Le Temp De L'Amour

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Le Temp de L’Amour Timeless Fall/Winter Season Lookbook

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Table of Contents

01 02

Rice for Thought

03 04

05 06

Feminine Intellect

Soul of a Master

07 08 Beholder’s Eye

09 10

11 12

Myth or Legend

Who Can Blame Him?

13 14

Crepe Touch

15 16

Cool Serenity

17 18

Without Further Adieu

Page 1

“I look at this life as a puzzle without all the pieces in the box.� - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

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Heart of a Lover Page 3

My heart can get completely consumed by emotion, crushed by the beauty or ugliness of a concept. I love to have such experiences, much like the rest of the world, where I allow someone’s art, their literary or visual creation to cast a dizzy spell on my senses or give me clarity and insight in the way I experience my environment. Interpretation is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. It allows us to take offense, or accept wisdom, to fall into an abyss of our own turmoil or become encased by the shell of some peaceful serenity. I love to have this freedom because it is a reminder that I am alive. The connection between two people is said to be the most unpredictable type of love there is. Emotions get in the way and feuds cause friction. Friction brings damage, and damage begets distruction. The connection between art and one’s eye, however, is even more unpredictable than the aforementioned. A Roccoco piece can cause a well of emotions to spur, a book can spread wisdom and evoke a riveting passion within the reader’s heart. In an outstanding way, books are very much art, and art is like one’s lover. This lookbook is the exploration of such beauty and romance between two lovers. Destiny A. Charles

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Bo ok sa re m .. ore than doctors.

Photography: Jess Brohier Model: Charlotte Jane Styling: Poppy Buntz MUA: Sarah McFadden

Page 6

Photography: David Gomez Maestre Model: Dasha Daraganova Stylist: Louis Rubi MUA: Javier Ceferino

Page 7

Photography: Phil Poynter Model: Iana Godnia Stylist: Julie Pelipas




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Oth ers a r e f r i e n d s w h

Photography: Lee Robbins Model: Ronnie Quick Stylist: Lottie Warren Hair & Makeup: Alex Crown

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Photography: Irina Gavrich Model: Benedikt Angerer Stylist: Felix Leblhuber MUA: Marlene Hoffmann


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Photo in courtesy of Topman

Page 11

clip ar o u n d t h e


Photography: Sora Kusaka Model: Yudai Suzuki MUA: Sora Kusaka Stylist: Takuma Nishizaka

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Page 13


Photography: Baurjan Bismildin Model: Aidana Concept, set-design, style: Assel Abilkhamit Muah: Anny Wond Team Manicure: Dermalogica Beauty Salon Art-direction: Étage Group

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Photography: Baurjan Bismildin Model: Aidana Concept, set-design, style: Assel Abilkhamit Muah: Anny Wond Team Manicure: Dermalogica Beauty Salon Art-direction: Étage Group

Page 16

“Books are more than doctors, of course. Some novels are loving, lifelong companions; some give you a clip around the ear; others are friends who wrap you in warm towels when you’ve got those autumn blues. And some...well, some are pink candy floss that tingles in your brain for three seconds and leaves a blissful voice. Like a short, torrid love affair.” The Little Paris Bookshop Nina George

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Photography Styling

Models Charlotte Jane Dasha Daraganova Iana Godnia Ronnie Quick Benedikt Angerer Yudai Suzuki Aidana

MUA Sarah McFadden Javier Ceferino Alex Crown Marlene Hoffmann Anny Wond Team Dermalogica Beauty Salon


Poppy Buntz Louis Rubi Julie Pelipas Lottie Warren Felix Leblhuber Assel Abilkhamit Étage Group

Sofia Sanchez & Mauro Mongiello Jess Brohier David Gomez Maestre Phil Poynter Lee Robbins Irina Gavrich Baurjan Bismildin Topman

Page 18

Cheers To This Torrid Love Affair...

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