is alright to drop out from school because even Gates did. What I want to imply is that, the world now is full of competition and believe it or not, no one of us can be as rich as Bill Gates. We can be an average one but we could never own the wealth he has especially that now, we tend to be so neglectful. If we want to be rich, let us take few steps today. Together, let us take a look of our grades, the reflection of how we value our parents’ struggles. Yes, grades may just be numbers but admit it, you too want to be someone greater in the near future. Thus, if you wanted to be somebody in the future, why not initiate it today? Start to make a move by reflecting how good or bad your school performance have become for the past years. Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2

HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception OPINION HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident

HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception BY IVY D. ABELLANOSA

Let’s get some facts straight first before we tag people with HIV/AIDS with labels. One, human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, is a virus that contaminates and destroys the T-cells of the immune system that causes their extreme decrease and weakening. AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a disease in the human immune system that is characterized especially cytologically by reduction in the number of T-cells to beyond normal. Therefore, one is a cause and the other is the effect. And two, AIDS can be acquired in a lot of ways. What people don’t know about is that AIDS can be picked up by even sharing a needle pre-used by someone whose blood is infected with AIDS, saliva, blood transfusion, even breast milk if the mother is HIV-positive. But the most common and leading cause of AIDS are the sharing of sexual bodily fluids and unprotected sex. It is clear now why HIV-AIDS has become a stigma, especially here in the Philippines which is a pre-dominantly Catholic country. Merriam-Webster defined “stigma” as the “negative representation or belief of a group of people or society about a certain thing or issue”. As a country where Catholicism is practiced, or most of people who are in this religion, it is



instilled in our minds that sex is a sacred action and can only be shared by married couples. Therefore, if you have AIDS and you are not married, you will be marked as deviant or any other low-label the society would give you because you contracted a virus even though you are not married. It means you had sex with another person, which means the society would be entitled to discriminate you. The narrative that because one person is HIV-positive because he or she has had sex is a disgusting and downright offensive mentality of the misinformed disparagers. People contracting AIDS are not at all immoral or aberrant. What is immoral is if we start picking on them, and shaming them of the actions they took in life. What is immoral is if we castigate them based on what we think is right for us and a poor choice for them, or lacking thereof. For people to shame others upon their demise, to create and give labels to them just because we don’t understand one thing, to discriminate and reject people for their shortcomings is an outright insult to their morale. Yes, some people who have got HIV-AIDS may have contracted this virus by having sexual intercourse even if they are not yet married, but that doesn’t make them any less of a human. We should not be so

quick to judge and categorize people just because we don’t completely understand their situation. AIDS is a life time disease. Once infected, a person can never get rid of it or be cured. That’s why those who have it are not only suffering from weak immune system, but also with depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. People who are HIV-positive are scared to seek medical attention or talk to medical experts because they are very much aware that help isn’t the only thing that they will be getting, but the disapproving eyes of the society, too. They need help, understanding, and support, not a stigma. Understand that we are not to put additional burden to them with our biased judgments, one-sided labels, shallow discrimination, and slut-shaming. We are not at all of any help, but we actually become one of the reasons why they somehow wish to hasten their race towards the death bed — to get rid of the pain from the hypocritical eyes of self-righteous and entitled cynics. Get your facts right first before you start attacking someone. Before we criticize something, let us all be well-informed first.

SOURCE: Philippine Department of Health

New cases of HIV infection were reported in 2017.


from the p Higher 9,264 cases in 2016.

HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An20Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception HIV Stigma: An Evident Misconception



by Danielle Blanca G. Oracion


She’s not the kind of girl you’ll see in movies. She doesn’t have the body of women in magazines nor the faces of perfection featured in movies. She’s not the beauty books refer to but to him she possessed something most do not have. The day she first walked into the same room he was sitting in, he recognized that familiar face he saw many times during his senior days. She was in a different “caste” where the erudite and the renowned belonged. She was wearing a white sweater, faded jeans and a pair of brown shoes that day. He had noticed the curls at the end of her hair which he hadn’t seen before and her perfectly manicured nails in beige. She walked past him and sat on the second row to the left. While waiting for the teacher to arrive, he frequently stole glances at her. She was sitting rigidly, her hair swept on one side and was left hanging loosely on her right shoulder. Her eyes were glued to her phone and he had noticed that her brows were shaped evenly and small black dots were visible on her cheeks. She looked so engrossed as her eyes moved from one point to another on the screen of her phone and it took him awhile to realize that she was reading. An amused smile crept across her face and he was enthralled to see her do that. He stared at her even more at exactly the same time she swung her eyes at him. She wasn’t startled, she had known him way back then. She had seen him come up at stage during recognitions and she used to clap for him like how she clapped for anyone else whose names were recognized. Yet unlike how he looked at her, she gave him a meaningless stare, cold and blank. He cringed as her eyes pierced through him, searing deep inside his soul, wounding the budding emotions in his heart. He broke the staring feat as he realized the professor was now standing in front of the table giving the class a hostile scan. The atmosphere of the class dropped into an eerie silence as the professor placed his thick weathered history book on the mahogany table while not removing his unreceptive eyes from the class. Staring at the professor, he wondered how one could be so cold and inimical. He wondered how one’s eyes could cut so deep like wielding a knife on someone. He wondered how much a stare could alter one’s feelings and emotions. Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


Every single day she believed that she did the right thing. Every single day she reminded herself of the things she hated about him. Every single day she denied the love she felt for him. Still, she found favor in his sight despite her frosty attitude. She walked past him each day and her perfume assaulted his senses each time she showed up. He would say “Hi” and her eyes would reply sternly. She kept herself locked inside her walls but he never knew when to give up. Every single day he told comical accounts loud enough to let her hear them. He annoyed her. She secretly branded him a “talkative rubberneck” yet she found herself amused with his jesting. He finally

for deserving what he offered her. She felt like he was buying her and she has nothing to repay him but love. He is now living like his life depended on her. He is as distorted when she’s not around as he was so complete when she is. She was now confused yet she pretended to love him still because she pitied him. But her pity turned out to be her resentment sooner. She hated how he hung on her decisions, how he breaks down and cry, how he pleaded for her to stay, how he

took away from him brought her back to him again. It took her a long while to admit how wrong she was, sinfully ashamed of her erratic inconsistencies. Yet as she sat on her chair the morning after it all dawned on her, a surging feeling of longing to talk to him again stripped her off the shame she felt not so long ago. Her eyes landed on his back rows away from where she was as if it deliberately knew who her master was looking for. She searched his eyes—those

She prayed for one glance. Just one glance from him and she swore to embrace all the imperfections she disdained from him. Just one glance and she swore to love him back. caught her eyes dancing with laughter as she eavesdropped with his jokes one morning and the bleak hope of getting near her at last came to light. They started to talk--a sad soul in her castle and a patient chisel chipping down her walls. He talked about so many things and among these was how much he adored her. She was flattered to know about what she made him feel but she was uncertain if she feels the same way. However, as the number of their conversations grew so did the time they spent together. She realized that she could learn to love him and she slowly opened up. Once she suddenly told him how she liked to live in a house made of bricks and she turned beet red when he told her he’d make her one someday. She gave him love and he repaid her a thousand folds. He gave her so much, so much until she questioned her worth

cowered beneath her gaze and how he begged for her love. He slowly saw how the warm in her smile slowly chilled. How the tight of her hold loosened and how her eyes which spoke so much of love silenced. “Why?” he asked. Her eyes pierced him as his words deafened him. “You are someone I just can’t love long enough.” she answered. She never said sorry because she wasn’t. She believed that hurting him with the truth is just than feeding him with pretensions. Every single day she believed that she did the right thing. Every single day she reminded herself of the things she hated about him. Every single day she denied the love she felt for him. But she forgot that she is indeed a confused woman. All these times she is walking in a circle thinking it was a straight line where the very steps she

kind coffee eyes which wrinkled on their ends whenever he smiled. She bore her stare towards him letting him feel that she’s watching him. She prayed for one glance. Just one glance from him and she swore to embrace all the imperfections she disdained from him. Just one glance and she swore to love him back. She stared at him even more at exactly the same time he swung his eyes at her. A million feelings rushed in her system as her heart pulsated rapidly. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she mouthed the words “I’m sorry”. He understood well what those mutely spoken words meant along with all the unsaid regret spilling in her brown eyes yet, he wasn’t startled because unlike how she looked at him, and unlike how he once looked at her the first time in that sunny morning, he gave her the very thing she once gave him--- that cold, blank meaningless stare.

that cold, blank meaningless stare. The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University





Art is never a definition of beauty and precision but a product of one’s expression and sentiments. Writing per se as an art has always been type casted in prints until writers liberated writing through the internet and yet still is considered an art. Art’s predefined definition reformed as the present use of the social media has been transformed into a whole new different level as it is put to the advantage of sharing “art” in all its diverse form. The introduction of art using the social media gave rise to the famed millennial online personalities, prose and poetry writer, Marcelo Santos III and ex-PBB housemate and vlogger, Baninay Bautista. Using the social media, they proved that art is never conventional and can come in any forms, and that artists could express themselves in ways unseen before. Given an exclusive interview, let us know more of their lives as paved their ways as online artists.

Marcelo Santos III Q: Did you come from a family of writers? A: No. Pero may Lolo daw ako, kapatid ng Lola ko na writer daw pero hindi ko na naabutan.

Q: Let’s talk about your fame. Was it a multiple trial and error or was it an instant popularity? A: Trial and error yun. Hindi naman kasi overnight yung success pinaghihirapan Q: Your medium in writing is yun. Nagsusulat ako for 8 years,nagsusulat, unconventional. Why did you choose nagkakamali,nagbabago, nagiging mas social media as one of your channels in better. Unending learning process naman sharing your work? yun. Ngayon, hindi naman yung fame ang A: Graduate kasi ako ng Advertising at iniisip ko. Mas importante sa akin ang may tinuruan kami kung paano i- advertise yung maraming nakakabasa at nababahagian ko sarili mo na mas maraming makakabasa. So ng mga sinusulat ko. sa social media kasi kung saan yung patok, yung may maraming mga readers doon Q: As a writer, did you ever have din ako. Kaya naman na sumunod ng mga setbacks? Were there times when you traditional na pamamaraan kagaya ng mga thought that writing was not for you? libro pero kailangan din na mag-adapt tayo A: Maraming beses kong naiisip na mag kung ano yung uso ngayon para mabasa ka work na lang kaya ako na related sa ng mga tao. Advertising. Meron akong mga down


Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


moments kapag malungkot ako na parang gusto ko nang bumitaw sa pagsusulat pero ganun nga, kung ano talaga yung reason ko kung bakit ako nagsusulat naaala ko yun aside na parang bread and butter ko na rin ang pagsusulat dahil dito ako nakaka-earn. Q: Your language medium in writing is the Filipino language, how do you see yourself as someone who promotes the art of using the Filipino language in literary works? A: Simple lang, kasi bakit tayo gagamit ng iba kung may sarili tayong wika? Q: Aside from writing what are your other skills most people do not know about? A: Parang wala. Pero talent ba yung manood ka ng TV series na 10 episodes per day? Hindi. Joke lang. Pero nagsasayaw ako dati like mga traditional na sayaw.

Q; Among the books you have written which one is your favorite? A: Ang pinaka paborito ko sa lahat na nasulat ko ay “Para sa Broken-hearted” kasi yun talaga ang parang kwento ko. Kasi naiiyak ako habang nag-susulat ako noon, habang sinusulat ko yung climax ng story ramdam na rmdam ko talaga yung emosyon at nagustuhan din naman ito ng mga tao. Q: Is writing to you and inherent skill or a passion? A: Passion talaga kasi one time nagbabasa ao ng Twilight, nasabi ko na gusto kong magsulat ng ganito. Bata pa lang kasi ako nagsusulat na ako at feeling ko na binigay talaga sa akin na talent ang pagsusulat at naging passion ko ang pag share nito sa ibang tao.

Q: As an author, name the authors you admire the most? A: Sa mga Filipino writers,marami kagaya nila Bob Ong at Eros S. Atalia. Sa mga international writers naman sila Mitch Albom at Wendelin Van Draanen yung author ng libro na Flipped na naging inspiratin ko para sa bago kong libro next year. Q: What is your message to the BukSuan students who are your avid readers and to the writers who see you as an inspiration? A: Sobrang salamat na na-appreciate nila yung talent na nababahagi ko sa kanila.Sa mga gustong maging writer katulad ko, lagi lang nilang tatandaan yung purpose sa passion nila sa pagsusulat. Higit sa lahat importante na hindi dapat mawawala yung love sa craft na ginagawa nila.

Baninay Bautista

mga taong may mga positive na comments. Sila talaga yung kung baga reason ko, yung “What kept me going”.

Q: How changed was your life the moment you went out the PBB House? A: Nagbago yung buhay ko kasi mas nakilala ko yung sarili ko kasi yung experience ko sa PBB parang retreat kung baga. Mas nahanap ko yung sarili ko at mas na-appreciate ko yung worth ko.

Q: What is in vlogging which made you do it with passion? A: Kasi one way yung vlogging to express myself at yung may mga taong nasasabi nila na ikaw yung stress reliever nila. Yun talaga yung pinaka nagustuhan ko sa vlogging aside na madali siyang gawin at aside na dito ako magaling. Naniniwala din kasi ako sa nabasa ko na “Do not follow your passion. Follow your efforts.” Kung saan ka nagbibigay ng time and effort doon ka mag focus.

Q: How do you deal with negative comments? A: Sa akin delete and block yung gingawa ko kasi negativity is contagious para sa akin. Parang more on bago pa man magQ: What led you to do vlogging? A: Na- inspire ako ni Kuya Wil Dasovich agree yung iba sa mga negative comments kasi nasabi niya na may potential daw ako about sa mga malilit na details ng video sa vlogging at nag-inspire din sa akin ang pini-prevent ko na dahil sabi nga nila “ prevention is better than cure.”

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University

Q: How different are you now as a vlogger from the Baninay who was an ex- PBB housemate? A: Noon kasi excited ako sa mga “first times” ngayon I’m not the Baninay, “the Probinsyana na first-timer sa lahat ng bagay.” Ngayon hinahanap ko yung mga bagay kung saan ako masaya, kung saan ako mas kalmado. Ngayon siguro, yung appreciating things ang pinaka nagbago sa Baninay before at ngayon. Q: What is your message to the aspiring and rising vloggers? A: First, don’t do it for the money. Second, do what you love to do. Kung saan ka magaling doon ka. Alamin mo kung ano yung gusto mo talagang gawin otherwise malulunod ka sa thought na kailangan mong kumita ng pera. Pinaka-importante din yung continuous na pag-upload kasi you will never know what will become viral. Try and try until may papatok at until may makikita kang may ma lo-love ng mga tao sayo.



a place in the universe BY KARL BRYAN BAGO “What do you want to become when you grow up?” — this question reverberated in the thoughts of a young carefree boy as he forced to picture out an image of himself in the future. Without sheer confidence he told the crowd of wanting to be an astronaut. At some point when he’s older, his preference shifted to a biologist, and finally an architect before his access to college. Years later, the boy snapped back to reality, realizing he killed all of those ambitions—worse, discovered he doesn’t have a true dream after all. Most of us have dreams and ambitions in life. We are immersed in a society where being futuristic is essential and that setting figments of goals would lead us to a steady course in life. But have you ever reached an instance of wondering things like ‘What am I passionate about aside from playing video games and wasting time on Facebook and Instagram? Am I in the right direction? Do I really love this course or job?’—questions which stems out from someone who incontestably seeks the path of contentment and selfactualization. Dreams define us—they reflect our inner thoughts, feelings, desires, passions, and needs in life. However, we often neglect the fact that dreams are dreams, that they are mere product of thoughts and without action, they are good as dead. When we really desire to accomplish things, this desire mobilizes us in taking a step towards the coveted goals. But when things go wrong and the dream has slipped from our grasps, we stumble and succumb


ourselves with spirits of regret and failure, which induces us to stop trying and to leave those dreams behind us. For while dreams are spawned simply by our infinite imagination, it could also be annihilated easily by devious tricks of other people and the society itself.

“But then dreams don’t have to die, because sometimes they change—a serendipitous moment when we surmise our plans may not be the plans set by God and that we are meant to be in a greener pasture.” In an article published by Japan Times, the number of deaths associated to suicide peaked at over 21,000 in 2016— an utterly ironic situation for Japan who’s recognized as one of the highly industrialized countries. The root of this dilemma, draws us back to the inner hollowness caused by great pressure, failure, condemned weakness, and society-mandated ambitions itself. People like them and some of us, had to throw away our passion in fear of not receiving acceptance. But the sad truth is that by giving away our dreams, is like burying down our inner self and letting others control our being which in the end, leaves us in perish.

Deviated ambitions aren’t caused by the society alone, most of the time it is a battle against our own will. We divert from what we planned because we worry much about what others may think. We tend to compare ourselves from others which then drains out confidence and selfesteem. In most cases, simply because of the lack of opportunity and finances to support our chosen endeavor. And by losing or having no dream at all, we are vulnerable to whispered lies of shame and having no purpose in life. But then dreams don’t have to die, because sometimes they change—a serendipitous moment when we surmise our plans may not be the plans set by God and that we are meant to be in a greener pasture. When we come across this point, let us be aware that our lives, like stars in the universe, has its own destined place to shine. And dreams, like silent galaxies, calls us to examine the vast expanse of our inner selves and seek the ultimate purpose in life. The boy (who speaks to you at this very moment) realized that true happiness comes when you utilize your passion into something that will put contentment in your heart. An artist should remain an artist, a volunteer should keep the art of helping—such innate natures of ourselves that can never be snatched by others. A feasible dream is the desire that will bring us into ultimately helping ourselves and others. And as Paulo Coelho said in his book The Alchemist, “when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” — Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University




A graceful harmony of violence and empathic story stringed with powerful scenes and searing grit. This Filipino movie dazed the movie world — winning the Best Picture Award at the 29th Tokyo International Film Festival. It focuses on two distinct phantasmagoric crimes in a rough town investigated by an interesting duo of a veteran and a newbie police officer. Sharp acting and splendid cinematography was shown throughout the spectacle. The exquisitely written story simulates a peculiar atmosphere that your tummy goes upside down whilst spiking chills throughout your flesh. A simple yet powerful glimpse on the Philippine status quo. Although the ending felt forced, you’ll still get enchanted anyway. Birdshot is now streaming on Netflix.


One of the bravest movie in contemporary times. A riveting story centered on the distinct power of journalism of the Pulitzer Prize – winning Boston Globe Investigation. The movie revolves around the exploration of nasty abuses placed under wraps by one of the world’s most respected institution. It gracefully managed the grisly details of the story — resisting to castigate and glorify the real life subjects while also respecting the audience. It’s thrilling, fascinating, and eyeopening. Even disturbing because of its bizarre subject. All thanks to the stellar ensemble of cast and direction. This will surely paddle your soul. Although it isn’t a movie worth recommending to an average moviegoer but if you’re a hardcore film fan, welcome to heaven *wink*.


Are you experiencing the intricacies of love and loss all at the same time? If yes, then let Lang Leav’s bestselling book, Love and Misadventure be your happy therapy. Creatively illustrated and beautifully written, Love and Misadventure will take you into an emotionally stirring ride from the ups of love, towards the downs of sorrows and into the painful plunge of heartbreak. Lang’s knack of signifying complex emotions of love and pain through poetry and prose will bring you into the multifaceted heights, depths and versions of love. For those who were born lovers of poetry and for those curious of its beauty, Lang’s Love and Misadventure’s sporadic breaks from poetry into poetic prose is something you would definitely love. For those crying with a broken heart, don’t just cry. I suggest you cry while reading this book and you will never regret having read it at all.


What do you do when you envy? When you regret? When you hate? When you must face change? When you can’t see angels? When you pray? When you need God? When you are so messed up and you look for peace but can’t seem to find it? You Too Can Find Peace by Madge Haines is a real treasure trove of insightful experiences etched in various mediums of life situations packed up with moral counselling and spiritual guidance. This book can serve as a guide to those who are terrified and plagued by self-turmoil providing meaningful ways towards trust, hope and positivity in growing through life’s experiences by gaining wisdom from the experience of others through Haines’ remarkable gift in illustrating inspiration in every story written in this book. If you seek for mere reading leisure this book fits everyone’s interest. When moments of fear, uncertainty and restlessness torment your soul let this book help you gain confidence in facing apprehension and life’s obstacles. Surely this book can rehabilitate your soul and strengthen your faith towards living a far more meaningful tomorrow.

You Too Can Find Peace


Collegianer / Vol. 1 No. 2


The Official Student Publication of Bukidnon State University


THE ‘WOKE’ ISSUE 2nd SEMESTER S.Y. 2017-2018


THIS MAGAZINE COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY COLLEGIANER All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reprinted or utilized, in part or in whole, without permission of the publication and its respective writers.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.