2020 óhdf.a j¾Ih
Xi stresses COVID-19 scientific research
;%sNdId-oaù udislh | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊
Volume 02 | Issue 01 - Jan. - March
China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 1
Ök wÆ;a wjqreÿ ld,fha fldfrdakd ffjrihg wNsfhda. lrñka Ök ckm;s .ug hñka"""
2 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
fm< .eiau 目录 Contents ;%sNdId-oaù udislh | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊
Volume 02 | Issue 01 - Jan. - March
Xi stresses COVID-19 scientific research during Beijing inspection
兰卡历史文化 | 165年前 的那个17岁如风少年
Confidence in China and No Need to Fear
Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r wLKavj mej; tk ñ;% in|;djhg Ôj jdhqj
Remarks by Dr. Tedros Adhanom
Reveals the inaugural Social Responsibility report
wêIaGdk wdf,dal mQcdj
úiañ; jdß yd .Dy ks¾udKlrejka
fldfrdakd" Y%S ,xldj yd Ök ck;dj
在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们 和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共 享友谊和关爱!
随笔:真道义 真朋友——中 国驻斯里兰卡大使程学源
South Asia China Friendship Leader
fndaêmqcd yd fi;amsß;a msxlu
Ök ixialD;sh ms<sn| oekqu ñKqu ;rÕfha ch.%dyS isiqka fnhsðx ixpdrhl
Ök ck Ôú;h yd i;aj rdYs 本命年
ASLCSCC Memories
China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 3
l;= jelsh f,dj mqrd mek ke.=Kq jix.; jHik /ils' b;sydih mqrd b;du;a oreKq jix.; frda. úúO rgj, ck;djg yd tu rgj, wd¾Ólh we;=¿ iuia; f,dalfha wd¾Ól ì| jeàug fya;= jQ wdldrh o ryila fkdfõ' Covid -19 Wm; Ökfhah' th jqydka k.rfha u;=ùfï fya;=j ms<sn|j fkdfhl=;a u; wikakg ,eìK' flfia fj;;a Covid -19 mrdch lrkakg Ökh .;a l%shdud¾. w;sYhska M,odhl úh' f,dal ck.ykfhka bÈßfm< isák Ökh ta i|yd wkq.; jQ wdldrh úYsIagh' tfukau Y%S ,xldj Bg fkdfofjks igkl kshe¿fKah th f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkfha by< we.hSulg ,la úh' Ökfha Covid -19 me;sr hoa§ wm rfÜ we;eï msßia Ökh úfõpkh lsÍu o wms ÿgqfjuq' fï w;r ckdêm;s f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d Y%S ,xldj ;=< Covid -19 jHdma;sh wju lsÍug m%n, kdhl;ajhlska úúO lafIa;% fufyhùh' fï ish,a, yuqfõ we;eï msßia Y%S ,xldfõ isák Ök cd;slhska flfrys ìhg m;aj Tjqkaf.ka yels ;dla wE;aj isàuo olakg ,eì‚' Tjqyq Ök cd;slhska ÿgq úg o Tjqka u. yer.shy' iuyre fï Ök ñksiqka ish fiajd ia:dkj,g meñfKk úg o Tjqkag fiajd iemhSu m%;slafIam l<y' ÿrd;S;fha isgu wm iuÕ ÿl iem fnod .;a Ök cd;slhska tiufhys u. yer isák úg Tjqkago wmj u.yer isàug isÿfõ hehs ljfrl= fyda fkdis;kakg we;' Covid -19 Ökfha cks; jqjo th wm rfÜ me;srjQfha ljqreoehs fuys ,d i|yka l< hq;= ke;' wm ix.ufha idudðlfhda fuys isák Ök cd;slhska lsis úfgl;a m%;slafIam fkdl<y' wms ñ;%;ajh yd fifkyi /f.k Tjqkaf.a ksfjia yd fiajd ia:dk j,g f.dia Tjqka Èßu;a lf<uq' Y%S ,dxlslhskaf.a Ôj .=Kh ms<sn|j wms lÈu wdo¾Yhla ks¾udKh lf<uq' fock;d ñ;% ix.uhla f,i Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh fuys isák Ök cd;slhska ;ks fkdlf<ah' wms úúO wjia:d ks¾udKh lrñka Ök cd;slhka iy f,dal jeishka fjkqfjka wêIaGdk mQcd yd fi;a me;Sfï mskalï ixúOdkh lf<uq' ta wmg yels foah' tmuKla fkdj Y%S ,xldfõ Ökh iu. ñ;=re ix.ï lsysmhlau tjeks jevigyka ixúOdkh l<y' fuys§ wm ix.uh iy Ök levm;" Y%S ,xld Ök ckudOH ixioh yd Y%S ,xld- Ök fn!oaO ñ;%;aj ix.uh ixúOdkh l< ñ;%;aj jevigyka m%Yxid;aulj isysm;a lrk njo i|yka l< hq;=h' wm ñ;=re ix.ï fuys§ wjfndaO lr.; hq;af;a fock;d ñ;%;ajh hkq ljrlao hkakh' Ökh ljrodlj;a Y%S ,xldj ;ks fkdlf<ah' wms o tfia lrkafkuq'
;%sNdId-oaù udislh | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊
Volume 02 | Issue 01 - Jan. - March
úOdhl ixialdrl Executive Editor bkaødkkao wfífialr Indrananda Abeysekera WmfoaYl jre Consultants ohd Y%S kf¾kaø rdcmlaI Daya Sri Narendra Rajapaksha iqñ;a udhdÿkafka Sumith Mayadunne m%Odk ixialdrl Editor in Chief uOqYdka l=,r;ak Madushan Kularathne iyh ixialdrjre Assistant Editors ksYdka; úl%uisxy Nishantha Wickramasinghe f,iag¾ rEmisxy Lester Rupasinghe rE rgd yd ks¾udKh Graphic & Layouts fla' ã' tia' mq,ia;s Design Factory mß.Kl wl=re weuqKqu Computer Typesetting ví' whs' tka' fl!uq§ W. I. N. Kaumudi PdhdrEm Photographer f,iag¾ rEmisxy Lester Rupasinghe uQ,H l<uKdlrKh Financial Managment ufyakaø úfÊ;=x. Mahendra wijethunga oekaùï l<uKdlrKh Advertising Management ks¨mq,a fmf¾rd Nilupul Perera fiamd, fõrf.dv Sepala Weragoda c.;a ch;s,l Jagath Jayathilaka fnodyeÍï Distribution ta' whs' tï' idrelaLdka A. I. M. Zarookkhan uqøKh Printing Litholines (Pvt) Ltd - No 76A,Temple Road, Rukmale, Kottawa, Sri Lanka
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4 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
Xi stresses COVID-19 scientific research during Beijing inspection Xinhua, March 3, 2020
Xi urged prompt efforts to develop safe and effective vaccines, drugs and testing kits to help fight the virus. He also called for more core technologies with own intellectual property rights and strong products after the tough battle against the coronavirus.
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday stressed coordinately advancing the scientific research on novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to provide support for winning the battle against the epidemic. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks during his visit to the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and the School of Medicine at Tsinghua University in Beijing. During his visit, Xi learned about the progress of research and application of the vaccines, anti-bodies, medicines and fast testing kits. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, Xi extended sincere gratitude and greetings to frontline science and technology personnel. Science as most powerful weapon "Science and technology are the most powerful weapon
in humanity's battle against diseases," Xi said. "Mankind can not defeat a major disaster or epidemic without scientific development and technological innovation." Xi said the COVID-19 research must be taken as a major and pressing task, calling for accelerating its progress and overcoming major difficulties in epidemic prevention and control at an earlier date. On Monday afternoon, Xi first went to the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, where he heard a report on the academy's COVID-19 scientific research and inspected a contingency medicine research lab for major epidemic outbreaks. Xi stressed the pivotal role of science and technology in curing more patients, reducing mortality and eventually defeating the epidemic. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the academy's contingency scientific research efforts have delivered positive results, he said.
While inspecting the School of Medicine at Tsinghua University, Xi noted coordination between the frontline battle against the epidemic and scientific research and material production. He called for accelerating the development of newtype testing kits, antibody medicines, vaccines, and diagnosis and treatment plans. Xi also required efforts to reinforce the national surveillance network for major epidemics, improve the legal and regulatory system, promote the research of cutting-edge technologies and cultivate top-notch professionals to raise the country's ability to respond to major public health emergencies. Saving lives most pressing task Chairing a symposium at Tsinghua University, Xi heard reports and gave an important speech. He noted the progress made by the country's scientific and technological front in just over a month, saying it has provided forceful support to epidemic prevention and control. China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 5
At the moment, winning the people's war against the epidemic still requires hard work, Xi said, stressing more efforts to seek solutions through science. "Saving the lives of more patients is the most pressing and important task," he continued. Xi stressed linking the research on medicines and medical equipment with clinical treatment as well as giving priority to the clinical application of scientific research achievements. Treatment should combine traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, more effective drugs be applied and new treatment methods explored to prevent patients with mild symptoms from becoming severely ill, he said. Advanced treatments using convalescent plasma, stem cells and monoclonal antibodies should also be applied to treat severe and critically ill patients, he added. On vaccine, Xi said it is vital to epidemic prevention and control, with its safety the top priority. He called for speeding up the vaccine research and development while closely tracking the progress of related research overseas. Xi urged early clinical trial and application of vaccines, as well as linking research and development with industrialchain production. He also required building a national reserve system for vaccines. Xi stressed the importance of coordinating research on virus source tracing and transmission routes and
6 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
evaluating whether some suspected animals are intermediate hosts. Xi pointed out that new technologies, including artificial intelligence and big data, should be applied to epidemiological investigation and virus source tracing to figure out where the virus comes from and how it will develop. Xi also underscored psychological intervention to help patients recover. Double down on key, core technologies
Bio-security should be included in the overall national security as an important part, Xi said, calling for strengthening the system and capacity building of epidemic prevention and control and scientific research on public health. Xi called for improving the epidemic warning and forecast systems to gather information in a timely manner and quickly take response measures. He emphasized concentrating nationwide resources to double down on key and core technology research and urged breakthroughs in developing high-end medical equipment to accelerate fixing the country's "weak link" in this sector. Xi also emphasized resolutely eradicating the bad habit
of eating wild animals to promote a civilized, healthy and environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Public health security is a common challenge faced by humanity, and all countries should join hands to cope with it, Xi said. Noting that the COVID-19 outbreaks have emerged in many countries, Xi said it is important to step up communication and exchange with the World Health Organization and carry out scientific research cooperation on source tracing, drugs,
vaccines, testing and other fields with other countries, especially those hit hard by the virus. Xi called on countries to share research data and jointly work out response strategies to contribute to building a community with a shared future for humanity. Photos 2 -President Xi Jinping inspects COVID-19 scientific research at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing, March 2, 2020. [Photo/ Xinhua] President Xi Jinping chairs a symposium at the School of Medicine at Tsinghua University in Beijing, March 2, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]
Confidence in China and No Need to Fear by H.E.CHENG Xueyuan, Ambassador of China to Sri Lanka At the moment, there still are new cases every day of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) while the great efforts of Chinese authorities have made fighting against the epidemic have won appreciation, recognition as well as kindness and support from the rest of the world. In recent days, Embassy staff have received a lot of encouragement from our Sri Lanka friends, which at this very moment makes us feel so warm-hearted and touched. I would like to address some common concerns of our friends with this article.
How is the epidemic going right now? Could China contain it? It is known that everything goes through the process of birth, and development before dying out, and it is the same way with the epidemic. New cases of the coronavirus are still increasing now, but it s estimated that the total amount of infected cases will reach the peaking point, then drop and gradually decrease to zero. After the appearance of the epidemic, under the direct leadership and guidance of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese government imposed the strictest control and prevention measures as tens of thousands of medical personnels have been fighting on the front, 31provinces have initiated the highest-level response and exit channels to the most infected cities have been temporarily closed. Population
coronavirus in Sri Lanka has fully recovered.
What China has been dong to protect Sri Lanka from the epidemic?
migration has been strictly controlled, disinfection and protective measures have been generally applied, diagnostic kit has been developed and effective medicines are being studied now. The World Health Organization(WHO) speaks highly of China s containing and prevention measures for many times and the DirectorGeneral Dr. Tedros has reiterated that people should Stay there, Stay calm . I believe the epidemic will be fully controlled soon.
Is the coronavirus so terrifying? According to epidemiological survey, the novel coronavirus is highly contagious but both severe cases and mortality are relatively fewer than SARS, which proves that the coronavirus can be prevented, contained and infected cases can be medically cured! Right now, the Chinese lady,as the only case diagnosed of the
As a major responsible country, China has been working very hard to fight against the coronavirus while preventing the spread of it. As for Sri Lanka, the following measures taken by Chinese side might be helpful: The Chinese government prohibits the traveling of suspicious cases and halts all outbound group travels; The Chinese Embassy to Sri Lanka has advised people from Hubei province to suspend and delay their travels to Sri Lanka, while people from other provinces should quarantine themselves for at least 14 days after arriving in. The embassy has been contacting Chinese tourists in Sri Lanka, providing sanitary advice and protective kits, and requesting them to quarantine themselves and take medical treatments once suspicious symptoms show up. The embassy has also asked Chinese employees based in Sri Lanka to take precautions, and to quarantine themselves and take medical treatments once suspicious symptoms appear. To defeat fear is equally important as to defeat the epidemic! Please trust China and do not fear in face of the coronavirus. China has the capacity to contain and China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 7
prevent the spread of it. We will definitely defeat the virus as we two countries are fighting against it shoulder by shoulder with forceful prevention measures. Meanwhile, we would like to confirm that at the firm request of Sri Lanka government, Chinese authorities have assisted the government to withdraw Sri Lanka citizens who have been studying and working in China while we would like to kindly remind that Sri Lanka authorities should take all necessary precautions for any unlooked-for situation. At the same time, we hope that Sri Lankan public could follow the guidance of the government and safeguard the social order soundly. Worrisomely, I heard that some taxis, hotels and restaurants are refusing Chinese citizens. I believe the true friendship can and must stand the test of difficulties. We understand the concerns of Sri Lanka public but we at the same time hope that they could feel China s responsible attitude and see the forceful and effective measures taken by China. The epidemic shall be defeated in the end, and at that day when we look back, we hope what we could remember is the strong look in the supportive faces and the warmth in the encouraging hands, just as what Chinese people have done when Sri Lanka went through difficulties. Again, my sincere thanks and best wishes to all Sri Lanka friends of Chinese government, embassy and Chinese people for your encouragement and support. We will never forget your kindness.
Remarks by Dr. Tedros Adhanom,
Director General, at the Opening of the 146th Session of the Executive Board of WHO
( WHO headquarters Geneva, 3 February 2020) As you know, last week I declared another public international concern - this time over the outbreak health emergency of of novel coronavirus. As of this morning, there are 17,238 confirmed cases in China, and 361 deaths. Outside China, there are 151 confirmed cases in 23 countries, and one death, which was reported from the Philippines yesterday. During my visit to Beijing last week, I was so impressed in my meeting with President Xi at his detailed knowledge of the outbreak, and for his personal leadership, but also at his commitment from the words he told me, which I will share with you: "We will take serious measures at the epicenter, at the source, in order to protect our people, and also to prevent the spread of the virus to other countries. We have the obligation to do that, and that’s what we will do.” That's exactly the strategy we discussed with him. If we invest in fighting at the epicenter, at the source, then
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the spread to other countries is minimal and also slow. If it's minimal and slow, what is going outside can also be controlled easily. So the number of cases we have now, 151, it's actually small, and it’s coming only slow So it can be managed - when I say this, don't make a mistake, it can get even worse. But if we give it our best, the outcome could be even better. Because of this strategy, if it weren't for China’s efforts, the number of cases outside China would have been very much higher. And it could still be, but we have the opportunity now to work aggressively to work aggressively to prevent that from happening. The decision to declare a PHEIC was taken primarily because of the signs of human-to-human transmission outside China, and our concern of what might happen if the virus were to spread in a country with a weaker health system. WHO has made several recommendations for all countries to prevent and limit the further spread of the virus. First, there is no reason for
measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. We call on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent. WHO stands ready to provide advice to any country that is considering which measures to take. Second, we must support countries with weaker health systems. Third, accelerate the development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. Our global connectedness is a weakness in this outbreak, but it is also our greatest strength. We need strong public-private partnership to find solutions. Fourth, combat the spread of rumours and misinformation. To that end, we have worked with Google to make sure people searching for
information about coronavirus see WHO information at the top of their search results. Social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Tencent and Tiktok have also taken steps to limit the spread of misinformation. Fifth, review preparedness plans, identify gaps and evaluate the resources needed to identify, isolate and care for cases, and prevent transmission. Sixth, we call on all countries to share data, sequences, knowledge and experience with WHO and the world. And seventh, the only way we will defeat this outbreak is for all countries to work together in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation. We are all in this together, and we can only stop it together. The rule of the game is solidarity, solidarity, solidarity.
But we see this missing in many corners, and that has to be addressed. I am taking advice from a wide range of experts in this field, as a complement to the Emergency Committee, to ensure we understand the evolution of the outbreak and respond accordingly. Both the coronavirus and Ebola outbreaks underscore once again the vital importance for all countries to invest in preparedness, not panic. So far, more than 1 billion U.S. dollars has been spent trying to stop the Ebola outbreak in DRC. By comparison, just 18 million dollars was spent on preparedness in Uganda. But when Ebola did cross the border, they were ready, and stopped it. This must be a lesson for the rest of the world.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa
inspected the progress of Port City Colombo (Feb 16) Attention was drawn to the plan of the Port City during the National Law Conference held under the patronage of President Rajapaksa recently. The China Communication Construction will spend USD 1.4 billion for reclamation activities and infrastructure facilities of the Port City which will change the landscape of Colombo. A building complex will be constructed at an additional USD 15 million.
A special committee had been appointed to study legal drafts related to the reclaimed land. A special economic services zone will be declared following the adoption of the same by Parliament. This will be the first ever dedicated economic zone for services. The Port City Project is being implemented under a tripartite agreementbetween Ministry of Urban Development, Urban Development Authority
and China Communication Construction. Construction of building in the City will commence in the middle of this year. The first phase is expected to be completed by 2023.
China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 9
fldfrdakd jhsrihg f.dÿre jk Ök yd f,djmqrd ck;djg läkï iqjh m%d¾:kd lsßfï
wêIaGdk wdf,dal mQcdj
Ökfha jqydka k.rfhka u;=ú f,dj mqrd me;sr hñka mj;sk fldfrdakd kj jhsrih ksid ðú; wysñjq ck;djg ixfõ.h m<lsßug yd jhsrihg f.dÿre jk ck;djg läkï iqjh m%d¾:kd lsßfï wêIaGdk wdf,dal mQcdjla ^2020'2'1& Èk nKavdrkdhl iïuka;%K Yd,dj wNshi§ meje;aú‚' fuh Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh úiska ixúOdkh lrk ,§' tysÈ udOH fj; woyia oelajq Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha iNdm;s iïudkKSh uydpd¾h bkaøkkao wfífialr uy;d ioyka lf<a Ökfha jqydka k.rfhka u;=ú f,dj mqrd me;sr hñka mj;sk fldfrdakd kj jhsrih fya;=fjka Ök ck;dj fukau Y%S ,dxlsl ck;dj yd f,dalh mqrd fjfik ck;dj mSvdjg m;aú we;s njhs' wêl ck.ykhla jdih lrk ckdlSrK jqydka k.rh Ökfha úYd, jd‚c k.rhls' fuu jhsrih fya;=fjka fï jk úg ie<lsh hq;= msßila Ôú;laIhg m;aú we;' ;j;a msßila frda.h wdidokh ú frday,a .;ú isáhs' tfiau f,dj
mqrd me;sr hdfï wjOdkulao mj;sk uq;a Ök rch yd f,dj rgj,a ta ioyd mshjr f.k ;sfí' Y%S ,xldfõo fuh me;sr hdu je,elaúu ioyd rdcH ueÈy;aúu u; mq¿,a jevms<sfj,la Èh;a lr we;' Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r mj;sk ñ;%;;ajh u; fuu wjia:dfõÈ jhsrifhka mSvdjg m;ajqjka fjkqfjka wêIGdk mj;ajd wmf.a ixfõÈNdjh m<lsßu w;sYh jeo.;a njo bkaøkkao wfífialr uy;d ioyka lf<ah' ta wkqj ;u ix.ufha ixúOdhl;ajfhka yd wfkl=;a Ök ñ;% md¾Yj iïnkaofldg fuu wêIaGdk wdf,dal mQcdj meje;ajq njo lshd isáfhah' tfiau fuu wjia:dfõÈ lD;fõÈ Y%S ,dxlsl ck;dj Ök ck;dj iu. ksrka;rj isák wjia:djl fujka lghq;= ;=,ska fock;d ñ;%;ajh jvd;a ;yjqre jk nj;a ioyka lf<ah' Y%S ,xldj úúO wNsfhda.j,g uqyqK ÿka iEu wjia:djl§u Ök rch yd tys ck;dj ksrka;rj iyfhda.h m<lr nj;a iqkdñ úmf;aÈ wm rgg uq,skau wdOdr ,ndÿka rg Ñkh nj;a th lsisúfgl;a Y%S ,dxlsl ck;dj
10 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
wu;l fkdlrk nj;a Tyq lshd isáfhah' Ökh uqyqK § isák fuu wNsfhda.h wksjd¾fhkau ch.kakd njo jhsrih uevmeje;aúu ioyd Ökh rch .kakd mshjr yd Ök ck;dj Bg ,ndfok iydh ;u ix.uh buy;a f,i w.h lrk njo Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha iNdm;s bkaøkkao wfífialr uy;d jeäÿrg;a ioyka lf<ah' fuu wjia:djg niakdysr m<d;a iNd ysgmq uka;%sjreka jk ufyaIa w,afïod" ksYdka; Y%S j¾Kisxy"l%Svd yd fh!jk lghq;= wud;HdxYfha f,alï fla'ã'tia rejkapkaø" fld<U úYaj úoHd,fha wd¾Ól úoHd wxYfha uydpd¾h iqrx. is,ajd" Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha f,alï wreK l=rel=,iqßh" ksfhdacH iNdm;s ÿks,a fyhshka;=vqj" uQ,H f,alï ufyakaø úfÊ;=x. cd;sl ixúOdhl kkaofiak uojkawdrÉÑ" hk uy;ajrekao Y%S ,xld Ök ix.uh yd Y%S ,xld Ök ckudOH ixiofha ksfhdað;hka we;=¿ úYd, msßila tlaù isáhy'
fldfrdakd" Y%S ,xldj yd"
Ök ck;dj Ökh yd Ök ñksiqka iuÕ fldfrdakd .ek jerÈ u; iudc .;jk fudfyd;l fï igyk ^2020'2'15& ;eîug is;=fjñ' we;euqka" Ök cd;slhkag wfma rgg meñ‚ug bv fkdÈh hq;= nj lshhs' tfy;a wm fuf,i .,ahq.fha woyia j,ska ñÈh hq;=h' m%Ndlrkaf.a ñksure ;%ia;jdoh mej;s iufha weußldj we;=¿ rgj,a wfma rgg ;u ñksiqka ixpdrh i|yd meñKSu jir .Kkdjla kj;d oeuqfõh' .=jka fiajd kj;d oeuqfõh' 1989 ld,h ngysr rgj,a wmj yeÈkajQfha ñkS lkakkaf.a foaYh hkqfjks' tfy;a Ökh fï lsisu wjia:djl wfma rg ;ks fkdlf<ah' th wmg wu;l l, fkdyelsh' ljqreka fyda fï fudfydf;a jerÈ u; iudc .; fkdl< hq;=h' f,v frda. ñksid we;=¿ i;ajhska ieug je<foa' frda. je<÷k frda.Ska fldka fkdl< hq;=h' nqÿrcdKka jykafia foaYkd lf<a frda.Skag lreKdj olajd iqjm;a l< hq;= njhs' wfkl=;a wd.ïj, foaYkd j,o fï nj i|yka fõ' Ök cd;slhka hkq wfma rgg uy;a wdorh lrk ñksiqka msßils' wfma rfÜ cd;sl jHik yd m%Yak we;sjQ iEu wjia:dfõ§u Ökh m<uqfjka bÈßm;a úh' iqkdñ jHikfha§ tÈku uQ,H mß;Hd.hla lf<a Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha wdrdOkfhka tÈk ,xldfõ ixpdrh lrñka isá úfoaYSh rgj, ñ;%;ajh i|yd jk Ök ck;d ix.ufha iNdm;sjrhd h' jir 30 l mej;s hqoaOh ch.kakg Ökh ksrka;rj wdOdr ,nd ÿkafkah' ,xldfõ ixj¾Okh Wfoid Ökh wka ljfrl=j;a fkdl< uyd mßudk wdOdr ,ndÿkafkah' ud fujeks foa i|yka ^igyk ,shk fudfyd; jk úg& lf<a Ök ñksiqkag wmydi lrk msßila iudc cd, yryd f.khk wi;H f;dr;=re ksid ñi fjk fohla i|yd fkdfõ' wm forg w;r mj;sk ishjia .Kkdjl ñ;%;ajh fujeks ldrKd ksid m¨ÿ lr.; hq;= ke;' ixpdrl
l¾udka;fhka hefmk wm fujeks wjia:djl ìh fkdù is;dn,d ;SrK .; hq;=h' Bg;a jvd ñksiqka f,i wm ieug .re lsÍu jeo.;ah' fldfrdakd w¾nqofha§ Y%S ,xld rch l%shdl, mßk; yd oekqj;a Ndjh fjk;a rgj,a yd iei£fï§ úYsIagh' fï jk úg ol=Kq fldßhdjg úúO md¾Yj fpdaokd t,a, lrkafka ol=Kq fldßhdj fï iïnkaOj b;d ÿ¾j, wjOdkhla fhduq lsÍu ksidh' Y%S ,xldj Bg yd;amiskau fjkiah' Y%S ,xldfõ fi!LH n,OdÍka .=jka f;dgqm,ska Y%S ,xldjg meñfKk uÕSka flfrys oeä wjOdkhla fhduq lrñka kùk ;dlaI‚l WmlrK Ndú;d lrñka fldfrdakd rg ;=,g m%fõY ùu j,lajd,Sfï fudfyd;l ksr;úh' fï w;r Y%S ,dxlsl isiqka msßila jqydka k.rfha /£ isák nj;a ta jk úg jqydka k.rh ixjD;a; k.rhla njg Ök n,OdÍka úiska m;a lrkq ,en ;sìKs' fuhska Y%S ,dxlsl isiqkaf.a foudmshka l,n,hg m;aúh' tfy;a rch rdc;dka;%slj fuu .eg¿j ksldrKh lsÍu i|yd Ök n,OdÍka iuÕ b;d hym;a wka;¾ yqjudre in|;d f.k .sfhah' ckdêm;s f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d yd Y%S ,xldfõ Ök ;dkdm;s w;r mej;s idlÉPdjl m%;sM,hla f,i Y%S ,kalka .=jka hdkhla jqydka cd;Hka;r .=jka f;dgqm,g f.dvneiaiùug wjir ,enq‚' ta jk úg tu .=jkaf;dgqm, iïmQ¾Kfhkau wl%sh lr ;snq‚' kuq;a Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r mj;sk §¾> b;sydi.; in|;djh ;j ÿrg;a Yla;su;a lrñka jqydka .=jka f;dgqm, jid ;sìh§ tys f.dv neiaijQ m%:u cd;Hka;r .=jka hdkh njg Y%S ,kalka .=jka hdkh b;sydihg tla úh' fuu wjia:dj Ökh Y%s ,xldjg ,nd ÿka úfYaI jrm%idohls' tajk úg Ökfha Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h yd furg úfoaY lghq;= wud;HxYh jqydka j, isák isiqka furgg f.kajd .ekSfï ks, rdcldß läkñka bgqlrñka isáhy' wjidk m%;sM,h f,i ish¨u lghq;= id¾:l ù Y%S ,dxlsl isiqka furgg /f.k taug Y%S ,dxlsl n,OdÍkag yelsúh' fuu wjia:dfõ§
tu isiqka Ök ckdêm;s;=udg" Y%S ,xld ckdêm;s;=ud m%uqL rchg yd isiqka /f.k tau i|yd lghq;= l, ish¨u md¾Yjhkag Tjqkaf.a uqyqKq fmd;a yryd m%Yxikd;aul jels m<lr ;snq‚' fï w;r furáka yuqjQ fldfrdakd m<uq wdidê;hd jQ Ök cd;sl ldka;dj uq,af,aßhdj fndajk frda. frday,g (IDH) we;=<;a lsÍu ksid Y%S ,xldj ;=, oeä wjOdkhla fõ.fhka me;sr .sfhah' wkjYH ìhla oi; me;srsKs' we;eï iudc cd,d
China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 11
yryd msßila ck;dj wêl f,i ìhjoaoñka isáfhah' fuu ;;ajh ukdj f;areï .;a Y%S ,xldfõ Ök ñ;% ix.ï fukau Ök iudc cd,d yd uqyqKq fmd;a ysñ Ök ñ;=rka fuys ienE ;;ajh ck.; lsÍug lghq;= lf<ah' fuys§ úfYaIfhka i|yka l< hq;af;a furg m%uqL;u fock;d ñ;%% ix.uhla jk Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh uÕska nKavdrKdhl wkqiaurK iïuka;%K Yd,dj bÈßmi úYd, msßilf.a iyNd.S;ajfhka wdf,dal mQcdjla meje;aùuhs' ta wi, Ök ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h msysgd ;sîu úfYaI;ajhla .;af;ah' fuh furg fukau cd;Hka;r udOHfhao oeä wjOdkhg ,la jQ wjia:djla úh' tu wjia:dfõ§ udOHhg woyia olajñka Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.S;d ix.ufha iNdm;s bkaødkkao wfífialr uy;d b;du jeo.;a m%ldYhla lf<ah' jqydka j,ska wdrïN ù me;sr hñka mj;sk fldfrdakd ffjrih fya;=fjka urKhg m;a Ök jeishkag ^ta jk úg fjk;a rg j,ska urK jd¾;d ù fkd;snq‚& ksjka iqj m;k nj;a frda.h je<ÿkq Ök yd fjk;a rg j, ck;djg blauka iqjh m%d¾:kd lrk nj;a ffjrih ms<sn| ÿ¾u; bj;aù frda.Ska foi wkqlïmdfjka n,k f,i;a Tyq i|yka lf<ah' Ök cd;slhska foi ielfhka fkdn,d" Tjqka ñ;=rka f,i i,ld lghq;= lrk fukao Tyq b,a,d isáfhah' bka miqj fi!LH wud;HxYh yd ffjoH ix.ïo fuu ;;ajh flfrys wjOdkh fhduq lrñka ck;djf. ka b,a,d isáfha fldfrdakd flfrys wksh; ìhla we;s lr .ekSu fkdlrk f,ihs' fi!LH wud;H mú;%d jkakswdrÉÑ uy;añh udOH yuqjl § m%ldY lf<a furg Ök cd;slhska flfrys wkqlïmd iy.;j n,d" Tjqkag wd.ka;=l i;aldr lrk f,ihs'úúO wd.ñl kdhlhskao l,dlrejkao frda.h flfrys wksh; ìhla we;s fkdlr.; hq;= njo
i|yka lf<ah' Y%S ,dxld Ök fn!oaO ix.uh" Y%S ,xld-Ök ñ;% ix.uh" Y%S ,xld-Ök ix.uh" Y%S ,xld Ök ckudOH fõ§kaf.a ix.uh we;=¿ ñ;% ix.uo úúO wd.ñl jevigyka mj;ajd fldfrdakd frda.Skag fi;a m%d¾:kd lf<ah' Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha m%Odk;ajfhka yd Ök Y%S ,xld ;reK ixi|fha iyNd.S;ajfhka lsre<mk" mQ¾jdrdu mqrdK úydrfha§ úfYaI wdYs¾jdo fndaê mQcdjlao mj;ajk ,§' fuu wjia:djg furg Ök cd;slhska lsysm fofklao iyNd.S ù isáhy' furg isák Ök cd;slhskag wkjYH ìh yd jerÈ wjfndaOh ksid is;aߧï we;s jk nj úúO md¾Yj uÕska oek.kakg ,enQ wjia:dfõ§ Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha iNdm;s bkaødkkao wfífialr uy;d m%uqL idudðlhkaa" Y%S ,xldfõ mÈxÑ ù isák yd jHdmdßl lghq;= lrk Ök ñ;=rka yuqùug .shy' Bg iyNd.S ùug ugo yelsúh' Ök cd;Hka;r .=jka úÿ,sfha ysgmq Wm wOHlaI yd Y%S ,xldfõ tf;r Ök cd;slhskaf.a ix.ufha iNdm;s pd´ ;sfhdx uy;df.a fld<U ksjig .sh wm lKavdhu oel Tyqf.a uqyqfKka ms<sìUq jQfha jpk oyilska m%ldY lsÍug fkdyels lD;fõ§;ajhls' ñ;% ix.ufha ñ;=rka oel Tyqf.a ìß| wiSñ;j i;=gg m;ajQjdh' wm iuÕ ÿl iem fnod.;a Tyq lsis úfgl Y%S ,dxlslhska .ek jpkhla fyda l<lsÍfuka l;d lf<a ke;' ta Tjqkaf.a ksy;udkS;ajhhs' lsisÿ ielhlska fyda fkdue;sj bkaødkkao wfífialr uy;d ish mer‚ ñ;=rd je<| .;af;a ifydaor fifkyisks' miq.sh Èk j, Ök cd;slhskag isÿ jQ fldka lsÍï jQfha kï fuu isoaêfhka th hï ÿrlg iukh jQ nj wmf.a yeÕSuhs' fuhg wu;rj tu ix.ufha idudðlfhda ;j;a Ök
12 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
cd;slhska lsysmfokl=f.a ksjdi yd jHdmdßl ia:dkj,g f.dia Tjqkaf.a ÿl iem fidhd ne¨fõh' fï w;r kdj, ckdêm;s nd,sld úoHd,fha 24 jk j¾ImQ¾K msxlï ud,djg iu.dój mej;s fndaê mQcd msxlfï§ o fldfrdakd ffjrifhka mSvdjg m;a ck;djg wdYs¾jdo lsÍug úÿy,am;s ;=ñh wu;l fkdlf<ah' ckdêm;s nd,sld úoHd,h Ökh iuÕ b;d ióm in|;djhla mj;sk mdi,ls' miq.sh od Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:djo i¾j rd;%sl msß;a msxlula mj;ajd Ök jeishkag fi;a m%d¾:kd
lrk ,§' fujeks l%shdldÍ lghq;= fya;=fjka Y%S ,dxlsl ck;dj yd rch Ök ck;dj iuÕ ÿl iem fnod .kakd nj ;ukag ukdj wjfndaO jQ nj Y%S ,xldfõ Ök ;dkdm;s fpx Iqfhaiqwdka uy;d úiska —wdorŒh Y%S ,dxlslhsks— hkqfjka ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka i|yka lf<ah' tuÕska Tyq fmkajd ÿkafka — Covid 19˜ ffjrih fya;=fjka ienE ñ;=rka y÷kd.;a njhs' miq.sh i;s lsysmfha§ ;udf.a yoj; fjkodg jvd lïmd jQ nj;a" ;udf.a ksji n÷ Y%S ,xldj fldúâ 19 ffjrihg úreoaOj igka jeÿKq wdldrh;a" Y%S ,dxlsl ck;dj Ökh flfrys oelajQ ñ;%YS,S;ajh;a fmkakqï lrkakla njo i|yka lf<ah' Ökhg ie;mqï oyia .Kkla ÿßka isáh;a f,dj mqrd isák Y%S ,dxlslhska" wd.ñl jYfhka" ckjd¾.sl jYfhka" ;u ;ukag wdfõ‚l wdldrhg Ökhg iyh m<l, njo Ök ;dkdm;s jrhd i|yka lf<ah' w;s mQcH u,aj;= yd wia.sß uykdysñ jre" w;s W;=ï ue,alï rxð;a ldÈk,a ysñ" Y%S fmkakïn,ï fkaIajrka fldaú, yd ojg.y uqia,sï m,a,sfha wdYs¾jdo iEu fudfyd;lu ,enqKq njo i|yka lf<ah' ckdêm;s f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d;a" w.%dud;H uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d;a oelajQ iyh ;ukag jpkfhka m%ldY l< fkdyels bka tydg .sh yeÕSula njo ish¨u Y%S ,dxlsl ck;djg ia;+;sh mqolrk njo i|yka lf<ah' Ök ;dkdm;sjrhdf.a fuu m%ldYh w;sYhskau jeo.;ah' miq.sh Èkj, Ök cd;slhskag hï hï mqoa.,hskaf.a ish jerÈ wjfndaOh ksid isÿjQ wmyiq;djhka ms<sn|j cd;shla jYfhka wmg iekiqula ,efnkafka Ök ;dkdm;s;=udf.a fuu m%ldYh ksidh' ,shqïlref.a uqyqKq fmd; yrydo È.ska È.gu fuu ;;ajh ms<sn|j ck;djg ksjerÈ wjfndaOhla ,nd
§ug lghq;= lf<ah' tfukau Y%S ,xld Ök iudc ixialD;sl iyfhda.S;d ix.ufha iNdm;s m%uqL ish iudðl idudðldfjdao ish uqyqKqfmd;a yryd úYd, oekqïj;a lsÍu lf<ah' fï ish,a,u ksid ck;djg fldfrdakd ffjrih yd Ökh ms<sn|j ksjerÈ wjfndaOhla ,enqKq nj fmkS hhs' wo jk úg furg Ök cd;slhskag tod ;snQ wd.ka;=l i;aldr fkdwvqj ,efnñka ;sfí' cd;sl fndajk frda. úoHdh;kh hgf;a mj;akd wxf.dv uQ,sl frday, uÕska b;d id¾:l m%;sl¾u ,nd §fuka miqj tys m%;sldr .;a Ök ldka;dj miq.shod ish uõ rgg .shdh' weh fjkqfjka frdayf,a ld¾hh uKav,h isÿl< iuq§fï W;aijh iudcfha úúO l;d nyg ,laúh' fi!LH wud;H mú;%d jkakswdrÉÑ uy;añh" Ök ldka;dj ism je<| Y%S ,dxlSh wdorh fmkaùu tu wjia:dfõ isÿ l< hq;=u foh nj udf.a yeÕSuhs' foaYmd,khg tyd .sh udkqISh yeÕSula tys wka;¾.;j ;snq‚' iEu frda.sfhlau msgjk úg ism je<| .; hq;= ke;' ukao th m%dfhda.slj l< fkdyel' fuh úfYaI wjia:djls' fuu ,smsh ,shk wjia:dj jk úg fldfrdakd frda.h uev,Su i|yd Ökh úYd, fufyhqula id¾:lj Èh;a lr we;s w;r th uev,Sug f.k we;s mshjrhka cd;Hka;rfha m%idohg ,laù ;sfí' Y%S ,dxlsl ck;dj jYfhka wm i;=gq úh hq;af;a fï wjia:dfõ wm rg iEu w;skau iu;a ù we;s njhs' fldfrdakd ffjrih ksid ñh.sh f,dj ish¨ cd;slhkag ksjka iqj m;uq' frda.h je,ÿkq ieug blauka iqjh m;uq' uOqIdka l=,r;ak
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随笔:真道义 真朋友——中 国驻斯里兰卡大使程学源 亚太聚焦 亚太聚焦 February 25
斯里兰卡总理拉贾帕克萨率领近千 名各界民众为中国人民抗击疫情诵 经。
中国驻斯里兰卡大使程学源。 最近几周,我的心一次次被打动。 既为中国国内上下一心、全力以赴 抗击新冠肺炎疫情所牵挂,也被可 爱的斯里兰卡人民给予中国的坚定 支持、展现的真挚情谊所感动。 这个与中国远隔山海的印度洋岛 国,来自不同阶层、民族和宗教的 2000多万民众,一直在通过各种 方式为中国加油。他们也感动着正 在抗击疫情的亿万中国人民。
斯里兰卡总统戈塔巴雅向程学源大 使转交向中国抗击新冠肺炎捐赠的 锡兰红茶 新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,几乎每天 都有来自斯里兰卡全国各地、各行 各业的机构、团体、个人,以各种 方式联系使馆,表达慰问和支持。 经常有当地民间团体自发来到使馆 门外,高举中斯两国国旗和手绘海 报,对中国抗击疫情表示声援。我 永远不会忘记,有一对来自中部山 区的老夫妻乘车近6个小时赶到首 都科伦坡,只为对我当面说一声“ 中国加油”。让我备感温馨的,还 有斯里兰卡德薇公立女子学校纯真 无邪的孩子们。她们拿起手中的画 笔,绘就一幅幅支持中国、携手抗 击疫情的画作。稚嫩的笔下流淌着 真诚友好的心意,她们是中斯友谊 的未来
斯里兰卡被称为“众神的国度”, 是东晋高僧法显《佛国记》中记载 的千年佛国,也有浓厚的天主教文 化,又因为地处印度洋主航道中心 点而有众多穆斯林商人聚居。面对 疫情,信仰各种宗教的人们纷纷公 开对中国表示支持声援,并通过多 种形式祝福中国,仅全国大小寺 庙举办的祈福仪式就有近百万人参 与,共同传唱着对华友好的声音。
斯里兰卡卫生部长迎接痊愈出院的 中国新冠肺炎患者。 让我感动的还有斯里兰卡朝野各政 党的对华情谊。疫情发生后,戈塔 巴雅·拉贾帕克萨总统向中方捐赠 锡兰红茶,希望能温暖战斗在抗疫 一线人员的心;马欣达·拉贾帕克 萨总理率领近千名各界民众,裸足 素衣,共同为中国人民抗击疫情诵 经,情义满满;贾亚苏里亚议长经 常致电使馆了解形势,嘘寒问暖、 加油鼓劲,并慷慨解囊捐款;前总 理、统一国民党领袖维克拉马辛哈 多次向我详细询问疫情防控情况, 充满关切;反对党领袖普雷马达萨 在议会讨论疫情时,公开给予中方 理解和支持;斯里兰卡共产党等政 党领导人也纷纷来信来电表示支 持。斯里兰卡卫生部长瓦尼拉奇女 士多次在记者会上仗义执言,明确 表示对中国政府防控疫情充满信 心,斯里兰卡永远向友好的中国敞 开大门。
斯里兰卡对华友好组织举行烛光晚 会为中国患者祈祷。 斯里兰卡人民常说,他们永远不会 忘记中国在印度洋海啸以及战后 灾后重建中给予斯里兰卡的巨大 帮助。我也想说,中华民族是懂得 感恩的民族。在这场疫情防控阻击 战中,国际大家庭中虽有落井下石 者,但更有真道义、真朋友。我们 珍惜这份情谊。我坚信,有以习近 平同志为核心的党中央的坚强领 导,中国人民众志成城、勠力同 心,一定会迎来抗击疫情胜利的欢 呼时刻。
斯里兰卡对华友好组织举行烛光活 动为中国患者祈祷。 让我们珍惜这份跨越山海的友情, 让我们铭记这个微笑的国度。千言 万语汇成一句话:“谢谢你,可爱 的斯里兰卡人民!”
Courtesy - Huang Haimin
14 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
fldfrdakd ffjrifhka mSvdjg m;ajQjkag fi;am;d'''
fndaêmqcd yd fi;amsß;a msxlula fldfrdakd kj jhsrifhka frda.s jq Ñk yd fiiq rgj, ck;djg fi;a m%d¾:kd lsßfï fndaêmqcd yd fi;amsß;a msxlula ^2020'02'09& lsre<mk Y%S mQ¾jdrdu úydria:dkfhaÈ" úydrdêm;s mQcH m;afíßfha Y%S úu,[dK ysñmdKkaf.a m%Odk;ajfhka mj;ajk ,È' fuu fndaêmqcd yd fi;amsß;a msxlu Y%S ,xld Ñk iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha
m%Odk ixúOdk;ajfhka yd Ñk Y%S ,xld ;reK ixiofha iyfhda.fhka mj;ajk ,È' fuu wjia:djg fuf;r isák Ñk cd;sl <ud yd jeäysáhka msßila o tlajq w;r l%Svd yd ;reK lghq;= wud;HdxYfha f,alï fla'ã'tia' rejkapkaø" Y%S ,xld Ñk iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha iNdm;s bkaødkkao wfífialr"
Y%S ,xldfõ tf;r Ñk cd;slhkaf.a ix.ufhaa f,alï pd´ ;sxfvx" Y%S ,xld Ñk iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha ksfhdacH iNdm;s ÿks,a fyhshka;=vqj" m%Odk f,alï wreK l=rel=,iqßh" f,alï ufyakaø úfÊ;=x." cd;sl ixúOdhl kkaofiak uojkawdrÉÑ" Ñk Y%S ,xld ;reK ixiofha WmfoaYl Ñrkach Wvquq,a,f.a hk uy;ajreka we;=¿ úYd, msßila tlaõ isáhy'
China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 15
iQ¾hh m%uqL wfma fi!r .%y uKav,hg wh;a .%yhska iQ¾hh jfÜ .uka lrñka isák nj wms ljqre;a okakd lreKls' ;;amr" úkdä"meh "Èk" udi" wjqreo .Kka jeks ld, ks¾Khka ta wkqj ñksid úiska ilid ;sfí' udi 12la hkq mD;=úfha jirls' fuu udi 12la ;=, úúO ixialD;sl wx.hka f,dalfha iEu rglu iurk w;r tajd mq¿,a ck mrdihla wdjrKh lrhs' Ök rdYs pl%h ;=< olakg ,efnk wjqreÿ 12 l mqkrdj¾;k i;aj pl%fha m<uq jekak rdYs pl%h jk w;r th Ök Èk o¾Yk moaO;sfha fldgila fõ' Ökfha m%Odk yka ckhd fukau úúO iq¿ cd;slhskao úúO ixialD;sl wx.hka jif¾ Bg wod, udij, iur;s' Ök kj jiro tjka W;aij wjia:djls'kj jif¾ wdrïNfhaÈ Ök cd;slfhda tu jirg wod,j i;aj rdYs l%uhla wkq.ukh lrñka w;S;fha isg mej; tk idïm%Èhsl ms<sfj;lg wkqj i;ajhl=f.a kñka jir kï lr;s' Ñk i;a;aj rdYsfha i|yka i;a;ajhka uqyqÈka Wmka u;hla mqrdKfha mej;s‚' Ñka wêrdcHhdf.a ld,h ;=, Ökh i;a;aj rdYSka úYajdi lr W;aij mj;ajd ;sfí' jika; W;aijfha§ mj;akd j¾Ihg wod, i;a;aj rdYshg wkqj tu i;a;ajhdf.a rEmh we;=,;a ks¾udK nyq,j Ndú;d lr;s' tfiau mqo i;aldr lr;s' 2020 kj j¾Ih rdYs pl%hg wkqj óhdf.a j¾Ihhs' ta wkqj 2020 j¾Ifha Ök kj jir fyj;a jika; W;aijh 2020 ckjdß ui 25 isg fmnrjdß 11 olajd meje;afõ' óhd mDÓú YdLd ixfla;h 子 ^zǐ& ys m<uq rdYsh iuÕ iïnkaO jk w;r th jir fod<yl mqkrdj¾;k pl%hla wdrïN lrhs'
n,mEfõh' f,vfrda." urKh" wjdikdj" j.d md¿ùu wdÈh flfryso i;a;aj rdYs n,mEï t,a, lrk njg Ök ck idys;Hfha i|yka fõ'
Ök ck Ôú;h yd i;aj rdYs 本命年
i;=kag jkaokdudk lsßu w;S;fha isgu mej; tk w;r" fuh ñg jir 2000lg muK fmr Öka rdc iufha§ wdrïN jQ njg jd¾;d fõ' ta wkqj" rdYs pl% Öka rdcjxYfhao Ndú; jQ nj fM;sydisl idOl u.ska meyeÈ,s fõ' ld,hdf.a wejEfuka i;aj rdYS pl%本命年 ñksia Ôú; lghq;=j,go tlaúh' miqj fuu pl% ñksidf.a ffoksl Ôú;fha iqN wiqN ;SrKh lrk idOl njg m;aúh' ta wkqj" Ôú;fha jeo.;a wjia:djka jk Wm;" u,ajr ùu" jD;a;sh" újdyh" f.dú;ek" l¾udka; wdrïNh wd§ fuls fkdls iEu iqN wjia:djlu
16 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
Ök mqrd jD;a;hlg wkqj fÊâ wêrdcHdg ;u ud,sÕdj wdrlaId lsÍu i|yd i;a;ajhska fodf,dia fofkl= wjYH úh' fm!oa.,sl fmkqu" Ôjk rgdj iy f,dalhg ,efnk odhl;ajh wkqj l=i,;d u; mokïj i;=ka f;dard .; hq;=j ;snq‚' fï nj oek.;a n<,d ;u wi,a jeishdjk óhdf.ka" ;ukag rc ud<sÕdj wdrlaId lsÍug yd Bg ne£ug fõ,dik wjÈlrk f,i Woõ b,a,d isáfhah' kuq;a n<,d ;u i;=rd nj;a fõ,dik wjÈlsßug óhdg wu;lj .sfhah' fï w;r" rcud<s.dfõ i;=ka f;drd .ekSfï ld¾hh wdrïN jQ w;r" ta i|yd i;=ka fma<shg isg .;af;ah' fma<sfha uq<skau .jhdo" Bg miq fldáhdo" Bg miq ulrd yd ydjdo úh' ydjd ulrd iuÕ ;rÕ lr fldáhd miq mig mek .;af;ah' fuf,i i¾mhd" wYajhd" t¿jd" j÷rd" l=l=<d"iqkLhd yd W!rdo úh' wjidkfha isá óhd ish,a,f.au lrg Wäka mek .jhdf.a ysig mek bÈßhg mekafkah' fuúg rcq meñŒu ksid" Tyq ÿgqfõ óhd bÈßfhka isáñka yd wfkla i;=ka miqmiska isák o¾Ykhhs' miqj rcq tu i;a;aj fma,sh ;u wdrlaIl lghq;= i|yd ms<sfj,g n|jd .;af;ah' flfia fj;;a fuh mqrd jD;a;hla jk w;r" we;eï ;ekl i|yka jkafka" tu ld,fhaÈ Ñkfha n<¨ka fkdisá njhs' Ñk i;ajrdYs ixialD;sh ;=<" 2020 óhdf.a j¾Ih ms<sn| wkdjels m< lsÍu" jdikdjka; ixLHd" jdikdjka; j¾K" iqN wdor
2020 j¾Ih iïnkaO;d" tu j¾Ij, Wm; ,enQ mqoa.,hska w;r iudklï" Ök fcHd;sIH iy ngysr fcHd;H w;r iyiïnkaO;d iy úúO úYajdihka iuÕ iïnkaO fõ' i;;aj rdYsfha uq,skau isák óhdf.a j¾Ifha Wm; ,enQ wh b;sßlsÍfï yd ,dN ,eîï ,nk nj;a" Tjqkag id¾:l Ôú; .;lsÍug yels nj;a i|yka fõ' tfiau" m%Yxidj fyda ms<s.eksu ms<sn|j t;rï ;elsula fkdlrk w;r" Tjqka fndfyda úg b;d ixfõ§ fõ' wjia:dfkdaÑ;j lghq;= lsÍfï§ tu ld¾hh b;d id¾:l jk njo i|ykah' tfiau" Ñk ck idys;Hhg wkqj óhd Okfha yd w;sßla;fha i,l=Ko jkafkah' tfiau óhdf.a j¾Ifha Wm; ,o whf.a újdy Ôú; b;d id¾:l jk w;r" fndfyda orejka ,eìfï jdikdjo ysñfõ'
Ök fcda;sIH uQ,O¾u jdikdjka; foa 子字紫 j¾K
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óhdf.a j¾Ih fmdÿfõ fm!reI;aj ,laIK Ökhg ndysr wNsfhda. óhdf.a j¾Ifha Wm; ,enqjka b;d /ila t,a,jk w;r tajd ixfõÈ kuq;a wdfõ.YS,s fukau b;d ldre‚l .=K we;s w;r" rdcH kdhlhdf.a nqoaêu;a ikaksfõokfha§ ÿ¾j,;d fmkajhs' ueÈy;aúu yd ck;djf.a úYajdiodhl whj¨ka jk w;r" Okh /ia lsÍug olaIfhdah'Ôú;h jdikdj u; wfkl=;a b;d id¾:lj f.k hdug Wkkaÿfjka rgj,a uú; jk whqßka l%shd lrk fm!reIhla fuu j¾Ifha ch.%yKh lrhs'wd¾Ólh" Wmka wh flfrys úoHdudk fõ' óhdf.a j¾Ifha Wm; ,o msßñka" úoHdj yd wNjHdldYh olaI jk w;r" ´kEu mßirhlg ch .kakd w;r Ök ñ;% wkqj¾;kh ùfï yelshdj mj;S' rgj,g tajdfha uy.= wjia:dfjka m%fhdack .ekSug yels h dj ;s f í' kdhl;a j h i|yd m%;sM, ysñfõ'f,dj iqÿiq ke;' ñhdf.a j¾Ifha§ Wm; ,o iduldñ mßirhla we;s ldka;djka fndfyda úg idïm%Odhsl lsßu ioyd Ökh m%uqLj woyia yd .;smej;=ï iys; nj Ök l%shd lrk w;r ta i|yd b;sydi l:dj, i|yka fõ' wOHdmk lghq;=j,È id¾:l jk iEu rglskau m%Yxidj w;r" ksh; jYfhkau b,lal imqrd Ökhg ysñfõ' .kS' W.;=ka nqoaêu;=ka fndfyda msßila óhdf.a j¾IfhaÈ Wm; ,nd ;sfí'tfiau lÓl;ajhg olaI;d olajk w;r ks¾udKYs,S nqoaêu;=kah' uOqYdka l=,r;ak madushancri@gmail.com
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China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 17
兰卡历史文化 | 165年前的那个17岁如风少年 “那黄粱一梦已过往,风流人啊如 今在何方?那17岁的少年孑然远渡 重洋来到这座高山,我无从查起他 的父母为何没有同行?我毫不知晓 他的爱情是否迷人?我只清楚他最 终长眠于他所创造的山峦叠翠及万 千价值之中。他的杰作成为了攸关 民生经济的产业,成为了极富盛名 的旅游景点,也成为了这座热带岛 屿的清新馈赠;可人们就算记住了 斯里兰卡的万顷茶园,却再也不曾 提起他的名字。 “Vanakkam,Vanakkam!”僧 伽罗语科班出身的我心虚地用泰米 尔语敷衍着眼前的这些采茶女,不 禁嘀咕,这些姑娘怎么能这样热 情!139公里的车程已经让我身心 疲惫,这条上百年前英国人修建的 公路蜿蜒曲折,尽管车窗外的景色 美得让人恍惚,蔓延无边的茶园绿 得让人想流泪,我还是烦躁了,因 为我开始不理解那个我一心想要追 寻他踪迹的少年,当时为什么要来 到这么远的山区?而且我万分确 定,他到达的时候,是绝没有这些 如花蝴蝶般在树丛中跳跃的采茶女 和他打招呼的。 “小姐,我们到了。看看!这都是 泰米尔人。”僧伽罗族司机轻描淡 写地跟我说。 “直接去找他的墓碑吧。”我不知 声音里的愠怒从何而来。 1852年,17岁的他来到了位于锡 兰中部山城康提(Kandy)附近的 露尔康德勒(Loolecondera), 在此定居40年,直到1892年在此 长眠。 山区的上午凉风不断,薄雾似乎还 没有完全散去,参差错落的茶园曲 线在蔓延,不断演变的浓厚色彩之 中长出了娇艳欲滴的红色美人蕉; 泰米尔姑娘一个个头绑着米白色布 袋,手指飞快地摘着茶叶嫩芽,间 或还有露珠水滴飞溅。露尔康德勒 (Loolecondera)原名为露尔康 杜勒(Lool kandura),僧伽罗语 意思是盛产线鱧的小溪,许是英国 人发不出康杜勒的顺畅,遂给这个 地方改了名。我回望四周,即便一 百多年前这里还没有茶园,可它本 身就是一个足够美好的地方,美好 到让17岁的如风少年义无反顾地留 了下来。 后来,他化成了一把灰尘,永远地 滋养了这片产茶胜地。他的石刻墓 碑上写的是:“虔挚怀念锡兰露尔 康德勒种植园的詹姆斯•泰勒,这
座岛屿之上的金鸡纳和茶树种植业 开拓者,他卒于1892年5月2日, 享年57岁。”- "In pious memory of James Taylor of Loolecondera Estate Ceylon, the pioneer of the cinchona and tea enterprise in this island, who died 2 May 1892, aged 57 years". 他是第一个在锡兰种植茶园的 先驱,是在锡兰和托马斯•立顿 (Thomas Lipton)相识结交并成 就立顿红茶的人;2017年是锡兰 红茶“立业”150周年纪念年,这 个排名世界第四的红茶出口大国在 全球范围内举行了精彩纷呈的各类 活动,而作为沉迷红茶的极度爱好 者,我选择的纪念方式便是来到他 在150年前开辟的茶园里,再次看 看他,也陪他再喝一杯茶。 1824年,长居在锡兰的英国人从 中国带了一株令人赏心悦目的茶 树,种在了康提近郊佩拉德尼亚的 皇家植物园里;1839年伊始,更 多的茶树植株被东印度公司陆续从 印度阿萨姆和加尔各答移栽到了 佩拉德尼亚地区,就在同年,随 着东印度公司的贸易活动日益增 加,锡兰商会(Ceylon Chamber of Commerce)顺势成立;1852 年,17岁的懵懂少年詹姆斯•泰 勒(James Taylor)来到了锡 兰;1854年,以咖啡种植庄园为 主的锡兰种植业者协会成立,隶属 于锡兰商会。 少年在锡兰经历了青春期的叛逆, 也饱受了自我成长的艰辛;在那些 岁月里,这个苏格兰棕发男孩儿无 数次吹着落山风躺在岩石上看夕 阳,也在溪水里捕捉线鱧的踪迹, 在丛林里探险,也在炊烟升起时流 泪。 1866年,31岁的他到了印度,在 那里,习惯在大自然中寻找灵感的 他终日在漫山遍野的茶园中流连忘 返;在那里,他学会了种植和打理 茶园的基础方法。 从印度返回锡兰之后,1867年詹 姆斯在露尔康德勒开辟了一片丛林 荒地,种植了锡兰岛屿上的第一个 茶园,现如今斯里兰卡的茶叶种植 园约为2000多平方公里,占到了 国土面积的4%,让我们很难想象 第一个茶叶种植园的面积只有19 英亩(76,890平方米),他在这座 茶园里辛勤劳作,并保持与他在印
18 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
度认识的英国庄园主们交流学习; 1872年他在茶园里建成了一个设 备完善的精小茶厂,同年在康提出 售了第一批以露尔康德勒种植园命 名的红茶。对自己和事业充满了信 心的他曾这样写道:“我自己在康 提发明创造的茶叶揉捻机器将把我 带向一个巨大的成功。” 1873年,露尔康德勒种植园红茶 漂洋过海到达了英国,总量只有10 公斤的锡兰精品在伦敦的上流社会 中广受赞誉。1875年,首批满载 锡兰露尔康德勒红茶的货船将詹姆 斯的心血运抵伦敦,并在伦敦茶叶 拍卖会上拍价成功。 亚瑟•柯南•道尔 (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)曾写下以下评 语:“茶园对于锡兰的标志性丰 碑意义,正如雄狮之丘屹立于 滑铁卢”。"…The tea fields of Ceylon are as true a monument to courage as is the lion at Waterloo". 漫长的岁月里,这个17岁就和湖光 山色融为一体的男人仍然终日默默 地为丛林茶园倾注精力,他和那些 被他从印度带到锡兰的泰米尔工人 和采茶女辛勤劳作着,并为每一次 的进步和成就欣喜。 依我的感觉来看,詹姆斯应该是一 个极其认真和内心纯净的人,即便 此时的他已经颇具庄园主和茶厂主 的资本,但他还是凡事亲力亲为; 虽然他的红茶出口规模已经从10公 斤增加到了81吨,他身上的商人气
谨以此文献给北京外国语大学 2006级僧伽罗语班,怀念10年前 我们初到斯里兰卡时的恰同学少 年。 对于我深深敬佩的詹姆斯•泰勒, 是一个微小的纪念。 欧鹭迷斯, 从文化视角, 带你感受不一样的 斯里兰卡!
ZHENG XINYUN (Olu) olulanka@gmail.com
息还是很微弱;遗憾的是,这种特 质也为他最后的人生基调定下了方 向。 1890年,富贾一方的英国商人托 马斯•立顿(Thomas Lipton)在 去澳大利亚的途中经停锡兰,在这 里,他认识了詹姆斯,极具商业嗅 觉的立顿对露尔康德勒种植园出产 的锡兰红茶非常感兴趣,于是他决 定以立顿公司向詹姆斯购买红茶, 并凭借他已在欧洲和美洲建立的完 善商业网络分销红茶,就在这一 年,露尔康德勒种植园的茶叶出口 量达到了22,900吨,立顿红茶也成 为了蜚声国际的锡兰红茶品牌。 在露尔康德勒种植园取得成功之 后,越来越多的茶园和茶厂相继出 现,资金充足的大型茶厂很快吞并 了小种植园,锡兰茶的产业运营日 趋成熟,成熟到了把当年的拓荒者 踢出了局。 1892年,被露尔康德勒种植园的 管理层排挤在外一年之后,詹姆斯 死于肠胃炎。在他狭小的房子里, 身无分文。 露尔康德勒种植园第7号片区静静 的铺开在眼前,我拿出一包和瓦海 德(Hewaheta)产区生产的低地 茶,打开保温壶开始泡茶;心里似 有万千感慨,却又仿佛无语凝噎; 捧着茶杯的双手颤抖不已,却又觉 得平静如水。
他终是被人遗忘了!在这座国民每 天都要喝三次红茶的岛屿,在这 个有着超过一百万人口为茶业从 业者的种植胜地,在这个以出口红 茶为经济支柱的国家,并没有太 多的人记得曾经的无名英雄了; 除了1992年为他修建的一个小博 物馆,也除了那一年为纪念他百 年诞辰时英国驻斯大使对他的评 价:“这个世界上能以自己的个人 劳作而影响一个国家地貌特征的人 少之又少,但是斯里兰卡高地茶山 的独特魅力和湖光山色却处处彰显 出了个人的灵感,这个人就是首位 将茶树种植园带到了斯里兰卡的 詹姆斯•泰勒。” "It can be said of very few individuals that their labours have helped to shape the landscape of a country, but the beauty of the hill country as it now appears owes much to the inspiration of James Taylor, the man who introduced tea cultivation to Sri Lanka". 山区的阳光渐渐变得炽热,泰米尔 采茶女们继而收工从我身旁经过, 微笑的脸庞带着诧异和不解的表 情,看着她们远去的背影,我仿佛 看到了那条路的尽头就是她们祖先 远在印度的家乡,而此刻沐浴在天 高云淡的清风中向我奔跑而来的, 正是那个165年前刚刚到达露尔康 德勒的17岁少年!
欧鹭迷斯系列: 兰卡历史文化 | 140年前的博物馆缔造者 兰卡历史文化 | 210年前的倾城之恋
我闭上眼睛,张开了双臂。 从露尔康德勒返回的那天,科伦 坡的夜雨绵绵,让我失眠。我想 起了第一次到达斯里兰卡的情 景,2007年的9月。那年我19岁, 也正是少年。
China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 19
—Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r wLKavj mej; tk ñ;% in|;djhg Ôj jdhqj ñ;% ix.ï u.ska ,efnkjd˜
Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r wLKavj ●● Tn uq,skau flfiao Ök ñ;% mej; tk ñ;% in|;djhg Ôj in|;dj,g fhduq jqfKa@ jdhqj ,ndfok mqoa.,hska /ila uu Ökh .ek uq,skau y÷kd.;af;a" forfÜu isá;s' fujr —ixjdoh˜ Ökh iuÕ È.=ld,Skj ñ;%;ajh wLKavj mj;ajdf.k tk" bkaødkkao ;=<ska bÈßm;a lrkafka tjeks wfífialr uy;df.ka' Tyq wfma mqoa.,fhl=f.a Ök w;aoelSï Ök ñ;%;ajfha kQ;k m%drïNlhd ms<sn|jhs' Tyq kñka c.;a fmf¾rd' lsõfjd;a uu ys;kafka ksjerÈhs' uu fï lshk ld,h 1998 - 1999 jf.a —iaj¾Kjdysks˜ wdh;kfha ld,fha' t;=ud Ökh ms<sn|j ud iuÕ ksrka;rj l:dl,d' fï ksid" uf.a jevigyka ksIamdoljrfhla f,i fiajh l< Tyq m%ùK udOH rEmjdysks jevigyka j,g t;=ud iïnkaO lr.;a;d' tu ksid ug fõÈfhls' tjlg Y%S ,xld Ök yelshdj ,enqkd iïnkaO lr.kakg ;reK ckudOHfõ§kaf.a ix.uh bkaødkkao wfífialr uy;df.a ud¾. fhka isxy, l;d lrk Ök cd;slhska msysgqùfï wdrïNl idudðlfhla yd Ök .=jkaúÿ,s isxy, fiajfha Ök cd;slhska rEmjdysks jevigyka jk Tyq j¾;udkfha§ Y%S ,xld Ök ck udOHfõ§kaf.a ix.ufha j,g uu iïnkaO lr.;a;d' fï w;frÈ ;uhs Tyq ug fhdackd WmfoaYl f,i lghq;= lrhs' lf<a Ök ;reK ckudOHfõ§kaf.a ix.uhla wdrïN lsÍu jeo.;a nj' tys uQ,sl;ajh f.k lghq;= lrk f,i Tyq uf.ka b,a,d isáhd' uu tu fhdackdjg b;d Wkkaÿfjka leu;s jqKd' ta jf.au wfma j;auka iNdm;s k,ska wfmdakaiq uy;do fï i|yd l%shdldÍj iyNd.Sjk f,i wfífialr uy;d wdrOkd l<d' Bg miafia Tyq ug fï .ek jeäÿr idlÉpPd lrkak Tyqf.a ld¾hd,hg tkak lsõjd' ta ld,fha bkaøkkao uy;auhd m%pdrl l<uKdlre úÈhg Y%S ,xld úfoaY fiajd kshqla;s ld¾hxYfha fiajh l<d' wms fokakd fuu ix.uh .ek uQ,sl wÈhf¾ idlÉPd l,d' kj ix.uhg ;reK udOH fõ§ka ks<OdÍka úÈhg oi fofkla muK m;alr .ekSug;a tys ks, kduh f,i —Y%S
20 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
,xld Ök ;reK ckudOHfõ§kaf.a ix.uh˜ f,i fhdod .ekSug;a tys§ fhdackd lr.;a;d' uu fuu ix.ufha wdrïNl jev lghq;= i|yd iaj¾KjdyskS wdh;kfha udOHfõ§ka lsysmfofkl= yd udf.a mdi, jk kd,kaod úoHd,fha udOH ñ;=rka iïnkaO lr .ekSug l,amkd l,d' Bg miafia k,Skaf.a ld¾hd,fha§ jeämqr idlÉPd mj;aj,d ks,Odß uKav,h kïlr .;a;d' miqj wms bkaødkkao uy;d yuqù ta nj oekqï ÿkakd' wfma ix.ufha m<uq /iaùu meje;ajQfha" ;s,x. iqu;smd, uy;df.a iyh ,ndf.k nïn,msáfha wjkay,l fuu wjia:djg tjlg Y%S ,xldfõ Ök ;dkdm;s ðhdx Ñxfpka uy;d;a iyNd.S jqKd' t;=udg fyd|g isxy, l;dlrkak mq¿jka' tod wms msysgjQ Y%S ,xld Ök ;reK ckudOHfõ§kaf.a ix.uh wojk úg úYd, j¾Okhla ,n,d ;sfhkjd' uu ld,hla úfoaY .; fj,d ysáhd' kuq;a k,Ska wfmdakaiq uf.a ñ;%hdf.a lemùu u; Tyqf.a iNdm;S;ajfhka fuu ix.uh ÈhqKqfjka ÈhqKqjg m;ajqKd'
●● Tn uQ,sl fj,d wdrïN l, Y%S ,xld Ök ;reK ckudOHfõ§kaf.a ix.ufha ;jÿrg;a Tn flfiao odhl;ajh ,nd fokafka@ oeka fuu ix.uhg idudðlhska f,i udOHfõ§ka úYd, msßila isákjd' ix.ufha ysgmq iNdm;sjrfhla f,i uu" fï jk úg" fuys l%shdldÍ lñgqfõ WmfoaYljrfhla f,i lghq;= lrñka isákjd' uu wfma ix.ufha iEu lghq;a;lu l%shdldÍj iyNd.S fjkjd' ta jf.au j¾;udk ks<OdÍ uKav,h b;du l%shdYS,S msßila ksid" forg w;r udOH ñ;%;ajhg úYd, fiajhla isÿlsÍug wmg yelsù ;sfnkjd' k,Ska wfmdakaiq uy;d úYsIaG fiajhla isÿlrkjd' Tyq m%ùk udOHfõÈfhla ksid' Tyq iïnkaO lrf.k isák fiiq msßila b;du olaI nqoaêu;a" W.;a msßila' fï ksid Y%S ,xld Ök ckudOHfõ§kaf.a ix.uh b;d id¾:lj bÈßhg .uka
lrñka isákjd' oeka ix.ufha ku Y%S ,xld-Ök udOHfõ§kaf.a ixioh f,i fjkia ù ;sfnkjd
●● Ök ñ;%fhla f,i Tn Ökhg uq,skau md ;enQ Èkh .ek u;lh wjÈ lf,d;a@ 2005 tjlg ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI ue;s;=udf.a m<uqfjks ixpdrh isÿ lf<a Ökfha' tu ixpdrh i|yd udOHfõ§ka lsysmfkl= iyNd.S jqKd' iaj¾Kjdysks wdh;kfhka ug;a ta wjia:dj ,enqKd' ta wkqj 2005 § uu uq,skau Ökhg yd ydmqrd lshd md;enqjd' fnhsðx cd;Hka;r .=jkaf;dgqm,ska ;uhs wms Ökhg md ;enqfõ' th udf.a Èúfha b;du iqkaor ojila njg m;ajqKd' uu Ökh .ek f;dr;=re udOH uÕska oekf.k ysáh;a yeneyskau Ökh oelafla tod'' Ökh ,ndf.k ;sfnk ÈhqKqj tod ud oelald' uf.a ta ixpdrh rdcH uÜgfï by< fmf<a ¥; msßila iuÕ isÿùu;a ug lsis Èfkl wu;l jkafka keye'
●● Tn Ök ñ;%fhl= f,i Y%S ,xld Ök ;reK ckudOH fõ§kaf.a ix.uh uÕska .sh wjia:dj u;la lruqo@ Tõ" uu tf,i Ökhg uq,skau .sfha Ökfha iajhx md,s; m%dfoaYhla jk áfnghg' áfngfha ixpdrh i|yd m%ùK udOHfõ§ka /ila tlaù isáhd' Èkm;d ,xld§m m;%fha isß rKisxy" k,Ska wfmdakaiq" yd ;j;a ys;j;a udOH fõ§ka /ila tlajqKd' fuh Èk y;l ^7& l ixpdrhla' áfnghg hdug fmr ,xldfõ msysá Ök ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,fhka wmg lsõjd áfnÜ ixpdrh ;rula wjodkï .ukla nj' ysud,hg wdikakj áfngh msysgd ;sîu ksid wêl YS; foaY.=Khla mej;Su Bg fya;= jqKd' fuu ixpdrfha§ wmg úúO w;aoelSï j,g uqyqK fokak isoaO jqKd' wfma lKavdhfï lsysmfofkl= frda.d;=r jqKd' tla udOHfõÈfhla nrm;, f,i frda.d;=r jqKd' b;sx uu;a wfma ;j;a ys;j;a udOH fõÈfhla Tyq ,Õgu fj,d ysáhd' fï jf.a w;aoelSï rdYshla ú|.kak yelsjqkd áfnÜ ixpdrfha§' fuu ixpdrfha§ wmg áfngfha udOHfõ§ka yd udOH wdh;khl m%OdkSka yuqjqKd' ta jf.au ;j;a Ök ñ;=rka /ila y÷kd .kakg wjia:dj wmg ysñjqKd' ta wh w;ßka we;eï wh miqld,Skj le<‚h úYaj úoHd,hg wdjd' isxy, NdIdj
yodrkak' áfngfha§ y÷kd.kakd ñ;=rka iuÕ È.gu wms in|lï mj;ajdf.k .shd' uf.a rEmjdysks jevigyka lsysmhlgo Tjqka iyNd.Slr.;a;d' wmsg tys§ m%Odk .eg¿j jqfKa NdIdj' kuq;a Ök yd isxy, NdIdj okakd Ök cd;slhka wmsg tys§ Woõ l<d' ta wh w;ßka lsysmfokl= ;ju;a ,xldfõ bkakjd' áfngh fldgila'
●● t;fldg áfngfha isák udOHfõ§ka Ökh .ek fudk jf.a woyilskao isákafka' uu fufyu wykafka we;eï ngysr udOHh;a" áfngh Ökfhka fjka lrkak W;aiy .kajkafka ta ksihs' ta ojiaj, áfnÜ udOHfõ§ka Ökh .ek wys;lr u;hl isáfha keye' o,dhs,dudf.a l%shdjka .ek Tjqka oerefõ fjkia u;hla' fudlo o,dhss,dud áfngh fjk;a rgla f,i i,lkak W;aiy .;a;dg nyq;r ck;dj thg leu;s kE b;sx udOH fõ§ka iajdëkj lghq;= l,d' yenehs we;eï udOHfõ§ka fï .ek l;d lrkak t;rï leu;s jqfka keye' flfia kuq;a o,dhss,dudg áfngh ;=, t;rï úYajdihla ;snqfKa keye' áfnÜ NdIdj yd Ök uekavÍka w;r fjkialï ;snqKd' wms áfnghg .sh ojia j, fnhsðx isg ÿïßh ud¾.h bÈ lrñka ;snqfKa' áfngfha ta ojiaj, fu;rï ixj¾Okhla ,ndf.k ysáfha keye' fydag,a fu;rï ;snqfKa keye' iEu fydag,hlu Tlaiscka iúlr,d ;snqKd' thg fya;=j ;uhs ysud,hg wdikak ksid' ixpdrlhskag yqiau .ekSfï wmyiq;d we;sùu wfma lKavdfï lsysmfokl=g yqiau .ekSfï wmyiq;d we;s jqKd' iEu we|la wi,u Tlaiscka is,skav¾ iúlr,d ;snqKd' isß rKisxy" ys,añ wyuâ jf.a whg Tfrd;a;= ÿkak;a iuyr whg Tlaiscka uÈlu wdiajdi m%diajdi l%shdj,sfha§ oekqkd' óg wu;rj uu fnhsðx Yexyhs we;=¿ k.rj, úúO iuq¿ i|yd Y%S ,xld Ök ckudOHfõ§kaf.a ix.uh uÕska iyNd.S jqKd'
●● Tn ckudOHfõÈfhla ksid uu wykafka" Ökfha ckudOHfõ§kaf.a yeisÍu fudkjf.ao@ úfYaIfhka cd;sl .eg¿j,§ ta jf.au rcfha m%;sm;a;s .ek m%jD;a;s m< lsÍfï§'
Tjqka tajd .ek újD;j l;d lrkjd' kuq;a Tjqka iajhx jdrKhl bkafka' fldfyka fyda Tjqka md,kh jk nj meyeÈ,sj fmakafka kE' Ök udOH fõ§ka rfÜ m%YaK ck;djg fyda rch wmyiq;djhg m;ajk f,i mqj;a m< lrkafka keye' oeka wfma rgg ´ku flfkl=g weú;a ´ku fohla ,shkak mq¿jka yenehs Ökfha tfyu nE' msgrg udOH fõÈfhl=g f,aisfhka f;dr;=re .kak;a nE' Ök udOHfõ§ka rg mdjd fok m%jD;a;sh lsis úfgl m<lrkafka keye' ck;d m%YaK .ek Tjqka m%pdrh lrkjd' kuq;a rgg ydkshla fkdjk wkaoug rg ;=, udOH Ndú;fha fyd| l<uKdlrkhla ;sfhkjd'
●● f,dalfha b;d fõ.fhka ÈhqKqjk rdcHhla' Ökfhka ,nd.; yels w;aoelSï nyq,hs' Ök ñ;%fhl= f,i" Tng Tnf.a Ôú;h" ta jf.au jHdmdr lghq;= ÈhqKq lrkakg Ökfhka w;aoelSï ,nd .;a;o@ fuh b;d jeo.;a Ökh fõ.fhka ÈhqKq fjkjd' ld, l,uKdlrKh Tjqka Wmßu wkaoñka isÿlrkjd' oeka Tn okakjd we;s Tn lsysmjrla Ökfha ixpdrh lr,d ;sfhkjd' n,kak Tjqka wmsg rd;%S lEu fõ,la ,nd §fï§ mjd lEu fïifha§u idlÉPd lrkjd' lEfuka miqj idlÉPdjg fjku ld,h fjka lrkafka keye' WodyrKhla ug lshkak mq¿jka' Ökfha jdyk kej;=ïm, j, rdcldÍ lrk ldka;djka tu rdcldßh w;r ;=r ;j;a iq¿ wd¾Ól l%shdj,shl ksr;fjkjd' uu Ökfha .sh tl j;djl oelald' jdyk yiqrejk ldka;djla ,efnk úfõl ld,fha§ ueyqï f.;a;ï lrkjd' Tjqka ld,h wmf;a hjkafka keye' ta jf.au uf.a ÈhqKqjg uu Ök w;aoelSï fhdod .;a;d' ux ys;kafka fuh ug ú;rla fkfuhs' oeka n,kak ,xldfõ ;reK ;re‚hka kslï ld,h fl;rï .; lrkjdo@ ld,h wmf;a hjkjd' ,xldfõ ;reK mrmqr b;d úYd, msßila ;%Sú,a riaidj lrkjd' Ökfha ;reK msßia gelais riaidj lrkafka keye' wjqreÿ 40 g jeä wh ;uhs gelais rlaidj lrkafka' ;reK wh ks;ru w¿;a foaj,a fydhkjd' ksIamdokh lrkjd' bf.k .kakjd' lK.dgqjg ldrKh ;uhs ,xldfõ ;%Sú,a riaidj lrk wh ojig meh 8la ;%Sú,a tfla bkakjd' kuq;a Tjqka
China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm; | 21
uÕSka f.k hk ld,h meh 2lg wvqhs' b;sß meh 6 u Tjqka kslrefKa ld,h f.jkjd' ojig meh 6 la ojia y;lska jeä lf,d;a i;shg meh 42 la' kslrefka f.fjkjd' th ojia 20 lska jeä lf<d;a udihlg meh 120 wmf;a hjkjd' yßhgu ne¨fjd;a udihlg ojia 15 la wmf;a hjkjd' fï ldrKh .ek j;auka ckdêm;s f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d oekqj;a lrkak mq¿jka kï fyd|hs' t;=ud túg fï .ek idOkSh mshjrla .kS' ;reKhka ;%Sú,a riaidfjka uqoj,d ksIamdok ld¾hhg odhl lrkak mq¿jkakï rg úYd, ixj¾Okhlg fhduq lrkak mq¿jka' uu oeka jHdmdßlfhla f,i lghq;= lrkjd' fï i|yd Ökfha fukau f,dalfha fjk;a rgj, w;aoelSï ,nd.;a;d' Win Stone Hotel Training School kñka jHdmdrhla lrf.k hkjd' f,dalfha b;d ÈhqKq rgj, by, jegqma iys; fydag,a wdY%s; / lshd ;sfhkjd' tu /lshd j,g wfma
rfÜ ;reK ;re‚hka mqyqKq lsÍu wms isÿ lrkjd' cd;Hka;rj ms<s.;a mqyqKq mdGud,d iys;j úfYaIfhka ´iafÜ%,shdj" kjiS,ka;h" uef,aishdj jeks rgj, ms,s.;a iy;sl ksl=;a lrkjd' ta wkqj cd;Hka;r m%ñ;shg wkqj furg ;reK msßia oekqfuka yd jD;a;Sh ksmqK;djfhka hq;= msßila njg wms m;a lrkjd'
●● Tnf.a w;aoelSï wkqj wfma rfÜ ;reK mrmqr fjkqfjka bÈßfha§ fudkjf.a foaj,ao lrkafka@ bÈßfha§ ;jÿrg;a fï jHdmdr ÈhqKq lrf.k úYd, fiajhla lrkak n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd' f.dGdNh rdcmlaI ue;s;=ud ckdêm;s jQ miq Tyq fhdackd lrkafka wfma rfÜu ksIamdok lrkak' túg úfoaYhg we§ hk uqo,a b;sß fjkjd' th b;du ldf,daÑ; ixl,amhla' tu ksid wmsg;a fï rg f.dvk.kak lemùula lrkak mq¿jka' Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh w;r ;sfnk fï rdcH yd iudc
ñ;% in|;djh wms fofldgigu m%fhdackhg .kak mq¿jka' fld<U oeä jdyk ;onohla ;sfnkjd' fïlg úi÷ula blaukgu ´ks' ug ckdêm;s;=ud yuqfjkak wjia:djla ,enqfKd;a uu t;=udg uq,skau lshkafka fï jdyk ;onoh kj;ajkak c, m%jdyk l%u fhdod .kak lsh,d' oeka Ökfha c, m%jdyk l%u ÈhqKq ;;ajfha ;sfhkjd' fld<U Iex.%s,d fydag,h ,Õ fnf¾ jej we, mdf¾ isg l,amsáh olajd c, m%jdyk l%uhla ;sfhkjd' fuys fndaÜgq fhojqjfyd;a úYd, uÕSka ixLHdjla jf.au NdKav m%jdykh lrkak mq¿jka' uu ys;kjd ckdêm;s;=udf.a wjOdkh fï flfrys fhduq fjhs lsh,d' wfma rg ÈhqKq lrkak oeka mq¿jka fjhs lsh,d uu ys;kjd' Ökh wdo¾Yhg .;fyd;a wmsg ÈhqKq fjkak mq¿jka' ixjdo igyk - uOqYdka l=,r;ak madushancri@gmail.com
Y%S ,xld - Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh Ökh ms<sn|j rdcH md,kh" ixialD;sh" wOHdmkh" lDIsl¾uh" úoHd yd ;dlaIK" ffjoH úoHdj we;=¿ úúO lafIa;%j, hï f;dr;=re Tng oek .ekSug wjYH kï Ök levmf;ka úuikq uekú' Ök levm; ã - 30" ud;d mdr" fld<U 08 ^fldfrdakd ffjrih fya;=fjka fujr l,dmh udi ;=kla olajd jQ nj lreKdfjka i,lkak&
22 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
Reveals the inaugural Social Responsibility report LKR 550 million allocated for the Fishermen Livelihood Improvement Programme Priority given to local elements and localized procurements Systematic training provided for 1,500 local suppliers Creating job opportunities that directly support 8,000 locals Port City Colombo has successfully achieved 12 million safe work hours with zero accidents, according to the ‘2018-2019 Social Responsibility Report’ of Port City Colombo, launched at a ceremony on Monday, 13 January 2020. This is the first Social Responsibility Report released by Port City Colombo of its parent company China Communications Construction Company (CCCC). The report documents the company’s commitment to the communities, employees, customers and the planet covering the period from September 2014 till November 2019. The launch was graced by H.E the Chinese Ambassador Cheng Xueyuan and State Minister of Urban Development Hon. Gamini Lokuge as chief guests, while Secretary to the Ministry of Urban Development, Water Supply and Housing Facilities Dr. Priyath Bandu Wickrama; Head of Publicity for CCCC Ms. Liu Yan; Vice President of China Harbour Engineering Company Ms. Huang Yongye; and Managing Director of CHEC Port City Colombo (Pvt) Ltd Mr. Jiang Houliang were guests of honour.
The report follows four guidelines in its compilation, namely the International Organization for Standardizing’s (ISO) Guidance on Social Responsibility, GB/T 36000-2015 Guidance on Social Responsibility, GB/T 36001-2015 Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, and the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) issued by Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB). Chairman of CCCC Liu Qitao, in his message given to the report, states, “The Port City Colombo project is one of the flagship projects of the ChinaSri Lanka pragmatic economic and trade cooperation under the ‘Belt and Road’
construction framework, which has adhered to co-negotiation, co-construction and sharing. We aim to work with the people of Sri Lanka to strive to build a community of interests, a community of destiny and a community of responsibility for common development with the people of Sri Lanka.” He added that CCCC will continue to implement the concept of sustainable development, better fulfilment of its CSR, and work with governments and global companies to deepen cooperation and development, while the exhibition, innovative green development and mutual trust development communities will collaborate to help flourish Sri Lanka's longterm stable development. In keeping with its commitment to build Port City Colombo to
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a world-class city for South Asia and the most dynamic economic centre, CCCC will ensure economic and social benefits for Sri Lanka including excellent infrastructure, land value enhancement, promoting urban development and offering stable employment opportunities. As detailed in its inaugural CSR report, the Port City Colombo project has integrated the social responsibility concept into its day-to-day work across its staff base, consisting of concept integration, system establishment and practice guidance. Highlights of the report A project of value – Giving priority to the local elements and localized procurements ranging from construction materials to office supplies, the company has established long-term partnerships with competent local suppliers. Offering a win-win situation for local suppliers, Port City Colombo invites thirdparty organizations to offer systematic training for 1,500 local suppliers and issue certificates. Local designers were employed for the planning, designing and construction of this mega project, and the company was able to create stable job opportunities that directly supported 8,000 locals. A project of integration – From engineer to administrator, the company has consciously cultivated a highly skilled and well-experienced set of employees. Port City Colombo has been actively promoting annual staff training schemes including on-site demonstrations, interaction between lecturers and trainees, IQ-based knowledge contests,
etc. By the end of October 2019, 16 training programmes were conducted involving 620 participants. A total of LKR 37 million (USD 203,000) was allocated for the training budget, of which 90% has been effectively utilized for these purposes. A project of livelihood – Through this project, Port City Colombo aims to promote community development and provide tangible benefits to the local community by tracking the needs and improvement of local livelihood. Subsequent to the insights gathered pertaining to the difficult living conditions of fishermen in Negombo, the company proposed and financed LKR 550 million for the Fishermen Livelihood Improvement Program in collaboration with the Sri Lankan Government and NGOs. Approximately 15,450 fishermen from Negombo were offered insurance and the company organized 35 health camps that served 6,000 in the fishermen community. A total of LKR 154 million was allocated to 77 fishery organizations from Negombo to Wattala to offer financial assistance. Furthermore, to address coastal erosion issues, the company has invested LKR 300 million for the restoration of beaches and building of breakwaters. The Hope Project was initiated in association with the Ministry of Education to donate school supplies, and enhance teaching & learning facilities to provide better education. Various projects were launched subsequently including the upgrading of Angels Play School’s supporting facilities, organising the World University Debate Championship, selecting
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children to be involved in mass media campaign of the Port City Colombo project and partnering with NSBM Green University Town to empower local youth. Moreover, the company actively carried out charitable donation activities such as participating in local rescue programmes for natural calamities and funding public welfare organizations, including the donation of Chinese cultural books to the Nāgānanda International Institute for Buddhist Studies (NIIBS). A project of quality – The Port City Colombo project meticulously guarantees the safety of all activities related to the project to minimize the risk of injury or damage during construction. The project conducted more than 192 safety training sessions involving over 4,224 participants and has successfully achieved approximately 12 million safe working hours with zero accidents.. An eco- friendly project – Adhering to the concept of sustainable development, by respecting the local diversity, improving the environment , reducing pollution and conserving resources during the implementation of the project, the company was felicitated with several accolades. These include the Honourable Mention of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East (AAPME) Awards; the Gold Award of the 2018 Yuan Ye Urban Design Awards; and the Silver Award of Singapore Landscape Architecture Awards 2017 organized by the Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects.
Ökfha iq¿ cd;slfhda
kdIs ^Naxi& ckhd
úiañ; jdß yd .Dy ks¾udKlrejka''' Ökfha hqkakdka m<d; flakaøfldg f.k úYañ; jdß we< ud¾. yd iqkaor .Dy ks¾udKhkag oialï olajk iq¿;r ck fldgila f,i kdIs ckhd Ôj;a fõ' oekg jd¾;d ù we;s wdldrhg fudjqka ;=ka,laI ;siaoyila muK Ôj;ajk w;r" hqkakdka m<d;g wu;rj" ispqwdka m<df;ao iq¿ ck ixLHdjla Ôj;a fõ' w;S;fha isgu f.dvke.s,s ks¾udKh" w;alï" jdß l¾udka;h" l,dj" ixialD;sh flfrys fudjqka úfYaI ksmqK;djhlska fyì ck ckfldgila nj Ök ixialD;sl b;sydi .%ka:j, i|yka fõ' 1997 j¾Ifha§ ,S Ôheka k.rh f,dal Wreu k.r f,i hqfkiaflda ixúOdkh úiska kï lrk ,§' ,sðheka k.rh ;=, idïm%odhsl f.dvke.,s w;alï l,d" iqkaor l÷" we< ud¾." ùÈ" oel.; yelsh' fuu ft;sydisl ùÈ" f.dvke.s,s" we< ud¾. wog;a ixrlaIKh lr ;sfí' ,Sðhex Èia;%slalfha" fï jk úg kdIs ck.ykh ;=ka,laI ;siaoyila ^330000& muK jk nj .Kka n,d ;sfí' fuhg wu;rj l=vd kdIs .ïudk hqkakdka m<df;a úúO ia:dkj, úisÍ ;sfí' áfnÜ iajhx md,k m%foaYfhao l=vd kdIs .ïudk yuqù ;sfí' ,sðhex k.rfha iuia: ck.ykh ñ,shk 1'4 muK fõ' kdIs ck;djf.au fldgila f,i ie,flk fudaiqfjda iq¿;r ck lKavdhu ;=, 50"000 la muK jk w;r Tjqka ,sðhex k.rhg lsf,daógr 150 la BYdk foiska msysá Æ.= jej wdY%s;j Ôj;a fõ' th W;a;rdxY wä 8809 la fyj;a óg¾ 2685 la muK Wilska msysgd ;sfí' uE; w;S;fha§ fuu m%foaYh ;rula yqol,dj mej;sho" Ök rch uÕska kj ud¾. moaO;shla bÈlsÍu ksid ixpdrl k.rhla njg m;aúh' fï jk úg f,dj mqrd ixpdrlhskaf.a m%sh;u ixpdrl m%foaYhla f,i
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kdIs NdIdj yd wlaIr ud,dj fudjqkaf.a wlaIr yd NdIdj áfnÜ NdId mjq,g wh;ah' Ökfha kef. kysr yd ngysr Wm NdId mjq,g wh;a we;eï wx.o fudjqka Ndú; lr;s' ñka wêrdcH iuh ^l%sj ( 1368 1644& Ök yka NdIdfõ wlaIr l,dj fuu ck;dj Ndú;d lsÍug fm<ö ;sfí' ta wkqj j¾;udk uekavÍka NdIdj fudjqka Ndú;d lr;s' f,dalfha fuf;la jd¾;d ù we;s fm!rd‚l .,a hq.fha wlaIr Ndú;d lrk f,dj tlu cd;sho kdIs ck;djhs' fuh ixpdrlhskaf.a wdl¾Ykhgo fya;= ù ;sfí' .,a hq.fha wlaIr l,dj fyj;a f;dx.and wlaIr lshùfï yelshdj we;af;a kdIs ck;djf.ka b;du iq¿ msßilg mu‚' fuu wlaIr fi,a,sms yd uka;% msgm;aj, wvx.= fõ'
kdIs ck;djf.a wi,ajdiska jk ol=Kq m%foaYfha jdih lrk ;j;a iq¿cd;slhka msßila jk ndhs ^Bai& ck;dj md,kh l< vd,s rdcH ^937 -1253& mej;sfha kekapdfvda ^738 - 937& kï b;d n,j;a wêrdcHhlsks' 1 jk yd 8 jk ishjia w;r" ngysr Ökfha isg ysud,h olajd kef.kysr foig .uka l, mqrdK Ñhx ck;dj kdIs ck;djf.a uq,a uq;=ka ñ;a;ka f,i ie<fla' Tjqka hqkakdka wjg my;a ìïj, mÈxÑj isg we;' we;eï msßia l÷lr m%foaY j,o mÈxÑ jqj;a ovhï yd c,h ,nd .ekSfï wmyiq;d ksid Tjqka my;a ìï lrd ixl%uKh jQy' kekapdfjda wêrdcHhg kdhl;ajh ÿka hS ck;djhs' od,s rdcHhg kdhl;ajh fokq ,enqfjda ndhs ck;djhs' ndhs ck;dj kdhl;ajh ÿka m%foaYh j¾;udk ,Sðhex m%foaYh nj y÷kdf.k ;sfí' fï w;r Ökfha m%isoaO f;a m%jdyk ud¾.h ,Sðhex yryd jeà ;sîu ksid tu m%foaYfha f;a l¾udka;h ÈhqKq úh' th kdIs ck;djf.a wdodhï ud¾.h ire lsÍug fya;= úh' fï ksid kdIs ck;dj ,Sðhex m%foaYh jgd mÈxÑ ùu iS.% úh' fuhg wu;rj jir oyilg fmr áfngfhka ixl%uKh jQ msßilao ,sðhex j, mÈxÑ jQy'
wêrdcH md,kh hqkakdka rdc jxYh ^1279 - 1368& wdrïNlhd jQ —l=í,dhs ldka— hqkakdka wdl%uKh lr md,kh f.k .sfhah' miqj fudxf.da,shdkqjka ukapQ ckhd yd yka ck;dj hqkakdka md,kh lf<ah' od,s m%foaYfha wjg Ôj;a jk ndhs ck;dj;a" ,sðhex j,g Bidk foiska Wia l÷lrfha Ôj;ajk fudaiqfjda yd kdIs ck;dj w;r hï hï iïm%odhka iu ;;ajfha mej;s‚' fï w;r we;eï b;sydi{hska lshd isákafka ,Sðhex j,g BYdk foiska
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l÷lrfha fjfik fudaiqfjda iq¿ ck;dj ieneúkau kdIs ck;djo lshdh' l%s'j 1700 g fmr yka yd ukapq ckhd ,S ðhex md,kh ,nd .ekSug fmr kdIs ck;djg fudaiqfjda ck;djg jvd yd;amiskau fjkia újdy ixialD;shla mej;sfhah' ta wkqj Ök b;sydi{hskaf.a fuu u;h újdohg ,laù ;sfí'
Okj;a yd n,j;a njhs' l,siï we§fï W;aijhg meñ‚ ish¨u {d;Skag jhska msßkukafka fuu msßñ <uhdh' miqj úúO iaf;da;% .S .dhkd lr id,fha ueo foúhkag mQcd mj;aj;s' fuu W;aij j,ska miqj Tyqg fyda whg iyldßhl fyda iylrefjl= f;dard .ekSug wjir ,efí'
wdydr rgdj
ta w;r" iqÿ j¾Kh wyi yd l¿ j¾Kh fmd,j ixfÄ;j;a lrhs' f,dalfha fndfyda uOHu ixj¾ê; rgj, ck;dj fukau kdIs ck;djo Èklg m%Odk wdydr fõ,a ;=kla N=la;s ú¢;s' fudjqka ;ukaf.a wdydr ms<sfh, lsÍfï§ foaYSh l=¿ nvq fukau m%foaYSh ri ldrl j¾.o Ndú;d lr;s' l÷lr yd my;a ìï j, fjfik ck;dj fndaxÑ" w¾;dm,a g¾ksma ^rdnq jeks& we;=¿ úúO t<j¿ j¾. j¾Ih mqrdu j.d lr;s' tu ksid Tjqkaf.a wdydrj,g t,j¿ j¾. yd fndaxÑ weg nyq, jYfhka tla lr;s' idïm%odhsl W;aij j,§ úúO y;=j¾. yd uia fhdod ilia lrk ckm%sh wdydrhla N=la;s ú¢;s' WoEik wdydr i|yd OdkH yd msáj,g wu;rj" ng¾ yd f;a mdkh lrk w;r" w;rueÈ wdydr i|yd fld< f;a Ndú;d lrhs' úúO l=¿nvq fhdod ilia lrk kdIs wdydr b;d ñysr riska hqla; fõ'
we÷ï yka ck;dj Ndú;d lrk fndka;ï iys; lnd fyj;a uekavÍka ú,dis;d kdIs msßñka Ndú;d lrhs' ldka;djka úiska j¾Kj;a È.=" tïfn%hsv¾ lrk ,o .jqï m<È;s' fuu .jqïj, msgqmiska ll=f,a oKysi uÜgug j¾Kj;a idglhlao Ndú;d lrhs' .jqug háka l,siï wÈk w;r" fndaÜgq yevfha im;a;= m<È;s' fndfyda úg fuu .jqï ks,a" iqÿ fyda l¿ j¾Kj,ska hqla;h' ldka;djkaf.a we÷ïj, úfYaI;ajhla jkafka weÿfï msgqmig jkakg we;s idglh neg¿ yïj,ska idod ta u; fudaia;r y;lska tïfn%dhsv¾ lsÍuhs' fuu tïn%dhsv¾ y; ;dreld y;la ksfhdackh lrhs'
idïm%odhsl W;aij .eyeKq <uqka jeäysá Ndjhg m;aùu fyj;a u,ajr ùfï W;aijh m%Odk idïm%odhsl W;aijhls' fuh —idh we§fï— W;aijh f,io y÷kajhs'
idudkHfhka .eyeKq <ufhla jhi wjqreÿ 13 g ,Õd jQ úg" Tjqka jeäysáhka njg m;ajQ nj i,ld fuu idh me<£fï W;aijh ;u {d;Skaf.a iyNd.S;ajfhka mj;ajhs' fndfyda úg fuu W;aijh mj;ajkafka Ök w¿;a wjqreÿ W;aijhg fmrhs' kj fh!jk;ajhg meñ‚ .eyeKq orejkaf.a uj w¿;a we÷ï wkaojd" úúO wNdrK m<|jhs' miqj mjqf,a {d;Ska bÈßhg f.khk w;r" .S; .dhkd lr k¾;khlo fhfoa' fuu iïm%odh fndfyda ÿrg j¾;udkfha isxy, u,ajr W;aijhg iudk fõ' kdIs ck;dj w;r ;reK msßñ <uqkago u,ajr W;aij j,g iudk W;aijhla mj;ajhs' fuh —l,siï we§u— f,i y÷kajhs' fuu W;aijfha§ w¨;a we÷ï weÈk msßñ ,uhdf.a tla mdohl W!re uia lene,a,lao" wfkla mdofha iy,a u,a,lao jï wf;a uqo,a miqïìhlao" ol=Kq wf;a msyshlao we;' fïjdhska ksrEmKh lrkafka jeäysá Ndjhg m;a msßñ <uhd"
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—ikavqfjda— W;aijh iEu kdIs ckhdu mj;ajk fmdÿ W;aijhls' Ök o¾Ykhg wkqj fojk udifha 8 jk Èk fuh mj;ajhs' Ök mqrdjD;a;hlg wkqj kdIs ck;dj mqrdK uq;=ka ñ;af;l= jQ —ikavqfjda— úiska hlaIhska hg;a l, Èkh isys.ekaùu i|yd fuu W;aijh w;S;fha isg mj;ajhs' hlaIhdf.ka ck;dj wdrlaId lsÍu ksid ck;dj ikavqfjdag .re lsÍula jYfhka" fÊâ ulr ms<suh u; foaj ud,s.djo bÈlr ;sfí' fuu W;aijfha§ ck;dj lkao ud foajd,hg tla/iaù mqo mQcd mj;ajhs' m;soï W;aijho W;aijhls'
uOqYdka l=,r;ak madushancri@gmail.com
在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共享友谊和关爱! fldfrdakd ld,fhaÈ wms Ysq ,xldfjs isák Ök ñ;=rka iu. ñ;=reou yd fifkyi fnod .;af;uq'
Mr Zhao DingcheNg
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在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共享友谊和关爱! fldfrdakd ld,fhaÈ wms Ysq ,xldfjs isák Ök ñ;=rka iu. ñ;=reou yd fifkyi fnod .;af;uq'
Moon River restaurant
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在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共享友谊和关爱! fldfrdakd ld,fhaÈ wms Ysq ,xldfjs isák Ök ñ;=rka iu. ñ;=reou yd fifkyi fnod .;af;uq'
Mr Huang Haimin's RESIDENCE
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在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共享友谊和关爱! fldfrdakd ld,fhaÈ wms Ysq ,xldfjs isák Ök ñ;=rka iu. ñ;=reou yd fifkyi fnod .;af;uq'
Prof. Hao Weimin
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在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共享友谊和关爱! fldfrdakd ld,fhaÈ wms Ysq ,xldfjs isák Ök ñ;=rka iu. ñ;=reou yd fifkyi fnod .;af;uq'
Mr. Zheng Jinshan - Fujian Chamber of Commerce
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在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共享友谊和关爱! fldfrdakd ld,fhaÈ wms Ysq ,xldfjs isák Ök ñ;=rka iu. ñ;=reou yd fifkyi fnod .;af;uq'
2020 chinese restaurant
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在抗击新冠疫情期间,我们和在斯里兰卡的中国朋友共享友谊和关爱! fldfrdakd ld,fhaÈ wms Ysq ,xldfjs isák Ök ñ;=rka iu. ñ;=reou yd fifkyi fnod .;af;uq'
havelock city Project
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South Asia China Friendship Leader Air vice Marshal (Retd) Altaf Hossain Choudhury was born on 13 June, 1943. After early education he joined Pakistan Air force in 1962. After graduation as a fighter pilot he served in Pakistan Air force, Imperial Iranian Air Force, Soviet Union Air Force, United States Air Force, Chinese Air Force and retired from Bangladesh Air Force in 1995. Thereafter, he joined (Politics) Bangladesh Nationalist party (BNP) and was elected member of the parliament twice as well as served as Home Minister and Commerce Minister of Bangladesh. He is the President of Bangaladesh Nationalist party (BNP) Patuakhali District Vice President of Bangaladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Central Committee. He was elected as
Choudhury is a Social Worker and works for development of poor and underprivileged women in Sothern part of Bangladesh. She is also a remember of the Executive Committee of Bangladesh China Cultural Economic and Mass Communication Centre [BCCEMCC]. They have a daughter Dr. Zubaida Akhtar Choudhury (Phd in Environmental Science from Cambridge University in UK) lives in Canada with her husband and three Children. the president of Bangaladesh China Cultural Economics and Mass Communication Centre (BCCMCC) in 2013. Air vice Marshal (Retd) Altaf Hossain Choudhury is married. His wife Mrs. Suraya Akhar
春眠 白居易 新浴肢体畅 独寝神魂安 况因夜深坐 遂成日高眠 春被薄亦暖 朝窗深更闲 却忘人间事 似得枕上仙 至适无梦想 大和难名言 全胜彭泽醉 欲敌曹溪禅 何物呼我觉 伯劳声关关 起来妻子笑 生计春茫然
Air Vice Marshal (Retd) Altaf Hossain Choudhury’s friendship with China stared in 1966 with his maiden visit to Hotan Air Base in Xinjiang Province, People’s Republic of China from Pakistan Air force.
jika;fha ksos iqjh-Bai Juyi WKqiqï isrer fidhkafka iqug yd isksoq we;srs,a,hs tkuqoq f.dryeç hykls uis;g ysre l=áfha ;sr uE;aj ke; tkuqoq jika;fha iqj| me;sr we; oi; fláfhka meñKs kskaols ? mqrdjg kef.k ysre nn<hs tkuqo l=áfha ;sr uE;aj ke; mßj¾:kh - Mâ dù马杜
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we visited CMEC water project in Aththanagalla We highly commended the dedication of Chinese management and workers of CMEC for development of Sri Lanka, and brought them sincerely feelings and courage for overcome the epidemic situation.
The visited group included members of Association for Sri Lanka -China Social and Cultural Cooperation , Sri Lanka -China Journalist s Forum , Sri Lanka -China Women Circle, Sri Lanka -China Buddhist Friendship Association , Sri Lanka Taiji Association , Sri Lanka -China Youth Friendship Association
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Ök ixialD;sh ms<sn| oekqu ñKqu ;r.fha ch.%dyS isiqka fnhsðx ixpdrhl wjia:djls' .%Ska à" í,ela à" vd¾la à" jQ f,dx à" fhf,da à" jhsÜ à wd§ jYfhka jQ f;a m%fNao ms,sno Ök isiqyq Y%S ,dxlSh isiqka oekqj;a l<y' Ök f;a ixialD;sfha b;d mer‚" ckm%sh" fmdaIHodhS" ixialD;sl jYfhka b;d jákd u,a j,ska f;a iE§fï l%uh ms<sn| wjfndaOhla ,nd .ekSug wmg yels úh' Ök uyck iuQydKavqj msysgqùfï 70 jk ixj;airh fjkqfjka Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.S;d ix.uh ixúOdkh l<" Ök ixialD;sh ms<sn| oekqu ñKqu ;r.fha ch.%dylhska w;=ßka f;dard .;a isiqka 04 fofkla" udf.a kdhl;ajfhka Ökfha fnhsðx k.r ixpdrhlg iyNd.S jQy' 2019 foieïn¾ 21 isg 25 Èk olajd jQ fuu ixpdrh tu isiqkag kj w;aoelSï iuqodhla Wreulr §ug iu;a úh' iS; iD;=fõ oeä iS;f,ka hq;a" fnhsðx w.kqjr .;l< ld,h we;=<; isiqkag fuf;la w;a fkdÿgq w;aoelSï /ila ,nd §ug yels jkfia ixpdrh ie,iqï fldg ;snq‚' fnhsðx k.rhg ,Õd jQ fudfydf;a isg wjidkh olajdu úúO;ajfhka hq;a l%shdldrlï j, fh§ug;a fnhsðx k.rfha iqkaor;ajh ú|.ekSug;a Tjqkg yels úh' fuu ixpdrfha§ fnhðx úoHd uOHia:dkh keröug" isiqkag wjia:dj ysñúh' iaNdúl mßirh ;=re,;d i;aj Ôú;h fukau Ôùkaf.a
meje;au ms<sn| kj fidhd .ekSï yd tajd m%dfhda.slj Ndú;d lsÍug wjYH" w;s kùk Wmdx. yd fuj,ï fukau" frdfnda ;dlaIKh uÕska tu WmlrK yiqrejk wdldrh ms<sn| wjfndaOhla ,nd .ekSugo isiqkag yels úh' Ökfha fnhsðx k.rfha we;s fuu uOHia:dkh w;s kùk Wiia ;dlaI‚l wOHdmk uOHia:dkhla f,i" by< m%ñ;shla mj;ajdf.k hk nj olakg ,enq‚' fnhsðx fudka;f.da Èia;%slalfha Wiu l÷ mka;sh jQ fudka;f.da l÷jeáhg udhsïj msysgd we;s odhq Wiia mdif,a lrk ,o ixpdrfha § forfÜ YsIH yqjudrej - isiqka w;r wfkHdakH wjfndaOh" ñ;%;ajh yd wkd.; in|;d j¾Okh lr .ekSug wod, l%shdldrlï /ila ixúOdkh lr ;snq‚' isiqyq forfÜ ixialD;Ska ms,snj;a forgg wdfõ‚l jQ wOHdmksl ixialD;sl yd l,d l=i,;djka ms,sn|j;a woyia yd m%dfhda.sl w;aoelSï yqjudre lr.;ay' Y%S ,xld f;a yd Ök f;a ms<sn|j úúO woyia idlÉPd lsÍug ,eîu úfYaI
36 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror
2022 j¾Ifha Ökfha fnhsðx k.rfha meje;aùug wfmalaIs; iS; T,sïmsla yd merd T,sïmsla Wf<, i|yd fnhsðx k.rh úfYaI iQodkulska lghq;= lrk wdldrh olakg ,enq‚' jir lSmhlg fmr isgu iS; yd merd T,sïmsla Wf<, i|yd iQodkï jk wdldrh oelafjk m%o¾Yk uOHia:dkh keröug ,eîu wm ,enQ úfYaI wjia:djls' bmer‚" w;súYd, f,day l¾udka; Yd,djla kùlrKh lrñka ilia lr ;snQ m%o¾Yk uOHia:dkh oekqu" wjfndaOh yd kj wOHdmksl udkhka isiqkag ,nd §ug iu;a úfYaI uOHia:dkhla f,i ks¾udKh lr ;sîu úfYaI;ajhls' wmf.a ksfhdað; msßig pqqx.=jdiqx cd;sl ks¾udK m%o¾Yk l,dmh keröug wjia:dj ,enq‚' 1978 § m%;sixialrKh yd újD; m%;sm;a;sh y÷kajd§fï isg fï olajd jir 40 l ld,hla Ök ixj¾Okfha ch.%yK yd tajd ,Õd lr .ekSug mdol jQ miqìu fï l,dmSh uOHia:dkh ;=, ukdjg m%;sks¾udKh lr ;snq‚' Ök rdcH m%;sm;a;sh ;=, Ökh f,dalfha úYsIaG iud.ï iuÕ taldnoaOj lghq;= lrñka f,dalhg Wreulr§ we;s ch.%yK yd Bg wod, kj
ks¾udK isheiska oel n,d .ekSug ,eîu ÿ¾,N wjia:djla úh' úúO lafIa;%j, lrk ,o m¾fhaIK yd w;ayodne,Sï yd ta ;=<ska ìyslrk ,o kj ks¾udK oekgu;a Ökfha fndfyda k.rj,;a" f,dalfha úúO rgj,;a fj<| fmd<j,g fhduq lr we;s neõ tys§ wmg oe.ekSug ,enq‚' tu wê ;dlaI‚l kj ks¾udK bÈßfha§ ck;d mßfNdackhg fhdod .kakd nj m%ldY úh' j;auka Ök ckdêm;s IS ðx msx uy;df.a —tla ;Srhla - tla udj;la— m%;sm;a;sh l%shd;aul lsÍu fõ.j;a lsÍu i|yd fujeks cd;sl ks¾udK ixj¾Ok l,dm úYd, Yla;shla ,nd § we;' Ökfha f,dal Wreuhka f,i kï fldg we;s Ök uyd m%dldrh (Great Wall ) fkdy÷kk ud,s.h (Forbidden city) jika; ud,sÕh (Summer palace) hk ft;sydisl ia:dk keröug wm isiqkag wjia:dj ,enq‚' wm rfÜ fuu oekqu ñKqu ;rÕh ixúOdkh lsÍug wkq.%yh oelajQ
úfoaY rgj,a iuÕ ñ;%;ajh i|yd jk fnhsðx ñ;% ix.ufha (BPAFFC) uQ,ia:dkfha§ ix.ufha Wm iNdm;s;=uka we;=¿ kdhlfhda wm ksfhdað; msßi b;d iqyoj ms,s.;a w;r úfYaI rd;%S fNdack ix.%yhla meje;ajQy' wm Y%S ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh iuÕ ñ;% ino;d ix.uh jQ úfoaY rgj,a iuÕ ñ;%;ajh i|yd jk Ök ck;d ix.ufha (CPAFFCC) uQ,ia:dkfha§ tys wOHlaIl ckrd,a ;=ñh we;=¨ ksfhdað; msßi yuqùugo wmg wjia:dj ysñúh' forfÜ isiqkaf.a wOHdmk lghq;=" Y%S ,dxlSh isiqkaf.a wkd.; wfmalaId" we;=¨ lafYa;% /ila ms,sn| fuys§ fomd¾Yjfha woyia yqjudre lr.;a w;r" Y%S ,dxlSh isiqka bÈßm;a l< woyia yd bgq lr .ekSug Ök md¾Yjfhka ,ndÈh yels iydh ms<sno idlÉPd flre‚'
fuu iS; ixpdrh i|yd iyNd.S jQ pß;a m%fudaoH Èidkdhl" iúkao ,shkf.a" Èfk;a kfjdaoH m%ikak" p,k ix.S;a .ï,;a hk isiqka m%ldY lf<a fnhsðx ixpdrh ;=,ska Tjqkag oekqu" wjfndaOh" úfkdaoh fukau ixialD;sl yd wOHdmksl jákdlï /ila Wreu lr ÿka njhs' fuu ixpdrhg wm iuÕ tla jQ" fnhsðx ñ;% ix.ufha ksfhdað; jekSid fukúh" ixpdrh w;r;=r mejiQ tla joklska fuu pdßld igyk ksud lsÍug leue;af;ñ' ixpdrh w;=r;=r wm YsIH ksfhdað;hka —isysjgk— ñ,§ .ekSug hdug wjia:dj ,nd fok f,i wehf.ka b,a,d isá w;r" tys§ weh mjid isáfha" fyd|u isysjgkh kï —fuu ixpdrfha u;lhka isf;a ordf.k isàu njhs'—
kkaofiak uojkawdrÉÑ cd;sl ixúOdhl Y%S ,xld - Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh
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ASLCSCC Memories
Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (BPAFFC) delegation Visited Sirimavo Balika Vidyalaya Colombo 07
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