China Mirror-Trilingual-Bi Monthly Magazine

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“Fighting COVID-19 Through Solidarity and Cooperation, Building a Global Community of Health for All”

;%sNdId-oaù udislh | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊

Volume 02 | Issue 02 - April - June

团结合作战胜疫情共同构建人类卫生健康共同体. President Xi Jinping Made a Statement at the Virtual Event of the Opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


Ök ckm;s" ðkamsx Ökfha jqydka k.rfha ixpdrhl ksr;fjñka" fldúâ u¾ok jevms<sfj, ksÍlaIkh lsÍu

2 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

fm< .eiau 目录 Contents ;%sNdId-oaù udislh | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊

Volume 02 | Issue 02 - April - June

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President Xi Jinping Made a Statement at the Virtual Event of the Opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly

jix.; wNsfhda. yuqfõ Ök l%ufõoh fldúâ-19 ffjrifha Wm; ms<sn|j weußldfõ u;h

Page 24

ixjdo-Ök l%uh

Page 26

urKfha § i;=g iurK ;+Ôhd ckhd

Page 29

Ökfha áfngh

Page 30

f,dj m%sisoaO Ök f;a k.r Page 33

Page 14

Shen Zhou (1427–1509),

Page 18

Ökfha fyd|u iud.ï 10

Page 20

fldúâ-19 jeks jix.; b;sydifhao úh

Page 22

Ök o¾Ykjdoh

Page 35

Page 37

Carrying Forward the Shanghai Spirit to Safeguard the Multilateral System China Conducted 1st 3D Printing Experiment In Space Hainan Port Gets Policy Boost to Woo Investment It Is a Sure Choice to Safeguard Long-Term Peace And Stability In Hong Kong

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


l;= jelsh ;ju;a wm isákafka jix.; mSvkfhka ßÿï fok mßirhlh' COVID 19 f,dalfha wd¾Ól yd iudc ixj¾Okhg n,j;a ;¾ckhla t,a, fldg ;sfí' oeka wm bÈßfha ;sfnk ld¾h Ndrh jkafka COVID 19 iuÕ igka lsÍug Ökh we;=¿ fiiq rgj,a .;a l%fudamdhka yodrd bÈß wdrlaIdj iy;sl lr .ekSuh' tfukau ì| jegqKq wd¾Ólh iy iudc wNsjDoaêh h<s f.dv k.d .ekSug Wmdh ud¾. fidhd tajd ksis f,i Wmfhda.s;djg .ekSuh' Y%S ,xldfõ ckdêm;s f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d COVID 19 jix.;h u¾okh lsÍug úúO lafIa;%j, wdh;k fufyhjQ wdldrh m%Yxidjg ,la l< hq;=h' ckdêm;sjrhd" kdhl;aj .=Kdx. m%;shudk lrñka ld¾h idOkhka ukd ms<sfj<lg yeisrùu i|yd .;a Wkkaÿjo w.h l< hq;=h' tfy;a we;eï foaYmd,k pß;" foaYmd,k jdis i|yd yeisreKq wdldrfhka fkdikaiqka iy wk;=reodhl iaNdjhka ks¾udKh flß‚' fi!LH wud;HxYh iy Bg wod< ffjoH wdh;k Y%S,xld hqo yuqodj iy fiiq wdrlaIl wxY wLKavju ish fufyjr yd lemùu w¾:j;aj m%o¾YKh l< w;r ck;dj Bg ,nd ÿka iyfhda.ho lemS fmkSK' kqyqre kqmqreÿ fuu jix.; ;;ajfhka wdrlaId ùug ck;dj oekqj;a lsÍfï§ wm rfÜ ckudOH wdh;k l< wk.s fufyjr w;sYhskau jeo.;a idOlhla úh' idlÉPd" foaYK" ixjdo" f;dr;=re jevigyka" l,d;aul jevigyka bÈßm;a lsÍfuka iy jd¾;dlrKfhka wm úoHq;a yd uqøs; fufyjr lÈu udOH j.lSula ;s<sK lf<ah' Y%S ,xld - Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh" Y%S ,xld Ök fock;d ñ;%;;ajh j¾Okh lrñka úúO ixialD;sl yd iudc fufyjrla bgq lrñka isák iafjÉPd ixúOdkhls' wm ix.uho Bg yels mu‚ka COVID 19 jix.; iufha ck;d fiajfha kshqla; úh' wd.ñl yd wYs¾jdo jevigyka j," wm ix.uh fhÿKq wdldrh Ök levm; ;=<ska Tn oek.;a nj wms is;uq' wmg Ökfha ñ;% ix.ï iy fjk;a wdh;k ,ndÿka uqyqKq wdjrK ksis mqoa.,hka w;r fnodyeÍfuka wms iudc i;aldrl l%shdj,shlo ksr; jQfhuq' cd;sl f,a nexl=j iy we;eï frday,a i|yd;a" wd.ñl" wdrlaIl yd wOHdmk wxY i|yd;a wms uqyqKq wdjrK fnod ÿkafkuq' tfukau il%Shj fiajfha fhÿKq úoHq;a yd uqøs; udOH wdh;kj,go wms wmg yels m%udKfhka uqyqKq wdjrK fnod ÿkafkuq' fujeks jix.; ;;ajhla f,dj ljr rglska fyda cks; úh yelsh' flfia fj;;a fujr COVID 19 ms<sn|j jeä wjOdkhla fhduqjQfha Ökhgh' úúO jrodkhka i|yd;a cd;Hka;r l=uka;%K yuqfõ yjq,aldrhka ù iudc Wis.ekaùï i|yd;a wm rfÜ we;eï mqoa.,hka yd wdh;k Ökhg tfrysù lghq;= lsÍuo wms fy<d olsuq' wmg wjYHjkafka tf;r tlsfkldf.a jqjukdjka msßueiSu fkdj COVID 19 wNsfhda. chf.k wm rfÜ ck;djg ìfhka ielfhka f;drj ireidr Ôjk uÕla ilid.; yels fufyjrg odhl ùuh'

;%sNdId-oaù udislh | Trilingual-Bi Monthly | 三语 双月刊

Volume 02 | Issue 02 - Jan. - March

úOdhl ixialdrl Executive Editor bkaødkkao wfífialr Indrananda Abeysekera WmfoaYl jre Consultants ohd Y%S kf¾kaø rdcmlaI Daya Sri Narendra Rajapaksha iqñ;a udhdÿkafka Sumith Mayadunne m%Odk ixialdrl Editor in Chief uOqYdka l=,r;ak Madushan Kularathne iyh ixialdrjre Assistant Editors ksYdka; úl%uisxy Nishantha Wickramasinghe f,iag¾ rEmisxy Lester Rupasinghe rE rgd yd ks¾udKh Graphic & Layouts fla' ã' tia' mq,ia;s Design Factory mß.Kl wl=re weuqKqu Computer Typesetting ví' whs' tka' fl!uq§ W. I. N. Kaumudi PdhdrEm Photograph f,iag¾ rEmisxy Lester Rupasinghe uQ,H l<uKdlrKh Fkinancial Managment ufyakaø úfÊ;=x. Mahendra wijethunga oekaùï l<uKdlrKh Advertising Management ks¨mq,a fmf¾rd Nilupul Perera ví' wd¾' tia' fõrf.dv W. R. S. Weragoda c.;a ch;s,l Jagath Jayathilaka fnodyeÍï Distribution ta' whs' tï' idrelaLdka A. I. M. Zarookkhan uqøKh Printing Litholines (Pvt) Ltd - No 76A,Temple Road, Rukmale, Kottawa, Sri Lanka

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4 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

President Xi Jinping Made a Statement at the Virtual Event of the Opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly On the evening of 18 May, President Xi Jinping made a statement titled “Fighting COVID-19 Through Solidarity and Cooperation, Building a Global Community of Health for All” at the Virtual Event of the Opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly. In the statement, President Xi noted that in the face of COVID-19, the most serious global public health emergency since the end of World War II, the people of all countries have tackled the virus head on. Around the world, people have looked out for each other and pulled together as one. In fighting the virus, China has been putting the people first, for nothing in the world is more precious than people’s lives. All along, China has acted with openness, transparency and responsibility. China stands for the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and takes it as its responsibility to ensure not just the life and health of its own citizens, but also global public health. Xi pointed out that at the time of his statement, the virus is still raging, and more must be done to bring it under control. Countries must do everything they can for COVID-19 control and treatment. The World Health Organization should lead the global response. There

should be greater support for Africa, and more efforts to strengthen global governance in the area of public health, restore economic and social development, and enhance international cooperation. On behalf of China, he announced five measures to boost international cooperation against COVID-19 and called on all parties to come together and work as one to build a global community of health for all. Xi stressed that it is of significant importance for this World Health Assembly to be held at such a critical moment as the human race battles the novel coronavirus. Catching the world by surprise, COVID-19 has hit over 210 countries and regions, affected

more than seven billion people around the world and claimed over 300,000 precious lives. “I mourn for every life lost and express condolences to the bereaved families,” he said. He went on to say that the history of human civilization is one of fighting diseases and tiding over disasters. The virus does not respect borders. Nor is race or nationality relevant in the face of the disease. Confronted by the ravages of COVID-19, the international community has not flinched. The people of all countries have tackled the virus head on. Around the world, people have looked out for each other and pulled together as one. With love and compassion, the international community has forged extraordinary synergy in the fight against COVID-19. China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


In China, after making painstaking efforts and enormous sacrifice, we have turned the tide on the virus and protected the life and health of our people. All along, we have acted with openness, transparency and responsibility. We have provided information to WHO and relevant countries in a most timely fashion. We have released the genome sequence at the earliest possible time. We have shared control and treatment experience with the world without reservation. We have done everything in our power to support and assist countries in need.

“Even as we meet, the virus is still raging, and more must be done to bring it under control. To this end, I want to make the following proposals:”

He said,

First, we must do everything we can for COVID-19 control and treatment. This is a most urgent task. We must always put the people first, for nothing in the world is more precious than people’s lives. We need to deploy medical expertise and critical supplies to places where they are needed the most. We need to take strong steps in such key areas as prevention, quarantine, detection, treatment and tracing. We need to move as fast as we can to curb the global spread of the virus and do our best to stem crossborder transmission. We

6 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

need to step up information sharing, exchange experience and best practice, and pursue international cooperation on testing methods, clinical treatment, and vaccine and medicine research and development. We also need to continue supporting global research by scientists on the source and transmission routes of the virus. Second, the World Health Organization should lead the global response. Under the leadership of Dr. Tedros, WHO has made a major contribution in leading and advancing the global response to COVID-19. Its good work is applauded by the international community. At this crucial juncture, to support WHO is to support international cooperation and the battle for saving lives as well. China calls on the international community to increase political and financial support for WHO so as to mobilize resources worldwide to defeat the virus. Third, we must provide greater support for Africa. Developing countries, African countries in particular, have weaker public health systems. Helping them build capacity must be our top priority in COVID-19 response. The world needs to provide more material, technological and personnel support for African countries. China has sent a tremendous amount of medical supplies and assistance to over 50 African countries and the African Union. Five Chinese medical expert teams have also been sent to the African continent. In total, in the past seven decades, over 200 million people in Africa have received care and treatment from Chinese medical teams.

At present, 46 resident Chinese medical teams are in Africa helping with COVID-19 containment efforts locally. Fourth, we must strengthen global governance in the area of public health. We human beings will eventually prevail over the coronavirus. Yet this may not be the last time a major health emergency comes knocking at our door. In view of the weaknesses and deficiencies exposed by COVID-19, we need to improve the governance system for public health security. We need to respond more quickly to public health emergencies and establish global and regional reserve centers of anti-epidemic supplies. China supports the idea of a comprehensive review of the global response to COVID-19 after it is brought under control to sum up experience and address deficiencies. This work should be based on science and professionalism, led by WHO and conducted in an objective and impartial manner. Fifth, we must restore economic and social development. While working on an ongoing basis to contain the virus, countries where conditions permit may reopen businesses and schools in an orderly fashion in observance of WHO’s professional recommendations. In the meantime, international macroeconomic policy coordination should be stepped up and the global industrial and supply chains be kept stable and unclogged if we are to restore growth to the world economy. Sixth, we must strengthen international cooperation.

Mankind is a community with a shared future. Solidarity and cooperation is our most powerful weapon for defeating the virus. This is the key lesson the world has learned from fighting HIV/AIDS, Ebola, avian influenza, influenza A (H1N1) and other major epidemics. And solidarity and cooperation is a sure way through which we, the people of the world, can defeat this novel coronavirus. Xi stressed that China stands for the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and takes it as its responsibility to ensure not just the life and health of its own citizens, but also global public health. He said, “For the sake of boosting international cooperation against COVID-19, I would like to announce the following:” — China will provide US$2 billion over two years to help with COVID-19 response and with economic and social development in

affected countries, especially developing countries. — China will work with the UN to set up a global humanitarian response depot and hub in China, ensure the operation of anti-epidemic supply chains and foster “green corridors” for fast-track transportation and customs clearance. — China will establish a cooperation mechanism for its hospitals to pair up with 30 African hospitals and accelerate the building of the Africa CDC headquarters to help the continent ramp up its disease preparedness and control capacity. — COVID-19 vaccine development and deployment in China, when available, will be made a global public good. This will be China’s contribution to ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries. — China will work with other G20 members to implement

the Debt Service Suspension Initiative for the poorest countries. China is also ready to work with the international community to bolster support for the hardest-hit countries under the greatest strain of debt service, so that they could tide over the current difficulties. Before he concluded, he called on all countries to come together and work as one, make concerted efforts to protect the life and health of people in all countries, safeguard planet Earth, our common home, and build a global community of health for all! In their statements, the UN Secretary General and other world leaders all expressed their support for multilateralism, for WHO, and for greater international coordination and cooperation to fight the disease. Article Courtesy The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

习近平在第73届世界卫生大会视频 会议开幕式上致辞 2020-05-18

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2020年5月18日晚,国家主席 习近平在第73届世界卫生大会 视频会议开幕式上发表题为《 团结合作战胜疫情共同构建人 类卫生健康共同体》的致辞。 习近平强调,面对新冠肺炎疫 情这场第二次世界大战结束以 来最严重的全球公共卫生突发 事件,各国人民勇敢前行,守 望相助、风雨同舟。中国坚持 以民为本、生命 至上,始终本 着公开、透明、负责任态度,

始终秉持构建人 类命运共同体理 念,既对本国 人民生命安全 和身体健康负 责,也对全球公 共卫生事业尽 责。习近平指 出, 现在疫情还在蔓延,防控 仍需努力,要全力搞好疫情防 控,发挥世卫组织领导作用, 加大对非洲国家支持,加强全

球公共卫生治理,恢复经济社 会发展,加强国际合 作。习近 平宣布中国为推进全球抗疫合 作的五大举措,呼吁各国携起

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


手来,共同构建人类卫生健康 共同体。 习近平在致辞中强调,在 人类抗击新冠肺炎疫情的关键 时刻举行这次世卫大会,具有 十分重要的意义。新冠肺炎疫 情突如其来,现在已波及210 多个国 家和地区,影响70多 亿人口,夺走了30余万人的宝 贵生命。我谨向不幸罹难者表 示哀悼,向他们的家属表示慰 问。习近平指出,人类文明史 也是一部同疾病和灾 难的斗争 史。病毒没有国界,疫病不分 种族。面对来势汹汹的疫情, 各国人民勇敢前行,守望相 助、风雨同舟,展现了人间大 爱,汇聚起同疫情斗争的磅礴 之力。 习近平强调,经过艰苦卓 绝努力,付出巨大代价,中国 有力扭转了疫情局势,维护了 人民生命安全和身体健康。中 方始终本着公开、透明、负责 任的态 度,及时向世卫组织 及相关国家通报疫情信息,第 一时间发布病毒基因序列等信 息,毫无保留同各方分享防控 和救治经验,尽己所能为有需 要的国家提供了大量支持 和帮 助。 习近平指出,现在疫情还 在蔓延,防控仍需努力,我愿 提出以下建议。 第一,全力搞好疫情防 控。这是当务之急。我们要坚 持以民为本、生命至上,科学 调配医疗力量和重要物资,在 防护、隔离、检测、救治、追 踪等重要领 域采取有力举措, 尽快遏制疫情在全球蔓延态 势,尽力阻止疫情跨境传播。 要加强信息分享,交流有益经 验和做法,开展检测方法、临 床救治、疫苗药物研发国际合 作,并继续支持各国科学家们 开展病毒源头和传播途径的全 球科学研究。

8 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

第二,发挥世卫组织领导 作用。在谭德塞总干事带领 下,世卫组织为领导和推进国 际抗疫合作作出了重大贡献, 国际社会对此高度赞赏。当 前,国际抗疫 正处于关键阶 段,支持世卫组织就是支持国 际抗疫合作、支持挽救生命。 中国呼吁国际社会加大对世卫 组织政治支持和资金投入,调 动全球资源,打赢疫情阻击 战。 第三,加大对非洲国家支 持。发展中国家特别是非洲国 家公共卫生体系薄弱,帮助他 们筑牢防线是国际抗疫斗争重 中之重。应向非洲国家提供更 多物资、 技术、人力支持。中 国已向50多个非洲国家和非盟 交付了大量医疗援助物资,专 门派出了5个医疗专家组。目 前,常驻非洲的46支中国医疗 队正在投入当地的抗 疫行动。 第四,加强全球公共卫生 治理。人类终将战胜疫情,但 重大公共卫生突发事件对人类 来说不会是最后一次。要针对 这次疫情暴露出来的短板和不 足,完善 公共卫生安全治理体 系,提高突发公共卫生事件应 急响应速度,建立全球和地区 防疫物资储备中心。中国支持 在全球疫情得到控制之后,全 面评估全球应对疫情工 作,总 结经验,弥补不足。这项工作 需要科学专业的态度,需要世 卫组织主导,坚持客观公正原 则。 第五,恢复经济社会发 展。有条件的国家要在做好常 态化疫情防控的前提下,遵照 世卫组织专业建议,有序开展 复工复产复学。要加强国际宏 观经济政策协调,维护全球产 业链供应链稳定畅通,尽力恢 复世界经济。 第六,加强国际合作。人 类是命运共同体,团结合作是 战胜疫情最有力的武器。这是

国际社会抗击艾滋病、埃博 拉、禽流感、甲型H1N1流感 等重大疫情取得的重要经验, 是各国人民合作抗疫的人间正 道。 习近平强调,中国始终秉 持构建人类命运共同体理念, 既对本国人民生命安全和身体 健康负责,也对全球公共卫生 事业尽责。为推进全球抗疫合 作,我宣布: ——中国将在两年内提供 20亿美元国际援助,用于支持 受疫情影响的国家特别是发展 中国家抗疫斗争以及经济社会 恢复发展。 ——中国将同联合国合 作,在华设立全球人道主义应 急仓库和枢纽,努力确保抗疫 物资供应链,并建立运输和清 关绿色通道。 ——中国将建立30个中非 对口医院合作机制,加快建设 非洲疾控中心总部,助力非洲 提升疾病防控能力。 ——中国新冠疫苗研发完 成并投入使用后,将作为全球 公共产品,为实现疫苗在发展 中国家的可及性和可担负性作 出中国贡献。 ——中国将同二十国集团 成员一道落实“暂缓最贫困国 家债务偿付倡议”,并愿同国 际社会一道,加大对疫情特别 重、压力特别大的国家的支持 力度,帮助其克服当前困难。 习近平最后呼吁,让我们 携起手来,共同佑护各国人民 生命和健康,共同佑护人类共 同的地球家园,共同构建人类 卫生健康共同体。 联合国秘书长和其他国家 领导人在致辞中均表示,支持 多边主义,支持世卫组织作 用,支持加强国际社会抗击疫 情的协调与合作。

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Èp Y±v»Nnx fldúâ ffjrifha wjidkhla ;ju fmfkk f;la udkfha ke;' wo fyg fyda th wjidk fõ hhs isysk oelalo" th wjidk nj njla ke;' ,smsh ,shk fudfyd; jk úg f,djmqrd fldúâ wdidÈ;hka fldaá tlyudrg wdikak ù we;s w;r ñh .sh ixLHdjo ,laI 6 lg wdikak ù ;sfí' weußldj fï jk úg b;sydifha oreKqu jHhikhg uqyqK foñka isák w;r wi,ajeis bkaÈhdjo ffjrifhka n,j;a mSvdjg ,laù isáhs' jdikdjlg foda wm rg fuu oreKq jix.;hg id¾:lj uqyqK § ck;dj udrdka;sl m%ydrfhka j,lajdf.k we;' ckdêm;s f.daGdNh rdcmlaI m%uqL rch" fi!LH wxY" wdrlaIl yuqodj" fmd,Sish" ckudOHfõ§ka we;=¿ fulS fkdlS ish¨u fokdf.a lemùu u; fuu m%;sM, w;alrf.k we;' ,smsh ,shk fudfyd; jk úg ,xldfõ ck Ôú;h idudkH w;g yefrñka ;sfí' tfy;a fld;eklska fyda ffjrih h<s ysi tiùug we;s bvlv ke;a;du fkdfõ' ck;dj w;r" wjOdkho oeka oeka .s,sfyñka ;sîu wjOdku ;j;a jeälr we;' flfia jqjo" fuf;la wdrlaId lr.;a" fi!LH mqreÿ ;jÿrg;a /lf.k" iudch hym;a w;g m;a lsÍfï j.lSu ck;djgo we;' wNsfhda. yuqfõ fkdie<S bÈßhg .ukalrk ñksiqka w;r" Ök cd;slhkag ysñjkafka iqúfYaIS

jix.; wjia:djka j,§" tlsfkldg fpdaokd lsÍfuka m<la fkdjk nj;a" l< hq;af;a" f.da,Sh jYfhka jix.;hg uqyqK§u njo" Ökh fldfrdakdj md,kh lsÍfuka fmkS hhs' tfukau ld¾hlaIu ;sridr f.da,Sh uyck fi!LH moaO;shla we;s lsÍu" ish¿u ck;djf.a Ôú; wdrlaIdj i|yd fi!LH Yla;su;a lsÍu yd f.da,Sh fi!LH m%cdjla f.dvke.Su ish¨ rgj,a tlaj isÿl, hq;= nj Ökh fmkajd fohs' ia:dkhlss' 1941 g fmr Ökh úúO ld,jljdkqj,§ wfkalúO Wjÿrej,g" úfYaIfhka i;=re Wjÿrej,g ,laúh' tfy;a fkdie<S isá Ök ckhd" iNdm;s ud´ fia;=xf.a kdhl;ajfhka hq;=j" werô —r;= yuqod úma,jh˜ 1949 § chf.k —Ök uyck iuQydKavqj˜ msysgqjd f,djgu wdo¾Yhla ,nd ÿkafkah' tkï tlg tl;= ù tlu wruqKla lrd .uka fldg ch.%yKh ,nd .ekSuhs' fï w;r 21 jk ishjfia Ökhg uqyqK fokakg jQ uyd wNsfhda.h fldfrdakd ffjrihhs' uq,a ld,fha§ fldfrdakd ffjrih Ökfhka wdrïN jQjdhehs

úYajdi l<o" th fjk;a rgl ^b;d,sh fyda weursldj& yg.kakg we;ehs úYajdi lrhs' flfia fj;;a Ökfha jqydka k.rh flakaøfldg f.k wdrïN jQ ffjrih fya;=fjka tu k.rh yd Bg ;odikak k.r / ila udi .Kkdjla iïmQ¾Kfhkau jid ;eìug Ök n,OdrSka ffjrih yg.;a uq,a ld,fhaoSu mshjr .;af;ah' fuu ;SrKh;a iu. jQydka yS ñ,shk .Kkl ck;dj ksjdi j,g fldgq úh' Ök rch oeä f,i lemù" l%uj;aj ffjrih md,kh lsrSug mshjfrka mshjr lghq;= lf<ah' fuu wjia:dfõoS Ök ck;djo ffjrih md,kh lsrSug tlaj ke.S isg Ök rchg iyh ,ndfoñka fi!LH wxYj,ska ksrka;rj hdj;ald,Sk lrk ,o Wmfoia wkq.ukh lf<ah' fuys§ Ök ck;dj f,djgu wdo¾Yj;aj lghq;= lf<ah' fï jkúg fldúâ -19 ffjrih f,dj mqrd iS.%fhka me;sr hñka ;sfí' ffjrih ksid f,dal ck;dj úYd, ÿIalr;djhkag yd wNsfhda.j,g uqyqK foñka isáhs' ffjrih me;srhdu md,kh lsÍu yd je,elaùu f.da,Sh uyck fi!LH wdrlaId lsÍu" udkj j¾.hdf.a hymeje;au iqrlaIs; lsÍu" f,dal iuDêh mj;ajdf.k hEu iy cd;Hka;r m%cdj u; iodpdrh yd yDo idlaIsh n,d;aul lsÍfï igkla njg m;aj we;' th ñksia ixy;sfha wkd.;h .ek ;SrKh lrk igkls' jix.;h ch.ekSu yer fjk;a úl,amhla f,djg ke;' iuia: ck;dju wêIaGdkfhka hq;=j lghq;= lr" wNsfhda. ch.; hq;=h' fuys§ Ökh wdo¾Yhg .ekSu f,dalhgu iqÿiq fõ' tfy;a ;ju;a ffjhsrifhka oeäj neglk ngysr rdcHka thg leu;s ke;' f,dal iudkd;au ;djhg wNsfhda. lrk weußldj ;u mgq foaYmd,k iy wd¾Ól jqjukd i|yd f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkhg yd Ökhg fodaIdfrdamKh lrñka isá" fuhska isÿj we;af;a weußldkq ck;dj udrhd fj; olaldf.k hEuhs' rg jeishdg wdorh lrk kdhlka fuf,i —uq.aO˜ f,i yeisfrkafka ke;' ish¨u ukqIH j¾.hdf.a hym; i|yd ld¾hlaIu yd ;sridr f.da,Sh uyck fi!LH moaO;shla f.dvke.Su" jyd l< hq;=h' f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkhg ,ndfok idudðl uqo,a k;r lsÍu fyda tu ixúOdkfhka

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;


lsÍu yd f.da,Sh fi!LH m%cdjla f.dvke.Su ish¨ rgj,a tlaj isÿl< hq;= nj Ökh fmkajd fohs' fuu jix.;h md,kh l< miq f.da,Sh m%;spdr ms<sn| m%YaK" wmlaImd;sl" úoHd;aul yd jD;a;suh ;lafiarejla lsÍug Ökh mQ¾K iyh ,nd§ug leue;a; m<lr we;' fuys§ Ökh fhdackd lrkafka ffjrih md,kh lsÍu i|yd rgj,a laI‚lj mshjr f.k ffjrifha wdikak yd úNj ;¾ck wju lsÍu i|yd ;SrKd;aul mshjr .; hq;= njhs' fuh wkd.; mrmqf¾ hym; yd ish¨ ukqIH bj;aùu ljqreka fyda isÿl<o th udkj j¾.hdf.a hymeje;aug iqÿiq fkdfõ' f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkfha wOHlaI ckrd,a ffjoH fgv%ia wevfkdaõ l¨ cd;slfhl= jQ ksid — j¾Kh˜ mdol fldg f.k Tyqg weußldj ffjr fkdl< hq;=h' weußldj tf,i lghq;= l<o Ök rch óg yd;amiskau fjkia wdldrhlska lghq;= lf<ah' tkï Ökh ;u rg ;=, ffjrih md,kh l< jydu fiiq rgj,go w;aoelSï fnodfoñka" ffjrih md,kh lsÍug uQ,Huh yd øjHuh wdOdr iemhSh' tys m<uq ksoiqk jkafka Ök ffjoH lKvdhula b;d,shg f.dia b;d,s ñksiqka fjkqfjka lghq;= lsÍuhs' tfiau fjk;a rgj,go ffjoH wdOdr yd fjk;a fiajdo fkdlvjd tu ixúOdk imhñka isá' ta Ök l%uhhs' udkj b;sydih hkq úúO oreKq jix.;j,g uqyqK foñka mej; wd w;S;hls' f,dalfha mej;s we;eï oreKq jix.; j,§" ñ,shk .Kkl ck;dj wjika yqiau fy<Sh' —l¿ urKh˜ tl WodyrKhls' tfy;a tod wo ;rï ÈhqKq jix.; md,k l%u fkd;snq‚' kuq;a j¾;udk f.da,Sh fi!LH md,kfhao úúO wvqmdvqlï ;sfí' fndajk frda. taldnoaOj je<elaùu" iy md,kh lsÍu i|yd cd;Hka;r fi!LH iïm;a ysÕh" m%Odk wvqmdvqlï fõ' fldúâ-19 ffjrih ukqIH j¾.hdg uqyqK §ug isÿjk wjidk uyck fi!LH jHikh fkdfõ' tu ksid fuu jix.;fhka mdvï Wlyd .kakd f,i;a wdrlaIdldÍj lghq;= lrk wdldrh h<s h<s;a is;d n,k f,i;a" Ökh cd;Hka;r m%cdjf.ka b,a,d isáhs' Ôú;h ish,a,gu jvd by<ska ;nk iuia;hla f,i i,lk iudkd;au;djh" wfkdakH f.!rjh"

j¾.hdf.a hymeje;au Wfoid .; hq;= jeo.;a ;SrKhla njo Ökh fmkajd fohs' 73 jk f,dal fi!LH iuq¿j wu;ñka Ök ckdêm;s IS ðxmsx uy;d miq.shod wjOdrKh lf<a" j.lsjhq;= rgla f,i Ökh" mßmQ¾K wkd.;hla iys;" f.da,Sh m%cdjla fjkqfjka fmkS isák w;r" uyck fi!LH i|yd cd;Hka;rj fmkS isàug ksrka;rj lghq;= lrk njh'

iyfhda.S;djh iy úYajdih mokïfldg .;a o¾YKhla ks¾udKh lsÍu f,dalhgu wjYH nj Ökfha l%shdldrlï uÕska fmkajd§ ;sfí' jix.; wjia:djka j,§" tlsfkldg fpdaokd lsÍfuka m,la fkdjk nj;a" l< hq;af;a" f.da,Sh jYfhka jix.;hg uqyqK§u njo" Ökh fldfrdakdj md,kh lsÍfuka fmkS hhs' tfukau ld¾hlaIu ;sridr f.da,Sh uyck fi!LH moaO;shla we;s lsÍu" ish¿u ck;djf.a Ôú; wdrlaIdj i|yd fi!LH Yla;su;a

10 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

f,dalfha wkd.; Ôjh r|dmj;skafka j¾;udkfha isÿlrk ñksia l%shdlrï u; jk w;r" tu l%shdldrlï hym;a kï" f,dalfha bÈß meje;auo hym;a fõ' tfy;a l%shdldrlï whym;a kï" ukqIH j¾.hdf.a wkd.;h w÷rejkq we;' f,dju fj,d.kakd oreKq jix.; f,djg fldf;la wdjo tajdg uqyqK Èh hq;af;a" ;u n,fha jmißh u; msysgd fkdj iuia: f,dalfhau hymeje;au yd ñksidf.a brKu .ek is;dh' tu ksid Ökfhka f,dalhgu ;j fndfyda foa bf.k .kakg yelsh'

uOqYdka l=,r;ak

»Y£ýH-19 »»{y~»xŠ

Url r‹…‹tq{ R¥vùY£»N vlx fldúâ-19 ffjrih iïnkaOfhka weußldj f.khk yqfol,d m%ldY f,dalh yE,a¨fjka hq;=j bj; oud ;sfí' f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkh iuÕ uq,skau igk werUQ weußldj" tu ixúOdkhg ,ndfok wdOdr uqo,a ishhg mykla lmd oeuqfõh' f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkh úiska ksjerÈ f;dr;=re ,nd fkdÿka ksid" weußldj ;=, ffjrih jHdma; jQ nj;a fvdk,aâ g%ïma ckdêm;sjrhd fpdaokd lf<ah' thska fkdkej;=k Tyq f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkfha lghq;=j,skao bj;aúh' weußldfõ fuu l%shdj f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkfha oeä úfõpkhg ,laúh' tys wOHlaI ckrd,a" ffjoH g%fvia wevfkdõ m%ldY lf<a" weußldfõ fpdaokd ish,a, mokï úrys;j t,a, l< tajd nj;a" ;uka tu fpdaokd ;rfha m%;slafIam lrk nj;ah' fï w;r weußldj" fldúâ-19 ffjrih Ökfha jqydka ridhkd.drhla ;=, ksmojd we;s njg ;j;a wdkafoda,kd;aul m%ldYhla isÿlf<ah' tu m%ldYhg ms<s.; yels idlaIs fyda úYajdihla f,dal ck;djg ke;;a fpdaokdj nrm;, neúka Ökh thg läkñka úoHd;aul ms<s;=rla ,nd ÿkafkah' weußldkq by< ks,OdÍka lsysmfofkl= m%ldY lf<a" jqydka úoHd.drh f,dj nrm;, ffjria ksmojk ridhkd.drhla njhs' ckdêm;s fvdk,aâ g%ïma iy rdcH f,alï uhska fmdïmsfhda hk fofokdu lshd isáfha jif¾ w. Nd.fha§ fuu frda.h m%:u jrg yÿkd.;a k.rh jk jqydka ys úoHd.drfhka fuu frda. ldrlh meñ‚ njg idlaIs we;s njhs' kuq;a f,dal fi!LH ixúOdkh m%ldY lf<a" weußldfõ fuu fpdaokdjg lsisÿ úoHd;aul mokula fkdue;s njhs' f,dal fi!LH jeäÿrg;a i|yka lrkafka" fuu ffjrih i;=kaf.ka me;sr hkakg we;s njhs' fuhg m%;spdr olajñka tlai;a ckmofha jix.; frda. úoHd{ weka;kS *jqishiaa National

hk mÍlaIKj,§ wkdjrKh ù we;s njo Ök m¾fhaIKd.dr úoHd{hska i|yka lrhs' tfiau Tjqka iel my< lrkafka" fldúâ-19 ffjrih jjq,kaf.ka yg.;a;o" th ñksid fj; iïfma%IKh ù we;af;a fjk;a laISrmdhS mlaIsfhl=f.ka úhyels njhs' tfy;a ta i|ydo ;ju;a iaÓr idOl yuqù ke;' Geographic iÕrdjg mjid we;af;aa fï olajd we;s ish¿u idlaIs iaNdúl iïNjhla iys; njhs' flfia fj;;a Ökh weußldfõ fuu fpdaokd ;rfhau m%;slafIam lrhs' Ñkh m%ldY lrkafka kj fldúâ-19 ffjrih iys; id¾ia (SARS) ffjrih fuka ishhg 79'6 la iudk;djhla fmkakqï lrk njhs' tfukau th jjq,ka w;r me;sr hk flfrdakd ffjrih fuka ishhg 96 la iudk jk njhs' tneúka fuh fndfyda ÿrg jjq,ka wdY%s; yg f.k we;s njg iel u;=ù we;s nj;a" tfy;a th ksYaÑ;ju ;SrKh lsÍug kï mÍlaIK .Kkdjla l<hq;= njo Ök úoHd{hska m%ldY lrhs' jqydka úoHd.drfha m¾fhaIlhka fïjk úg jjq,ka iïnkaOj mÍlaIK .Kkdjla isÿlr ;sfí' iaNdúlj fuu ffjrih ñksia m%cdj ;=,g we;=,a ù we;s nj oekg lrf.k

jqydka úoHd.drh wdishdfõ msysá úYd,;u ffjri nexl=j jk w;r" th i;=j ffjria 1500 lg jvd wdrlaIs;j mj;S' fuu ffjria ñksia m%cdjf.a hym; Wfoid tkï T!IO ksmoùu yd m¾fhaIK i|yd fhdod. kakd tajd fõ' bfnda,d ffjrihg m%;s ffjrihla ksmoùuo fuu úoHd.drh ;=, isÿù we;s w;r" bfnda,djg tfrys mqk¾ffjrih wdrlaId iys;j tys nexl=fõ ;ekam;a lr ;sfí' 2018 j¾Ifha§ hqjdka ñ,shk 300 ^fvd,¾ ñ,shk 42& jeh lr jqydka úoHd.drfha P4 kï úoHd.drhla újD; lrk ,§' tfiau fuys we;s P3 úoHd.drh 2012 isg m¾fhaIK mj;ajhs' weußldkq rdcH kdhl;ajh fyj;a Oj, ukaÈrh flf<i m%ldY l<o" weußldkq nqoaê m%cdj i|yka lrkafka" fldúâ-19 ffjrih iaNdúlj ygf.k we;s njhs' tfiau wêwdrlaIs; jqydka úoHd.drh ;=,ska

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ldkaÿ ù fuu ffjrih msgjkakg we;s u;ho m%;slafIam ù ;sfí' tkï tfia jQfha kï" fldúâ-19 ffjria frda.shd uq,skau yuqúh hq;af;a jqydka úoHd.drfhka úh hq;=h' kuq;a tfia jQfha ke;' fï w;r jqydka úoHd.drfha ksfhdacH wOHlaI iy jix.; ms<sn| lS¾;su;a úoHd{dhl= jk IS fIka.S,a m%ldY lf<a" kj fldúâ-19 ffjrihg úoHd.drh iuÕ lsisÿ iïnkaO;djhla fkdue;s njhs' weh jeäÿrg;a i|yka lrkafka ;ukaf.a Ôú;hg jvd th úYajdi njhs' weußldkq úoHd iÕrdj iuÕ iïuqL idlÉPdjlg tlafjñka weh jeäÿrg;a wjOdrKh lf<a" ;uka isÿlrk ,o mÍlaIKj,g wkqj" id¾ia-fldúâ ffjria w;r" wkql iïnkaO;djhla fkdue;s njhs' tfiau th jjq,kaf.a cdk iuÕ fkd.e,fmk njhs'

ffjrih ñksid úiska ksmojk ,oaola fkdjk njhs' —fuu ffjria uQ,drïNh ms<sn|j wm fidhd ne,sh hq;=h' ukao th uyck fi!LH wdrlaIdjg jeo.;a fõ' fuh fi!LH oDIaÀ fldaKhlska ne,Su jeo.;a˜ weh m%ldY l<dh'

fydxfldx úYaj úoHd,fha uydpd¾h ,sfhda hqka m%ldY lf<a" fldúâ-19

12 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

uOqYdka l=,r;ak

Èp »lŠ p[y f,dj m%isoaO

Zhōngguó chá xiāng 中国茶乡

Ökfha f;a ixialD;sh jHdma;j we;s m%uqL;u k.r m%Odk jYfhka fldgia follg fnod oelaúh yelsh' tkï Wiia f;a j.d ìï yd f;a mdkh i|yd jk ft;sydisl yd ixialD;sl k.r jYfhks' Ök f;a l,dfõ m%uqL k.r lsysmhla Tfí oekqï fmd;g tlalr .kak' yxfpdõ (Hangzhou 杭州) f;a k.rh

fld< f;a

m%foaYfha j.dlrk hdwdka lr f;a j¾. Ökfha b;d rij;a f;a .khg wh;afõ'

f;a j¾.h - fld< f;a Ökfha fojk m%isoaO rdclSh f;a j¾.h f,i ie,flkafka ðhdxiq jl%dldr f;a fld<h' th Ök NdIdfjka (Dongting Bi Luo Chun 动听比了春)f,i y÷kajhs' jika;hg jvd meKsri f;a fldamamh f,i fuu f;a Ökhmqrd m%isoaOh'

yxfpdõ msysgd we;af;a kef.kysr Ökfha pðhdx m<df;ah' tu m<df;a w.k.rh ykafpdÉ fõ m%isoaO f;a kduh ulr fld< f;a f;a j¾.h - fld< f;a Ökfha b;du ckm%sh f;a j¾. w;r ulr f;a j,g(Xi hu Longjig-西湖 龙井) m%Odk ia:dkhla ysñfõ' fuu f;a me, .s‚fldK È. ykafpdÉ yS ngysr jej jgd ;sfnk l÷ wdY%s;j j.dfldg we;' jir oyilg fmr Ökfha fnhsðx yS rc ud,, fuu f;a ckm%shu f;a f,i m%isoaOj ;sì‚' ykafpdÉ f;a fl!;=ld.drh Ök f;a j.d ìï wdY%s;j we;s Ökfha úYd,u f;a fl!;=ld.drho fõ'

iQfpdõ k.rh



yqjxYdx f;a k.rh

fuu f;a fld< b;d È.= ld,hla


wkayqhs m<df;a tkï uOHu Ökfha yqjxYdx lkao wdY%s;j fuu f;a j. ìï oelsh yelsh' m%isoaO f;a kduhka - ly l÷ fl¢ l=vq f;a" ly l÷ m÷re f;a f;a j¾.h - l¿ f;a" u,a f;a fuu f;a ms<sn|j Ökfha ly wêrdcH úiska ;udf.a ys;j;a ÈjHuh wêrdcHfhl=g fuu f;a mdkh ,nd § we;s nj ckm%jdofha i|yka fõ' Ökfha we;s rij;au f;a j¾. my w;rg yqjxYdx uDÿ fl¢ f;a wh;afõ' tfiau wfkl=;a rij;a f;a j¾. oyh w;rg l¿ f;ao wh;a fõ'

fpkaÿ f;a k.rh

IQfpdõ msysgd we;af;a Yexyhs ngysr m%foaYfha ðhdxiq m<df;ah' m%isoaO f;a kduh-ðhdxiq jl%dldr

m%isoaO f;a kduh - hdwdka >k l¿ f;a

uOHu Ökfha iSpqwdka m<df;a fpkaÿ

f;a j;=j, jefvk w;r" f;a mdkh lsÍfï§o WKqj;=frys jeäld,hla meiSu isÿ lrhs' fuu f;a mdkh lsÍug jeä ld,hla .; lrk neúka fpia l%Svdj" ldâ l%Svdj lrk w;r ;=r mdkh lrk m%isoaO rij;a mdkhla fõ' fuu f;a j¾.fha b;sydih jir 2000 lg tyd osjhhs

ISY=wdx mkakd (Xishuangbanna)

f;a k.rh

m%isoaO f;a kduh hqkdka iajNdú f;a (云南普洱) ISY=wdx mkakd msysgd we;af;a ol=Kq hqkakdka m<df;a tkï ol=Kq Ökfhah' hqkakdka m<df;a fm!rd‚l f;a ksjdi ud¾.fha wjika fldgfia ISY=wdx mkakd msysgd ;sîu ksid" w;s úYd, f;a j.d N+ñ m%foaYhla njg m;aù ;sfí' áfnÜ iajdh;a;fhka" bkaÈhdj yd fkamd,h hk rg j,ska f;a j¾. meñK ;sfí' tu ksid fuys úúO j¾.j, f;a olakg ,efí' fuys fjfik iq¿cd;sl ck;dj j.d f;a lr;s'

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úfYaIfhka hqkakdka iajdNdúl f;a cd;Hka;r fjf<odu ;=, b;d ckm%sh f;a j¾.hls' o¿ úh,d c,h bj;a lrk ,o hqkdka iajNdúl l¿ f;a i|yd Ökh mqrd i|yd úYd, b,a¨ula we;'

jqydka ^ߧ b¢lgq f;a& k.rh

yqfmhs m<df;a w.k.rh jk jqydka yS ߧ bÈlgq hk ckm%sh kdufhka y÷kajk —ly f;a˜ Ökfha b;du ckm%sh f;a j¾.hls' hqqkdka m<d;g wdikakfha" yqfmhs m<d; flakaøfldg jqydka k.r msysgd ;sfnk w;r" ft;sydisl jákd lulao fuu k.rhg we;' hexÜIs" wdY%s;j tal flakaøShj msysgd we;s jqydka k.rh hexÜIs .x.dfõ ngysr kef.kysr yd f.dvìñka W;=re ol=Kq m%jdyk moaO;shg iïnkaO fõ' fï ksid c, m%jdyh wdY%s;j b;d ckm%sh f;a mdkh uq,afldg .;a hexÜIs ixialD;shlao ìysù ;sfí'

pq wdkafjdõ f;a k.rh

jqydka hkq ckm%sh rij;a f;a mdkh l< yels k.rhla jk w;r" tys úYd, jYfhka —f;a ksjdi˜ f;a j;= msysgd we;' Ökfha ckm%sh f;a j¾. oyh ^10& w;r jecfnk ߧ bÈlgq yev;s f;a" (Junshan yin zhen君山银针) rdclSh f;a f,io m%isoaêhla Wiq,hs'

b;d ckm%sh fuu f;a k.r y;g wu;rj fnhsðx" pd´Ydka" l=hsfpdõ" l=jx;=x" .=hs,sx iy ;j;a m%foaY / ila úúO j¾.fha Ök f;a i|yd ckm%sh fõ'

.s‚fldk È. Ökfha *Qðhdka m<df;a pq wdkafjdõ msysgd ;sfí' hlv foaj;dúhf.a f;a" *q ðhdx iukamsÉp f;a" hk ckm%sh kduhkaf.ka fuu f;a y÷kajkq ,efí' fld< meye;s f;a i|yd iukamsÉp u,a ñY%lr tys iq.kaOh uqiqfldg ilik fuu f;a *q ðhdx m<df;a ksIamdokh lrk f;a w;ßka b;du .=Kodhl f;a j¾.hhs' .%SIau ld,fha mdkh lrk ;j;a ckm%sh rij;a f;a j¾.hla nj ´f,dka ^W!¨x& f;a fuu m%foaYfha jefjk f;a j¾.hls'

Shen Zhou (1427–1509), regarded as one of the painting elite – “the Four Masters of Ming”, which also includes Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying .

Shen Zhou (1427– 1509), courtesy name Qinan was a Chinese painter in the Ming dynasty (1368–1644). He was born into an honored and wealthy family in Changzhou which is modern Suzhou in the south of Jiangsu province. Shen Zhou never took up any official post, but instead enjoyed a long life involved in the learned arts of poetry, painting, and calligraphy. Shen Zhou’s many paintings reveal an active concern with preserving the aesthetic discoveries of bygone ages as well as a similar concern with nature in its many manifestations (especially landscapes). However various

in stylistic source and subject matter, Shen Zhou’s art consistently bears his unique touch of an abiding confidence, restrained calmness, and subtle warmth. The ideal of his life and the accomplishments of his art have earned him reverence by all artists devoted to the ideals of the literati (wenren) tradition. He is

14 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

Shen Zhou lived at a pivotal point in the history of Chinese painting. He contributed greatly to the artistic tradition of China, founding the new Wu School in Suzhou. Under the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), painters had practiced with relative freedom, cultivating a more “individualist” and innovative approach to art that deviated noticeably from the more superficial style of the Song court artists who preceded them. However, at the outset of the Ming, the Hongwu Emperor (reigned 1368–1398) decided to import the existing master painters to his court in Nanjing, where he had the ability to cultivate their styles to conform to the paintings of the Song

before 40. After 40, he followed the styles of Huang Gongwang 1269–1354), and then Wu Zhen (1280–1354). Shen Zhou once acquired the famous Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains by Huang Gongwang. After it was stolen, he painted a new scroll based on his memory (see both paintings here).

masters. As Hongwu was notorious for his attempts to marginalize and persecute the scholar class, this was seen as an attempt to banish the gentry’s influence from the arts. The dominant style of the Ming court painters was called the Zhe School, as the leading figure—Dai Jin (1389–1462)—and many of his followers were from Zhejiang province. However, following the ascension of the Yongle Emperor (reigned 1402–1424), the capital was moved from Nanjing to Beijing, putting a large distance between imperial influence and the city of Suzhou. These new conditions led to the rise of the Wu School of painting, a somewhat subversive style that revived the ideal of the inspired scholar-painter in Ming China. Shen Zhou’s scholarly upbringing and artistic training had instilled in him a reverence for China’s historical tradition that influenced both his life and his art from an early age. Magnanimous by nature, he was an able poet, essayist,

calligrapher, as well as an excellent painter. His work is unsurpassed in all Chinese art for its humane feeling; the gentle and unpretentious figures he introduced give his paintings great appeal (see his Poet on a Mountain Top). Shen Zhou commanded a wide range of styles and techniques, on which he impressed his warm and vigorous personality. In landscape, he often painted in the manner of the Yuan masters, but his interpretations

are more clearly structured and firmer in brushwork. It is said that Shen Zhou mainly followed the Yuan painter Wang Meng (1308–1385)

Although best known for his landscapes, Shen Zhou was equally talented in depicting flowers, fruits and vegetables, and animals in monochrome ink. He also became the first to establish among the literati painters a flower painting tradition. Shen Zhou’s flowerand-bird paintings, executed in the “sketching ideas (xieyi )” style, were followed with greater technical versatility by Chen Chun (1483–1544) and Xu Wei (1521–1593) in the Ming and then by Shitao (1642–1707) and Zhu Da (1626–1705) of the early Qing. Their work, in turn, served as the basis for the revival of flower-and-bird painting in the late 19th and the 20th century.

Article Courtesy The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

| 15

udOHfõ§ka fldúâ-19 ffjrifhka wdrlaId lsÍug iyhùu i|yd YS% ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh uqj wdjrK msßkuhs udOHfõoSka fldúâ-19 ffjhsrifhka wdrlaId lsrsu i|yd YS% ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh u.ska uqj wdjrK fnodÈfï jevigykla wfm%a,a udifhaoS mj;ajk ,oS' YS% ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh iu. ñ;% in|;d mj;ajk Ökfha whsä wlaIs frday, (AIDI Eye Hospital), úfoaY rgj,a iu. ñ;%;ajh i|yd jk ispqjdka ck;d ix.uh (Sichuan People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries)" úfoaY rgj,a iu. ñ;%;ajh i|yd jk yfnhs ck;d ix.uh (Hebei People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries) úfoaY rgj, ñ;%;ajh i|yd jk yqkdka ck;d ix.uh (Hunan People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries) iy YS% ,xldfõ Ök ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h (The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Sri Lanka) u.ska fuu uqj wdjrK ix.uhg ,enqKq tajd fõ' tu uqj wdjrK" YS% ,xld rEmjdyskS ixia:dj" iajdëk rEmjdysksh" iaj¾Kjdysksh" isri" ysre" forK" TNL udOHfõ§kago" fk;a" Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj " isri" ,lay~" ù t*aï" ish; hk .=jka úÿ,s wdh;kj, udOHfõ§kago msßkeóug YS% ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh lghq;= lf<ah' tfiau" ,xld§m" wo" wreK" uõìu" f,alayjqia wdhkfha oskñK Daily News hk cd;sl mqj;am;aj, udOHfõ§kag yd wdishdkq udOH yd ixialD;sl ix.uhg tu uqj wdjrK msrskuk ,§' uqj wdjrK msßkeófï wjia:djkag" YS% ,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.ufha iNdm;s bkaødkkao wfífialr" ksfhdacH iNdm;s ÿks,a fyhshka;=vqj" m%Odk f,alï wreK l=rel=,iqßh" Wm iNdm;s ks;S{ ridx. yßiapkaø" Wm f,alï uOqYdka l=,r;ak" Wm f,alï ksYdka; úl%uisxy hk uy;ajreka tlaú isáhy'

wo mqj;am;

fk;a t*atï .=jka úÿ,sh

,xld§m mqj;am;

Y%S ,xld rEmjdyskS ixia:dj

f,alayjqia wdh;kh

iajdêk remjdysksh

16 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

wreK mqj;am;

Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj

isri kd,sldj

ish; kd,sldj

forK kd,sldj


ysre kd,sldj

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

| 17

Èp»xŠ »ƒ£qv ~v£[K nƒx Ök wka;¾cd, iÕrd fjí wvúhlska lrk ,o iólaIKhlg wkqj Ökfha fydou iud.ï oyh w;ßka m<uq ia:dkhg meñK we;af;a Ök Lksc f;,a iy ridhksl ixia:dj ^isfkdfmla& China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) 中国石油化工股份有限公司 iud.u jk w;r" fojk ia:dkhg fm‍fg%da Ök iud.u PetroChina Co. Ltd. (PetroChina) 中国石油天然气股 份有限公司 ;=kajk ia:dkhg Ök bÈlsßï bxðfkare iud.u China

State Construction Engineering. Corp. Ltd 中国建筑股份有限公司 m;aú we;¡ 2018$2019 jir ;=< Ökfha úYd,;u ,ehsia;=.; iud.ïj, l%shdldß;ajh iy fufyhqï ld¾h idokh i|yd Ök bkag¾keIk,a lemsg,a fldamf¾Ika ,sñgâ ^iSwhsiSiS& l<ukdlrk wdh;kh úiska fuu f;dard.eksu iïmdokh lrk ,§¡ l%shdldß;ajh iy fufyhqï ld¾h idokfhka by<u Ök iud.ï 500 ys taldnoaO wdodhu hqjdka g%s,shk 39¡65 la ^weußldkq fvd,¾ g%s,shk 5¡87&

jk w;r th 2017 jirg jvd ishhg 18¡22 l j¾Okhls¡ Tjqkaf.a Y=oaO ,dNh hqjdka g%s,shk 3¡48 ^weußldkq fvd,¾ ì,shk 515¡42& olajd ishhg 24¡24 lska by< .sfhah¡ w,snnd" fgkafikaÜ iy iQiyi we;=¿ wka;¾cd, fiajd imhkakka y;a fofkl=f.a iuia; fj<|m, jákdlu hqjdka g%s,shk 7 la ^weußldkq fvd,¾ g%s,shk 1¡04& blaujd we;s w;r th by<u iud.ï 500 ka ishhlg 15 lg wdikak m%udKhla fõ¡

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) 中国石油化工股份有限公司

PetroChina Co. Ltd. (PetroChina) 中国石油天然气股 份有限公司

wdodhu 2'36 hqjdka Ü%,shk (US$349.54 billion)

wdodhu 2'02 hqjdka Ü%,shk (US$349.54 billion)



hqjdka ì,shk 51'12 (US$7.57 billion)

hqjdka ì,shk 22'79 (US$3.38 billion)

China State Construction Engineering. Corp. Ltd 中国建筑股份有限公司

Ping An Insurance (Group) Co. of China,Ltd. 中国平安保险(集团) 股份有限公司

wdodhu 1'05 hqjdka Ü%,shk (US$349.54 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 32'94 (US$4.88 billion)

18 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

wdodhu hqjdka ì,shk 890'88 (US$131.95 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 89'09 US$13.19 billion)

SAIC Motor Corporation Limited 上海汽车集团股份有限公司

wdodhu hqjdka ì,shk 870'64 (US$128.95 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 34'41 (US$5.08 billion)

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC) 中国工商银行股份有限公司

wdodhu hqjdka ì,shk 726'5 (US$107.6 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 286'05 (US$42.37 billion)

China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd. 中国铁建股份有限公司

wdodhu hqjdka ì,shk 680'98 (US$100.86 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 16'06 (US$2.38 billion)

China Mobile Ltd. 中国移动有限公司

wdodhu hqjdka ì,shk 740'51 (US$128.95 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 114'28 (US$16.93 billion)

China Railway Group Ltd. 中国中铁股份有限

wdodhu hqjdka ì,shk 693'37 (US$102.69 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 16'07 (US$2.38 billion)

China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 中国人寿保险股份有限公司

wdodhu hqjdka ì,shk 653'2 (US$96.74 billion) ,dNh hqjdka ì,shk 32'25 (US$4.78 billion)

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

| 19

»Y£ýH‐19 {¥p‹ {~¹[l Sl‹ƒ£~»xŠ n ýx wm fjfik fi!r.%y uKv,hg wh;a mD;=úh ìysjqfha hehs ie<flkafka óg jir ñ,shk .Kklg Mmsg ¥ú,s wxY= ì,shk .Kkla >kSNjkh ù ksydßldjlska Wmka yeáhghs' fi!r.%y uKv,fha w;s úfYaI .%yhd jk mD;=úh u; Ôùka ìysjqfha Bg;a jir ñ,shk .Kklg miqjh' fi!r.%y uKav,fha laISr m;fhka Mmsgg hdug ;rï nqoêhla ysñ ñksid mD;=úfha fiiq Ôùkaf.ka úfYaI Ôúfhla jk w;r Tyqf.a ;shqKq uki Ndú; fldg úYajh" id.r"uyoaùm" l÷Islr" .xÕd" .a,eishr ldka;dr miq lrñka wêfõ.S .ukl ksr;j isáhs' tfy;a ñksidf.a fï fkdksfuk wdYdjka miqmi yUdhdu fudyd;lg k;r lsßug ;u n,h fhoSug weig fkdfmfkk ffjrihlg yelshdj we;ehs lsjfyd;a Tn Bg tlÕ jkq we;' tjeks ffjrihlska isÿlrk úkdYh fgdka oyia .Kkla n/;s kshqfg%dak fndaïnhlg jvd Nhdklh' f,dalh j¾;udkfhaÈ n, wr.,hlg hñka ;sfnk nj ldg;a fkdryils' w;S;fha mej;s uyd ix.%du .ek fidhk úg ck uki ;=< jvd;a u;lhg kef.kafka m<uq yd fojk f,dal hqoaOhkah' tfy;a tajdo oeka w;S;fha ksokaù wjikaj we;e;a tu hqoaOj, ieÕjqKq fya;=ldrKdo /ila we;s njg we;eï ngysr .e;sfkdjk hqO úYaf,aIlhskaf.a u;hhs' j¾.jd§ yd wd.ñl hqoaO" kHIaál hqoaO" ;drld hqoaO" fj<| hqoaO" wdÈh oeka oeka h,a mek hñka ;sfí' wo f,djmqrd ldg;a fydr ryfia b;d Nhdkl wkaoñka me;sr hk oreKq ukqIH >d;k ixialD;shg w¿;skau tlaú ;sfnkafka Ôj ridhksl wúhhs' fuys Nhdkl nj flfiao h;a th ljr fudy;l" ljr whqßka ljfrl=g m%ydr t,a, lrhso okafka ke;' 18161819 w;r ld,fhaÈ ,laIhlg wêl msßila ureuqjg m;ajq m<uq fld<rd jix.;h (First Cholera Pandemic) wdishdj" hqfrdamh" iamd[ah" brdkh

yd ´iafÜ%,shdj mqrd me;sr .sfhah' Bg fmr tkï 1331-1353 w;r ld,fhaÈ ñ,shk foiShl ck;djla urdoeuq l¿ urK jix.;h (Grand Bubonic Plague) o" 16 jk ishjfia tkï 1520 § hqfrdamh" wdishdj hk uyoaùm j, ñksiqka ñ,shk wgl m%udKhla" ñ jiQßh (1520 Smallpox Epidemic) jeks jix.; ñka b;sydih fjkia lf¾' f,dj m<uq ,sÅ; idlaIs iys; jix.;h ms<snoj f;dr;=re yuqjkafka (429426 BC) ñksiqka 75"000100"000 w;r m%udKhla ureuqjg .;a .%Sisfhka wdrïNjq —we;ekaia ffjhsrih˜ ms<snojhs' fuu ld,h jk úg .%Sish f,dj Okj;a yd n,j;a rdcHhls' fuu jhsrifhka we;ekaia kqjr ck.ykfhka ishhg 25la muK ñh.sfhah' j¾;udkfha me;sr hñka mj;sk fldfrdakd (Covid-19) kj ffjhsrifhka fuu ,smsh ,shk fudfyd; jk úg f,djmqrd ñksiqka ,laI 5 la muK urd oud ;sfí' ñ,shkh 8 lg wêl m%udKhlg ffjhsrih wdidOkh ù we; ^2020 cQks 21&' wE; w;S;fha jix.;hka me; whqre úYaf,aIkh lrk úg ;ukaf. ka .s,sys hk n,h /l.eksug ryis.; Ôù wúhla f,i fldúâ 19 kñka Wm; ,enqfõ hhs fkdis;sh yelso' lreKq fkdokakd yd i;H i.jd.;a msßia fuys fpdaokdj Ökh foig t,a, l<o tys Wm;

20 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

Ñkfha fkdjk nj uQ¿ f,dju okakd ryils' flfia fj;;a isÿjQfha Ñkh fldfrdakd id¾:lj fu,a, lsßuh Ökfha fldfrdakd ffjhsrih wdrïN jq wjia:dfõ§ weußldj i;=áka isá whqre cd;Hka;r udOH u.ska tu Èkj, wmg oel .;yels úh' tla;rd weußldkq Wm rdcH f,alïjrhl= m%ldY lf<a fldfrdakd ksid Ñkfhka .s,sys hk /lshd wjia:d weußldjg ,nd .; yels njhs' fuu m%ldYh lrk úg weußldj ;=, tlu fldfrdakd frda.sfhl= fyda jd¾:d fkdúKs' tfy;a ,smsh ,shk fufyd; jk úg weußldj ;=, fldúâ-19 ffjhsrih wdidOkh jQjka ,laI fol blaujd f.dia ;sìKs' isÿjq urK ixLHdj mkaoyi blaujd f.dia ;sfí' fuhg f,dalhd lsisfia;a i;=gq jkafka ke;' weußldfõ fyda fõjd ,xldfõ fyda fõjd ffjhsrifhka

ñhhk ñksiqka .ek we;af;a ÿlls' Ñkfha urK isÿfjoa§ " Ñkfhka .s,sys hk /lshd wjia:d ,nd .ksug mqridrï fodvjkafka ke;sj ;u rfÜ wdrlaIdj .ek is;d ,xldj fuka ckdêm;s ld¾h idOk n,ldhla we;slr fi!LH wxY Wmfoia f.k hqO yuqodj yd iïnkaO ú lghq;= lf<a kï weußldjg fujka úm;la jkafka ke;'

idudðlhka u.ska jqydka fj; /f.k wd njhs' reishdjo fuhg iudk u;hla m%ldY lr ;sìKs' fldfrdakd ffjhsrih jqydkaj, me;sr hk wjia:dfõ weußldj yeisreKq wdldrfha ielhlao ;sfí' f,dal wd¾Ólh 21jk ishjfiaÈ yeisrúfï n,h ysñjkafka Ñkhghs' tfy;a weußldj fuka fkdj Ökh iuia: f,dalhu iduldñj ixj¾Okh jkq olskakg leu;sh' th Tjqkf.a oelauhs' ðkamsx ckdêm;sjrhdf.a —;Srhla— ixl,amh ;=,o .eíj we;af;a ixj¾Ok m%;s,dN f,dalhgu idOdrKj fnodÈh hq;= njhs' we;eï úg Ökfha fuu ixl,amh wka;jd§ ngysr rgj, fki;=gg fya;=jls' oeka meK .eg¿j jkafka" Ökh f,dalfha rgj,a jeä m%udKhl

úYajdh Èkd .eksu" ;u w;S; n,h ;jÿrg;a r|jd .ekSug ndOdjla jk nj weursldj is;su fya;=fjka hqouh jYfhka fyda iudc" wd¾Ól jYfhka Ökh meroúug fkdyels ksid fjk;a l%uhlska Ökh oK.eiai úug lghq;= lrkafkao hkakhs' kuq;a ffjhsrihla hkq ish,a,u ì,a,g .kakd udrfhl= nj fkdoek isáu ksid uq¿ uy;a udkj ixy;shu oejeka; wk;=rlg uqyqK § isá' wjidkfha milajkafka óg jir 2500 .Kklg fmr nqÿrcdKkaa jykafia foaYkd l< O¾uhhs' tkó m!;=úfha ó,. meje;au r|d mj;skafka udkjhdf.a l%shdldrlï u;u jk njhs' wka;¾ cd,h weiqfrka uOqYdka l=,r;ak

weußldjo wfma ñ;% rgls' Ökh ;rï weußldj wmg Woõ fkdl<;a weußldfõ isÿjk úm;g wms oeäf,i lñmd ú isáuq' ysgmq úmlaI kdhl ið;a fma%uodi uy;d jfrl iudc udOH yryd m%ldY lr ;snqfka ,xldj weußldj fuka fldfrdakd u¾okhg mshjr .; hq;= njhs'oeka oeka weußldfõ isÿjk ffjhsrifha fõ.j;a jHdma;sh .ek is;k úg ið;a uy;d isÿl< m%ldYh .ek mqÿu fkdfjñ' fï w;r Ök ÑfoaY lghq;= wud;HdxYfha m%ldYl Id´ ,Sðhdka uy;d i|yka lrkafka fldfrdakd ffjhsrih weußlka yuqod

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

| 21

Èp nM|j{£nx fuda;ai fojk fldgi

mj;akd fjki oelSu hehs mejish yelso@

fuda;ai Ökfha m%lg o¾YKjdÈfhls' fyf;u fldka*shqishia;=ukag jvd jir ishhl muK ld,hlg miq Èú f.jQjo fldka*shqishia u;jdohkag ;rfhau tfrys jQfjls' tfukau tu u;jdo mrdch lrkq i|ydu úpdr úu¾IK iy úfõpkd;aul f,aLk / ila m< lf<ah'

tla mqoa.,hl= urd oeóu idmrdë hehs lshkq we;' tla mqoa.,hl= urd oeóu" tla urK ovqjula f.k tkq we;' fuu ;¾lhg wkqj mqoa.,hka oi fofkl= urd oeóu oi .=Khlska idmdrdë fõ' tneúka urK ovqjï oyhla we;súh hq;=h' ish fofkl= ueÍu ish .=Khlska idmrdë fõ' Bg urK ovqjï ishhla we;s úh hq;=h' tfy;a rdcHhkag myr §u keue;s w;sYh idmdrdë ls%hdj .ek i<ld n,k úg Tõyq th .¾ydjg m;a l< hq;= nj fkdoks;s' tfia .¾ydjg ,la lsÍu fjkqjg Tjqyq Bg hqla;s iy.; hehs m%ixYdjg ,la lr;s' fufia n,k úg hqla;sh ms<sn|j Tjqyq lsisjla fkdoks;s' tfukau Tjqyq fï jerÈ wkd.; mrmqr i|yd f,aLk.; l<y' fufia lrk ,oafoa ljr fyhskao@

m%cd;ka;%jdohg w;sYh jYfhka .re l< fuda;ai ;=ud wrmsßueiau" mrd¾:ldó;ajh iy ÿIalr Èú meje;au ks;r w.h lf<ah' fuda;ai;=udf.a o¾YŒh u;jdohka jHdma; yd ckm%sh fkdùug fya;= lsysmhlau ;sì‚' thska m%Odk fya;= jkafka od¾Y‚l ukai ^ukaishia& ;=ud" fldka*shqishia u;hkag .re lrñka fuda;ai u;jdohkag myr§u iy tjlg meje;s yka wêrdcH md,kh úiska fldka*shqishia o¾YKhg rdcHfha by,u ia:dkhla ysñlr fokq ,eîuh'

l=l=¿ wd§ i;=ka fidrd .ekSug jvd wudkqIsl fõ' ta ljr ksido@ thska wka wh jvd;a fmf<k neúks' wka wh jvd;a fmf<k úg tu l%shdj jvd;a wudkqIsl fõ' jvd;a idmrdë fõ'

fï fuda;ai ;=uka wdl%u‚l hqoaO .¾ydjg ,la l< hq;=h hkak úia;r l< wdldrhhs' tfukau wysxil mqoa.,hka urd mqoa.,fhl= ;j;a flfkl=f.a Whklg msúi m<;=re fidrd.;af;a hehs is;uq' fuh oek.;af;da tu l%shdj .¾ydjg ,la lr;s' n,OdÍyq tu mqoa.,hd .%yKhg f.k Tyqg o~qjï lr;s' ta ljr ksido@ tu mqoa.,hd ish ,dN m%fhdackh fya;=fjka wka mqoa.,hkag w,dN lrk ksidh' tfukau ;j;a flfkl=f.a i;=ka fidrd.ekSu Whklska m<;=re fidrd .ekSug jvd woñgq l%shdjls' ta ljr ksido@ tuÕska fjk;a mqoa.,fhl=g isÿjk w,dNh b;djeä ùuh' ;j;a wfhl=f.a wYaj .d,lg fyda .j .d,lg we;=¿ ù wYajhka fyda .jhka fidrd .ekSu n¨" W!re"

oeóu Tjqkaf.a i¨ms<s fidrd .ekSu yd tu mqoa.,hkaf.a fy,a,g fyda lvqjg tu mqoa.,hd wiajdñl lsÍu hkdÈh wYajhka yd .jhka fidrd. ekSug jvd whqla;s iy.;h' ta ljr fyhskao@ tuÕska tu mqoa.,hka jvd;a fmf<k neúks' wka wh jv jvd;a fmf<k l%shdj jvd;a wudkqIslh yd jvd;a idmrdëh' fujeks l%shd woñgq hehs .erysh hq;= nj W;=ï mqreIfhda oks;s' tfy;a fjk;a rdcHhkag m%ydr §u iy hqO je§ï i<ld n,k úg th .¾ydjg ,la l< hq;= nj Tjqyq fkdoks;s' tf,i lrkq fjkqjg tu l%shd hqla;s iy.; hehs m%Yxidjg ,la lr;s' fuh hqla;sh yd whqla;sh w;r

22 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

hï mqoa.,hl= l¿ ì|la oel th l¿ hehs lshd" l¿ fndfyda oel th iqÿ hehs lshkafka kï wmg isf;kafka tu mqoa.,hd l¿ iqÿ fíoh fkdokakd njh' ;s;a; iaj,amhla ri n,d hï mqoa.,hl= th ;s;a; hehs lshd" ;ska; fndfyda ri n,d th meKs ri hehs lshkafka kï wmg isf;kafka tu mqoa.,hd ;s;a; meKs ri fíoh fkdokakd njh' tfukau iq¿ jrola l< úg Bg fodia mejßh hq;= hehs Tjqyq okakd kuq;a úYd, jrola l< úg Bg fodia mejßh hq;= nj Tjqyq fkdoks;s' Tjqyq Bg m%Yxid lr;s' fuh hqla;sfha u. hehs lsj yelso@ fuhska fmfkkafka f,dj W;a;uhka hqla;sh yd whqla;sh w;r fjki ms<sn| úlaIsma;j isák njh'

bkaødkkao wfífialr

Sri Lanka Foundation for Friendship with China's Tibet

Li Bai: i| /ia uOqmdkh-Li Bai

jhska n÷kla u,a w;r we; 月下獨酌 花間一壺酒 fjkod fuka wo fjk whl= fyda ke; 獨酌無相親 ñ;=rka fyda mjqf,a who ke; 舉杯邀明月 uOqmdkhg ud muKs 對影成三人 ljqreka ke;e;a ud iu. ;kshg 月既不解飲 ys|shs ,Õ i| yd uf.u fijke,a, 影徒隨我身 uOqmdkh fkdlruq;a i| 暫伴月將影 uf.u fijke,a, iqjplSlre 行樂須及春 fiajlhdh 我歌月徘徊 b;ska ud lrñ ud uOqmdkh 我舞影零亂 kgñ .hñ jika;fha wjidkh olajdu 醒時同交歡 uf.u fijke,a, ud fukau 醉後各分散 kghs i;=áka fijke,a, 永結無情游 i|d ld,sl ñ;=rka fjuq wms ;sfok 相期邈雲漢 mßj¾:kh - Mâ dù马杜

Y%S ,xld - Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.s;d ix.uh Ökh ms<sn|j rdcH md,kh" ixialD;sh" wOHdmkh" lDIsl¾uh" úoHd yd ;dlaIK" ffjoH úoHdj we;=¿ úúO lafIa;%j, hï f;dr;=re Tng oek .ekSug wjYH kï Ök levmf;ka úuikq uekú' Ök levm; ã - 30" ud;d mdr" fld<U 08 ^fldfrdakd ffjrih fya;=fjka fujr l,dmh udi ;=kla olajd jQ nj lreKdfjka i,lkak&

China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

| 23


‘‘Èp Y±vx

Èp»xŠ r‍±tz ´x§j§{f S{ƒzŠ {§j£” fujr l,dmfha ixjdo úfYaIdx. fhka Tn yuqjkafka wm rfÜ mßmd,k lafIa;%fha lemS fmfkk fufyjrl fh§ isák fla' ã' tia rejkapkaø uy;dhs¡ leìkÜ yd rdcH wud;HdxY lsysmhlu jßka jr f,alï OQrh fynjQ rejkapkaø uy;d l,la Ökfha msysá Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,fha wud;H fldkai,ajrfhl= f,i o fiajh fldg ;sfí'¡ j¾;udkfha ta uy;d l%Svd y ;reK lghq;= wud;HdxYfha f,alï jrhd jYfhka lghq;= lrhs¡

fla' ã' tia rejkapkaø l%Svd yd ;reK lghq;= wud;HxY f,alï" ●● Tn Ökfha Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,fha fiajh lrk ld,fha§ ñ;% ix.uh iuÕ fndfyda iómj lghq;= l<d' úfYaIfhka we;eï wjia:dj,§ wjodkfuka neyerj fr.=,dis fkdì| lghq;= l<d' Y%S ,xldfjka Ökhg meñ‚ 40 fofkl=f.ka iukaú; ;reK YsIH lKavdhula Ökfha ixpdrh l< wjia:dfõ§ Tn úYd, iyfhda.hla ,nd ÿkakd' ;dkdm;s ks,Odßfhla f,i tu j.lSïo iuÕ Tn fldfyduo iunrj lghq;= lf<aa@ rdcH mßmd,k ks,Odßfhla f,i" uu yeuúgu is;kafka" wfma lghq;= rfÜ hym; i|yd flfiao fhdokafka hk ldrKh' l:djl=;a ;sfhkjd —wjodkulska f;djr ch.%yKh fkdue;˜ lsh,d' b;sx fï jf.a wjia:dj,§ wjodkula wrf.k rg fjkqfjka jev lrkak isoaOfjkjd' tuÕska hï l d ¾ h h l i d ¾ : l m%;sM,hla ,nd .kak W;aiy lrkjd' ta jf.a

wjia:dj,§ mek wjodku Ndr.kakjd' uf.a rdcldÍ ld, mßfþoh mqrdu wjodku ordf.k lghq;= lr,d ;sfhkjd' wog;a tfyuhs' tod ,xldfjka Ökhg meñ‚" tu ;reK ;re‚hka 40 fokd fjkqfjka wjodkula f.k lghq;= l<d' ug u;lhs ;kdm;s ld¾hd,fha isák ld,fha§ *disheka ysñ Y%S,xld ixpdrfha ieureï W;aijhla ixúOdkh l<d' fï i|yd i;shl muK ld,hla muKhs ;snqfKa' kuq;a md¾Yj lsysmhlf.a iyfhda.h wrf.k" id¾:lj tu ieureï W;aijh ixúOdkh l,d' Ök uydpd¾hjre" Ök iajdóka jykafia,d" úYajúoHd, isiqka we;=¿ úYd, msßilf.a iyNd.S;ajfhka tu W;aijh wk¾.j ixúOdkh lrkak yelshdj ,enqKd' Ök foaYdGl .fõYl woañrd,a —fpx y˜ ms<sn|j" ,xld.uka isys lrjkak W;aijhla ixúOdkh l,d' wjqreÿ W;aijh" fjila W;aijh" k;a;,a W;aijh jf.a lghq;= b;d fyd¢ka id¾:lj ixúOdkh l,d'

●● ta Y%S,xld Ök iudc yd ixialD;sl iyfhda.S;d ix.ufha lghq;= id¾:l lrkakg Tn Wmfoia ,ndfoñka úYd, iyhla ,ndÿkakd' tu ksid oek. kakg leu;shs fuu ix.uh l%shd;aul lrk jevms<sfj< ms<sn|j Tn iEySulg m;afjkjdo@ flá ms<s;=rla fokjdkï Tõ lshkak mq¿jka' fuu ixúOdkh lrk ,o fndfyda jevigykaj,g ug iyNd.S ùug wjia:dj ,enqKd' iïnkaO ùug' tu tu wjia:dj,§ bkaødkkao wfífialr uy;d we;=¿ ix.ufha ks,OdÍka yd idudðl idudðldjka iuÕ b;d iqyoj

24 | Ök levm; 中国 镜子 China Mirror

lghq;= lsÍug wjia:dj ,enqKd' ta forg w;r ñ;%;ajh id¾:lj mj;ajdf.k hkakg fuu ix.uh úYd, odhl;ajhla ,ndfokjd'

Tn Ökfha fndfyda ia:dkj, ixpdrh lr ;sfnkjd' Ökfha ;sfnk f,dal Wreu yd iaNdúl Wreu /l.ekSu yd md,kh lsÍu i|yd Ökh f.khk l%shdud¾. .ek fudkjo ysf;kafka@ Ökfha f,dal Wreuhka wdrlaId lsÍug yd tajdfha f;dr;=re ck;dj w;r fnodyod .kakg úYd, fufyjrla isÿlrk whqre ug oel. kakg yelsjqKd' f,dal Wreu wd¾Ól jYfhka mj;ajdf.k hkakg l%ufõohkao ilialr ;sfnkjd' WodyrK yeáhg tu f,dal Wreu keröu i|yd we;=¿ùfï .dia;=jla wh lrkq ,nkjd' th Tjqka isÿ lrkafka tu f,dal Wreu mj;ajdf.k hdu yd ixrlaIKh i|yd wjYH uqo,a ,nd.ekSughs' we;a;gu fuh ,xldjg jeo.;a' fudlo wfma rfÜ ys;kafka f,dal Wreu fyda iajdNdúl Wreu ck;djf.ka yx.df.k isàu ;uhs" tajd wdrlaId lrkak mq¿jx lsh,d' kuq;a ck;djg whs;shla ;sfhkjd" ta w;S; Wreuh oeln,d .kakg yd ta .ek f;dr;=re oek .kakg' b;sx ta i|yd wjia:dj ,ndfoñka ;uhs" tajdfha wdrlaIdj mj;ajdf.k hEu l< hq;=jkafkaa'

●● Y%S ,xldj yd Ökh úúO ixialD;Ska folla' b;sx wmsg flfiao yelsjkafka fï ixialD;Ska fol ;=,ska hï hï foaj,a Wlyd .kakg' rgj,a folgu fuh fmdÿhs' ta .ek úia;r lf<d;a' wms fuys§ .; hq;=hs" fï rgj,a fol tlsfklg iïmQ¾Kfhkau fjkia nj' tkï rfÜ m%udKh" ck.yKh" is;=ï me;=ï iaNdúl iïm;a foaY.=Kh jf.a foaj,a w;r f,dl= fjkialï ;sfhkjd' kuq;a iuyr foaj,a iudklï ;sfhkjd' th .eUqßka wjfndaO lr.; hq;= hs tlsfkldf.a pßhdj;a" hï hï ixialD;sl W;aij" fn!oaOd.u jeks iudk lï ;sfhkjd' fuys§ fuu iudklï wmsg m%fhdackj;a fjkjd' rgj,a fol w;r ys;j;alu jeä ÈhqKq lsÍug" ta ;uhs Ökfha ;sfnk foaYmd,k l%ufõoh ,xldjg .e,fmkafka keye' m%cd;ka;%jdoh yd Ökfha ;sfnk fldñhqksÜiajd§ foaYmd,kfha fjkila ;sfhkjd' wd¾Óluh jYfhka .;a;du Ökh ld,hla ;siafia f.k wd foaYmd,k

l%uh wd¾Ólhg .,mdf.k ;sfhkjd' úfYaIfhka lshkjdkï tla foaYmd,k mlaIhla" tla foaYmd,k kdhl;ajhla yd tla wd¾Ól l%uhla hk l%ufõoh" jir 3040 ld,h ;=, Ökh Ndú;d lr ;sfnkjd' kuq;a wfma rfÜ tu l%uh l%shd;aul lrkakg wmyiqhs' kuq;a tys§ Ökh l%shd;aul l< iuyr foaj,a wmg jeo.;a' WodyrKhla .;fyd;a Ökfha mia wjqreÿ ie,iqu" iïm;a ;sfnk wdldrhg ie,iqï ilia lsÍu' jeks foaj,a j,§ Ökfha wdo¾Yh wmg jeo.;a fjkjd'wms jvd;a fyd| ie,eiau fkfuhs' jvd;a ie,eiauhs ilia l< hq;af;a' ta ;uhs" Ökfha w;aoelSï .kakjdkï" tkï Ökh jeämqru wjOdkh fhduql,d ;dlaIKh iïnkaOfhka ta lDIsl¾uh" fïjd rch ueÈy;a fj,d isÿlrkjd' f.dùkag myiqlï i,id ;sfnkjd' bvï ,nd§ ;sfnkjd' ta kj ;dlaIKh ms<s.;a l%ufõohlg f.dùka fhduqfldg ;sfnkjd' tjeks wjia:dj,§ wmsg Ökh wdo¾Yhg .kak mq¿jka' oeka n,kak" wms m¾fhaIK úYd, jYfhka lrkjd' kuq;a tal M,odhl kE' Ökhg idfmalaIj l¾udka; jYfhka .;a;du" Ökhg fyd| fjf<| fmd,la ;sfhk ksid" th myiq ù ;sfnkjd' kuq;a ,xldfõ iSñ; fjf<| fmd,la ;sfnk ksid ksIamdokh lsÍug ;sfnk bvlv wvqhs' ta ksid" ,xldfõ ksIamdokh cd;Hka;rhg .e,fmk ksIamdokhla fjkak ´k' tys§ cd;Hka;rhg wjYH úÈhg kùk ;dlaIKh Ndú;d lrkak ´k' kuq;a wfma rgg th ;rula wmyiqhs'

lrkakg wjia:dj ,enqKd' ta wms tlsfkld Èßu;a lr.kak' wms ks;ru úYaj úoHd,j,g .shd' isiqka ks;ru ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,g wdjd' wms fyd| wka;¾ in|;djhla f.dvk.d .;a;d' fï in|;djhka ksid" Y%S ,xld cd;sl Èk W;aijh fnhsðx yS§ ieuÍug wjia:dj Wodlr.ka;d' ta isxy, wjqreÿ W;aijh" fjila W;aijh" k;a;,a W;aijh" jf.a W;aijhka ud fiajh l< wjqreÿ ;=k ;=, b;d id¾:lj mj;ajkakg yelshdj ,enqKd' ta m%:u jrg fnhsðx ys§ l%slÜ ;rÕdj,shla mj;ajkakgo wmg yelsjqKd' ta i|yd úYaj úoHd, isiqka" Y%S ,dxlsl m%cdj iyNd.S jqKd'

●● Ök ck;dj .ek Tn fldfyduo ys;kafka@ ug yuqjqK Ök ñksiqka b;du iqkaor ñksiqka Tjqka b;d uykais ù jev lrkjd' tlsfkldg .re lrkjd' Tjqka ;ukaf.a j.lSu yd hq;=lu fyd¢ka jgydf.k lghq;= lrk ñksiqka f,i ud okakjd' ixjdo igyk uOqYdka l=,r;ak

●● Tn Ökhg f.dia rdcldÍ lrk ld,h w;r ;=r" isxy, wjqreÿ W;aijhla b;d id¾:lj ixúOdk l,d' úfYaIfhka fuu W;aijh i|yd Y%S ,dxlslfhka iïnkaOlr.ekSug wu;rj" bka tyd .sh w¾:hla ;sfnkjd fkao@ uu fnhsðx ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,hg hk úg ug tys lsisu hd¿fjla j;a ysáfha keye' fiajh lrk ld,fha§ ;uhs' tys isák Y%S ,dxlsl m%cdj" YsIH YsIHdjka w;r in|;djhla we;slr .;af;a" tys§ ug bkaødkkao wfífialr uy;d iuÕ yuqù l;dlrkak wjia:djla ,enqKd' ta ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h ks,Odßkao iïnkaO lrf.k ta whf.a woyij,g .relrñka lghq;= China Mirror 中国 镜子 Ök levm;

| 25

Ökfha iq¿ cd;slfhda

vyj»xŠµ ~lªf ~vyp

;+ðhd ckhd ^Tújiāzú& 土家族 Ôú;h Wia l÷ w;r" ck.ykh ñ,shk 8-9" újdyfha§ y~d je,mSï" wjux.,Hhg i;=gq .S

—foaYSh bm§ ye§ jevqKq˜ hkqfjka y÷jkajk ;+ðhd ckhd Ökfha fjfik iq¿ ckhd w;r jvd;a wdl¾IŒh W;aij mj;ajk ck fldgils' fudjqka ,laI wiQmylaa ^ñ' 8'5& muK Ôj;a jk w;r m%Odk jYfhka ngysr Ökfha hqkakdka" yqfnhs yd isjqwdka m<df;a we;eï ia:dk j, Ôj;a fõ' Ökfha ckm%jdoj,g wkqj fuu ckfldgi iq¿ ck;dj w;r jdikdjka; yd wdYs¾jdo,;a whfj;s' Ökfha b;d iqkaor yd o¾YŒh m%foaYj, Ôj;ajk fuu ck;dj" ixpdrlhska flfrys jeä Wkkaÿjla olajñka Ôj;a fj;s' fuhg m%Odk jYfhka n,md we;af;a Tjqkaf.a w;S;fha isg mej; tk b;d ÈhqKq ix.S;h" kdgH yd rx. l,djhs' ta wkqj fudjqkaf.a l,djka Ökfha idudkH l,d wdlD;shg jvd fjkia yd wuq;= wdldrhla .kshs' ;+ðhd

NdIdj Ökfha jvd;a ÿr neyer m%foaYj, yqfol,djQ ckj¾. fuka fkdj" ;+ðhd ckhd" ishjia .Kkdjl isg wdêm;H ork —yka˜ ckhd iuÕ b;d iómj yd iduldój Ôj;ajQ ckfldgils' úfYaIfhka uOHu Ökhg wh;a m%foaYj, óg jir oyia .Kklg fmr yka ckhd úiska ;+ðhd ckhd mÈxÑ lrjQ njg idOl yuqù ;sfí' ta wkqj fuu ck lKavdhugo Ökfha m%Odk NdIdj jk —yka˜ NdIdj yd yka WmNdId l:dl< yelsh' tfy;a b;sydifha isg mej; tk idïm%odhsl uq,a ;+ðhd NdIdj j¾;udkfha§ l:dlrkafka

ckhdf.ka ñ,shkhlg wêl m%udKhla ðj;ajkafka m%isoaO jQ,skahqjka yd pxkaðhdð cd;sl WoHdkh msysá ngysr hqkdka yS §¾>;u l÷jeáh w;rh' fuu l÷jeáh Ökfha b;du iqkaor mßir moaO;shla jk w;r" f,dalfha b;d ÿ¾,n úúO Ydl yd i;aj úfYaI úYd, m%udKhla Ôj;ajk mßirhls' iqkaor Èhwe,s yd Èh oyrd" o¾YŒh ñáhdj;a" ksrka;rj óÿfuka l÷YsLr olskakg ,efí' j¾;udk Ökfha b;d rij;a f;a o¿ iys; f;a ìï fï wdY%s;j msysgd ;sîu úfYaI;ajhls' fndfyda ck;dj ixpdrl jHdmdrh isÿlrf.k hk w;r" ;j;a fldgila lDIsl¾udka;h wdY%s;j Ôj;afõ' idïm%odhsl lDIs fNda. j.dlsÍu yd uiqka we,a,Su hk jHdmdr yd .Dy l¾udka; mj;ajdf.k hhs'

,laIhl muK msrsils' Tjqka nyq,j Ôj;a jkafka hqkakdkays IshdkaIs iy ñhd´ iajhxmd,s; m%foaYj,h' ;j;a ,laIhla muK ;+ðhd ck;dj l:dlrkafka Ök yka NdIdjhs' ;+ðhd NdIdj mej; tkafka áfnÜ nqreu NdId tl;=jlsks' fuu ck;djg ;ukagu wdfõ‚l jQ f,aLK l,djla fkdue;' iïm%odhsl NdIdfjka hula ,sùug wjYH jQ úg Tjqka Ndú; lrkafka Ök wlaIr l,djhs'

;+ðhd uQ,drïNh yd b;sydih Ök cd;slhka úYajdi lrkq ,nkafka" Tjqkaf.a mqrdK jd¾;dj,g wkqj"

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;+ðhd ckhd mej; tkafka ndhs ckhdf.a uq;=ka ñ;a;kaf.ka njhs' yqfnhs yS m%Odk k.rhla jk hSpdx yS Ôj;ajQ fuu uq;=ka ñ;a;ka miqj ixl%uKh ùfuka ;+ðhd ckhd f,i fjku tlaù Ôj;a jQy' tkaIs l÷ wi, msysá l÷lr n,fldgqjla w;r ;+ðhd kscìu jk tkaIs ;+ðhd iy ñh´ iajhx md,k m%foaYh msysgd ;sfí' l%s'mQ¾j 316 § Ñx wêrdcHd úiska fuu m%foaYh wdl%uKh lsÍfuka wk;=rej Ñx wêrdcHhg ish oyiajk m%foaYh f,i ;+ðhd kscìï wh;aúh' bkamiqj Tjqka fuu m%foaYfha iïm;a yd ñksia n,h fhdod.ksñka l%s'mQ 221-206 f;la Ñx wêrdcHh mj;ajdf. .sfhah'

;+ðhd ckhdo f;a j¾. mdkh lsÍug jeä leue;a;la olajhs'

we÷ï me<÷ï idïm%odhsl we÷ï b;d úÑ;%j;a j¾Khka yd lemqïj,ska hqla;h' msßñ we÷ï idudkHfhka oaú;aj mmq wdjrK iys; Wvq flá lndhls' È. bK máhla bKjgd ne| we;s w;r" l,siï idudkHfhka fld< iy ks,a j¾Kfhka hq;a úYd, fnda;,a yevfhka ilid we;' ysia wdjrKh fld< meye;s fiao f,akaiqjlska fyda óg¾ 2 lg wdikak È.lska hq;a froaolska T;d we;' Tjqka msÿre mdjyka" frÈ mdjyka fyda lr,a mdjyka m<È;s'

ñx wêrdcHfha ;+ðhd ;+ðhd ckhd ñx wêrdcH jxYh iuÕ ^1368-1644& ñ;% in|;d meje;ajQ w;r" tuÕska ish ckhdf.a m%uqL iudc lghq;=j,g iyh ,ndf.k we;' ñx wêrdcHfha úYsIag fin¨ka f,i ;+ðhd ckhd §¾> ld,hla fiajh l< w;r fiiq ck lKavdhï j, N+ñ m%foaY md,kh lsÍug iyh úh' tfiau W;=f¾ iy cmdk uqyqÿ fld,a,lrejkaf.a yd fudxf.da,shdkqjkaf.a wdl%uKj,g tfrysj hqOuh ^l%shdodhuj,g úYd, iyhla ,nd§ug iu;aúh' tu ksid ;+ðhd ckhd ms<snoj ñx wêrdcHhd úfYaI ie<ls,a,la oelaúh' th fiiq cklKavdhï w;r f.!rjhg yd wNsudkhg fya;=úh' j¾;udkfhao Ök yuqodj ;=, fuu ck lKavdhu úYd, ld¾hNdrhla bgqlr;s' nqoaê fufyhqï yd ix.%du fufyhqï i|yd Tjqka úYd, odhl;ajhla imhhs'

wdydr j¾. idïm%odhsl wdydr j¾. msiSug ;+ðhd ckhd úfYaI iu;alula olajk w;r" Tjqkaf.a m%Odk wdydr jkafka" OdkH iy bßÕ= j¾.hkah' úfYaIfhka

weUq,a wdydr yd l=¿nvq ñY% lrk,o wdydr j¾.j,g jeä leue;a;la olajhs' tfiau Èklg m%Odk wdydr

fõ,a ;=kla wkqNj lrk ;+ðhd ckhd" wÉpdre j¾. iEu m%Odk wdydr fõ,lgu tla lrhs' f.dú;eka lghq;=j, fh§ isák úg WoEik wdydr fõ, i|yd ñysß me‚ ri vïma,ska fyda uqx fndaxÑ fmaiaÜ jeks iq¿ wdydrhla .kakd

ol=Kq me;af;a újrhla iys; Wvqlh we÷ï ;+ðhd ldka;djkaf.a we÷uhs' lrmáh f,aia ;=klska f¾kao lr we;s w;r" lrmáh my< fl<jf¾ l=vd u,a f,aia ;=kla ks¾udKh lr we;' bÕg ysrjk fia ilia l< idhla iys; yd tu idhg háka l,siï ll=,a we;' tu l,siï ll=,a m;=f,a j¾K ;=klska hq;a f,aia iys; jgl=rejg lmd we;' ;+ðhd ldka;djka È.= fld<mdg fiao f,akaiqjla ysi jgd T;d" k<,g bÈßfhka ߧ mKdjla ;nd" fldKavd lgqj,ska iúlr we;' iEu ldka;djlau lK m<okd" ud," j<¨ wdÈh m<¢k w;r" tajd r;a;rx fyda ߧ j,ska ilid ;sfí' ldka;djka yd msßñka W;aij wjia:dj,§ fndfyda úg r;=j¾Kfhka hq;a we÷ï m<¢;s' jD;a;Ska ys kshe<S isák úg w÷re j¾K iys; we÷ï me<Èug Tjqyq m%sh lr;s'

w;r" tjeks wdydr fõ,la .ekSu ;=,ska f.dú;ek id¾:l ù jeä wiajekakla fk,d.ekSug yelsjk njo úYajdi lrhs' —iSnd˜ hkq úfYaI lEu j¾.hls' W;aij wjia:dj,§ wuq;a;ka meñksúg ix.%y lsÍug — iSnd˜ ms<sfh, lrhs' iy,a msáfldg" thg ó me‚ yd ;j;a fkdfhl=;a iaNdúl rildrl j¾. ñY%fldg — iSnd ri leú,s j¾.h idod .kshs' fïjd m%udKfhka yd yevfhka mEka flala jeksh' u;=msg rkajka meyehg yefrk;=re neo.kakd" fuu rileú,s j¾.h" we;=,g iSks fyda óme‚ ñY%lr ;sfí' ksjig tk wuq;a;kag foda;skau fuu wdydr j¾.h ms<s. ekaùuo iïm%odhhs' idudkHfhka fiiq Ök ckhd fuka"

ixialD;sl W;aij wjux.,H W;aij


Tjqka ;u {d;skaf.a wjux.,H W;aij w¾: iajrEmfhkau W;aijdldrfhka mj;aj;s' idudkHfhka ;+ðhd ckhd wjux.,H

W;aij mj;ajkq ,nkafka fiiq ish¿u iq¿ ckfldgiaj,g fjkia wdldrhlgh' tkï —wjux.,Hfha§

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foayh ;nd we;s Yd,dfõ i;=áka .; lr;s' ^Y%S ,dxlsl m%cdjg fuh wuq;=u ixialD;shla jkq we;'& "Sa er he" wjux.,H kegqï fnrjdolhka yd k¾:k Ys,amSka" úúOdldrfhka tfy;a hï ;d,hlg wkqj kg;s' fnrfha jD;a;dldr fldgfia w."ueo yd jfÜ úúO y~ kxjk w;r" kegqïo ta wkqj ;d,hg fjkia fõ' .S; wre;a" b;sydih" úúO iD;=ka" wdorh" Wkkaÿj <ud .S;" u;lhka wdÈfhka hqla;h" tajd ish,a,u ñh .sh mqoa.,hdf.a Ôú;h yd iïnkaO fõ'

újdy W;aij i;=gq jkak-újdyfha§ ÿla jkak˜ hk f;audj fndfyda ckm%sh fõ' Wia y~iys; fnrjdokh" kegqï wx. iy .S; .dhkh wjux.,H W;aij j,§ isÿ lrhs' uy¿ mqoa.,hska ñh .sh úg Tjqkaf.a wd;auhka ieÕjqKq f,djg heùu i|yd tu urKh — iqÿ ix;Dma;sh˜ f,i kï lr" uy¿ yd ;reK ldka;djka iy msßñka" uD;foayh ksjfia ;nd.kakd iEu rd;%shlu fnrjdokh lr;s' Tjqkaf.a wjux.,H kegqï y÷kajkafka "Sa er he" hkqfjka jk w;r" l=vd lKavdhï lsysmhla tl;= ù" kgñka" .S; .hñka fnrjdokh lrñka" uD;

;+ðhd ckhdf.a újdy W;aijfha§ .dhkd lrkq ,nkafka ÿl" ix;dmh f;areï iys; .S;hkah' úfYaIfhka mjqf,a Èh‚hf.a újdy W;aijfha§ mjqf,a idudðlfhda fuu .S; .dhkd lr;s' ukd,shf.a md¾Yjh ksfhdackh lrñka .eyeKq <uqka kj fofkla yd ukd,sh .S; .dhkd lr;s' tu .S; f;dardfokq ,nkafka ukd,shf.a foudmshka yd ifydaoßhkah' fuu .S; .dhkh y÷kajkafka —oi fidhqßhkaf.a˜ .S; hkqfjks' kqfjda Tfmrdo ;+ðhd ckhd w;r b;d ckm%sh fõ'

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fIand W;aijh Ök Èk o¾YKfha m<uq udifha 3 jk Èkh yd 17 jk Èkh w;r mj;ajk ixialD;sl W;aijhls' — fIand W;aijh' wdÈ uq;=ka ñ;a;ka jkaokdudk lrk fuu W;aijh uÕska Tjqka n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafka" j¾Ih mqrdu fi!Nd.Hhhs' tfiau ;reK ;re‚hka ;ukaf.a wdorh yd ñ;=relu r|d mej;Su fjkqfjkao fuu W;aijhg iyNd.S fj;s'

uOqYdka l=,r;ak

Èp»xŠ Ñ»tfx 4 fldgi ,smsfhka m%cd;dka;%sl m%;sixialrKhg fmr Ökfha we;eï f;dr;=re Tng bÈßm;a lf<ñ' tu f;dr;=re ;j ÿrg;a fuu fldgiska úia;r flf¾' fmr úia;rfhka ,dud jreka i;=j ;snqKq j;alï fl;rïoehs is;d.kakg yels úh' tu ld,fha áfnÜys bvï whs;sh md¾Yj ;=klg ysñj ;sì‚' m%dfoaYSh md,lhka" jxYj;=ka iy wdrdu j, jev úiQ by< uÜgfï ,dudjreka iy Tjqkaf.a ksfhdað;hka tu md¾Yj ;=k f,i y÷kajd §ug yelsh' fuu ;=ka md¾Yjhg wh;a ish¨ msßi iuia; áfnÜ jeishkaf.ka ishhg mylg;a wvq úh' áfnghg m%cd;dka;%sl m%;sixialrKh wjYHu ldrKhla f,io fuu m%;sY;h y÷kajd §ug yelsh' tu j;alï ;;ajh u; áfnÜ jeishka ishhg 95 lg wdikak msßilg jy¨ka f,i wirK Ôú;hla .; lsÍug isÿ úh' áfnÜys f.dúìï" jkdka;r" l÷lr" ;Kìï" .x.d" ú,a we;=¿ iïm;a b;d iq¿ msßilg ysñ úh' tmuKla fkdj ish¨ mY= iïm;a j, ysñlrejka jQfha tu iq¿;r ;=kajk md¾Yjhhs' flfia fj;;a áfngfha tod mej;s w;sYh widOdrK l%shdldrlï j,ska jy,a ck;dj ú¢ mSvd" b;sydifha oreKq fÄojdpl hq.hla iksgqyka lf<ah'

o,dhs ,dudg kHdhslj ysñjQ n,;, wkqj jy¨kaf.ka ;ukag ßis ßis foa ,nd.kakg;a jy¨kag ;ukag ßis mßÈ o~qjï §ug;a yels úh' tl, tu f;dr;=rej,g wkqj o,hs,dud ish n,h yeisrjQ wdldrh mqÿudldrh' cq.=maidcklh' wd.ñl miqìu ;=, kï tu n, Ndú;h f,dalfha ljr rgl" ljr ;efkl fyda ljr m%cdjl§ ljr wd.ñl mqoa.,fhl= ljr f,ilska fyda fkdl< hq;= l%shdjla jYfhka y÷kajd §ug yelsh' ,smsfha§ áfnÜ j;alï iq¿;r msßilg fn§.sh wdldrh i|yka úh' 17 jeks ishjfia uq,a hq.fha§ iuia; áfnÜ j.d N+ñ m%udKh jQ fylaghdr 20 000 la ishhg 30'9 la i;=j ;snqfKa m%dfoaYsh md,lhkagh' jxYj;=ka i;=j ;snqfKa ishhg 26'6 ls' tfukau ishhg 39'5 la áfnÜ wdrdu iy by< uÜgfï ,dudjrekag ysñ úh' jy,a mjq,a i|yd b;sß jQfha ishhg 2 muK j.d bvï m%udKhls' fuu taldêldÍ N+ñ nqla;sh wNsfhda. hg ,lajQfha 1959 § isÿ jQ m%cd;dka;%sl m%;sixialrKhla iuÕh' o,dhs ,dudf.a bvï ysñlu ms<sn|j;a fiiq j;alï ms<sn|j;a lshjk úg t;=ud áfnÜ jy,a ck;dj md.d f.k isá wdldrh b;d meyeÈ,s fõ' 14 jeks o,hs ,dudf.a mjq, i;=j m%cd;dka;%sl m%;sixialrKhg fmr ;snqKq kskao.ï

.Kk 27 ls' ;K ìï .Kk 30 ls' jd¾;djkag wkqj tla jirl§ o,dhs ,dud mjq,g ,enqKq nd¾,s wiajkq m%udKh lsf,da.%Eï 46200 ls' ng¾ m%udKh lsf,da.%Eï 3500 ls' i;ajhka ms<sn|j i|yka l<fyd;a .jhka 300 la jd¾Islj tu mjq, i;=úh' tfukau o,dhs ,dudf.a fiiq j;alïo mqÿu iy.;úh' t;=udf.a r;a;rka j;alu .%Eï 8 000 000 ls' ߧ m%udKh Ök ñkqï l%uhg ,swdx kj fldaá mkia ,laIhls' tfukau fÊä wdNdrK yd NdKav iy iaj¾KdNdrK úis oyila muK t;=ud i;=úh' o,hs,dud jy¨kaf.ka jd¾Islj ,nd.;a f,dïfrÈ lÉÑ .Kk 175 ls' fiao frÈ" ú,a¨o iy f,dï frÈ oioyila muKo jákd uq;= ue‚la j,ska hq;= f,da.= ish .Kklao t;=udf.a NdKavd.drfha ;sì‚' fuuÕska wmg fmfkkafka 14 jeks o,dhs ,dud" ;u mjq, i;=j isá yhoyilg jeä .Kklska iy ;j;a jy¨ka ;u Ok iïm;a /ia lrkakg mSvdjg m;al< njh' ^u;= iïnka|hs&

bkaødkkao wfífialr

Sri Lanka Foundation for Friendship with China's Tibet

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"Carrying Forward the Shanghai Spirit to Safeguard the Multilateral System" Foreign Minister-China Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Colleagues, It's good to see you at this video conference. As the international community is fighting COVID-19, our meeting today among the foreign ministers of SCO member states takes on a special significance. It reflects SCO's fine tradition of solidarity, and demonstrates our firm resolve to work with the rest of the global community to tide over this trying time. Let me first thank Russia, the rotating chair, and Minister Lavrov for your tremendous work in putting this meeting together. Since the start of COVID-19, we SCO member states have acted in the Shanghai Spirit and contributed our share to the global cooperation in concrete ways. At the most difficult moment in China's fight against the virus, fellow member states have rendered us much-needed, invaluable support. We truly value such kindness. Similarly, our hearts go out to fellow SCO countries who are hit by COVID-19. We have shared with them control and treatment experience without any reservation, dispatched Chinese experts, provided badly-needed medical supplies and facilitated

relevant purchases from China. All this has strongly supported the response efforts of relevant countries. We are convinced that under the strong leadership of our leaders, we will win the ultimate victory against the virus.

proactively. We must bring the "SCO strength" to bear on winning an early victory against the virus and getting the economic and social development back on track in the region and beyond. To this end, I wish to propose the following.

As we speak, COVID-19 infections continue to spread in the world. People's health and safety are in grave jeopardy. The world economy is under mounting recessional pressure. SCO member states face a daunting challenge. At this difficult time, as a new type of organization for regional cooperation with the largest population, the SCO needs to continue championing the Shanghai Spirit and the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind. It needs to strengthen solidarity and coordination and act

First, let us promote solidarity and coordination and jointly win the global fight against COVID-19. As of today, the number of confirmed cases worldwide has reached 4.1 million. Each day, tens of thousands of people are infected, and thousands of lives are lost. In the face of this grim reality and numbers, there is no more important agenda than saving lives, or more urgent task than international solidarity and cooperation.

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We call on all governments to rise above differences and

frictions, focus on tackling domestic infections, focus on enhancing international cooperation and focus on saving lives, in order to provide the leadership needed to win the fight against COVID-19. We call on people around the world to defy pessimism and fear and reject attempts to politicize the response, label the virus, and stigmatize any specific country, in order to shore up extensive public support to win the fight against COVID-19. We call on the media across the world to observe professional ethics, adhere to science and reason, stick to facts and truth, and commit to impartiality and balance, in order to foster a conducive atmosphere for winning the fight against COVID-19. We need to deliver the SCO leaders' statement on joint efforts against the threat of epidemics adopted at the 2018 Qingdao Summit, and formulate an action-plan as soon as possible to guide antiepidemic cooperation. China proposes to optimize the SCO infectious disease notification mechanism, set up an SCO epidemic database and launch collective and coordinated response mechanisms in the border areas between SCO members. Effective measures should remain in place to protect the health and safety of other SCO nationals and students in our respective countries. China stands ready to provide further assistance to fellow SCO members to the best of its ability, including facilitating the purchases of medical supplies from China. At the same time, China will continue to engage

in information-sharing and joint R&D of drugs and vaccines, and work with all others to build a community of health for all. Second, let us promote security cooperation to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. With COVID-19 and other factors at play, the world is facing a myriad of traditional and nontraditional security risks and challenges. Common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security should remain our overarching objective. We need to consolidate mutual political trust, support each other's efforts to safeguard political security and social stability, and take security cooperation to greater depth and breadth. We need to join hands and build stronger security safeguards. We should scale up mutual support and guard against ill-intentioned attempts to sow discord. We must work together to deny terrorists, separatists and extremists any chance to wreak havoc in our region, and take forward cooperation in key areas such as counterterrorism, narcotics control and border management.

SCO member states are duty-bound to play our role in the political settlement of the Afghan issue. We must stay committed to the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned principle, facilitate a broadbased and inclusive peace and reconciliation process, and support Afghanistan in defending its national unity and political stability. The withdrawal of foreign troops must proceed in a responsible and orderly manner, or else terrorist groups may exploit any vacuum in the country and threaten peace in the whole region. The role of the SCOAfghanistan contact group as a cooperation platform with Afghanistan should be fully harnessed to encourage the main political forces in Afghanistan to seize the opportunity, bridge differences, and break new ground in national reconciliation and reconstruction at an early date. Third, let us promote mutual benefit and pursue common development. As things stand, we all face the pressing task of stabilizing the economy and ensuring people's wellbeing. While getting prepared for a possible long-term fight against COVID-19, we must step up policy coordination and think up flexible and diverse ways to further advance Belt and Road cooperation. Such efforts will help minimize the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on our respective countries and build synergy to avert the downward risk on the world economy.

Biosecurity-related risks require our close attention. In this area, we need to positively study the establishment of an SCO cooperation and consultation mechanism, strengthen communication on regional and international developments, and jointly advance the institution- and capacity-building for sound governance. The Afghan peace process has come to a critical juncture. As Afghanistan's close neighbors,

We must focus on keeping industrial and supply chains in our region safe and open. As long as containment measures are properly enforced at road ports on our borders, we need

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to support the expeditious restoration of their full cargo handling capacity. The ChinaEurope Railway Express, a lifeline for freight transport, should be put to best use to help our respective countries combat the virus and resume economic activity. To facilitate the movement of key business personnel and those working in essential manufacturing and service sectors and the shipment of critical supplies and raw materials, "fast lanes" and "green lanes" should be established as quickly as possible. We need to take multipronged measures to foster new areas of cooperation. For instance, we could speed up the commercialization of research outcomes in science, technology and innovation, and carry out cooperation in big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and 5G. We could increase the use of local currency settlement to jointly fend off financial risks. We welcome the decision of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to create a COVID-19 Crisis Recovery Facility, which will provide financial support to its members, SCO member states included. China will continue to follow through on the 30-billion-yuan equivalent special lending facility within the framework of the SCO Inter-bank Consortium to support member states in growing the economy and improving people's lives. We should also actively implement the SCO Cooperation Program on Food Security, explore new ways of modern agricultural cooperation, and keep the agricultural supply and market

stable in our region. We need to strengthen people-to-people exchange and cultural cooperation. Our media organizations and think tanks should be encouraged to have more interactions on how to present stories of friendship and solidarity as we jointly fight the disease and pursue common development. Such accounts will help spread the positive message of mutual support and assistance in trying times and further cement public support for our wide-ranging cooperation. Fourth, let us promote multilateralism and jointly defend and improve the international system. This year marks the 75th anniversary of both the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the founding of the United Nations. Yet as we speak, the UN-centered international system, established in the wake of World War II, is under attack from the increasingly rampant acts of unilateralism and bullying. In such a context, there emerges an overwhelming chorus among people around the world for the need to draw lessons from history, to safeguard the victorious outcomes of World War II, and to uphold multilateralism and improve global governance. We must uphold multilateralism, safeguard the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and maintain the international order anchored in international law. We must firmly reject self-centered moves of unilateralism, and oppose sanctions and "longarm jurisdiction" that have no basis in international law, in an

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effort to uphold fairness and justice in the world. We need to seek closer exchanges and cooperation between the SCO and the United Nations and its specialized agencies. Under the current circumstances, it is of special importance that we support the role of the World Health Organization in leading and coordinating the global fight against COVID-19. We should take the initiative to offer SCO solutions to global challenges, and play a more constructive role in improving global governance. Colleagues, COVID-19 has affected the daily operation of this organization. In response, we must think creatively to conduct cooperation and exchange in the context of fighting the virus. China will give full support to the Russian presidency. To prepare for the Summit and other important events, we could use videoconference, online discussion and other means to coordinate positions on matters of shared interest in a timely manner and put forward new initiatives and measures to galvanize SCO cooperation in the "post COVID-19 era". While COVID-19 is sure to pass, our friendship and cooperation are here to stay. I am convinced that the SCO will emerge from the COVID-19 test with even stronger cooperation and a closer bond as a community with a shared future. We have a brighter future ahead.

China conducts 1st 3D printing experiment in space

China has conducted its first 3D printing experiment in space on a newly launched spacecraft, according to the China Academy of Space Technology.

China's new large carrier rocket Long March 5B makes its first flight at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province on 5th May ( Tuesday). SU DONG/FOR CHINA DAILY

The academy said on its WeChat account on Thursday that the experiment was done by a 3D printer, developed and built by its Beijing Spacecrafts Manufacturing Factory, inside the prototype of China's newgeneration manned spacecraft. The printer, officially named Space-based Composite Material 3D Printing System, uses carbon fiber-reinforced composites to autonomously print objects. It is installed in the re-entry module of the experimental spaceship and will be brought back to Earth once the module returns to the ground. The academy said the printer features advanced technologies in material

modeling, precision control and automation. It explained that once the space-based 3D printing technology becomes operationally ready, it can extensively benefit space programs as astronauts can use it to manufacture a lot of things they currently need to obtain from resupply flights by cargo spacecraft. Video clips broadcasted on China Central Television showed that the printer had printed a flat section of a honeycomb-shaped structure as well as an emblem of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, parent company of the China Academy of Space Technology. Also known as additive manufacturing technology, 3D printing is the process in which three-dimensional objects are made through the layering of material. It is advancing rapidly and is increasingly used in the

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the space station program because it is the only Chinese launch vehicle capable of carrying large space station parts into orbit.

manufacturing sector. The prototype of China's newgeneration manned spacecraft was lifted into the low-Earth orbit by the maiden mission of China's Long March 5B heavylift carrier rocket on Tuesday evening from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province.

With its payload weighing about 22 metric tons, Tuesday's mission made the Long March 5B the most powerful Chinese rocket when it comes to carrying capacity to a low-Earth orbit. It also realized a 62-year-old aspiration by the late Mao Zedong, who told a Communist Party of China Central Committee meeting in May 1958 that "we shall launch a 20,000-kilogram spacecraft" while describing the nation's desire to embark on space programs.

The most obvious differences in the appearance of the Long March 5 and Long March 5B are that the new model is about 4 meters shorter and has a much larger fairing — the largest of any Chinese carrier rocket — according to Li Dong, chief designer of the Long March 5 family at the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology in Beijing. The two types also have different functions — Long March 5 is responsible for launching large satellites to high orbits or lifting deepspace probes, while the new model is tasked with sending large spacecraft to low-Earth orbit, he said on Tuesday. The first Long March 5B was

The flight was intended to verify key technologies and equipment for the newgeneration spaceship including the heat-resistance, control and recovery devices, and the test results will be used for further improvements, according to the China Manned Space Agency. The agency said the vehicle will return to Earth on Friday. In September 2014, NASA sent a 3D printer to the International Space Station. In November that year, the machine made the world's first in-orbit 3D printing experiment. Since then, the organization has been actively exploring the technology's applications and potential in space missions. China's Long March 5B carrier rocket makes its debut flight from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province on 5th May. [Photo by Su Dong/] The rocket is central to

The Long March 5B is the first variant of the Long March 5, which conducted its third mission at the Wenchang center in December. It has one core stage and four boosters. The rocket is 53.7 meters long, with a core-stage diameter of 5 meters. It is propelled by liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and kerosene and has a liftoff weight of about 849 tons.

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transported to the launch center in February by two rocket transportation ships — Yuanwang 21 and Yuanwang 22 — from the northern coastal municipality of Tianjin, home to the rocket's manufacturing complexes, and had been undergoing prelaunch preparations since then.

Hainan port gets policy boost to woo investment Courtesy - By Zhong Nan and Ouyang Shijia in Beijing and Ma Zhiping in Haikou | China Daily |

Preferential policies, including tailored taxation mechanisms, a special market access list and negative list offered to the Hainan free trade port will facilitate free trade, investment and cross-border capital flows in the island province, officials and experts said on 2nd June. They spoke after President Xi Jinping underlined the importance of high quality and high standards in building a free trade port in Hainan province while prioritizing integrated institutional reform in the process.

global companies from logistics, civil aviation, medical tourism, shipping, financial and service sectors to invest and expand their presence in its market.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said in an instruction published on Monday that building the free trade port is a major strategic decision adopted by the CPC Central Committee. The market access list is specially designed to boost the growth of the Hainan free trade port-the first of its kind across the country. Given that, experts said, Hainan is expected to attract

Unlike the negative list being used in China's pilot free trade zones, the special market access list is an advanced platform of policy dividends, based on Hainan's location, industrial structure and the central government's support for the province's daring reforms and innovation, said Bai Ming, deputy director of the international market research institute under the China

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Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation. The market rules of the Hainan free trade port are further clarified in the government's master plan. The special market access list focuses on market admission for businesses from China and overseas, while the negative list lays out economic activities that foreign companies are not allowed to engage in at the port, said Wei Xiaoquan, a researcher specializing in regional economic development at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. The port will formulate and issue negative lists for crossborder services to treat overseas service providers with national treatment. They would remove various existing barriers in the services trade such as cross-border delivery, overseas consumption and people's movement, and grant national treatment to overseas service providers, according to the plan. He Lifeng, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said due to

Hainan's geography, it lacks sufficient development in the hinterland and is unsuitable for development of large-scale processing. "To build a free trade port, Hainan needs to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, giving full play to its advantage of early and pilot implementation of reform and opening-up," He said . He urged the province to focus on the development of tourism, modern service industries and the high-tech sector, introduce global high-end production factors and build an open and ecological serviceoriented industrial system with international competitiveness. The development of the free trade port will provide support to national strategic goals in terms of institutional innovation, growth impetus and greater opening-up, said Chi Fulin, president of the Haikou-based China Institute for Reform and Development. Chi said China's move will build the port into an important hub connecting the Pacific and Indian oceans.

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Teresa Zhuge, executive vicechairman of GLP China, said the government's master plan for the Hainan free trade port will lay a great foundation for sustained economic growth for the island. She said GLP is excited about the opportunities ahead and has been working with partners to contribute to the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port. "We will bring the next generation of technologies and service industries that will be favorable for Hainan's economy in the long run," she added. China is aiming to establish a set of free trade port policies focusing on trade and investment facilitation across Hainan by 2025, building an economy with a new level of openness by 2035 and a highlevel free trade port of global influence by the middle of the century.

It is a sure choice to safeguard long-term peace and stability in Hong Kong

Statement of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka on the 13th National People's Congress of China deliberating Hong Kong SAR related legislation

On May 22, 2020, the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) of China starts its annual session and is set to deliberate on a bill on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security. The Embassy would like to reiterate that national security is a basic precondition for the existence and development of a nation and it concerns the nation's core interests. Since 2019, the "Hong

Kong independence" and radical separatist forces have become increasingly rampant with escalating violent terrorist activities. Foreign interfering forces and "Taiwan independence" forces have blatantly ramped up intervention in Hong Kong affairs, which severely undermines Hong Kong's public security and poses real threats to national security. In all countries, unitary and federal alike, only the State legislature has the legislative power on issues concerning national security.

In accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law of the HKSAR, the NPC's establishing and improving of a legal framework and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security in the HKSAR is an essential measure to uphold national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. It is a sure choice to safeguard long-term peace and stability in Hong Kong and prevent and curb foreign interference. It is legitimate, legal and imperative.

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Three COVID-19 vaccines approved for clinical trials

By Zhang Zhihao | China Daily | Updated: 2020-04-15

China has approved three vaccines, two inactivated and one vector, for clinical trials in China against COVID-19, officials from the Ministry of Science and Technology said on Tuesday. The vector vaccine has begun phase two of clinical trials, while the inactivated ones have entered

phase one. The adenovirus vector vaccine, spearheaded by noted preventive medicine expert Chen Wei, is the world's first vaccine against COVID-19 to enter the second phase of clinical trials, said Wu Yuanbin, director of the ministry's bureau for social development.

Economy opening further to foreign investors

China is opening more industries to foreign investors with the release of new shortened negative lists, as part of the country's effort to spur the coronavirus-hit economy and create more opportunities for foreign

investors, said the country's top economic regulator. Negative lists indicate areas where investment is prohibited or restricted, and all other areas are presumed to be open. Experts said the updated

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By the end of March, health workers have finished administering the vector vaccine to volunteers during its phase one trial. It began recruiting volunteers for the next phase on April 9, Wu said. Phase two trials typically examine a drug or vaccine's efficacy and side effects. negative lists for foreign investment access will help bolster foreign investment, create a better business environment and foster highquality development. The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce have jointly released two updated negative lists for 2020, which will take effect on July 23. The number of items on the nationwide list has been cut from 40 to 33, while the one for free trade zones has 30 items, down from 37. Articles Courtesy Our sincere gratitude to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China and Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for sharing few articles with us.

ASLCSCC MEMORIES Sino-Sri Lanka Think Tank Forum Sri Lanka Cultural Week in Beijing , organized by the Association for Sri LankaChina Social and Cultural Cooperation(ASLCSCC), Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign

Countries (BPAFFC), Hebei People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Tianjin People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, People's Government of Mentougou and Beijing International Studies University (BISU)

From 30th May to 3rd June 2018. Events includes, Sino-Sri Lanka Think Tank Forum, Performing show, Art demonstration, Painting Exhibition, Photo Exhibition, Cultural Exchanges , Sri Lankan cookery and etc.

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