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1 The Sneetches
The unfortunate Sneetches are bamboozled by one Sylvester McMonkey McBean ("the Fix-it-up Chappie"), who teaches them that pointless prejudice can be costly.
2 The Zax
A South-Going Zax and a North-Going Zax seem determined to butt heads on the prairie of Prax.
3 Too Many Daves
Mrs. McCave had 23 sons and named them all Dave. After, she prefers different names, like Marvin O'Gravel Balloon Face or Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate.
4 What Was I Scared Of?
Spooky trousers start in the dark forest, but appear closer and more often, even in broad daylight.
Wacky illustrations and tongue-twisting rhymes are Suess specialties.