China Mirror-Trilingual-Bi Monthly Magazine

Page 1

iuia: f,dalhg fukau wdishdjg b;d jeo.;a jQ

fnhsðx k.rfha cd;Hka;r idlÉPd uKavm folla second belt and road forum for international cooperation

& conference on dialogue of asian civilizations

—fuu uq,msreu whs;s jkafka Ökhg muKla fkdfõ' th iuia: f,dalhgu újD;h' tuÕska oekg wdrïN fldg ;sfnk jHdmD;s i|yd Ökh" idudðl iEu rglgu wjldYh imhd ;sfí' h<s;a isysm;a jkafka wm rg tu wjldYhka w;rg fkdhEfï wreuhhs'˜

;%sNdId-oaù udisl | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊

Volume 01 | Issue 02 April-May

ISSN 2682-6909 9



China Mirror 中国 Ök levm; RS镜子 .150/= | ¥.| 61

5 tla ;Srhla yd udj;la iuia: f,dalhg fukau wdishdjg b;d jeo.;a jQ fnhsðx k.rfha cd;Hka;r idlÉPd uKavm folla

;%sNdId-oaù udisl | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊

Volume 01 | Issue 02 April-May

8 BRI an act of imposing a much

needed strong conceptual frame works to a geo political reality

10 A Single Flower Does Not Make Spring!


Ambassador Cheng Xueyuan on the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations)

科伦坡港口城,中斯共建“一带 一路”伟大项目——斯里兰卡对 华友好组织代表参观港口城 视频 地址:


China's B & R Initiative

19 a blessing for

16 ol=Kq wdishdfõ fyd|u uQ,H k.rh

Sri Lanka

fld<U uQ,H k.rh

28 Ökfha áfngh

35 Ök ffjoH l,dj

2 fldgi

Liang: China's 39 Shi First Minister of Justice

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


l;= jelsh ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreu ms<snoj wo úúO mqoa.,fhda úúO woyia m< lr;s' f,dalh iuÕ wd¾Ól yd iudc ixj¾Ok l%fudamdhhka fnodyod .ekSug ßis we;af;da fuu uq,msreu ms<s.ks;s' úúO foaYmd,k Wmdh ud¾.hhka imqrd .ekSu i|yd ck;dj fm<kakg ßis we;af;da fuu uq, msreu m%;slafIam lr;s'

;%sNdId-oaù udisl | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊

Volume 01 | Issue 02 April-May

úOdhl ixialdrl Executive Editor ixj¾Okh fjñka mj;sk rgj,a muKla fkdj ixj¾ê; rgj,ao ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msreug tlaj we;af;a fuu uq,msrefuka Ökhg muKla fkdj Bg tlajk iEu rglgu ;sfnk m%;s,dN wjfndaOlrf.k hehs —Ök levm;— meyeÈ,sj is;hs' fujr Ök levm; ljrfha l;d fm< ;=<ska ta ms<snoj lÈu woyila ,efnk neúka fuys,d tu m%;s,dN .ek i|yka fkdlruq'

bkaødkkao wfífialr Indrananda Abeysekera WmfoaYl jre Consultants ohd Y%S kf¾kaø rdcmlaI Daya Sri Narendra Rajapaksha iqñ;a udhdÿkafka Sumith Mayadunne m%Odk ixialdrl Editor in Chief uOqYdka l=,r;ak Madushan Kularathne iyh ixialdrjre Assistant Editors

wm rg ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreug tlaj we;;a ta i|yd il%Sh odhl;ajhla fkdoelaùu lK.dgqjg ldrKhls' wmf.a m%;sm;a;s iïmdolhka jvd;a ta ms<snoj wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;= hehs wms is;uq' fujeks ixj¾Ok l%fudamdhhkag ndOdjlaj mj;skafka wm rfÜ n, foaYmd,k jqjukdjka njo wmg isf;a' flfia fj;;a ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msreug tlajQjka Ökh ms<sno ;nd ;sfnk úYajdih fld;rïo hkak ;Srhla yd udj;la ms<sn| fojeks cd;Hka;r idlÉPd uKavmhg iyNd.sjQ rdcH kdhlfhda wmg fmkajd fo;s' fuu uq,msreu whs;s jkafka Ökhg muKla fkdfõ' th iuia; f,dalhgu újD;h' tuÕska oekg wdrïN fldg ;sfnk jHdmD;s i|yd Ökh" idudðl iEu rglgu wjldYh imhd ;sfí' h<s;a isysm;a jkafka wm rg tu wjldYhka w;rg fkdhEfï wreuhhs' fuu uq, msreug f,dal kdhlhska olajk ie,ls,a, wm rgg fmkqko th fkdolskjd fia isákafka fjk;a rgj,a i;=gg m;alsÍfï wNs,dYh Tjqka i;=j ;sfnk neúka hehso wm ;=< iel u;=fõ' ;%ia;jd§ m%ydrfhka miqmig weÿKq wm rfÜ ixj¾Okh h<s hym;a lr .ekSfï m%n, jEhula ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreug wjxlju wkq.; ùfuka oeÍug yelsnjo mjikq leue;af;uq' fuys§ Ökh ñ;=rl= nj jvd;a mila lr.; hq;=h' Ökh wid¾:l jQ rgla fkdfõ' Ökh ish 70 jeks cd;sl Èkh iurkafka 41 jirl újD; iy m%;sixialrK m%;sm;a;sfha uyÕ= odhdo /ila w;a lrf.k ;sfnk jd;djrKh hgf;a iy f,dalh ;=< woaú;Sh úfoaY m%;sm;a;shl kshe<S isák fudfyd;lh' wm rg úiska Ök uyck iuQydKavqj ms<s.kq ,enQfha" th msysgjQ wdikakfhauh' tfy;a uE;l§ kj Ökh ms<s.;a rgj, kdhlfhda wmg jvd Ök ixj¾Okfha w;aoelSï Wlyd .ekSug Wkkaÿj isá;s'

ksYdka; úl%uisxy Nishantha Wickramasinghe f,iag¾ rEmisxy Lester Rupasinghe rE rgd yd ks¾udKh Graphic & Layouts fla' ã' tia' mq,ia;s Design Factory mß.Kl wl=re weuqKqu Computer Typesetting ví' whs' tka' fl!uq§ W. I. N. Kaumudi kS;s WmfoaYl Legal Consultant kS;s{ ridx. yßYapkaø Rasanga Harischandra uQ,H l<uKdlrKh Financial Managment ufyakaø úfÊ;=x. Mahendra wijethunga oekaùï l<uKdlrKh Advertising Management ks¨mq,a fmf¾rd Nilupul Perera fiamd, fõrf.dv Sepala Weragoda c.;a ch;s,l Jagath Jayathilaka fnodyeÍï Distribution ta' whs' tï' idrelaLdka A. I. M. Zarookkhan uqøKh Printing Lithonlines (Pvt) Ltd

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4 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

tla ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msreu f,dalhgu odhdohls' wfma%,a iy uehs udihkays fnhsðx k.rfha meje;s cd;Hka;r idlÉPd uKavm fol iuia: f,dalhg fukau úfYaIfhka wdishdjg b;d jeo.;a jQ nj uq<skau i|yka l< hq;=h' cd;Hka;r iyfhda.;dj i|yd jk fojeks ;Srhla iy udj;la idlÉPd uKavmh (Second Belt & Road Forum for International Cooperation) wfma%,a 25 - 27 w;r id¾:lj meje;s w;r uehs udifha 15 jkod wdishdkq YsIagdpdr ms<sn| ixjdo iïfï,kh (Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations) meje;aúK'

lsÍug kj l%fudamdhla y÷kajd§ ;sfí' 2013 fkdjeïn¾ udifha§ Ök fldñhqksiaÜ fuh mjq,a ixj¾Okh iy fmdÿ iuDoaêh mlaIfha 18 jeks uOHu lñgq ;=kajeks i|yd lÈu wdo¾Yhls' kj udj;ls' mQ¾K ieisjdrfha§ há;, in|;d wi,ajeis rgj,a w;r jHdma; lsÍu iy 2013 iema;eïn¾ udifha§ Ök ckdêm;s ;Srhla iy udj;la uq,msreug myiqlï Is ðkamsx uy;d ish lilia:dk iemhSu ms<snoj wjOdrKfhka i|yka ixpdrfha§ kid¾nfhaõ úYaj úoHd,fha lf<ah' l< foaYKfha§ fiao udj; wd¾Ól ;Srh ms<sn|j m%:u jrg i|ykla lf<ah' ish 2013 foieïn¾ udifha§ jd¾Isl uOHu foaYKfha§ ckdêm;sjrhd fhdackd lf<a wd¾Ól ld¾h iïfï,kfha§ há;, Ökh iy uOHu wdishdj fiao udj; myiqlï wka;¾ in|;d m%j¾Okh lsÍu wd¾Ól ;Srhla ia:dms; l< hq;= njh' iy fmdÿ wNs,dIhka ms<sn| m%cdjla msysgqùu ms<sn|j ;Srhla iy udj;la 2013 Tlaf;dïn¾ udifha§ bkaÿkSishdkq uq,msÍï ioyd l%fudamdhsl ie,iqï md¾,sfïka;=j weu;+ IS ðkamsx uy;d

;Srhla iy udj;la ms<sno uq,msÍu ìysjQ od isg fuf;la meje;s idlÉPd uKavm" iïfï,k iy ixjdo fukau úúO m%o¾YK b;d M,odhl úh' ta w;ru Ök md¾Yjh úiska Èh;a lrk ,o fyda fhdackd lrk ,o úúO uq,msßï wod< oaúmd¾Yaúl yd nyq md¾Yaúl ,sms f,aLk jk cd;Hka;r iyfhda.;dj i|yd ;Srhla iy udj;la hk idlÉPd uKavm rduqj hgf;a jk nyq md¾Yaúl iyfhda.;d hdka;%Khka" wdfhdack jHdmD;s iy jHdmD;s f,aLk ms<sn|j f,dj úoaj;=kaf.a iy rdcH ks<OdÍkaf.a oeä wjOdkh fhduqj ;sfnk nj;a fmfkkakg ;sfí' Y; j¾I .Kkdjlg fmr mer‚ f.dvìu iy uqyqÿ fiao udj; È fjf<kafoda yd .fõYlfhda ÿIalr .ukl fhÿKdy' Tgqjka u;ska yd fk!ld u.ska wêl ysre rYañh me;sr .sh ldka;dr pKav udre; yeuQ uyd id.r ;rKh fldg Tjqyq kef. kysr yd ngysr w;r fjf<| in|;d iy mqoa., in|;d Yla;su;a l<y' tfy;a wo ;Srhla iy udj;la uq,msreu (Belt & Road Initiative) fjf<|" mqoa.," ixialD;sl iy wd¾Ól in|;d Yla;su;a

Ökh wdishdka (ASEAN) ne£u ;j ;j;a ióm lrùu .ek i|yka lrñka — 21 jeks Y;j¾I uqyqÿ fiao udj; ms<sn| ud¾f.damfoaY fy<s lf<ah' ish l;dfõ§ Is ðkamsx uy;d wdishdkq há;, wdfhdack nexl=j (AllB) msysgqùfï fhdackdj bÈßm;a lf<a há;, bÈlsÍï i|yd uqo,a fhoùu iy l,dmSh wka;¾ in|;djh yd wd¾Ól taldnoaO;djh ixj¾Okh lsÍfï jeo.;aluo fmkajd foñks'

iliaúh hq;= hehs b,a,d isáfhah' fï wd§ jYfhka bÈßhg we§ ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreu f,dj fiiq rgj,a iuÕ w;aje,a ne|.;af;ah' ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreu th Wm; ,o 2013 jif¾ isg jir yhla mqrd m%;HlaI m%;sM, fk,df.k ;sfí' tfukau th f,dal jHdma; iyfhda.ho tla lrf.k ;sfí' fï jk úg rgj,a 126 la iy cd;Hka;r ixúOdk 29 la fuu uq,msreug China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


w;aika fldg ;sîuo lemS fmfkk ldrKhls' iY%Sl fõ.j;a fjf<|du iy wdfhdack .e,Su fmdaIKh lsÍug ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msrefï iyfhda.;dj fnfyúka bjy,a ù we;'

myiqlï miq tu nexl=j ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msrefï bÈlsÍï i|yd m%Odk nyqmd¾Yùh fõÈldjla njg m;aj ;sfí' th b;d läkñka f.da,Sh úYajdihg iy ms<s.ekSug m;aj we;' 2010 jir wjidkh jk úg tu nexl=fõ idudðl rgj,a .Kk 93 ls' bkaÿkSishdj" mlsia:dkh" ´udkh" ;=¾lsh yd Bðma;=j we;¨ rgj,a 13 l jHdmD;s 35 la i|yd tlai;a ckmo fvd,¾ ñ,shk 7'5 la wkqu; fldg ;sfí'

tfukau th wdishdj" hqfrdamh" wm%sldj iy bka Tíng uQ,H m%fõYhka myiq lsÍug;a jvd;a jHdma; fock;d ñ;% yqjudre ks¾udKh lsÍug;a bv i<id § ;sfí' ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msrefï M,odhl;ajh iy ckm%sh;ajh miqmi fya;= lsysmhla ;sfnk nj meyeÈ,sh' uq<skau lsjfyd;a th újD;Ndjfha Ôj.=Kh iy wfkHdakH m%;s,dNh ;=<ska uq,a neif.k we;' fuys§ jir follg fmr cd;Hka;r iyfhda.;dj i|yd jk m%:u ;Srhla yd udj;la idlÉPd uKavmfha§ Ök ckdêm;s Isx ðkamsx uy;d l< l;dfõ jels fm<la i|yka l< hq;= hehs wms is;uq' —fiiq rgj,a iuÕ ixj¾Ok Ndú;djka fnodyod .ekSug wms iQodkñka isáuq' tfy;a fjk;a rgj, wNka;r lghq;= j,g w;fmùug" iudc l%uh yd wdlD;sh wmkhkh lsÍug fyda wêIaGdkh fjk;a wh flfrys mekùug wm ;=< fÉ;kdjla ke;' ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msreu ¨yqne| hEfï§ l,amek .sh N+ foaYmd,k b,lal imqrd .ekSul wm ksr; fkdfjuq— ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msrefï iyfhda.;d iSudj ;=< Ökh úia;D; WmfoaYKh taldnoaO ixj¾Okh iy fnod yod.;a m%;s,dN ms<sn| uQ,O¾uh ms<smeo iy w;ayod n,d ;sfí' ta tlu ld,h ;=< wjia:djka w;aoelSï yd m%d.aOkh tla ;Srhla yd tla udj;la uq,msrefï yjq,alrejkag fukau jHdma;jQ f,dalhg f.k tk w;ru iajhx ixj¾Okh fiùfukah' wo f,dalh ;=< tla udj;la tla ;Srhla uq,msrefï wod<;djh iy jeo.;alu idlaIshla jYfhka tys oelau" tlai;a cd;Ska (UN) 20 lKavdhu (G20) wdishd - Ydka;slr wd¾Ól iyfhda.S;dj iy Yexyhs iyfhda.;d ixúOdkh (SCO) we;=¿ m%Odk cd;Hka;r wdh;k iy iyfhda.S;d fõÈldjka f.a ,sms f,aLkhkag we;=<;a fldg ;sfí' fojkqj i|yka l<hq;= jkafka ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msreu rgj,a w;r ióm ne§ï wNsj¾Okh lsÍu i|yd fõÈldjla imhd ;sîuh' fiao udj; Ôj .=Kfha uÕ fmkaùu hgf;a" ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreu iyfhda.;dj m%j¾Okh lsÍug wruqKq

6 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

lrf.k we;af;a m%Odk lafIa;% mylskah' m%;sm;a;s iïnkaëlrKh há;, iïnkaOk yelshdj fjf<|du uQ,H iy fock;d yqjudre tu lafIa;% myh' m%;sm;a;s iïnkaëlrKh hym;a iyfhda.;djlg m%Odk fya;=jh' Ök rch wka rgj,a u; ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreu nf,ka megùug lsisúfgl;a W;aiy ord ke;' tfy;a ish ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msrefï yjq,alrejka ms<sno ixj¾Ok l%fudamd yev.iajkakg ióm wjOdkfhka isáhs' fï jk úg Ökh fuu uq,msrefï yjq,alrejka iuÕ m%;sm;a;s .súiqï w;aikafldg ;sfí' kS;s yd ;;ajhka nÿlrKh yd nqoaêuh foam< wdrlaIdj we;=¿ lafIa;% Bg we;=<;ah' há;, myiqlï ixj¾Okh ;j;a lemS fmfkk fufyhqï idOlhls' fuys lÈu WodyrKhla jkafka .%Sisfha Piraeus jrdfha nyÆ yeisrùfï Odß;djhs' th f,dalfha by<u jrdh 100 w;=frka 36 jk ;ekg m;aj ;sfí' Ök COSCO SHIPPING iud.u iuÕ tu jrdh .súiqï .;j isáhs' m%;sm;a;s iïnkaëlrKh ;=< w;aika flreKq há;, myiqlï .súiqï uÕska ÿïßh ud¾." uyd ud¾." .=jka m%jdykh n,Yla;sh iy úÿ,s ixfoaY jHdmD;s oDYH m%.;shla ysñlrf.k ;sfí' fuu jHdmD;s jHdmdßl wjia:djka imhd ;sfnkafka Ök iud.ï i|yd muKla fkdfõ' f,dj fiiq jHjidhsl iud.ï i|yd o tu jHdmdßl wjia:d jHdma;j ;sfí' WodyrK jYfhka mlsia:dk iskaÈ m<df;a iq<x fldßfvdaj y÷kajd§ug yelsh' tlai;a ckmo nyqmd¾Yaúl taldnoaO;d General Electric iud. ug Ökfha Power China iud.u iq<x g¾nhsk imhk w;r tlai;a ckmo iud.u tu iskaÈ m<d;a jHdmD;shg jir 10 l ld,hla fufyhqï yd kv;a;= fiajd imhhs' uQ,H iyfhda.;djfha§ Ökh" ;Srhla yd udj;la yjq,alrejka iy m%Odk f.da,Sh uQ,H wdh;k iuÕ lghq;= lrñka wod< jHdmD;s i|yd úúOdx. lr‚; iy Yla;su;a wruqo,a .,khla iy;sl lrhs' 2010 § wdishdkq há;,

;=kajkqj i|yka l< hq;= jkafka jvd;a iuDoaêu;a f.da,Sh fjf<|dula jvd;a újD; f,dal wd¾Ólhla iy jvd;a wka;¾.; wd¾Ól f.da,ShlrKhla i|yd kj udj;la we;sÍug ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msreu W;aiy oeÍuh' jir yh ;=<" Ökh iy fuu uq,msrefï yjq,aldr rgj,a w;r iuia: fjf<|dfï jákdlu tlai;a ckmo fvd,¾ á%,shk 6 blaujd we;' tu rgj,a i|yd Ökh úiska lrk ,o wdfhdackh tlai;a ckmo fvd,¾ ì,shk 80 la blaujd ;sfí' f,dal nexl= wOHhhkg wkqj fuys ;j;a lemS fmfkk ldrKhla jkafka ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreï iyfhda.;dj wod< f.da,Sh fjf<|dfï msßjeh ishhg 1'1 isg ishhg 2'2 olajd lmd yeÍu;a 2019 f.da,Sh j¾Okhg wju jYfhka ishhg 0'1 l odhl;ajhla olajd we;s nj fmkajd § ;sfí' idudkH ck;djg oefkk fjkila we;s lsÍugo ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreu iu;aj ;sfnk nj i|yka l< hq;=uh' uE;l§ ksl=;a jQ f,dal nexl= jd¾;djlg wkqj fuu uq, msreug wod< wdfhdack uÕska f,dalfha úúO rgj, w;s by< È<sÿ Ndjfhka fmf<k mqoa.,hka ,laI 87 la iy idudkH È<s÷ Ndjfhka fmf<k mqoa.,hka ,laI 340 la È<s÷ nfjka uqojd .; yels njh' ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msrefï iyNd.S;aj rgj,a iy Ökh tlaj f.dvke.= iyfhda.;d WoHdk 82 la tlai;a ckmo fvd,¾ ì,shk folla nÿ wdodhï Wmojd ;sfí' tfukau tu WoHdk ;=<ska cks; /lshd ixLHdj ;=ka ,laIhls' ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msrefï miafjks ixj;airhg wod<j jif¾ wf.daia;= udifha mej;s iïfï,khl§ ckdêm;s Isx ðkamsx uy;d jeo.;a l;djla lrñka i|yka lrisáfha fuu uq, msreu ksoyia mskai,a yeisrùula nj;a oeka th b;d iQlaIu is;=jula njg m;a lsÍug ld,h meñK ;sfnk w;r ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msrefï iyfhda.;dj .=Kd;aulj fufyhfjk ixj¾Okhla lrd f.khd hq;= nj;ah' flfiafj;;a fuu wfma%,a udifha meje;s

cd;Hka;r iyfhda.;dj i|yd fojeks ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msreu idlÉPd uKavmh" fuu uq,msreu ms<sn|j ielfhka miqjk mqoa.,hkag" uq, msreu i|yd f,dalh mqrd u;=j ;sfnk Wkkaÿj ms<sn|j;a tys m%;s,dNhka ms<sn|j;a wjfndaOlr.ekSug ukd wjia:djla imhd§ ;sfí' fï jif¾ cd;Hka;r iyfhda.;dj i|yd jk fojeks ;Srhla yd udj;la idlÉcd uKavm iufha§ cd;sl rchkag m%dfoaYSh wdh;k j,g jeo.;a úêúOdk iy m%;sM, ud,djlg tlaùug yels úh' i;aldrl rg jYfhka Ökh fï i|yd oelajQfha iqúfYaI odhl;ajhls' fuys§ Ök md¾Yjh úiska fhdackd fyda Èh;a lrk ,o uq,msÍï idlÉPd uKavmfha§ fyda Bg miq md¾Yaúl f,aLk" ;Srhla yd udj;la rduqj hgf;a jk nyq md¾Yaúl iyfhda.;d hdka;%K wdfhdack jHdmD;s iy Ök wdh;k jHjidhlhkaf.a jHdmD;s hk wxY yhl m%;sM, 283 la ,eî ;sfí' Ök md¾Yjh úiska fhdackd fyda Èh;a lrk ,o uq,msÍï 26 ls' ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msrefï m%.;sh" odhl;ajh iy NjH;djka ms<sn|j Ök md¾Yjh ksl=;a l< f,aLkh ish¨ idudðl rgj, oeä wjOdkhg fhduq úh' Ökh" wod< rgj,a iy cd;Hka;r ixúOdk fukau Ydia;%Sh yd jHdmdßl m%cd ksfhdað;hka taldnoaOj —mú;% fiao udj;— i|yd jk fnhsðx uq, msreuo ksl=;a ú‚' ;j;a uq,msreula jkafka Ök rch ;Srhla yd udj;la i|yd foaYiSud msúiqï yd msgùï ms<sn| myiqlï l%ufõohla Èh;a lsÍug ie,iqï iïmdokh lsÍuh' Ök ixj¾Ok nexl=j iy wmkhk yd wdkhk Ök nexl=j —;Srhla yd udj;la úfYaI uQ,H iemhSï moaO;shlao wLKavj mj;ajdf.k hEug kshñ;h'

tfukau Ök rch bÈß jir ;=k ;=< yß; fiao udj; OQ; jevigyk uÕska mßir ks,OdÍka 1500 la mqyqKq lrkq we;' fuu mßirfõ§ka ish¨ idudðl rgj,ska f;dard .efka' ;Srhla yd udj;la uq,msrefï mdßißl iqúYd, o;a; fõÈldjla ks, jYfhka wdrïN fldg ;sfí' ;Srhla yd udj;la mdßißl ;dlaI‚l yqjudre yd mejreï uOHia:dkh ia:dms; fldg we;af;a Ök mßir úoHd yd mßir wud;HxYhh' Ök úoHd yd ;dlaIK wud;HxYh ;Srhla yd udj;la l=i,;d yqjudre jevigyk y÷kajd § ;sfnkafka yjq,aldÍ rgj, kfjda;amdok yqjudre yd iyfhda.;d hgf;a bÈß mia jir ;=< l=i,;d 5000 la i|yd Wmldr ie<iSugh' Ök rch uÕska —fiao udj;— YsIH;aj jevigykla weröugo kshñ;h' tfukau tys YsIH m%udKho by< kxjd ;sfí' bÈß mia jir ;=<§ yjq,aldÍ rgj,ska foaYmd,k mlaI" foaYmd,k ixúOdk" nqoaê uKavm yd iudc ixúOdk j, mqoa.,hka fukau fcHIaG foaYmd,k mqoa.,hka yd Ydia;%{hka oi oyilgo w;aoelSï yqjudrej i|yd wdrdOkd lsÍugo kshñ;h'

—wfma hq;=lu wm ck;djg j.lSu i|yd ne£ isàuhs' iEu jpkhlau iEu l%shdjlau iEu m%;sm;a;shlau ck;djf.a m, m%fhdackhkag wkqrEm úh hq;=h' jerÈ isÿjqjfyd;a tajd ksjerÈ l< hq;=h' ck;dj j.lSu i|yd ne§ isàu hkafkys wre; th fõ' -ud´ fia;=x^1945 wf.daia;= 13 - f;dard .;a lD;s IV ldKavh&

fujeks uq,msÍï j,ska f,dalfha iudc yd wd¾Ól ixj¾Okhg ,efnk m%;s,dN /ils' fuf;la f,dalfha ìysjQ úYd,;u fiao udj; jHdmD;sh jYfhka Ökh" ;Srhla yd udj;la uq, msreu ;=<ska iuia; f,dalhu tla lsÍug .kakd jEhfï m%;sM, nqla;s ú£ug nyq;r yjq,aldÍ rgj,a oekgu;a Yla;su;a úê úOdk l%shd;aul lr we;af;a oaúmd¾Yaúl yd nyqmd¾Yaúl jHdmd;s uÕsks'

bkaødkkao wfífialr China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


BRI an act of imposing a much needed strong

conceptual frame works to a geo political reality

Speech made by Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development at the ceremony to celebrate 5th Anniversary of BRI, organized by ASLCSCC Let me congratulate 'the Association for Sri Lanka China Social and cultural Corporation' for their work in strengthening people-to-people relations between China and Sri Lanka. In the meantime, Let me also tell you that what you are contributing to promote today is a tradition of country-to-country and people-to-people relationship that has been in existence between the two countries for most part of the past two millennia. Looking back into the history, it was in the early 5th century, precisely in the year 410 that the famous Chinese Buddhist monk Fa Xian visited Sri Lanka in search of pure Buddhist Scriptures. He stayed in Anuradhapura for 2 years studying Buddhism, and then returned to China with copies of pure Buddhist text. His return to China by ship was through the Maritime Silk route. He stayed in Nanjing, the ancient capital of China, and translated those Buddhist Scriptures into Chinese. Interestingly, 19 years later, in the year 429AD, at the invitation of the Chinese Buddhist monks, a group of Sri Lankan Bhikkhunis under the leadership of Bhikkhuni Devasara, visited Nanjing to establish the Bhikkhuni order in China. The intensity of those religious and cultural relationships, which have been highlighted in the historical chronicles of both countries, go onto signify the strong trade and economic ties that the two countries had been enjoying at the time, mainly through the maritime Silk route. Sri Lanka had indeed been a Maritime trading hub throughout the history, and the Chinese merchant ships had been frequenting the ancient Sri Lankan ports at Galle, Trincomalee, Mannar and Beruwala etc. The trade and Maritime relationship with China had indeed been at an intense level during the four and half centuries beginning from the late 10th century, the period during which China was indisputably the greatest Maritime nation in the world.

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Chinese shipbuilders at the time had the ability to build ships consisting of as many as 5 masts, 4 or 5 decks, and 12 sails, capable of carrying up to 500 men. Of course, with one of the vital commodities that was often involved in trading with Sri Lanka being elephants, in addition to gems, pearls, and spices etc., the ships obviously had to be large enough to accommodate them.

meantime, making it an opportunity to promote cross border cross cultural ties between the peoples of China and Sri Lanka. As we are all aware, those historical friendly relations between our two nations have indeed continued to grow stronger in the modern times. Sri Lanka was one of the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China shortly after its formation in 1949.

The famous Chinese admiral Zheng He has come to Sri Lanka five times with his fleet, commanding the Chinese Treasure voyages during the reign of the Ming Emperor Yongle.

We were the first country in South Asia to commence economic relationships with modern China, with the signing of the historic China Sri Lanka Rubber-Rice pact in 1952.

In fact the history tells us that, during one of his early voyages there was a confrontation with the then de facto ruler of Kotte, Weera Alakeshwara.

China made a decisive contribution during Sri Lanka's struggle to end its 30 year old separatist terrorism.

This resulted in Alakeshwara being taken Nanjing. But the hostilities were short lived. And the relationship improved tremendously so much so that not only Alakeshwara was returned very shortly, but also the members of his family, who accompanied him to China, were made part of the Chinese royalty. After 600 years, their family lineage is still maintained by their descendants. Last year, we had the occasion to arrange a grand wedding ceremony for the marriage of 50 Chinese couples here in Sri Lanka symbolizing their historic lineage to Sri Lanka and, in the

Not only did China come forward by helping Sri Lanka in the supply of military hardware, they also stood by Sri Lanka whenever Sri Lanka was being pressurized by various quarters of the international community, against the country's thrust to end separatist terrorism. In the meantime, there is an important fact that clearly stands out when it comes to Sri Lanka's relation with China. It is the fact that China has always been direct, open, and consistent in its approach, and the contributions from China have always been productive with tangible and visible results.

This is true whether we talk about BMICH, the Courts complex, Nelum Pokuna, or any other project.

South Asian country to do so, China was a keen observer of Sri Lanka's experience with the system.

If there have been any exceptions to this norm, that would have most certainly been due to the fact that those who were handling those matters from the Sri Lankan side had been acting in accordance with their own personal priorities, quite contrary to the interests of the country, which the Chinese counterparts have nothing to do with.

While the Sri Lankan experience has so far met with mixed results, China's move towards economic liberalization has in effect changed the course of the world's history.

The rise of China as the world's leading economic power has arguably been the singular phenomenon that has dominated the global geopolitical landscape so far in the 21st century. And it will continue to be the central theme in the global geo-economic and geo-political debate for the foreseeable future. Currently China is the second largest economy in the world-second in terms of nominal GDP. China's eventual ascend to number 1 is almost a long foregone conclusion, and largely a matter of time. Importantly, China is already the World's largest economy in terms of PPP dollars. What this means is, put simply, China is the country with the largest purchasing power. Perhaps, there is an interesting historical fact that escapes the attention of many of the commentators on China's recent advances in geo-economic and geopolitical power. It is the fact that China was indeed the world's largest economy until the turn of the 18th century. It was only in the mid 19th century that Britain succeeded China as the world's largest economy. And it was about the same time that the city of Beijing lost its position to London as the world's largest city. Adam Smith, who is regarded as the father of modern economics, famously observed in the late 19 century that the Chinese economy at the time was clearly greater than that of any country in Europe. As we know, the process of economic liberalization in China was gradually launched during 1980s and most notably in 1990s. In fact, when Sri Lanka opened up its economy in 1977, becoming the first

Around 2005, China adopted the policy of intensifying its investments abroad. This indeed is a natural economic response of a nation that has been running a massive trade surplus, and hence a massive current account surplus. Naturally, Chinese investments started flowing in all directions of the globe-across all parts of the globe. From Asia to Africa, and from Europe to America. And then, in 2013, came the Belt and Road initiative-the brainchild of President XI Jinping. In my view, this was an act of imposing a much needed strong conceptual framework to a geopolitical reality that was already consolidating on the ground. It was an act of positioning this fast growing economic cooperation initiative with a strong brand name that resonates with the historical re-emergence of China to the global position it held two centuries ago. This has obviously added much vigor to the dynamics of the fast unfolding economic development narrative of the 21st century Asia. Whilst rejoicing the phenomenal economic strides being made by one of our long standing friendly nations in Asia, from which the whole region stands to benefit, there are certain potential eventualities that all relevant parties need to be aware of in order to avoid some potential catastrophes. Graham Allison, a famous Harvard scholar, authored a book in order to illustrate this risk. Its title of the book is ' Destined for War: Can America and China escape Thucydide's Trap? Thucydide's Trap, refers to a deadly pattern of structural stress that results when a rising power challenges a ruling one. According to Thucydide, it is this structural stress that devastated the whole Greece when the rising Athens instilled fears in Spartans. The same conditions have occurred in 16 occasions during the past 500 years, with war breaking out in 12 out of them.

This included wars fought between Dutch and British, France and Germany, France and Britain, Russia, China and Russia with Japan etc. One of the four instances war has not broken out is between UK and US overtook UK as the world's leading economic and military power in the 20th century. So the question put forward by the author as well as many other quarters is whether China's rise above US as the global superpower will lead to war. Obviously, this is a condition where the efforts of all global stakeholders need to be cohesively directed to eliminate all possibilities of such an eventuality. In today's context of globalization, it is crucially important for any country to position itself to benefit from the dynamics of the mega trends of global economics. This is extremely important for Sri Lanka given its strategic location in the Indian Ocean - the ocean of the 21st century. This has been one of the major strategic considerations in our overall economic development vision, as a nation. This has been deservedly factored in the process of formulation of the National Physical plan of Sri Lanka. And this has been one of the vital comparative advantages factored in the process of both formulation as well as in implementation of the Western Mega polis Development Project which is now in progress. What we envision for the country is a development model where the comparative advantage of geographic location will be harnessed with our potential to develop a high quality human resource base of knowledge workers, benefiting from our higher standards of education and health. And the direction of growth need to be increasingly knowledge based, increasingly innovation, drive, and increasingly high-tech led. Let me conclude with the hope and the wish that he vast economic strides that the Asian Region, the Indian Ocean Region, is bound to make in the near future be translated into true benefits for the humanity and the Planet - a vision that we Asians will find easier to accomplish, given our long cherished common cultural values.

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


“A Single Flower Does Not Make Spring!” (Ambassador Cheng Xueyuan on the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations)

Chinese and Sir Lankan civilizations get along with each other with mutual respect and equality, sparkling together in the history of the human civilization.

In this lovely early Summer in Beijing, more than 2,000 distinguished guests from 47 countries including Sri Lanka participated the splendid Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC). The Conference was initiated by President Xi Jinping following the Belt and Road Initiative, and has drawn worldwide attention and positive response from many countries in and beyond the region, which provides a platform for different civilizations in Asia to engage in equal dialogue and exchanges for better mutual understanding and learning. Despite the busiest and hardest domestic schedule, President Maithripala Sirisena kept his previous promise, managed to attend the CDAC Opening Ceremony on 15th May 2019, and delivered a wonderful speech, showing his great support to the Sri Lanka-China bilateral relations, as well as the equal exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations, which is of crucial importance especially under current situation in Sri Lanka. I had the honor to accompany with President Sirisena and would like to share my own experience and opinions with Sri Lankan friends.

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Firstly, all civilizations should respect and treat each other equally. I quoted President Xi Jinping in his keynote speech on the CDAC as follows:

“All civilizations are rooted in their unique cultural environment. Each embodies the wisdom and vision of a country or nation, and each is valuable for being uniquely its own. Civilizations only vary from each other, just as human beings are different only in terms of skin color and the language used. No civilization is superior over others. The thought that one’s own race and civilization are superior and the inclination to remold or replace other civilizations are just stupid. To act them out will only bring catastrophic consequences.” China and Sri Lanka both have splendid and historical civilizations. One example says all: The “Twenty-Four Histories” completely recorded the Chinese ancient history and created the unique Chinese theoretical system of history, while Sri Lankan monks also compiled the Dipavamsa and the Mahavamsa written in the Pali. Over thousands of years,the

Secondly, all civilizations should appreciate and uphold the beauty of each other. Each civilization is a crystallization of human aesthetic creation, the aspiration for all beauties is a common pursuit of humanity. Our planet is not a lack of beauty, but the lack of the eyes to find the beauty. The Chinese civilization built the Forbidden City, a treasure of the ancient palace construction. The Sri Lankan civilization also built the ancient city of Sigiriya which shows the ingenuity for its design. The vivid murals draw in the Mogao Grottoes of China is amazing, while the beautiful murals in the Golden Temple of Dambulla also makes the visitors linger. During the thousands years history for both countries, our ancestors have created brilliant and splendid civilization achievements. We should keep our own civilization dynamic and also provide conditions for other civilizations to flourish. Together we can make our own civilizations blossom in the garden of world civilizations. Thirdly, all civilizations should stay open and inclusive and draw on each other’s strengths. Long-term self-isolation will cause a civilization to decline, while exchanges and mutual learning will sustain its development. A civilization can flourish only through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations. The eminent Chinese monk Fa-Hsien has visited Sri Lanka (410 AD-413 AD) and written the travel notes of Sri Lanka (part of his most famous work “Record of Buddhist Kingdoms”), which is a precious historical materials to study ancient Sri Lanka. Fa-Hsien also brought four Sri Lankan Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures including the Mahisasaka Vinaya, Dīrghâgama, Samyuktagama, and Zazang

and conservation can only lead to the downfall. Any civilizations can only move forward through adapt itself to the changing times and break new ground. We need to come up with new ideas to add impetus and inspiration to the Sri Lankan eminent monks also visited development of our civilizations. With China in the history. Sanghamitta visited these efforts, we will deliver achievements Mount Wutai in China and introduce the for our civilizations to transcend time and way to worship the Manjushri Bodhisattva. space and have a lasting appeal. In early 8th century, Amoghavajra visited I recalled President Sirisena’s speech at China and became the Royal preceptor the opening ceremony, for three emperors. He was the founder of the Chinese Vajrayāna and famous for “What we need is to respect each other as his translation of the Buddhist scriptures. equals and say no to hubris and prejudice. He also introduce the Chinese style of We need to deepen understanding of the drawing and sculpture into Sri Lanka, difference between one's own civilization and this influence can be seen from and others', and work to promote the murals in Dambulla. Such inclusive interaction, dialogue and harmony among attitude on exchanges and the efforts civilizations.” to learn from each other’s civilizations Both of our country are multi-ethnic and promotes the common development of multi-cultural community, it is an inherent Asian civilizations. cultural gene for both countries to hold Fourthly, all civilizations should advance with the times and explore new ground in inclusiveness and openness to different civilizations. Both of our countries know development. Just as a Chinese ancient very well that delicious soup is made poem said “There lies a glassy oblong by combining different ingredients, it is pool, Where light and shade pursue obvious that each kind of civilizations is their course. How could it be so clear the great wisdom of different nationality. and cool? For fresh water comes from the source.” For a civilization, seclusion can only lead to the backwardness, Sutra back to China. Another eminent monk Xuanzang has recorded about ancient Sri Lanka in his famous book the Great Tang Records on the Western Regions (629 AD-642 AD).

Great visions can be realized only through actions. In the coming days, we should focus on the inter-civilizational exchanges and mutual learning, with the peopleto-people communication as bond. We should continue to turn the Belt and Road Initiative into tangible results and deliver greater benefits to the two countries and two peoples. We should work together to create the community with shared future for China and Sri Lanka, and also make contribution to the building of the community with shared future for Asia and mankind.

China Donates Rs. 17.84M for the Injured in the Easter Sunday Attacks Nimal Kumar, National Secretary of the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society(SLRCS) on behalf of the Red Cross Society of China. The donation will be specially used in the treatment of the injured in the Easter Sunday attacks.

On 4th May, 2019, H.E. Cheng Xueyuan, the Ambassador of China to Sri Lanka presented a cheque for Rs. 17.84m to Mr.

Ambassador Cheng reaffirmed that at the time of sorrow, Chinese government and people stand firmly with the Sri Lankan people and resolutely support Sri Lanka in safeguarding its national security and stability, and building a peaceful and prosperous country. Chinese government is intensively negotiating with Sri Lankan

side and will provide all necessary assistance within its capacity according to the urgent requests extended by Sri Lanka. Mr. Nimal Kumar briefed about the SLRCS’ work after the bomb blasts, highly appreciated the Red Cross Society of China for its helping hand in a difficult time of Sri Lanka, and promised to use all the donation in the treatment of the injured.

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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科伦坡港口城,中斯共建“一带一路”伟大项 目——斯里兰卡对华友好组织代表参观港口城 视 频地址: 谈到港口城的未来,斯里兰卡社会文化交 流合作协会主席阿贝老先生有着更深刻的 理解。他说,他对港口城的关注源自于5 年前的项目启动初期,这个项目由两国最 高领导人亲手启动,是真诚互助、世代友 好的斯中传统友谊以及两国共建“一带一 路”的伟大成果,将对当地经济社会发展 带来深远影响。

本报讯:在斯里兰卡僧伽罗和泰米尔族新 年即将到来之际,斯里兰卡对华友好组织 代表一行30多人,10日饶有兴趣地参观 了“一带一路”旗舰项目——科伦坡港口 城,称赞这个斯里兰卡迄今最大的外国直 接投资项目是一项伟大工程,将为当地经 济社会发展带来深远影响,并将成为中斯 友好的新象征。 4月10日,斯里兰卡对华友好组织代表参观科 4月10日,斯里兰卡对华友好组织代表参观科 伦坡港口城项目。记者侨子摄


当天上午9时,来自斯中社会文化交流合 作协会、斯中记者论坛、斯中佛教协会、 斯中太极协会和斯中妇女协会等对华友好 组织代表首先来到港口城项目展厅,听取 了有关项目负责人关于港口城项目情况介 绍,包括当前建设进度、投资情况以及未 来发展前景,同时还观看了视频图解以及 沙盘模型,并到现场观景台参观了项目建 设现场。 4月10日,斯里兰卡对华友好组织代表参观科

当地一位大学高级讲师西里瓦尔达纳说, 记得5、6年前,当港口城项目刚刚启动之 际,当地社会有着大量的负面评论,称该 项目会对环境等带来不利影响。然而,今 天我想说的是,当我来到这里时,看到的 是一个斯里兰卡前所未有的令人惊叹的伟 大项目。我们有责任让公众了解到斯里兰 卡从中国那里获得的这份珍贵礼物,以及 它将为斯里兰卡经济、社会、文化等各领 域发展带来的巨大利益。 科伦坡一家喷涂公司总经理苏吉瓦•韦吉 辛哈对记者说,今天是一个绝好的机会, 参观一个绝妙的伟大项目——科伦坡港 口城。事实上,很久以前,我就知道港口 城,今天,项目负责人向我们做了更加详 尽的介绍,我们还参观了建设现场,可以 说港口城现在与未来一目了然地展示在我 们面前。不久的将来,港口城内的主题公 园、金融城、高档酒店、学校、购物中心 等等,大家可以在里面购地买房,享受像 梦一样的现代生活,这正是我本人对港口 城寄于的美好期待。


这些来自斯里兰卡各行各业的代表认为, 港口城项目公司能够应各对华友好组织要 求,安排今天的参观是一项很有意义的活 动,不仅解除了一些当地民众因某些西方 媒体误导对港口城产生的一些疑问,而且 让他们更清楚地了解了港口城的现在与未 来,更多地了解了堪称当地中国公司一张 名片的中国港湾公司,更深刻地了解及体 会到了中斯互利合作和两国共建“一带一 路”所带来的切实成果。

12 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

4月10日,斯里兰卡对华友好组织代表参观科 伦坡港口城项目。记者侨子摄

斯中佛教协会副主席阿吉德说,科伦坡港 口城项目是一个令人意外的好项目,有助 于改善斯里兰卡人民经济和生活条件,推 动斯里兰卡比其他国家更快地发展,让不 仅亚洲国家,就连西欧国家都会羡慕我们 有如此好的项目。

4月10日,斯里兰卡对华友好组织代表参观科 伦坡港口城项目。记者侨子摄

阿贝先生是中国人民的老朋友,曾长期在 中国从事专家工作,对中国有着深厚的感 情。他对记者说,今天,我和我的许多朋 友,包括我们协会的许多会员有幸参观港 口城现场和展示厅,更加全面地了解了港 口城项目的相关情况特别是未来发展目 标,了解了港口城将给当地带来怎样实实 在在的好处,包括将为斯里兰卡创造超过 8.3万个就业机会,更重要的是将使斯里 兰卡更好地融入国际经济体系,为把科伦 坡建设成为南亚金融中心奠定坚实基础。 阿贝最后还表示,港口城项目提出了建设 绿色城市概念,而且还提出要打造斯里兰 卡首个智能化城市规划。由此看来,港口 城不仅能为斯里兰卡带来经济发展巨大效 益,还能带来文化教育等社会效益,将成 为斯里兰卡的一个新地标,也将成为斯中 两国友谊的新象征。 科伦坡港口城项目由中国交通建设集团投 资开发。今年1月16日,该项目举行了填 海土地完工仪式,标志着269公顷陆域全 部形成。对此,中国港湾科伦坡港口城项 目公司总经理江厚亮指出,填海工程完工 不仅标志着整体项目工程取得重大进展, 也是中国方案、中国技术在世界舞台的一 次完美展现。今天的里程碑将为日后港口 城基础设施建设和土地销售与开发奠定坚 实的基础。 4月10日,阿吉德副主席和阿贝主席接受亚太 大众传媒记者采访。记者侨子摄

港口城项目是迄今斯里兰卡最大的外国直 接投资项目,也是中斯共建“一带一路”



旗舰项目,而且同斯里兰卡西部大都市发 展规划高度契合。项目一期填海造地投资 14亿美元,并带动二级开发投资超过150 亿美元,主要规划建设包括住宅、酒店、 办公楼、商场等配套设施。其它标志性开 发项目包括主题公园、游艇码头、中央公 园、酒店、医疗设施、会展中心、教育设 施、公寓和海滩。

China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE) and the Secretariat of the Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network (SIRONET), organized the Second Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network Forum, which held on 27-28 April in Beijing

efforts and deepened cooperation among SIRONET members so that jointly we can play a more positive role in strengthening the understanding and mutual trust among people in the Belt and Road countries as well as contributing to better lives.

Focusing on the theme of “Deepening Practical Cooperation for Better Lives”, the forum provided a platform for delegates to exchange their ideas in an in-depth manner on topics including expanding the international cooperation among Belt and Road areas, identifying the needs of people in pursuit of better lives, and perfecting the SIRONET mechanism.

on 27th and 28th April 2019 at Beijing.

From 24th to 26th April 2019 at Beijing; exchanged ideas with the relevant Chinese experts on the “One Belt, One Road” construction and the experience of Chinese management social organizations, and held discussions with representatives of Chinese social organizations on non-governmental exchanges and people's livelihood cooperation. The main forum, the Second Silk Road NGO Network Cooperation Forum , held

科伦坡港口城将打造科伦坡全新的地标性 商业中心、滨海休闲娱乐中心,有助斯里 兰卡对世界游客保持足够的吸引力,提升 科伦坡作为新兴城市的国际地位,使之真 正成为印度洋上一颗“璀璨明珠”,一座 充满活力的“希望之城”。

Courtesy - Huang Haimin

Purpose was to further improve the SIRONET, and facilitate the coordinated

Subsequent workshop held between the Shanghai NGO organizations and the visiting delegations held on 30th April 2019 at Shanghai to promote and buildup relationships. Nishantha Wickramasinghe’ Speech at the Second Silk Road NGO Network Cooperation Forum About “Cultural exchanges can effectively promote economic and pragmatic cooperation, promote national development, and China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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improve people's lives” under the topic of “How to conduct closer people-to-people exchanges and cooperation among different countries to enhance people-topeople connectivity”. On behalf of Association for Sri LankaChina Social and Cultural Cooperation, I would like to thank and appreciate the organizers of this Forum for inviting us, as well as to given opportunity to speak with you today. It is indeed a pleasure and a great honour for us to be here today, for this very special event. Let me briefly introduce our association, the Association for Sri Lanka-China Social and Cultural Cooperation also known as ASLCSCC , 22 years old, one of the most active people-to-people friendship organization with China in Sri Lanka. We are not for profit or non-profit organization and most importantly, all of our members are volunteers, and supporting, immensely the association ventures to be successful between their work, duties and their family times. The Chinese People‘s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) is our main counterpart and we associates with many Chinese Organizations in Friendship, Cultural, Education, TCM, Medicine, Youth and Women, etc,etc.. to promote friendship and mutual understanding between Sri Lanka and China. Also associates with the other international organizations, which have same intention, especially the Asia and South-Asia Friendships Organizations. We establish and enhance friendships, cooperation and have been promoting people-to-people friendship and mutual understanding between Sri Lanka and China more than last two decades. We promote close relationships, coordinate and implement and organize exchange programmes with social and cultural fields that includes performing and visual arts fields, folklore areas and, social welfare and medical sectors, education and sports relations, setting-up sister school projects, women and youth circles, agricultural technologies, rural and urban development of China, and Sri Lanka-China Sister City Programme Also explore and establishing joint ventures with relevant people and institutes and make arrangements to

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coordinate possible projects, strengthen professional circles, and Buddhist circles through the association. We organize public awareness programmes such as seminars, workshops, exhibitions, arts and quiz competitions, Radio and TV programmes, electronic media to promote relationships and friendships between two countries and Belt and Road Initiative. Organize International Friendship Forums, Workshops and study to promote friendships and Belt and Road Initiative. Thank you and now we will revert to our subject; Could the “Cultural exchanges can effectively promote economic and pragmatic cooperation, promote national development, and improve people's lives?” Cultural exchanges effectively plays a very significant role to promote and develop international cooperation by connecting people, ideas, and resources including applied behaviour analysis and community psychology. The Culture is one of the most powerful and influential forces in this world. It is fundamental to what we see, how we express ourselves, and how we feel of our environment, the world and the rest. Understanding the role of culture significance is very vital to successful international cooperation. There are various areas in culture, customs and traditions, which can be utilized for people-to-people connectivity, very practically and very successfully. Arts and Crafts : Including performing Arts, Painting, Calligraphy, Architecture, Pottery, Sculpture, and other fine or decorative arts, Music, Dancing and Drama, Electronic Arts and Radio, TV programs. ●●

The “Journey to the West” TV series become very famous and cherished by everyone in Sri Lanka.


Also South Korean historical television drama series “Dong Yi” has became very popular among Sri Lankan young girls, who loved the series and most never missed the broadcasts.

We must consider those occurrences as examples and exploit for similar opportunities. Philosophy and Literacy:

Which provide first hand witnessing towards the culture and its aspects? Hence must take appropriate steps translate and publish Cultural Heritage Fictions in appropriate languages. Food : Promoting and exchanging culinary arts, will interactively educate the general public. Health : Study, exchange and interactivities would enhance the people-to-people friendships in the areas of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Traditional / Indigenous Medicine in BRI Countries, Public Health Care, and Skilled Medical and Nursing Practices. Education : Students – often form life-long relationships, learn a different culture, and they learn to look at the world differently. Also, must train and exchange the expertises of Teachers, Trainers – “Train the Trainer” and Technical / Skill Development areas Media / Journalism: Is very important area to promote public awareness in Belt and Road initiative. Communications, Photography and Electronic and Mass Media. Don’t forget impacts and positive effects of Social Networking Websites. Sports : Nothing better than Sport interactivities brings the people-to-people connectivity. Indoor and Outdoor, Recreational and Leisure Activities, Sports Medicine, Chinese Martial Arts, Local Martial Arts of the BRI countries would enhance and strength relationships. Tourism : Be at the very place, see the culture, and meet the people in person. What is the better way to obtain firsthand experience, observe, and learn other cultures - other than Tourism? There are various ways and means to promote tourism in the countries along the Silk Road. The BRI countries must join and work together for the establishment of tourist friendly policies to attract more tourists to their countries. It will enhance the economy and build the connectivity’s.

Humanitarian Activities: Social welfare and charity projects come together and gets the better attention in public eye and understanding. ●●


Sri Lankans initiative of “Give Life to a Dead Eye" or “Giving Sight to the Rest of the World”. Donation of thousands of Eye Corneas from “Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society” to China since 1964. Sri Lanka is one of the largest eye donors in the world, emphasizing Buddhist concepts of giving. Vise versa - in gratitude Ophthalmologist Dr. Yao Xiaoming, the Chief Expert of Corneal Transplantation, Professor and Honorary Vice President of AIDI Eye Hospital, performed more than 1,200 free eye (Lens) cataract surgeries in Sri Lanka since 2014, and arranging to do more free eye surgeries.

Must discuss and explore furthermore in relevant areas in this field. Host Forums and Exhibitions: Must hold for Youth, scholars, experts, traders, stakeholders and social groups to promote, build and renew mutual trust and friendship. Knowledge Share: Exchange among Think Tanks, Experts and Scholars from different countries and exchange their opinions. Summary And don’t forget the important part, what we learned from past, We must look into the micro level, the general public, who are the most important part of the society, whilst developing international cooperation. By building people-to-people bonds, who were the part of bigger picture, have a far more significant impact and we can cross many bridges. Build the friendships and friendships bring the rest. Simple social interaction with other people can deliver greater benefits and greatly increase influence on the society. We must develop new strategies and tactics to attract multi-cultural interest in our collaborative initiatives. We must makes for more effective communication and must emphasize common interests rather than differences. We cannot

expect to achieve long-term effect by giving one lecture alone, but instead we need to have more dialogue platforms, that allow more people to join in and pool their ideas. Go beyond the typical and let us think outside of the box. Harmonious relationships and friendships for mutual goodwill are the key to successful contentment. Closing-up We wish you all the best and all the success and certainly looking towards to move fulfilment of our goals with the well-regarded CNIE, and along with your esteemed associations. Thank you, CNIE China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE) was established in October 2005 as a national nonprofit civil society organization with independent legal person status. It is mainly composed of national NGOs and personages from various social fields engaging in research and practices in peace and disarmament, social development, science and education, culture and art, health care, environmental protection, democracy and human rights, ethnic and religious affairs, policy advocacy and law, business and commerce, public welfare and charity, poverty alleviation and disability assistance as well as women and youth affairs. CNIE has 265 member organizations (of which 36 are with consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council), and over 180 individual council members. CNIE, along with the broad civil society in China, will always remain devoted to deepen exchanges and cooperation with national, regional and international counterparts around the world, practicing the philosophy of “voices from the people, friendship among the people and cooperation for the people”, thus contributing to the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and shared prosperity through safeguarding world peace, and promoting common development. At the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in May, 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that we will build a Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network. As China’s largest NGO network specialized in international exchanges and cooperation, CNIE initiated the

establishment of the Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network. By far, over 300 NGOs have voluntarily joined the Network. SIRONET In May 2017, at the opening ceremony of the “One Belt, One Road” Summit in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the establishment the Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network (SIRONET), international network of NGOs from countries along the Silk Road route. The 1st Silk Road NGO Cooperation Network Forum was held on November 21-22, 2017 in Beijing and, the SIRONET was founded in November 21, 2017 and endorsed by the CPC and the United Nations during the event that gathered over 300 NGOs from over 60 countries. SIRONET has now 294 Chinese and foreign member organizations from more than 60 countries. About 300 NGOs from over 60 countries have voluntarily joined in. International NGO-members founded the International Steering Committee & Secretariat and adopted the Constitution of the network. With its unique features and advantages, SIRONET was established to implement the vision and proposed actions outlined in the OBOR initiative. It upholds principles of openness and inclusiveness, equal treatment, mutual respect and benefits, international cooperation and sustainable development. All member NGOs, regardless of their sizes, home countries, or fields of expertise, are to accommodate the shared development interests and concerns of countries along the Belt and Road, facilitate exchanges and cooperation, promote coexistence of different nations, work towards common prosperity and together share the outcomes of their work.

Nishantha Wickramasinghe

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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—ol=Kq wdishdfõ fyd|u uQ,H k.rh njg fld<U jrdh k.rh m;afjkjd'''˜ fmd¾Ü isá hk ku furg ck;djg fïjk úg wuq;= jpkhla fkdjqk;a 2014 jkf;la th wuq;= jpkhla úh' fmda¾Ü isá fyj;a jrdh k.rh hk ixl,amh ufkda Ñ;%hla fia jqj;a" th oEia udkfha È.yefrkafka" fld<U jrdh k.rh f,ihs' ysgmq Y%S ,xld ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d yd Ök ckdêm;s IS ðkamsx uy;d úiska Y%S ,dxflah cd;shg Wreu lr fokakg uq,a., ;enQ fï uyd lD;Su k.rh j¾;udkfha§ fkdokakd flfkl= fidhd.ekSug neßh' tfy;a jrdh k.rh fyj;a fmda¾Ü isá hkak Tn fldfyduo y÷kajkafka" fld<U jHdmdßl k.rh (Business District) ´kEu rgl jHdmdßl uOH flakaøhg úfYaI ;ekla ysñfjkjd' f,dalfha fjk;a k.r .;a;;a WodyrK jYfhka weußldfõ ksõfhda¾la w. k.rh" ì%;Hkfha ,kavka" cmdkfha fgdalsfhda fuu k.r j,;a uOHu jHdmdßl flakaøh f.dkq fj,d ;sfhkjd' wfma rfÜ fld<U jHdmdßl flakaøh f,i ie<flkafka fld<U 01 g wh;a m%foaYh nj wms okakjd' mD;=.Sis" ,kafoais yd bx.%Siska fld<U jrdh wdY%s;j w;S;fha fï jHdmdßl k.rh f.dvke.=jd' ta ;uhs fï m%foaYfha b;d fm!rd‚l

16 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

jrdh k.rh ms<sno mdGl Tn f;dr;=re fj; ,nd §u wmf.a wruqK neúka ta i|yd f;dr;=re ,nd.; yels iqÿiqu mqoa.,fhl= fidhd ud fld<U jrdh k.rhg msúishd' ñka miqj È.yefrkafka ta isÿjQ l:dnyhs fld<U jrdh k.rfha bÈlsÍïNdr Ök jrdh bxðfkare iud.fï (CHEC) uyck iïnka|;d ks,OdÍ uy;d iuÕ isÿl, ixjdohhs'

f.dvke.s,s rdYshla ;sfnkjd' rgla ÈhqKq fjkfldg rfÜ w. k.rh mq¿,a fjkak ´fka' oeka fld<U k.rh mq¿,a fj,d ;sfhkafka' fld<U 15 fjklï' rgla ÈhqKq fjkfldg ta rfÜ jHdmdr we;sfjkjd' fld<U fm!rd‚l f.dvke.s,s jeks foa ksid jHdmdßl k.rh úÈhg mq¿,a lsÍug nh we;s jqKd' tu ksid fld<U jdKsc w. k.rh uqyqo me;af;ka f.dv lr, ;uhs fld<U jrdh k.rh bÈlrkafka' túg fld<U jdksc w.k.rhg ;j;a fylaghdr 269 la fï jHdmD;sh uÕska tl;= fjkjd' ta wkqj fld<U jHdmdßl w. k.rh mq¿,a lsÍu uÕska úúO jHdmdßl wjYH;d i|yd fukau uQ,Huh wjYH;d i|yd fuh fhdod.kak mq¿jka th ;uhs

liaim fikr;a

fld<U jrdh k.rh bÈlsÍfï uQ,sl wruqK'

Y%S ,xldjg wu;rj fujeks jrdh k.rhla Ökh úiska fjk;a rgl bÈlr ;sfnkjdo@ Ökh f,dalfha fndfyda rgj, wdfhdackh lr,d ;sfhkjd' Ök ckdêm;s IS ðkamsx uy;d ;u —tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la— ixl,amh óg jir 5 lg muK fmr t<soelajQjd' fndfyda ÿrg fï ixl,amh u.ska fjk;a rgj, fukau Ökfha há;, myiqlï kxjkjd' uOHu wdishdj" kef.kysr wdishdj" ol=Kq wdishdj wm%sldj jeks rgj,

;sfhk m%Odk m%YaKhla ;uhs há;, myiqlï m%udKj;a mßÈ fkdue;s ùu' fydo jrdhj,a" fydo ud¾. moaO;s keye' úÿ,sn,h kE' fï jf.a m%YaK ;sfhk tu rgj, ksIamdok f,dalhg f.kshkak ndOl we;sù ;sfnkjd' —tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la— ixl,amh hgf;a há;, myiqlï kxjd tu rgj,a wd¾Ól jYfhka ÈhqKq lrkjd' —tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la— ixl,amh hgf;a iïnkaOjk ish¿u rgj,a iuÕ Ökh wd¾Ól jdisodhl ;;ajh fnodyod .kakjd' Ökh f,dalfha wdfhdackh lr,d ;sfhkjd' tu wdfhdack ;j ;j;a jeä ÈhqKq lsÍu fï hgf;a isÿlrkjd' fuu rgj, ksIamdok f,dalhg f.k hkjd' Ök rch fjk fldfyaj;a fkdl< wdldrfha jdkscuh jHdmD;shla f,i fld<U jrdh k.rh y÷kajkak mq¿jka' —tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la— ixl,amh hgf;a fuh b;du iqúfYaIS jHdmD;shla fjkjd'

2014 j¾Ifha§ fld<U jrdh k.rh bÈlsÍfï uq,a., ;eîfï wjia:djg Ök ckdêm;s;=ud iyNd.s jqkd' l,dmfha rgj,a .;a;du" Ökh jeks n,j;a rgl ckdêm;s jrfhla wfma rgg meñŒu fudk wdldrhgo jeo.;a fjkafka@ Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r rdc;dka;%sl in|;d msysgqjd jir 70 la .; ù ;sfnkjd' iudÔh" wd¾Ól foaYmd,k jeks lafIa;% u; fuu ino;djh mej;f.k tkjd' Ökh Y%S,xldjg w;S;fha isg úYd, jYfhka wdOdr Wmldr lr ;sfnkjd' jrdh k.rh bÈlsÍfï wjia:djg Ök ckdêm;s;=ud Y%S ,xldjg meñ‚h;a wms th olskafka Tyq ta fjkqfjkau wdjd lsh,d fkfuhs' b;sydih mqrdjg Y%S,xldj yd Ökh w;r mej; tk in|;djfha rkauh wjia:djla f,i t;=udf.a Y%S ,xld ixpdrh y÷kajkak mq¿jka' wjikajrg Y%S ,xldjg Ök ckdêm;sjrfhla meñK ;sfnkafka 1980 oYlfha uq,aNd.fha§ tjlg ckdêm;s fÊ'wd¾ chj¾Ok ue;s;=udf.a ld,fha§' kuq;a rdcH kdhl uÜgfï yuqùu furg§ bkamiqj isÿù ;snqfKa keye' kuq;a rdc;dka;%sl in|;d Yla;su;aj mej;shd' ysgmq ckdêm;s jreka jk pkaøsld nKavdrKdhl l=udr;=x. ue;s‚h " ã'î úfÊ;=x. ue;s;=udf.a ld,fha§ in|;d fydÈka ;snqkd ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI ue;s;=udf.a ldf,È ;uhs j;auka Ök ckdêm;s;=ud Y%S ,xldjg meñ‚fha' wu;l lrkak tmd Ök ckdêm;s;=ud 2014 ,xldjg wdfõ jrdh k.rhg uq,a., ;nkak ú;rla

fkfuhs' fkdfrdÉfpdaf,a n,d.drh újD; flreKd' tfiau forggu n,mdk jeo.;a .súiqï /ilg;a t;=ud tu ixpdrfha§ iïnkaO jqKd' wms ys;kjd IS ðx msx ckdêm;s;=ud;a" uyskao rdcmlaI ckdêm;s;=udf.a jrdh k.rhg uq,a., ;nkakg iyNd.Sùu rfÜ jdikdjla lsh,d'

jrdh k.r jHdmD;sh ms<snoj iudcfha úúO l;dnyg ,lajqKd' úfYaIfhka 2015 j¾Ifha§ fï ms<snoj oeä wjOdkhla fhduqjqKd' foaYmd,{hska úúO woyia m<l,d' tfy;a fï ms<snoj Tn ys;kjdo ck;dj m%udKd;aulj oekqj;a fj,d lsh,d ck;dj fyd| wjfndaOhlska isáhd'yenehs we;eï msßia fï .ek yß wjfndaOhlska ysáfha keye' uqyqo f.dvlr,d k.rhla yok ixl,amh Y%S ,dxlSh ck iudchg wuq;=u w;aoelSula jqKd' fudlo Tjqkag fï ms<sn|j óg fmr w;aoelSï ;snqfKa keye' tu ksid we;eï msßia fï ms<sno jerÈ u; iudc.; lrkak W;aiy l,d' kuq;a fï ms<sno ksjerÈ wjfndaOhla ,nd §ug wms lghq;= lsÍu ksid ck;dj jrdh k.rh foi neÆ fldaKh fjkia lr,d ;sfhkjd' wo iudch fuu jHdmD;sfha jeo.;alu fydÈka wjfndaO lrf.k ;sfhkjd' bÈlsÍï keröug tk msßia fï ms<sno b;du;a i;=áka l;d lrkjd' Tjqka jeämqru wykafka fuh ljoao újD; lrkafka lsh,d' ta ;rugu iuia: iudchu fuu jrdh k.rh ms<sno i;=gq fjkjd' b;sx ta .ek wmsg i;=gqhs' iudcfha wkjfndaOh ksid isÿl< m%ldYj,g wms weÕs,a, È.=lrkafka keye' fuh ksjerÈj jgyd .;a;du fydo wjfndaOhla ,efnkjd' ta ksid oeka tod fuka fkdj iudch ksjerÈ wjfndaOhla ,ndf.k ;sfhkjd'

Ökfha cd;Hka;r wd¾Ól l%fudamdhka ;=<ska jrdh k.rh jeks jHdmD;s iuÕ iïnkaO ùu yryd tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la ixl,amhg ,efnkafka fudk jf.a odhl;ajhlao@ Ök wd¾Ól l%fudamdhka yqfola Ökhg muKla n,mdkafka keye' th f,dj iEu rggu jeo.;a fjkjd' ukao Ökh lsisúgl f,dj fjk;a rgj,a iuÕ fj<| hqoaO j,g iïnkaO jkafka keye' Ökh iduldó fj<| m%;sm;a;shla wkq. ukh lrñka fomd¾Yjhgu m%;s,dN ,efnk wdldrhg lghq;= lrkjd'

ug u;l yeáhg tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la jHdmD;sh hgf;a f,dj mqrd ì,shk ;=klg wêl ck;djg m%;s,dN ,efnkjd' fuh iduQyslj ch.ekSfï m%;sm;a;shla f,io y÷kajkak mq¿jka' wms fuh wd.ka;=l fohla f,i olsk;dla wmsg fydo m%;sM, ,efnkafka keye' wfma rfÜ wd¾Ól ixl,am iuÕ tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la ixl,amh uqyq lr.kakjd ñila fuh Ökfha wd¾Ól ixl,amh u; muKla úh hq;= ke;s njhs uu olskafka'

Tn mejiqjd fuu jrdh k.rh jHdmD;sh uÕska úYd, jYfhka wd¾Ól m%;s,dN Y%S ,xldjg ,efnk nj' f,dj úYd, wdfhdack wjia:d Y%S ,xldjg ,efnk nj' wfma rfÜ /lshd ysÕhla mj;skjd' fuu jHdmD;sh uÕska /lshd wjia:d fldmuK ìysfjhso@ jrdh k.r jHdmD;sh iïmQ¾K ùug jir 25 la .;fjkjd' tu ld,h ;=< / lshd wjia:d 83"000 la muK ìysfjkjd' fuh oekg wms lrk Wml,amkhla' tfiau fuu jHdmD;sfha bÈjk jHdmdßl k.rh ;=< iDcq yd jl% /lshd úYd, m%udKhla ,efnkjd' by, jegqma iys; /lshd úYd, jYfhka ìysfjkjd' úfYaIfhka fuh b;d mq¿,a jHdmD;shla'

fuu jHdmD;sh uÕska" wdfhdackh lsÍug wjia:dj ,efnkafka Ökhg muKlao@ fuu jHdmD;sfha f;aud mdGh jkafka ol=Kq wdishdj ;=< f,dal uÜgfï k.rhla ìys lsÍu' wehs wms tfyu lshkafka' ol=Kq wdishdj ;=< Wmßufhka mehla fyda meh 4 la ;=< .ukdka;hla ;uhs fld<U k.rh' ol=Kq wdishdj flakaø lrf.k Ôj;a fjkak fydou rg ;uhs Y%S ,xldj' wdrlaIdj ;uhs jeo.;a' ;sia jirl hqoaOh ksud l,d' oeka f.da,Sh ;%ia;jdohg rgj,a f.dÿre fjkak mq¿jka' kuq;a ,xldjg fydo wdrlaIl yuqodjla bkakjd' oeka fydo wdrlaIl jgmsgdjla ;sfhkjd' wfkla rgj,a tlal .;a;u wfma rfÜ fydo há;, myiqlï ;sfhkjd' l,dmfha fydo ;ekla ;sfhkjd' Ökfha wE; fl,jf¾u ;sfhk ;ek bo,d ,xldjg tkak meh oyhla myla .;fjkjd' fnhsðx isg tkak meh kuhla ú;r .; fjkjd' we;a; jYfhkau jHdmdßl fldaKfhka ne¨fjd;a hï jHdmdßlfhl=g ,xldjg tkak meh 9 la 10 la .; fjkjd kï th wms M,odhsl úÈhg olskafka keye' tu ksid fuh Ökhg jvd kef.kysr wdishdjg" ol=Kq wdishdjg wdfhdackh lsÍug jvd m%fhdackj;a fjkjd' úfYaIfhka l,dmfha rgj,a China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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wjidk jYfhka Tng lshkak mq¿jkao jrdh k.rh Y%S ,xldjg ,eîu .ek fudkjdo ys;kafka@

jk bkaÈhdj" mdlsia:dkh" fkamd,h" nx.,dfoaYh" ud,Èjhsk jeks rgj,a j, wdfhdack fufyg f.akak yels fjkjd' f,dal uÜgfï k.rhla ìys lsÍu ;uhs wfma wruqK'

jrdh k.rh yd ,xldfõ wfkl=;a ixj¾Ok l,dm há;, myiqlï tlsfklg iïnkaO fjkjd fkao@ WodyrK f,i u;a;, .=jkaf;dgqm," yïnkaf;dg jrdh" wêfõ.S ud¾. ixpdrl l,dm" n,d.dr wdÈh' NdKav yd fiajd lafIaf;%ha uqjfodr .=jka f;dgqm, hkqfjka yÿkajkafka" laI‚lj mqoa.,hska yd NdKav tydfuyd f.kshkak mq¿jka ia:dkhla' jrdh k.rh lsh,d lshkafka uQ,Huh fiajdjka" f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh jeks {dkh Ndú;d lrk jHdmdßl k.rhla'

jrdh k.rhg wh;ajk N+ñ m%udKh yd Ökhg;a Y%S ,xldjg;a fldmuK ìï fldgila fn§ hkjdo@

jrdh k.rhg wh;ajk iuia: N+ñ m%udKh fylaghdr 269 hs' ñka fylaghdr 178 muKhs jHdmdßl lghq;=j,g fhdod .kafka' b;sß m%udKh fjr< ;Srh" mdrj,a WoHdk fmdÿ ia:dk ioyd fjka flfrkjd' iuia: N+ñ m%udKfhka ishhg 43 la Ök whs;s jqk;a ta ìï m%udKh .kafka nÿ moku u;hs' b;sß ishhg 57 Y%S ,xld rchg whs;sfjkjd' fï jHdmD;shg Ök rch weußlka fvd,¾ ì,shk 1'3 la jeh lrkjd' tu uqo, fidhd.kak fjkafka Ök ,efnk ishhg 43 la jQ N+ñ m%udKh wdfhdackh ioyd ,nd §fuka'

Song of River City by Su Shi (Song Dynasty)

Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r wE; w;S;fha isgu mej; tk iïnkaO;djfha ;j;a id¾:l m%;sM,hla f,i fuh y÷kajkak mq¿jka' jrdh k.rh uÕska Y%S ,xldfõ wd¾Ólh by,g .uka lrkjd' jerÈ wjfndaOhlska fyda jerÈ fldaKhlska jrdh k.rh .ek n,kak fmr fuu jrdh .ek Okd;aulj Y%S ,dxlslfhl= f,i ys;kak mq¿jka kï ux ys;kafka i;H jegfyaú' flfia kuq;a Y%S ,dxlsl m%cdj oeka fï ms<snoj Okd;aulj ys;kjd' th fydo m%jK;djhla' ol=Kq wdishdfõ fyd|u uQ,H k.rh njg Y%S ,xldj m;aùuhs wfma n,dfmdfrd;a;=j' ixjdo igyk yd PdhdrEm

uOqYdka l=,r;ak

r;= yuqod fiakdxl

w÷frka fjkaú jir oyhla uereK w;S;h W;aiy fkdlrñ h,s u;lhg k.kakg ta u;lh wu;l lrkak fjfyfiñ wE; md¿ w;S;h uu flfia uquqKkako iS;, is;sú,s iu. wm yuq jqjd kï uqyqfKa w÷re ¥ú,s ysifla /ÿkq ysu ler<s Bfha rd;%sfha ud ÿgq isyskh uf.a l=vd l=áfha ljq¿fjka Tfí úisreKq flfy/,s w;ßka Tn yeß .sh;a fodvu¿ fkdù ud iu. l÷¿ msß fofk;ska jißka jir uf.a yoj; mdrd ñks j, we; miqmiska

十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。 千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。 夜来幽梦忽还乡,小轩窗,正梳妆。 相顾无言,惟有泪千行。 料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。

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ìhlska f;drj wNS;j .uka lrk r;= yuqod fiakdxl mxp l÷ jeá yryd yuk iev iq,x /,s kj;kd oioyila mjqre fuks rka je,s u;ska .,kd c,h fmfkkafka uyd l÷ jeá u;ska fm/f,k ueá frda,a fuks ;d;= .Õ u;ska Èfjk is;, hoï je,a ñkaYdka lkafoa ,S. oyila Èf.a .uka .kakd úg ;%súO r;= yuqod fiakdxl hkaf.a uqyqKq Èÿ,hs'''''

长征 (Cháng zhēng) The Long March 红军不怕远征难 万水千山只等闲 五岭逶迤腾细浪, 乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。 金沙水拍云崖暖, 大渡桥横铁索寒。 三军过后尽开颜。 更喜岷山千里雪

mßj¾:kh - Mâ dù马杜

China's B & R Initiative a blessing for Sri Lanka Colombo, APMG-Sri Lanka has asserted that China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a blessing for Sri Lanka with much needed investments flowing into the island. a senior think tank official in Sri Lanka told Asia-Pacific Mass Media Group (APMG). Asang Abeyagoonasekera, Director General of the Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka which operates under the Ministry of Defence, said that Sri Lankan President Sirisena’s visit to China to meet President Xi comes at a critical juncture for both countries. Sri Lanka and China is celebrating its bilateral relationships specially with the BRI and its strong infrastructure diplomacy between the two countries. Abeyagoonasekera said that resident Sirisena who has dismantled and was winning everyday on the war on drugs trying to secure the nation from narcotics when the terror attack took place on 4/21. This disgraceful act was condemned by the entire world and Sri Lanka will rise strong defeating the extremist threat from the country. President Sirisena has given this assurance to the people, our military and the police with its intelligence service is back in full force once agin and we have been successful to crush the terror network in a short period of time. The security was weakened by the liberal values imposed by a fraction in the government and this was a direct threat to national security. The terror cell was influenced by ISIS and not directed. The attack was staged in Sri Lanka by external forces and we will find out who was actually behind this. Abeyagoonasekera noted. Abeyagoonasekera added that we missed an important conference the 2nd BRI Forum from which took place few days after the attack. There was no Sri Lankan delegation but we have sent our fullest support for the great initiative that Sri Lanka is part from its inception. Abeyagoonasekera stressed that two key projects initiated under the BRI, the Hambantota Port and Colombo Port City, will bring major economic benefits to Sri Lanka.

“Port City will create lot of jobs for Sri Lankans and bring in lots of direct investments,” he said. Port City is being constructed by CHEC Port City Colombo (Pvt) Ltd through China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) which is part of China Communications Construction Company Limited (CCCC). Spanning 269 hectares of reclaimed land from the sea, Port City Colombo aims to be South Asia’s premiere residential, retail and business destination, offering unmatched planned city living along the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. The development will comprise of 5 different precincts including the Financial District, Central Park Living, Island Living, The Marina and the International Island.

USA and India fearing China will use Sri Lanka for military purposes. “This liberal hegemonic foreign policy is attempting to look at projects like the BRI as well as influence of China in other countries as a treat. China has not established military bases in other countries. But USA has. They should not see the success story in Asia as a treat. India is always worried about Chinese assistance offered to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka’s President and Prime minister have clearly stated that they will not allow any country to establish a military base in Sri

Some countries have however raised concerns over the Port City and china’s overall involvement in Sri Lanka, with the

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Lanka,”Asang Abeyagoonasekera said. He also dismissed concerns raised over Chinese investments in Sri Lanka being a debt trap. Abeyagoonasekera said “As Indian Scholar Harsh Pant says China has influence in the internal domestic policies of Sri Lanka is a baseless accusation our President and Prime minister have also clearly stated that China has no control on our economy. China has been connecting with ports in several countries and continents to help boost the economy of those countries and it is the same here as well,” he said. Abeyagoonasekera asserted that the Sri Lankan public are happy with the development projects funded by the Chinese in Sri Lanka. “Sri Lanka been a country with a nonaligned foreign policy from the past and has moved towards a multi aligned foreign policy . Some think the Indian Ocean is only for India’s prosperity. The future of the Indian Ocean is very important for the whole world. The Indian Ocean belongs to several countries and it is not India's territory,” he said. Abeyagoonasekera said that the bilateral and people to people relationship between Sri Lanka and China have a long way to go. “We have lot more things to do with China. When President XI visited Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka’s elevated its relationship to strategic level, particularly under the BRI initiative. BRI is not just an infrastructure development initiative. It is also connected with tourism, the people, economy and many more areas,” he said. Abeyagoonasekera noted that Sri Lanka as a nation including the President, Prime Minister and Opposition leader have extended their fullest support to the BRI and China. Courtesy -Huang Haimin

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Contribution of China-Sri Lanka Bilateral Relationship on Tourism Development in Sri Lanka China-Sri Lanka’s long historical relationship dates back to the 4thcentury AD, knowingly started when Chinese Buddhist monk, Faxian visited Sri Lanka with the intention of learning Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Despite the long historical relationship, mainly through the religious happenings of Buddhism, the UN Recognized Diplomatic relationship between Sri Lanka and China started in January 1950. Though the geographical distance between these two countries is nearly 18973.29 km, the history of friendship has lasted for more than 1,000 years. In addition, with the introduction of the Silk Road it helped to maintain both countries’ socoi-economic relationship in a better way. According the map that has given below it clearly highlights how China has taken their steps to keep in touch with Sri Lanka as one of their best focused country (Grace A sirwatham, Dec 24, 2018). A Better Example for Mutually Respected International Relationship in the World With mutual understanding and respect, both countries have cooperated to advance socio-economic development with ever growing friendly relationship. This bilateral relationship can be taken as one of the best example for many other countries as to how they can maintain a good relationship with one another. They commenced another chapter by signing Sino – Lanka Rubber – Rice Pact in 1957 which helped them to develop economic and trade relationship between the two countries. This historical incident became an important point in making the diplomatic relationship to be strengthened between the two nations. This is the period where Sri Lanka was influenced by a worldwide rice shortage and at the same time a serious drop in rubber prices because of the introduction of synthetic rubber to the market. In the meantime, China had a surplus in rice while they were unable to buy natural rubber from any other country due to the economic sanctions they had. Thus, China willingly offered 40% higher than the price which was available in the

market for Sri Lankan rubber and also 1/3 of the market price that had for rice to Sri Lanka. This particular agreement which was very profitable to Sri Lanka as well as to China led to develop the relationship between the countries in a professional and diplomatic way.

After the first agreement both countries made, another agreement was signed based on technical cooperation in 1962. Our former Prime Minister, Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranayke’s keen interests on this agreement significantly helped, more specifically for the development of infrastructure facilities in Sri Lanka such as Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH). In 1963, both countries could sign with another agreement which was focused on commercial maritime relations. Furthermore, China and Sri Lanka formed a joint trade committee in 1982 and in 1984 Economic and Trade Cooperation was signed as a new agreement between the two countries. By merging these two agreements they formed Sri Lankan – Chinese joint commission. The joint commission’s main objective was to exchange information and extend the facilities in taking loans for different kinds of development projects. Moreover, to improve trade and investment relations between China and Sri Lanka they have established Sri Lanka – Chinese Business Cooperation Council in 1994. Also in 2001 Sri Lanka supported China to enter into the World Trade Organization (WTO). China – Sri Lanka Relationship in the 21st Century Former President, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksha’s visit in 2013 to China renewed the friendly relationship between both countries. Moreover, Mr. Xi Jin ping, the President of China also visited Sri Lanka in 2014. Maithripala Sirisena, visited China a few times in the last three years. In 2017, Sri Lanka and China praised the 60th anniversary for the diplomatic relations they had with Sri Lanka. China has now become one of the major trading partners in Sri Lanka. There was a total trade turnover of USD

4202 million in 2017 between Sri Lanka and China. Anyway, this bilateral trade relationship is not much beneficial to Sri Lanka. In 2013, another M0U on Trade and Economic Cooperation was signed. Currently there are several projects that have been built under Chinese assistance, of which the major ones are the Hambantota Port, the Mattala International Airport, the ColomboKatunayake Expressway, the Narocholai Coal Power Plaint, the Moragahakanda Multipurpose Development Project (which deals with irrigation, drinking water, and electricity), the MataraKataragama Railway Line, and the

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Colombo International Financial City. China is also assisting in building a specialized hospital for kidney disease, as well as an outpatients’ building at the National Hospital in Colombo.

could generate 4.5% of GDP as its direct contribution to the GDP. Both direct and indirect contribution of tourism industry to the employment was nearly 400,000 job opportunities.

As it can be seen in this graph, China is playing a powerful role with very positive contribution being the largest investor in Sri Lanka at present. Consequently, China has significantly influenced the economic status in Sri Lanka, more specifically for international tourism development in Sri Lanka.

International tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka could exceed more than 2.23 million in 2018. It has become the 3rd highest foreign exchange earner of the country in 2018. It could generate nearly US$ 400 million foreign exchange earnings Recent Trends and Patterns in Chinese Outbound Tourism

increased the size of the Chinese middle class massively. The average income of Chinese has risen dramatically. The GDP per capita has increased in real terms to close the gap on developed countries with growth of 148% over the past ten years As a component of the Belt and Road Initiative, Maritime Silk Road is expected to play a vital role for BRI Tourism development through massive development of maritime infrastructurethrough regional cooperation. It has a potential to promote Silk Road Tourism based on the ancient Maritime Silk Road heritage Prospects and Potentials of Chinese Inbound Tourism Development in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka being a beautiful small paradise has been able to attract many foreign investors and tourists to the island which can be taken as a positive sign to the tourism industry in Sri Lanka. The country's strategic location in the Indian Ocean also enables it to attract more tourists and transit visitors to the country. Over the past years, many beautiful resorts, hotels and spas have opened with the hope of developing the tourism industry in the country. Understanding and valuing the diverse culture of the country, the different kinds of Tourist Establishments here offer visitors a unique, yet memorable experience to remember with in an exceptional way. Contribution of China-Sri Lanka Relationship for Sri Lanka Tourism Development At present, Sri Lanka Tourism is showing an impressive performance. The country could attract more than 2.33 million tourist arrivals in 2018. It has become the 3rd highest foreign exchange earner of the country in 2018. It could generate nearly US$ 4 million 2018 as foreign exchange earnings. Tourism industry

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Chinese outbound tourism has become the biggest tourist generator in the world in the context of no of trips and amount of tourist expenditures in the total of global tourism. in this context, 131 million trips were created by Chinese outbound tourism in 2017. These outbound trips are expected to reach 160 million by 2020. Furthermore, China has become a driving force for tourism among the countries along the Silk Road. The number of tourists in the areas along the Silk Road was nearly 3.1 million in 2016, out of which around 2.1 million silk road tourists were from China. This remarkable continued contribution of Chinese outbound tourism to global tourism has been determined by multiple factors such as higher income and more overseas experience, supported by access to travel information online and air connectivity and accessibility. In addition, around 66 countries and several regions have altered their visa restrictions, making it much easier for Chinese outbound tourists to travel to different parts of the globe. More specifically, the phenomenal economic growth of China over the past decade with GDP per capita has

Along with the long historical Socioeconomic and political relationship between Sri Lanka and China started from Fa Xian (411), which was based on religious and cultural links at the beginning, must be a great potential for promoting Chinese Inbound Tourism Development in Sri Lanka. Rapid development of economic relationship during the last two decades has significantly stimulated a huge Chinese tourism investment in Sri Lanka. At present, China has become a significant economic contributor for Sri Lankan economy, contributing a large sum of investment to develop infrastructure facilities and trade routes connecting Sri Lanka with China and also with other trading countries. Following key projects have been started in Sri Lanka since 2013, amounted up to $8 billion of financing from China. Furthermore, the Chinese Government and the China sponsored Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have also recently proposed additional funding of up to $32 billion for further infrastructure projects (Economic Times, 2017). 1. Colombo International Financial City (CIFC) 2. Hambantota Port and Adjoining Industrial Estate 3. Colombo Port Expansion 4. Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (MRIA) 5. Other Infrastructure Developments Furthermore, China has become the second highest tourist generating country to Sri Lanka at present. It could generate nearly 300,000 tourists to Sri

Lanka in 2017. China is expected to contribute a rapid increase of Chinese inbound tourists to Sri Lanka. At least 1 million Chinese tourists are estimated to visit to Sri Lanka per year by 2020. This expected increase in Chinese tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka should be facilitated through more air connectivity between Colombo and opening up of a number of destinations in China, operated by airlines of both countries. According to Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority,majority of the Chinese tourists (90 percent) come for vacation, followed by visiting friends and family, business and MICE. On average Chinese tourist spends 9.5 days in the country.


Chinese involvement is greatly decisive for Sri Lanka in the promotion of trade flows, attracting FDIs to Sri Lanka, development of hard and soft infrastructure, emerging as an economic hub, advancing into global value chains and also ensuring the growth of Sri Lanka tourism. Finally, it is important to highlight the possible prospects and opportunities of deriving from Chinese inbound tourism to Sri Lanka: 1. Making Sri Lanka as aninternational tourism Center of Belt and Road (BRI) Tourism, using its strategic location and connectivity. 2. Develop Sri Lanka Tourism as an attractive destination for Chinese Outbound Tourism enhancing the Value Chains, through increasing the interconnectedness of business transactions among tourist destination countries

Chinese brands quicken pace to go global Thomas Derkseu, a 30-year-old German, has three identities: a graduate in East Asian studies, a foreign son-in-law and an online celebrity with millions of followers on China's social media platform.

maker MG from China found its niche in the market by developing an in-car infotainment system that supports Thai language, bringing immediate results in sales. The system, along with MG's consistent

Thomas settled in China four years ago, and he is better recognized to crowds of fans as a fluent Chinese speaker who creates funny video clips telling his anecdotes on China. He recently created a video clip about the popular Chinese mobile products such as Xiaomi and Huawei in Germany as he said more Germans, especially the younger generation, increasingly perceive Chinese products as innovative. A revolution of globalized Chinese consumer brands is taking place. Perceptual improvements are powered by progress from manufacturers across China's high-tech industries, from mobile payments to artificial intelligence. China announced in 2017 that May 10 was China Brand Day and the 2019 China Brand Day series, an exhibition inviting indigenous brands to showcase the cutting-edge technology, products and services kicked off Friday in Shanghai, the second such event held in the city. Nearly 200 Chinese brands joined the event, to be concluded on May 12, and share their experiences in going global.

quality, helps the Chinese car-maker become the 7th best-selling car brand in Thailand. Cars made in China are not only top sellers in the southeastern Asian country, but also across in Britain, New Zealand, Australia, the Middle East and Indonesia. SAIC Motor, the parent company of MG, is one of the competitive Chinese players that have gained popularity in overseas markets. In 2018, SAIC Motor's exports of vehicles and overseas sales surged to 277,000, up 62.5 percent year on year, accounting for nearly a quarter of the total overseas sales of Chinese car brands. "The priority of taking a company global

3. Providing the opportunities to increase new tourism products and service diversification inSri Lanka Tourism, more specifically utilization of maritime resources 4. Promotion of Cruise Tourism providing an opportunity to untapped potential in Sri Lanka Tourism 5. Enhance the employment opportunities, both through the direct and indirect contributions of BRI Tourism

"Branding strategy is one of the priorities during the shift for Chinese brands to become world power players," said an official with the National Development and Reform Commission, co-host of the event.


University of Colombo


In Thailand, a market dominated by Japanese cars for decades, it is not easy for latecomers to stand out. A car-

is to earn a reputation and then boost the sales," said Yang Xiaodong, president of SAIC Motor International Corporations. "Localization is the key to establishing a reputation in a strange market and SAIC Motor has always sought to manufacture vehicles and offer after-sale services that cater to the local demand." To be Continued page 37

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Ökfha iq¿ cd;slfhda

iq¿ ck;djf.a uydckhd pqwdxIq ckhd (Zhuangzu) Ök uyd f.dvìu kscN+ñh fldgf.k Ôj;a jk j¾. mkia myla jQ iq¿ cd;slhka ms<snoj —Ök levm;— ;=,ska m%:u l,dmfhka úia;r lf<a we;=¿ fudxf.da,shdkqjka ms<snojhs' fujr l,dmfhka úia;r flfrkafka Ökfha jeäu iq¿ ck;djla ksfhdackh lrk pqwdxIq ck lKavdhu ms<sn|jhs' ñ,shk oyihlg jvd msßila ksfhdackh lrk" ckhdf.ka ishhg wkQjl f.a jdi N+ñh úys§ we;af;a ol=Kq Ökfha mej;s pqjka iajhx md,s; iajdhla;fha;a fuhg wu;rj hqkakdka" .=jkaf;dx" .=hsfpda yd yqkdka m<d;aj,g o iq¿ msßila jHdma;j isá;s' Iqjka.a ckhd m%Odk jYfhka yka" hd´" ñhdñ" ;=x" uQ,d" ud´kka yd Iqhs ckhd iuÕ ñY%j Ôj;a fõ'

ine¢hdj iuÕ ol=Kq Ökh myiqfjka md,kh lsÍu i|ydh' bka miqj Y;j¾I .Kkdjla n,j;a jxY lsysmhla fuu m%foaY mqrd md,kh l<y' Tjqkg úYd, bvï yd jy¨ka úYd, msßilf.a whs;sh i;=úh' fï w;r ;dx yd fidkaa wêrdcH iuhkays§ pqwdxIq m%foaY iudc yd wd¾Ól jYfhka úYd, ÈhqKqjla ,nd .;af;ah' tuÕska jdßl¾udka;h j¾Okh ù f.dú;ek ÈhqKq ;;ajhg m;a úh' tfiau f.dúm," hlv" ;U yd f,day l¾udka; iS.%fhka jHdma; úh' rdcdKavq iufha§ md,khg fiajh" bvïj, whs;sh i;= ùu" jev jiï w¾: Y; j¾Ifha§ l%ufhka

k;= jQ jy,a jxYdêm;ska l%u 16 jeks bj;a úh'

whs;sho" ixialD;sh yd w¾: l%uo wdrlaId lsÍug j¾;udk Ök md,kh lghq;= fhdod ;sfí' th 1941 ka miqj l%ufhka j¾Okh fjñka ;sì‚' ;dx yd Ñx rdcjxY md,k iuhkays l%shd;aul jQ rdcH m%Odkshd u; ;SrK .ekSu yd taldêldß l%shd;aul lsÍï ksid pqwdxIq ckhd oeä mSvkhg ,laúh' fuys m%;sM,hla f,i pqwdxIq ckhd w;sßka úúO lKavdhï iajhx ;SrK .ekSfï yd wd¾Ól iudc ksoyi Wfoid ler,slrejka f,i Woa§mkh jQy' 1851 § Ök f.dùkaf.ka ke. wd ff;msx (Taiping) úma,jho pqwdxIq ckhd fj;o jHdma; úh' ta wkqj oyia .Kka pqwdxIq ckhd ff;msx yuq|djg ne£ug wdrïN

b;sydih w;S;fha úiQ uq;=ka ñ;a;ka ;u ck lKavdhu ye¢kajQfha Iqka ckhd f,i nj" iq¿ cd;slfhda ms<snoj úúO udkhkaf.ka wOHkh lr bx.%sishg mßj¾;kh lrk ,o .%ka:j, i|yka fõ' flfia fj;;a óg jir oyilg fmr iqx wêrdcH iufha§ fuu ck lKavdhu ms<sno m<uq jd¾;d yuqfõ' fuu ck lKavdhu yeÈkaùug úYd, kï m%udKhla Ndú;d lr we;s njo tu jd¾;d j,ska meyeÈ,s fõ' tfy;a óg jir fooyilg fmr tkï l%sia;= mQ¾j 221 Y;j¾Ifha§ uOHu Ök md,khg pqwdxIq m%foaYh k;=ù ;sfí' Ökfha m<uq wêrdchd jQ Ñka wêrdcHhd úiska fuu m%foaY l,dm ;=klg fnod md,kh lf<ah' wêrdcH úiska ,skal= jdßud¾. jHdmD;sh wdrïN lrk ,oafoa fuu ckhdf.a myiqj i|ydh' tfiau fjk;a m%foaY j,ska ck;dj fuu m%foaY fj; mÈxÑ lrùu ioyd wêrdcH úYd, jHdmD;shla wdrïN lr we;af;a" wd¾Ól" iudc foaYmd,k yd ixialD;sl

24 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

uOHu Ök md,kh hgf;a" wd¾Ól iudc yd ixialD;sl ksoyi pqwdxIq ckhdg j¾;udkfha§ ysñù ;sfí' iq¿ ck whs;sjdislï mk;a u.ska Tjqkaf.a kscN+ñh yd iajhx ;SrK .ekSfï

ùu;a iu. m%foaYh mqrd úma,ùh igka wdrïN úh' pqwdkaI ckhdf.ka úYd, msßila úma,ùh yuqodfõ hqo kdhlhka njg m;a úh'

f.;a;ï l,djg rdclSh iïudk mjd ysñ ù ;sfí'

ixialD;sh pqwdxIq NdIdj Ök áfnÜ NdId mjq,g wh;a jk w;r mer‚ wlaIr olaIsK iqx wêrdcH iufha ^1127-1279& yd Ndú; jQ wlaIr j,g iudkh' 1955 jk ;=re fuu wlaIr Ndú; jqj;a" Ök uOHu rch md,kh u.ska ,;ska wlaIr ud,dj mokïlrf.k ,sÅ; wlaIr ks¾udKh lsÍug iyh úh' flfia fj;;a bmer‚ .%ka:" iÕrd mqj;am;a ,;ska NdIdfjka ,shd m,lr we;' pqwdxIq ckhdf.a bmr‚ ixialD;sh yd l,dj j¾Kj;a núka yd Wiia núka muKla fkdj" th Tjqkaf.a ckj¾. hg wh;a wdfõ‚l ,laIKo ms<sìUq lrhs' kso¾YKhla f,i Tng fmkajd Èhyelafla ol=Kq È. .=jkaIs .S .,dnisk ;aiaxðhdka (Zuojiang) .Õ yryd t,a,d we;s l=vd is;=jïh' fï w;ßka ks.añka m%foaYfha óg¾ ishhla yd óg¾ y;<syl muK m<, fm%iaflda is;=jï u.ska pqwdxIq ckhdf.a ck Ôú;h ukdj ms<sìUq lrhs' Tng Èkl Ökfha .=jkaIs yS ixpdrh lsÍug wjia:djla ,ofyd;a fpdpqmshdka .xÕd ksïkhg f.dia oEiskau fuh oel .;yelsh' th Tfí u;lfha iod fkdueflk isysjgkhla jkq fkdwkqudkh' ol=Kq uOHu yd ksß; È. Ökfha úfYaI ck lKavdï ckm%sh ix.S; NdKavhls" f,dalv fnrh' fuu fnrh idudkHfhka óg¾ 6'68 l úYalïNhlska yd óg¾ 2'8 l muK .eUqrlska hqla; fgdka 50 l muK nrlska hq;a úYd, ix.S; NdKavhl wm rfÜ isxy, wÆ;a wjqreÿ j, Ndú;d lrk rndfka yevfhka fndfyda ÿrg iudkh' fuu oejeka; f,dalv fnrh f,dal .skia jd¾;d fmd;go we;=,;a lr ;sfí' fuu fnr fphs Öpq l,dlrefjl= úiska ks¾udKh lr we;s njg b;sydifha i|yka fõ' hqo fiakdxlh ;=, ix.S;h ioyd fuu f,dalv fnr pqwdxIq ckhd Ndú;d lr we;s w;r fjk;a iq¿ cd;sl cklKavdhï ;u wd.ñl n,h ms<snoj wfkla ck j¾.hg ta;a;= .ekaùu ioyd fhdodf.k we;s njhs' ;dx rdcH iufha ^618 - 907& ks¾udKh jQ pqwdxIq mgfrÈ f.;a;ï l,dj pqwdxIq ckhdf.a ks¾udK l,dj f,dj uú; lf<ah' mgfrÈ f.;a;ï ;dx rdcH iufha§ nquq;=reKq fïi frÈ " w;a nE.a i|yd fhdodf.k ;sfí' ñx iy Ñx rdcHjxY iufha § fuu mgfrÈ

pqwdxIq ck idys;H iqrx.kd l:d" ckl;d yd ix.S;fhka w,xlD; ù ;sfí' w;s úYd, m%udKhlska .S; yd ix.S; LKav fudjqkaf.ka Y%jKh l, yelsh' ;dx rdcH jxY iufha§ Iqjka ck .dhsldjlf.a ;=kajk fidhqßh jQ —,shq— keue;a;sh rpkd l< .S; j, wêrdcH iufha l=ßrelï .ek i|yka lr ;sfí' pqwdxIq ckhdf.a ;reK ;re‚hka ;u iyldrhd fyda iyldßh f;dard.kq ,nkafka úfYaI rx. mSGhl mj;ajk .S; rx.k wjia:djl§h' fuu .S; rx.k wjia:dj oel n,d .ekSug wi,ajeis .ïudk j,ska ;reK ;re‚hka meñfKk ksid tysÈ Tjqka tlsfkld ñ;=re ù ;u iylre fyda iyldßh f;dard.kS' pqwdxIq ckhdf.a idys;H fmdaIKh lrkq ,nk ;j;a ixialD;sl wx.hls kegqï l,dj' wfma rfÜ Wvrg" my; rg inr.uq wdÈ jYfhka kegqï l,dj fjia " ,Sfl,s" l=¿" fnr hkqfjka úúO wx.j,g;a fn§ ;sfnk nj Tn okakjd we;' kegqï l,djo úúO wx. j,g fn§ mj;sk w;r" tajdhska fiao fnda, kegqu" l+ksiaika we,a,Sfï kegqu" f;a f;dard.ekSfï kegqu" Wrysia fyÆ kegqu jYfhka úúOd ldrfõ' fuu kegqï ms<sno wOHkhlska fy,sù ;sfnkafka ck;djf.a k¾;khka fndfydaÿrg Tjqkaf.a mer‚ Ôjk l%u yd noaOj mj;akd njhs' ;dx rdcH fm<mf;aÈ wd.ñl pdß;%j,ska pqwdxIq Tfmrd ks¾udKh ù ;sfí'

we÷ï ksjdi yd mqreÿ pqwdxIq ckhdf.a weÿï wfkl=;a l=vd ck lKavdhï fuka ;u ck lKavdhug wfõ‚l wkkH;djhlska ks¾udKh lr we;' ta w;r úúO wegj¾. ߧ meye;s wdNrK" f.;a;ï" oïje,a j,ska fuu weÿï w,xldr fldg ;sfí' jhU È.= .=jkaIs fjda iaúhka úhm;a ldka;djka f.;a;ï lrk ,o" lr lmk ,o yeÜg yd ll=,a f,dl= l,siï j,ska ieriS isá;s' tfiau tu weÿug úúO f.;a;ï iys; n| má" mdjyka yd Ñ;% wÈk ,o idh j,ska ierfi;s' we;eï ldka;d ߧ wdNrK m<|s;s' ;dx rc iufha úiQ f,aLlfhl= jQ ,shq fpdx hqwdka úiska rÑ; .%ka:hl ioyka jkafka Iqjka ckhd YÍrfha ks¾udKd;aul mÉp fldg isá njhs' w;S; pqwdxIq ckhd úYd, mjq,a jYfhka tlu ksfjil Ôj;a jQy' fndfyda ksjdi ;ks ksjdi jQ w;r" we;eï ksjdi Wvquy,lskao iukaú; úh' Wvq uy,a ksjdi ysujQfha pqwdxIq iudcfha Okh iys; mqoa.,hkagh' w¿;ska újdyjk msßñhd yd ldka;dj ál l,la ;u foudmshka iu. tlu ksjil Ôj;ajqj;a

l,lska Tjqyq oreu,a,ka iuÕ fjku ksjila ta wdikakfhau ;kdf.k jdihg h;s'

úúO W;aij " pqwdxIq ckhd yka ckhd iu. noaO ù úúO W;aij iur;s' tfiau pqwdxIq

ckhdgu Wreulï lshk W;aijhls —;=ka r;= ,shqï oji˜ hlaI ieureu .j wd;au W;aijh" ux.," yd jika; W;aijho Tjqyq iur;s' hlaI ieureï W;aijh pkaøudi Èk o¾Ykhg wkqj cq,s ui 14 wdrïN fõ' ^fcda¾ðhka Èk o¾YKhg wkqj wf.daia;= ui& fuh jika; W;aijfha wx.hla f,i pqwdxIq ckhd mj;ajhs' fuu Èkfha§ pqwdxIq ckhd WoEiku kd msßisÿ ù mjqf,a ish¨u idudðlhska iuÕ l=l=,a uia" ;drd uia iy mdg mylska hq;= wef,k iq¿ n;a ms<sfh< lr;s' fuu n;a ñ uq;=ka ñ;a;ka iy hlaIhskag m,uqj mqolrk w;r" b;sßh mjqf,a idudðlhska ish¨fokd tl;=ù wkqNj lr;s' .j wd;au W;aijh mj;ajkafka jika; iSiEu mj;ajk úg§h' fuys§ mjqf,a ish¨u idudðlhska tl;= ù j¾. mylska hq;a wef,k iq¿ n;la ms<sfh< lr tu n;a w¿;a ;Kfld< iuÕ ñá jYfhka n|s;s' tajd ñßlñka bka msgjk n;a .j wd;au j,g mQcd lr;s'

wd.ñl weoys,s pqwdxIq ckhd nyqfoaj weoys,s mqreÿ ù isá;s' úYd, .,a m¾j;" wdÈld,sk jDlaI" Wia l÷" ;eks;,d" ulrd" i¾mhska l=re,a,ka yd hqo fin¨;a jYfhka úúO foa Tjqkaf.a jkaokdudk jia;+kah' ;dx rdc iufha§ ;d´ O¾uh .eUqre n,hla iys; oyula f,i Tjqyq ie<l+y' 19 yd 20 jeks Y;j¾Ij,§ ñIkdßjreka fuu m%foaYj,g ixl%uKh úu ksid' we;eï .%dóh yd kd.ßl m%foaYj, ckhd wvqjeä jYfhka thg keUqre ù ;sfí'

uOqYdka l=,r;ak

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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Memories - 2018

CALIGRAPHY EXHIBITION Celebration-69th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China

Organized by Association for Sri Lanka China Social and Cultural Co operation, China International Culture Exchange Centre in Collaboration with Arthur M Sackler Foundation, Sri Lanka China Journalist Forum 19 and 20th 2018 at J.A.D. Perera Art Gallery in Colombo

26 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

China International Cultural Exchange Centre(CICEC), established in 1984, is a nationwide. Non-profitable social organization with legal entity engaged in international cultural exchange. Its aim is to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between the Chinese people and the people of foreign countries and areas all over the world through multi-level, multi-channel and multi-form international culture exchange, so as to serve for the cultural prosperity, economic development and the advancement of science and technology in China, and promoting world peace and progress of human civilization. Photos-Lester Rupasinghe

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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Ökfha áfngh 2 fldgi l;d fndfyduhla isá ;+fnda rdcOdksh iy ;dx rc fm<m;a ino;d ;j ;j;a wdl¾IŒh f;dr;=re /ila .ek ke.s‚' Ök levm; iÕrdfjka Ökfha áfngh ms<sno ,sms fmf<ys m%:u fldgi lshjd Tn ,enQ f;dr;=re ioyd ;jÿrg;a fuu ,smsfhka hula tla lsÍu wfma n,dfmdfrd;a;=j fõ'

Ökfha ;dx rc fm<m; iuÕ m%:u in|;dj msysgqjd .;af;a ;+fnda rdcOdksfha iqx ;aidka .dïfnda rc;=udh' tl, tu rc;=ud " ;dx rc fm<m; ms<sno oeä Wkkaÿjlska isáfhah' Tyq ;=< ;snqKq wfmalaIdjla jQfha yka cd;slhka i;=j ;sfnk Wiia ;dlaIKh;a" ksmehqï l=i,;djh;a wk¾> ixialD;sh iy ixj¾Ok l%fudamdh wdl¾IKh lr .ekSuh' fï wêIaGdkh oeäj;au rc;=ud ;dx rc fm<mf;a l=ußhl újdy lr .ekSfï fhdackdjla ish wud;H OQ; msßila u.ska ;dx rc jdi,g heùh'

m%:u fldgi wjidkfha§ i|yka jQfha uõìu wdrlaId lsÍfï wr.,hl fiahdj me;sÍ .sh miq yka iy áfnÜ Ngfhdao isú,a jeisfhdao ukapQßhdkq yd fudxf.da,shdkq úúO lKavdhï iuÕ tlaj wêrdcHjd§ wdl%uKhkag tfrysj igkla Èh;a l< njh' fï iuÕ uõìu wdrlaId lsÍu ms<snoj iaj¾Kuh msgqjla ks¾udKh úh' fï w;r ì%;dkH wdl%u‚lfhda kj Wml%u Ndú;d lrñka ;dx rc fm,m; wjidk ld,fha iy Ök iuQydkavqj uq,a ld,fha md,l mka;sh .%yKhg yiq lr .ekSu wdrïN l<y' ta wkqj b;d iQlaIuj ilik ,o isï,d iïfï,kh ixúOdk flß‚' th uõìfuka áfnÜ m%foaYh lvd fjkalsÍfï whs;shla f,io TjqyQ ie<l+y' iuia: Ök ck;djf.a;a" foaYfma%ó n, lKavdhï j,;a" mßY%uh fya;=fldgf.k fuu i;=re ie<iqï wid¾:l úh' fï w;r Ökh" hqwdka rc fm<mf;a isg meje;s áfnÜ iajdêm;H j.lSu ord isáfha" tu l=uka;%K yd ydkslr ie<iqï l%shd;aul fjoaÈ áfnÜ m%foaYh Ök uOHu rch iuÕ in|;d ;r lr .ekSfï miqìu hgf;ah' flfia fj;;a Ök uyck iuQydKavqj msysgqjk úgo úfoaY wêrdcHjd§ msßia iy jHdma;jd§ n,ldó msßia áfnÜ fnÿïjd§kag wkqn, §fuys ksr; jQy' fï iuÕu áfnÜ iajdëk;dj ms<sn| isyskh ks¾udKh úh' fï iuÕu Ök fldñhqksÜia mlaI uOHu ldrl iNdj iy iNdm;s udfjda ;afia;=x úiska m%n, ;SrKhla .kq ,nñka uyck úuqla;s yuqodj úiska áfnÜ iduldó úuqla;sh ioyd jk m%;sm;a;s yd uQ,O¾u iïmdokh lsÍug mshjr .kq ,enq‚' wvishjil ld,hla mqrd áfnÜ fnÿïjdoh jHdma; lrñka l=uka;%K jHdhduhl fh§ isá úfoaY wdl%u‚l msßiao áfnÜ m%foaYfhka fkrmd yeÍug

28 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

iqx f;aid;a .dïfnda rc;=ud

uyck úuqla;s yuqodj iu;a jQ w;r 1951 § áfnÜ iduldó úuqla;sh ia:dms; úh' fuu úm¾hdih;a iuÕu Ök uOHu rch iq¿ cd;Ska ioyd jk kj m%;sm;a;s iïmdokh lsÍu wdrïN lf<ah' iEu iq¿ cd;shlgu foaYmd,k" iudðh yd wd¾Ól iudkd;au;dj N=la;s ú£fï jru ysñúh' fï w;r 1959 § isÿjQ áfnÜ m%cd;dka;%sl m%;sixialrKh" ld,dka;rhla mqrd jy,a Ndjfha lgql w;aoelSï ú|ord isá áfnÜ jeishkag tu Wmøj m,jd yßñka áfngfhau iajdëk;ajh w;alr §ug iu;a úh' fu;eka isg áfnÜ b;sydih ;j;a me;slvlska úia;r flf¾'

áfnÜ ;+fnda rdcOdksh yd ;dx rc fm<m;a in|;d áfnÜ b;sydih ms<snoj l;d lrk úg ksrka;r isyshg kef.k ldrKd lsysmhls' jy,a Ndjfhka fm¿Kq áfnÜ jeishka" áfnÜ m%cd;dka;%sl m%;sixialrKh" ;+fnda - :dx rc fm<m;a in|;d áfnÜys wêrdcH jd§ wdl%uK " áfnÜ nqoaOd.u yd ,dudjreka iy woaN+; iqkaor;ajhlska msreKq áfnÜ mßirh tu ldrKd j,ska lsysmhls' áfnÜ ;+fnda rdcOdksh ms<sno rij;a

iqx ;aidka .dïfnda rc;=udf.a wêIaGdkh iM, ùug jeä l,la .; fkdjq‚' l%s'j 641 § ;dx rc fm<mf;a fjka fpka l=ußh ;=fnda rdcOdkshg fmryerlska meñ‚hdh' fjka fpx l=ußh iu. ;+fnda rdcOdkshg .sh tu msßjr ;dx rc jdi,ska oEjeoao ioyd jákd ;Hd. /ila /f.k .sh nj m; fmdf;a i|yka fõ' Bg úYd, YdLH uq‚ nqoaO m%;sudjlao wh;aj ;snq‚' tfukau fn!oaO O¾u .%ka: ldKav 360 la we;=¿ mQcd NdKavo tu oEjeoaog wh;a úh' fjka fpka l=ußh" YdLHuq‚ nqoaO m%;sudj ;+fnda rdcOdkshg f.k .sfha wiqka ne¢ úYd, r:hlska njo i|yka fõ' fuu ;Hd. ioyd bÈlsÍï l¾udka; iy ksmehqï Ys,am ms<sn| lD;s 60 la frda. 404 la ms<sno ffjoH m%;sldr úia;r flfrk f,aLK 100 la j¾. yhl ffjoH WmlrK iy ffjoH mqia;l 4 la we;=¿ jákd .%ka: /ilao we;=<;a úh' tfukau rcl=ußh úúO l,dlrejka /ilao tys le|jdf.k .sfhah' lDIs l¾uh i|yd úúO îc j¾. iy i;ajhkao" fiao ms<s iy fjk;a weÕ¨ï o f.khk ,§'

iqx ;aidkaa .dïfnda rc;=ud fuf,i jia;= iïNdrhlao /f.k ;+fnda rdcOdkshg .sh fjx fjka l=ußh ms<s.ekSug fmru. .sh nj i|ykah'

fuu újdy ux.,Hhka foflka miq ;+fnda rdcOdksh;a ;dx rc jdi,;a w;r úúO mqoa., yqjudre /ila olakg ,eì‚' áfnÜ m%foaYfha .dïNSr;ajh" iqkaor;ajh" iy iY%Sl;ajh wvd, flreKq b;d fYdapkSh ;;ajhlao b;sydih ;=< igykaj ;sfí'

fjx fpka l=ußh" ;+fnda rdcOdksh ;=< kj ixj¾Okhla we;s lsÍug iu;a jQjdh' weh ;+fnda jeishkag lDIsl¾uh c, iemhqï l%u" fmaI l¾udka; iy iQm Ydia;%ho b.ekajQjdh'

th iajdêm;Hh ysñ rglg tu iajdêm;H ia:djrh /l .ekSu ms<sno lÈu w;aoelSula ks¾udKh lr ;sfí' áfnÜ ck;djf.a jy,a Ndjh yd m%fõ‚odi ;;ajhka" áfnÜ wd.ñl miqìu" áfnÜ jeishkagu mSvkhla jQ wdlD;sh iy áfnÜ m%cd;dka;%sl m%;sixialrKh úia;r flfrk ;j;a ,smshla" ó<Õ Ök levmf;ka f.kyer oelafjkq we;'

fn! ,eÈ fjx fpka l=ußh ;+fnda rdcOdksfha fcdaldx iy rdfudaä wdrdu bÈ lrjQfha ; .Dy ks¾udK wkqj nj;a i|yka fõ' fjka fpka l=ußhf.a úúO l=i,;d ;+fnda jeishkaf.a oeä wdl¾IKhg ,laúh' jvd;a Wkkaÿj iqx ;aidka .dïfnda rc;=ud úiska ;dx fm<m;ska úúO hkaf;%damlrK yd ;dlaIK /ila f.kajd .kakd ,§' fuf,i fjx pka l=ußhf.a ;+fnda iïm%dma;sh tu rdcOdkshg iuDêh Wodl< nj meyeÈ,sh' ;dx rc fm<m;ska ;+fnda rdcOdkshg meñ‚ ;j;a rc l=ußhls ðka fpka

fjka fpx l=ußh

l=ußh' ta l%s'j 704 §h' tjlg ;+fnda rdcOdksfha isá g%sfâ fpdkaidka rc;=ud iuÕ weh újdy jQjdh' weho ;+fnda rdcOdkshg ;dx rdc jdif,ka b;d wk¾> l,d NdKav iy Ys,am /f.k meñ‚ nj i|yka fõ'

^u;= iïnka|hs&

bkaødkkao wfífialr

Sri Lanka Foundation for Friendship with China's Tibet

ASLCSCC Memories

seminar on diao island

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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Y%S ,dxlsl ffjoHjrfhl=f.a

Ök w;aoelSï''' ixialD;sl úma,jh wjidk jQ miq 1977 Ökfha úYaj úoHd,o kej;;a isiqkag újD; úh' 1978 uyck Ökh úiska Y%S ,xldjg fojk jrg m%Odkh l< YsIH;aj 7 ka tlla Ök wOHmk wud;HxYfha úNd.hlg miq ,nd .ekSug ug jdikdj ,enq‚' fï YsIH;ajh Wiia wOHdmk wud;HdxYh yryd Wiiafm< iu;a isiqkag m¾fhaIKhlska miq m%Odkh flreKs'

Ökhg we;=,aùï lghq;= wjidk lr wms fnhsðx NdId wdh;kfha .=rejrfhl= iu. wdh;kfha nia r:fhka NdId úYajoHd,hg msg;aj .sfhah' fï nia r:h Ökfha ksIamdÈ; fmg%,aj,ska Odjkh jQ r:hla úh' wm wo fuka fkdj tod b;du;a md¨ mdrl lsf,daógr 40 la muK .uka lf<uq' wmg fï .ufkao olakg ,enqfKa nhsisl,a f,dß iy niar: mu‚' boysg yuqjQ jdykhla yer lsisu ld¾ r:hla fkdú‚' fuh wmg mqÿuhla úh'

Y%S ,xldj jvd ÿ¾j, tal mqoa., wdodhula ;snQ Ökh ;udf.a cd;Hka;r j.lSu f,i ol=Kq weußldjg iy wdishdjg fufia YsIH;aj úYd, m%udKhla msßkeuqfõh' md,lhkaf.a o¾YKh iy lemùu" ck;djf.a lemùu ksid wo Ökh f,dalfha n,.;=u rg njg m;aù we;' 1978 isg jir .Kkdjla Ökfha Ôj;a jQ iy bkamiq ks;r Ökhg hEug yelsjQ ug wfma rfÜ jeä fofkl= fkdo;a ta Ökh .ek ud ÿgq hula ,sùug fufia ;SrKh lf<a bkaødkkao wfífialr uy;df.a b,a,Su u;h' 1978 j¾Ifha Ökh cd;Hka;rhg újD; ù ;snqfKa ke;' yqjd.´;x iNdm;sf.a kdhl;ajh hgf;a mej;s Ökh fkdhd´ msx jeks kdhlhska tjlg Ökh újD; lsÍfï l%shdjka .ek idlÉPd lrñka isáfhah' wms Ökhg 1978 jif¾ wf.daia;= udifha msg;aj .sfha mlsia:dkfha lrÉÑ k.rh yrydh' Ökhg we;=,a ùug wjir ;snQ cd;Hka;r .=jka fiajd w;f,diai w;r Pakistan International Air Lines (PIA) m%Odk ia:dhla .ekSu thg fya;= úh' tod fnhsðx .=jka f;dgqm, wo wfma r;au,dk .=jkaf;dgqm, jeks l=vd .=jka f;dgqm,ls' i;shlg fo;=kajrla muKla úfoaY .=jka hdkhla meñ‚ fnhsðx .=jkaf;dgqm, b;du;a ksial,xl ia:dhla úh' Ök wNHka;r .=jka fiajh iji yd rd;%S ld,fha mshdir lf<a ke;' wm .uka.;a .=jkahdkfha ^fndhsx 707 j¾.fha& isáfha ld¾h uKav,hg wu;rj úfoaYslhka 20 la muKh' thska jeä fokd úfoaY ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, j, fiajh lrk wh úh' .=jka f;dgqmf,a§ isáfha Ök f¾.=fjka yd ú.uk fomd¾;=fïka;=fõ fiajlhska lsysmfofkl= mu‚'

30 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

wms m%:ufhka fnhsðx NdId wdh;kfha Ök NdIdj yeoEÍu wdrïN lf<uq' úfoaYslhskag Ök NdIdj yeoEÍug ;snQ tlu wdh;kh jQ fuu wdh;kfha uõrfÜ mqrjeishka yer f,dalfha ish¨u rgj, YsIHfhda Ök NdIdj udi wgla yeoErey'

ffjoH wu,a ySkaks,fï uy;d Ökfha wOHdmkh ,enQ Y%S ,dxlsl YsIHhhka w;r b;d ckm%sh mqoa.,fhl= úh' 1978 § Ök rcfha YsIH;ajhla ,en jirl Ök NdIdj wOHhkfhka miqj fy;u Ökhg .sh w;r 1979 § l=jx IS ffjoH úoHd,hg we;=<;aj Wmdêh ysñlr .;af;ah 1984 § Y%S ,xldfõ fi!LH wud;HxYhg tlajQ Tyq ffjoH ks,Odßfhl= jYfhka 1985 § kdúl yuqodfõ fiajhg tlaúh' 2017 § kdúl yuqodfjka Tyq bj;ajQfha Y,H ffjoH lms;dka jrfhl= jYfhks' ySkaks,fï uy;d Ökfha§ ,nd.;a uq,au we;aoelSï fuu ,smsfhka úia;r flf¾

tod Ökfha Èk 6 la jevlrk ojiao bßod muKla ksjdvq Èkhlao úh' YsIH;aj,dNSka f,i wmsg YS; weÿï mjd NdId wdh;kfhka ,enqfKah' tod Ökfha ish¨ fokdu Ndú; l< fld< meye;s fyda ks,a meye;s mq¿x j,ska mqrjk ,o lndhla" im;a;=" f;dmamshla ta w;r úh' l=vd <uhska" m%d:ñl mdi,a isiqka yer wfkla ish¨fokdu wekafoa ks,a fyda fld< Zhoan Shun coat iy l,siïh' uydpd¾h jre fukau idudkH lïlrejkao mdúÉÑ lf<a nhsisl,ah' tfiau Tjqka w;r jegqma mr;rh b;du;a iq¿ úh' udi wgl ld,hla ;=< wms NdId wdh;kfhka iu;a ù Ökfha fkdfhl=;a m%dka; j, úYaj úoHd, j,g wkqhqla; flre‚' fï wkqj kj .=jkaIs m%dka;fha w. k.rh jk kxksx yS msysá .=jkaIs ffjoH úoHd,h n,d hdug iji fnhsðx ÿïßh fmdf,ka msg;a jQ wms ojia follg miq kxksx j,g meñ‚fhah' Ök ÿïßh j, m%fõY m;% wdik .Kkg iSud úh' ÿïßh mx;s folla úh' fuu ÿïßh álÜ m;g ksok we|lao we;=,;a jQ w;r fldÜg fuÜg wdÈho iemhsK' wfma úhoñka wdydr muKla ,nd .ekSug mq¿jka úh' Ök ÿïßh j, wm ÿgq jeo.;a ,laIKhla kï tajdfha msßisÿ luh' keje;ajQ iEu wjia:djl§u uq¿ ÿïßhu Tjqka fidaod msßisÿ lf<ah' tfiau ÿïßh ia:dkhla wdikakfha§ jeisls,s j, w.=,aouk ,§' kuq;a ÿïßh

msg;ajQfha tys ld¾ñlfodaI ke;s nj yd msßisÿlu .ek iEySulg m;ajQjdg miqjh' ;jo rd;%S 10 g wd,skaofha iy jeisls,s j, yer wka ish¨u úÿ,s mkaoï ksjd oeuqfõh' tfiau iEu ÿïßh ueÈßhlu fiajlfhla iy fiaúldjla fofofkla isá w;r Tjqka u.Ska .ek b;du;a ´kElñka fidhd ne¨fõh' mehlg jrla Ök f;a îug WKq j;=ro /f.k wdfõh' lEu fõ,djg lEu fg%d,sj, /f.k wdfõh' úfoaYslhka ksid wmg úfYaI ie,ls,s iEu úgu ,enq‚' rd;%S folla ÿïßfha .; lr kxksx kqjr ÿïßh ia:dkhg Wfoa 8'30 muK jk úg wms ,Õd úuq' ffjoH úoHd,fha .=rejrfhla iy úfoaY wud;HxYfha ks<OdÍyQ wmj ms<s.ekSug ÿïßh ia:dkhg meuK isáhy' Ökfha m<fjks fY%a‚fha ffjoH úoHd,hla jQ .=jkaIs ffjoH úoHd,h msysáfha b;d ,iaik mßirhlh' wmsj m%:ufhka ld¾hd,hg le|jd .sh w;r tys§ mSGdêm;s yuqjQjdg miq YsIH yeÿkqï m;a mqia;ld, ffjoH tallfhka idudðlm;a o ,nd § úfoaY isiqkaf.a fkajdisld.dr j,g f.k .sfhah' Y%S,xld mlsia:dk nx.,dfoaY fkamd, iy m,ia;Sk cd;slhska isáfha fï fkajdisld.drfhah' wfma meñŒu;a iuÕ isiqka .Kk 10la úh Ök YsIHhkao wm ish¨ fokdg wkqhqla; lf<ah' ál Èklska wm uQ,sl ffjoH úoH mdGud,d werUQfjuqq' Anatomy mx;sfha iEu isiqka 4 fofkl=g tl vñhla úh' tfiau isiqka fofofkl=g tla ñksia wegiels,a,lao úh' miqj wmg oek.kakg ,enqfKa fuh ,xldfõ ;;ajhg jvd b;du;a ÈhqKq njh' Wfoa 08 isg oj,a 12 jkf;la o oj,a úfõlfhka miq iji 2 isg 4 jk f;la foaYK meje;aú‚' Bg miq l%Svd ld,h

úh' iji wdydrh .ekSug wm ish¨ fokd fkajdisld.drfha fNdackd.drhg .sfhuq' fuys§ wdydr ,nd .ekSfuka miq fNdackd.drh msßisÿ lsÍuo YsIHhkaf.a j.lSula úh' úfoaYslhska f,i wmsg i,dl fkd;snqK;a Ök YsIHhskag yd,a" f;,a" frÈ uia i,dl ;snq‚' kxksx j, ysu fkdjegqk;a YS; ld,fha§ RK WIaK;ajhg my, nisk ksid wm YS; ld,fha§ WKqj;=r Ndú;d lf<uq' fï i|yd ish¨ fokdg nd,aÈhla ;snq‚' nd,aÈh /f.k fndhsf,arejg f.dia WKqj;=r /f.k ú;a iakdkh lsÍug" uqyqK fia§ug wms mqreÿ úuq' i;shlg jrla ijia jrefõ meh folla LAO DONG kï Y%uodk jHdmdrhla úh' túg .=rejre iy isiqka ish¨ fokdu mdif,a msßisÿ lsßu wdÈh lf<ah' wm ish¨ fokdu mdvï lsÍug .sfha foaYkd.dr j,gh' tys§ iEu úgu ish¨u úIhka Ndr .=rejre o jQy' wfma ´kEu m%YaKhla Tjqyq b;d ´kElñka úi÷fõh' fNdack .ekSfï§ Wfoag Mantou, oj,a iy rd;%shg n;a W!re uia ^uqia,sï isiqkag yrla uia& iy lxl=x úh' fï taldldÍ nj udihlg jrla ksid ì;a;rhla ish¨ fokdg ,enq‚' WoEik 5'30 g ^bßod yer ish¨ fokdu Ydßßl jHdhdu j,g iQodkï úh' Bg miq Wfoa wdydrfhka miq kshñ; foaYK j,g wm .sfhuq' fuu jljkqfõ§ Ökfha nhsisl,hla ñ,§ .ekSug rdcldß lrk wdh;kfhka ,smshla wjYH úh' kuq;a úfoaYslhka f,i wmg ñ;%;aj idmamqfjka l+mk ke;sj th ñ,§ .; yels úh' ;=ka fjks wjqreoao wjidkfha§ wmsj idhksl mqyqKqjg fhduq lrk ,§' ffjoH YsIhka 4 fofkl=g tl .=rejrfhl= fia

kï lrk w;r fuh ,xldfõ wOHkhg jvd fjkia úh' idhksl mqyqKqfõ§ wmsg frda.Skaf.a m%;sldr muKla fkdj frda.Skaf.a we|ka hg we;s oE o bj;a lsÍu wksjd¾h úh' fuh mx;s fíohla ke;s lsÍug .kakd ,o l%uhls' ffjoHjrekag fm!oa.,sl ffjoH fiajfha fh§ug wjir ke;s ksid ´kEu fõ,djl ffjoH jrhd jdÜgqj, frda.Ska Ndrj" YsIHkag b.ekaùu wdÈh flrefõh' Visiting Hours j,§ ffjoHjre jdÜgq j, isàu wksjd¾h úh' frda.Ska .ek Tjqkaf.a {d;Ska" ñ;%hka wd§kaf.a m%YaK j,g ms<s;=re §u;a frda.shdf.a ;;ajh Tjqkag úia;r lsÍu;a fuys wruqK úh' Ökhg wjYH ish¨u ffjoH WmlrK iEuúgu rg ;=,u ksmofjk ksid tajdfha lsisu ysÕhla fkdùh' Ökh iudcjd§ rgla jqj;a Tjqkaf.a ffjoH myiqlï lsisjla fkdñ,fha ;snqfKa ke;' Tjqkaf.a wdh;k j,ska hï fldgilao frda.shd úiska hï fldgilao f.jk ,§' fï .ek úmrï lsÍfï§ Tjqka lshd isáfha ffjoH myiqlï Tjqka idOdrK ñ,lg ,ndfok nj;a th fkdñf,a fiajhla f,i meje;aùug ;rï j;alula Ökhg fkd;snq‚ njhs' ;jo Tjqka lshd isáfha wkd.;fha Ökh fmdfydi;a jQ úg Tjqka ta .ek i,ld n,k njhs' ffjoHjre úYd, .Kkla fiajh lrk ksid ndysr frda.S wxYh lsisúgl frda.sfhl= ria;shdÿ fkdlf<ah' fkajdisl frda.Skago Èk m;d Ñ .=x jeks Ök jHdhdu mx;s meje;ajqfõh' fufia ,nd.;a w;aoelSï rdYshlao iuÕ wjqreÿ 6 lg miq wms kej;;a ,xldjg meñ‚fhuq' Y,H ffjoH lms;dka"wu,a ySkaks,fï

Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof when your own doorstep is unclean. -CONFUCIUS

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wisßu;a Ök foaYh f,dj b;d iqkaor rgla jk Ökh oel n,d .ekSug;a tys ixpdrh lsÍug;a wjia:djla hful=g ,efíkï th buy;a jdikdjls' f,dj úYd,;u ck.ykh isák rg ^ì,shk 1'3& f,i;a f,dj isõjk úYd,;u rg fukau 2016 jk úg f,dj fojk úYd,;u wd¾Ólh ysñ rg f,i;a Ökh m%lgh' Ökfha mj;sk iqúfYaIS l,d yd ixialD;sl ks¾udK oel .ekSug" Ökhg hdug fndfyda fokd m%sh lr;s' Ök cd;Hka;r .=jka úÿ,sh fufyh jQ cd;Hka;r oekqu ñKqu ;r.hl ch.%dylfhl= ù f,dj rgj,a y;lska meñ‚ tjeks ch.%dylhska y;a fokl= iu. 2001 § Ökfha ixpdrhg iyNd.S ùug jdikdj ,enq‚' Ökhg YS; ld,h wdrïNù ;snqKq fkdjeïn¾ udifha w. Èkhl fnhsðx w. k.rh fj; ud .sfha th udf.a m%:u .=jka .uk iksgqykalrñks' iD;= fíofha fjki m%dfhda.slj fkdoek isá ug fuu ixpdrh iqúfYaIS njla f.k ÿkafkah' Ök cd;Hka;r .=jka úÿ,sfhka Ñkh ms<sn| wid we;s iqkaor;ajh oel n,d .ekSug;a jákd ixpdrl ia:dk rdYshla oel.ekSug;a ud isf;a mej;s isyskh fuu ixpdrh ksid ienEjla úh' fnhsðx w. k.rh iy yfnhs m<df;a Èk 10 l ixpdrhla i|yd fuys§ wmg wjia:dj i<id § ;snq‚' ixpdrhg u. fmkajk wfhl= o wm y;a fokdf.a rgj, NdId mßj¾;lhskao fuu ixpdrhg tla úh' fuu ixpdrfha§ mej;s wêl iS;,g .e,fmk weÿï

YS% ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha idudðl idudðldjka tlish mkyl muK msßila Ök ixpdrfha fha§ ;sfí' Tjqkaf.a ixpdr u;lfha w;aoelSï yd riuqiq ;eka mdGlhkag yÿkajd§u fuu zzÖk pdßldzz ,sms fm< u.ska isÿfõ'

me<§ug wmg isÿjQ w;r tu iS;, kqjr t<sfha§ wm w;aúÈk iS;,g jvd wêl iS;,ls' f,dj mqÿu yf;ka tlla jk Ök uyd m%dldrh" f,dj úYd,;u p;=ri% j,ska tlla jk áhka wdka fuka p;=ri%h" .sïydk ud<" wêrdcH ud<" ^;ykï mqrh& ,dud mkai, —fnhsðx i;a;aj WoHdkh— Ök cd;sl fl!;=ld.drh fukau l¾udka; Yd,d lsysmhla yd oejeka; lDIs ìï lsysmhlao keröug wmg wjia:dj ,enq‚' Ök uyd m%dldrh ñksidf.a Y%ufhka ksujqKq w;s oejeka; ks¾udKhlah' fnhsðx k.rhg lsf,daógr 80 la muK W;=ßka msysá m;d,ska kï ia:dkhg wêfõ.S ud¾.hla Tiafia .uka l< wmg Ök uyd m%dldrh oel n,d .ekSug wjia:dj ,enq‚' fuu m%dldrfhka wm kerUQ fldgi mer‚ Ök bxðfkare Ys,amfha úYsIag;ajh fya;=fjka f,dal mqÿu yf;ka tlla jQ nj wmg fyd¢kau meyeÈ,sh' ñksiqka 10 fofkl=g fyda wiqka 05 fofkl=g fï u; tl fm<g hdyels nj fuysÈ wmg oek.; yels úh' mdIdK yd .fvd,ska ksujqKq fuu ks¾udKh ieneúkau ñksidf.a mqÿu iy.; ks¾udKhls' miqÈk wmg keröug wjia:dj ,enqfKa Ök wêrdcH ud< .sïydk ud, yd ta wdikakfha we;s áhka wdka fuka p;=ri%hhs' Ök wêrdcH ud< mqrd úYañ; l,d ks¾udK oel.; yelsh' wêrdcH ud<s.dfõ we;s .dïNSr;ajh ieufokdf.a wdl¾IKh Èkd .ekSug iu;afjhs' .sïydk ud< b;d w,xldrj;a f,i

ksujd we;' Ök cd;slhska fukau úfoia ixpdrlhska úYd, jYfhka fuu ia:dk keröug meñfKkq wmg oel.; yels úh' miqÈk fnhsðx i;a;= j;a; keröug wmg wjia:dj ,enqKq w;r Ökfha isák f,dj b;d ÿ,n fhdaO mekavd i;=ka ol=Kq Ök jHd>%hska ysu j,iqka ysu Èúhka ihsîßhdkq fldá úúO j÷re j¾. i;ajhska wdÈh fukau iEu j¾.hlu i;=ka fuys olakg yelsh' YS; ld,h neúka WoHdk j, fmdl=Kq ;=, wêl iS;, fya;=fjka whsia ñ§ ;snqKq w;r WoEik fiajlhska l=vd fndaÜgqj, f.dia tu whsialeg ì¢kq olakg ,enq‚' yxmhs m<df;a ixpdrfha§ wê ld¾ñl l,dm yd lDIsld¾ñl m%foaY lsysmhla keröug wmg yelsúh' ixpdrh wjidk Èk fol ;=, Ök cd;Hka;r .=jka úÿ,s keröug wjia:dj ,enqKq w;r iïudk msßkeuqKq rd;%sh Ôú;fha lsisÈkl wu;l fkdjk isÿùuls' Ökfha .; l< Èk oyhl ld,h Ôú;hg w;aoelSï rdYshla f.k ÿka nj lsj hq;=h' iEu lghq;a;l§ Ök cd;slhka kshñ; fj,djg jevlsÍug Ök cd;slhka ksr;=reju lghq;= lrhs' fnhsðx k.rfha oejeka; ixj¾Okhla isÿfjñka mj;sk nj ixpdrfha fhÿKq wjia:dj, oel.; yelsúh' wkd.;fha kej; Èkhl Ökhg meñŒfï woyiska tod Ökfha ñ;=rkag uu iuqÿkafkñ' ^u;= iïnka|hs&

wreK iuka ymqwdrÉÑ

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Ök bf.k NdIdj .ksuq'

j¾;udkfha wms Ôj;a jk iudcfha m%Odk;u wjYH;djhla f,i ikaksfõokh yÿkd .; yelshs' fofofkl= fyda lsysm fofkl= tla jQ úg tlsfkldf.a woyia iy Wjukdjka ikaksfõokh lr .ekSfï m%Odku fuj,u jkqfha NdIdjhs'

f,dalfha ck.ykfhka jeä msßila l;d lrkq ,nk Ök NdIdj fï jk úg f,dalfha fndfyda fokdf.a wjOdkhg ,laj ;sfí' ta fndfyda fofkl= Ök NdIdj bf.k .ekSug oeä we,aula olajhs" Y%S ,dxlslhska jYfhka wmo Ök NdIdj bf.k .ekSu u.ska wfkdakH f,i ixksfõokfha fh§ug wjldY ie,fia' forfÜ ck;dj w;r ñ;=ou ;j ;j;a ;yjqre ùu;a" ixialD;sl" iudchSh" iy wOHdmksl hk l,dmhkaf.a úúO;ajh wOHkh lsÍug;a fï ;=,ska yelshdj ,efí' wms wo Ök NdIdfõ tÈfkod Ndú;d jk jpk iy jdlH lsysmhla yÿkd .ksuq' Ök NdIdfjka kS (Nǐ) hehs lSfjd;a tys f;areu Tn " ke;akï Thd lshk f;areu ta fjda (Wǒ) lSfjd;a tys f;areu uu hkak" Ök NdIdfjka kSka (Nín) lsh, lSfjd;a tys f;areu Tn lshk tlu ;ud" kuq;a th f.!rjdkaú; fh§ula" Wod yrKhlska lSfjd;a wms .=rejrfhl=g wu;kak Ndú;d lrkafka kSka (Nín) lshk jpkh" Ök NdIdfjka Tn,d tfyu;a ke;akï msßilg wu;kafka kSuka (Nǐmen) f,i" tla wfhl=g jeä msßilg kSuka (Nǐmen) lsh, lshkj' wms flfkla yuq jQ úg wdhqfndajka lshkj" bx.S%isfhka yf,da lshkj" Ök NdIdfõ§ flfkl= yuq jQ úg kS yd´ ^ 你 好 & lsh, lshkj' wms wdhqfndajka lsh, lshoaÈ wfkla wh;a fmr,d wdhqfndajka lshkj" Ök cd;slfhd;a Ök NdIdfjka kS yd´ (Nǐ Hǎo ) lS úg fmr,d kS yd´ (Nǐ Hǎo ) lsh, lshkj' tys f;areu wdhqfndajka" tfyu;a ke;akï Tng fldfyduo lshk tlu ;uhs'

34 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

wêfõ.S ud¾.fha msysá

f,dj Wiu Wux ud¾.h

Tfí iem ÿl fldfyduo lsh, flfkla Ök NdIdfjka wykafka kS yd ´ ud ( Nǐ hǎo ma) lsh," wms m%YaKhla wyoaÈ ""o"" hkafkka woyia lrk foa Ök NdIdfõ§ ud ( ma ) f,i fhdokj' ta m%YaKhg Ök NdIdfjka ms,s;=re fokafka fjda yka yd´ ( Wǒ hěn hǎo ) lsh,' tys f;areu uu fydÈka lshk tl' ta wms fmr,d thdf.ka wykj Tng fldfyduo lsh," th Ök NdIdfjka wykafk kS k ( Nǐ ne ) f,i" túg Tyq ms,s;=re fokjd fjda fha yka yd´ ( Wǒ yě hěn hǎo ) lsh,' tys f;areu uu;a fydÈka lshk tl' oeka wms fï ms,sno úuid n,uq'

A - Nǐ Hǎo ! 好你!

B - Nǐ Hǎo ! 好你!

Nín 您 (polite – f.!rjdkaú; fhÿu) You Nín hǎo! 您你!

Nǐmen你们 - you ( plural – msßilg - Tn,d) Nǐmen hǎo! 你们 你!

A - Nǐ hǎo ma ? 你 好吗?

B - Wǒ hěn hǎo. Nǐ ne? 我很你. 你 呢?

A - Wǒ yě hěn hǎo 我也很好.

o¾YŒ ch;s,l

f,dj fuf;la bÈjQ Wiu wêfõ.S Wux ud¾.h jk Ökfha áfnÜ" ,did kshekaÑ Wux ud¾.h miq.shod újD; flß‚' th uqyqÿ uÜgfï isg óg¾ 4750 l Wilska msysgd ;sfí' fuu Wux ud¾.h lsf,daóg¾ 5'7 l È.lska hqla; fõ' fuu Wux ud¾.fha bÈlsÍï 2015 j¾Ifha§ wdrïN jQfha ógr 5018 l Wilska hq;a ñ,d lÿ mx;sfhks' tys jHdmdr l,ukdlre f,i f.dka.a ìka bxðfkarejrhd lghq;= lf<ah' lsf,daógr 5'7 la olajd jQ f,i ks¾udKh lsÍfï§ fiajlhska 2000 la muK fiajfhys fhdojd ;sfí' Tlaiscka" m%jdykh we;=¿ NdKav m%jdykfha§ úúO ndOd t,a, jqjo iuia: jHmD;sh 2019 wfma%,a jk úg ksulsÍug Ök bxðfkarejka m%uqL jev ìï fiajl uKav,hg yelsù ;sfí' Wux ud¾.h ;=< bÈl< ;djld,sl ksjdi ;=< jir 4 l muK ld,hla fuu fiajlhska Ôj;aj we;s w;r th Ndysr iaNdúl mßirfhka fjkajQ ld,hla nj" fuu jHdmD;sfha m%OdkS Ishq fhdaf.aka uy;d m%ldYlr we;ehs Iskayqjd mqj;a fiajh Wmqgd olajñka i|yka lf<ah' Ök wxl 2 ÿïßh ld¾hxY bÈlsÍï iud.u uÕska Wux ud¾.fha bÈlsÍu isÿlr ;sfí' kj Wux ud¾.h yryd ixpdrl wdl¾Ikh iys; ,did kqjrg b;d wvq ld,hla ;=, .uka lsÍfï yelshdj ,efí'

Ök ffjoH l,dj Ök uyd ixialD;sh úiska f,dalhg odhdo l, w;s úYsIaG ±kqï moaO;Ska w;r mj;sk Ök mdrïmßl fjolu" (Traditional Chinese medicine – TCM ) ke;fyd;a Ök mdrïmßl ffjµ úµdj ;j;a wdldrhlg mjif;d;a Ök mdrïmßl ffjµ l,dj f,dalfhau

wjOdkhg ,lafjñka mj;S' ÈhqKq ngysr ffjµ úµdj úiska udkj iudch fj; ±jeka; fiajdjla l, nj fndfyda fokd ms,s .kakd i;Hhhs' ñksid úiska úµdjkaf.a wdf,dalh iudchSh f,i w;am;a lr .kakd úg ñksid úiska f.dv k.ñka mej;s iEu ish¿ foa fj;u tys wdf,dalh .uka lrkakg úh' ngysr ffjµ úµdj lrdo tys wdf,dalh m;s; jQ w;r th wjqreÿ ish .kkla udkj j¾.hd fj; fiajh lf,ah' tfiau f,dalfha úúO ixialD;Ska iy cd;sl;ajhka w;r úúO jQ frda. iqjlr .ekSfï mdrïmßl l%ufõohka mej;s w;r fïjd úúO wdlrfha ffjµ l%uhka f,i f,dalh yuqfõ wjOdkhg ,laj ;sfí' fydañfhdam;s ffjµ l%uh" wdhq¾fõo ffjµ l%uh" jeks ffjµ l%uhka fï jk úg f,dalfha nyq;r m%cdjkaf.a wjOdkhg ,laj we;' Y%S ,xldfõo mdrïmßl fy< fjolu f,i frda. iqjlr .ekSfï ffjµ l%uhla mej;s nj ryila fkdfõ' tu ffjµ l%uh wdY%s;j ks, m%;sldr mej;s njg idOl mj;sk nj;a tfukau i;=kago m%;sldr l, úfYaIs; ±kqï moaO;shla iy ffY,Hl¾u l, njg fM;sydisl f;dr;=re mj;S'

Y%S ,xldfõ§ ngysr ffjµ úµdj" wdhq¾fõo ffjµ úµdj" fydañfhdam;s ffjµ úµdj" Ök mdrï mßl ffjµ úµdj ms,sno wjfndaOhla iudch ;=< wvq jeä jYfhka mj;S' kuq;a jvd me;=reKq ffjµ Ndú;dj jkafka ngysr ffjµ m%;sldr hkah'

ngysr ffjµ úµdfõ kHdhsl mokula mj;sk w;r mdrïmßlj f.dvke.S úldYKh ù mj;sk wka iEu ffjµ l%uhlgu;a Bg wod, kHdhsl mokï we;' tfiau fï iEu ish¨ ffjµ l%uhka ;=, iSudjka mj;sk w;r f,dalfha úµd;aul ±kqu ixj¾Okh fj;au tu iSudjka w;sl%uKh lsÍug yels úh' kuq;a mj;sk i;H jkafka ;ju;a ñksidg tu iSudjka ishhg ishhla tla lafIa;%hla ;=, iïmQrK lr.ekSug fkdyels ùuhs' tu ksid ±kg f,dal uÜgñka ckm%sh iy wêm;s ffjµ úµdj f,i ms<s.efkk ngysr ffjµ úµdfõo fndfyda iSud lï mj;S' úúO ixialD;Ska ;=, ixj¾Okh jQ úúOdldrfha mdrïmßl ffjµ úµd;aul ±kqï iïNdrhka kQ;k úµd;aul ±kqïmoaO;s iu. tlaj tajdfha jQ iSudjka w;sl%uKh lrñka we;' Bg fydou WodyrKho jkafka mdrïmßl Ök ffjµ úµdjhs'(Traditional Chinese medicine – TCM ) mdrïmßl Ök ffjµ úµdj" tla w;lska ffjµ úµdjla f,io" wfkla w;ska ffjµ l,djla f,io wr: .ekafjhs' frda.hla hkq ñksia YÍrsl l%shdldß;ajh tla;rd wdldrhlska ìo jeàuls' fuu

ìo jeàu u.ska ñksidf.a YÍr wNHka;r iy Ndysr l%shdldß;ajhka w¾nqo .; jk w;r ñksia isref¾ fN!;sl f.dvkexùu iy uki ^ú{dkh& fkdtfia kï ñksia isref¾ hy meje;au ìo jefÜ' fuu ìo jeàu úúO fya;= ksid úúOdldrfhka isÿ jk w;r tajd frda.hka f,i iudch úiska w¾: .kajhs' ir, f,i .;fyd;a frda.hla hkq ñksia YÍrh ldhslj iy udkislj w¾nqo .;ùuhs' fï w¾nqo .; ùu h:d ;;ajhg m;a lr .ekSug ^iqjlr .ekSug& fhdod .kakd ud¾.h ffjµ l%uhla f,i ir,j f;areï .; yelsh' f.!;u nqÿrcdkka jykafia úiska jrl fufia mjid we;' ksfrda.S lu W;=ïu iem;hs' ^wdfrda.Hd mrud ,dNd& tu ksid ksfrda.S lu mj;ajd .ekSu hkq úµd;aul f;areï .ekSula úh hq;= w;r frda.dndOhkag ,lajQ úg iqj lr .ekSuo úµd;au f;areï .ekSula yryd úh hq;=h' Ök ffjµ úµdj úiska ñksfil= frda.sfhl= fkdù ksfrda.Sj mej;Sfï ud¾.h f;areï lr fok w;r Bg wod, l%shdldß;ajh l=ulao hkak fmkajd fohs' frda.dndOhkag ,laùfï§ bka ñ§fï úêl%uh fmkajd fohs' ffjµ l%uhl m%Odku Wjukdj jk frda.h iqjlr .ekSu;a" frda.h iqj lr .ekSug hdfï§ w;=re wdndO j,g ,la fkdùu;a m%Odk ldrkdjla fõ' ngysr ffjµ úµdfõ m%Odk;u wNsfhda.h f,i U!IO Ndú;dj u.ska isÿjk w;=re wdndOhkag ,la ùu fmkajd § ;sfnk w;r Ök mdrïmßl ffjµ úµdj yryd lrkq ,nk m%;sldrhka j,§ fuu w;=re wdndOhkag ,la ùula isÿ fkdfõ' Ök ffjµ l,dj ms,sno wo f,dalfha .eUqßka yeoEÍï lrk ngysr iudcfha jeäu wjOdkh fhduqj we;af;a fï ldrkdj fj;hs' Ök ffjµ l%uh yryd frda.hka iy frda.shd f;areï .kakd wdldrh ms,sno China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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wmsg .eUqßka i,ld ne,Sug isÿfõ' ta ms,sno bÈßfha§ wm mshjfrka mshjr i,ld n,uq' Ök ffjµ úµdj hkq kHdhsl mokulska f.dv kexjqk lafIa;%hla jk w;r tu kHdhsl ldrkd f;areï .ekSu b;du;a jeo.;a fõ' tfiau Ök ffjµ l%uh hkq lafIa;%hka .kkdjl wfkdakH l%shdldß;ajhls' frda.dndOhkag ,lafkdù ñksid Ôú;h mj;ajdf.k hd hq;= ud¾.h fmkajd §u fuys úfYaI;ajhls' Bg wod, f.dv kekaùï iy lafIa;%hkao wmg wOHk iSudjkag tla lsÍug isÿfõ' mdrïmßl Ök ffjµ l%uh (Traditional Chinese medicine – TCM ) ;=, jQ m%;sldr úê úYd, m%udKhla we;' ta iEu m%;sldr úêhlau ksYaÑ; kHdhsl mokulska l%shd;aul ùu isÿfõ' WodyrK f,i fuu ffjµ l%uh yd iïnkaO me,Eá fjolu" lgq Ñls;aiduh m%;sldr" ks, iïNdIK m%;sldr" fudlaIsnIka m%;sldr" ks,ia:dk úo reêrh bj;a lsÍu" Yla;s wNHdi" Ñls;aiduh wNHdi" we;=¨ iEu lafIa;%hl§u Bg wod, f;areï .ekSula we;' wmg Ök ffjµ l,dj jYfhka iuia:hla f,i i,ld ne,Sug isÿjkafka fï lafIa;%hkah' th w;s úYd, mrdihl ±kqï iïNdrhl msysgd we;' Ök ffjµ l,dfõ (Traditional Chinese medicine – TCM) kHdhsl f;areï .ekSu mokï jkafka iqj l, fkdyels frda.hla fkdue; hk w¾:fhks' tfiau Ök ffjµ l%uhg wkqj ñksidg

fN!;sl YÍrhla iy Yla;s YÍrhla mj;S fuu Yla;s YÍrfha isÿjk .eg¨ ldÍ ;;ajhka fN!;sl YÍrfha§ frda. dndOhka f,i oDYHudk fjhs' tfiau wod, Yla;s YÍrfha ìo jeàï fyda wiunr;djhka h,s h:d;;ajhg m;a l, úg fN!;sl YÍrfha frda.dndOhka w;=reoyka fjhs' fkdtfia kï iqj fjhs' Ök ffjµ l,dj mokï fjkafka frda.shd iajNdúlj iqjùu olajd Yla;s YÍrfha moku ilia lsÍu fjkqfjks' ngysr ffjµ l,dfõ mshd jYfhka ie,flk ysfmdl%àia (Hippocratic) úiska ysfmdl%àia Èjqreu (Hippocratic Oath) ;=, fufia olajhs" wms ffjµjreka U!IO u.ska YÍrfha we;s iajNdúlj iqjlr .ekSfï Yla;shg Woõ lruq hkqfjks" fï jk úg f,dalfha ffjµ l%uhka yd ta yd iïnkaO fndfyda foa fj<ofmd, n,fõ.hla ù we;' jvd udkjjd§ f,dalhl frda.hkaf.ka je,lSu iy iqj lr .ekSu udkqIHjd§ Wjukdjls' wkd.; f,dalfha ñksia j¾.hd fjkqfjka Ök ffjµ l%uh ±jka; iy ;SrKd;aul fiajdj isÿlrkq we;' ^bosrs l,dmh yd nefoa&

ufyakaø l=udr

Zhang Zeduan Zhang Zeduan, alias Zheng Dao (10851145), was a Chinese painter of the Song Dynasty. He lived during the transitional period from the Northern Song to the Southern Song, and was instrumental in the early history of the Chinese landscape art style known as shan shui. His work "Along the River During the Qingming

36 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

Festival" is one of the most famous paintings in the world today. It represents an important milestone in the history of Chinese painting. The painting holds very great historical and artistic value, making in art treasure renowned both at home and abroad.

appointed to the panel of Arbitrators of Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration Mr.Sumathi Dharmawardena was appointed to the panel of Arbitrators of Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration. His Lordship the Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya P.C. Former Attorney General, grace the occasion with Mr.Liu Xiao Chen at Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, Shenzhen,China to hand over the letter of appointment to Mr Sumathi Dharmawardena.

SAIC Motor has done exactly what it said, setting up a sophisticated value chain of research and development centers, manufacturing bases, sales and supplying centers and financial companies in its bullish international marketing drive. Like SAIC Motor, more and more Chinese automobile companies have sped up the efforts to expand their businesses globally in recent years. According to Shanghai customs, more than 70 Chinese car makers exported their vehicles to over 70 countries and regions via the ports in Shanghai last year, with the total amount reaching 230,000 units, making up about 67 percent of China's total vehicle exports.


"With just a few clicks of the mouse, and 10 days of patience, I can have a box of light bulbs delivered to the front door from China that help me save on my electric bill by over 90 percent," said Faisal Saleh, a young man from Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The e-commerce platform Damman referred to is the AliExpress of China's online retail behemoth Alibaba, making cross-border sales and fast delivery possible for millions of buyers around the world. As of September, last year, AliExpress's home and abroad users have snowballed to 150 million. "This year marks the third year for our 'local to global' strategy," said Wang Mingqiang, general manager of AliExpress. "This strategy is intimately connected to Alibaba's broader globalization strategy." During the annual online shopping bonanza on Nov. 11, China's online retail sales exceeded 300 billion yuan last year, up about 27 percent and a record high, the Ministry of Commerce said.

The double 11 online retail market in China is becoming increasingly international. AliExpress is inviting businesses from other countries to grab a slice of the huge market. The company not only helps facilitate overseas business owners to sell their goods on its platform, but also share its wisdom of efficient delivery services. "We want to promote a level playing field for small and medium-sized businesses at home and abroad in global competition," Wang said. "The sales of local products at AliExpress will also boost local economy and create job opportunities." Mobile payment services are also taking root abroad. According to a recent research released by Nelson, a marketing consultancy, the number of outbound Chinese tourists using mobile payments has surpassed tourists who pay by cash. The spike in Chinese mobile payment users has caught the attention of overseas business owners since the convenient payment boosts their numbers of customers and revenues. Alipay, Alibaba's mobile payment platform, has built business relations with over 250 financial institutions abroad to provide online payment service for foreign sellers and the service of mobile payment for Chinese tourists as well as locals. Thanks to its global expansion, Alipay's users has totaled 1 billion, making it the world's most-downloaded non-social mobile application. COMMON PROSPERITY Sri Lanka welcomed its first railway open to traffic on the early morning of April 8, after over 70 years without railroad transport. This is the first railway project built by a Chinese company under the Belt and

Road Initiative. Thus far, the island nation has developed a sophisticated transport system of land, sea and air. Over the years a number of countries and regions, especially those participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, have

benefited from the investment and expertise of Chinese companies to upgrade their infrastructure and beef up the local economy. The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge, the first cross-sea bridge in the Maldives, was opened to traffic in August last year. The Montenegro highway, the biggest infrastructure in the terrain-challenged country, was completed last July, and Belarus has started to develop its car manufacturing sector with the help of Chinese expertise. In the German city of Duisburg, China Railway Express has increased from three trains per week to 35 to 40 per week right now, stimulating the growth of port industry and creating more than 6,000 jobs. According to the Ministry of Commerce, Chinese investors completed nonfinancial investment totaling 15.7 billion U.S. dollars in 1,416 foreign companies in 138 countries and regions in the first two months of 2019. (SHANGHAI, May 11 -Xinhua)

Courtesy - Tang Lu-Xinhua Colombo Bureau

Ök levm; ms<sn|j mdGl Tnf.a woyia úfõpk yd fhdackdj,g wms .relrkafkuq' Tnf.a woyia" fhdackd fyda úfõpk wmfj; fhduq lrkak m%Odk ixialdrl" Ök levm;" Y%S ,xld - Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh ã 30 ud;d mdr" ueksx gjqka" fld<U 08" Y%S ,xld Tel Email

:+94 11 269 5772, 071 492 5151 : China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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China donated

10 police vehicles to Sri Lanka

China has donated 10 police vehicles to Sri Lankan government as part of the public security cooperation between the two countries. The 10 police vehicles were handed over to Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena by Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Cheng Xueyuan at the Presidential Secretariat in Colombo on Wednesday. Sirisena expressed his thanks to China for offering the timely help. He said the police vehicles will help the local law enforcement better conduct anti-terror missions and maintain public order and security. Ambassador Cheng extend his deepest condolences to the victims, and convey my sincere sympathy to the injured and the bereaved families in Easter Sunday attacks. Cheng said, “at a time of sorrow, the Chinese government and people stand firmly with the Sri Lankan people and resolutely support Sri Lanka in safeguarding its national security

and stability, and building a peaceful and prosperous country. China and Sri Lanka are good neighbors, good partners and good friends; our friendly relations have been tested by times of difficulty and emerged even stronger. China has been actively involved in supporting Sri Lanka in various fields; Sri Lanka always supports China firmly as well. Sri Lanka is one of the first countries to publicly support and participate in the Belt and Road Initiative. China-Sri Lanka cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative has borne rich fruits. The underconstruction Colombo Port City, the Hambantota Port and Industrial Park are expected to become the new powerful engines for Sri Lankan economy to take-off. The Southern Expressway, the Central Expressway and the Southern Railway have fundamentally changed the development landscape of the Sri Lanka. China’s aid, training, technology and management as well as the job opportunities created by these projects are deeply changing the future and destiny of ordinary people in Sri Lanka.” The Chinese ambassador also thanked the Sri Lankan police for their contribution to the local people, as well as their assistance to the Chinese and the Chinese institutions in Sri Lanka. Cheng said, “I wish these vehicles, which symbolize China-Sri Lanka friendship, could drive the practical cooperation between two countries to even brighter future.” Chinese Defense Attaché Senior Colonel Xu Jianwei, Secretary to the President Mr. Udaya Ranjith Seneviratne, Acting Inspector General of Sri Lanka Police Mr. Chandana Wickramaratne also attended the handover ceremony.

sri lanka china diplomatic relations

Deng Yingchao's

1977 State Visit to Sri Lanka On April 17, 1977, 73-year-old Deng – who at that time was vice-chairperson of the National People's Congress of China – visited the picturesque island country at the invitation of then Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

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that she had picked from Xihua Hall – Deng's living quarters in Beijing. Taking the flower from Deng's hand, Bandaranaike felt excited and happy, according to accounts of the time. The scene was photographed by Deng's secretary, the flower's bright color being retained forever. "Deng is an extraordinary woman. Bringing us a flower from such a faraway place is just an expression of her sincere friendship with Sri Lanka," said Bandaranaike later to staff around her and visiting delegations from other countries. A welcoming banquet was held at Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall – the grandest modern building in the country. The hall was built under a joint construction agreement signed by Zhou Enlai during a visit there in 1964. At the banquet, Bandaranaike recalled past times and talked with Deng about Zhou's trip, speaking highly of his great contribution to the friendship between the two nations. Deng listened with a smile, her face lighting up with vigor, and gave a speech on the further development of their relationship. Later, she visited Peradeniya Botanic Gardens. To show welcome and admiration, the host named an orchid after Deng. There, she also saw a luxuriant local shrub variety planted by Premier Zhou in 1957, which was in full blossom. Beside it, she placed a sapling of the same plant. The principal of the garden was overwhelmed with excitement at Deng's coming, according to records. "I thought that, as the wife of a Premier, she must be noble and proud. However, when I saw her, she was so amiable," he recalled later. During her visit, Deng gave the principal a traditional Chinese lacquer painting as a present, in which were shown several carp swimming in water.

Upon her arrival, Deng received the full State-level treatment: Bandaranaike and the country's president were waiting at the airport to welcome her.

"I'm very grateful to Deng. The gift she gave me often let me remember the scene of that year. When I saw it, I felt as if I was the free and unrestrained fish. It's a kind of healthy and positive feeling," he added.

As Deng stepped off the plane, she gave Bandaranaike some crabapple flowers

(Source: People's Daily/Translated and edited by Women of China)

Shi Liang: China's First Minister of Justice The case soon became known among the poorer classes, who began to turn to Shi for help. As a result, she had a silver badge made with the words 'protect human rights' placed on her office desk.

The Chinese people have experienced great changes in marriage since the People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded over 60 years ago. However, no matter how tremendous the changes have been, one fact remains the same, which is that they are still governed by China's Marriage Law, which Chairman Mao considered as fundamental to families as constitutions are to countries.

Saving China Association In the early 1930s, China was facing Japanese invasion and civil war. In 1935, Shi established the Women's Association to Save China. The next year, she was elected to one of the 14 committees of a national association to save China.

It was the first law ever made in the PRC and then-Minister of Justice Shi Liang presided over its creation, granting Chinese women equal rights as men and freedom to love and be loved.

The association soon issued a statement, asking the then-Chinese government to stop fighting the civil war and unite all parties across the country to fight Japan.

Shi was also China's first Minister of Justice, in addition to being a famous lawyer and social activist.

Fight for Justice Shi was born in 1900 in Changzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, to an impoverished but well-educated family. She began her formal education at a local girls' school, where she became equally well-known for her rebelliousness as she was for her academic achievements. She led her classmates in boycotting their mathematics teacher, as they felt that he was unqualified to teach the subject. Further investigation by the school proved the students' claims to be true and the teacher was fired. However, Shi was also punished by the school authorities for her rebelliousness. The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing on May 4, 1919, protesting the Chinese government's weak response to the Treaty of Versailles, especially in allowing Japan to retain territories in Shandong which had been surrendered by Germany following World War I. Soon the movement became a nation-wide protest. Shi and her classmates were active in the movement, calling on businesses to stop selling goods made in Japan and giving

speeches to workers and businessmen to persuade them to protest by going on strike. Their activities were opposed by the local government, which threatened to shut down their school. In order to protect the school, Shi led her classmates to demonstrate and negotiate with the government. Finally, the Jiangsu provincial government capitulated and the school was allowed to continue. In 1922, Shi graduated and was accepted into the Shanghai Women's University of Political Science and Law. Later, she went to Shanghai University of Law. After graduating from university, Shi worked as a lawyer in Shanghai. In 1931, she opened her own law firm. Every month, she dealt with 40-50 cases. One day, Shi found out that one of her servants had been abandoned after giving birth to a married man's baby. She helped her servant file a lawsuit against the man and won the case. The man was ordered by the court to support the servant and her child.

At the end of that year, the government arrested seven people from the association, including Shi, and charged them with the crime of endangering the country. The incident soon sparked outrage across the country. During the court hearing, Shi defended herself and the other six people charged. Her outstanding defense left the prosecutor speechless and they were found to be not guilty. When Chairman Mao learned about her story, he praised her as an 'outstanding woman'.

Minister of Justice In 1948, Shi made a survey of land reform in rural areas. She was shocked by the unfair treatment rural women faced during the reform. For example, in some places, women were barred from leaving their villages and some widowed women were forced to marry poor single men. After the PRC was founded, Shi was appointed as Minister of Justice, making her one of only two female ministers at that time. Her priority was to create a marriage law. In 1950, China's Marriage Law became the first law ever to be made in the PRC. China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

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The law ruled out forced marriage and unfair treatment of women. Concepts such as free marriage, gender equality, monogamy, and protection of women, children and the elderly people were advocated by the law. In order to ensure that the law was carried out, Shi visited grassroots governments and courts to assess the law's implementation. In 1959, the state's justice department was dissolved. Shi was unable to understand the decision. "How can a country not have a ministry of justice?" Shi wondered.

"She was at a loss as to what to do. She stayed at home all the time to read newspapers," said Shi's adopted daughter, Shi Xiaohong. China's Ministry of Justice was reestablished after the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). In 1977, Shi was invited to work again. She was 77 years old at the time.

The next year, she was elected vice chairperson of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China's top political advisory body. In 1985, Shi passed away in Beijing. She had never had a child and she left behind less than 3,000 yuan (US$ 489) worth of assets. But every time someone gets married or does anything related to marriage in China, they are continuing her legacy.

(Source: and edited by women of

wurodi .=Kj¾Ok ienE Ök ñ;%fhls

^1997 - Ök pdßld igyka&

Y%S ,xld - Ök ix.ufha j;auka iNdm;s wurodi .=Kj¾Ok uy;d ienE Ök ñ;%fhls' fyf;u fock;d ñ;%;ajh fjkqfjka fuf;la bgql< fufyjr forg ñ;=ou j¾Okh lsÍfuys,d fh§ isák ieug wdo¾Yhla fj;ehs wms is;uq' lD;yia; isú,a fiajd ks,OdÍfhl= jYfhkao uõìug buy;a fiajhla l< .=Kj¾Ok uy;d" ks¾jHdc iy tä;r mqoa.,fhl=o úh' fï Tyq Ökh oel ;enQ igyka j,ska Wmqgd .;a fldgia lsysmhls'

40 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

—Ökh ksod isá fhdaOfhlehso Tyq wjÈjQ úg uq¿ f,dalhu foorkjd we;ehso lshukhla ;sfí' ta l;dj flfia fj;;a Ökfha neÆ neÆ w; oeka oelsh yelafla mqÿu msì§ulehs wmg isf;a' úfYaIfhkau ,xldfõ isg hk ,dxlslhkag th oefkkjd we;' Ökh fï j¾Ok fõ.h mj;ajdf.k hEfï§ ish wkkH;djh /l.ekSu w;s Wodr l%shdjls' lrk ljr fohla jqjo l%udkql+,j kshñ; fõ,djg" w,xldrj" is;a.kakd iq¿ wkaoug bgq lsÍug Ök cd;slhd ;=< we;s Tjqkg wdfõksl olaI;dj wms iod w.h lruq'

—kQ;k Ökh f.dvke.Sug uq,a w;a;sjdru oeuQ fYa%IaG Ök mq;%fhl= jYfhka Ökfha;a ndysr f,dalfha;a f.!rjh ,nkafkls' iqka h;afika uy;d jevjiï l%uh hgf;a idudkH ck;dj ;,d fm,d úisjk ishjfia rcl< wjidk rdclSh fm<m; jQ —Ñx— fm<m;ska Ök ck;dj .,jd .ekSug 1911 § iqka h;afika uy;d ish wkq.dñlhka fufyhùh' jD;a;sfhka ffjoHjrfhl= jqj;a Tyq uQ,sl wjOdkh fhduq lf<a ÿmam;a Ök ck;dj fj;gh' Tyqf.a WfoHda. mdGh jQfha È<skaoka fjkqfjka fjfyiuq '''' hkakhs'— ^1997 Ök pdßld igyka& .=Kj¾Ok uy;d wm ix.uhg f.!rjfhka ie,l+ mqoa.,fhls' Tyq wm ix.ufha idudðlhka yuqjQ úg f;dr;=re úuiqfõ ,hdkaú;jh' Tyq wfmao fyd| ñ;=frls WmfoaYlfhls uOqYdka l=,r;ak

Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha

—f.!rjŒh iy iïNdjŒh tf;r idudðl— hk kdufhka msÿï ,enQfjda Y%S ,xldj;a Ökh;a w;r úúO lafIa;% ;=< in|;d Yla;su;a lsÍug;a forfÜ fock;d ñ;%;ajh j¾Okh lsÍug;a odhl;ajhla iy lemùula olajk Ök cd;sl nqoaêu;=ka iudc l%shdldßlhka iy jHdmdßlhka w.h lsÍfï iy Tjqka Èßu;a lsÍfï wNsm%dh iys;j Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh tu mqoa.,hka i|yd —f.!rjŒh iy iïNdjŒh tf;r idudðl— hk kduh msßkeóug ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

lsÍu iy tla ;Srhla tla udj;la uq,msreu hgf;a uqyqÿ iy fiao udj; l%shdldrlï Y%S ,xldj ;=< Yla;su;a lsÍug ixl,amuh odhl;ajh oelaùu ie<ls,a,g .ekSfuks' tfukau .=hsfjdÉ m<df;a .=hshdx k.rfha§ ;j;a iudc l%shdldrlhka iy odkm;shka ;sfofkl=g Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.S;d ix.ufha —f.!rjŒh yd iïudkSh tf;r idudðl— kduh ms<s.ekaúK'

ta wkqj Y%S ,dxlSh iïNjh iys; IQ Ys hskaw (Xu Shi Yine) rc l=ußhg tu m%:u idudðl kduh ms<s.kajk ,§' t;=ñhf.a iajdñ mqreIhd jk iqka hdfydkax (Sun Yahong) uy;dgo tu idudðl kduh msßkeñ‚'

Y%S ,xldfõ wlaIs frda.Ska iqj lsÍu yd Tjqkag meyeÈ,s oDYaÀh ,nd §fï udyeÕs ld¾hNdrfha m%uqLhd f,i wmf.a f.!rjh ysñjk Ökfha fukau cd;Hka;rfhao m%lg wlaIs ffY,H ffjoHjrfhl= jk ffjoH hd´ fjhsñka (Yao Weimin) uy;do ta w;r fõ' Y%S ,xldfõ wlaIs ffY,H l¾u isÿ lsÍfï jHdmD;shg uQ,H yd fiajd odhl;ajh iy tu lafIa;%h i|yd WmlrK imhd§u;a fjkqfjka l=hsfjdÉ k.rfha ðx,ka.a (Jinglang) wlaIs frdayf,a iNdm;s jQ pdxwka (Wu Changan) uy;dg;a tys WmiNdm;s ffjoH ,S uy;añhg;a tu iy;sl m;% msßkeñ‚' *Qðhdka (Fugian) m<df;a ,S fpx (Licheng) Èia;%slalfha pqjxfpdõ (Quang zhou) k.rfha msysá ,S fpx Èia;%sla uyck rcfha m%Odk ld¾hd,fha§ fuu iduðl kdu iy;sl m;% msßkeóu isÿúh' fuu fom< Y%S ,xld - Ök forg w;r ft;sydisl in|;d bÈßhg fufyhùug iy ifydaor k.r in|;d Yla;su;a lsÍu fjkqfjka iqúfYaI ld¾h Ndrhla bgq lrñka isá;s' *Qðhdka m<df;a yqjdÑhd´ úYaj úoHd,hg wkqnoaê; uqyqÿ fiaoudj; wdh;kfha úoaj;=ka ;sfofkl=go tu idudðl iy;sl m;% msßkuk ,oafoa forg w;r Ydia;%Sh in|;d Yla;su;a

uqyqÿ fiao udj; wdh;kfha m%OdkS uydpd¾h IQ fmhshqka (Xu Peiyun) uy;dg;a úoaj;=ka jk fpka fpx*ka (Chen Chengfeng) uy;d iy ,shq jkafnda (Liu Wenbo) uy;añhgo tu idudðl iy;sl m;% ms<s.kajk ,§'

ÿks,a fyhshka;=vqj

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ASLCSCC memories

Spring Festival Exhibition-2012

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