Microbe Mission The Different Types of Microbes I.
Protozoa A. Basics
C. D.
E. F. G. H. I. J.
1. One-celled eukaryotic animals; smallest of all animals 2. Grouped by method of locomotion 3. Can live in water, and perform basic life functions i. Breath, eat, move, reproduce 4. Most can only be seen under a microscope Muscular/ Skeletal System 1. A protozoa has no inner or outer skeleton. They move a variety of ways. The ameba has a false foot that extends as it moves. The paramecium is covered with hairs and the euglena has a whip-like tail to move. (flagellum) Digestive System 1. A protozoa takes in food via the water and stores the food in sacs called vacuoles. They eat tiny algae and bacteria. Nervous System 1. A protozoa has a very low level reaction to the world around it and does not have a brain per se. They can react to light and temperature changes. Circulatory System 1. A protozoa has water flow in through the pores. The water contains the food and oxygen the protozoa needs. Respiratory System 1. A protozoa takes in oxygen through the cell membrane and gives off carbon dioxide through the cell membrane. Reproductive System 1. A protozoa reproduces by splitting in half. This is called fission. Excretory System 1. A protozoa has sacs called vacuoles that take in and get rid of water. Symmetry 1. A protozoa is usually asymmetrical. Coloration 1. A protozoa is very microscopic and is pale in color generally.
Fungi A. Basics 1. One or multi-celled organisms 2. Thrives in damp conditions, without or without sunlight
B. Muscular/ Skeletal System 1. Fungi have an outer skeleton or cell wall composed of chitin. 2. Most fungi cannot move, rely on other forces to move a. Wind, water, animals b. Some have flagellum to move C. Digestive System 1. Excretes an enzyme that consumes the outer layer of food. It breaks down nutrients for fungi to absorb. Its relationship with most things is parasitical D. Nervous System 1. Fungi have no nervous system, but have an endocrine system that allows reaction to basic stimuli. E. Circulatory System 1. Fungi have no heart, but have a closed circulatory system made of hyphae. F. Respiratory System. 1. Fungi have no respiratory system, but their cells go through cellular respiration. (Oxidizing energy) G. Reproductive System 1. Reproduce asexually H. Excretory System 1. Osmosis transfers waste products such as carbon dioxide and ammonia. I. Symmetry 1. Fungi have radial symmetry. J. Coloration 1. Highly varied, depends on habitat, genetics and health.
Protists A. Basics 1. One or multi-cellular organisms without specialized tissue 2. Thrive in water B. Muscular/ Skeletal System 1. Most move with cilia; little hairs 2. Some have cell walls C. Digestive System 1. Some can filter feed with flagellum 2. Some can use photo synthesis 3. Others can engulf bacteria by extending cell membrane i. Internal digestion D. Nervous System 1. Protists have no nervous system
2. Movements based on chemical reactions in body E. Circulatory System 1. Have no circulatory system 2. Pass nutrients by diffusion F. Respiratory System 1. Have no respiratory system 2. Rely on diffusion to get oxygen G. Reproductive System 1. Some sexually (conjugate), others asexually H. Excretory System 1. A protist uses its vacuole to get rid of waste 2. Or it can use diffusion I. Symmetry 1. Some have one line of symmetry 2. Others have radial symmetry J. Coloration 1. Mostly yellow-brown in color IV.
Bacteria A. Basics 1. Single-celled prokaryotic microorganisms 2. Wide variety of shapes; i. rod, cones, spiral or helical 3. Lives in every habitat on Earth B. Muscular/ Skeletal System 1. Bacteria have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan, which is a network of polysaccharide molecules connected b y polypeptide crosslinks. i. Gram positive or gram negative a. Reaction to the gram stain test b. Gram-positive bacteria possess a thick cell wall with many layers of peptidoglycan. c. Gram-negative bacteria possess a thinner cell wall with a second lipid membrane; less peptidoglycan. d. Most bacteria are gram-negative; only Firmicutes and Actinobacteria are grampositive. 2. Have a cell membrane. C. Digestive System 1. Secrete digestive enzymes D. Nervous System 1. Bacteria have a nervous system based on enzymes that trigger reactions
E. Circulatory System 1. Have no circulatory system, rely on diffusion F. Respiratory System 1. Uses diffusion to take in oxygen G. Reproductive System 1. Bacteria reproduce using binary fission (asexually) by splitting itself in half. H. Excretory System 1. Bacteria use diffusion to get rid of waste through the cell membrane I. Symmetry 1. Bacteria can be symmetrical two ways, one way, or infinitely number of ways. J. Coloration 1. Mostly clear Virus A. Basics 1.