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HOW A NAP KEEPS YOUR BRAIN YOUNG TAKING an hour-long nap after lunch is good for your health, say scientists.
It can prevent your brain from ageing and help you perform better in memory tests.
But it has to be for 60 minutes. A longer or shorter siesta will not have the
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same effect. Researchers at the American Health in Ageing Foundation examined 3,000 adults over the age of 65. They found those who slept for an hour in the afternoon were better able to solve simple maths problems, copy
geometrical figures and memorise words. Those who did not take a nap performed badly in the tests. Dr Junxin Li said: “These people experienced about the same decline in their mental abilities that a five-year increase in age would be expected to
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Petition calls for Mr Farage to be knighted
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Five die in airport gun rampage
FIVE people were shot dead and another eight wounded when a gunman opened ďŹ re inside a Florida airport yesterday. The bloodbath took place in a baggage claim area of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International at 12.55 local time (5.55pm GMT). TerriďŹ ed passengers ďŹ&#x201A;ed to safe areas, including the runway, as a suspect wearing a Star Wars T-shirt was arrested by police. The gunman was later identiďŹ ed by local Senator Bill Nelson as Esteban
9p G\k\i ?\ee Santiago, 26. He is thought to have ďŹ&#x201A;own to Fort Lauderdale from Alaska via Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is believed to be a former member of the US Army from New York. Santiago, who used to live in Alaska, is facing property damage and assault charges, court records reveal. It was not known last night whether the attack was terror related Witnesses told NBC television that the gunman did
not speak, and was â&#x20AC;&#x153;popping off bullets at randomâ&#x20AC;?. Mark Lea, 53, a ďŹ nancial adviser from Minneapolis, said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was dodging bullets and trying to help people get out of the way. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The gunman made his way down through baggage claim. He had what looked like a 9mm and emptied his entire clip.â&#x20AC;? The airport was closed last night as Swat teams searched the buildings. It caters for more than 20 million passengers a year and has one ďŹ&#x201A;ight a day to the UK. Pictures: JOEL GOODMAN / LNP, PA, GETTY
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SaďŹ a, mother of Yassar Yaqub, is comforted after funeral prayers were said in mosque
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Suspect Esteban Santiago
Hooded mourner displays message
Hundreds at funeral of man shot by police 9p GXlc A\\m\j THE mother of a self-styled gangster shot dead by police broke down sobbing as hundreds turned out for her sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s funeral yesterday. SaďŹ a Bano had to be supported by relatives as the cofďŹ n of her suspected drugs baron son Yassar Yaqub â&#x20AC;&#x201C; who styled himself â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stud Badboyâ&#x20AC;? online â&#x20AC;&#x201C; was carried out of a mosque in HuddersďŹ eld in front of hundreds of mourners. Later, imam Mohammed Akram accused West Yorkshire Police of acting like â&#x20AC;&#x153;vigilantesâ&#x20AC;?. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;These actions were like a vigilante-style operation and there is bad feeling in the community.â&#x20AC;? Some mourners wore hoodies proclaiming â&#x20AC;&#x153;No justice No humanity No peaceâ&#x20AC;?. The imamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comments came as a coroner heard brief details of how the father-oftwo, described in court papers as an ofďŹ ce clerk, was shot by a police ofďŹ cer on a slip road of the M62 in West Yorkshire on Monday. Bradford coroner Martin Fleming heard how the 28-year-oldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Audi was forced to stop by four unmarked police cars. Coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofďŹ cer Chris
The cofďŹ n of Yassar Yaqub, right, is carried from the mosque in HuddersďŹ eld yesterday where mourners attended his funeral Dalby told the hearing: â&#x20AC;&#x153;During the incident, an ofďŹ cer discharged a ďŹ rearm in the execution of his duty.â&#x20AC;? He said a gun was found in the footwell of the Audi. Three bullet holes were visible in its windscreen. A post-mortem examination revealed Yaqub died from gunshot wounds to the chest. The inquest was adjourned until March. A former associate has claimed Yaqub was a drugs kingpin in West Yorkshire
who ferried cocaine and heroin into HM Prison Leeds using drones. It was claimed he laundered drugs money by dealing in sports cars. In 2010 Yaqub was cleared of attempted murder and a ďŹ rearms offence due to a lack of evidence after it was alleged he opened ďŹ re on a car in HuddersďŹ eld. Yaqubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father Mohammed, 59, a property magnate, said his son was â&#x20AC;&#x153;perfectâ&#x20AC;?. Yaqub was killed in â&#x20AC;&#x153;a preplanned assassinationâ&#x20AC;?, he
said, because police had â&#x20AC;&#x153;a vendettaâ&#x20AC;?. Moshin Amin, 30, from Dewsbury, also arrested in Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s operation, was yesterday remanded in custody until next month by magistrates in Leeds. He is charged with possession of a ďŹ rearm, possession of a silencer and possession of ammunition.
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Louise soaks up the sun before joining Jamie, right
LOUISE and Jamie Redknapp enjoy a well-earned break with a Caribbean family holiday after her starring role in Strictly Come Dancing. She looked relaxed and as toned as her hunky former footballer husband as she showed off her fabulous beach body. And, as these pictures show, it appears to have brought Louise, 42, and Jamie, 43, even closer together. They jetted off with sons Charley, 12, and Beau, 8, for their family break. The former Eternal singer shared intimate pictures of the winter break on her Instagram account. Fans praised the “gorgeous duo” and “stunning couple”. One even said: “How perfect are these two?” The pair appeared to be enjoying each other’s company in the Caribbean as they
9p D`Z_X\c Befnc\j laughed together while leaning on a palm tree. Louise revealed her toned body in a white and green striped bikini while Jamie wore blue shorts as they basked in the sun.
E\imflj However, Louise admitted that while on Strictly she did not want to wear anything too daring, adding: “I do have a child who’s older. I’d hate to be out there feeling stupid and I’m respectful of Jamie. I don’t want him to think ‘what is my wife wearing’. “I’m really nervous about anything too revealing.” Louise revealed how the show had done wonders for their marriage. Speaking before the final on December 17, she said: “When I first started doing this show I
thought it would not be up Jamie’s street – but I can’t get rid of him. “He comes every Saturday. He said, ‘I think this is going to be great for you and I think it’s about time you got back out there and showed everyone who you are and what you are.’ “I wasn’t expecting him to be there every Saturday in the front row – and that has made this even more special for me. “It’s really nice to see someone you love extremely proud of you and it takes me back 20 years, when we first met and I was on stage.” Louise narrowly lost out to BBC presenter Ore Oduba, 31, in the Strictly final. Louise and dance partner Kevin Clifton, 34, earned excellent scores from the judges, often featuring near the top of the leaderboard.
6ft 11in teen told to pay jet legroom fee
Woman ‘lost £7m’ in Hatton Garden raid
BUDGET airline Ryanair came under fire yesterday after trying to charge a 6ft 11in disabled teenager for extra leg room. Jordan Henderson, 19, was told he would have to pay £30 extra for a flight to Spain to celebrate sister Jenny’s 34th birthday next week. Jordan has Klinefelter syndrome, a genetic condition that has caused his limbs to grow abnormally long. Registered disabled, he is still growing and could continue do so until he is 21, his doctors say. Jordan is booked to fly with a family party from Belfast to Malaga on Thursday, which includes his mother Dianah, 54, and sisters Samantha, 32, and Jenny. The family usually fly with easyJet, which they say lets Jordan sit in a row with extra leg room without charge. But when chartered accountant Jenny phoned Ryanair this week and explained her brother is too big for a regular seat, she was told it would cost £15 extra each way – almost doubling the £20 airfare.
A WEALTHY woman stunned Scotland Yard by coming forward to claim she lost £7million in gold in the Hatton Garden heist – more than a year after the raid. The woman, described as fabulously rich, discovered the bullion was missing only after six gang members were jailed last year. If the loss is confirmed, the value of the gold, jewellery and cash snatched in the raid would soar to £21million. The gang of veteran crooks with a combined age of nearly 500 tunnelled into the central London vault using a diamond-tipped drill. Once inside, they ransacked 73 deposit boxes and escaped. Most of the burglars were rounded up just weeks later but the Flying Squad has so far recovered only about £4million of the stolen property. Even with a value of £14million, the heist over the 2015 Easter Bank Holiday was Britain’s biggest burglary. Scotland Yard yesterday confirmed the latest claim was
9p ;Xm`[ G`c[`kZ_ Ryanair has since relented. Jenny said: “Ryanair said it does not see that as a kind of disability because he’s not in a wheelchair. “I’ve seen him crying trying to fit into a normal seat before. His legs are so long that they just won’t fit. “He’s being discriminated against, I don’t think it is any different from a person in a wheelchair.” Jordan, who also has a learning difficulty, has been supported by charity Disability Action. Orla McCann, of the charity, said: “The protection offered to disabled people in legislation is offered to all disabled people and it is very disappointing that Ryanair has demonstrated such an antiquated understanding of that.” But last night Ryanair said it had reconsidered and a spokesman said: “We have, as a goodwill gesture, waived the fee, but he will be required to pay it, on the same basis as all other passengers, if he wishes to fly with Ryanair again.”
Lofty Jordan, 19, with his mother Dianah
9p Af_e Knfd\p received in June 2016. A spokesman said: “The victim is alleging the loss of a substantial amount of property.” The mastermind behind the raid was Brian Reader. Half blind, almost completely deaf and with a possible cancerous growth on his face, it is thought the 77-year-old will not see out his sentence of six years and three months. He has suffered at least one stroke while in jail. Reader was jailed for handling bullion from the £26million Brink’sMat robbery in 1983. Three other ringleaders, John “Kenny” Collins, 76, Terry Perkins, 68, and Daniel Jones, 62, were each jailed for seven years at Woolwich Crown Court in south London. The Flying Squad is still hunting a mystery member of the gang known only as Basil. A £20,000 reward is on offer for information which leads to his arrest and conviction.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
=IFD G8>< FE< cause.” He added: “Cognitive function was significantly associated with napping. “Moderate nappers had better overall cognition than nonnappers or extended nappers. Non-nappers also had significantly poorer cognition than short nappers.” Sleep has already been identified as a weapon in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Sleeping soundly can help control levels of the brain toxin peptide betaamyloid. Consultant psychiatrist Dr Sylvia Tang said: “Sleep is so important for restorative functions, including memory, and now it looks like having a siesta, especially if you are older, may have medicinal purposes.
=XjZ`eXk`e^ “Many of our highest achievers like Winston Churchill believed in the so-called daytime ‘power nap’, thinking that the clarity of thinking it brought him helped him make important decisions. “He said, ‘You must sleep some time between lunch and dinner, and no halfway measures.’ “Other studies have suggested daytime nappers can also improve their heart health, because napping lowers their blood pressure. “It is fascinating to see, though, that about an hour is the optimum time and not longer. It appears that to re-boot your brain an hour is all it takes, even as you age.” Dr Paul McLaren, medical director of the Priory hospital in Hayes Grove, Kent, said: “Siestas are well established in European culture and there is probably a very good reason why these things have become established
60-minute snooze can help reboot your brain and improve memory
rituals. As we get older, our sleep patterns get more fragmented. An afternoon nap can be invigorating and is good for preventing brain ageing.” David Eaton, of the International Longevity Centre UK, said: “This new study suggests that naps between 30 and 90 minutes, forming part of a regular regime of 7-8 hours sleep per day, may help some people enjoy the benefits of greater cognitive and physical health in later life. “Studies have also shown that those living past 85 maintain stricter sleeping and napping patterns, which appear good for them.” Dr David Reynolds, chief scientific officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “This study adds to growing evidence that sleep has a beneficial impact on learning and memory. “Sleep disturbances are common in Alzheimer’s. It’s important for future research to delve deeper into the science behind sleep and cognition, to shed light on those sleep patterns that may
hold the most benefit for our brain health as we age.” Meanwhile a separate study found pensioners who become more active reduce their risk of ill-health, and of heart disease in particular. The more exercise they do the greater the protection, but even a short walk round the living room is enough to reduce the risk. Researchers analysed 2,465 men and women aged 65 to 74 who participated in a national health study conducted between 1997 and 2007 in Finland. Professor Dr Noel Barengo, of the Florida International University, said: “Walking has been found to be associated with lower risk of mortality. “Even occasional activity reduces the risk. If you become more active – even by taking several short walks round your home each day – you can improve your health significantly and lower your risk of heart disease.” Both studies are published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Afternoon naps can help the over-65s stay young
Praise for eye care hospital BRITAIN’S leading eye hospital has been singled out by independent inspectors for its exceptional approach to patients. Care at the stateof-the-art Richard Desmond Children’s Eye Centre, part of London’s world-renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital, was rated “outstanding” by the Care Quality Commission. Its report published yesterday follows an inspection of services at the NHS foundation trust in May. The report praised outstanding staff sensitivity to the needs of their patients. The centre was opened by the Queen in 2007 after Richard Desmond, owner of the Daily Express, donated £2.5million. Mr Desmond is a former Moorfields patient whose sight was saved by groundbreaking treatment after he developed acute angle glaucoma. David Probert, trust chief executive, said: “Service is caring and effective with clinical outcomes among the world’s best. Our safety record is also excellent.”
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
9p DXZ\i ?Xcc Gfc`k`ZXc <[`kfi
NICOLA Sturgeon provoked fury yesterday by offering to drop demands for a second Scottish independence vote in return for a watered-down Brexit. Scotland’s First Minister claimed she was prepared to seek “consensus and compromise” over her opposition to a fully-fledged exit from the UK for the whole country. But she indicated she will continue to call for a new poll on Scotland breaking away from the rest of the UK unless her demands for retaining several ties with Brussels are maintained. The Tories last night hit back. Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said: “Scotland is kept in limbo as Nicola Sturgeon tries to find an escape route after marching her troops to the top of a mountain, but still keeping the threat of a second referendum on the table as a possibility for the future. “The First Minister should act in the interests of the whole country by recognising the decision Scotland made just two years ago and respecting that result.” In the days following the vote to leave the EU Ms Sturgeon said a second referendum on independence was “highly
Fury at Sturgeon’s deal in return for fake Brexit Pictures: MIKE STEPHENS / PA
‘Grumbling civil servants should quit’
FG@E@FE NICOLA Sturgeon’s statement yesterday was full of the arrogance, hypocrisy and dishonesty that have become her hallmarks. If we were to stay in the single market – as the First Minister wants – we would not win back control of our borders, laws, taxes and trading relationships. That is not the “soft” Brexit she claims it is, that is a “fake” Brexit that would do nothing to win back sovereignty from Brussels. Sturgeon is living in a tartan fantasy land if she thinks the prospect of Scottish independence is likely. The SNP does not have the political muscle to force another vote on the issue. There is also little appetite among voters for another referendum and no evidence that Scottish people would back independence. Even if all the odds were confounded Sturgeon’s beloved EU would never welcome the new People’s Republic of Scotland. Without English taxpayers’ support it would be an economic basket case and Brussels has quite enough of those to deal with already. Sturgeon can threaten to leave the union all she wants but such threats are empty. Meanwhile growing numbers of people from all four corners of the United Kingdom – and that includes plenty of unionist Scots – are sick of the First Minister throwing her weight around. She needs to learn her place and stop sticking her nose into the UK Government’s business.
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likely” given the majority support for Remain in Scotland. A consultation on a draft Bill that could bring about a second vote on the issue closes next week. The Scottish Government has also published proposals aimed at protecting Scottish interests in Europe. These include options to allow the country to remain in the single market even if the rest of the UK leaves. And they also include the transfer of significant powers to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. Ms Sturgeon said yesterday: “We want to work with others across the UK, across the political spectrum, to try to keep the UK in the single market. “If that can’t be done, then we want to explore ways – and we’ve put forward how we think this can be done – of keeping Scotland in the single market while continuing to protect free trade across the rest of the UK. “We have said very clearly that this would require additional powers for
the Scottish Parliament.” Ms Sturgeon said she believed there was a consensus building around some of those powers, including immigration. The First Minister continued: “We’ve put forward very detailed plans about how we avoid a hard Brexit. “The reason it’s important to avoid a hard Brexit, let’s not forget, is because it will have a devastating impact on our economy and on jobs. “So, I’ve, in a sense, been willing and am willing to put aside my preferred option of independence in the EU to see if we can explore a consensus and compromise option.”
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Sturgeon... throwing her weight around
ÊEF <L J89FK8><Ë GC<;>< 9P K?< CFI;J THE Speaker of the House of Lords promised last night that peers would not be blocking the Prime Minister’s plans for Brexit. Former Tory minister Lord Fowler insisted that there was little appetite in the Lords for a clash with the Government over triggering the EU exit process. Ministers have warned that the Lords could be scrapped
9p DXZ\i ?Xcc if peers attempted to throw out any Bill giving Theresa May powers to apply to leave the EU. Lord Fowler’s remarks are likely to be welcomed by Brexit campaigners who have been angered by threats from some Remain-supporting peers. The Tories do not have a majority in the Lords.
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Give Nigel a knighthood, he deserves it says Ukip leader
Nigel Farage... reward for services to Brexit?
SENIOR Ukip figures yesterday formally requested a knighthood for Nigel Farage. New party leader Paul Nuttall and the three Ukip peers wrote to the Cabinet Office Honours and Appointments Committee, calling for the honour. Mr Nuttall said last night: “Nigel Farage deserves a knighthood. Without him, there would have been no referendum and no Brexit.” Government officials dismissed the request, however, suggesting any nomination could only be made through the application process for the general public. Part of the Ukip letter said: “After taking back the Ukip
9p DXZ\i ?Xcc leadership in 2010, he built it into a party which won the last EU elections, and for which 3.8 million people voted in last year’s general election. “This amounted to 12.6 per cent of the votes cast, or one third of those received by the successful Conservative Party. “More than anyone else he provoked the recent referendum on EU membership, and his contribution to the result was very substantial.” The letter was signed by Mr Nuttall, former Ukip leader Lord Pearson and the party’s two other members in the House of Lords, Lord Stevens of Ludgate
and Lord Willoughby de Broke. Theresa May is understood to have fiercely resisted previous calls for Mr Farage to be given a peerage and is likely to be opposed to a knighthood. An online petition on the website change.org, also calling for Mr Farage to be knighted, has attracted more than 7,000 signatures since being launched six months ago. An attempt to launch a similar petition on the official Parliament website was rejected because the system does not accept petitions about honours or appointments. Mr Farage will launch a new nightly political debate show on LBC Radio at 7pm on Monday.
CIVIL servants who refuse to accept Britain’s vote to leave the EU should quit their jobs, a senior MP in charge of scrutinising Whitehall has said. Bernard Jenkin, chairman of the powerful Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, claimed too many mandarins were “grumbling” about having to deliver the Brexit demanded by last year’s historic referendum vote. He said: “For civil servants who cannot or will not adapt, the only honourable option is to resign.” His remarks escalated the row over Whitehall’s role in delivering Brexit that has raged since Britain’s ambassador to the EU Sir Ivan Rogers quit and accused ministers of “muddled thinking”. Mr Jenkin said: “They seem unaware that with their complaints they are making the case against an impartial civil service. “The mandarins are playing into the stereotype that there is a collective establishment view on great issues, such as Brexit, which they feel duty bound to defend. “Many will adapt but others will take time to accept it is happening. “There will be many who are in grief at being required to abandon what they regard as fundamental beliefs and who cannot grasp how to embrace the opposite of what UK governments have tried to achieve in Europe for four decades.”
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9XebËj ÊD`Z_X\c =`j_ dfd\ek%%%Ë 9p DXZ\i ?Xcc A BANK of England expert has been praised by Brexit campaigners for admitting that bungled warnings about the dangers of leaving the EU had been a “Michael Fish moment”. Chief economist Andy Haldane compared the predictions of financial meltdown in the EU referendum campaign to the weatherman’s failure to forecast a hurricane. Senior Tories who backed the Leave campaign have praised the official for admitting that the Bank’s warnings during the campaign had been wrong. Cabinet minister Chris Grayling said he was “very pleased” the Bank had “accepted it got it wrong”. “There is a proud tradition in this country of economists getting it spectacularly wrong from time to time,” the Transport Secretary said. Senior Tory Steve Baker said: “Chief Economist Andy Haldane is clever and courageous – he is a huge asset at a time when economics needs change.” Mr Fish joked on Twitter: “Andrew Haldane owes me a gold bar or two!!”
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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AT just four, Marshall Scott is a bit young to join the Queen’s Guard. But in his replica uniform, complete with red tunic and bearskin, he parades proudly alongside the “big boys” as a birthday treat. And he earned a salute from one of his Guardsmen heroes when he visited
9p :pi`c ;`ofe Windsor Castle with his mother Imogen, who said he had “the best birthday ever”. Lance Corporal Paul Edden wanted to “make Marshall’s day” when he saw him at Changing of the Guard. Paul said: “My wife and I are expecting a baby boy
and I remembered standing at Edinburgh Castle when I was younger hoping to get a picture with a soldier. “I noticed Marshall in a Coldstream uniform and seeing him made me proud of what I do.” Marshall, of Slough, Berks, was thrilled with the salute.
FG@E@FE1 G8>< (+ Picture: FACEBOOK
George Michael’s ex-lover interviewed over tragedy THE former boyfriend of singer George Michael has been interviewed by police investigating the star’s mystery death. Fadi Fawaz was asked to give a statement about how he found Michael lying dead in bed on Christmas morning. The photographer and former hairdresser was also asked about his contact with the star in the run-up to the tragedy. There is no suggestion that Mr Fawaz, 43, has done anything wrong. Michael, 53, who had a long history of cocaine and cannabis abuse, died at his house in /sou
9p Af_e Knfd\p Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. He is thought to have battled depression over the years which may have resulted in an overreliance on prescription drugs. Heart or organ failure are possible causes of death but a post mortem examination was
George Michael, left, and his former boyfriend Fadi Fawaz
inconclusive. The results of toxicology tests will not be known for several weeks. Thames Valley Police yesterday dismissed reports that the investigation had been upgraded to a “major crime” inquiry. A spokeswoman said: “As part of our investigation on behalf of the Oxfordshire coroner into this unexplained but non-suspicious death, officers are establishing facts which include taking statements. “This is standard practice in cases such as this to allow the coroner to determine the circumstances of the death.”
£149 £159 £154 £154 £144 £159 £149 £179 £159 £179 £144
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Back the battle for press freedom
Ukip MP Douglas Carswell
SENIOR MPs last night urged Daily Express readers to back the crusade to defend press freedom. They called on the public to write to the Government to make clear the strength of opposition to new proposals for state-sanctioned regulation of the newspaper industry. Their intervention comes as ministers are poised to consider whether to move ahead with the draconian new regime. Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg said: “A free press is an essential part of our constitution. We must not be censored.” Ukip MP Douglas Carswell said: “If the rich and powerful can muzzle the press, no one will hold them to account. It is absolutely vital we win this battle to stop the oligarchs taking over our country.” This week, the Daily Express has been urging readers to fill in a coupon voicing opposition to the Government’s plans and send it to Culture and Media
9p DXZ\i ?Xcc Gfc`k`ZXc <[`kfi
Secretary Karen Bradley. Under Section 40 of the 2013 Crime and Courts Act, newspapers could be hit with swingeing bills for legal costs – even if they win libel cases – unless they sign up to a new state-backed watchdog called Impress. The body has been bankrolled by former Formula 1 boss Max Mosley. Virtually every major media organisation is boycotting Impress – which is seen as a step towards state regulation of the press – and have joined the Independent Press Standards Organisation instead. Ms Bradley is considering repealing Section 40 before it comes into force and cancelling a second stage of the Levenson Inquiry launched after the newspaper hacking scandal. A public consultation exercise into the issue being held by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport is due to close next week ahead of
her decision. Thousands of coupons completed by Daily Express readers were understood to be arriving at the department’s headquarters in Parliament Square yesterday. But Whitehall officials have refused to discuss the volume of public reaction to the consultation. A Department for Culture, Media and Sport spokesman said: “We are not giving a running commentary on the number of submissions we receive.” Former Cabinet minister Michael Gove yesterday launched a scathing attack on the Government scheme.
M\e[\kkX “The proposals for press regulation which the Government is consulting on are no gentle nudge towards higher standards,” he wrote in a newspaper article. “They are legislative leg irons and regulatory handcuffs that will cripple the ability of the press to investigate genuine wrongdoing.” Mr Gove said three of the board members of Impress supported a campaign to starve the Daily Express and other newspapers of advertising revenue. “Expecting Impress’s team to arbitrate objectively between the tabloid newspapers they are trying to close down and a complainant with a vendetta is as optimistic as asking Vladimir Putin to guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Mr Gove wrote. “The reason free speech is so important in the first place is that it is the freedom on which all others depend,” he added.
?8M< PFLI J8P To Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport As a member of the public I wish to take part in the Government’s consultation on the Leveson Inquiry. I think that: 1) The repeal of Section 40 is essential to safeguard the freedom of the press. 2) Newspapers should not have to pay the costs of a complainant in a libel case when the courts have ruled in the newspaper’s favour. NAME ................................. ............................................ ADDRESS........................... ............................................ ............................................ Post to: Press Policy, Dept for Culture, Media and Sport, 4th Floor, 100 Parliament St, London SW1A 2BQ or scan and email to presspolicy@culture.gov.uk
Health Lottery winner Steve from Hertford
You Win. Good Causes Win. Everybody Wins. In-Store • Mobile • Online www.healthlottery.co.uk *Oddsofwinningourjackpotcurrently(1in2.1million)comparedtoLotto’s(1in45million).Playersmustbe16orover.TheHealthLotteryTM logo is a registered trademark of The Health Lottery Ltd. The Health Lottery scheme manages 51 society lotteries that operate in rotation and each representsadifferentgeographicalregionofGreatBritain.Thisweek’ssocietylotteryisHealthStrongOxfordshire&Buckinghamshirenextweek’swillbeHealthSoundSurrey. For more details on which society lottery is running each week please visit www.healthlottery.co.uk or ask your Health Lottery retailer.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
9p :pi`c ;`ofe A MOTHER-of-two has become one of Britain’s youngest Alzheimer’s victims after being diagnosed at the age of 36. Carla Bramall began showing symptoms of the disease six years ago and now needs round the clock care in a residential home. The former court worker cannot speak or make eye contact and her son, 18, and daughter, 12, are now being cared for by her mother. Her distraught family have spoken publicly about the tragedy in a bid to raise awareness about early onset Alzheimer’s. The inherited strain of the disease helped claim the life of her father Barry, her grandfather and uncle in their 40s.
Alzheimer’s strikes down mum-of-two...aged just 36 Pictures: ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH UK
or I’d wonder if it would be both of them. Lee has been my rock through all of this. “We were always a little family unit – seeing Carla like this has devastated him. “I thought by now there would be new treatments out there but there just isn’t anything available that can slow down the progression.” Lee added: “It’s even worse knowing she is the one who has it. It’s a gut-wrenching feeling knowing these were real symptoms and it was happening to Carla.”
DlkXk`fe They shared a rare mutation of the PSEN1 gene which boosts the amino acids which form the “plaques” found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. The devastating condition was highlighted in the Oscarwinning film Still Alice, with Julianne Moore as a sufferer. Yesterday, Carla’s mother Rita Pepper, 61, said it broke her heart to see her daughter, now aged 39, deteriorating before her eyes. She said: “Watching my own child go through this is indescribably painful. “Carla deteriorated so quickly. She no longer even lifts her head when we’re there or makes any eye contact. “She can’t walk or speak and needs to be fed with soft food. “I visit her every day and I just hope that one day she might recognise me again, but
Rita Pepper with her daughter Carla Bramall at her care home I cry every time I come out the home. She has seizures regularly which only adds to the distress.” Mrs Pepper, who lives in Rushden, Northants, has a
son Lee, 37, who does not have the disease. She added: “Every day after I found out about my children’s risk I would look at them and think ‘which one?’,
Mr Pepper died aged 43 in 1993, so his daughter knew from an early age that she had a 50/50 chance of inheriting the condition. She continued driving up until three years ago when she crashed her car while her daughter was a passenger. Hilary Evans, chief executive at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Carla’s story is a perfect challenge to the misconception that dementia is just forgetfulness in old age. “The condition is caused by brain diseases which turn lives and families upside down, and which no one survives.”
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Court worker Carla before she was struck down by the disease
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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have 30 seconds for the BEGINNER task. For a greater challenge, try BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE in 30 seconds. True mental gymnasts should try INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED in 30 seconds together.
JUST follow the instructions from left to right, starting with the number given to reach an answer at the end of the row. Set your own 30-second challenge: for the very young or arithmetically rusty, you
8/13 OF THIS
Today’s answers can be found on page 42 PFLI 8EJN<IJ
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The society raising money this week through the Health Lottery is HealthStrong in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire and the society raising money next week is HealthSound in Surrey.
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Heseltine fined £5,000 over crash that left cyclist seriously injured LORD Heseltine has been fined £5,000 after crashing into a cyclist who suffered multiple injuries. The former deputy prime minister last night apologised unreservedly to the victim after he pleaded guilty to careless driving at Northampton magistrates court. Lord Heseltine, 83, was behind the wheel of a Jaguar when the accident happened near his 70-acre country estate in Thenford, Northamptonshire, last June. He pulled out of a lane into the path of the victim who was cycling along the B4525.
J_Xkk\i\[ The man, whose identity has not been revealed, was sent flying and suffered serious injuries including shattered knees which required plates and pins and a broken arm which was fractured in four places. Lord Heseltine, who was nicknamed Tarzan after swinging the ceremonial mace in the House of Commons, said yesterday: “I wish to apologise unreservedly to the pedal cyclist. “My overriding concern has always been his well-being.” The peer escaped a driving ban after appearing in court on Thursday.
9p ;Xm`[ G`c[`kZ_ He received five penalty points on his driving licence and was also ordered to pay a £170 victim surcharge and £85 costs. It is understood Lord Heseltine’s view of the cyclist was obscured by an overgrown hedge on a bend. As he pulled out – in a manoeuvre the peer had carried out hundreds of times before at the same crossroads – he hit the cyclist. Lord Heseltine immediately stopped at the scene, going to the injured man’s aid and calling the emergency services, facts which were noted by the sentencing district judge. Last November Lord Heseltine was at the centre of controversy over the death of a pet dog after he appeared to confess, in an interview with society magazine Tatler, to strangling his mother’s beloved Alsatian Kim. He later insisted it was “ridiculous” to suggest that he “somehow killed this dog with my bare hands”. Lord Heseltine admitted that he had pulled the dog’s collar tight causing the animal to go “limp” after the dog had attacked him. The dog was put down because of its violent outburst.
Lord Heseltine at the wheel of a Jaguar. He stopped to aid the hurt cyclist
;ife\j jfXi kf kfg f] e\Xi$d`jj\j c`jk MORE than half the aircraft “near-misses” over Britain last month were caused by drones. The UK Airprox Board last month examined the highest number of drone scares they have seen in a month. Eleven of the 21 near-misses investigated were caused by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – six of which posed a “clear risk of collision”. Between January and November last year, the board looked at 64 drone incidents – more than double the 2015 figure and ten times the cases it saw in 2014. For two years before that, there were none.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Honesty comes from mum... and blame dad for swearing MOTHERS set their children examples of honesty and tolerance while courage, a sense of direction and bad language come from fathers, according to a study. While mums are most likely to be responsible for traits of kindness, reliability and good organisational skills, dads are likely to be to blame for a child’s bad temper. A love of sport and the football team you support are most likely inspired by fathers. The study also found that more than half of the adults polled share the same interests and hobbies of at least one of their parents. And 22 per cent wanted, as a child, to follow in their parents’
9p JXiX_ FË>iX[p
JfZ`Xc 8]]X`ij :fii\jgfe[\ek footsteps. A quarter have used their parents’ success as a benchmark for their own success, with 42 per cent considering them their heroes. The survey, for Red Bull TV, marks the launch of their programme about motorcyling family the Lampkins. Twelve-times world champion winning trial rider Dougie Lampkin said: “I practically grew up on a trial bike. “My father’s own history and success in the sport played a huge hand in helping me achieve my
own successes as a professional athlete. I always wanted to become a world champion like my father.” Mothers pass on their zest for life, enthusiasm and forgetfulness along with a tendency to worry and feelings of insecurity. They are also most likely to be responsible for any cooking skills, dress sense, confidence and generosity. Ambition, discipline and moodiness are most likely to come from fathers, with a sense of adventure, good humour and focus. And while 34 per cent say comparisons make them feel proud, one in 10 is embarrassed. Feelings of pride increase with age and embarrassment lessens.
President Putin ‘ordered hacking’
Donald Trump ‘won fair and square’
Glk`e Ê_\cg\[ Kildg n`eË RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin sought to help Donald Trump win the US presidential election by ordering computers belonging to the Democrats to be hacked, according to a US intelligence report last night. Officials said the Kremlin “aspired to help” Republican Trump beat his Democrat rival, Hillary Clinton, in November’s election. The document said: “Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability. “We further assess Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.” Intelligence chiefs met the
9p G\k\i ?\ee controversial tycoon yesterday, ahead of his inauguration on January 20. Mr Trump admitted last night that there was a chance that Russia had become involved in the election. But he denied that it had had an impact on the result. Mr Trump has previously resisted any suggestion that the Kremlin was involved in cyber attacks. Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said he “strongly condemned” outside interference in US elections. But he added: “Donald Trump won this election fair and square.”
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
9p :_i`j I`Z_\j POLICE are probing the death of a 15-year-old actress who suffered an allergic reaction after eating a takeaway. Megan Lee, who is thought to have had a nut intolerance, was rushed to Royal Blackburn hospital but died two days later. Following a post mortem examination, Lancashire Police confirmed Megan “passed away after suffering a severe allergic reaction”. The takeaway restaurant has not been identified. Megan lived in Oswaldtwistle with her football coach father Adam, 35, and mother Gemma, 33, a finance worker. Last night her grieving parents said: “Our hearts are shattered at the sudden loss of our beautiful daughter. A role model, an inspiration, our princess, our Megan.
suffering a severe allergic reaction. “She had eaten food from a takeaway and was admitted to hospital on 30th December but sadly passed away on New Year’s Day. “Our thoughts remain with the family... at this extremely sad and difficult time.” Richard Jones, headmaster at Megan’s school, St Christopher’s Church of England High, said: “Megan was a most wonderful young lady who brought a smile to the face of everyone she met.” In a Facebook post Olivia Walmsley wrote: “Such a truly talented amazing girl.” Cassandra Webster, principal of the ReAct drama school, based at the town’s Civic Theatre, said Megan was an “exceptional girl”. She said Megan was due to star in West Side Story, which would now be dedicated to her memory.
“Megan loved school and thoroughly enjoyed drama and musical theatre. “She immediately touched the hearts of everyone she ever met.” Megan was a pupil at the ReAct Academy of Theatre Arts in her home town. Her uncle Danny Lee, 38, also paid tribute, saying: “Princess Perfect. Without any exaggeration, the nicest person I’ve ever met.” Lancashire Police are carrying out their investigation on behalf of the coroner. A police spokesman said: “We are investigating the sudden death of a 15-year-old girl who passed away after
Nut allergy clue as teen actress Megan dies after eating takeaway
Megan was thought to have a nut allergy
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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FFERING advice to ministers is part of a civil servant’s job and often their counsel is invaluable. Politicians tasked with running departments are regularly chopped and changed so a permanent and impartial civil service provides continuity between administrations and ensures that officials are able to develop a wealth of experience in their particular field. However mandarins must be careful not to overstep the mark. Providing advice is very different from attempting to stymie policies they dislike. It is their duty to act on the orders of the government – whichever party is in charge and whatever ministers decide. Under the present Government that means doing everything possible to deliver Brexit. We can reasonably assume that most officials in the upper reaches of Whitehall have a positive view of the EU and regard leaving it as a mistake. It would be impractical and damaging to replace every civil servant with a staunch Brexiteer – however tempting such a prospect might be. Yet the Government has a right to demand that every civil servant sets aside their own personal convictions and works towards getting us out of the EU. Those who refuse do so, as Tory MP Bernard Jenkin rightly says, have an obligation to resign. Civil servants must recognise that they are unelected bureaucrats tasked with carrying out the wishes of the electorate. Britain voted to leave the EU and the Government has respected that decision. Whitehall needs to do the same.
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GED just 39 Alzheimer’s patient Carla Bramall is wheelchair bound and reliant on round-the-clock care. She is one of the youngest people in the country to be diagnosed and the way in which she has been struck down in the prime of life provides a stark illustration of the monstrous cruelty of this disease. It is impossible to imagine the suffering of her family and in particular her two children. To prevent more people from having to go through a similar dreadful experience it is vital that efforts to improve treatment and ultimately find a cure receive the support they need.
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MOGEN SCOTT said her four-yearold son Marshall had the “best birthday ever” when a member of the Coldstream Guards posed for pictures with him after spotting he was dressed in one of their summer uniforms. So much changes in the world but it’s the timeless moments like this one that every parent remembers.
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T IS refreshing to hear the Bank of England’s chief economist Andy Haldane admit that his profession has suffered a couple of “Michael Fish” moments: first in failing to foresee the crash of 2008/09 and then falsely warning that the economy would crash as a result of the Brexit vote. He was comparing himself with the former BBC weatherman who famously told us in 1987 that we didn’t have to worry about a hurricane – hours before southern England was devastated by 100mph winds. The latest data released this week confirms just how wide of the mark were all those apocalyptic warnings of how the economy would sink and unemployment soar if we voted for Brexit. The Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), regarded as the earliest indicator of the economy’s behaviour showed the manufacturing, construction and service sectors all expanding strongly in November. This isn’t just slightly at odds with the warnings given last May by Bank of England governor Mark Carney, who talked of recession and rising unemployment in the event of a Leave vote. He was still at it a fortnight after the vote when he said: “There is evidence that some risks have begun to crystallise. The current outlook for UK financial stability is challenging.”
RITAIN ended 2016 as the fastest-growing G7 economy. Far from isolating ourselves from a wealthcreating European economy, Britain now stands apart from much of the sclerotic EU. Given how things have turned out, it is inevitable that the bank issued some kind of mea culpa but it is a shame that Mark Carney hasn’t felt able to give it himself. Neither am I convinced that the bank really accepts how badly wrong it has been and how much it needs to change. Mr Haldane still seems to think he got his forecasts slightly right, saying: “We had foreseen a sharper slowdown in the economy than has happened, in common with almost every other mainstream macroforecaster.” What slowdown? In the third quarter of 2016, according to the ONS, annual economic growth stood at 2.3
BLUNDER: Former BBC weatherman Michael Fish famously promised no hurricane Picture: BBC
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Gfc`k`ZXc Zfdd\ekXkfi per cent. In the third quarter of 2015 it was 1.9 per cent. That isn’t a slowdown but a speedup. True, growth throughout the developed world remains anaemic and has never properly recovered from the crisis of 2008/09 but you can hardly blame Brexit for that. It is quite clear that the economy has remained robust throughout the referendum and its aftermath. Worse, Mr Haldane has come up with an excuse for his failure to predict the performance of the UK and global economy in recent years. Apparently it is all our fault for behaving like idiots. The economic models they have been using, he says, have been “ill-equipped to deal with behaviours that were deeply irrational”. He was implying that you and I have been so reckless with our money that we have confounded these clever economists and their otherwise sound theories. I take exception to this. True, there are many people who
have borrowed too much but the general public is hardly alone in this: the biggest borrower is HM Government which this year will spend £67billion more than it takes in revenue. As for recklessness it is the Bank of England itself which has been flooding the economy with printed money. It has been trying to force us to spend by debasing the currency – so why should it be surprised that we have been doing so? The Bank of England and other economists were so wrong on the Brexit aftermath because they made a false assumption: that consumers would panic at the thought of Britain leaving the EU. But why should we collectively stop spending because of a decision which the majority of us made? For the 52 per cent of us who voted to leave the result was welcome news. Bank of England economists couldn’t see this because they couldn’t get their own prejudices out of their minds. Most of them, I suspect, were personally dead against Britain
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leaving the EU and so considered it irrational for anyone to think otherwise. It was sheer arrogance on their part. In one of the referendum debates Michael Gove was ridiculed for saying that “Britain has had enough of experts”. Of course there are plenty of instances when we do want experts. If I need an operation or my boiler repaired I am going to insist on a surgeon or plumber to do the job.
OWEVER economics is a different matter. Trying to predict moves in the economy is a virtually impossible task because there are so many factors involved. Moreover you cannot perform laboratory experiments on the economy as you can on molecules and chemicals. That’s why economists have always made Michael Fish look like a psychic. The difference now is that they have an excessive confidence in their ability to foretell the future. Many others have been taken in by their bravado. Anyone with an impressivesounding job title and who is telling tales of doom for the economy tends to be described by the BBC as an “expert”, regardless of how wrong they have been in the past. The Bank of England, together with most of the economics profession, needs to learn some humility – and the rest of us need to stop taking them so seriously.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017 Pictures: GEOFF ROBINSON
Red Cross helps crisis-hit NHS tackle bed-blocking THE Red Cross has stepped in to help the NHS in England cope with winter pressures, warning of a “humanitarian crisis”. Volunteers and staff are helping to get people home from hospital and free up desperately needed beds. But the charity’s chief executive Mike Adamson said extra cash was needed for health and social care to make the system sustainable. It has already provided support to staff at the East Midlands Ambulance Service in Nottingham, Leicester, Lincoln, Kettering and Northampton. It has also boosted existing services offering support at home to help alleviate pressure on
9p G\k\i ?\ee hospitals. Mr Adamson said: “The British Red Cross is on the front line, responding to the humanitarian crisis in our hospital and ambulance services across the country. “We have been called in to support the NHS and help get people home from hospital and free up much-needed beds. “This means deploying our team of emergency volunteers and even calling on our partner Land Rover to lend vehicles to transport patients and get the system moving.” Highlighting the need to improve social care, he said: “No one chooses
to stay in hospital unless they have to, but we see first-hand what happens when people are sent home without appropriate and adequate care. “We’ve seen people sent home without clothes, some suffer falls and are not found for days, while others are not washed because there is no carer there to help them. “If people don’t receive the care they need and deserve, they will simply end up returning to A&E and the cycle begins again.” Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said: “This is just the latest staggering example of how the NHS is now being pushed to breaking point.”
Prince William helps stow the empty stretcher in the back of his air ambulance
?\`i XdYlcXeZ\ YXZb Xk nfib PRINCE WILLIAM got straight back to work yesterday, saving lives as an air ambulance pilot after the Christmas break. Having landed at Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge the Prince, almost unrecognisable in dark glasses, black jacket and trousers, lent a hand to a team of paramedics as they transferred their casualty to a stretcher. William, 34, then helped
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wheel the stretcher to an ambulance before spending a few minutes with another pilot as they laughed at something on William’s phone. Having completed the emergency mission, he piloted the helicopter back to the air ambulance base in Cambridge.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Corbyn fans are utterly delusional WHAT do Egyptian crocodiles and Jeremy Corbyn supporters have in common? They’re both “in denial”. (Come on, keep up at the back). Indeed the amount of whistling in the dark over the Labour leader’s increasingly desperate performance has become deafening. I guest-hosted Channel 5’s live topical debate show The Wright Stuff this week and during a phone-in on Jezza’s prospects for 2017 I was taken aback by the levels of self-delusion among pro-Corbyn callers. One woman told me I’d been wrong in my introduction to the programme to refer to her hero as being on Labour’s hard-Left. “He doesn’t have any extreme policies or views,” she insisted. “He’s just a victim of bias in the media.” When I gently asked her if Corbyn’s support for unilateral nuclear disarmament wasn’t, well, a bit Lefty, she replied with the lofty non sequitur: “But isn’t everyone against nuclear weapons?” My suggestion that the principle of MAD – mutually assured destruction – had kept the nuclear peace since the Second World War fell on stony ground so I decided not to bother asking if she thought that North Korea, say, would abandon its nuclear weapons build-up if we turned ours into ploughshares. Talking of dictatorships, when I said that Corbyn’s misty-eyed support for Fidel Castro’s monstrous communist regime showed authentic hard-Left credentials I was met with baffled silence. Another caller said Labour’s disastrous ratings were “obviously” a polling error – “look at how they got it wrong about Brexit and Trump” – and dismissed out of hand any suggestion that those errors were pretty marginal (albeit crucial) inaccuracies and Labour’s calamitous nosedive in every poll you can shake a stick at tells a glaring and consistent truth. Perhaps the most bewildering bit of self-deception came from the caller who told me flatly that Corbyn will win the next election because “he’s got the policies everyone wants”. “If so, why is he tanking in the polls?” I asked. He’s not, came the reply, that’s all a put-up job by the wicked Tory press. Eventually I gave it up and went to a break. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion but this was borderline delusional. Again and again I was told Labour now has the biggest membership of any
MONSTROUS: Cuba’s Fidel Castro party in Europe, as if that alone would translate into victory at the ballot box. Those 650,000 party card-holders become meaningless in the light of this week’s thinktank finding that four million voters have abandoned the party since Jeremy Corbyn became leader. Almost half of the nine million people who voted Labour under Ed Miliband in 2015 say they would no longer back the party in an election. The statistic came not from a “biased” Right-wing organisation but from the Left-of-centre Fabian Society. It concluded that Labour has “no chance” of winning a majority under Corbyn and will probably lose almost 100 seats at the next election – its worst wipeout in almost a century. This has indisputably been Corbyn’s worst week since becoming leader. As well as haemorrhaging millions of core Labour supporters, a new poll put the party 15 points behind the Conservatives. Meanwhile the head of Britain’s biggest union Unite, Len McCluskey, said if the numbers are “still awful” come 2020 Corbyn will have to go (though he added that the leader still has his “full support”. Hmm. Funny way of showing it, Len). But inside the ever-shrinking Corbyn bubble it’s business as usual. The Dear Leader led a standing ovation at a Christmas party for train union Aslef’s militant boss Tosh McDonald, the man leading rolling rail strikes bringing misery and hardship to millions. Ideologically pure to the end, eh, Jeremy? Otherwise known as bunker mentality. /lmx
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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N`k_ X [`]Ô Zlck p\Xi Y\_`e[ lj efn `kËj k`d\ ]fi jfd\ fgk`d`jd 2016 is now a week behind us. Hallelujah, in the words of Leonard Cohen, one of the much-loved figures who left us last year. I don’t mind admitting that for the final months of the year I was in the slough of despond. Depressed and anxious I began to feel panicked by every political upheaval, every premature celebrity death. It was all too easy to see each horrible event forming a pattern: terror, war, losing people we loved and respected. Then there were the mind-numbing political shocks: Brexit and the dire predictions of economic collapse. Boy, did I buy into Project Fear. Then Trump, unbelievably elected leader of the free
world. And there was me, a fully paid-up member of the Hillary Clinton fan club. Just ’cos she’s a woman. I didn’t really register her political policies. All I knew was she stood for decent liberal values. It was enough to convince me and millions of others that her time had come. But the gods of havoc somehow got into the machine. All the old certainties and securities seemed to depart us last year. We are faced with the new and unknown. And you know what? As I write this, days into 2017, I’m glad. There was obviously something rotten in the state of Denmark. Democratic change has been thrust upon us and that must be welcomed. The interminable deliberations and delays about Brexit are annoying but must and will progress. Trump may still turn out to be the monster I thought he was but
increasingly I doubt it. Already his unguarded tweets have injected adrenaline into the political secretiveness we have come to accept as normal. Already he’s secured major Japanese investment in the US and new Ford motor manufacturing jobs in Michigan. Who knows, his admiration for Putin may benefit the world. Certainly the West’s sclerotic relationship with Russia needs a kick up the backside. So I for one am not going to look back in anger. I’m going to try to emerge from my frightened, doubting, anxious shell. 2017 doesn’t mean more of the same, that’s for sure. It means movement, maybe even dynamism. Let this new year come to symbolise optimism. Heaven knows, we all need that.
>FC;<E FC;@<J K?< FECP ?@>?C@>?K F= JFD< KILCP ;@JD8C :?I@JKD8J KM APPARENTLY this year’s festive TV ratings were the worst ever. I’m not surprised, it’s as if each channel gave up on Christmas and new year. We’re used to repeats but this year’s offerings were totally stale. Who wants to watch Call The Midwife set in Africa (right) not Poplar? The East End Christmas would have provided rich dramatic pickings. Frankly I wasn’t even tempted to switch on (and I love the series). I love Strictly too – but the Christmas special was anodyne. To my children’s despair we were reduced to watching Love Actually and later I even switched on The Shining for the umpteenth time.
“YOU know, if you have something really important to say to someone, write it out and have it delivered by courier. Because I’ll tell you what, NO computer is safe.” Thus spake President-elect Trump this week. He may be a Twitter fiend (which I rather like, it’s refreshing to hear a politician thinking aloud even if you don’t agree with what they have to say) but he rarely uses computers or email. I have a similar policy: I never send anything over the internet I wouldn’t be comfortable reading in a Sunday red-top. A bit disconcerting to find one has something in common with The Donald.
BIG YEAR AHEAD: Halcyon’s Charity Wakefield
KARA TOINTON has deservedly received much press and publicity for her role as saucy chanteuse Betsey Day in ITV’s new period blockbuster The Halcyon (touted as “the new Downton” but looking a lot more like “the new Mr Selfridge” to Judy and me). But I was also much taken by Charity Wakefield’s character as a gin-swilling, slash-lipsticked mistress. It’s an unsympathetic part but Charity plays it with gusto. She always stands out in anything she’s in and I’m tipping her for a breakthrough year in 2017.
Snowy and kinda seasonal but hardly festive. Incidentally it’s interesting how much TV owes to its older celebs. Losing Mary Berry from Bake Off may prove fatal to Channel 4’s hopes of their new acquisition’s success. Len Goodman will be a huge loss from Strictly. And though I don’t like the format of The Voice, ITV has done exactly the right thing putting Sir Tom Jones back at the heart of the show. The BBC insultingly dropped him from the series with only a day’s notice – actually he was the most interesting and attractive participant. I hope for Tom’s sake The Voice does well.
J`Zb f] k_\ efej\ej\ _\Xck_ nXie`e^j SO WE should all be shocked and horrified that kiddies consume half their day’s sugar allowance at breakfast, or that’s what Public Health England says at any rate. And the amount of sugar these children get from breakfast cereal and fruit juice is how much? Three sugar cubes. Yes folks. That’s how much sugar
IT’S The Mousetrap’s 65th anniversary year and the West End’s longest-running production still maintains its bond of trust with audiences: there is no record, anywhere, of any member of the public giving away the end (in one of Agatha Christie’s finest twists). I’m taking Judy next month, my wife is peerless at guessing whodunit, so I’ll let you know if she cracks this one before the final curtain.
many of our dads dropped into their morning cuppa a few decades ago. And were our dads obese? Mostly not. Mine was positively rake-thin. One sugar cube contains roughly 12 calories. Three cubes total around 36. Thirty-six calories does not make a child obese. Seriously. If we are to take public
health warnings to heart, these “authorities” must stop treating us like idiots. A glass of red wine will not give us breast cancer. Cakes brought in to share at the office (apparently we should be giving our colleagues a hug instead) contribute nothing but communal pleasure. Please let 2017 become a year of common sense. LOVED the photo of Sir Paul McCartney tenderly wrapping his grown-up daughter Stella in a towel after she emerged from a swim on to a Caribbean beach. Just so sweet and paternal, exactly what my other half would still do if his (big) little girl got out shivering from a dip. Loving dads are so important to a girl, no matter how old and sophisticated she may be. Stella must adore hers.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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N THE surface Stacey Tierney was living every young woman’s dream. She posted photographs from Australia showing carefree days on golden beaches, glorious ocean sunsets and parties with new friends. The 29-year-old also shared countless snaps of her many adventures Down Under, including skydiving, luxury hotel stays, road trips to the Outback and sailing jaunts on private yachts. It begged the question of how Stacey, who quit her job in Manchester three years ago to go travelling, was paying for it all. Now, following the discovery of her body in a Melbourne strip club, it is claimed that the Briton was leading a double life. Friends in Australia say she was working at strip and lap dancing joints around the country’s second city, including Dreams Gentlemen’s Club. As they struggle to cope with her loss the revelations have left Stacey’s family reeling. Relatives had no idea of her lucrative but seedy sideline. And many puzzles still remain about the fitness instructor’s death. It appears that Stacey had been attending a private event at Dreams on December 18, a Sunday when the club was officially closed, and spent the evening drinking with a group of men. Police believe she died some time that night but her companions had either already left the club or panicked and fled without calling for help. Her body was found in a private area of the club known as the Fantasy Room after staff arrived for work the next day. The cause of death remains a mystery but it is hoped a postmortem and CCTV footage from inside the club will shed more light. The club bills itself as Melbourne’s “finest table-top dancing venue housing a selection of the most exquisite ladies”. On the weekend Stacey died, Dreams was promoting a night party featuring “over 30 hot sexy young girls with a VIP area available”.
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SLEAZY: Club where Stacey died of natural causes. However homicide detectives are also involved in the investigation. Stacey’s cousin Paul, 32, from Mitcham, Surrey, met up with her in Australia in 2014 and they stayed in contact. He’s revealed that Stacey was excited about celebrating her 30th birthday later this month. “She absolutely loved Australia,” he adds. “She had lots of friends there and I really think she wanted to settle there for good. She was always in great spirits and just oozed life. She was very pretty and petite and energetic and could just light up a room. “We are devastated and think there was foul play. Whoever is responsible is a coward for leaving her dying or dead and failing to get any help.” Paul says he knew Stacey had resorted to pole dancing to raise cash but insists: “It was not anything shameful that would cause any embarrassment to her family.” He’s critical of the lack of information from police in Australia, while Stacey’s family are also infuriated by suggestions that she may have taken drugs. “She liked a drink but did not do drugs,” says her cousin.
TACEY, the third of four sisters, grew up in south Manchester with her parents Stephen and Michelle. She studied modern dance at Oldham College and became a fitness instructor specialising in Zumba at Manchester Aquatics Centre. She was known as a fitness fanatic who enjoyed running. She also worked at a shop in the city that sells bodybuilding supplements before handing in her notice in 2013 and heading to Australia. Initially she was accompanied by her British boyfriend of six years but they split up in Australia and Stacey continued alone, usually staying in shared dorm rooms where she made lots of new friends. There was a stint working as a fitness instructor at the Nitro Boxing Fitness Centre in Chermside, a suburb of Brisbane in Queensland. At the time she died she was still a registered exercise professional in Australia. However Stacey appears to have spent most of the past three years having fun. Numerous photographs taken in various sun-kissed locations throughout Australia must have made the girl from Manchester the envy of her friends back home. She returned briefly to the UK when her initial visa expired but couldn’t resist the lure of the Australian sunshine. Stacey, who described herself as “a free spirit”, had ambitions to become a nurse in the future but told friends she was just enjoying living in the moment and “winging it”. She wrote recently: “The
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rumours have surfaced of her being a stripper but we know absolutely nothing about this. “As far as we knew Stacey was just travelling around Australia enjoying herself. From all the photos we saw it looked like she was having a good time, just enjoying life. She was a great girl
and wasn’t the sort of person to get involved in drugs, as far as I know, but we just have no idea what happened. Maybe her drink was spiked or something like that. Who knows?” One theory is that Stacey, who is reported to have complained of feeling unwell the day before, died
HERE’S always demand for a stream of pretty young women to work in sleazy clubs and it is not uncommon for backpackers to fund their travels in this way. Stacey forged a close friendship with another dancer, Briar Rose from New Zealand, who claims the Briton had done similar work in other Australian cities, including Darwin and Brisbane. “She’s been dancing a few years on and off,” claims Briar, adding that like many of the girls Stacey offered private lap dances as a way of making extra cash. “That’s how we all make money,” says the Kiwi, who insists: “Stacey was healthy, didn’t touch drugs and was so upbeat that she would never take her own life.” Stacey’s former boyfriend Matthew Girvan, 29, who is travelling in Indonesia, was among the many who posted online tributes. “Words can’t describe how devastated I am,” he wrote. Stacey is believed to have moved to Melbourne about six months ago, where she’s reported to have also worked at clubs called Goldfingers and Men’s Gallery. It is feared the temptation of making easy cash was too much to resist for Stacey, who discovered she could sometimes make more money working in the clubs in a single night than she could earn in a week as a fitness instructor. Her double life gave her the freedom to travel and chase the sun. And instead of slumming it in shared backpacker dorms Stacey could afford to stay in hotels. Among them was the landmark Wyndham, in Melbourne, which boasts a stunning rooftop pool. On the other side of the world her parents had no inkling of the murky world into which she had descended. And they are left wondering if it cost Stacey everything.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Cheers for local pubs
Clockwise from bottom left, Meg Ryan, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jamie Lee Curtis, Eric Idle and George Lucas at the service
LOCAL pubs have been declared good for the nation’s health. Scientists have found that people who regularly meet to drink and socialise at their “local” tend to be happier and more engaged with others. The Oxford University researchers combined data from a study of pub-goers, an analysis of conversational behaviour in pubs and a national survey by the Campaign for Real Ale. But 21 pubs a week shut down in Britain. The research is in the journal Adaptive Human Behaviour and Physiology.
JkXij dflie :Xii`\ Xe[ dld ;\YY`\ HOLLYWOOD greats including Meryl Streep, Meg Ryan, Gwyneth Paltrow and Star Wars director George Lucas have mourned Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds at a memorial service. The private ceremony was held at Carrie’s home in Los Angeles after the deaths of the Star Wars actress and her movie royalty mother last month. Actress Jamie Lee Curtis was also among the mourners at Carrie’s estate in Coldwater Canyon, Los Angeles, where mother and daughter were next-door neighbours. Monty Python star Eric Idle and singer Courtney Love also grieved at the service on Thursday. Meryl Streep, who starred in the film adaptation of Carrie’s semiauto-biographical novel Postcards From The Edge, carried a bunch of white roses as she walked into the ceremony. A family friend said 125 guests attended the service, with Carrie’s daughter Billie Lourd reading a poignant tribute to her mother and grandmother. Meryl performed Carrie’s favourite song, Happy Days Are Here Again, and eulogies were delivered by British
Debbie and Carrie were next-door neighbours
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stars Stephen Fry and Tracey Ullman. Best known for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films, Carrie, 60, died on December 27, four days after suffering a heart attack on a flight from Britain. A day later her mother Debbie, who sang and danced her way into the hearts of film fans in musicals such as Singin’ In The Rain, suffered a stroke and died aged 84. The two are reportedly set to be buried side by side at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills. Forest Lawn is the resting place of many celebrities, including Bette Davis, Stan Laurel and Liberace. Carrie’s beloved French bulldog Gary, who had earned a celebrity following after appearing with her at several red carpet events, was also seen at the memorial. The lights on Broadway in New York were due to be dimmed for one minute last night in tribute to the stars.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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HE IS old-school glamour personified. In the words of one of her songwriters: “Shirley Bassey is an idea, this thrilling, glamorous, slightly crazy force – just to create and sustain that is a kind of trick and talent in itself.” What is remarkable is that tomorrow Dame Shirley, who remains as youthful and exuberant as ever, will celebrate her 80th birthday. DSB – as she is known to a new generation of admirers whom she wowed a decade ago at Glastonbury when she traipsed through the mud in diamanté boots and a froufrou dress – is unlikely to be having a big celebrity bash to mark her major milestone. Because away from the limelight and the demands of her career that’s not her at all. She may forever be the big honeyed voice of the James Bond theme songs Goldfinger, Diamonds Are Forever and Moonraker but off stage she banishes the sequins and split-thigh dresses and wears simple, chic clothes – think muted trousers and well-cut tops – creating an image that she insists is the real, private her. “My boobs are for work,” she insists. “People expect to see me in the supermarket in my gown but they never will.” There are two Shirley Basseys, she once explained: the public and the private. “And when I walk off the stage I leave that character behind.” For although “that character” has brought her riches and success beyond the wildest imaginings of the single mother from Tiger Bay, it has also caused her a lot of private pain. “You want success and then when you do get it, you don’t want it because of the attention. And people grabbing at you, wanting a piece of you. “You don’t know who’s really a friend ‘cos people are attracted to successful people like a magnet. So you start distrusting and going back and back and back until in the end you just want to be on your own. I know I do. A lot of the time I just want to be on my own. Close my door.” She once said it has been hard to form relationships. Success put her at a huge remove from her brothers and sisters with whom she is barely in contact. Her relationships with the men in her life have also suffered. Her first husband Kenneth Hume, whom she married in 1967, turned out to be homosexual and died of a drug overdose aged 40. Her second marriage, to hotelier Sergio Novak, ended in acrimonious divorce after 13 years. And sadly she has also known tragedy. Her youngest daughter Samantha Novak – Sergio was her father – died mysteriously at the age of 21. She was found face down in the River Avon in 1985 near the 250ft Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol, nine days after leaving a pub where she had been drinking. Police con-
cluded Samantha “just fell in” but Dame Shirley has always maintained her daughter’s death was not accidental and has never accepted that her child would have taken her life. The trauma of this terrible loss nearly derailed her. Speaking recently she said she damaged her voice by singing through the grief. She revealed she was so grief-stricken that she was unable to sing for six months. “It was devastating. I went home and after a week of being alone I woke up one day and said, ‘I have to go back on stage, this is killing me.’ “I don’t know what I would have done with myself. And then came the show and I walked on the stage and I opened my mouth to sing Goldfinger – nothing came out. “What had happened was instead of staying home and grieving and getting the grief out of my system, I was singing it through the songs. And I probably wasn’t breathing in the right places and panicking.” At Samantha’s inquest the coroner recorded an open verdict saying she had died from shock caused by unexpected submersion into water and there was no evidence of foul play. But in an interview in 2009 Dame Shirley said: “I never believed that it was suicide… if she’d jumped off the bridge, all her bones would have been broken. But there was not a bone broken. She did not have a mark on her. She didn’t have any water in her lungs. If someone’s drowning, they gasp, don’t they? “It has bothered me all this time. Because if she didn’t have any bruises or broken bones where did she fall? And if she didn’t fall from the bridge... my imagination goes wild.”
HE stress of the pain of losing her daughter, coupled with the anxiety over the reasons for her death, meant that for six months she could not sing at all. Then a vocal coach, Helena Shenel, worked with her on exercises to strengthen her vocal cords. After the year Helena said: “I’ve discovered you’ve got another octave that you never use. I’ve never heard you sing that high.” Shirley is nothing if not a survivor and although she has sung for presidents and royalty, she has determinedly created her image out of the strictures of a poor upbringing. “Like her idol Edith Piaf she rose from unpromising beginnings,” says Compton Miller, author of Who’s Really Who. “Her father, a West African seaman, left home when she was two. Her white mother brought up all her children in a run-down Cardiff suburb. Shirley left school at 16 to work in a factory wrapping chamber pots.” But even then she was looking beyond her limited horizons. “I used to write my name on them and get
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Pictures: ALAMY; PA; REX
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LOVES: First husband Kenneth Hume was homosexual while second husband Sergio Novak left acrimoniously replies from all over the world,” she has said. Soon she had switched to a better job making sausages. Still, no one would have guessed at her destiny, especially after she became an unmarried mother at 17 to her
first daughter Sharon, who was raised by one of her elder sisters and for many years thought Shirley was her auntie. At weekends Shirley performed with local bands in working men’s clubs, motivated in part by the desire to help with
family finances. Her mother Eliza would eventually raise 10 children by various fathers. And so Shirley sang for her supper. At the age of 17 she was signed up by a music agent and within a year she had a record contract and was
appearing at the Talk Of The Town in London. In 1958 she had her first hit Kiss Me Honey Honey Kiss Me. She topped the charts with As I Love You and Climb Every Mountain and headlined in variety concerts and TV shows. She sang at President Kennedy’s inauguration and has 20 gold discs. “With her grand gestures, spangled gowns and megaton voice she became Britain’s first black female superstar – Diana Ross with a temper,” asserts Compton Miller. But leaving the warmth and vitality of Tiger Bay for an international career proved to be a one-way ticket that has brought her isolation along with the plaudits. She believes in her heart that none of this was preferable to the life she might have lived and the community and family she might have been wrapped in had she never left the city of her birth. “Leaving Tiger Bay was the worst thing I ever did,” she has said. “I’ve found happiness in my work
but not in my private life. I had to take from my private life to make my public life successful. I had to make a lot of sacrifices. I was happy in Cardiff. I had a great time. Every Thursday there was a factory club: darts and dancing. I was happy until success entered my life. Then it was all downhill. “Success spoilt me. It took away my happiness. My success became a barrier with my family. They couldn’t relate to me and I couldn’t relate to them.” Today she lives alone between Monaco and London reflecting on the highs and lows of her eight decades. As a child she says she was fearless. “I was a wild kid. I was left to climb trees. And you know those railway logs, they piled them up six feet apart and I’d jump from one to the other. Without a safety net!” Some would argue that given her background and self-determination in the face of considerable odds, Dame Shirley’s never needed one.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Widow, 82, battered and robbed by doorstep thug 9p Af_e =`kqgXki`Zb
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Jean Young recovering yesterday with son Steve
and hop over the back fence before escaping through a school playground. He made off with little more than £5 from Jean’s purse. The attacker is described as well-built, around six feet tall and in his 20s or 30s. He was wearing dark clothing. Steve said: “I would advise people to be extra vigilant when
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A WIDOW of 82 was left battered and bruised after opening her door to a vicious robber – who fled with just £5. Jean Young was told she would be tortured if she did not hand over money when the cowardly intruder barged his way into her home. The heartless thief put his hands over grandmother Jean’s mouth, threatened her and demanded she give him cash while dragging her round the house. Jean, whose husband Alan died in October, was alone at home in Fenham, Newcastle upon Tyne, where she has lived for 40 years, when she heard a knock at the door on Wednesday. When she opened it, the thug forced his way in. Jean’s son, Steve, a doorman, said: “He was screaming, ‘Where’s the money, where’s the money? Give me the money’. “He threatened to tie her up and torture her. He found her purse and took a few quid. There was nothing more of value in it.” Neighbours were alerted by the commotion and came to check on Jean. When she did not answer, they entered the house and challenged the man. Steve, 54, said the intruder managed to break free, run upstairs, barricade himself in a bedroom, jump out of the window
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Boss killed shoe prank colleague with a punch Pictures: CENTRAL NEWS, SWNS
9p 8cc`jk\i ?X^^\i A CITY boss is facing jail for killing a former colleague with one punch after his shoe was thrown out of a cab in a prank. Business development manager Alexander Thomson, 32, who admitted manslaughter, was on a night out after losing his job when he lashed out at Thomas Hulme. They were in a group of four in a minicab in the City of London on August 26 last year. The men got out of the taxi to continue their argument but recruitment consultant Mr Hulme collapsed. Mr Hulme, 23, from Tooting, south London, was rushed to hospital with a brain haemorrhage but died the next evening. Thomson, of Clapham, south London, had been due to face a trial at the Old Bailey for manslaughter but entered a guilty plea yesterday. The court heard he had secured a new job in the financial sector in Notting Hill, west London, before the attack. Thomson had issues with alcohol and was having counselling, it emerged. His lawyer Lisa Wilding, QC, said: “He recognises a custodial sentence will be the expected sentence following his guilty plea. He now abstains completely from alcohol.” Sentencing was adjourned till
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Alexander Thomson, left, arriving at court yesterday where he admitted killing Thomas Hulme, above March 10 so a report can be compiled. Thomson was given conditional bail. At an earlier hearing, it emerged Thomson had three convictions for alcohol-related offences between 2002 and 2013, two for drink-driving and one of battery. Judge Wendy Joseph, QC, said then: “This defendant has committed a series of offences under the influence of alcohol and clearly has a tendency to commit
unpleasant and violent offences under the influence of alcohol and each of those offences has been more unpleasant than before. “This has led to the death of a wholly innocent young man.” Ms Wilding said: ‘Thomson has been seeing two counsellors in respect of his alcohol consumption and more specifically the underlying issues that may have been masked by that alcohol consumption.”
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
by Macer Hall
\dX`c dXZ\i%_Xcc7\ogi\jj%Zf%lb Pictures: GETTY
T THEIR end-of-term karaoke session last month Labour MPs belted out a raucous version of the pop song Things Can Only Get Better. But as they prepare to return to Westminster next week after the winter break, many are muttering that the future for Jeremy Corbyn’s troubled party is likely to be even worse. An instructive report from the Fabian Society, the oldest Labourleaning think tank, released earlier this week set out some sobering thoughts for MPs contemplating the year ahead. The party of Clement Attlee, Harold Wilson and Tony Blair is now too weak to have any hope of winning the next general election whenever it comes, the pamphlet said. Polling showed that only a little over half of Labour’s 2015 voters will now commit to supporting the party. Mr Corbyn is on course to lead his party to its lowest share of the electorate in more than 100 years. The Fabian pamphlet suggested Labour folk should start looking to form alliances with other Left-ofcentre groupings to have any chance of seizing power at the next general election. “An outright Labour victory is now virtually unthinkable so partnerships will need to be considered,” the analysis paper said. Some Labour figures have already begun speculating about a so-called “progressive alliance” with Tim Farron’s Lib Dems, Nicola Sturgeon’s Scottish Nationalists and the Green Party to try to blunt the Tories and a sizeable Commons breakthrough for Ukip.
ONY BLAIR this week signalled his readiness to plunge a significant slice of the fortune he has made since leaving Downing Street a decade ago into the project to build a new centre-Left alliance. The former Labour prime minister has earmarked more than £9million for a new organisation to spread his gospel. With characteristic modesty he is planning to call it The Tony Blair Institute. Mr Blair has said his initiative is designed to counter the forces of so-called “populism” that fuelled the referendum vote to leave the EU here and the Donald Trump presidential election victory in the US. Perhaps he has forgotten that his own long-vanished popularity among voters was based on some attention-grabbing slogans about being “tough on crime” and railing against the “sleaze” of the establishment of the time. The pleas for the formation of a Left-wing alliance are likely to raise
FORMER Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom, a long-standing scourge of political correctness, is gaining a cult following on social media for some typically outspoken comments. In response to an article about how to bake perfect crumpets, the veteran Eurosceptic said he would “sooner know how to pull perfect crumpet”. ACTIVISTS in the hard-Left Momentum organisation that backs Jeremy Corbyn have vowed to “work hard” for the Labour candidate in the forthcoming parliamentary by-election in Copeland, Cumbria. “Momentum will be using innovative campaigning techniques, both on the ground and online, to reach out and help mobilise the party’s new mass membership,” said a spokesman for the campaign group. Tories will be delighted to hear that Lefties are preparing to descend on the marginal constituency where thousands of voters work in the nuclear power industry and are thought to be appalled by Mr Corbyn’s anti-nuclear stance.
NO CHANCE: Jeremy Corbyn
ANTI-BRITISH: Nicola Sturgeon UNDEMOCRATIC: Tim Farron
Lefty alliance doomed to fail
alarm among Brexit supporters wary of any signs that defeated Remainers are mobilising to try to dilute or overturn the EU referendum result. Certainly Mr Blair and his friends have not given up hope of keeping Britain chained to Brussels in some form. Yet the pressure for a “progressive alliance” is really a sign of how desperately weak the Left has become. Similar calls have gone up throughout the era of democratic politics in Britain when Left-wing parties have faced years in the
wilderness. The 1930s saw a campaign for a “popular front”. In the 1950s Lefty intellectuals pontificated about a “broad democratic alliance”. And in the 1980s figures in Neil Kinnock’s floundering Labour Party talked up the potential for a “rainbow coalition” of disparate campaigns to take on Margaret Thatcher. In every era those Leftist dreams of cross-party solidarity were never turned into reality. Today’s pining for a “progressive alliance” is certain to fizzle out in the same way. Some MPs have
suggested electoral deals where centre-Left parties stand aside in some constituencies to give single candidates a clear run against the Tories and Ukip. Such a move would rob voters of a democratic choice at the ballot box. But any attempt to try to agree such deals is bound to end in acrimony. Talk of unifying the squabbling Left is likely to prove as useful for Labour MPs as singing golden oldie pop songs in their karaoke bar. Mrs May has nothing to fear from any Left-wing alliance of despair.
MPS COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT HAVING ENOUGH TO DO AFTER the zombie parliament, get ready for the return of the living dead. MPs used to liken the Commons to a gathering of undead ghouls during the years of David Cameron’s coalition because of the light load. Now some are already complaining that under his successor they have even less work to do. Theresa May’s administration is so dominated by the massive task of delivering Brexit that there are few other substantial parliamentary Bills to deal with. “A lot of backbenchers feel we
are just marking time,” one Tory MP told me. “We might have plenty of constituency work but there is a lack of meaty legislation to get our teeth into.” That could all change, temporarily at least, later this month if the Supreme Court upholds the legal challenge to the Prime Minister’s power to formally hit the EU exit button. Plans have been laid for a rush of all-night sittings to speed a Brexit Bill through the Commons and Lords in what could be the most dramafilled series of debates for many years. Yet even that round-the-
clock charge to change the statute books is unlikely to last beyond the spring. And MPs fear the vacuum could lead to mischief-making. “The problem is that MPs with little to do are bound to start scheming and plotting,” the MP added. Downing Street aides insist that the Prime Minister does have radical policy ideas that will mean substantial measures coming before Parliament. Her desire to build “a country that works for everyone” will require ambitious reforms to promote greater social mobility
and break down class barriers. Mrs May insists she does not want her legacy to be confined to delivering Brexit, as demanding as that challenge is. She will kick off the new parliamentary year with a keynote speech about social reform on Monday. But for all the reforming zeal her team is nervous that the narrow Tory majority in the Commons makes it virtually impossible to pass controversial measures. Trying to stop the coming months turning into Zombie Parliament: The Sequel is already looking like a demanding task.
PARLIAMENTARY staff are being urged to reveal the hidden “stars” working at Westminster. “Has someone gone above and beyond?” asks a poster advertising the Palace’s new “staff recognition” scheme. “Nominate your colleagues so their work is recognised. They could also receive a £25 gift voucher.” Appropriately the competition is not open to MPs. MPs are worried that the Commons could be about to lose its popular chaplain. The Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin, whose duties including leading the prayers that start each daily session in the chamber, is being tipped as a contender to be the next Bishop of London when the post becomes vacant next month. “She is head and shoulders above most other candidates, absolutely brilliant,” said one fan. PEERS are determined to keep the Westminster gravy train on track in spite of the Government’s drive to cut the cost of politics. House of Lords chiefs are advertising for a new “banqueting manager” with a salary of up to £42,825 on offer. THERESA MAY is said to be making “slow progress” on the “big speech” about Brexit she is due to deliver this month. Insiders suspect the task is tougher as she is the first Prime Minister for decades not to appoint an official speechwriter. Mrs May has little time for media spin and does not plan to make enough speeches to make giving anyone the job worthwhile. TIM FARRON and David Lammy are urging the BBC to “stop giving airtime to Nigel Farage”. Sounds like embittered Remainers want to silence the Brexit debate.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
HE burgundy 1959 Jaguar Mark II, the crosswords, the real ale, Wagner’s Tannhäuser on the gramophone and of course the ungainly limp. They were the unmistakable trademarks of Inspector Morse which, with its cryptic plots and unseemly murders set amid the dreaming spires of Oxford, became one of our bestloved detective series. When in 2000 Det Chief Inspector Endeavour Morse died of a heart attack in the 64th and final episode The Remorseful Day nearly 14 million viewers tuned in. And when John Thaw, who so brilliantly captured the irascible charm of Morse, died of cancer almost three years later it could have meant the case file was closed for ever. But extraordinarily the Morse legend lives on 30 years after it first hit our screens. After the successful sequel Lewis, featuring Morse’s sidekick sergeant, ITV had the brilliant idea of creating the prequel Endeavour, which portrays Morse as a young detective constable in the 1960s. On Sunday Endeavour is back for its fourth series and once again Morse fans will be absorbed by the cryptic crossword-like clues hidden in its superbly-crafted scripts and the dark violence that seems constantly to stalk the quadrangles. It is late summer 1967 and barely a fortnight has passed since the events of the series three finale: the gangland funeral, the bank robbery and the collapse of young Morse’s love life. He’s waiting to hear the result of his sergeant’s exam and turns to the whisky bottle to numb the pain of his girlfriend returning to London. As ever with Morse, trouble is never far away. In Lovelace College a team of boffins is about to unveil a “thinking machine” (what we call a computer these days!) that will challenge the Soviet Union. It’s a very different kind of plot from anything we’ve seen entangle Morse before and it’s the very clever twists and turns of every episode that still grip millions of fans after all these years. Anyone who has been a fan since the first episode in 1987 – The Dead Of Jericho in which Morse investigated a friend’s suspicious “suicide” – probably had doubts about whether the Endeavour series would work. Portraying a younger version of the Thaw character was never going to be easy.
UT Shaun Evans has managed it seamlessly and the 36-year-old actor captures the Morse mannerisms with precision. How does he sum up young Morse? “He is in a world but not of that world,” he says. “He’s out of sync with the times he is living in. When everyone else is listening to pop music he loves opera. “When everyone is engrossed in the footie he’s sitting in the corner doing the crossword. While everyone is trying to have sex he can be found with his head in a book.” The Thaw connection continues in the new series with both his daughter Abigail and his widow Sheila Hancock playing key roles. Abigail’s mother was Thaw’s first wife Sally Alexander – they divorced when she was three. She again plays the part of Dorothea Frazil, editor of the local paper, and Morse sleuths will enjoy the code hidden in the character’s name. If you look up the word frazil in the dictionary it is defined as a form of ice in fast-moving water. So for “D Frazil” read “de-ice” and you uncover a deliberate reference to Thaw. Abigail is very close to Sheila Hancock – “she is definitely another mother for me, she regards me as one of her daughters” – and is
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<e[\Xmfli k_\ pfle^ Zfgg\i `j YXZb fe k_\ Zipgk`Z kiX`c f] jk`cc dfi\ YX[[`\j delighted that Sheila will be a guest star in the new series as a character called Dowsable Chattox. Filming that episode will have been a poignant moment for her as she and Thaw were very much in love and she treasures her memories of their years together before he died at the young age of 60 in 2002. “We would have had a good time as an older couple,” she once said. “We would have laughed a lot and got really grumpy and it would have been funny, really funny.” Tomorrow night Roger Allam will return as Endeavour’s senior officer Detective Inspector Fred Thursday and there is also a comeback for James Laurenson, who was a suspect in the very first episode of Morse. Someone who will be missing from the new series is Morse creator Colin Dexter, who
has appeared in almost every episode of Morse, Lewis and Endeavour as a background extra. Morse fans eagerly scan every scene looking for one of Colin’s cameo performances, which have ranged from a tramp rummaging through a dustbin to a hospital patient on crutches. Dexter, a former classics teacher, created Morse in the novel Last Bus To Woodstock during a wet family holiday in 1972 and the series of books that followed were ideal for TV. Screenwriter Russell Lewis, who also wrote for Morse and created Endeavour, explains why Dexter, 86, is stopping his cameo appearances. “I think he’s allowed after 30-odd years to take tea in the pavilion,” he told Radio Times. “We haven’t got him in the flesh this year but there’s a big part of
:C8JJ@: J8P@E>J F= @EJG<:KFI DFIJ< “I always drink at lunchtime. It helps my imagination.” “The secret of a happy life is to know when to stop – and then go that bit further.” “Drink that, Lewis, and loosen some brain cells.” “You’ve done it again, Lewis!”
YOUNG AND OLD: (clockwise from left) Evans in Endeavour; Thaw in Morse; John with wife Sheila; creator Colin Dexter the fandom that likes to spot Colin. He’ll be there in spirit.” Dexter’s genius is the way he kept us guessing and thirsting for more. For example, it wasn’t until episode 31 of Morse that we learned his first name was Endeavour. It transpired that Morse’s father admired Captain Cook who sailed to Australia aboard HMS Endeavour in the 1760s. In the memorable scene when Morse revealed his first name to his partner Sergeant Lewis, the younger man could only shake his head and mutter: “You poor sod.” How did Morse get his surname? Dexter named him after champion crossword setter Sir Jeremy Morse, one of the author’s arch-rivals in writing crossword clues. It’s no coincidence that Morse was so like his creator. Dexter says frankly: “I wanted to make Morse an extra-
ordinarily clever sort of fellow. I’m fairly clever but not quite in the top rank. Then I gave him some of the qualities that I have. He’s a sensitive person, good at crosswords, very fond of English beer and he likes Wagner. And I wanted him to be like me in temperament, sort of a cheerful pessimist. “On the other hand I thought he ought to have some dreadful qualities too. He’s awfully mean with his money, he makes Sgt Lewis buy nine-tenths of the drinks. He is often ungrateful and ungracious with his subordinates and peers. He’s not very gregarious and is only slightly less miserable with himself than he is with other people.” And that in a nutshell is the enduring appeal of Det Chief Inspector Endeavour Morse. ¬ Endeavour, ITV tomorrow at 8pm
Pictures: ITV; REX
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
The Saturday briefing BEFNC<;>< @J GFN<I
Yp N@CC@8D ?8IKJKFE Picture: BBC
YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED IS THERE anything you are yearning to know? Are there any factual disputes you would like us to resolve? This is the page where we shall do our best to answer any questions you throw at us.
Alfred Austen was poet laureate from 1896 until his death. He was at his best when writing about nature and in today’s verse, which has been requested by Alice Bolt in an email, he likens the memories of a past love to the song of a bird at night.
I AM a great fan of Strictly Come Dancing and loved the tribute to Len Goodman shown during his last appearance on the show. Please can you give me some information about the song May All Of Your Days Be Good Days played during this? Mrs MD Law, Norwich.
8 KN@C@>?K JFE>
YOU have the title slightly wrong. It is May Each Day and was written by George Wyle and Mort Green and best known from a 1966 recording by Andy Williams. He often used it to end his shows and featured it on his album of the same title.
TRIBUTE: Len Goodman left Strictly Come Dancing but can be seen on the US version Dancing With The Stars
Alfred Austen (1835-1913)
CAN you tell me why it is that after the winter solstice on the shortest day, December 21, sunset in London is a few minutes later each day yet sunrise stays at the same time, 8.06am, for several days? Keith Bartels, Benfleet, Essex.
IT’S all to do with something called The Equation of Time. You may have thought that a day was always 24 hours long but the time between one sunrise and the next changes a little as Earth proceeds in its orbit around the Sun. The length of a “solar day” varies by as much as 15 minutes from the average figure of 24 hours. The Equation of Time tells us the difference between the time on a sundial and the time on a clock. On December 21 the sun is two minutes ahead of clock time. By December 25 it is exactly right. And by December 28 it is one minute slow, which is what accounts for the apparent paradox in sunrise and sunset times you refer to.
IS IT true that the oldest word in the English language is “town”? Someone told me that the same thing applies in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Paul Hewitt, Luton.
YOU might say, in support of it, that the Old English word “tun”, the Welsh “din”, the Irish “dun” and the Celtic “dunon” all came from the same old Frisian root word “tun” meaning an enclosure or fortress and our modern word “town” developed from that. Yet all those were long before English as we know it began to emerge as a language in the 14th century. A study at Reading University concluded that the oldest words are I, who, two, three and five, which may all date back to the Stone Age.
WHY did the US and France stop their development of the nuclear weapon called the neutron bomb, which would kill people but not destroy property? Surely survivors of a nuclear war deserve a head start rather than having everything smashed? Peter A Spindloe, Southampton. DEVELOPED around 1960 by US scientist Samuel Cohen, the neutron bomb was a modified hydrogen bomb that killed mainly by radiation rather than massive explosive force. Promoted as a humane way of conducting a nuclear war, it met with opposition from those who
saw it as making nuclear war more likely. The argument was that mutually assured destruction (MAD) was what had kept the peace between nuclear powers. The danger of neutron bombs was that they might be seen as neat killing machines, which increased the possibility of them actually being used. Their development was suspended in the 1970s and all the neutron warheads were dismantled by 2003.
DECEMBER 25 was long ago chosen as the date to celebrate the birth of Christ yet some have suggested that Jesus was born around September and that the December date came from the Roman emperor Constantine amalgamating the religions of the time as the Festival of Saturnalia. Is there any truth to this statement? Brian Richards, Doncaster. THE earliest evidence we have of Christmas being celebrated on December 25 dates back to AD336 during the reign of Constantine, who was the first Christian emperor of Rome. There were two reasons for choosing the date: the first, as you say, was that it was around the time of the winter solstice, which coincided
with the pagan and Roman celebration of Saturnalia – a winter feast in honour of the god Saturn. As with other pagan festivals it was appropriated under another name for a Christian celebration. The other reason was based on an earlier decision to celebrate March 25 as the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, which, according to Christian tradition, was the date the Holy Spirit told Mary that she would bear the son of God. December 25 is nine months (one normal gestation period) after March 25 so ties in with it as the date of the birth of Christ. March 25 was the date on which the spring equinox was celebrated, which was seen as the start of the year and an appropriate day for Mary’s conception. Is there anything you can’t answer? Try us! You can ask a question: ¬ By email: put “questions” in the subject line and send your question to william.hartston@express.co.uk ¬ By post: to Any Questions, c/o William Hartston, Daily Express, Number 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN We cannot promise replies to everyone but the best will feature on this page.
Why, rapturous bird, though shades of night Muffle the leaves and swathe the lawn, Singest thou still with all thy might, As though ‘twere noon, as though ‘twere dawn? Silence darkens on vale and hill, But thou, unseen, art singing still. ‘Tis because, though in dusky bower, With love delighted still thou art; Nor hath the deepening twilight power To lay a curfew on thy heart. Thou lovest; and, loving, dost prolong The sense of sunlight with thy song. Thus may love’s rapture haunt me still When life’s full radiance fadeth slow Along the faltering west, and fill With melody my afterglow, And something of Song’s morning might Linger, to make you doubt ‘tis night. Do you have a half-remembered poem you would like to see again? Send us details of what you can remember and we shall bring as many as possible to our Forgotten Verse Corner.
J`o f] k_\ Y\jk :FFC :CF:B I8;@FJ Kitsound Swing FM radio, £34.99. 0344 822 2321/very.co.uk Portable and easy to use this clock radio with its practical carrying handle means you can take your radio out and about with you and has the convenient option to be mains or battery powered.
Bush Big LED alarm clock radio, £14.99. 0345 640 2020/ argos.co.uk Make those early mornings a little easier with this LED alarm clock that gives you different alarms for weekdays and weekends. Large display makes the time really stand out, and you can wake up to an alarm call or the radio, then snooze.
Braun radio alarm clock, £53. JD Williams Home An alarm clock with FM/AM radio in a matt finish with an easy-to-read display and digital tuner. It includes six preset functions, snooze function, quick set function, backlight and 12/24-hour LCD display.
Groov-e Time Curve alarm, £17.23. 0843 504 7194/amazon.co.uk A cool digital alarm clock which will wake you up with a radio/buzzer that won’t let you lie in. With its FM tuner and twin speaker stereo system this clock radio comes at a great price and looks pretty stylish too.
GPO Rydell vintage DAB radio, £52.95. 01305 231231/cuckooland.com Perfect for lovers of the 1950s, this GPO radio alarm clock is available in black or cream and can be mains or battery-powered. Has an alarm function with buzzer or radio, rotary dial buttons for tone and volume settings and an easy-to-read rotary dial.
Lexon LED clock radio, £65. 0800 587 7645/ amara.com This soft gold AM/FM clock radio is made from aluminium and rubber. It has an automatic dimmer, six memory stations and electronic volume. Also available in black and aluminium and comes with an EU plug and UK adaptor.
THE Daily Express is a founding member of IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation, and we observe the Editor’s Code of Practice it enforces. You can write to IPSO at Gate House, 1 Farringdon Street, London EC4M 7LG or e-mail them at complaints@ipso.co.uk. If we have published anything which you believe to be factually
inaccurate please go to www.express.co.uk/contactus where you will find an easy to use form. Alternatively you can write to Readers Editor, Daily Express, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN. We will do our best to correct it as soon as possible. If you have a complaint concerning a breach of the Code please go
to www.express.co.uk/contactus where you will find our complaints policy and procedure. Alternatively, once you have established that your complaint falls within the complaints procedure, you can put your complaint in writing to Complaints, Daily Express, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017 Picture: CATERS
The road to ruin as pothole bill to soar to £1bn a month POTHOLE repairs on the country’s roads could soon cost more than £1billion a month, while the backlog will take 14 years to clear, it was claimed yesterday. Councils say the total annual repair bill for potholes has been rising steadily, from £9.8billion in 2012 to £11.8billion in 2016. Now experts forecast this figure will soar to £14billion by 2019, more than three times the £4.4billion annual sum spent on highways and transport by the 370 councils in England and Wales. According to the Asphalt Industry Alliance, it would take 14 years to clear the nation’s repair backlog. Councils already fix almost
@ ALJK N8EE8 9< PFLI K<;;P 9<8I THIS brown bear struck an Elvis Presley pose after catching a salmon in Kuril Lake, in East Russia. Photographer Dario Rapino, 61, caught the moment but did not realise the eerie resemblance until he got home.
England and Wales – which are overseen by councils. Cllr Martin Tett, LGA transport spokesman, said: “This year could be a tipping point for potholes. “Councils, who have experienced big budget cuts, now face a bill of £14billion to bring the nation’s roads up to scratch. “It is becoming increasingly urgent to address the roads crisis we face as a nation. “Motorists pay billions to the Treasury each year in fuel duty, only to then drive on roads that are decaying after decades of underfunding. “They deserve roads which are fit for the 21st century.”
9p Af_e @e^_Xd two million potholes a year – an average of 12,000 for each local authority. Yet the average council faces a £69million one-off cost to make its roads reasonable. Now the Local Government Authority (LGA) is calling on Whitehall to inject a further £1billion a year into maintaining roads. It says over the next three years the Government will invest more than £1.1million per mile in maintaining national routes, three per cent of the road network. This contrasts with the £27,000 per mile investment in maintaining the remaining “local roads” in
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You Win. Good Causes Win. Everybody Wins. Players must be 16 or over. The Health Lottery™ logo is a registered trademark of The Health Lottery Ltd. The Health Lottery scheme manages 51 society lotteries that operate in rotation and each represents a different geographical region of Great Britain. This week’s society lottery is HealthStrong Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire, next week’s will be HealthSound Surrey. For more details on which society lottery is running each week please visit www.healthlottery.co.uk or ask your Health Lottery retailer.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
C`m\j i\d\dY\i\[
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Af_e G\k\i 9\i^\i 8ik Zi`k`Z Xe[ Xlk_fi 9FIE EFM<D9<I ,# (0)- $ ;@<; A8EL8IP )# )'(. 8><; 0' ART critic and author John Berger was probably best known for his work Ways Of Seeing, which was made into an award-winning BBC TV series in 1972. He also won the Booker Prize for his novel G. BBC arts editor Will Gompertz said Berger believed that the advent of mass media had fundamentally changed the world’s perception of art. “He challenged convention, the establishment and us. He had the eye of an artist, the intellect of an academic and charisma of a born performer. “He was though, above all, a writer and storyteller. He enriched our lives with his novels, poetry and criticism. He showed us how to see, not as individuals, but together.” Berger was born in Hackney, east London but had lived in France for more than half a century. He died at his home in Paris.
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LLAN WILLIAMS was known as “the man who gave The Beatles away”. Indeed, that was the title of his famous autobiography. His falling out with the Fab Four was so bitter that he warned subsequent manager Brian Epstein to have nothing to do with the group but in later years would turn up to Beatles conventions to share his memories of the boys. Over the years that recall became a lot more flattering as everyone was reconciled: “I am a millionaire,” he would often say. “I am a millionaire of memories and no one can take that from me.” Williams was born in Bootle to Dick, a father who was a joiner-cumconcert promoter and Annie, who later died giving birth to twins. It was not until he was older that he learned that his mother Millie was in fact his stepmother. He initially worked as a plumber, singing in the Bentley Amateur Operatic Society during his free time, where he met and married Beryl Chang, a domestic science teacher. But Williams had bigger ambitions. He noticed the popularity of coffee bars in London and hoping for some similar success opened the Jacaranda in Liverpool. Liverpool Art College
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9FIE =<9IL8IP )(# (0*' $ ;@<; ;<:<D9<I *'# )'(-# 8><; /was nearby and its students included John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe. Paul McCartney was just down the road at Liverpool Institute. They had already formed The Beatles and asked for the chance to play: instead Williams got them painting the toilets and drawing a mural in the cellar before finally allowing them to perform. Impressed, he became their manager and proceeded to get them additional bookings elsewhere. It was Williams who secured the group’s bookings in Hamburg which did so much to shape their unique sound: he and Beryl actually packed them into a van and drove them there with new drummer Pete Best in tow. But matters turned ugly when the group decided to dump Williams over his demand for a 10 per cent payment over subsequent bookings. Sutcliffe was deputed to give him the bad news. But Williams rallied and opened a cabaret, the Blue Angel, in Liverpool and he also promoted one of Britain’s
HELLO GOODBYE: Williams set The Beatles on the road to fame earliest open-air festivals but he was well aware of what he’d missed out on. When he saw The Beatles’ Royal Variety Performance in 1963 he commented: “That’s when I knew I’d blown it. I threw a cushion at the TV – I wish I’d had a brick.” In later years when everyone was being considerably more conciliatory, McCartney called him a “great guy” and when Williams’ autobiography came out in 1975 Lennon endorsed it. He also released footage of The
Beatles performing in Hamburg. In the mid-1990s Jacaranda opened under new management and became a great success. “I was just glad to have been there in the 1960s at the start of it all,” he said in 2010. “I’ve always been proud of The Beatles and proud and happy to have been just a small cog in the wheel of the most famous group in the world.” He is survived by his second wife, also called Beryl, son Justin and daughter Leah.
JkXi nXj ÊKMËj hl`ek\jj\ek`Xc gX[i\Ë WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER will be best remembered for playing Father John Mulcahy in the hit television series M*A*S*H, set during the Korean War. By all accounts as gentle and unassuming as the character he portrayed, surviving M*A*S*H stars queued up to praise him: “Everyone adored him,” said colleague Loretta Swit, who played Major Margaret “Hot Lips” Houlihan. “A great sense of humour and great humanitarian. He became TV’s quintessential padre on M*A*S*H.” William was born in Evanston, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago and his family was said to be descended from Paul Revere, the American revolutionary who warned: “The British are coming”. He studied drama at Wesleyan University, with a particular interest in Greek drama, and his pastimes included fencing and soccer. He was also a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Following college he moved to New York to pursue a career in theatre and, after a number of off-Broadway productions, made his Broadway debut in Beyond The Fringe opposite Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. After landing in Hollywood he made guest appearances in a number of famous shows, including The Andy Griffith Show and
N`cc`Xd :_i`jkfg_\i 8Zkfi 9FIE F:KF9<I )'# (0*) $ ;@<; ;<:<D9<I *(# )'(- 8><; /+ Hogan’s Heroes and also played Private Lester Hummel on Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. He also took part in various films including The Fortune Cookie, The Shakiest Gun In The West and With Six You Get Eggroll, in which he appeared alongside fellow M*A*S*H star Jamie Farr five years before the programme began. But it was in 1972 that he had his big break: George Morgan had originally been cast as Father Mulcahy in the comedy-drama that was developed following the success of the film of the same name. However he was replaced after the pilot episode and William went on to appear in all 11 seasons of the popular show. When M*A*S*H ended in 1983, drawing an unprecedented audience of 106 million for the finale, Christopher took part in its ill-fated, short-lived spin-off AfterM*A*S*H which was cancelled in its second
HUMANITARIAN: Christopher season. Numerous other television appearances followed, including Murder She Wrote, The Love Boat and Good Times. Christopher also did a lot for the National Autistic Society – one of his sons is autistic. He was diagnosed with cancer a year-and-a-half ago and died from non-small cell lung carcinoma. He met his wife Barbara on a blind date and married her in 1957. The couple adopted two sons, John and Ned, and all three survive him.
N`cc`Xd JXc`Z\ @em\ekfi f] B`e[\i Jligi`j\ \^^j 9FIE ALCP (/# (0** $ ;@<; ;<:<D9<I )0# )'(- 8><; /* WILLIAM SALICE’S tasty brainwave came about in the late 1960s because the confectionery company he worked for, Ferrero, had a problem: what to do with the Easter egg moulds for the rest of the year? The answer was the Kinder Surprise, a chocolate egg that contained little plastic parts of toys that were assembled by children. The contents of the egg differed widely. The idea took off immediately after they were first produced in 1974 and a bestselling sweet was born, although William always insisted that the company’s owner, Michele Ferrero, who on his death two years ago was Italy’s richest man, was the real inventor and he was just the “material executor”. At any rate the Surprise has sold in its billions and the company claims that its monthly chocolate output is enough to pave the Monterrey Macroplaza in Mexico, which is 4.3 million square feet. The eggs are banned in the US as a law prohibits the insertion of objects into food products.
WINNER: Salice’s idea was a big hit US Customs and Border Protection say more than 60,000 Kinder Eggs were seized from travellers entering the US in 2011. Salice was born in Casei Gerola, Lombardy in Italy, and went to work in marketing at Ferrero in 1960. He ended up working closely with the reclusive Michele, who also invented Nutella spread. Salice helped in the development of a number of other company products, including Ferrero “You’re spoiling us, Mr Ambassador!” Rocher. He retired in 2007 and co-founded the Color Your Life Foundation with Enrico Gasperini, which aims to enable children aged between 13 and 18 to foster their strongest talents. He died in Pavia where he was receiving treatment following a stroke. His hospital room was decorated with pictures of the children his foundation supported, as well as an Inter Milan football scarf.
Daily Express Satur
BARBRA SAYS INDUSTRY SEXISM WAS A SOUR NOTE BARBRA STREISAND has spoken out about the sexism she faced when starting out in the industry. The singer, who has had a career spanning 50 years, reveals: “When I talked about wanting to be in control in my early years I remember the response, ‘What do you mean? You’re a woman.’ “I wasn’t interested in the money. I don’t even know what I got paid. I just cared about artistic control and I still do.” Barbra, who found fame in the 1960s classics Funny Girl and
A Star Is Born, despairs that women still have an uphill struggle in the bid to control their careers. “There are still a lot of people – men and women – who just can’t see a woman in charge,” says the 74-year-old who is writing a long-awaited memoir with the aid of journals that go back 30 years. Well there is certainly no doubt that it is diva Babs, who has gone on to be a two-time Academy Award and 10-time Grammy winner, who is the boss.
WHICH actor looks the picture of happiness now that he is married with kids but in reality he is smiling like the cat that got the cream because he still has his bit on the side?
FOLLOWING a tour of the US for his new television show, snooker ace RONNIE O’SULLIVAN tells Day & Night why he has made the surprising move into documentary making. “I’d just never had the time before. I thought I’m not doing the snooker so why not go to America for a few months?” he says at the launch of his Ronnie O’Sullivan’s American Hustle, soon to be aired on the History channel. “The only thing I worried
about was when we were out in really remote parts and I thought we could easily get shot.” The show sees Ronnie, 41, and his broadcaster pal MATT SMITH explore the US’s 300-year association with pool and compete against its best players. So did the five-time world snooker champion who has amassed an £8million fortune from his career feel the pressure? “No, I love all that,” he insists. “That’s what I thrive on.”
KfdËj jlZZ\jj [i`m\ SIR TOM JONES says The Voice’s first winner Leanne Mitchell was a chart flop because she failed to take his advice to slim down. The music veteran, who is back as a coach on the TV singing competition that kicks off tonight, says contestants not pushing themselves has led to their lack of post-show success – starting with Leanne, 33, pictured right. Sir Tom, 76, tells Day & Night: “Leanne Mitchell, the girl who won the first one, she was singing at a holiday camp and she still is. “When she came on the show I thought about her trimming down a bit as she had gotten comfortable in this holiday camp and put on some weight. She won The Voice and got a record deal but she put on more weight, got more comfortable with her
boyfriend. She didn’t have the drive. She’s a good-looking girl, she has a tremendous voice but you have to have the desire.” However the Sex Bomb and Delilah hit-maker also insists that being happy – as Leanne seems to be despite her failed career – is the most important thing. “Being a sex symbol has been fine for me but it all depends on what kind of singer you are,” he explains. “Sometimes good-looking people like George Michael, who was such a good-looking fellow when he was young, aren’t comfortable with being a sex symbol. “He didn’t particularly embrace it. People just look at you and think, ‘It’s just because he’s a good-looking fellow or she’s a good-looking girl,’ so it’s a double-edged sword.” The Voice starts tonight at 8pm on ITV.
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rday January 7 2017
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SHE may look a fresh-faced beauty but ROSIE HUNTINGTONWHITELEY admits that her model looks are not exactly au naturel. “I wear makeup most days,” reveals the 29-year-old, who is promoting her active wear collection for M&S. “If I’m going out of the house I will always put on a bit of concealer. “I don’t tend to wear make-up for the gym. When I work out it’s extremely sweaty so it’s not ideal to have any make-up on. “It’s more important how you feel when you are working out than how you look.’’ Invaluable words of wisdom, folks.
IN LONDON: Ex-Bake Off star MEL GIEDROYC on the Southbank... Comedian NOEL FIELDING in Highgate... SYLVESTER STALLONE has bemoaned the lack of young actors who have what it takes to be an action hero. The 70-year-old movie star says: “They are not going to make films like The Expendables much longer because it takes a certain person who is willing to commit and go for it and have an aura. The hardest thing is to find an action star.” The Rocky actor, who is rumoured to be teaming up with old pal Arnold Schwarzenegger, 69, for Expendables 4, which Sly stars in and directs, adds: “ True action stars you can count on one hand. It’s something I’m very proud of.” They don’t make ’em like they used to, huh Sly?
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Players must be 16 or over. The Health Lottery™ logo is a registered trademark of The Health Lottery Ltd. The Health Lottery 16+ scheme manages 51 society lotteries that operate in rotation and each represents a different geographical region of Great Britain. This week’s society lottery is HealthStrong Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire next week’s will be HealthSound Surrey. For more details on which society lottery is running each week please visit www.healthlottery.co.uk or ask your Health Lottery retailer.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
D8B< PFL M<IP :IFJJNFI; 8:IFJJ ( E\Xe[\ik_Xc 0 K_`Zb g`\Z\ f] k`dY\i + Led\k_f[`ZXc# [`jZfee\Zk\[ 0 9\cfe^`e^ kf lj * F] Zlii\ek X]]X`ij . I\Zfcc\Zk GXZbX^\ ?Xq\celk . Kfg YXcZfep `e X k_\Xki\ *#+ Jc`g# jc`[\ + 9Xj_]lc *
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The Toy Scout steps briskly back to his flying car. “I really came back to make sure that everything had gone according to plan,” he says. “Now I must go, so I’ll bid you farewell.” “Goodbye, goodbye,” Rupert and Willie wave as he starts off. “Come and see us again when you have time.” A crowd of little friends are leading Mrs Bear up the hill to see the stocking tree just as the strange craft soars away overhead. “And now we will tell you about it,” smiles Rupert. THE END The toy car rises in the sky Then Mrs Bear hears all about A new adventure starts tomorrow. Rupert waves and shouts, “Goodbye!” The visit of the kind Toy Scout. © Express Newspapers 2017
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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THE DRESSER By Ronald Harwood
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VISIT to somewhere warm – and green – is so inviting in the bleak midwinter and there are lots of places where you can combine a little relaxation, good meals and local vino with a good garden outing. The Isles of Scilly hardly count as “abroad” – you don’t need a passport – but they are the closest we get to a subtropical climate. On Tresco, the Abbey Gardens are a must for plant lovers. The Mediterranean terraces are a mass of succulents and although the gardens took a bashing in the 1987 hurricane, which demolished the protective outer boundaries, the “inner sanctums” have grown back well. It’s a bit steep in places so sensible footwear and a rugged constitution are advisable. France has some fab gardens. If you are a fan of kitchen gardening be sure not to miss the Chateau de Villandry near Tours for the potager which is not so much a pretty veg patch as a massive living patchwork quilt of flowers, fruit and veg. Another place not to be missed is Claude Monet’s
A WORK OF ART; Visit the artist Claude Monet’s garden at Giverny and see in real life the wonderful water lilies that he captured brilliantly on canvas
garden at Giverny. While it may be the star of a million picture postcards, seeing his water lilies for real – not to mention his bold colour schemes and imaginative plant associations – makes it easy to understand why he was such a brilliant artist. You can also pick up all sorts of ideas to try at home, such as his nasturtiums trailing over the gravel path leading up to the house. Holland is far better known for its commercial horticulture
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than its great gardens but if you are going it’s definitely worth visiting William of Orange’s formal baroque water gardens at Het Loo Palace, just outside Apeldoorn. If you are likely to be in Holland in spring, stop off at the Keukenhof gardens, south of Haarlem. It’s the bulb industry’s giant showpiece, demonstrating every which way to use spring bulbs on a vast scale. The effect is heart-stoppingly spectacular – even non gardeners will be impressed. Take a look round the shops as well. Dutch cities have some amazing florists and the floating flower market on the canal in the middle of Amsterdam is a real tourist sight at any time of year. But the place to be amazed by glamorous plantpacked surroundings, as well as housing a plethora of mainstream gardens to explore, is Madeira – they don’t call it the Garden Isle for nothing.
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ROM the botanic gardens to the Blandy family estate Quinta do Palheiro Ferreiro, from town squares to street markets, it’s simply fab. Allow yourself a week to soak it all up if you can. But if you are serious about garden visiting, go on an organised excursion by coach or cruise liner – then you can just sit back, enjoy it and let someone else worry about opening times and how to get there. So if you’ve been planning for years to treat yourself to a gardening tour to escape the British climate, why not make 2017 the year it happens?
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
BALTIC CAPITALS • 12 NIGHTS • MS ZUIDERDAM • MAY – AUGUST 2017 1. Fly UK to Copenhagen, transfer to port and join ms Zuiderdam 2. Kiel (Hamburg), Germany 3. Leisure at Sea 4. Tallinn, Estonia 5. St. Petersburg, Russia (Overnight in port) 6. St. Petersburg, Russia 7. Helsinki, Finland 8. Stockholm, Sweden (Overnight in port) 9. Stockholm, Sweden 10. Leisure at sea 11. Warnemünde (Berlin), Germany 12. Copenhagen, Denmark (Overnight in port) 13. Copenhagen, disembark and transfer to airport for your flight back to the UK
LIFE ONBOARD THE MS ZUIDERDAM True luxury is defined with the Waterford Crystal Seahorse, suspended in a three-story atrium, at the heart of the Zuiderdam. With plenty of restaurants, including speciality bistro-style grills, elegant and modern staterooms, and even Andy Warhol pop-art, there is luxury at every turn onboard this modern, recently refurbish cruise liner.
05 MAY
29 MAY
11 AUG
1. Fly UK to Venice, transfer to port and join ms Westrdam 2. Leisure at Sea 3. Sarande, Albania 4. Kefalonia, Greece 5. Katakolon (Olympia), Greece 6. Nafplion, Greece 7. Piraeus (Athens), Greece (Overnight in port) 8. Piraeus (Athens), Greece 9. Mykonos, Greece 10. Santorini, Greece 11. Leisure at Sea 12. Naples, Italy 13. Civitavecchia, disembark and transfer to Rome airport for your flight back to the UK
23 MAY
14 OCT
ADRIATIC ADVENTURE 1. Fly UK to Rome, transfer to port and join ms Westerdam 2. Messina, Sicily 3. Valletta, Malta (Full day & Evening) 4. Mgarr (Victoria), Gozo, Malta 5. Leisure at Sea 6. Kerkira, Corfu, Greece 7. Dubrovnik, Croatia 8. Kotor, Montenegro 9. Korcula, Croatia 10. Split, Croatia 11. Koper, Solvenia 12. Venice, Italy (Overnight in port) 13. Venice, Italy, disembark and transfer to airport for your flight back to the UK
28 JUN
02 OCT
1. Fly UK to Rome, transfer to port and join ms Westerdam 2. Livorno (Florence/Pisa), Italy 3. Monte Carlo, Monaco 4. St Tropez, France 5. Ajaccio, Corsica 6. Leisure at Sea 7. Almeria, Spain 8. Ceuta, Spanish Morocco 9. Leisure at Sea 10. Marseille, France 11. Sete, France 12. Barcelona, Spain (Overnight in port) 13. Barcelona, disembark and transfer to airport for your flight back to the UK
1. Fly UK to Barcelona, transfer to port and join ms Westerdam 2. Leisure at Sea 3. Cadiz (Seville), Spain 4. Gibraltar, British Territory 5. Malaga, Spain 6. Alicante, Spain 7. Palma, Majorca 8. Leisure at Sea 9. Toulon, France 10. Calvi, Corsica 11. Monte Carlo, Monaco 12. Livorno (Florence/Pisa), Italy 13. Civitavecchia, disembark and transfer to Rome airport for your flight back to the UK
22 JULY*
08 SEP
03 AUG
20 SEP
Prices And Availability Were Correct At Time Of Print. These Offers Are Subject To Change And May Be Withdrawn Without Notice. Prices Are From, Per Adult Based On The Grades Specified. Cruise Club UK Acts As Atol Holder/Agent For Financial Protection. For Full T&C’s Visit www.cruiseclubuk.com/Terms-Conditions.phtml
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Edited by Jane Memmler
Get shipshape with an active adventure
MAKE A SPLASH IN SEATTLE Enjoy heart-pumping hikes through cloud forests and up mountains alongside kayaking, snorkelling and paddle boarding through Washington State during a cruise with Wilderness Discoverer. This lovely region on America’s northwestern coast takes in the fir-covered peaks, national parks and unspoilt island-dotted waters north of Seattle. The small expedition ship focuses on active adventure and
Resist the temptations of 24/7 eating and book one of the fabulous get-fit-quick sunshine voyages, says LOUISE RODDON accommodates just 76 guests. Better still, a floating launch pad allows for easy boarding of kayaks and paddle boards. Water sports instruction for novices is offered and all excursions are included in the price. With your energies zapped from daily exertion, return for delicious
healthy dinners and a good night’s sleep in the basic but comfy cabins. ¬ÊMundy Adventures (020 7399 7630/mundyadventures.co.uk) offers seven nights on Wilderness Discoverer and an overnight hotel stay in Seattle from £3,295pp (two sharing), full board. Price nnn%\ogi\jj%Zf%lb&kiXm\c
includes return flights, transfers and excursions. Departs September 15.
WORKOUT LIKE AN OLYMPIAN There is no excuse to overindulge on the luxury Crystal Symphony cruise liner – though given the all-inclusive drinks and gourmet restaurants, you would be understandably tempted. Instead, you can train like a world-class athlete using the favoured fitness equipment of those who have competed at the
HEAD FOR THE SUN: Kayaking the waters of Seattle with Wilderness Discoverer, inset
Olympics and World Cup. The ship’s updated facilities includes state-of-the-art Technogym equipment, a huge multi-level outdoor fitness garden featuring specially devised circuit training dubbed a “Movement Journey”. Want more? There’s “Tour de Cycle” spin sessions, Nordic walking with weighted vests and Pilates classes. Join the summer trip from Copenhagen to Stockholm and CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Feel the burn as you hit the deck FROM PREVIOUS PAGE
CREST OF A WAVE: Join one of the al fresco yoga sessions onboard Celebrity Eclipse
you can also opt for bike tours, running excursions and hikes as she drops into handsome cities such as Helsinki, St Petersburg and Tallinn. Even better, Crystal Symphony has low-carb options in its main restaurant, alongside the famous Silk Road restaurant that is masterminded by celebrity Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa whose delicious sushi dishes offer the ultimate treat in healthy eating. ¬ Crystal Cruises (020 7399 7601/crystalcruises.co.uk) offers 10 nights on Crystal Symphony from £3,480pp (two sharing), full board. Price includes return flights and transfers. Departs June 24.
Brush up your tennis skills and crunch those abs on the luxury Riviera as she journeys around the Mediterranean in the early summer. This sleekly designed liner features plenty of fitness extras to help you shed unwanted pounds; from a paddle tennis court, designated jogging circuit and a huge state-of-theart gym, to a Canyon Ranch spa and putting green. Sign up to a customised fitness regime with an expert personal trainer alongside daily yoga, aerobics and indoor cycling classes guaranteed to burn off those unwanted calories. This cruise winds from Athens to Monte Carlo, with WORLD CLASS: Crystal Symphony has state-of-the-art fitness equipment
EXERCISE YOUR TASTE BUDS: Crystal Symphony has superb, healthy cuisine
stops en route in Santorini, Sicily, pretty Amalfi, majestic Rome and Portofino. ¬ÊOceania Cruises (0345 505 1920/oceaniacruises.com) offers seven nights on Riviera from £2,819pp (two sharing), full board including return flights. Departs August 5.
Set sail to places such as Lisbon, Madeira and Tenerife aboard the Celebrity Eclipse liner, which offers passengers a number of wellbeing and fitness facilities designed to get you feeling and looking your best. Relax with some reiki in the spa, unwind in the on board Persian Garden featuring heated beds and grottos with aromatherapy-infused steams and mists. However it’s not all about rest and relaxation. Sign up for high-energy Zumba classes (the lively crew even throw a Zumba-themed party during
the voyage, which departs from and returns to Southampton) and guided yoga on the top deck’s real grass lawn. Where better to perfect your downward dog? ¬ÊCelebrity Cruises (0800 441 4054/celebritycruises.co.uk) offers 10 nights on Celebrity Eclipse from £1,549pp (two sharing), full board. Departs September 28.
Riverboats may be famed for their gourmet cuisine but on the SS Maria Theresa you can also try the “Travelling Lite” menu, an equally inviting collection of low-calorie dishes such as steamed fish, fresh fruit and seasonal vegetables as you journey along the Danube. Also included on this voyage are complimentary bicycles and Nordic walking sticks and the option to join a special “Go Active” guided bike ride through Unescodesignated Wachau Valley to Melk, rather than make the journey by ship. Additionally, take a guided cycle along the Inn River in Passau, or a guided walking tour through Vienna’s historic centre – both guaranteed to leave you healthy as well as being inspired by your surroundings. ¬ÊTitan Travel (0800 988 5867/ titantravel.co.uk) offers seven nights on SS Maria Theresa from £2,049pp (two sharing), all-inclusive. Price includes return flights and transfers. Departs November 5.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Challenges for all the family TOUGH: The Three Peaks Challenge covering 26 miles, left, and Swim Serpentine
IF YOUR resolution for 2017 is to get fit and challenge yourself while exploring some of Britain’s most scenic spots, here are some inspiring events and locations that will surely get you off the sofa.
and heading for Ben Nevis at crack of dawn. Then it’s on to the Lake District for Scafell Pike followed by the daunting finale of Snowdon. ¬ Maximum Adventure Travel (01768 371289/ maximum adventure.com). From £399, B&B.
Follow in the footsteps, or rather wheels, of the world’s greatest racing car drivers at the iconic Silverstone circuit. The 13.2-mile half marathon sees 12,000 runners heading down the pit lane and around Copse Corner before picking up the pace along Hanger Strait. Many use it as a warm-up for the big one, the London Marathon in April. There are DJs around the course to entertain and distract you and plenty of pop-up stalls and eateries to fuel you before (and after) the race. ¬ Entry: £25. adidashalf marathon.com
PRUDENTIAL RIDELONDON, JULY 28-30 Our interest in cycling has surged since London 2012
heading out to Weybridge, Forest Green and for the longer ride tackle the challenges that are Leith Hill and Box Hill. Charity places are still available. ¬ Entry: £58. prudentialrideLondon.co.uk
and in July three days are given over to celebrating the sport. On the Saturday in the capital there is FreeCycle which offers all the family the chance to explore London’s car-free streets all day. You’ll be able to cycle up The Mall, through the beating heart of the city, along the Embankment
In the bag: Fitness gear
past all the top landmarks and around the great parks. Free entry On Sunday, Prudential RideLondon starts from the Velodrome at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and takes riders out into the Surrey countryside for either a 46 or 100-mile route. You’ll ride through Richmond Park before
Odlo Livigno Revolution baselayer, £75, (odlo.com)
Saucony Triumph ISO 3 running shoes, £135, (020 3376 2738/ saucony. co.uk)
Women’s dhb Muscleback Swimsuit, £22, (01324 314212/ wiggle.co.uk)
Suunto Spartan Sport (HR) GPS watch, £439.99, (0800 035 6483/ellis-brigham.com)
Infruition Mini bottle, £12.99, (selfridges. com)
You don’t have to run 26.2 miles to say you’ve run up The Mall and through the famous gantry. This series of family races over one mile will see some of the great Team GB Olympians see if they’ve still got it during this great fun day. You can walk or jog and at the end you get a goody bag and a medal. ¬ Entry: under 11s free; £6 per child; £8 per adult. vitalitywestminstermile.co.uk
Björn Borg Phoebe Leggings, £35, (bjornborg. com)
Women’s Columbia Hiking Shoes, £70, (0808 234 0229/ columbias portswear.co.uk)
Post workout moisture in a bottle from Clinique £41.15, stockist World Duty Free.
1000 Mile Cross Sport Sock, £10.49, (1000mile.co.uk)
THREE PEAKS CHALLENGE, MAY-OCTOBER Get the air into your lungs and the blood into your legs during a Three Peaks Challenge with a combined distance of 26 miles. It’s the ultimate mountain contest, hiking the highest peaks in England, Wales and Scotland in 24 hours: Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon. You’ll be guided by experienced leaders over a weekend of your choice. Starting in Fort William, you’ll be briefed before bedding down in a hotel
Dive into the glorious Serpentine in London’s Hyde Park to really make a splash by swimming in the same lake that hosted events during the 2012 Olympic Games. Various races will be held throughout the day, including a mile, half-mile and a two-mile swim, as well as paddle boats and games for those who don’t fancy getting wet and entertainment for all the family on the banks. ¬ Entry: £39. swim serpentine.co.uk.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Tommy Hilfiger
celebrity traveller Leading fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, 65, was born in New York. He started his clothing empire in 1985 and now has stores all over the world. He lives in Connecticut with wife, Dee, and has five children.
My hotel room was so dark and dirty that I didn’t take my socks off and slept in my clothes. I’ll never go back.
Mumbai Gate
FAVOURITE SOUVENIR? Florence is one of the best places in the world to shop, particularly the little boutiques around the Pritti Palace. My favourite is Eredi Chiarini, a menswear store. I go in there to buy stuff for myself all the time.
WHAT IS YOUR MOST MEMORABLE HOLIDAY? Going to India for the first time in the 1970s. It was quite frightening when I got off the plane in Mumbai – I still remember all the smells and beggars that grabbed you – but I soon fell in love with the place.
The lobster at Il Riccio on Capri is fresh every day and simply sensational. I also love the linguine with white clam sauce. I also always eat well at The Waverly Inn, too, a cosy spot with low ceilings in New York.
My charity trip to Uganda wasn’t great.
DESIGNS FOR LIFE: Tommy Hilfiger fell in love with Mumbai, above,
HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR TIME ON HOLIDAY? I love people watching and there’s no better place for it than the harbour cafés in Saint-Tropez. I can sit there for hours watching the big yachts coming and going and the interesting mix of people who are milling around. I also like getting out on the water but not sailing – that’s a lot of work.
WHERE WOULD YOU REVISIT? I love skiing and want to return to Courchevel in the French Alps. Last time I stayed at Saint Roch, a five-star ski chalet hotel with amazing food.
FREE £30
Mustique in the Caribbean. I have a house there and usually go around three times a year. It’s not your typical Caribbean island and a nice alternative to Barbados or St Lucia.Mustique is quite primitive. I fill my days jogging, playing volleyball and eating at the beach bar.
¬ÊCheck out Tommy’s new collection at tommy.com
Embark Crown Princess in Southampton 2. Leisure at Sea 3. Leisure at Sea 4. Leisure at Sea 5. Barcelona, Spain 6. Corsica (Ajaccio), France 7. Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy 1.
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13 MAY 2017
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Prices And Availability Were Correct At Time Of Print. These Offers Are Subject To Change And May Be Withdrawn Without Notice. Prices Are From, Per Adult Based On The Lowest Grade Available And Twin Occupancy Unless Specified. Cruise Club Uk Acts As Atol Holder/Agent For Financial Protection. For Full T&C’s Visit Www.cruiseclubuk.com/Terms-Conditions.phtml.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Offer code: MPAP07
SRITESTTESTTEST LANKA TRAVEL Offer code: MSRT08 www.mercuryholidays.co.uk/tours
Escape for a month
Paphiessa Hotel & Apartments This hotel provides a friendly and efficient service whilst also within a comfortable walking distance to the beaches and archeological sites of Paphos.
Included in the price:
A month = 2 weeks Half Board with a 3rd week FREE on Room Only and a 4th week back on Half Board. Upgrade your 3rd week to Half Board for just £8 per person daily Air-conditioned en suite room with a balcony/terrace Return flights from London, other regional airports are available at a supplement
Transfers and representative service in resort Full ATOL protection of your holiday Stay for a week Half Board from just £189* No supplement for single travellers in twin rooms applies until 30th June 2017#
2017 DATES & PRICES HB (3rd wk on RO if FREE)
1 wk
2 wks 3rd wk 4th wk
January February March April
£189 £229 £249 £279
£299 £329 £369 £419
from from from from
£50 £60 £80 £110
Call 0843 224 0181 or visit www.mercuryholidays.co.uk Our lines are open 7 days a week *‘From’ price for a month applies to departures 07-17/01/17. Please note availability may be limited. All offers are subject to availability & can be withdrawn without notice. Terms and conditions apply. Prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing. Prices were costed on 5/01/17 & are subject to change since going to print. #Subject to availability. RO=Room Only & HB=Half Board. Calls will cost 7 pence per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge.
Tour Highlights: Enjoy fascinating city tours of the capital Colombo, historic Kandy and the Dutch Fort of Galle Relax on the idyllic east coast beaches of Nileveli and Mirissa Explore the magnificent Sigiriya Rock Fortress and Dambulla Rock Temple Travel to the ancient capital of Ceylon, the Sacred City of Anuradhapura Discover the picturesque hill country with its famous tea gardens at Nuwara Eliya Spot leopards and endangered wildlife on a safari through Udawalawe and Yala National Parks Included in the price: Fully escorted tour with local English speaking guides throughout Scheduled direct flights to Sri Lanka from London Heathrow with SriLankan Airlines. Other regional flights are available at a supplement All internal travel including air-conditioned transportation Accommodation in 4# hotels# with breakfast, lunch and dinner daily^ 12 excursions and entry fees to all sights including 4x4 safaris Extension: Relax for 4 nights 4# in the Maldives on All-Inclusive from just £579
ForExtension: more information orwith to our book Delve into the Amazon 4 night adventure from just £479
call 0843 224 1343
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Our lines are open 7 days a week Mon-Fri: 9am-9pm, Sat: 9am-8pm & Sun: 10am-9pm *From price applies to departures on 03/05/17 & 02/05/18. Prices will vary depending on departure date and airport choice. Availability may be limited. All offers are subject to availability & can be withdrawn without notice. Terms & conditions apply. Prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing. #One night will be spent in the 3# Palm Garden Village. ^Only Breakfast and Dinner on Day 8. A visa must be obtained before travelling to Sri Lanka. For detailed itineraries visit our website www.mercuryholidays.co.uk/tours. Calls will cost 7 pence per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Offer code: MFOR07
A week 4# Half Board ‘Dine Around’ Hotel Fortina ####
Included in the price:
This hotel is a firm favourite with our clients and forms part of the Fortina Spa Resort. It enjoys a superb location on Sliema’s waterfront. Plus: n No supplement for single travellers applies until 30th April 2017# n Alternatively stay for 2 weeks Half Board with a 3rd week FREE on B&B from £529*. Upgrade 3rd week to Half Board for £14 per person daily
n Breakfast and dinner daily, ‘Dine Around’ in a choice of up to five restaurants for your evening meal n Air-conditioned/heated garden view room with FREE Wi-Fi n Return flights from London, other regional airports are available at a supplement
n Return airport transfers n Service of an experienced representative n FREE spa treatments per person^ n FREE harbour cruise per person n Full ATOL protection of your holiday
2017 DATES & PRICES Half Board ‘Dine Around’ (3rd week on B&B if FREE)
1 wk
10 nts 2 wks 3rd wk
Half Board ‘Dine Around’
January February March April
£249 £329 £369 £345
£369 £439 £469 £435
May June July August
from from from from
£529 £569 £629 £629
FREE FREE £220 £230
from from from from
1 wk
10 nts 2 wks 3 wks
£399 £629 £649 £699
£539 £785 £799 £899
£745 £999 £999 £1139
£1329 £1429 £1439 £1549
For more information or to book
call 0843 357 5249
Travel with confidence
Our lines are open 7 days a week Monday-Friday: 9am-9pm, Saturday: 9am-8pm & Sunday: 10am-9pm *‘From’ price for a week applies to departures 10-20/01/17. *‘From’ price for 2 weeks Half Board with a 3rd week FREE applies to departures 16-26/01/17. 3rd week FREE applies to arrivals 01/01/17-15/02/17. Please note availability may be limited. All offers are subject to availability and can be withdrawn without notice. Terms & conditions apply. Prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing. An additional charge for hold luggage may apply. Prices were costed on 28/12/16 & are subject to change since going to print. ^2 FREE Thalasso pool treatments Mon-Fri and for 15 minutes. 2 FREE spa santé sessions applies to stays until 30/04/17. 1 FREE spa session applies to stays 01/05/17-31/10/17. Wk(s)=weeks, nts=nights. #Rooms allocated for single travellers are internal & subject to availability. Calls will cost 7 pence per minute plus your telephone company’s access charge.
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Tour Highlights: Voyage along the dramatic Danube river, renowned for stunning sceneries of sweeping hillsides and a route which crosses into three capital cities: Vienna in Austria, Bratislava in Slovakia and Hungary’s Budapest. Included in the price: Air-conditioned, en suite cabins All-Inclusive dining on board, including breakfast, lunch & dinner, alcoholic & non-alcoholic drinks^ Return flights from London to Vienna Entertainment on board Return transfers to/from the airport to your ship Complete protection: Fully ABTA and ATOL protected Cabin upgrades: upgrade to a middle deck cabin from £90
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*From price applies to departures on 16/06/17. Prices will vary dependant on departure date & airport choice. Availability may be limited. All offers are subject to availability & can be withdrawn without notice. Terms & conditions apply. Prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing. Deposit for these cruises start from £250pp and full payment must be made 90 days prior to departure. Single cabins will be on request. ^Time & measurement stipulations apply. Calls cost 7 pence per min plus your telephone company’s access charge. For full terms and conditions visit our website www.mercuryholidays.com/river-cruises.
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
9p E`Zb ;Xckfe
ORTH Cyprus is a colourful, relaxing island nation in the Mediterranean’s deep south. Long known for its bargain beach holidays it is now displaying its rich history fashioned by Crusaders, Romans and Turks; its extravagant natural wonders, from mountains to wild coast; and its exceptional food and drink. All the many aspects of North Cyprus are showcased in a new escorted holiday that also highlights the country’s exceptional value – the Cultural Delights tour, seven nights from £379pp. This tour combines the mystical history of a country at the beautiful far reaches of Europe, with excellent hotels with pools, restaurants and spas. Created by specialist operator Cyprus Paradise – UK-based, ATOL-protected and with 24 years of experience – the trip is a two-centre holiday with daily excursions to see the place from top to bottom. The tour gives four nights in the picturesque harbour town of Kyrenia, followed by three nights exploring the area around resort town Famagusta. Price includes daily tours in a modern, air-conditioned coach with qualified, English-speaking guides, scheduled flights with 20kg luggage allowance per person and transfers. Hotels are B&B (half-board upgrade £99) plus lunches on five days.
;8P (
Arrival – and a relaxing evening at your hotel, perhaps with dinner on Kyrenia’s waterfront.
;8P )
A tour to Byzantine St. Hilarion Castle at 2,400ft in the Kyrenia Mountains and the mountainside
KI8M<C 8;M<IK@J@E> =<8KLI< ;8P +
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A stunning drive along mountain roads to the fertile Guzelyurt district, famed for its oranges, grapefruit and melons. The town of Morphou features St Mamas church and monastery with its icon museum. Lunch is provided in a Cypriot restaurant before visiting Lefke Old Ottoman Village. Or you can simply stay at your hotel and relax on the beach…
;8P ,
Off to Famagusta on a day tour taking in the ruins of Salamis, a Greek city dating from the 11th century BC, which has been under Persian, Egyptian and Roman rule. Lunch is provided by the seaside before reaching Famagusta with its medieval city walls, often 60ft high and 30ft thick.
;8P -
village of Bellapais, once home to author Gerald Durrell. Lunch is included with views across the Med. The rest of the day is free in Kyrenia with its Venetian Empire harbour fortifications along with shops and museums.
;8P *
A tour of Nicosia, Europe’s only divided capital, visiting Kyrenia Gate from 1567, Gothic 14th-century St. Sophia Cathedral and the Grand Bazaar in the northern sector then crossing to the south for a modern shopping experience before a drive across the jagged Five Finger Mountains.
RELAXING AND HISTORIC: Visit Kyrenia harbour and, below, Salamis ruins
A tour of the Karpas peninsula, stretching 50 miles, with its empty beaches, wild donkeys and lush vegetation. Visit Bogaz, a fishing village, an olive oil producer and Apostolos Andreas monastery on the island’s eastern tip, with its natural spring water. Lunch is taken at Golden Beach, the island’s longest beach.
;8P .
Cross the border on a trip to the town of Larnaca and surrounding area. See Larnaca Salt Lake, home to migrating flamingos, with the waterside Hala Sultan Tekke mosque built in 648AD, and stop at Palm Tree Beach (with lunch) before a winery tasting session.
;8P /
Fly home, fully relaxed!
Price from London airports. Regional supplements include Birmingham (£30) and Manchester (£60). 020 3150 0330/cyprusparadise. com
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Product Rating
1400 reviews
Terms and Conditions: Savings of up to 45% are available on all 2017 Europe river cruises, please call for full details. Supplements apply for upgraded suites with balconies. Butler services vary. Laundry restrictions apply. A 1% credit card charge (1.95% AMEX) may apply when booking. Offers are valid for new bookings only made between 07 January and 15 February 2017. Iconic Danube from price of £1,370 is based on the lowest cabin category available on 27 March 2017. Price correct at time of going to print (December 2016). For full itineraries and booking conditions, please visit scenic.co.uk. Flights are subject to availability and may incur a supplement. *All drinks are included on-board except for a very small number of rare, fine and vintage wines, champagnes and spirits. †No fly options are available on selected river cruises by first class rail and Standard Premier Eurostar travel. Transfers between rail stations in Paris not included. ˆFree home chauffeur transfers only apply when booking Europe, France and Portugal itineraries. Mileage restrictions of 75 miles applies for door-to-door private transfers, £2 per mile excess will be charged thereafter, UK mainland only.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
THE WONDERS OF Day 1 Depart UK Fly with Qantas / Emirates from your most convenient airport; London Heathrow, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle or Glasgow.
Days 2 - 4 Singapore Arrive into the wonderful city of Singapore. Enjoy a city tour including Merlion Park, Marina Bay, Thian Hock Keng Temple and the fabulous orchid gardens. As an alternative, you may choose to stop in Dubai at no extra cost. Days 5 - 7 Melbourne Discover Melbourne on a city tour visiting Captain Cook’s cottage, Victoria Markets, Federation Square, the MCG and the waterside suburbs of St. Kilda and Port Melbourne. Enjoy two Freedom Days in Melbourne. Our Distant Journeys Tour Manager will be on hand to help with advice on things to do, and will book excursions for you to further explore the area. For example, enjoy one of the world’s most spectacular coastal drives, the Great Ocean Road, or take a trip to Phillip Island to view the ‘Fairy Penguin Parade’.
Days 8 - 9 Adelaide We take a sightseeing tour of the city’s historic buildings and attractive parks and gardens. Our Freedom Day gives us an opportunity to tour the famous wine growing region of the Barossa Valley, or possibly visit Kangaroo Island, with its unique native wildlife and unspoilt wilderness.
Day 13 Uluru (Ayers Rock) Journey along the scenic Stuart and Lasseter Highways to the icon of Australia’s outback Uluru. We enjoy a refreshing glass of sparkling wine and witness the changing colours as the sun sets. There is a further chance to explore the rock in the morning, before visiting the impressive Olgas.
Day 10 The Ghan Experience one of the world’s most iconic rail journeys. Over 1,555 kilometres, we pass golden wheat fields, vast sheep stations, rugged mountain ranges, salt lakes and the contrasting landscapes of the fiery red earth and the cobalt blue skies. We enjoy allinclusive Gold Service on-board, with all meals included along with a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Days 14 - 17 Cairns & Great Barrier Reef We enjoy an included journey to the Outer Barrier Reef. Snorkel in the sheltered coral lagoon and view the reef from the semisubmersible glass bottom boat or underwater observatory. Optional tours on our Freedom Days in Cairns include a scenic railway journey to the picturesque market town of Kuranda, before returning by the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway and a day trip to the nearby World Heritage listed Daintree Rainforest.
Days 11 - 12 Alice Springs Enjoy a sightseeing tour of the outback’s largest town, featuring the Royal Flying Doctor Service, the School of the Air, and the Old Telegraph Station. On our Freedom Day, take an optional hot air balloon trip over the outback landscapes or an excursion to the Western MacDonnell Ranges to see the picturesque scenery of Simpson’s Gap and Standley Chasm.
Days 18 - 21 Sydney A morning’s tour includes the beautiful waterside suburbs of Bondi Beach, Double Bay and Rushcutters Bay. We continue to the city centre and Hyde Park, Parliament House and the Royal Botanical Gardens. The tour finale is a fabulous luncheon cruise with amazing views of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge.
All scheduled flights A choice of UK airports A choice of stopovers Four star accommodation All breakfasts worth £301pp Local tour managers & guides All-inclusive on The Ghan
+ + + + + + +
Five city sightseeing tours Tour of Ayers Rock Great Barrier Reef Sydney lunch cruise Flexible stopover options No surcharge guarantee 100% ATOL protection
28 Apr 2017 04 Aug 2017 22 Sep 2017 06, 27 Oct 2017 03 Nov 2017 10 Nov 2017 12, 26 Jan 2018 16 Feb 2018 02 Mar 2018 13 Apr 2018 03 Aug 2018
£49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP £49PP
SOLD OUT £4,995 £4,795 £4,795 £4,795 SOLD OUT £4,895 £4,795 £4,745 £4,495 £4,995
Single occupancy supplement £995 23 DAY NEW ZEALAND FROM ONLY
Terms and conditions: Special offer is £49pp in twin / double room, £98 for single occupancy and is subject to the availability of flights and accommodation. The saving of up to £592 per couple is on the price of the homebound stopover. Feefo rating correct on 13th December 2016. For full booking conditions, please request a brochure or visit www.distantjourneys.co.uk
Why not use your Freedom Days in Sydney to visit the spectacular World Heritage listed Blue Mountains, which are a perfect example of native Australian bushland, with gum trees, majestic peaks and deep gorges stretching as far as the eye can see?
If you book by the 28th February you will enjoy a two night homebound stopover in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok or Dubai for only £49 per person (£98 for single use). Day 22 Arrive UK We arrive into our chosen airport (London Heathrow, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle or Glasgow) bringing an end to our incredible adventure.
Book by 28th February 2017 and enjoy a two night homebound stopover for only £49 per person (£98 for singles). Stopover choices are Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok or Dubai and include return transfers and four star accommodation with breakfast.
distantjourneys 0808 278 8267 www.distantjourneys.co.uk 251 reviews
Service Rating:
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Fred.Olsen’s Cruise Sale FREE Drinks Upgrade
No Single Supplement
on almost every cruise*
on selected cruises & rooms*
plus FREE Door-to-Door Transfers on selected cruises*
FREE Spending Money in your destinations
on selected cruises*
Where to?
Where from?
Nights Cruise ID Price From
French River Cruising
1 Apr 2017
German Waterways
Scenic Spain
Icelandic Wonders & Wildlife
Glasgow (Greenock)
Sun, Sea & Monaco Grand Prix
Rouen (overnight) • Cruising Seine River • La Pallice (for La Rochelle) • Bordeaux (overnight) • Lorient
18th Apr 2017
Cruising Flensburg Fjord • Flensburg • Travemünde • Kiel Canal Transit • Hamburg (overnight) • Cruising Elbe & Weser Rivers • Bremen
7th May 2017
16 May 2017
La Coruña • Gijon • Santander • Getxo (for Bilbao) th
Reykjavík (overnight) • Ísafjörður • Cruising Hornstrandir • Akureyri • Cruising Dalatangi, Akurfell & Tóarfjall • Eskifjörður
19th May 2017
Malaga, Cartagena & Barcelona: Spain • Cannes & Nice (overnight): France • Gibraltar
£2,149pp (Ocean View Room)
Fjords of Norway
Flåm • Cruising Nærøyfjord • Olden • Cruising Nordfjord • Bergen • Scrabster (for John O'Groats): Scotland
Fjords of the Arctic
30th May 2017 11
13th Jul 2017 14th Jul 2017
8 27
Bergen, Skjolden, Olden, Tromsø & Honningsvåg: Norway • Pyramiden & Longyearbyen (overnight): Spitsbergen • Akureyri & Reykjavík: Iceland • Narsarsuaq & Nanortalik: Greenland • Tórshavn: Faeroe Islands
Around The UK
Azorean Island Discovery
Portugal & Canaries
Edinburgh (Rosyth)
Portugal, Morocco & Canaries
London Tilbury
(Ocean View Room)
30th Sep 2017
Praia da Vitoria, Horta (overnight) & Ponta Delgada: Azores • Funchal: Madeira • Leixões (for Oporto): Portugal
14th Oct 2017
Leixões (for Oporto) & Lisbon: Portugal • Funchal: Madeira • La Palma, Tenerife, Lanzarote & Vigo: Spain
13th Nov 2017
Portimão, Porto Santo, Lisbon, Leixões (for Oporto): Portugal • Funchal: Madeira (overnight) Casablanca & Agadir: Morocco • Arrecife, Gran Canaria, Tenerife & La Palma: Spain
6th Aug 2017
Oban • Cruising by Duart Castle • Belfast • Dublin • Falmouth & Portland
Swedish Waterways
Lysekil • Helsingborg • Karlskrona • Cruising through Stockholm Archipelago Stockholm (2x overnight) • Gothenburg
1,650 KRpp
To book search ‘Fred. Olsen’ online, see a travel agent or call 0800 0355 814 These Terms and Conditions are in addition to Fred. Olsen’s standard Terms and Conditions which are available on our website, fredolsencruises.com and on request. Both must be read before booking. Information shown is correct at time of going to press (Jan ‘17). Offers may be withdrawn or amended at any time without prior notice, are subject to availability and cannot be applied retrospectively. pp is per person. *Free All Inclusive Drinks Upgrade: Offer is valid from 01/12/16 to 01/03/17 on all new bookings for 2017-18 departures of five nights or more, excluding departures after Mar 2018 and part of any 2017 Grand Voyages. Offer covers selected house wines by the glass, selected beers, spirits and soft drinks, subject to availability. Tours, tips, premium drinks, premium hot drinks, medical facilities and other spend, during travel to the ship and while on board, are not included. Any additional expenditure will need to be paid separately. No Single Supplement: Offer is valid from 01/12/16 to 01/03/17. Offer refers to single occupancy of selected twin room grades (twin room for one person) on selected sailings only. Applicable room grades vary per cruise. Free Drinks Upgrade and No Single Supplement offers are not combinable. Free On Shore Spending Money: Offer valid for bookings made between 28/12/16 and 31/01/17 on selected sailings only. Amount varies depending on the cruise duration. Offer is per person with a maximum of two eligible per room. Currency given will be Euros, or an equivalent value of currency relative to the cruise destination. No alternative currencies can be chosen. Spending money will be available for collection on board from Guest Services at the start of the qualifying cruises. Free Door-to-Door Transfers: Offer valid for bookings made between 28/12/16 and 31/01/17 on selected sailings only. Offer is applicable for departures within 250 UK mainland miles of your home each way; any additional mileage must be paid to the transport provider at the time of booking. You may be required to share the transport for all or part of the journey. Guests may elect to use the Door-to-Door service the day before departure, but will then be responsible for finding their own way to the port, at their own expense, on the day of departure. Once your complimentary transport arrangement has been confirmed by the provider, if you subsequently fail to take this arrangement and do not cancel with the transport provider, then you will be liable for the cost. Your on board account will automatically be charged and your return journey cancelled. Free transfer (each way) is one per booking for all guests, from the lead guest address. Outbound and inbound mileage cannot be combined should you only require transfer one-way. Free On Shore Spending Money and free Door-to-Door Transfer offers are not combinable. E&OE
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
)CG F+GG (?)B>4)G .+B=A* ,40A4EG B* B=0?(.G.# ,?G4*G ,C-=G F-+ F(?? .G)4B?* @ 4?? 042B= E+4.G* B=0?(.G.# <-( &-=) C4'G )- 2(< 4 .+B=A -=:2-4+.#
Norwegian Jade 25th September 2017 12 Night Southampton to New York “All Inclusive Drinks” 11 Night Cruise
Southampton-Lerwick (Shetland Islands)-Reykjavik (Iceland)-St John’s (Newfoundland) -Portland (Maine)-New York. H9P G*,@ NU<>=& <+B9%A@AM *( @Q&@+A P*%( =*9<ATP R<&= T =*&@9 '&TP <+ 0=@ "<> #))9@/ From Just £1399pp!
Norwegian Gem 24th Feb; 6th, 16th, 26th March; 5th, 15th April 2017 14 Night Caribbean “All Inclusive Drinks” Fly/Cruise
H9P &* C@R V*(: T+A @+;*P T 7 C<>=& G*&@9 1&TP <+ &=@ B@+&(@ *? DT+=T&&T+K I,ST(: 1=<) ?*( P*%( 8J C<>=& !(%<'@5 New York-San Juan-St Thomas-St DTT(&@+L"(<&<'= .<(><+ F'9T+A'LC@R V*(:K Fly Home From Just £1299pp!
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
© Image: Lukasz Warzecha, Healy Pass, Wild Atlantic Way, Co. Kerry
Give your new year a scenic start with Irish Ferries. Explore the natural beauty of the Wild Atlantic Way and the history of Ireland’s Ancient East, with your own car and all the luggage you need. Book now and get 25% off at irishferries.com
25% OFF
25% off motorist fares on any Irish Sea cruise ferry sailing and on any Dublin Swift sailing (excluding 11:50 & 14:30 Swift sailings in July and August). Travel on any day between 4th January and 13th December 2017. Must be booked 48 hours in advance of travel and by midnight January 13th 2017. Irish Ferries reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time. New bookings only. Cottage holiday offer: Save 10% on cottage holiday package. Calls cost 13p per minute plus network extras. Terms and conditions apply. See irishferries.com
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Discover some of England’s hottest up-and-coming locations, suggests Louie Kenyon Crockett Hampshire
To commemorate Jane Austen, who died 200 years ago on July 18, 1817, Hampshire is honouring its most famous daughter. Follow a Jane Austen trail and stop by Winchester Cathedral to see a new permanent exhibition at her grave which documents her life and works. The Discovery Centre, also in Winchester, is hosting a Mysterious Miss Austen exhibition with personal letters on show, and her home in Chawton opens its gardens so you can walk in her footsteps.
the book
If ever there was a year for Hull to shine, this is it. The UK’s City of Culture has been revamped and renovated to the max, from the Marina’s Fruit Market which is now home to cool bars and top-notch restaurants, to the Ferens Art Gallery which is set to host the Turner Prize. There is also a jam-packed cultural events calendar throughout the year..
Hadrian’s Wall
Hadrian’s Cavalry return to Hadrian’s Wall in 2017. Ten museums along the length of the wall make up a six-month exhibition on the daily life of Roman cavalry forces. Marvel at ornate armour and helmets, with objects on loan from national and international museums, and even private collections that rarely open to the public. On July 1 and 2, the largest Roman cavalry reenactment will take place at Bitts Park in Carlisle, so you can even see the troops in action.
Torquay has a brand new hotel and throughout January you can stay for just £60 per person per night, or book three nights and get a fourth free. Belgrave Sands Hotel & Spa is an elegant new addition to the English Riviera, and as well as being just a stone’s skim from the beach, it’s also a top spot for splashing out on a
six-course meal or a Willy Wonkathemed afternoon tea..
RESTING PLACE: Novelist Jane Austen is buried at Winchester Cathedral
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Edited by Nat Barnes AA Writer Of The Year World Car Of The Year Juror
britain’s brightest car column
email motors@express.co.uk twitter @expressmotoring
Audi aiming to head the Q By John Mahoney
udi’s Q5 has always been the perfect all-rounder: a practical, classy, perfectly finished 4x4 that appealed to both families and the fashion conscious. Recently, though, its reign at the top of the class has been shaky to say the least. Stacked up against newer rivals such as Jaguar’s F-Pace or the Mercedes-Benz GLC, the Q5 has finally been made to feel its age, prompting the German car-maker to call time on the original after eight years and an incredible 1.6 million sales worldwide. This is the second-generation Q5 and, despite looking like a facelift of the old car, Audi’s compact 4x4 sequel is all new. In the metal, it is true, the Q5 is overshadowed by the more flamboyant design of the F-Pace. But after a while the Audi’s sober yet smart, sharply creased design, with echoes of the larger Q7, begins to appeal. Based on the same platform as the excellent A4, Audi is confident this new Q5 can reclaim some lost ground against its rivals. Initially
FIGHTING BACK: Audi’s all-new Q5 is ready to take on its class rivals just three engines will be available, one turbo-petrol and two turbodiesels. Audi won’t offer a frontwheel drive version so all models have four-wheel drive as standard. Hybrid and plug-in hybrid versions are due in the future. A little confusingly though the petrol and smaller 2.0-litre diesel
come with a seven-speed twinclutch semi-automatic gearbox and an on-demand four-wheel drive system while the more powerful 3.0-litre diesel gets an eight-speed automatic and permanent four-wheel drive. The petrol 2.0-litre is the fastest Q5 in the range, with its 252bhp
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WELL-BUILT: Options include Audi’s virtual cockpit at a cost of £250 providing a 0 to 60mph time of 6.3 seconds and a 147mph top speed, along with 40.9mpg average fuel economy. However it’s the two diesels that will account for the bulk of Q5 sales, in particular the 190bhp 2.0-litre model. Managing the 0 to 60mph sprint in just 7.9 seconds it also returns a
56.5mpg average fuel economy and 132g/km emissions. Boasting on-road refinement that none of its rivals can match and with a superb blend of performance and efficiency, the 2.0 TDI is easily our pick of the range. The larger 3.0-litre is powerful with 286bhp and it is quick, too,
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Check out our video of the Audi Q5 on the road at express.co.uk/motoring
● Model: Audi Q5
● On sale: March ● Price range: £37,170-£41,040
but you pay the price at the pumps with 37mpg. It is not all good news though especially when it comes to the driving experience – this isn’t a Jaguar F-Pace beater by any means. It’s neither as involving, nor as fun when a road gets twisty. Not that the Q5 disgraces itself, the steering is precise and makes it easy to place the car, while body roll isn’t excessive through corners. Making up for the lack of thrills behind the wheel is a class-leading ride that the Audi offers on its optional air suspension – although priced at a considerable £2,000. Luckily the air suspension has one useful trick up its sleeve. In its off-road mode it can raise the body up by almost two inches, lifting it
away from harm if you ever dare to venture off road. On the move, both wind and engine noise are well suppressed.
HE Q5’s Quattro Ultra all-wheel drive – as featured on the petrol and 2.0-litre diesel – completely decouples on the move, boosting efficiency by up to 10 per cent. If the car detects a wheel-slip, the system re-engages in a fraction of a second to help boost traction. In reality the decoupling and re-engagement of drive to the rear wheels is impossible to detect and helps reduce the higher running
FORD STEERS VANS DOWN THE HYBRID ROAD IS THIS the end of white van man and the V8-engined muscle car as we know them? The Ford Mustang might have only just made it into British showrooms in 2015 but it seems that the days might already be numbered for its famous V8 engine growl. The same goes for white van man in his archetypal smoke-belching van. In among Ford’s new US factory plans (with a little help from Donald Trump) the blue oval also announced a widespread range of electric vehicles. It includes a plug-in hybrid version of the Transit (left) due in 2019 and a hybrid version of the Mustang due for 2020. There are also plans for a fully electric small 4x4, as Ford finally embraces electric power properly. About time.
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costs associated with a 4x4. The new platform brings weight savings of up to 14 stone but this SUV is still far heavier and less nimble than an equivalent estate. Inside, again Audi hasn’t been prepared to settle for second best to the likes of the Jaguar F-Pace, Porsche Macan and BMW X3. The Q5 feels beautifully finished, well made and, when the optional virtual cockpit is fitted (£250), it is the best of the bunch for design. Longer, wider and taller, the Q5 is unsurprisingly roomier than before with more head, leg and shoulder room. The middle passenger in the rear seat will struggle for seat space though because of the unfortunate intrusion of the transmission
tunnel. Unlike its Land Rover Discovery Sport opposition and despite offering 550 litres of boot space, Audi hasn’t managed to squeeze a third row of seats, leaving that to the bigger Q7. That aside, the SE, Sport and S Line trims are all reasonably equipped but there’s still too many reasons to visit the options list. Even the range-topping versions don’t come with heated or electric seats as standard. A rear-view camera will cost £400, while adaptive cruise control costs £750, but perhaps the biggest omission is rear side airbags that cost £350. With prices from £37,170 and the high cost of options the Audi Q5 isn’t cheap. However the Q5 is
● Engine range: Turbo -petrol 2.0-litre; Turbo -diesel 2.0, 3.0-litre ● Power: 0 to 60mph 6.3 seconds, 147mph top speed (2.0) ● Average fuel economy: 56.5mpg (2.0TD) ● CO2 emissions range: 132-159g/km ● Rivals: BMW X3, Land Rover Discovery Spor t, Mercedes GLC, Porsche Macan ● Rating: ★★★★★★★★✩✩
more than a tempting proposition, even if it isn’t as stylish to drive as the Jaguar F-Pace. Where once it was a jack-of-alltrades, the new Q5 is now more of a masterclass in compact 4x4s.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
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12166.8 16680.0 7210.1 18341.2 3913.6 3462.9 million
+25.4 +18.8 +14.7 +33.0 +8.3
POPULAR SHARES ON THE RISE AstraZeneca BAE Systems Barclays BT Group Centrica HSBC Holdings Lloyds Banking Group Marks & Spencer Group National Grid Rolls-Royce Holdings Royal Bank of Scotland Royal Dutch Shell 'B' Royal Mail Sainsbury (J) Sky Standard Life Tesco Vodafone Group
4550½ 605 235¼ 384½ 233½ 669 66 333¾ 944½ 650½ 232½ 2359½ 458¾ 252 991 364 199½ 211¼
+½ +17½ +2¾ +¼ +¼ +7½ +1¼ +3 +3½ +11 +1¼ +2½ +2½ +1½ +1 +¾ +½ +2
POPULAR SHARES ON THE SLIDE Aviva BP Int Consolidated Airlines Unilever
489½ 514½ 466½ 3294
-½ -2¾ -1½ -5
19967.14 19454.3 22503.0 11599.0 4909.8
+67.85 -66.4 +46.3 +14.1 +9.2
1.229 143.715 1.165
-0.013 +0.460 -0.005
116.932 0.948
+1.5756 +0.0054
DOLLAR VALUE Dollar/Yen Dollar/Euro
1175.85 954.72 1338.43 57.19
OTHER INDICATORS Base rate Halifax mortgage rate Retail Price Index House price Index Unemployment
0.25% 3.99% +2.2% (CPI +1.2%) +6.9% 1,646,000
MOUNTAIN Warehouse weathered the storm engulfing large parts of the high street as it scaled new festive trading heights and lined up further expansion in the UK and abroad. The outdoor clothing and equipment retailer, which shelved plans for a possible £200million stock market float last year, shrugged off what analysts described as a “dismal” year for high street stores as its sales jumped 28.8 per cent in the six weeks to January 1. Founder and chief executive Mark Neale said there had been “no sign” of waning consumer confidence, and while he had already flagged higher prices for shoppers for the first time in five years following a sharp fall in the pound, any increases are likely to be “minimal”. He said: “I’m pleased to say we are firing on all cylinders in all our channels: our UK stores, online and internationally. We continue to believe there is plenty of life in UK high streets.” Mountain’s record Christmas sales update provided some cheer to a retail sector left reeling by a gloomy profit outlook from bellwether Next. The downbeat tone was reinforced by figures from
Total Cattle: (pence per kg) 200.45 up 5.64 NSL + OSL Lamb: (pence per kg) 174.99 up 4.94 Weekly SPP: (pence per kg) 151.90 up 0.10 As Supplied by AHDB
TOURIST’S POUND 1.64 dollar 1.58 dollar 7.98 renminbi 8.40 krone 1.14 euro 9.22 dollar 329.58 forint 136.74 yen 24.90 peso 1.70 dollar 10.10 krone 4.74 zloty 16.24 rand 10.74 krona 1.21 franc 41.63 baht 4.15 lira 1.21 dollar
By David Shand accountants and business adviser BDO showing a 0.1 per cent drop in underlying high street sales in December, the fourth straight Christmas with no growth. Neale said the company had benefited from selling “functional” rather than fashion products, as well as being at the “value” end of the market. Mountain served more than one million customers during the festive period, with hats, gloves, socks and ski jackets among the bestsellers of the 2.5 million items sold. Same-store sales jumped 13.6 per cent, online turnover was up nearly 32 per cent, while international sales, driven by strong growth in Poland and North America, soared 71 per cent. Neale has overseen an expansion of the business he started with one store in Swindon in 1997 to 262, about 200 of which are in the UK. It added 34 BIG SELLER: stores last year, Ski jackets with a similar did well number planned this year. He expects record annual results for Mountain. Last year it posted a 36 per cent rise in pre-tax profit to £16.2 million on £141.4 million sales.
CELEBRITY chef Jamie Oliver, above, is slimming down his Italian restaurant chain as rising ingredients costs added to tough trading conditions. His company said Jamie’s Italian outlets in Aberdeen, Cheltenham, Exeter, and Tunbridge Wells, as well as Ludgate and Richmond in London, will close by the end of March. It hopes to redeploy 120 affected staff within the group’s
other eateries. There are 70 Jamie’s Italians around the world – 42 in the UK – and there are plans to open a further 22 abroad. Two UK openings of its Barbecoa brand are planned for this year. The group said: “Post-Brexit pressures have made a tough market even harder. We need restaurants that can serve an average of 3,000 covers every week to be sustainable.”
Winter sun fans boost easyJet A BIG jump in Britons seeking winter sun in the Mediterranean boosted easyJet’s client growth by 15 per cent last month. The budget airline, which last year sounded its first profit warning since 2009 as it reeled from terror attacks, industrial action and a weaker pound, carried 5.58 million people in December, up 731,720 on the previous year.
Annual growth was 6.6 per cent to 74.45 million as its planes flew 91.5 per cent full. Popular beach destinations included Tenerife, Lanzarote and Malaga as well as a new route to La Palma, while passengers also flocked to cities such as Paris, Amsterdam, Geneva and Milan. Travel within the UK increased by 16 per cent.
TP Icap comes up Trumps Thrones gift to Gatwick DONALD Trump’s US presidential election victory and speculation over higher interest rates gave a trading boost for interdealer broker TP Icap. Shares in the FTSE 250 group, created from Tullett Prebon’s £1.28 billion takeover of Icap’s voice broking business, climbed 34p to a near nine-year high of 467½p as it
flagged a 12 per cent rise in Tullett Prebon’s yearly revenue from £796 million. TP Icap has seen particularly strong fourth-quarter quarterly trading in bonds and interest rate derivatives. It said: “An increase in volatility and market activity has particularly benefited these products.”
THRONGS of Games of Thrones fans flying to Northern Ireland to see where the hit TV show is filmed helped passenger growth take off at Gatwick Airport. More than 388,000 extra people travelled to Belfast International from the Sussex airport last year, up 83 per cent, as part of a record
Australia Canada China Denmark Eurozone Hong Kong Hungary Japan Mexico New Zealand Norway Poland South Africa Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey United States
It’s jingle tills for Mountain
3i Group .......................... 723½ A.B. Foods ......................2655# Admiral Group ....................1830 Anglo American ..................1135 Antofagasta..........................694 Ashtead Group ...................1592 AstraZeneca ................... 4550½ Aviva ................................ 489½ Babcock International ....939½# BAE Systems ........................605 Barclays ........................... 235¼ Barratt Development ............494 BHP Billiton .......................1317 BP ................................... 514½ British Amer.Tob ................4574 British Land ...................636½# BT Group .......................384½# Bunzl .................................2081 Burberry Group ...............1473# Capita Group.................... 515½ Carnival..............................4189 Centrica ........................... 233½ Coca-Cola HBC...................1789 Compass Group..................1458 CRH ...................................2767 Croda International ............3248 DCC ...................................6210 Diageo ........................... 2143½ Direct Line Insurance ....... 364¾ Dixons Carphone ............337¾# EasyJet...............................1059 Experian Group................1569# Fresnillo.............................1349 GKN ................................. 331½ GlaxoSmithKline .......... 1583½# Glencore .......................... 288½ Hammerson..........................571 Hargreaves Lansdown .........1289
52 WEEK +/- HIGH LOW +1 -30 +2 -10 -5½ -9 +½ -½ -16 +17½ +2¾ -3½ +½ -2¾ -6 +9 +¼ -1 +23 -4½ +10 +¼ +20 -3 +9 -29 -95 +8½ -1¼ -3 +4 -49 -1 -2½ +1½ +4
726 3458 2260 1529 774½ 1644 5220 495½ 1105 612 239 613 1400½ 519¼ 5042 762½ 496 2436 1530 1191 4195 242 1840 1548 2830 3669 7220 2268 409½ 476½ 1720 1594 2008 336¼ 1722½ 302¾ 602½ 1416
389¾ 2350 1601 221 346 769 3774 346¼ 854 459¾ 127¼ 332½ 581 310¼ 3565 544½ 346¾ 1735 1041 452½ 2957 183½ 1265 1088 1637 2663¾ 4779 1745 333¼ 281½ 873½ 1073 640½ 248½ 1344½ 71¼ 468½ 1056
Hikma ................................1916 HSBC Holdings .....................669 Imperial Brands.............. 3538½ Informa ................................686 InterContinental Htl............3666 Intertek Group ...................3480 Intl Consolidated Airlines.. 466½ Intu Properties ................. 281½ ITV................................... 205½ Johnson Matthey .............3160# Kingfisher ........................ 344½ Land Securities ...............1057# Legal & General................ 249½ Lloyds Banking Grp ................66 London Stock Ex. ...............2924 Marks & Spencer ...........333¾# Mediclinic Intnl................. 786½ Merlin Ent. ....................... 454¾ Micro Focus ....................2113# Mondi ................................1647 Morrison (Wm) ................. 236¼ National Grid..................944½# Next...................................4099
52 WEEK +/- HIGH LOW -21 +7½ -2 -1 -50 +43 -1½ +2½ +1 +17 +1¼ +14 +2¼ +1¼ +15 +3 +7½ -5½ -4 -16 +3¼ +3½ +10
2676 679½ 4139 695½ 3716 3727 598½ 319½ 270½ 3540 386¼ 1202 252¼ 73¾ 2934 446 1168 490¼ 2267 1692 236¼ 1130½ 7020
1624 416¼ 3345 538½ 2192¾ 2628 344 255¾ 154 2230 306¾ 910 165 47½ 2123 285¼ 685 379¾ 1308 1124 150 891½ 4052
Old Mutual ...........................208 Paddy Power Betfair...........8815 Pearson ........................... 813½ Persimmon.........................1934 Provident Financial .............2874 Prudential ...................... 1612½ Randgold Res .....................6515 Reckitt Benckiser ...............6687 Reed Elsevier .....................1439 Rio Tinto ............................3095 Rolls-Royce Group ...........650½c Royal Bank Of Scot .......... 232½ Royal Mail .....................458¾# RSA Insurance Grp ........... 576½ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘A’ .......... 2267½ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘B’ .......... 2359½ Sage Group ...................... 657½ Sainsbury (J).........................252 Schroders ..........................3019 Severn Trent ...................2215# Shire.............................. 4856½ Sky ......................................991 Smith & Nephew ................1212 Smiths Group .....................1444 SSE....................................1540 St James’s Place ................1060 Standard Chartered .......... 695¾ Standard Life .......................364 Taylor Wimpey.................. 168½ Tesco............................... 199½ TUI AG ...............................1165 Unilever..............................3294 United Utilities ..................897# Vodafone Group .............211¼# Whitbread ..........................3941 Wolseley ............................4985 Worldpay..............................281 WPP Group ........................1840
52 WEEK +/- HIGH LOW +1 -70 +1 -6 +26 +11½ -190 -24 +7 -15½ +11 +1¼ +2½ +2½ +4 +2½ +4 +1½ -2 -3 -42½ +1 -8 +19 -5 +10 +5½ +¾ -1 +½ -6 -5 -3 +2 +40 +23 +3 +10
225½ 14275 975 2219 3328 1649 9715 7692 1502 3294 831 288½ 541 586 2275 2389½ 756 292½ 3041 2509 5323 1103 1310 1528 1628 1060 712 378¾ 210¼ 218¾ 1269 3763½ 1039 239¾ 4356 5005 316¾ 1850
43 million travellers using Gatwick. December traffic was up 15 per cent to 3.1 million. Gatwick, whose bid to build a second runway lost out to Heathrow’s expansion plans, also said its long-haul services grew by 26.8 per cent, with traffic to Toronto nearly doubling to 191,124.
149½ 7895 657½ 1289 2164 1087 4188 5847 1126 1577½ 512½ 149 413¼ 373¼ 1266 1277½ 544½ 214½ 2049 2024 3480 750½ 1051 863½ 1321 716 386¾ 262 115¾ 139¼ 844½ 2763 854½ 190½ 3391 3230 256 1338
A TAX decision penalising its Polish business sent shares in emerging markets lender International Personal Finance 13p lower to 163p. The company said it would appeal. Buy support from broker Exane BNP Paribas lifted payments processing giant Worldpay 3p to 281p, but a lower gold price took the shine off blue chip precious metals producers Fresnillo and Randgold Resources, down 49p to 1349p and 190p to 6515p. Gear4Music, an online retailer of musical instruments and equipment, hit a 19p higher note to 519p after strong trading in the last four months of 2016, with like-for-like sales up 55 per cent. Boardroom buying helped Strategic Minerals strike it 0.06p richer to 0.53p. Russia-focused Amur Minerals firmed ¼p to 12¼p after strengthening its board with the appointment of Russian expert Ljupco Naumovski. He is currently vice president of Kinross Gold Corporation, the largest Canadian investor in Russia A loan facility deal with Baron Oil fired up gas storage company InfraStrata 0.33p to 0.78p.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
+ BG + Barclays + BT + Centrica + Dixons Carphone + First Group + HSBC + Kingfisher + Marks & Spencer + Next + Prudential + Rolls-Royce + Sainsburys + Tesco + Unilever + Vodafone + Whitbread + WPP COMPANY
Aerospace & Defence Avon Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036 +3 1089 718 BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 +17½ 612 459¾ Chemring Group. . . . . . . . . . . 170 -¾ 173 115 Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 237¼ 127½ Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .449½ -1 482 346½ QinetiQ Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 263 212 Rolls-Royce Group. . . . . . . 650½c +11 831 512½ Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197¼ -¼ 242 171½ Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . 1933 +5 2030 1595
Alternative Energy Porvair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438½ +11½ 446¼
Automobiles & Parts GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331½ Torotrak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2¼
-1 336¼ 248½ 5½ 2
Banks Bank Of Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . 21¾ Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235¼ BCB Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9½ Bco Santander . . . . . . . . . . .443¼ HSBC Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . 669 Lloyds Banking Grp . . . . . . . . . 66 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . .232½ Standard Chartered . . . . . . .695¾
+½ +2¾
28 239 15½ 444¼ 679½ 73¾ 288½ 712
+4¾ +7½ +1¼ +1¼ +5½
13½ 127¼ 6 260¼ 416¼ 47½ 149 386¾
Beverages Barr (AG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 -4 614½ 455¼ Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588# -½ 732½ 523½ Coca-Cola HBC . . . . . . . . . . 1789 +20 1840 1265 Diageo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2143½ +8½ 2268 1745
Chemicals Carclo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135¼ 163¾ 112 Croda International. . . . . . . . 3248 -29 3669 2663¾ Elementis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 -1¾ 279½ 180½ Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . 3160# +17 3540 2230 Synthomer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 -11½ 388¾ 275 Treatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246½ -1 276 163½ Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1941 -12 1959 1367
Construction & Materials Alumasc Group. . . . . . . . . . .167½ +7 194½ 119 Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . .268¾ +2 295 190¾ Boot (Henry) . . . . . . . . . . . . .193½ -1½ 229 169¾ Clarke T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60¼ -¾ 90½ 57 Costain Group . . . . . . . . . . .382¾ +11 386 274¾ CRH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2767 +9 2830 1637 Galliford Try . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1339 -7 1547 785 Gleeson (MJ) . . . . . . . . . . . .549½ +8½ 625 396½ Keller Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853 +3 1024 644½ Kier Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1378 +10 1422 932 Kingspan Grp . . . . . . . . . . .2306½ -14½ 2321¼ 1545¾ Low & Bonar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64½ +1 71½ 55 Marshalls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292½ -¼ 357¼ 206½ Morgan Sindall . . . . . . . . . . . . 798 +9½ 837 560 Smart (J) & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 106 +½ 109 100¼ Titon Holdings. . . . . . . . . . . .113½ 115 83½ Tyman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285¼ +¼ 303 225½
Electricity Drax Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383½ +3¾ SSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1540 -5
389 207½ 1628 1321
Electronic & Electrical Equipment Dialight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .803½ E2V Technologies . . . . . . . . . 273 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .909½# Morgan Crucible . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Oxford Instruments. . . . . . . . . 765 Renishaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2659 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2331 TT Electronics. . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Volex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48¼ Xaar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412½ XP Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1750#
-1½ 823½ 274 +9½ 1126 -3 305½ 777 -1 2930 -16 2356½ -4 168 58¼ +9¾ 520 +20 1800
380¼ 170¼ 773½ 192¼ 568 1600 1442 122 25¾ 370½ 1422
Equity Investment Instruments Aberdeen All Asia. . . . . . . . . . 551 Aberdeen Asian Sml . . . . . . . 970 Aberforth Smll.Co. . . . . . . . . 1110 Acencia Debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Acorn Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Advance Devlpg Fund . . . . .522½ Albion Tech.& Gen. VCT . . . . 65¼ Albion VCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649 Artemis Alpha . . . . . . . . . . .257½# Aurora Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . .175½ Baillie Gifford Japan . . . . . . .583¾ Baillie Gifford Shin Nip . . . . .593½ Bankers Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . .704½ Baronsmead VCT.2 . . . . . . . . . 84 BH Global GBP . . . . . . . . . . 1300 BH Global USD . . . . . . . . .1062¼ BH Macro GBP. . . . . . . . . . . 2112 Biotech Growth Trust . . . . . . . 725 BlackRock Mining. . . . . . . . . . 345 Blue Planet Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . 42½ BlueCrest AllBlue . . . . . . . .198¾ Bluehone AiM VCT2 . . . . . . . 36¼ British Assets Tst . . . . . . . .107½# British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . 646# Brunner Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . .620½ Caledonia Inv.. . . . . . . . . . . . 2620 City Natural Res.Yld. . . . . . . . 130 City Of London . . . . . . . . . . .409½ Dunedin Ent.IT. . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Dunedin Income . . . . . . . . . .250¼ Dunedin Small. . . . . . . . . . . .209¾ Eastern Euro Tst . . . . . . . . .304½ Edin Wwide Inv. . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Edin.Drgn.Tst.. . . . . . . . . . . .308¾ Edin.Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 Edin.UK Tracker . . . . . . . . . .335¾ Edin.US Tracker . . . . . . . . . . 1264 Elderstreet VCT . . . . . . . . . . . 61½ Electra Private Eq. . . . . . . . 4808# F&C Cap&Inc . . . . . . . . . . . .290¼ F&C Smaller Cos . . . . . . .1251½# F&C US Smaller Companies 917 Fidelity Asian . . . . . . . . . . . .362½ Fidelity European . . . . . . . . .185¾ Fidelity Japanese . . . . . . . . . . 104 Fidelity Special . . . . . . . . . . .227¾ Finsbury Gwth&In. . . . . . . . . . 653 For.&Col.Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . 546# Foresight 3 VCT . . . . . . . . . . . 51¼ Foresight Tech.VCT . . . . . . . . . 75 Gartmore Euro.. . . . . . . . .1104½#
+2 +1 +2 +¼ -¼ +3 +3½ +½ +2¾ +7½ +3 +10 +2½ +2 +8 +3½ +¼ -½ +1 +2½ +41 +2 +1 +5 +2¼ +3¾ -¼ +5 +1½ -1½ +1¾ +6 -15 -2 +1½ +3 +1¼ +¾ +1 -½ +2½ +4
553 1010 1156 121¼ 391 549¾ 73½ 68 649 259 176¾ 593½ 614 710½ 96½ 1311 1077½ 2134 749½ 351¾ 43¾ 199¾ 38½ 129½ 649¼ 624 2620 130 415 355 251 214 305 502 322 739½ 335¾ 1272½ 64 4852 296¼ 1255 920 367¼ 185¾ 107 231½ 676 547 52 78½ 1121
407½ 690 849 103¼ 322½ 364½ 64½ 63 450¾ 205 151 385 386 522 81 1181 970½ 1875 539¾ 159 30½ 176½ 34½ 102¾ 412 468¾ 2112 66½ 341½ 289¼ 193 173¾ 172¼ 378 211 620 268 766 57¼ 3300 234¾ 859 523¾ 187¾ 151¼ 70½ 170 532½ 391¼ 37¼ 71½ 884½
Genesis E.M.F.. . . . . . . . . . . . 606 -2 644 Graphite Ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 -6 697 Hansa Tst ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830 848 Hansa Tst Plc . . . . . . . . . . . .856½ +15¾ 916½ Henderson Euro.Tst . . . . . . . . 975 +5 975 Henderson Far Est . . . . . . . . . 347 +1 360 Henderson High Inc . . . . . . . 185# +1¾ 195¼ Henderson Opp Tst . . . . . . .837¼ +2¼ 844½ Herald Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 +5 905 HGCapital Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . 1550 1557 HSBC Infrastructure . . . . . . .163¼ -½ 185 Impax Env.Mkt . . . . . . . . . . .219¼ +2¼ 219¼ Int.Biotech.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . 550# +7 575 International Public . . . . . . . .153½ 162½ Invesco Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . .230¾ -1¼ 250 Invesco Inc Gth Tst . . . . . . .283½ +1¼ 292½ Invesco Perp UK . . . . . . . . .422½ +5½ 424 JPM American . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 +3 372½ JPM Asian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 +3 295 JPM Claverhouse. . . . . . . . .624½ +2½ 628 JPM Elect Man Gwth . . . . . . . 697 +2¼ 701½ JPM Emerg Mkt . . . . . . . . . . . 694 +2 765 JPM Euro Sml Co . . . . . . . .297½ -¼ 313¾ JPM Global Emerging . . . .118½# +2 127¼ JPM Indian . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605½ -1½ 690 JPM Japanese . . . . . . . . . . .335¾ +¾ 354½ JPM Mid Cap . . . . . . . . . . . .936½ +2½ 1048 JPM Overseas IT . . . . . . . .280½# +2½ 282 JPM Smaller Co . . . . . . . . . . . 834 +2½ 895 JPM US Sml Co . . . . . . . . . . . 281 -½ 284½ Jupiter Euro. . . . . . . . . . . . . .556½ +½ 582½ Jupiter Primdna . . . . . . . . . .310½ 312 JZ Capital Partners . . . . . . .507½ 513 Keystone Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . 1666 -2 1767 Law Debenture . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 +1 538 London & St Law.. . . . . . . . . . 370 +4 374 Lowland Invest Co . . . . . . . 1392# +5 1440 M&G High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 121 Majedie Inv. . . . . . . . . . . . . .296½ +3½ 300 Manchester&Lon. . . . . . . . . .277½ +1 301¾ Martin Currie Pac. . . . . . . . .325¾ +1½ 346 Martin Currie Prtflo Tst . . . . . 226# +3 228 Matrix Inc & Gwth 4 . . . . . . . . . 97 106½ Maven Income And Growth VCT 62½ 67½ Mercantile Inv Tst . . . . . . . . 1723# -1 1775 Merchants Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 +1¾ 471 Mid Wynd Int. . . . . . . . . . . . .419½ 420 Midas Inc&Gwth Tst. . . . . . .158¾ 159½ Mithras Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 186 Monks Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 +3 575½ Montanaro Euro Tst . . . . . .624¾# +4¾ 657 Montanaro Uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 +7 522 Murray Inc.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . 752# +3½ 760½ Murray Int.Tst . . . . . . . . . . . 1170# 1188 New India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .376¼ -3¾ 413 New Star Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . 94½ 98 North Atl.Smlr.Tst . . . . . . . . . 2560 +35 2601 Northern 2 VCT . . . . . . . . . .73½# 80 Northern Investors . . . . . . . . . 933 +23 950 Northern Venture . . . . . . . . . . . 76 83½ Oxford Tech 2 VCT . . . . . . . . . 20 23 Oxford Tech VCT . . . . . . . . . . . 38 42½ Pacific Assets . . . . . . . . . . . .243½ +2½ 258 Pacific Horizon . . . . . . . . . . .211¼ +2¼ 240 Pantheon Int. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1724 -11 1750 Perpetual In.&Gwth . . . . . . .370½ +½ 407 Polar Cap.Tech . . . . . . . . . . . 843 +6 851 RCM Technology Trust . . . . . 835 +5 840 RIT Capital Partners. . . . . . . 1861 +2 1885 Ruffer Investment . . . . . . . . .235½ +2½ 237 Schroder Asia . . . . . . . . . . .343¾# +1 368 Schroder Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .281¼# +2¼ 283 Schroder Japan . . . . . . . . . .192½ +½ 194¼ Schroder UK . . . . . . . . . . . .168½# 169½ Schroder UK M&S . . . . . . .443¼# +4¼ 476½ Scottish American . . . . . . . .329½ +4 329½ Scottish Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . 793 +6 794½ Scottish Mortgage . . . . . . . .328¼ +5¼ 341½ Shires Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227# -½ 236¼ Shires Smlr.Co . . . . . . . . . .203¼# -¼ 213 Small Comp Div.Tst . . . . . . .213½ -½ 217 SPARK VCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19½ 20 Standard Life Equity. . . . . . . . 405 +1½ 452 Standard Life UK Sml . . . . .371½ +3½ 380 SVM Global . . . . . . . . . . . . .272¼ -¼ 274 SVM UK Emerging. . . . . . . . . 62¼ +¾ 69½ Talisman VCT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54½ 54½ Temple Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245 +4 1253 Templeton Emrg. . . . . . . . . .605½ +4 624½ The European Inv.Tst . . . .792¼# +7¼ 810 Throgmorton Tst. . . . . . . . . .354½ +2½ 354½ TR Euro.Growth . . . . . . . . . .788½ +11½ 795 TR Prop. IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297¾ +1 321 Troy Inc & Growth Trust . . . . 77# +½ 78¾ UK Select Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 182 Value & Income . . . . . . . . . . 264# +9 268¾ Witan Inv Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 +2½ 908½ Witan Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 +4 297 Wwide Healthcare . . . . . . . 2189# +21 2194½
408½ 507 691 692 775 252 159½ 676½ 617 982 150½ 141 380 138 158 246¼ 332 246 183 524 540 483 245 73 434¾ 243 765 170½ 685 150½ 463 250 385 1540 433 322 1095 116¼ 237 227 238 162½ 97 61½ 1375 376 313½ 137¾ 145½ 361 489 393 602½ 742½ 276 68 2040 66½ 515 69½ 19 37 177 151 1175 332 503½ 515¾ 1512 193¾ 237 223½ 128¼ 137½ 360¼ 230 544½ 220½ 183¼ 177½ 177 18 361½ 294½ 202 57 50½ 940 371½ 594½ 266½ 563 241¾ 66¼ 152 219 683 206 1596
Financial Services 3i Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723½ +1 3i Infrastructure. . . . . . . . . .186¾# Aberdeen Asset.Man. . . . .270¾# -6¼ Ashmore Group . . . . . . . . . .299¼ -4½ Brewin Dolphin . . . . . . . . . . .305½ -¾ Charles Stanley . . . . . . . . . . 299# +6½ Charles Taylor . . . . . . . . . . .243¼ +4¼ Close Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . 1463 -5 Guinness Peat Group . . . . . . . 53 -¼ Hargreaves Lansdown. . . . . 1289 +4 Henderson Group. . . . . . . . .241½ +1 IFG Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150¼ +¾ IG Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 +21 Intermediate Cap.Grp . . . .712½# -7 International Pers Fin . . . . . . . 163 -13 Investec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .539½ -1 IP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183¼ +1½ Jupiter Fund Man. . . . . . . . .445¾ -1¼ Liontrust Asset Man . . . . . . . . 381 -9 London Stock Ex. . . . . . . . . . 2924 +15 Lonfin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42¾ +¼ Man Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124¼ -1¾ Paragon Group. . . . . . . . . . . 403# -7¾ Provident Financial. . . . . . . . 2874 +26 Rathbone Brothers . . . . . . . . 2005 -15 S & U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2275 +57½ Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3019 -2 Schroders NV . . . . . . . . . . . . 2245 -30
726 200 348½ 375½ 310¾ 330 327½ 1477 56 1416 286½ 186½ 959½ 721½ 341¼ 543½ 200 454 402 2934 46 163 417½ 3328 2359 2610 3041 2282
389¾ 166½ 209¼ 196½ 210¼ 239 221 989½ 21¼ 1056 195 144 450¾ 454¼ 141½ 402¾ 120½ 329 235 2123 34 107¼ 227½ 2164 1590 1992½ 2049 1558
Shore Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 425 217½ SVG Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . .710½ 720 446¼ Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . .467½# +34 484½ 275 Walker Crips Group . . . . . . . . 40¼ +¾ 50 38½
Fixed Line Telecommunications BT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .384½# +¼ 496 346¾ KCOM Group . . . . . . . . . . . .89¼# -¼ 121 88½ TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172¾ +1 272¾ 152½ Telecom Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214 +16 1251 815½
Food & Drug Retailers Booker Group . . . . . . . . . . . .177¾ +½ 186½ 149½ Greggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980 -4 1246 884 Morrison (Wm) . . . . . . . . . . .236¼ +3¼ 236¼ 150 Ocado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258½ +¼ 349 208 Sainsbury (J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 +1½ 292½ 214½ Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199½ +½ 218¾ 139¼ United Drug . . . . . . . . . . . . .666½ -4½ 689½ 500½
Food Producers A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2655# Anglo-Eastern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 Carr’s Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152# Cranswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2368# Dairy Crest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623# Devro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187¾ Glanbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1367¼ Greencore Group . . . . . . . .243¼# Kerry Grp ‘A’ Shs . . . . . . . .5847½ Premier Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . 44½ REA Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
-30 3458 2350 +10 679 390 +5 167¼ 135¾ +28 2538 1890 +2 690 504½ -¼ 317 140 -9½ 1617 1213¾ +2¼ 322¾ 219 -67 7181¼ 5307 -2 59½ 30¼ -1 366 218¼
Redrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441¼ Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . .168½
-3 462 275½ -1 210¼ 115¾
Industrial Engineering Bodycote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644 -2½ C.H. Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147½ Castings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441½ +1½ Fenner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268¼ +31¾ Goodwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1785 +32½ Hill & Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1179 -6 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070 +17 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 +3½ Renold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 +1¼ Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .259¾ +10 Severfield-Rowen . . . . . . . . .74½# +1¼ Slingsby H.C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Spirax-Sarco . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4244 +37 Tex Holdings. . . . . . . . . . . . .126½ +3 Trifast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207¾ -1¼ Vitec Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651 +1 Weir Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1966 +36
653½ 150 514½ 282¾ 2315 1253 1129 199¾ 55¾ 260¾ 76¼ 212½ 4669 129½ 209 652 1970
499 105 407¼ 98½ 1435 734 742 51½ 32½ 152¾ 43¾ 75 2725 100½ 105 485½ 787½
273 151
56¼ 15¾
Industrial Metals & Mining Evraz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214¾ Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129½ Interntl Ferro Metals . . . . . . . . . . 1
+¼ -2
Industrial Transportation BBA Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 +¼ 288 150¼ Braemar Shipping Serv . . . .290¾ +14¼ 469 273 Clarkson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2146 -29 2499 1691 Fisher (J) & Sons . . . . . . . . . 1590 +4 1679 942
Mobile Telecommunications Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775 -5½ 1116 680 Vodafone Group . . . . . . . . .211¼# +2 239¾ 190½
Nonequity Investment Instruments European Ass Tst. . . . . . . . . 1050 +10 1112½ 934 Invesco Lev. . . . . . . . . . . . . .78¼# 79½ 63½ M&G High Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . +¼ 1¾ +¼ M&G High Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 +1¾ 52¼ 41 Oryx Int.Gwth.. . . . . . . . . . . .632½ +5 680 572½ Rights &Iss.Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 1770 +5 1785 1025
Nonlife Insurance Admiral Group . . . . . . . . . . . 1830 +2 2260 1601 Beazley Group . . . . . . . . . . .387¼ -3 405 320 Direct Line Insurance . . . . . .364¾ -1¼ 409½ 333¼ Esure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197½ -½ 304½ 189 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028 +8 1097 900½ Jardine Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012 -5 1048 778 Lancashire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 -½ 758 518½ Novae Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 -4 900 631 RSA Insurance Grp . . . . . . .576½ +2½ 586 373¼
Oil & Gas Producers BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .514½ Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Enquest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Exillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142½ Gulf Keystone Pet. . . . . . . . . . 140 JKX Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Ophir Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94¼ Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83¾ Regal Petroleum. . . . . . . . . . . . 3¼ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘A’ . . . . . . .2267½ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘B’ . . . . . . .2359½ Salamander Energy . . . . . . 79½ Soco International . . . . . . . .160¾ Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324¾
-2¾ 519¼ 310¼ -½ 240 127¼ +5¼ 55½ 11 +5 144¾ 62 +2¾ 707½ 115 31¾ 16 -½ 99¾ 65 +5 85½ 19 -¼ 4¼ 1¾ +4 2275 1266 +2½ 2389½ 1277½ +3 175 116 -1 332½ 118¼
Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution Amec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490½ +7¼ 619½ 327½ Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .638½ +11 650 239¾ John Wood Group . . . . . . . .889½ +3 893½ 541½ Lamprell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 +4 106¼ 56 Petrofac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899 -6½ 982 663
Personal Goods
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
Travel & Leisure
+8 807 535½ -5 3763½ 2763
Forestry & Paper Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647
Gas, Water & Multiutilities Centrica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233½ +¼ 242 183½ Dee Valley Group. . . . . . . .1812½ 1825 1192½ National Grid. . . . . . . . . . . .944½# +3½ 1130½ 891½ Pennon Group . . . . . . . . . . .822½ -3½ 945½ 768 Severn Trent. . . . . . . . . . . . 2215# -3 2509 2024 United Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . 897# -3 1039 854½
General Industrials DS Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 -4½ 427¾ 331¼ RPC Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1064# -15 1086¾ 653 Smiths Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 1444 +19 1528 863½ Vesuvius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .401¾ +¾ 403¾ 270½
General Retailers Ashley (Laura) . . . . . . . . . . . . 19½ Brown (N.) Group . . . . . . . . . 207# Caffyns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525# Carpetright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . .52½# Dignity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2477 Dixons Carphone . . . . . . . .337¾# Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801 Findel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Flying Brands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 French Connection. . . . . . . . . 32¾ Halfords Group . . . . . . . . . . . 345# Inchcape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .714½ John David Group . . . . . . .315½# Kingfisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344½ Lookers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Marks & Spencer . . . . . . . .333¾# Moss Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Mothercare . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112¾ Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4099 Pendragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31½ Pets At Home . . . . . . . . . . .233¾# Saga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197¾ Sports Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . .279½ Ted Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2649 Topps Tiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86# WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1584
+½ +¼ +9¾ +¾ -18 -3 -1 -3
26¾ 18¾ 362 160½ 595 510 485 150 81½ 51½ 2871 2227 476½ 281½ 1018 733 224¾ 130
-½ 50¼ 31¼ -4 449 305½ -2 754 581 -¼ 337½ 202½ +1¼ 386¼ 306¾ +¾ 172 92½ +3 446 285¼ +2 110 90 +½ 228 106¼ +10 7020 4052 48¾ 26¾ -2¾ 285 211½ +¼ 226 174 +5½ 512 252¼ 3092 2124 -1¼ 153 80¼ +1 1878 1447
Health Care Equipment & Services Bioquell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 174½ Consort Medical . . . . . . . . . . 1035 +8 1169 Mediclinic Intnl . . . . . . . . . . .786½ +7½ 1168 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . 1212 -8 1310
126 941 685 1051
Household Goods & Home Construction Abbey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1152½ Barratt Development . . . . . . . 494 Bellway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2569# Berkeley Grp Hldgs . . . . . . . 2891 Bovis Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811 Colefax Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 Headlam Group . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Mcbride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1934 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . 6687
-3½ -16 -26 -6½ -2½ -3¼ -6 -24
1267 933 613 332½ 2810 1689 3700 2270 1024 627 530 445 517½ 418 198 136¾ 2219 1289 7692 5847
The service is provided for general information only and is not intended to address individual requirements. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making investment decisions. Reasonable care will be taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information provided but it may include errors, omissions or inaccuracies.
Ocean Wilsons . . . . . . . . . . . . 990 1022½ 705 Royal Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . .458¾# +2½ 541 413¼ Stobart Group . . . . . . . . . . .178¾# +¾ 179¾ 96¼ Wincanton. . . . . . . . . . . . . .239½# -3 247 148½
Leisure Goods Games Workshop . . . . . . . .729¾ -3¼ 745 423¼ Photo-Me Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .168¼ +½ 182½ 129
Life Insurance Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .489½ -½ Chesnara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 -6¾ Legal & General . . . . . . . . . .249½ +2¼ Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 +1 Phoenix Group . . . . . . . . . . .748½ -6 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1612½ +11½ St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . 1060 +10 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 +¾
495½ 365¼ 252¼ 225½ 802½ 1649 1060 378¾
346¼ 254¾ 165 149½ 611½ 1087 716 262
Media 4imprint Group . . . . . . . . . . . 1825 Bloomsbury Publish. . . . . . .171½ Daily Mail & Gen . . . . . . . . . 781# Euromoney Inst. . . . . . . . . . 1127# Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13¾ Haynes Publishing . . . . . . . .121½ Huntsworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38½ Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 ITE Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157½# ITV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205½ Johnston Press. . . . . . . . . . . . 14¼ Moneysupermarket . . . . . . .297½ Pearson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .813½ Quarto Group . . . . . . . . . . . .307½ Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . 1439 Rightmove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4040 Sky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991 STV Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Tarsus Grp.. . . . . . . . . . . . .288¼# Trinity Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98¾ Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . 744 Wilmington Group . . . . . . . . . 268 WPP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1840
+21 1860 1140 +2¼ 178½ 144¼ -3 804½ 575 +14 1207 852½ 14½ 8 128½ 99 -1 47 34 -1 695½ 538½ +2 176 128¾ +1 270½ 154 +½ 47 8 +¾ 377 233½ +1 975 657½ -1 308½ 207 +7 1502 1126 +19 4302 3173 +1 1103 750½ +7 505 304 +2¼ 288¾ 217¼ +¾ 170 73½ +1½ 746 491 -3½ 280¾ 231¼ +10 1850 1338
Mining African Barrick Gold . . . . . . . 401 -10½ 599 Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . 1135 -10 1529 Anglo Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131# +2½ 132 Antofagasta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694 -5½ 774½ Avocet Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61¼ -1 123 BHP Billiton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317 +½ 1400½ Centamin Egypt . . . . . . . . . .138¼ -3¾ 180 Fresnillo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349 -49 2008 Gem Diamonds . . . . . . . . . .105½ -1¼ 147½ Glencore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288½ -2½ 302¾ Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . .233½ -5¼ 313¾ Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374¾ +2½ 420 Kenmare Res. . . . . . . . . . . .256½ +13¼ 366¼ Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175¾ -5½ 245 Petra Diamonds . . . . . . . . . . . 160 -2 171½ Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6¾ -¼ 9 Polymetal Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888 -20½ 1190 Randgold Res. . . . . . . . . . . . 6515 -190 9715 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3095 -15½ 3294 Vedanta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .918½ -14½ 963
161¼ 221 52½ 346 20½ 581 61¾ 640½ 98 71¼ 39½ 87¾ 84 36¾ 69 5¼ 523½ 4188 1577½ 205¾
Capital & Counties . . . . . . . .296½ +2¼ 410½ Capital & Regional . . . . . . . . . 54¼ +1 66½ Cardiff Property . . . . . . . . . . 1550 1550 CLS Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . 1564 +23 1786 Daejan Holdings . . . . . . . . . . 6335 +280 6383 Development Sec. . . . . . . . .167½ -½ 232 F&C Commercial . . . . . . . . .136½ +¼ 138½ Foxtons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99½ -1½ 197½ Grainger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242¼# +¼ 248½ Helical Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 +5 462¼ London & Ass.Prop . . . . . . . . . 21 27½ Mountview Est. . . . . . . . . .10752½ -312½ 12000 Panther Secs. . . . . . . . . . . . .307½ 397½ Raven Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47¾ +2¾ 47¾ Savills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687 -6½ 873 St. Modwen Prop.. . . . . . . . .314½ -¾ 402¾ Stewart & Wight . . . . . . . . . . . 485 530 UK Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90½ +1½ 122½ UK Commercial Prop . . . . . . . . 85 +1 87¼ Unite Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610 +8½ 663½ Wynnstay Props. . . . . . . . . . . 485 500
263 46½ 1287½ 1163 4411 140¼ 102 94½ 193 230 19¾ 9825 292½ 29 548½ 222¼ 475 70½ 65 543½ 470
Real Estate Investment Trusts Big Yellow Group . . . . . . . . . 714# British Land. . . . . . . . . . . . .636½# Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . 2760 Great Portland Est.. . . . . . . . . 670 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571 Hansteen Holdings. . . . . . . .112½ Highcroft Inv.. . . . . . . . . . . . .907½ Intu Properties . . . . . . . . . . .281½ Land Securities. . . . . . . . . . 1057# London & Stamford Prop . .156¼# Mckay Secs. . . . . . . . . . . . . .191½ Mucklow (A&J) . . . . . . . . . .463½# Primary Health . . . . . . . . . . .110½ SEGRO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .473¼ Shaftesbury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922 Town Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Workspace Group . . . . . . . . . 798
+22 +9 +40 +7 +1½ +1¼ +2½ +14 +¾ +9½ +3½ -¼ +8 +12 +5 +7½
886½ 762½ 3576 812 602½ 119¾ 990 319½ 1202 166¾ 269 521 114 475 994½ 335 926
635 544½ 2257 536 468½ 95¼ 812½ 255¾ 910 135 142 382 100½ 370½ 813 265 577
Software & Computer Services Aveva Group . . . . . . . . . . . 1924# +26 2051 1237 Computacenter . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 -3½ 879 678 Electronic Data Proc. . . . . . . . 70½ 75½ 63¾ Emblaze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25¼ Fidessa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2201 -12 2596 1771 Gresham Computing . . . . . .140½ -2 144¾ 89½ Intec Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . 71¾ Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . 2113# -4 2267 1308 Microgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184½ 198 108 RM Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 -¾ 175 114½ Sage Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .657½ +4 756 544½ SDL International . . . . . . . . . . 440 +½ 478¾ 383½ Triad Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 -1 85½ 21
Support Services Acal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232¾# Aggreko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976 Ashtead Group . . . . . . . . . . . 1592 Atkins (WS). . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473# Babcock International. . . . .939½# Berendsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 Brammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2081 Cape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178¾ Capita Group . . . . . . . . . . . .515½ Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Communisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42¼ DCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6210 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . .611½# Diploma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032#
+3¾ 285 204½ +6 1286 765 -9 1644 769 +1 1713 1158 -16 1105 854 -1½ 1355 774½ +¼ 228 60 -1 2436 1735 +¼ 242 140¾ -4½ 1191 452½ +1 305½ 221½ +1¾ 49 34½ -95 7220 4779 -6 641½ 395½ +1 1054 630
# Ex-dividend * Ex-rights a Ex-All c Ex-capitalisation † Shares suspended
483 891 1594 251 88 155 629½ 510½ 83½ 512½ 3727 606½ 267½ 2075 68¾ 24 483 461½ 301 45½ 524½ 1168 235½ 1030 376 238¼ 148¾ 99½ 149 168½ 54 247 351 1964 101½ 5005 316¾
204 383 1073 164 52½ 94 363¼ 341 12 221¼ 2628 338½ 109 1925 52¼ 3½ 353¼ 265 180½ 32½ 306½ 720 150 653 250 162¼ 76¾ 61¾ 87¼ 129¾ 30 70¾ 221 1313 59 3230 256
BATM Advanced . . . . . . . . . . 18¾ +¼ 19¼ 12¾ CML Microsystems . . . . . . . . 370 407½ 331½ Imagination Tech . . . . . . . . .246¼ +2¾ 269½ 105½ Laird Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 -8½ 382 130¼ Northamber. . . . . . . . . . . . . .31½# 35½ 30 Spirent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98½ -1 102 66¼
Real Estate Investment & Services
Technology Hardware & Equipment
Burberry Group. . . . . . . . . . 1473# +23 1530 1041 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 +½ 372½ 249¼ Supergroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1706 +15 1720 1184 AstraZeneca . . . . . . . . . . . .4550½ +½ 5220 3774 BTG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 -18½ 728 557 Genus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1785 -9 2042 1282 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . .1583½# 1722½ 1344½ Hikma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1916 -21 2676 1624 Oxford Biomedica. . . . . . . . . . . 4¼ 7¾ 3 Shire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4856½ -42½ 5323 3480
Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3294
Electrocomponents . . . . . . . 475# -5½ Essentra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Experian Group . . . . . . . . . 1569# G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 +2 Harvey Nash Group . . . . . . . . . 60 -1¼ Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154¾ +2¼ Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615# -1 Howden Joinery . . . . . . . . . . . 392 -¼ IEnergizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Interserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 -29¾ Intertek Group. . . . . . . . . . . . 3480 +43 John Menzies . . . . . . . . . . . .605½ +4½ Lavendon Group . . . . . . . . .266½ -¾ London Security . . . . . . . . . . 2000 Macfarlane Group . . . . . . . . . . 61 Mangmnt Consulting . . . . . . . . . 5 +1 Mears Group . . . . . . . . . . . .459½ +7 Michael Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 -¾ Mitie Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .218½# -½ Norish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43½ Northgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . .513½# -2½ Paypoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969# +3 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 +¼ Ricardo Group . . . . . . . . . . .967½ +15½ Robert Walters . . . . . . . . . . .342½ +7½ RPS Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 +2¾ Serco Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 -¼ Shanks Group . . . . . . . . . . .94¾# SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100¾ -1¼ Smiths News . . . . . . . . . . . .157¾ +2¾ Speedy Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . .52¼# +½ St.Ives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125¼ -1¼ SThree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311½ Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . 1495 -4 Waterman Group . . . . . . . . .80½# Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4985 +23 Worldpay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 +3
British Amer.Tob. . . . . . . . . . 4574 Imperial Brands . . . . . . . . .3538½
-6 -2
5042 4139
3565 3345
888 Holdings. . . . . . . . . . . . .217¾ -¾ Air Partner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .497½ +5½ Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4189 +10 Celtic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Compass Group . . . . . . . . . . 1458 -3 Domino’s Pizza. . . . . . . . . . .372½ +6 EasyJet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059 +4 Enterprise Inns . . . . . . . . . . .127¾ +4¾ FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 +½ Fuller Smith & Turner. . . . . . 1006 +15 Go-Ahead Group . . . . . . . . . 2236 -24 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . .719½# +9 GVC Holdings. . . . . . . . . . .646½# -4½ Heavitree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392½ InterContinental Htl. . . . . . . . 3666 -50 Intl Consolidated Airlines . . .466½ -1½ Irish Continental Uts . . . . . . . . 398 +1¼ Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 +1¼ Marston’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134¾# -½ Merlin Ent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .454¾ -5½ Millennium & Cop. . . . . . . . . . 458 +3 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . 258# +3¼ National Express . . . . . . . . .349½ -3 Paddy Power Betfair . . . . . . 8815 -70 Punch Taverns . . . . . . . . . . .192¾ +¾ Rank Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .194¾ -¼ Restaurant Gp . . . . . . . . . . .340½ +6½ Ryanair Holdings . . . . . . . . . 1267 -12¾ Sportech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88½ -¾ Stagecoach Group . . . . . . . .219½ -3½ Thomas Cook Group . . . . . . . 88¼ TUI AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165 -6 Wetherspoon (JD) . . . . . . . .890½ +4½ Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3941 +40 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297¾ -2¼
234¼ 510 4195 75 1548 397 1720 127¾ 114½ 1154 2673 913 769 475 3716 598½ 497½ 162 164½ 490¼ 483 312½ 376½ 14275 196 295½ 656½ 1314 89¾ 287¼ 121¾ 1269 952 4356 410½
164 329 2957 70¼ 1088 285¼ 873½ 72¾ 80¾ 930 1790 663½ 421½ 392½ 2192¾ 344 347¾ 106 129¾ 379¾ 366½ 217½ 275½ 7895 86¾ 186¾ 257 903¼ 50 196 54¾ 844½ 609 3391 247
600 Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9¾ 13½ Arbuthnot Banking . . . . . . . . 1450 -3 1717 ASOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5256 +132 5343 Boohoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140¾ +2¼ 141½ Camellia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10425 -50½10800½ Churchill China . . . . . . . . . . . . 915 -5 920 City Of London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 28 CPP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14¼ 15 Cropper (James) . . . . . . . . 1265# +75 1272½ Dewhurst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 -5 710 Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . 242 +3 245 Filtronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 +¼ 14 Finsbury Food Group . . . . . . . 123 -½ 136½ Flowgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8¼ -¼ 25¼ Gemfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 -1 56 Goals Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . .105½ 149½ Gresham House . . . . . . . . . .302½ +4½ 335 Hornby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31½ +1¼ 88¼ James Halstead . . . . . . . . . .490½ +3¾ 505 Johnson Service. . . . . . . . . . . 109 -1¾ 114¾ Majestic Wine . . . . . . . . . . . .320¼ +5¾ 477¾ Molins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 81½ Monitise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2¾ +¼ 3¾ Nichols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1630 -35 1690 Numis Corporation . . . . . . .239¼# +¾ 246½ Ovoca Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9¼ -¼ 16½ Patagonia Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3¼ Portmeirion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .942½ -15 1267½ Rockhopper Exploratn . . . . . 23¼ +½ 39 Sirius Minerals . . . . . . . . . . . . 18¾ -¼ 45½ Ten Alps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1¾ +¼ 2 Trans-Siberian Gold . . . . . . . . 40½ -½ 55½ UBC Media Group . . . . . . . . . . 7½ +¼ 16½ Victoria Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . 35½ -¼ 53 Young & Co Brewery A . . . . 1325 -10 1350½
7½ 1265 2595 36 7510 692½ 3 5¼ 570 550 179 5 102½ 7½ 31½ 87 287½ 22½ 379 85 277½ 48 1¾ 1119 180½ 4¼ 1½ 749 19¼ 10¾ +½ 16½ 5¼ 24½ 1075
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HURDLE 4YO 12.10JUVENILE £6,498 (3) 1m 7f 216yds 1 12 2 3 4 88U 5 2F 6 5L 7 44
(7 dec)
l COEUR DE LION (28) (D) A King 11 4.W Hutchinson ALCANAR (F53) A Carroll 10 12.......................L Edwards BLACK BUBLE A Carroll 10 12.......................N Slatter(5) DARK ENEMY (7) B Powell 10 12......................B J Powell DON BERSY (30) T Symonds 10 12................ A Coleman LIGHT OF AIR (24) G L Moore 10 12......... Jamie Moore ROYAL RESERVE (11) I Williams 10 12..........T J O’Brien VISOR: No. 6 TONGUE STRAP: No. 4. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1. W-Factor: Coeur de Lion (99); Light Of Air (96); Royal Reserve (96). 32RED: 4-9 Coeur de Lion, 4 Royal Reserve, 8 Don Bersy, 10 Light Of Air, 25 Alcanar, 33 Black Buble, 250 Dark Enemy.
MARES’ HURDLE (LISTED) 12.45£12,529 (1) 2m 3f 173yds
1 4F3 MORELLO ROYALE (11) C Tizzard 7 11 8....... A Coleman 2 11-1 BRIERY QUEEN (28) (D,F) Noel Williams 8 11 4... L Aspell 3 12F l DESERT QUEEN (12) (C&D,F) H Fry 9 11 0.N Fehily 4 5-36 HANNAH’S PRINCESS (28) (D) W Greatrex 8 11 0 A Tinkler 5 P1-1 LIFEBOAT MONA (49) P Nicholls 7 11 0... S Twiston-Davies 6 121 MIDNIGHT JAZZ (29) (D) B Case 7 11 0.............D Jacob 7 1L-L TARA FLOW (49) Miss V Williams 7 11 0..... L Treadwell TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 3, 5 HOOD: No. 2. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. W-Factor: Desert Queen (99); Lifeboat Mona (97); Midnight Jazz (97). 32RED: 9-4 Lifeboat Mona, 7-2 Desert Queen, Briery Queen, 6 Midnight Jazz, 8 Tara Flow, 14 Morello Royale, Hannah’s Princess.
32RED HANDICAP CHASE £9,384 (3) 2m 4f 10yds (14)
1 1P-9 MYSTIFIABLE (42) (D) F O’Brien 9 12 0.......P Brennan 2 25F ALL TOGETHER (21) J Farrelly 6 11 12...........B J Powell 3 F21 MERCIAN PRINCE (39) (D,F) Miss Amy Murphy 6 11 11 J Quinlan 4 LL-6 MARCILHAC (21) Miss V Williams 8 11 9..... L Treadwell 5 664 FORT SMITH (35) Sam Thomas 8 11 8..... H Beswick(7) 6 1L/P SERGEANT MATTIE (69) (D) C Longsdon 9 11 8.. N Fehily 7 L-U1 l ATIRELARIGO (35) P Hobbs 7 11 7............R Johnson 8 2FP KING OF THE WOLDS (17) (D) M Sheppard 10 11 7 Stan Sheppard(5) 9 P4-8 KINGSTON (35) A Carroll 8 11 6.......................L Edwards 10 7-7P DAVERON (17) (D) B Pauling 9 11 6........................ D Bass 11 26-P SPEREDEK (19) N Hawke 6 11 5...............................D Cook 12 6-53 MORNING REGGIE (47) (C&D,F) O Sherwood 8 11 2 L Aspell 13 222 GORES ISLAND (28) G L Moore 11 11 2...William Clarke(10) 14 1L4 BALLYCOE (35) (D) C Gordon 8 10 10............. T Cannon TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 5, 14 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 5, 8, 11, 12. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. W-Factor: Atirelarigo (99); Gores Island (97); Mercian Prince (96). 32RED: 9-2 Mercian Prince, 5 Atirelarigo, 11-2 Mystifiable, 15-2 Ballycoe, 8 Gores Island, Marcilac, 9 Others. GOING: Soft. Right Handed. TOP TRACK JOCKEY (201217): Jamie Moore 23% Strike rate. TOP TRACK TRAINER (2012-17): N Henderson 25% Strike rate.
THE Scout 12.05 Morning Suit 12.40 Naupaka 1.10 Malaysian Boleh 1.45 Van Huysen
2.20 You’re Fired 2.55 Coral Sea 3.30 Heads You Win
32RED CASINO HANDICAP 3YO 12.05£4,690 (Class 4) 1m (3 dec) 1 (1) L22- l MORNING SUIT (40) (F,T) M Johnston 9 7 P McDonald 2 (2) 433- ENVISAGING (43) J Fanshawe 9 5.............D Muscutt 3 (3) 795- LICENSE TO THRILL (10) S Dow 8 7............. J F Egan W-Factor: Morning Suit (99); Envisaging (93); License To Thrill (89). SP FORECAST: 10-11 Envisaging, 7-4 Morning Suit, 9-2 License To Thrill.
12.10 Coeur de Lion 2.25 CAPITAINE (nap) 12.45 Desert Queen 3.00 Gas Line Boy 1.15 Atirelarigo 1.50 GARDE LA VICTOIRE (nb) 3.35 Maestro Royal SCOTTISH EXPRESS: 2.25 FINIAN’S OSCAR (nap)
CASINO HCAP CHASE 1.50 32RED £15,640 (2) 1m 7f 119yds (7) ITV4
1 123 l GARDE LA VICTOIRE (49) (D,F) P Hobbs 8 11 12 R Johnson 2 LFL SAVELLO (11) (D) D Skelton 11 11 5..Bridget Andrews(3) 3 783 BRIGHT NEW DAWN (159) (D) Miss V Williams 10 11 4 L Treadwell 4 1-L1 HOLLYWOODIEN (12) (D) T Symonds 6 11 0..A Coleman 5 LL5 ULCK DU LIN (42) (D) P Nicholls 9 10 11..J Sherwood(3) 6 F-P6 BOLD HENRY (57) (C&D) P Hobbs 11 10 10.. T J O’Brien 7 1-4F DE FAOITHESDREAM (28) (D) E Williams 11 10 6.. A Wedge BLINKERS: No. 5 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 2, 5 HOOD: No. 2. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. W-Factor: Garde La Victoire (99); Bold Henry (92); Savello (88). 32RED: 7-4 Garde La Victoire, 3 Hollywoodien, 5 De Faoithesdream, 8 Bold Henry, 10 Bright New Dawn, 12 Ulck Du Lin, 16 Savello. GUIDE: Garde La Victoire is a reliable type over hurdles but often flatters to deceive over the larger obstacles. He never looked fully comfortable at Exeter in November (2m1f, gd) when second and can be taken on here with DE FAOITHESDREAM. Evan Williams’ charge would have surely won cosily last time out at Cheltenham (2m, gd-sft) but for a crashing fall at the third last. Hollywoodien returned to form with a win at Wetherby (2m3f. gd-sft) on Boxing Day and would have a chance if repeating that feat.
HURDLE (GRADE 1) ITV4 2.25 NOVICES’ £25,628 (1) 2m (6)
1 121 l CAPITAINE (22) (D) P Nicholls 5 11 7 S Twiston-Davies 2 CELESTIAL PATH (F105) D Pipe 5 11 7.... T Scudamore 3 13-1 CHALONNIAL (16) H Fry 5 11 7.............................. N Fehily 4 111 CHARLEMAR (35) (D) H Whittington 5 11 7...A Coleman 5 11 FINIAN’S OSCAR (19) (S) C Tizzard 5 11 7.. T J O’Brien 6 F1-2 GLOBAL STAGE (50) F O’Brien 6 11 7.............P Brennan HOOD: No. 1. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 3, 5. W-Factor: Capitaine (99); Celestial Path (96); Finian’s Oscar (96). 32RED: 13-8 Capitaine, 7-4 Finian’s Oscar, 7 Charlemar, Chalonnial, 16 Celestial Path, 25 Global Stage. GUIDE: FINIAN’S OSCAR won impressively at Hereford (2m6f, sft) beating a decent yardstick in Acting Lass by seven lengths and, despite taking a fair drop down in distance, looked as though he would have no issue returning to the minimum distance. The form horse is Capitaine who landed a Grade 2 prize when making all of the running last time at Ascot (2m, gd-sft) and merits the utmost respect on that effort, while Charlemar was impressive at Aintree (2m, gdsft) and is one to consider up in class. FIRST TIME: 1.15 King Of The Wolds (cheek pieces), 3.35 Cloonacool (blinkers), 12.10 Light Of Air (visor). BEATEN FAVOURITES: 12.45 Desert Queen. 3.00 Dynaste(hcp ch), Pete The Feat(hcp ch). 3.35 Chocala, Krugermac. LONGEST TRAVELLER: Baileys Concerto (3.00) 297 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 1.50 Bright New Dawn from G Elliott. 2.25 Celestial Path from Sir M Prescott. 3.35 Discours D’un Roi from G Macaire, John Reel from D Skelton.
1.10 HANDICAP £2,911 (5)
1 (9) ARSENIO LUPIN D P Quinn 9 5..................... T Clark(3) 2 (10) 65- CRITICAL THINKING (7) Miss J Feilden 9 5 Shelley Birkett(3) 3 (6) INDIAN DANDY M Botti 9 5............................Jo Gordon 4 (5) PALERMO M Wigham 9 5......................................A Kirby 5 (1) 7- SALT WHISTLE BAY (71) R Guest 9 5.........D Probert 6 (7) STATE RESIDENCE D M Simcock 9 5..........D Costello 7 (3) 5- TRAVELLER (58) C Hills 9 5..............................L Morris 8 (11) 08- LIFE HAPPENS (18) J Portman 9 0....................R Tate 9 (4) 63- l NAUPAKA (22)(T) B Ellison 9 0.................. T Eaves 10 (8) 432- PATTIE (26) (F) M Channon 9 0...........................G Lee 11 (2) SURFSIDE M Channon 9 0....................... G Downing(3) TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 7. W-Factor: Naupaka (99); Traveller (96); Pattie (93). SP FORECAST: 11-4 Pattie, 7-2 Naupaka, 6 State Residence, 7 Palermo, 8 Indian Dandy, 10 Traveller, Critical Thinking, 16 Others. GOING: Standard. Left Handed. TOP JOCKEY (2012-17): A Kirby 20% Strike rate. TOP TRAINER (2012-17): M Johnston 14% Strike rate. FIRST TIME: 2.55 Roman Navigator (tongue strap), 12.40 Arsenio Lupin (tongue strap). BEATEN FAVOURITES: 1.45 Marshgate Lane. 2.55 Coral Sea. DRAW: Low best in races up to a mile LONGEST TRAVELLER: You’re Fired (2.20) 271 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 2.20 Dollar Reward from Sir M Stoute. 2.55 Jack Flash from G M Lyons.
1 (9) 0L0- FALCAO (32) J Butler 5 9 10......................T J Murphy 2 (10) 183- BILLYOAKES (16) C Wallis 5 9 8......................L Morris 3 (6) 0LL- NOBLE DEED (10) (C) M Attwater 7 9 6 Jo Gordon 4 (3) 254- TABLA (23) (C) L Carter 5 9 6...............................K Fox 5 (4) 362- l MALAYSIAN BOLEH (12) (C&D,F,T) B Ellison 7 9 6 T Eaves 6 (7) L50- BLACK CAESAR (J40) (D) P Hide 6 9 5.............G Lee 7 (2) 06L- STAR OF THE STAGE (16) (C&D) J Butler 5 9 4...A Kirby 8 (8) 30L- MAJESTIC MYLES (31) (C&D) L Carter 9 9 1..R Winston 9 (5) 157- GOLD RETURN (22) J Ryan 4 9 0...Lulu Stanford(5) 10 (1) L9L- QUINTUS CERIALIS (23) (D) Miss K George 5 8 9 M Dwyer BLINKERS: No. 5 TONGUE STRAP: No. 10 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 2, 10. W-Factor: Malaysian Boleh (99); Star Of The Stage (97); Falcao (95). SP FORECAST: 11-4 Malaysian Boleh, 9-2 Billyoakes, 5 Star Of The Stage, 6 Tabla, 8 Gold Return, 10 Black Caesar, 12 Others.
3YO HANDICAP 12.40MAIDEN £2,264 (6) 1m (11) 1.45 £7,246 (3)
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THE Scout
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1m 2f
1 (4) 521- COILLTE CAILIN (11) (D,F,T) D O’Meara 7 9 7 M Harley 2 (8) 005- FORT BASTION (17)(F,T) B Ellison 8 9 5....... T Eaves 3 (1) 19-2 MARSHGATE LANE (5) (C&D) N Mulholland 8 9 5 L Keniry 4 (3) 609- READY (12) (C,D) Clare Ellam 7 9 4.............S Drowne 5 (5) 235- ARROWZONE (87)(T) I Furtado 6 9 3.. L Edmunds(7) 6 (2) 753- MICA MIKA (11) (D,T) R Fahey 9 9 1 Natalie Hambling(7) 7 (6) 311- l VAN HUYSEN (20) (C&D,F) D F Davis 5 9 1.. J F Egan 8 (7) 308- PASSING STAR (7) (C) C Hills 6 8 12..........R Winston BLINKERS: No. 5 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 3, 4. W-Factor: Van Huysen (99); Marshgate Lane (98); Mica Mika (95). SP FORECAST: 11-4 Coillte Cailin, 7-2 Van Huysen, 5 Fort Bastion, 6 Mica Mika, 7 Arrowzone, 8 Marshgate Lane, 14 Others.
gossip from The gallopS Cotswolds: ABOVE BOARD (3.15 Wincanton) North: YOU’RE FIRED (2.20 Lingfield) Scotland: DEEPSAND (2.10 Newcastle) West: FINIAN’S OSCAR (2.25 Sandown)
CHASE 3.00 HANDICAP £61,900 (2) 3m 37yds
HURDLE £15,640 (2) 1m 7f 216yds 3.35 HANDICAP
(10) ITV4
1 171 ROBINSHILL (17) (D) N Twiston-Davies 6 11 12 S Twiston-Davies 2 416 KAPSTADT (6) (D) I Williams 7 11 12.............T J O’Brien 3 L11- DISCOURS D’UN ROI (461) N Henderson 5 11 11.... N Fehily 4 F07 CLOONACOOL (11) (D) S Edmunds 8 11 7.............P Brennan 5 927 PRAIRIE TOWN (42) (C&D) A Carroll 6 11 4...L Edwards 6 L/22 CHOCALA (25) (F) A King 7 11 4...............W Hutchinson 7 F-26 FAITHFUL MOUNT (35) (D) I Williams 8 11 3...R Johnson 8 272 l MAESTRO ROYAL (29) (D,F) N Henderson 8 11 2...D Bass 9 312/ JOHN REEL (F12) (D) P Evans 8 11 0............ A Coleman 10 212- KRUGERMAC (392)(F) G Moore 6 10 13.. Jamie Moore BLINKERS: No. 4 TONGUE STRAP: No. 2 CHEEK PIECES: No. 7. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10. W-Factor: Maestro Royal (99); Discours D’un Roi (97); Faithful Mount (97). 32RED: 100-30 Discours D’Un Roi, 4 Krugermac, 6 Chocala, John Reel, 7 Faithful Mount, 10 Maestro Royal, Robinshill, 12 others. GUIDE: A chance can be taken with PRAIRIE TOWN, who finished a close second to a subsequent dual chase winner over this C&D (gd) two starts ago. He may not have the best of strike-rates but he can outrun big odds this afternoon. Chocala has been knocking on the door of late and the switch to handicaps should be in his favour, while the unexposed pair of Discours D’un Roi and Krugermac cannot be discounted either. Faithful Mount is another to warrant consideration following his respectable effort in a Listed event over C&D (gd-sft) last month.
STAKES 2.20 CONDITIONS £11,828 (2) 1m
(19) ITV4
1 P21 SHUIL ROYALE (76) (D) H Fry 12 11 12............... N Fehily 2 L41 ROCKY CREEK (35) (C,D) P Nicholls 11 11 11... J Sherwood(3) 3 53F SAINT ARE (35) (D) T R George 11 11 10........P Brennan 4 431 l GAS LINE BOY (34) (D) I Williams 11 11 8....T J O’Brien 5 9P-P AACHEN (35) (C,D) Miss V Williams 13 11 8...C Deutsch(3) 6 9-67 DYNASTE (34) (D,F) D Pipe 11 11 8............ T Scudamore 7 2-L1 FORGOTTEN GOLD (41) (D) T R George 11 11 6...R Johnson 8 0-LP BENNYS MIST (35) (D) Miss V Williams 11 11 6.. L Treadwell 9 012 CLOUDY TOO (34) (D,F,T) Mrs S Smith 11 11 3...D Cook 10 217 LOOSE CHIPS (35) (C&D) C Longsdon 11 11 2 G B Watters(3) 11 1L2 ASTRACAD (12) N Twiston-Davies 11 10 12.S Twiston-Davies 12 F-14 AERIAL (34) P Nicholls 11 10 11...................J Williams(7) 13 P22 ERICHT (57) (F) N Henderson 11 10 9.................... D Bass 14 1P-5 WYCHWOODS BROOK (34) H Whittington 11 10 7 J Nixon(7) 15 284 COURT BY SURPRISE (29) (D) Miss E Lavelle 12 10 5 L Aspell 16 L03 THEATRICAL STAR (12) (D) C Tizzard 11 10 4....B J Powell 17 52P BAILEYS CONCERTO (21)(T) Mrs D Sayer 11 10 2 C McCormack(3) 18 414 CODY WYOMING (20) C Mann 11 10 2............... T Cannon 19 0-83 PETE THE FEAT (32) (D) C Longsdon 13 10 1... A Coleman BLINKERS: Nos. 6, 10 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 3, 6, 18, 19 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 3, 7, 12, 13, 18. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. W-Factor: Gas Line Boy (99); Shuil Royale (93); Rocky Creek (92). 32RED: 7 Dynaste, 8 Theatrical Star, 9 Rocky Creek, Gas Line Boy, 11 Aerial, Shuil Royale, 14 others. GUIDE: Gas Line Boy had a few of these behind him when an impressive winner of a similar event at Kelso (2m6f, gd-sft) last month but the preference is for CLOUDY TOO, who was second on that occasion but an 11lb swing in the weights can see him go one better today. Rocky Creek won the London National (3m4f, gd-sft) here in December and a 4lb rise for that win would appear to be more than fair. Saint Are and Theatrical Star are others to make the shortlist for this competitive event.
1 (4) 217- ALFRED HUTCHINSON (7) (C&D,T) D O’Meara 9 9 3 A Kirby 2 (1) 2LL- CAPTAIN CAT (56) (C&D) A Carroll 8 9 3...G Downing 3 (5) 228- DOLLAR REWARD (147) S C Williams 4 9 3...A Beschizza 4 (3) 614- KINGSTON KURRAJONG (168) (D) A Balding 4 9 3 L Keniry 5 (2) 971- REALIZE (16) (C,D) S C Williams 7 9 3............ S Levey 6 (6) 002- l YOU’RE FIRED (52) (D,S,T) K Burke 6 9 3...D Costello TONGUE STRAP: No. 5 CHEEK PIECES: No. 1. W-Factor: You’re Fired (99); Realize (98); Alfred Hutchinson (96). SP FORECAST: 11-8 Realize, 11-4 You’re Fired, 4 Alfred Hutchinson, 7 Captain Cat, 12 Kingston Kurrajong, 25 Dollar Reward.
SPRINT MAIDEN STAKES 2.55 BETWAY £2,911 (5) 6f (8)
(6) 690- PLEADINGS (9) C Wallis 4 10 0................ A Beschizza (1) 6- BO SELECTA (24) Richard Spencer 3 8 12...L Keniry (7) 380- DARK DESTROYER (120) J Tuite 3 8 12....... J F Egan (2) 247- JACK FLASH (171)(T) J L Eyre 3 8 12................J Hart (4) 8- ROMAN NAVIGATOR (45) M Botti 3 8 12.. D Muscutt (5) 222- l CORAL SEA (12) C Hills 3 8 7......................L Morris (3) FILLE THE FORCE S Dixon 3 8 7..................... K O’Neill (8) 0- TAI HANG DRAGON (56) R Hannon 3 8 7.T Marquand VISOR: No. 1 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 5 HOOD: No. 6. W-Factor: Coral Sea (99); Dark Destroyer (97); Bo Selecta (92). SP FORECAST: 6-4 Coral Sea, 7-2 Dark Destroyer, 4 Jack Flash, 8 Bo Selecta, 14 Tai Hang Dragon, Roman Navigator, 16 Others. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
FILLIES’ HCAP 3.30 32REDSPORT.COM £2,911 (5) 1m 2f (9)
1 (1) 282- FOOTLIGHT (7)(T) R Fahey 4 9 11...Natalie Hambling(7) 2 (8) 33L- MERCY ME (21) (C,D) J Ryan 5 9 11.................A Kirby 3 (3) 610- SOLVEIG’S SONG (18) (D) S Woodman 5 9 10..J Mitchell 4 (7) 145- OWNERS DAY (J20) (D) N Mulholland 7 9 6.L Keniry 5 (6) 502- l HEADS YOU WIN (22) J Osborne 4 9 4...T J Murphy 6 (4) 22L- TWO IN THE PINK (20) (C) R J Smith 7 9 3...D Probert 7 (9) 856- TOMMYS GEAL (18) (C&D) M Madgwick 5 8 12 D Muscutt 8 (5) 033- CELTIC AVA (24) (C&D) P Phelan 5 8 11..... J F Egan 9 (2) 727- GO ON GAL (36) Miss J Feilden 4 8 9 Shelley Birkett(3) CHEEK PIECES: No. 3. W-Factor: Heads You Win (99); Footlight (97); Solveig’s Song (95). SP FORECAST: 3 Footlight, 7-2 Mercy Me, 5 Heads You Win, 7 Owners Day, 8 Solveig’s Song, Celtic Ava, 12 Go On Gal, 14 Others.
(NOVICES’ LIMITED HCAP) 2.40 CHASE £7,798 (3) 2m 4f 35yds (8) ITV4
THE Scout 12.55 Looks Like Power 1.30 Captain McGinley 2.05 Fox Appeal
2.40 Wild West Wind 3.15 Fortunate George 3.50 Anchor Man
HANDICAP HURDLE 12.55NOVICES’ £3,899 (Class 4) 1m 7f 65yds (7 declared)
1 640 LILLINGTON (30) C Tizzard 5 11 12.............................H Cobden(3) 2 4L7 DR DUNRAVEN (25) P Hobbs 6 11 12.................Mr S Houlihan(7) 3 125 MIRACLE CURE (25) (C&D,F) Ms V Williams 8 11 11...R T Dunne 4 347 THREEBARMYMEN (34) J Scott 6 11 7.........................M Griffiths 5 P61 l LOOKS LIKE POWER (17) Mrs D Hamer 7 11 6...Mr R Patrick(7) 6 850 RIVER DUN (18) G F Edwards 7 11 6....................... D G Noonan(3) 7 LL-8 NEW REPUBLIC (47) E Williams 6 10 0........................ P Moloney BLINKERS: No. 3 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 5, 7 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 5, 7. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 5. W-Factor: Looks Like Power (99); Dr Dunraven (95); Lillington (92). SP FORECAST: 9-4 Looks Like Power, 3 Miracle Cure, 9-2 Dr Dunraven, 5 Lillington, 8 New Republic, 12 Threebarmymen, 20 River Dun.
HANDICAP CHASE 1.30 NOVICES’ £5,198 (4) 3m 1f 30yds
1 1P2 SONOFTHEKING (18) (F) N Martin 9 11 12........Mr D Edwards(5) 2 7L-U ONEIDA TRIBE (23) R Dickin 8 11 12.....................................C Poste 3 369 LORD BALLIM (25) N Hawke 7 11 11................................. T Bellamy 4 7UP l CAPTAIN MCGINLEY (18) Miss R Curtis 7 11 9.......... S Bowen 5 058 CUCKLINGTON (30) C Tizzard 6 11 7..........................H Cobden(3) 6 1-67 LUNAR FLOW (23) J Snowden 6 10 13...........................M G Nolan 7 L-58 CATCH A THIEF (26) E Williams 6 10 12......................... C Ring(3) 8 248 PORT NAVAS (18) D Pipe 6 10 10............................ D G Noonan(3) 9 272 REPLACEMENT PLAN (26) R Woollacott 8 10 8....... A P Heskin 10 4-83 GET IN PAT (22) T Vaughan 10 10 7.............................A Johns(3) 11 23-6 SHANANN STAR (12) G F Edwards 11 10 4...................K Edgar(3) 12 53U TREHAN CROSS (18) Miss J Du Plessis 8 10 0....... James Best 13 L83 MINMORE GREY (18) (F) N Lampard 8 10 0................... J Banks 14 P-3F COMICAL RED (18) M Gillard 9 10 0............................... M Quinlan BLINKERS: Nos. 3, 4, 8, 14 VISOR: No. 13 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 3, 5, 9 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 9, 11, 12 HOOD: No. 10. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 6, 14. W-Factor: Captain McGinley (99); Get In Pat (98); Port Navas (97). SP FORECAST: 9-2 Sonoftheking, 5 Replacement Plan, 6 Port Navas, 8 Captain McGinley, Cucklington, 10 Get In Pat, Lunar Flow, 12 Others.
TYRES HANDICAP CHASE 2.05 BATHWICK £12,512 (2) 2m 4f 35yds (8) ITV4
451 l FOX APPEAL (17) (D) Miss E Lavelle 10 11 12...D G Noonan(3) 6-P7 SOME BUCKLE (49) T R George 8 11 5......................... A P Heskin 2-P8 ORBASA (21) (D) (F) P Nicholls 6 11 2.......................H Cobden(3) 8P2 CROOKSTOWN (37) B Case 10 11 0......................................K Woods U/62- BALLYGARVEY (427) (D) P Hobbs 11 10 12...........C Gethings(5) 129 FERGAL MAEL DUIN (35) C Tizzard 9 10 10.............N Scholfield L2-1 WALK IN THE MILL (48) R Walford 7 10 8................ James Best 248 AERLITE SUPREME (21) E Williams 10 10 8................. P Moloney BLINKERS: Nos. 3, 4 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 8. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. W-Factor: Fox Appeal (99); Crookstown (98); Ballygarvey (98). SP FORECAST: 9-4 Fox Appeal, 4 Walk In The Mill, 9-2 Some Buckle, 7 Ballygarvey, 8 Orbasa, 10 Fergal Mael Duin, 12 others. GUIDE: Fergal Mael Duin continues to attract support but he turned in a disappointing performance in ninth when sent off cofavourite at Newbury (2m7f, gd) last month and may be worth taking on with SOME BUCKLE, who found the company too hot when seventh behind Sire De Grugy at Ascot (2m1f, gd-sft) and, after a 2lb drop, is now only 4lb higher than when scoring at Haydock (2m4f, gd) last year. Recent Ludlow (3m, gd-sft) scorer Fox Appeal is unlikely to be far away either as he’s also proven over this shorter trip, having won a 2m4f chase at Kempton (sft). GOING: Good to Soft. Right Handed. TOP JOCKEY (2012-17): D Jacob 23% Strike rate. TOP TRAINER (2012-17): P Nicholls 32% Strike rate. FIRST TIME: 2.40 Favorito Buck’s (cheek pieces, tongue strap), 12.55 Miracle Cure (blinkers), New Republic (cheek pieces, tongue strap). BEATEN FAVS: 2.05 Fergal Mael Duin(hcp ch). 2.40 Third Act(hcp hdl), Wild West Wind(hcp hdl). 3.15 Bradford Bridge. LONGEST TRAVELLER: Trehan Cross (1.30) 195 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 3.50 Barney Boy from Miss Camilla Baylis, Catamaran Du Seuil from E Clayeux, Hanibal Lector from Ms M Duggan.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
VITAL STATISTICS IN-FORM TRAINERS (last 10 days) R Beckett 83% (2 wins and 3 places from 6 runners), R Walford 75% (1/2/4), B Pauling 67% (1/3/6), H Whittington 67% (2/2/6), Mrs S Smith 67% (2/2/6), G Swinbank 62% (1/4/8), H Fry 60% (6/3/15), I Mohammed 57% (1/3/7), Mrs S Gardner 57% (1/3/7), A King 53% (5/4/17), W Greatrex 53% (5/4/17), N Henderson 52% (7/6/25), P Evans 52% (8/6/27), P Hobbs 52% (4/12/31), C Wallis 50% (1/1/4), D M Simcock 50% (4/2/12). IN-FORM JOCKEYS J Sherwood 100% (2 wins and 2 places from 4 runners), P Makin 80% (2/2/5), W Hutchinson 72% (7/6/18), K Woods 67% (1/7/12), Lucy Gardner 67% (1/3/6), T Dowson 67% (2/2/6), N Fehily 65% (8/3/17), C Deutsch 56% (3/2/9), D Muscutt 56% (2/3/9), R Kingscote 55% (3/9/22), A Kirby 54% (6/8/26), G Baker 52% (5/6/21), R Johnson 51% (5/14/37), L Edmunds 50% (2/1/6).
1 L-1F PILGRIMS BAY (12) (D) N Mulholland 7 11 8............ James Best 2 1-34 DRAYTONIAN (21) (F) P Hobbs 7 11 7.............................M G Nolan 3 P3-8 FAVORITO BUCK’S (42) P Nicholls 5 11 4.................N Scholfield 4 3-UU GREYBOUGG (6) N Hawke 8 11 2...................................... T Bellamy 5 122- l WILD WEST WIND (270)(F) T R George 8 11 0..... A P Heskin 6 147- CLONDAW BANKER (263) (F) N Henderson 8 11 0...J McGrath 7 14-1 BAGGING TURF (12) (D) G L Moore 7 10 9...........A Glassonbury 8 212 THIRD ACT (39) C Tizzard 8 10 3..............................H Cobden(3) TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 3, 5 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 3 HOOD: Nos. 1, 4. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. W-Factor: Wild West Wind (99); Third Act (98); Draytonian (94). SP FORECAST: 7-2 Wild West Wind, 4 Pilgrims Bay, 5 Bagging Turf, 6 Third Act, Clondaw Banker, 7 Favorito Buck’s, 8 Draytonian, 16 Greybougg. GUIDE: FAVORITO BUCK’S has proven disappointing since moving to England and was well beaten last time at Newbury (2m4f, gd-sft) over hurdles but could well improve now making his chasing debut and for the return of the tongue tie along with first-time cheekpieces. Wild West Wind looked promising last season when runner-up to Valhalla at Exeter (2m7f, gd-sft) and is another to note on his debut over the larger obstacles, while Pilgrims Bay was still travelling okay until falling six out at Wetherby (2m3f, gd-sft) on Boxing Day and should go close if over that experience.
HURDLE 3.15 HANDICAP £9,495 (3) 2m 5f 82yds
(13) ITV4
HURDLE 3.50 NOVICES’ £3,899 (4) 2m 5f 82yds
1 51P ROADIE JOE (29) E Williams 8 12 7............................L Gordon(7) 2 1L7 WIZARDS BRIDGE (35) C Tizzard 8 11 12............Paul O’Brien(5) 3 4-L3 HADFIELD (38) N Mulholland 5 11 12............................. S Corby(3) 4 1-21 ABOVE BOARD (27) (S) Jonjo O’Neill 6 11 12........... R McLernon 5 1-04 l FORTUNATE GEORGE (22) (C&D) Miss E Lavelle 7 11 11 D Jacob 6 159- OSSIE’S DANCER (539) (D) M Smith 8 11 10 T Cheesman(5) 7 211 AGINCOURT REEF (12) (D) R Teal 8 11 10........................H Teal(7) 8 143 KK LEXION (32) T R George 6 11 10............................... A P Heskin 9 442 MILORD (32) (C,D) K Bailey 8 11 8...............................M Hamill(7) 10 5-32 BRADFORD BRIDGE (45) P Hobbs 5 11 6.......................M G Nolan 11 L53 SEVEN NATION ARMY (44) A Dunn 8 11 5...........................R Flint 12 2-23 CLONDAW BISTO (23) Miss S Smith 6 11 4...................... S Bowen 13 721 TRANS EXPRESS (23) Mrs S Gardner 7 11 0... Lucy Gardner(3) VISOR: No. 5 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 3, 11 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 3, 7, 9. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13. W-Factor: Fortunate George (99); Milord (97); Kk Lexion (96). SP FORECAST: 5-2 Above Board, 5 Bradford Bridge, 7 Kk Lexion, 8 Clondaw Bisto, 10 Fortunate George, 12 Milord, Trans Express, Agincourt Reef, 14 Others. GUIDE: ABOVE BOARD landed the spoils with relative ease at Carlisle (2m3f, sft) last time out against a tough type in Coeur Blimey and the six-year-old should do even better now tackling this longer trip. He will make a chaser given time but this rates as an excellent chance to follow up. Bradford Bridge has a fair opening handicap mark of 117 and could be on the premises, while Kk Lexion returned to form at Uttoxeter (2m4f, sft) last time out and should keep plugging away at the finish.
1 2-1L l ANCHOR MAN (28)(F) P Nicholls 5 11 12..............N Scholfield 2 1-1 BLACK VALENTINE (51) (C&D,F) P Nicholls 6 11 12...... S Bowen 3 1-0 AN SILTEAN (30) H Fry 6 11 6...............................L A McKenna(7) 4 62P/ BARNEY BOY (1358) N Lampard 9 11 6.............................. J Banks 5 0-8P BROTHER NORPHIN (76) S Hodgson 5 11 6.............. James Best 6 P-F7 BRYNMAWR (11) C Tizzard 7 11 6...........................Paul O’Brien(5) 7 222 CATAMARAN DU SEUIL (74) Dr R Newland 5 11 6..........D Jacob 8 F10- CLONDAW WESTIE (280) Mrs L Hill 6 11 6.................. A P Heskin 9 8 DETENTION (35) C Tizzard 6 11 6....................... Mr E Doggrell(7) 10 DUBH DES CHAMPS H Fry 5 11 6.................................. N P Madden 11 8F0 GAELIC FLOW (25) C Down 6 11 6............................C Gethings(5) 12 P3P/ HANIBAL LECTOR (783) M Gillard 10 11 6...........Mr T Gillard(7) 13 50 ROBINDENEST (28) J W Mullins 5 11 6.........................K Jones(5) 14 SCRUMPY BOY R Woollacott 5 11 6..................................M G Nolan 15 073 SUMMER GETAWAY (25) N Mitchell 5 11 6.....................T Whelan 16 26 THE LAST BUT ONE (25) P Nicholls 5 11 6..............H Cobden(3) TONGUE STRAP: No. 8. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 7. W-Factor: Anchor Man (99); Black Valentine (95); Catamaran Du Seuil (94). SP FORECAST: 7-4 Anchor Man, 4 Black Valentine, 9-2 Catamaran Du Seuil, 7 Dubh Des Champs, 8 The Last But One, 12 An Siltean, 14 Others.
hoof prints qThere were some long faces among the members of the Mick Fitzgerald Racing Club as their Westend Story, fifth in the Champion Bumper last March, was beaten a long way for the second successive time over hurdles, this time by Lakeside Castle in Wetherby’s Racing UK Maiden Hurdle. A 20-length third on his hurdling debut at Warwick, he was sent off the 1-2 favourite to shape much better. However, Harry Skelton had Richard Johnson in trouble some way out on Dan Skelton’s newcomer, who had some decent bumper form in Ireland last season. The 7/4 chance coasted home to win by 23 lengths. “He’d run well behind Blood Crazed Tiger last time and he’s a nice horse for Gordon Elliott,” said Harry Skelton. “We thought he’d run well, but we didn’t expect that. He loved the ground, he’s a real galloper and he’ll make a nice chaser.” qAT THE RACES will be showing Naas tomorrow. The card includes a valuable novice chase at 1.20 with American Tom, Stone Hard, Some Plan and Road To Respect. Death Duty is 4-7 for the Grade One Novice Hurdle (1.50). He is up against Bel Ami De Sivola, Blood Crazed Tiger, Turcagua, Augusta Kate and Stand Up And Fight.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
SP CHECK KEMPTON: Standard to slow
2.00—MULTI QUEST (R Havlin, 14‑1) 1; Krazy Paving (9‑2 2nd fav) 2; Great Expectations (6‑1) 3. H’cap 9 ran. shd, 11/4l. (J Long; 5-4 fav Burauq). Tote: £10.80; pl £1.30, £1.80, £2.10. exacta: £93.30. tricast: £414.86. trifecta: £340.40. CSF: £71.52. Nrs: Blanco, Clever Divya, Tidal’s Baby. 2.30—DANGEROUS ENDS (M Dwyer, 20‑1) 1; Still Waiting (7‑4 fav) 2; Beauchamp Opal (13‑2) 3. H’cap 12 ran. 11/2l, 11/4l. (B Johnson). Tote: £26.30; pl £6.10, £1.30, £2.20. exacta: £82.20. tricast: £267.55. trifecta: £627.50. CSF: £51.92. Non-runners: Glenamoy, Kissinger. 3.00—SALEH (A Kirby, 2‑1 fav) 1; Choral Clan (4‑1 2nd fav) 2; Rightway (40‑1) 3. H’cap 12 ran. 11/2l, 1/2l. (L Carter). Tote: £2.90; pl £1.70, £1.60, £8.10. exacta: £7.90. tricast: £235.13. trifecta: £352.00. CSF: £8.00. 3.30—THE BLUES MASTER (P McDonald, 4‑9 fav) 1; Condamine (16‑1) 2; Burning Heat (9‑2 2nd fav) 3. 7 ran. 3l, 1l. (M Johnston). Tote: £1.40; pl £1.20, £5.00. exacta: £9.80. trifecta: £19.30. CSF: £9.31. 4.00—DREAM FACTORY (T Marquand, 14‑1) 1; Santiburi Spring (5‑1 2nd fav) 2; Bridge Of Sighs (20‑1) 3. H’cap 12 ran. 1/2l, 11/2l. (M Botti; 3-1 fav Duck A L’orange). Tote: £18.10; pl £5.10, £1.80, £7.30. exacta: £108.90. tri‑ cast: £1412.70. trifecta: £3089.30. CSF: £79.50. 4.30—DUTCH GOLDEN AGE (T J Murphy, 8‑1) 1; September Issue (16‑1) 2; Steelriver (2‑1 fav) 3. H’cap 10 ran. nk, 11/4l. (G L Moore). Tote: £8.90; pl £2.30, £3.40, £1.20. exacta: £81.10. tricast: £320.76. trifecta: £409.70. CSF: £115.30. 5.00—ELJADDAAF (R Winston, 7‑2 fav) 1; Pretty Bubbles (5‑1) 2; Free Zone (5‑1) 3. H’cap 10 ran. 4l, 1l. (D Ivory). Tote: £4.40; pl £1.50, £2.10, £2.10. exacta: £30.70. tricast: £92.34. trifecta: £91.30. CSF: £22.15.
Jackpot: Not won, £5,010.80 carried over. Placepot: £152.80 Quadpot: £18.30
LUDLOW: Off due to frost WETHERBY: Good to soft
12.35—ALLFREDANDNOBELL (F O’Toole, 5‑1) 1; Dusty Raven (2‑1 jt fav) 2; Bob’s Boy (2‑1 jt fav) 3. 8 ran. 23/4l, 21/4l. (M Hammond). Tote: £7.00; pl £1.70, £1.10, £1.10. exacta: £18.10. trifecta: £39.40. CSF: £15.31. 1.05—HAPPY DIVA (Mr R Patrick, 9‑4 jt fav) 1; Two Swallows (9‑4 jt fav) 2; Midnight Silver (4‑1) 3. H’cap 7 ran. 7l, 17l. (Kerry Lee). Tote: £3.10; pl £1.90, £1.60. exacta: £7.90. tri‑ fecta: £22.80. CSF: £7.32. 1.35—HAINAN (D Cook, 7‑2 jt fav) 1; Crosspark (7‑2 jt fav) 2; Mustmeetalady (6‑1) 3. H’cap 7 ran. 9l, 7l. (Mrs S Smith). Tote: £4.30; pl £2.00, £2.50. exacta: £17.00. trifec‑ ta: £91.50. CSF: £15.32. 2.10—LAKESIDE CASTLE (H Skelton, 7‑4
2nd fav) 1; Westend Story (1‑2 fav) 2; Sandhurst Lad (16‑1) 3. 9 ran. 23l, 7l. (D Skelton). Tote: £2.90; pl £1.10, £1.10, £2.80. exacta: £3.50. trifecta: £13.60. CSF: £3.51. 2.40—AMBER GAMBLER (Mr James King, 8‑11 fav) 1; Joseph Mercer (5‑1 2nd fav) 2; Urban Gale (33‑1) 3. H’cap 12 ran. 33/4l, hd. (I Williams). Tote: £1.70; pl £1.10, £1.60, £7.40. exacta: £6.20. tricast: £74.83. trifecta: £97.20. CSF: £5.06. 3.10—UNCLE ALASTAIR (Craig Nichol, 12‑1) 1; Eskendash (4‑1 2nd fav) 2; Bordeaux Bill (6‑1) 3. 10 ran. nk, 6l. (N Richards; 8-11 fav Espoir De Teillee). Tote: £15.00; pl £2.80, £1.40, £1.60. exacta: £67.90. trifecta: £271. CSF: £59.20. 3.40—SOME REIGN (G Lee, 8‑1) 1; Cirano De Sivola (6‑4 fav) 2; Hear No Evil (9‑4 2nd fav) 3. 9 ran. 5l, 31/4l. (Mrs R Dobbin). Tote: £8.70; pl £2.10, £1.10, £1.30. ex: £24.80. tri‑ fecta: £72. CSF: £20.29. Nr: Brunel Woods.
Placepot: £18 Quadpot: £9.50
5.45—DREAMS OF GLORY (L Morris, 5‑2 fav) 1; Temple Road (7‑2) 2; David’s Beauty (18‑1) 3. H’cap 9 ran. nk, 13/4l. (R Hodges). Tote: £3.00; pl £1.10, £1.30, £4.70. exacta: £11.50. tricast: £124.70. trifecta: £95.30. CSF: £11.19. Nrs: Misu Moneypenny, Roaring Rory. 6.15—OBERYN (Josephine Gordon, 20‑1) 1; Circulate (4‑5 fav) 2; Camaradorie (100‑1) 3. 11 ran. hd, 11/4l. (S Kirk). Tote: £18.10; pl £3.60, £1.10, £21.60. exacta: £42.00. trifecta: £590.80. CSF: £38.23. Non-runner: Circuit. 6.45—GLEAMING GIRL (Josephine Gordon, 7‑2 2nd fav) 1; Stosur (12‑1) 2; Somethingthrilling (4‑6 fav) 3. H’cap 6 ran. nk, 11/2l. (D M Simcock). Tote: £4.90; pl £1.60, £4.40. ex: £25.50. trifecta: £66.00. CSF: £40.86. Nr: Coillte Cailin. 7.15—YASIR (J Fanning, 5‑2 fav) 1; Lineman (9‑2) 2; Dream Serenade (7‑2 2nd fav) 3. H’cap 9 ran. hd, 31/2l. (C Dore). Tote: £3.50; pl £1.50, £1.70, £1.90. exacta: £16.20. tricast: £40.61. trifecta: £51.80. CSF: £14.88. Non-runners: Mr Marchwood, Sund City. 7.45—ABSOLUTE BLAST (P McDonald, 4‑5 fav) 1; Heartstone (18‑1) 2; Vogueatti (5‑1) 3. H’cap 8 ran. 2l, 31/4l. (I Jardine). Tote: £1.60; pl £1.30, £1.10, £4.70. exacta: £18.50. tricast: £55.47. trifecta: £78.00. CSF: £20.24. 8.15—NASTENKA (T Brown, 8‑1) 1; Bazwind (8‑1) 2; Global Revival (9‑2 2nd fav) 3. H’cap 8 ran. 3/4l, 1/2l. (Ed Walker; 11-4 fav Lorikeet). Tote: £9.90; pl £2.80, £2.70, £1.70. exacta: £81.60. tricast: £326.52. trifecta: £569.30. CSF: £71.14.
Placepot: £43 Quadpot: £25.10 lDO not forget to watch The Opening Show at 10am each Saturday. It is ITV4’s answer to The Morning Line and like its predecessor will set the scene for that day’s racing.
T P CONSTRUCTION HANDICAP HURDLE 2.10 S£3,574 (4) 2m 98yds (9)
THE Scout 11.55 CATCHAMAT 12.30 Forest Bihan 1.00 Ask Paddy 1.35 Corrin Wood
2.10 Deep Resolve 2.45 What A Dream 3.20 Illwalktheline
MARES’ ‘NH’ NOVICES’ HURDLE 11.55EBF £3,249 (Class 4) 2m 4f 133yds (6 declared) 3-P5 l CATCHAMAT (31) J Walton 8 11 0................ Miss C Walton(3) 9 CLOVELLY (57) Miss R Brewis 7 11 0.....................................A Nicol 1L FINAL REMINDER (31) N Alexander 5 11 0........ Lucy Alexander 113- LISTEN TO THE MAN (301)(T) D Skelton 7 11 0...........H Skelton 307 LOULOUMILLS (36) M Barnes 7 11 0.......................... D Bourke(5) P-84 PETTAL (20) Sam England 6 11 0..................................... J England TONGUE STRAP: No. 6 CHEEK PIECES: No. 5. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 4. W-Factor: Catchamat (99); Listen To The Man (92); Louloumills (92). SP FORECAST: 1-7 Listen To The Man, 10 Final Reminder, 12 Catchamat, 16 Louloumills, 66 Pettal, Clovelly.
1 2 3 4 5 6
V RUTTER NOVICES’ CHASE 12.30S£4,549 (4) 2m 75yds
DSE (NORTHERN) HANDICAP HURDLE 1.00 £2,599 (5) 2m 6f
1 U12 l FOREST BIHAN (30) (D,F) B Ellison 6 11 6............... B Hughes 2 224 CHIDSWELL (57) N Richards 8 11 0......................................C Nichol 3 139 L’AIGLE ROYAL (29)(T) D Skelton 6 11 0.......................H Skelton CHEEK PIECES: No. 3. W-Factor: Forest Bihan (99); L’aigle Royal (95); Chidswell (93). SP FORECAST: 4-5 Forest Bihan, 11-4 Chidswell, 3 L’aigle Royal.
L-P6 REDKALANI (210) K Reveley 9 11 12....................Mr J Dawson(5) 5-42 OSCAR’S PROSPECT (34) J O’Keeffe 5 11 12...........F O’Toole(5) P45 GRAYS CHOICE (25) G Bewley 6 11 6..........................J Bewley(5) 2UP KING OF THE DARK (33) V Thompson 10 11 0........T Dowson(5) 53L DIEGO SUAREZ (16) Laura Morgan 7 10 12......................R Day(5) 345 TOARMANDOWITHLOVE (25) S Corbett 9 10 10... J Corbett(7) 3-PL TORERO (30) Miss J Foster 8 10 9............................. D Bourke(5) 0L0/ COUNTDOWN (685) C Grant 9 10 8.................................. B Hughes 7LL l ASK PADDY (214) Sam England 5 10 2.................... J England 7P/P BOLLIN JULIE (31) (C) D Whillans 10 10 0.............C Whillans(3) 7L4 MCGINTY’S DREAM (33) N Alexander 6 10 0... Lucy Alexander VISOR: Nos. 5, 7 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 6, 7, 8 HOOD: No. 11. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 3, 7, 10. W-Factor: Ask Paddy (99); Oscar’s Prospect (95); Bollin Julie (95). SP FORECAST: 5-2 Oscar’s Prospect, 4 Diego Suarez, 6 Redkalani, 7 Grays Choice, 8 Countdown, 12 Toarmandowithlove, Ask Paddy, 14 King Of The Dark, Mcginty’s Dream, 25 Others.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
13/5- l DEEP RESOLVE (F32) (D) G Swinbank 6 11 12...C Bewley(3) 80-2 DEEPSAND (32) (D,S) Miss L Russell 8 11 9...........A Thorne(10) L/25- ISLAND CONFUSION (350)(T) D Skelton 9 11 8...........H Skelton L6L- LEXI’S BOY (F40) (D,F) D McCain 9 11 8.....................W Kennedy 455- AGE OF GLORY (332) Mrs B Butterworth 8 11 5.......... S Quinlan 1/59 CAPTAIN CLAYTON (70) S G West 10 11 4...............J Kington(3) 766 LOUGH KENT (21) (D) J Moffatt 8 11 2............................ B Hughes 4P/P LADY BUTTONS (12) (D) P Kirby 7 11 1.................................A Nicol P34 CIRCUS STAR (35) (D) J E Dixon 9 10 13..............Mr J Dixon(7) TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 2, 3, 4 CHEEK PIECES: No. 4. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. W-Factor: Deep Resolve (99); Lexi’s Boy (98); Deepsand (96). SP FORECAST: 9-4 Deepsand, 3 Island Confusion, 4 Deep Resolve, 5 Lexi’s Boy, 12 Lough Kent, 14 Lady Buttons, 25 others. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
HANDICAP CHASE 2.45 CATALYST4SOCCER £2,599 (5) 2m 4f 19yds (13)
1 UPU OSCAR LATEEN (19) (C&D) V Thompson 9 11 12....T Dowson(5) 2 42P HARLEYS MAX (54) (D) S Corbett 8 11 10............... J Corbett(7) 3 5-75 TAMBOUR MAJOR (27) Mrs A C Hamilton 10 11 5........ B Hughes 4 5-56 l WHAT A DREAM (19) (D) Mrs A C Hamilton 11 11 4 J Hamilton(3) 5 L-L4 CROSS TO BOSTON (53) (F) Mrs S Smith 11 11 3.......R Hogg(10) 6 L7L APACHE PILOT (33) (C,D) M Barnes 9 11 2.....................S Fox(5) 7 L3L FIVE POINT PLAN (19) Gemma Anderson 11 10 12...D Bourke(5) 8 8L-P HATTONS HILL (64) H Hogarth 8 10 10............................... T Kelly 9 686 RED STORY (27) A Whillans 6 10 10.........................C Whillans(3) 10 34L UNDER THE RED SKY (30) Kenny Johnson 10 10 8....C Bewley(3) 11 P-PU HERE’S TO HARRY (9) N Alexander 10 10 2..... Lucy Alexander 12 UUP COOLANURE (27) Kenny Johnson 8 10 0................G Carson(7) 13 P5P TOP CAT DJ (192) C Grant 9 10 0..................................H Reed(7) BLINKERS: No. 12 VISOR: No. 4 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 4, 6, 11 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 3, 6, 10, 13 HOOD: No. 12. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7. W-Factor: What A Dream (99); Cross To Boston (98); Apache Pilot (98). SP FORECAST: 3 Cross To Boston, 9-2 Tambour Major, 6 What A Dream, 7 Red Story, Harleys Max, 8 Apache Pilot, 16 Under The Red Sky, Oscar Lateen, 20 Others.
NH FLAT RACE (COND AND AMAT) 3.20 STANDARD £1,624 (6) 2m 98yds (9)
11L TRICKAWAY (21) J M Jefferson 9 11 12........................... B Hughes P1-U UN NOBLE (63) (C) N Richards 7 11 10...............................C Nichol L-95 SMOOTH STEPPER (34) (C&D) Mrs S Smith 8 11 7..........S Quinlan 234 l CORRIN WOOD (21) (D,T) D Skelton 10 11 7.............H Skelton 23-2 BIGIRONONHISHIP (42) Mrs R Dobbin 6 11 6.............W Kennedy 212 REVOCATION (27) (C) Miss L Russell 9 11 6....... G Cockburn(3) 5-L3 BATAVIR (21)(T) D Pipe 8 11 5........................................ C O’Farrell BLINKERS: No. 7 TONGUE STRAP: No. 7 CHEEK PIECES: No. 4. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. W-Factor: Corrin Wood (99); Revocation (98); Trickaway (96). SP FORECAST: 5-2 Corrin Wood, 4 Revocation, 5 Un Noble, 6 Batavir, 7 Trickaway, 8 Smooth Stepper, Bigirononhiship.
l ILLWALKTHELINE (27) N Richards 5 11 11...................R Day(5) BIDDY BLACK S G West 5 11 4...................................... J Colliver(3) BITUMEN BELLE P Kirby 5 11 4.....................................T Dowson(5) HARRISONS PROMISE S Corbett 5 11 4.................... J Corbett(7) LETHEGOODTIMESROLL (287) B Ellison 6 11 4.......... K Wood(7) OFF THE HOOK (33) N Alexander 5 11 4............... B Campbell(7) PRINCESS MONONOKE (84) D McCain 6 11 4............. H Stock(7) STRANDS OF VELVET (38) I Jardine 6 11 4...........S Shortall(3) VIRTUALLY OURS (45) J M Jefferson 5 11 4........J Hamilton(3) SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1. W-Factor: Illwalktheline (99); Princess Mononoke (97); Strands Of Velvet (91). SP FORECAST: 2 Lethegoodtimesroll, 11-4 Illwalktheline, 7-2 Princess Mononoke, 8 Strands Of Velvet, 14 Bitumen Belle, 16 others. TRACK FACTS: GOING: Soft. Left Handed. TOP TRACK JOCKEY (2012-17): B Hughes 18% Strike rate. TOP TRACK TRAINER (2012-17): B Ellison 11% Strike rate. FIRST TIME: 2.10 Island Confusion (tongue strap), 2.45 Here’s To Harry (tongue strap), 11.55 Louloumills (cheek pieces). BEATEN FAVOURITES: 11.55 Louloumills (hcp hdl). 2.45 Red Story(hcp ch). 3.20 Lethegoodtimesroll. LONGEST TRAVELLER: Batavir (1.35) 343 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 1.00 Countdown from Mrs M Danagher. 2.10 Age Of Glory from F Murtagh, Island Confusion from Miss L Russell. 3.20 Princess Mononoke from C Bowe.
Wolverhampton ATR
APP HANDICAP (DIV 2) 7.15 BETWAY £2,426 (6) 1m 1f 103yds
CHASE 1.35 HANDICAP £7,596 (3) 2m 7f 91yds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
THE Scout 5.45 Ryan The Giant 6.15 Ban Shoof 6.45 Ferryview Place 7.15 Breakheart
7.45 Chupalla 8.15 Raspberry Princess 8.45 Kencumin
MIDDLE APPRENTICE HANDICAP 5.45 BETWAY £2,426 (Class 6) 1m 4f 50yds (12 dec)
1 (7) 36L- WEARDIDITALLGORONG (78) D Donovan 5 9 7 D P Linehan 2 (3) 808- SMOKY HILL (18) (D) A Carroll 8 9 6....................A Beech(5) 3 (6) L/0- BRIDGE THAT GAP (20) R Ingram 9 9 6........Rhiain Ingram 4 (8) 23L- MOSS STREET (J21) C Dore 7 9 6........................C Rodriguez 5 (10) 4/6- KRAFTY ONE (28) M Scudamore 5 9 5........ Megan Nicholls 6 (1) 689- DOCTOR KEHOE (J47) (C,D) T Vaughan 5 9 5 Joshua Bryan(3) 7 (11) 740- CAPE SPIRIT (119) A Balding 5 9 4................ William Cox(5) 8 (5) 326- SUND CITY (18) H Dunlop 4 8 13......................Jordan Uys(3) 9 (2) 224- JUST FRED (80) N Mulholland 4 8 12............Jane Elliott(3) 10 (4) 335- l RYAN THE GIANT (11)(T) K Dalgleish 4 8 10 Charlotte Mcfarland(7) 11 (9) 6L4- SPIRIT OF THE VALE (16) Oliver Greenall 4 8 8 K Schofield(3) 12 (12) 43-2 FRIVOLOUS PRINCE (3) (C&D) P Evans 4 8 8 Katherine Glenister(5) BLINKERS: Nos. 1, 4, 6 VISOR: No. 12 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 4, 6, 11, 12 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 HOOD: No. 2. W-Factor: Ryan The Giant (99); Krafty One (97); Just Fred (97). SP FORECAST: 4 Sund City, 5 Just Fred, 11-2 Ryan The Giant, 6 Frivolous Prince, 10 Spirit Of The Vale, Smoky Hill, 12 Weardiditallgorong, Moss Street, Cape Spirit, 14 Others.
BETWAY HANDICAP £3,073 (5) 1m 1f 103yds
1 (2) 30L- FREIGHT TRAIN (24) (D) A Wintle 5 9 6..... Hollie Doyle(5) 2 (1) L26- GREEN HOWARD (60) Rebecca Bastiman 9 9 6 P McDonald 3 (10) L48- l BAN SHOOF (101) (C&D) I Mohammed 4 9 6... T Marquand 4 (7) 944- DAKOTA CITY (12) (C) Miss J Feilden 6 9 5.....A Beschizza 5 (9) 168- CAMBODIA (28) (C&D,F) C Wall 4 9 5........................ G Baker 6 (8) 427- RAVENHOE (12) M Johnston 4 9 3........................... J Fanning 7 (6) 46-L IDOL DEPUTY (3) (C&D,F) J Bennett 11 9 2 Racheal Kneller(5) 8 (5) L40- BLUFF CRAG (94) R Hughes 4 8 13........................... S W Kelly 9 (4) 535- TAN ARABIQ (43) M Appleby 4 8 11............................ L Morris 10 (3) 88L- FIRST SUMMER (17) S A Harris 5 8 7.....................Jo Gordon VISOR: Nos. 3, 4 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 7, 10 HOOD: Nos. 5, 8. W-Factor: Ban Shoof (99); Freight Train (93); Cambodia (91). SP FORECAST: 4 Cambodia, 9-2 Tan Arabiq, 5 Dakota City, 6 Ravenhoe, 7 Bluff Crag, Green Howard, 10 Ban Shoof, 12 Freight Train, 16 Others.
BETWAY APP HANDICAP (DIV 1) £2,426 (6) 1m 1f 103yds
1 (7) 341- DEFTERA LAD (16) (C&D,F) Miss N L-Beavis 5 9 7...T J Murphy 2 (10) 480- DUKES MEADOW (18) R Ingram 6 9 6.......Rhiain Ingram(7) 3 (11) 678- FILAMENT OF GOLD (11) (C&D) R Brotherton 6 9 6 Doubtful 4 (6) 605- DALAVAND (24) Mrs L Mongan 4 9 6.......................... G Baker 5 (1) 62-3 MENELIK (3) (C) D Donovan 8 9 5.................D P Linehan(7) 6 (12) L90- IMPERIAL LINK (19) J G O’Shea 5 9 5........................ L Morris 7 (13) 920- SEBASTIAN’S WISH (51)(T) K Dalgleish 4 9 4.......... P Makin 8 (8) 31-0 l FERRYVIEW PLACE (3) (C&D) I Williams 8 9 4..S Donohoe 9 (5) 729- OUTLAW TORN (12) (C&D) R C Guest 8 9 2.......... J Fanning 10 (9) 51-L MY MISTRESS (3) (C&D,F) P McEntee 5 9 2 Jo Gordon 11 (3) 0L0- SILVER LINING (18) M Hoad 5 9 0................................R Havlin 12 (4) 77-7 CAPTAIN K (3) G Elliott (IRE) 5 8 12........................... L Keniry 13 (2) 5L/0- JORDAURA (22) (C&D,F) John Murray 11 8 12.....A Mullen TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 4, 5, 8 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 3, 5, 8, 10 EYE COVERS: No. 9 HOOD: No. 12. W-Factor: Ferryview Place (99); Sebastian’s Wish (97); Captain K (97). SP FORECAST: 11-4 Menelik, 4 Deftera Lad, 13-2 Captain K, 15-2 Outlaw Torn, 10 Sebastian’s Wish, My Mistress, Dalavand, 12 Others. TRACK FACTS: GOING: Standard. Left Handed. TOP TRACK JOCKEY (2012-17): L Morris 13% Strike rate. TOP TRACK TRAINER (2012-17): P Evans 12% Strike rate. DRAW: No advan‑ tage in the draw.
1 41 2 3 4 5 1/R- 6 L0 7 321 8 6 9 LL
1 (9) 533- HOLD HANDS (38) (F) B Powell 6 9 7......................... G Baker 2 (1) L87- BASSINO (26) J Bennett 4 9 6................Racheal Kneller(5) 3 (3) 506- YASOOD (22) P McEntee 4 9 6.................................Jo Gordon 4 (12) 88-6 l BREAKHEART (3) A Balding 10 9 6................... J Bryan(7) 5 (5) LL9- NOUVELLE ERE (16) A Carroll 6 9 5.................G Downing(3) 6 (11) 633- TANZINA (16) Mrs L Mongan 5 9 5.............................. L Keniry 7 (13) 546- JAZRI (16) (C&D) J Bradley 6 9 4............................... L Morris 8 (4) 123- BOYCHICK (121) Ed Walker 4 9 3..........................R Kingscote 9 (6) 070- LIVING LEADER (J26) (C) Grace Harris 8 9 2 S Donohoe 10 (10) 756- SARAKOVA (18) Kevin Frost 4 9 1................................R Powell 11 (2) 58L- ROYAL ACCLAIM (86) Rebecca Bastiman 5 8 13...P McDonald 12 (8) 796- FOYLESIDEVIEW (12) (C&D) H Chisman 5 8 12......R Havlin 13 (7) 654- PIVOTAL DREAM (16) W Brisbourne 4 8 11......C Bennett(5) BLINKERS: Nos. 7, 9 VISOR: Nos. 4, 6, 10 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 5, 9 HOOD: No. 2. W-Factor: Breakheart (99); Boychick (97); Jazri (96). SP FORECAST: 4 Hold Hands, 11-2 Tanzina, 6 Boychick, 7 Pivotal Dream, 8 Breakheart, Jazri, Yasood, 14 Foylesideview, 16 Others.
STAKES (PLUS 10) 3YO 7.45 CONDITIONS £11,972 (2) 5f 20yds
(1) 114- GRACIOUS TOM (18) P Evans 9 0............................S Donohoe (2) 413- POET’S SOCIETY (74) (D) M Johnston 9 0..............A Mullen (3) 135- VISIONARY (35) (D) R Cowell 9 0............................... L Morris (4) 15- l CHUPALLA (226) (D) M Johnston 8 9.............. J Fanning (5) 111- DAZACAM (19) (C&D,F) M Herrington 8 9.................R Havlin W-Factor: Chupalla (99); Poet’s Society (95); Visionary (95). SP FORECAST: 6-4 Chupalla, 9-4 Visionary, 9-2 Poet’s Society, 7 Dazacam, 10 Gracious Tom. 1 2 3 4 5
CASINO HANDICAP 3YO 8.15 32RED £2,588 (6) 6f
MAIDEN STAKES 8.45 SUNBETS.CO.UK £3,073 (5) 7f 32yds
1 (10) L49- MR STRUTTER (122) J J Quinn 9 7................................. J Hart 2 (5) 04-8 NUPTIALS (2) Eve J-Houghton 9 7..................E Greatrex(3) 3 (4) 855- GENTLEMAN GILES (25) J Osborne 9 7.............. T J Murphy 4 (12) 904- LAWFILLY (21) (F) R Hughes 9 7............................... S W Kelly 5 (8) 438- POPPY MAY (25) J Given 9 5.........................................T Eaves 6 (3) 906- TANKSALOT (21) H Dunlop 9 5.................................Jo Gordon 7 (1) 366- CHAMPAGNE QUEEN (29) R Guest 9 5..................... L Morris 8 (6) 66L- ABERDONIAN (159) J Gask 9 3..................................N Mackay 9 (2) 08-5 VOCALISATION (2) J Weymes 9 3......................C Bennett(5) 10 (9) 554- TRUST THE INDIAN (171) W G M Turner 9 2 J Vaughan(5) 11 (11) L8L- ELMLEY QUEEN (28) R Brotherton 9 2.............. T Marquand 12 (7) LL0- l RASPBERRY PRINCESS (24) (F) S C Williams 8 12 Milly Naseb(7) BLINKERS: No. 4 TONGUE STRAP: No. 12 EYE COVERS: No. 4. W-Factor: Raspberry Princess (99); Champagne Queen (97); Gentleman Giles (96). SP FORECAST: 4 Mr Strutter, 9-2 Gentleman Giles, 6 Champagne Queen, 7 Raspberry Princess, 10 Lawfilly, Nuptials, Poppy May, 12 Others.
1 (6) 4- CHAMPAGNE FREDDIE (26) J G O’Shea 4 10 0.......R Havlin 2 (12) 7- LIFE OF LUXURY (28) W Brisbourne 4 10 0.............. G Baker 3 (2) /38- RAISE THE GAME (10) W G M Turner 4 10 0....... T J Murphy 4 (1) L- SPEY SECRET (269) T Dascombe 4 10 0...........R Kingscote 5 (5) 3- AHEAD OF TIME (213) D M Simcock 3 8 10.............. L Keniry 6 (7) ALFOLK D M Simcock 3 8 10.............................................T Eaves 7 (10) BASHEER M Botti 3 8 10.............................................. D Muscutt 8 (11) DARK TITAN (F) Ed Walker 3 8 10.................................T Brown 9 (3) 7- FEAR THE FURY (23) K Burke 3 8 10...............J Vaughan(5) 10 (8) INVINCIBLE MAN J Tate 3 8 10..................................... L Morris 11 (4) l KENCUMIN R Beckett 3 8 10.............................. T Marquand 12 (9) 5- MOUNTAIN ANGEL (23) R Varian 3 8 10................J Mitchell HOOD: No. 6. W-Factor: Kencumin (99); Mountain Angel (94); Ahead Of Time (90). SP FORECAST: 4 Ahead Of Time, 6 Mountain Angel, 13-2 Fear The Fury, 7 Kencumin, Basheer, 10 Life Of Luxury, Alfolk, Invincible Man, 14 Others.
FIRST TIME: 5.45 Smoky Hill (cheek pieces, hood), Krafty One (cheek pieces), 6.15 Cambodia (hood), Bluff Crag (hood), 7.15 Sarakova (visor), Tanzina (visor), Bassino (hood), 8.45 Alfolk (hood). BEATEN FAVOURITES: 5.45 Sund City(hcp). 6.15 Bluff Crag (hcp), Tan Arabiq(hcp). 7.15 Boychick(hcp). 7.45 Gracious Tom, Poet’s Society. 8.15 Mr Strutter. 8.45 Fear The Fury. LONGEST UK TRAVELLER: Ryan The Giant (5.45) & Sebastian’s Wish (6.45) 271 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 5.45 Doctor Kehoe from P Evans, Just Fred from D Coakley. 6.15 Bluff Crag from A Balding. 6.45 Sebastian’s Wish from R M Whitaker.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
MARTIN ADAMS has his eyes fixed on the darts summit as he plots an emotional journey to become the BDO world champion again.
‘Wolfie’ steps on to the Lakeside oche tomorrow after a year suffering from prostate cancer. “I got my results in November and I had as good as you can get to an all-clear,” said Adams, 60. “I do not have to go back for six months. “To win it this time would make it extra special after what has happened to me this year. “It’s hard to climb back up to the top of the mountain having not put in much time on the
People say I’m a legend, but I’ll just keep playing darts
By Richard Lewis diagnosed. I did not start radiotherapy until August which finished in the middle of September and you have to wait eight weeks to see the consultant – which is a long eight weeks. “My PSA was 0.1 which was excellent. And I have stopped smoking, I use e-cigs.” The BDO have now adopted Prostate Cancer UK as their charity and Adams is focused
BACK ON BOARD: Adams is keen to regain his Lakeside crown after returning from cancer
dartboard in the summer. But I am getting near the top, that is for sure.” Adams, a triple winner of the Lakeside tournament, will be competing at the championship for the 24th consecutive year after having his life turned upside down when he made a routine visit to the doctor to talk about giving up smoking. “I was diagnosed by luck,” he said. “I had no symptoms. It came out of a blood test I had done by my GP. I hadn’t felt ill. I had a raised PSA [prostate protein level] and my GP referred me to the hospital. It is a shock when you are L - Lingfield N - Newcastle S - Sandown Wc - Wincanton Wl - Wolverhampton Aachen................... S 3.00 Aberdonian........... Wl 8.15 Above Board.........Wc 3.15 Aerial..................... S 3.00 Aerlite Supreme...Wc 2.05 Age Of Glory...........N 2.10 Agincourt Reef.....Wc 3.15 Ahead Of Time...... Wl 8.45 Alcanar................... S 12.10 Alfolk................... Wl 8.45 Alfred Hutchinson.. L 2.20 All Together........... S 1.15 An Siltean.............Wc 3.50 Anchor Man..........Wc 3.50 Apache Pilot...........N 2.45 Arrowzone.............. L 1.45 Arsenio Lupin......... L 12.40 Ask Paddy..............N 1.00 Astracad................ S 3.00 Atirelarigo.............. S 1.15 Bagging Turf.........Wc 2.40 Baileys Concerto.... S 3.00 Ballycoe................. S 1.15 Ballygarvey..........Wc 2.05 Ban Shoof............. Wl 6.15 Barney Boy...........Wc 3.50 Basheer................ Wl 8.45 Bassino................ Wl 7.15 Batavir...................N 1.35 Bennys Mist............ S 3.00 Biddy Black............N 3.20 Bigirononhiship......N 1.35 Billyoakes............... L 1.10 Bitumen Belle.........N 3.20 Black Buble............ S 12.10 Black Caesar.......... L 1.10 Black Valentine....Wc 3.50 Bluff Crag............. Wl 6.15 Bo Selecta.............. L 2.55 Bold Henry............. S 1.50 Bollin Julie.............N 1.00 Boychick............... Wl 7.15 Bradford Bridge....Wc 3.15 Breakheart........... Wl 7.15
RACING INDEX Bridge That Gap... Wl 5.45 Briery Queen.......... S 12.45 Bright New Dawn.... S 1.50 Brother Norphin...Wc 3.50 Brynmawr.............Wc 3.50 Cambodia............. Wl 6.15 Cape Spirit........... Wl 5.45 Capitaine................ S 2.25 Captain Cat............ L 2.20 Captain Clayton......N 2.10 Captain K............. Wl 6.45 Captain McGinley..Wc 1.30 Catamaran Du Seuil.Wc 3.50 Catch A Thief.......Wc 1.30 Catchamat..............N 11.55 Celestial Path......... S 2.25 Celtic Ava............... L 3.30 Chalonnial.............. S 2.25 Champagne Freddie.Wl 8.45 Champagne Queen.Wl 8.15 Charlemar.............. S 2.25 Chidswell................N 12.30 Chocala.................. S 3.35 Chupalla............... Wl 7.45 Circus Star.............N 2.10 Clondaw Banker....Wc 2.40 Clondaw Bisto.......Wc 3.15 Clondaw Westie....Wc 3.50 Cloonacool............. S 3.35 Cloudy Too............. S 3.00 Clovelly..................N 11.55 Cody Wyoming........ S 3.00 Coeur de Lion......... S 12.10 Coillte Cailin........... L 1.45 Comical Red.........Wc 1.30 Coolanure...............N 2.45 Coral Sea................ L 2.55 Corrin Wood...........N 1.35 Countdown.............N 1.00 Court By Surprise... S 3.00 Critical Thinking..... L 12.40 Crookstown..........Wc 2.05 Cross To Boston.....N 2.45 Cucklington..........Wc 1.30 Dakota City.......... Wl 6.15 Dalavand.............. Wl 6.45 Dark Destroyer....... L 2.55
Dark Enemy............ S 12.10 Dark Titan............ Wl 8.45 Daveron.................. S 1.15 Dazacam............... Wl 7.45 De Faoithesdream.. S 1.50 Deep Resolve..........N 2.10 Deepsand................N 2.10 Deftera Lad.......... Wl 6.45 Desert Queen......... S 12.45 Detention.............Wc 3.50 Diego Suarez..........N 1.00 Discours D’un Roi... S 3.35 Doctor Kehoe....... Wl 5.45 Dollar Reward......... L 2.20 Don Bersy............... S 12.10 Dr Dunraven.........Wc 12.55 Draytonian...........Wc 2.40 Dubh Des Champs.Wc 3.50 Dukes Meadow...... Wl 6.45 Dynaste.................. S 3.00 Elmley Queen....... Wl 8.15 Envisaging.............. L 12.05 Ericht..................... S 3.00 Faithful Mount........ S 3.35 Falcao.................... L 1.10 Favorito Buck’s....Wc 2.40 Fear The Fury....... Wl 8.45 Fergal Mael Duin..Wc 2.05 Ferryview Place.... Wl 6.45 Filament Of Gold.. Wl 6.45 Fille The Force....... L 2.55 Final Reminder.......N 11.55 Finian’s Oscar........ S 2.25 First Summer....... Wl 6.15 Five Point Plan.......N 2.45 Footlight................ L 3.30 Forest Bihan...........N 12.30 Forgotten Gold....... S 3.00 Fort Bastion........... L 1.45 Fort Smith.............. S 1.15 Fortunate George.Wc 3.15 Fox Appeal...........Wc 2.05 Foylesideview....... Wl 7.15 Freight Train........ Wl 6.15 Frivolous Prince... Wl 5.45 Gaelic Flow...........Wc 3.50 Garde La Victoire... S 1.50
Gas Line Boy.......... S 3.00 Gentleman Giles... Wl 8.15 Get In Pat.............Wc 1.30 Global Stage........... S 2.25 Go On Gal............... L 3.30 Gold Return............ L 1.10 Gores Island........... S 1.15 Gracious Tom....... Wl 7.45 Grays Choice..........N 1.00 Green Howard....... Wl 6.15 Greybougg............Wc 2.40 Hadfield................Wc 3.15 Hanibal Lector......Wc 3.50 Hannah’s Princess.. S 12.45 Harleys Max...........N 2.45 Harrisons Promise.. N 3.20 Hattons Hill............N 2.45 Heads You Win........ L 3.30 Here’s To Harry......N 2.45 Hold Hands........... Wl 7.15 Hollywoodien.......... S 1.50 Idol Deputy........... Wl 6.15 Illwalktheline..........N 3.20 Imperial Link........ Wl 6.45 Indian Dandy.......... L 12.40 Invincible Man...... Wl 8.45 Island Confusion.....N 2.10 Jack Flash.............. L 2.55 Jazri..................... Wl 7.15 John Reel............... S 3.35 Jordaura.............. Wl 6.45 Just Fred............. Wl 5.45 Kapstadt................ S 3.35 Kencumin............. Wl 8.45 King Of The Dark....N 1.00 King Of The Wolds.. S 1.15 Kingston................. S 1.15 Kingston Kurrajong.L 2.20 Kk Lexion.............Wc 3.15 Krafty One............ Wl 5.45 Krugermac............. S 3.35 L’aigle Royal...........N 12.30 Lady Buttons..........N 2.10 Lawfilly................ Wl 8.15 Lethegoodtimesroll.N 3.20 Lexi’s Boy..............N 2.10
License To Thrill..... L 12.05 Life Happens.......... L 12.40 Life Of Luxury...... Wl 8.45 Lifeboat Mona........ S 12.45 Light Of Air............ S 12.10 Lillington..............Wc 12.55 Listen To The Man..N 11.55 Living Leader........ Wl 7.15 Looks Like Power.Wc 12.55 Loose Chips............ S 3.00 Lord Ballim...........Wc 1.30 Lough Kent.............N 2.10 Louloumills.............N 11.55 Lunar Flow............Wc 1.30 Maestro Royal........ S 3.35 Majestic Myles....... L 1.10 Malaysian Boleh..... L 1.10 Marcilhac................ S 1.15 Marshgate Lane...... L 1.45 Mcginty’s Dream....N 1.00 Menelik................. Wl 6.45 Mercian Prince....... S 1.15 Mercy Me............... L 3.30 Mica Mika............... L 1.45 Midnight Jazz......... S 12.45 Milord...................Wc 3.15 Minmore Grey.......Wc 1.30 Miracle Cure.........Wc 12.55 Morello Royale....... S 12.45 Morning Reggie...... S 1.15 Morning Suit........... L 12.05 Moss Street.......... Wl 5.45 Mountain Angel.... Wl 8.45 Mr Strutter.......... Wl 8.15 My Mistress.......... Wl 6.45 Mystifiable............. S 1.15 Naupaka................. L 12.40 New Republic........Wc 12.55 Noble Deed............. L 1.10 Nouvelle Ere......... Wl 7.15 Nuptials................ Wl 8.15 Off The Hook..........N 3.20 Oneida Tribe.........Wc 1.30 Orbasa..................Wc 2.05 Oscar Lateen..........N 2.45 Oscar’s Prospect....N 1.00
Ossie’s Dancer.....Wc 3.15 Outlaw Torn.......... Wl 6.45 Owners Day............ L 3.30 Palermo.................. L 12.40 Passing Star........... L 1.45 Pattie..................... L 12.40 Pete The Feat......... S 3.00 Pettal.....................N 11.55 Pilgrims Bay.........Wc 2.40 Pivotal Dream...... Wl 7.15 Pleadings................ L 2.55 Poet’s Society...... Wl 7.45 Poppy May............ Wl 8.15 Port Navas...........Wc 1.30 Prairie Town........... S 3.35 Princess Mononoke.N 3.20 Quintus Cerialis...... L 1.10 Raise The Game.... Wl 8.45 Raspberry Princess.Wl 8.15 Ravenhoe............. Wl 6.15 Ready..................... L 1.45 Realize................... L 2.20 Red Story...............N 2.45 Redkalani...............N 1.00 Replacement Plan.Wc 1.30 Revocation.............N 1.35 River Dun.............Wc 12.55 Roadie Joe...........Wc 3.15 Robindenest.........Wc 3.50 Robinshill............... S 3.35 Rocky Creek........... S 3.00 Roman Navigator.... L 2.55 Royal Acclaim....... Wl 7.15 Royal Reserve........ S 12.10 Ryan The Giant..... Wl 5.45 Saint Are................ S 3.00 Salt Whistle Bay..... L 12.40 Sarakova.............. Wl 7.15 Savello................... S 1.50 Scrumpy Boy........Wc 3.50 Sebastian’s Wish.. Wl 6.45 Sergeant Mattie..... S 1.15 Seven Nation Army.Wc 3.15 Shanann Star........Wc 1.30 Shuil Royale........... S 3.00 Silver Lining......... Wl 6.45 Smoky Hill............ Wl 5.45
on regaining that crown. He will meet the winner of the preliminary round match between Sweden’s Dennis Nilsson and Ryan Joyce. Adams will never forget his debut in 1994 when he reached the quarter-finals and beat Denmark’s Per Skau in the first round. “I always remember the first leg, 12 darts, 121 out: single 20, treble 17, bull. I beat him 3-0,” said Wolfie, who won the title in 2007, 2010 and 2011. Adams, the No5 seed, is a legend in the sport, even if he is not quite sure of it himself. He said: “A lot of people have said this me. They have said, ‘You don’t accept this Martin, but you are a legend’. Fair enough, if I am a legend, I am a legend and I will keep doing what I am doing. “I see myself playing as long as I can. I would not want to miss playing at the Lakeside or in the World Masters.” The championship starts today, with top seed Glen Durrant meeting Nick Kenny, of Wales, while defending champion and No6 seed Scott Waites does not play until Tuesday, when he faces either New Zealand’s Craig Caldwell or Dennis Harbour. For the first time in its 39-year history, the championship is not on BBC television. Channel 4 have the terrestrial rights, sharing coverage with BT Sport. And there will be no more ‘Voice of Darts’ as the commentating legend Tony Green has hung up his microphone.
Smooth Stepper.....N 1.35 Solveig’s Song........ L 3.30 Some Buckle.........Wc 2.05 Sonoftheking........Wc 1.30 Speredek................ S 1.15 Spey Secret.......... Wl 8.45 Spirit Of The Vale.Wl 5.45 Star Of The Stage... L 1.10 State Residence..... L 12.40 Strands Of Velvet...N 3.20 Summer Getaway.Wc 3.50 Sund City............... Wl 5.45 Surfside...................L 12.40 Tabla.......................L 1.10 Tai Hang Dragon......L 2.55 Tambour Major........N 2.45 Tan Arabiq............. Wl 6.15 Tanksalot.............. Wl 8.15 Tanzina.................. Wl 7.15 Tara Flow................S 12.45 The Last But One.. Wc 3.50 Theatrical Star........S 3.00 Third Act.............. Wc 2.40 Threebarmymen... Wc 12.55 Toarmandowithlove.N 1.00 Tommys Geal...........L 3.30 Top Cat Dj...............N 2.45 Torero.....................N 1.00 Trans Express...... Wc 3.15 Traveller.................L 12.40 Trehan Cross........ Wc 1.30 Trickaway................N 1.35 Trust The Indian.... Wl 8.15 Two In The Pink.......L 3.30 Ulck Du Lin..............S 1.50 Un Noble..................N 1.35 Under The Red Sky..N 2.45 Van Huysen.............L 1.45 Virtually Ours..........N 3.20 Visionary............... Wl 7.45 Vocalisation.......... Wl 8.15 Walk In The Mill.... Wc 2.05 Weardiditallgorong.Wl 5.45 What A Dream.........N 2.45 Wild West Wind..... Wc 2.40 Wizards Bridge..... Wc 3.15 Wychwoods Brook...S 3.00 Yasood.................. Wl 7.15 You’re Fired............L 2.20
World of sport
Hill in Brit GP plea FORMULA 1
DAMON HILL has called on the government to back BRDC “effectively the British Grand Prix gamble every year” on financially. being able to sell Former world enough tickets to cover champion Hill was their costs. president of the British He said: “Maybe Racing Drivers’ Club in now is the time to 2009, when they look at the British signed a 17-year Grand Prix and deal to keep realise that it is the race at an extremely Silverstone. good shop The venue window for is owned and waving our run by the banner and BRDC but pointing to HILL chairman our brilliance John Grant has warned in this field.” that they may have to qThe starting grid break the contract may be down to 10 because they feel the teams this season after fee they pay F1 for the Manor, the sport’s right to host the race is smallest outfit, went too high. Hill said the into administration.
FORMER Wasps owner David Thorne wants to bring Bradford Bulls back from the dead following the club’s liquidation. Thorne registered a company called Bradford Bulls Capital Limited on Wednesday and met the remaining playing staff at Odsal. The RFL set a Monday deadline for bids and said 10 parties are interested in the club.
????????????? ????????????? to ????????????? 1 tackle ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? 1. Who beat world No1 Angelique Kerber in the final to win the WTA Finals title in Singapore? 2. Who came off the bench to score twice for Arsenal in their 4-1 Premier League win at Sunderland? 3. Which 18-year-old Canadian will be the youngest driver on the grid when he races for Williams later this year? 4. Which Slovenian scored the goal for Bayer Leverkusen that beat Spurs at Wembley in the Champions League? 5. What does OB stand for in golf? 6. Which English League One football team play at the New Den? RATINGS 0-3 Oh dear 7. Which Wigan wing was Lance Todd Trophy 4-6 Small beer winner in 1992 and 1994? 7-9 So near 8. Which Russian gymnast won six 10 Sporting seer Olympic medals in both 1996 and 2000? 9. In what decade was the back-pass rule approved by FIFA? 10. Lennox Lewis beat which British boxer in 1997 to retain the world heavyweight title?
ANSWERS: 1 Domenika Cibulkova, 2 Olivier Giroud, 3 Lance Stroll, 4 Kevin Kampl, 5 Out of bounds, 6 Millwall, 7 Martin Offiah, 8 Alexei Nemov, 9 1990s, 10 Henry Akinwande.
Fit-again Wolfie hungry for title
Rugby Union
Att: 56,975
Newcastle—T: Goneva, M. Wilson, B. Harris. C: Hodgson (3). P: Hodgson. Bath—T: Ford, Rokoduguni (2). C: Ford (2). P: Ford.
West Ham (0)....... 0 Man City (3)......5 Toure 33 (pen) Nordtveit 42 (og) Silva 43, Aguero 50 Stones 84
Ladbrokes Scottish Ch’ship
Hibernian (2)....... 3 Dundee Utd (0).0
Cummings 6, 27 Att: 18,786 McGinn 81 P W D L F A Pts Hibernian...................20 12 6 2 35 11 42 Dundee Utd................20 11 5 4 27 17 38 Morton......................18 7 7 4 25 19 28 Falkirk......................19 7 6 6 26 23 27 Raith.........................18 6 7 5 20 18 25 Dunfermline...............19 5 6 8 24 29 21 Queen of South..........19 5 6 8 22 29 21 Dumbarton................19 5 6 8 21 28 21 Ayr............................19 4 7 8 18 28 19 St Mirren...................19 2 6 11 18 34 12
PREMIER LGE 2—Div 1: Arsenal 2 Derby 1, Tottenham 2 Chelsea 2, Reading 4 Southampton 2. Div 2: Blackburn 0 Swansea 1.
BBL Ch’ship: Newcastle 116 Glasgow 93. Trophy—1st Rnd: Essex 86 Manchester 84, Worcester 99 Sheffield 68.
Third TesT (Sydney): Australia 538-8dec. (135 overs; M T Renshaw 184) and 241-2dec. (32 overs; U T Khawaja 79no). Pakistan 315 (110.3 overs; Younis Khan 175no) and 55-1 (16 overs). Second T20 International (Mount Maunganui): New Zealand 195-7 (20 overs; C Munro 101). Bangladesh 148 (18.1 overs). New Zealand won by 47 runs.
Aviva Premiership Newcastle........24 Bath................... 22 P W Wasps.......12 10 Saracens...12 10 Exeter.......12 7 Bath..........13 8 Leicester...12 7 Newcastle.. 13 6 North’pton.12 6 Harlequins.12 6 Gloucester.12 3 Sale..........12 3 Worcester.. 12 2 Bristol.......12 2
D L 0 2 0 2 1 4 0 5 0 5 0 7 0 6 0 6 2 7 1 8 2 8 0 10
B 7 6 9 6 4 5 4 4 9 5 2 4
F 393 299 324 294 269 228 207 251 264 219 215 190
A Pts 261 47 134 46 226 39 216 38 243 32 315 29 209 28 285 28 258 25 293 19 354 14 359 12
Guinness Pro12: Leinster 70 Zebre 6, Newport Gwent D’gons 26 Benetton Treviso 8, Scarlets 16 Ulster 13.
ATP Qatar ExxonMobil Open (Doha)—Semi-finals: (1) A Murray (Gbr) bt (3) T Berdych (Cze) 6-3 6-4, (2) N Djokovic (Ser) bt F Verdasco (Spa) 4-6 7-6 (9-7) 6-3. ATP Aircel Chennai Open (India)—Qtr-final: (5) B Paire (Fra) bt A Bedene (Gbr) 6-3 6-0. ATP & WTA Brisbane Intern’al (Australia)—Men’s Qtr-finals: (1) M Raonic (Can) bt (5) R Nadal (Spa) 4-6 6-3 6-4, (7) G Dimitrov (Bul) bt (4) D Thiem (Aut) 6-3 4-6 6-3, (3) K Nishikori (Jpn) bt J Thompson (Aus) 6-1 6-1, (2) S Wawrinka (Swi) bt K Edmund (Gbr) 6-7 (2-7) 6-4 6-4. Women’s Semi-finals: (3) K Pliskova (Cze) bt (6) E Svitolina (Ukr) 6-2 6-4, A Cornet (Fra) bt (4) G Muguruza (Spa) 4-1 ret. WTA Shenzhen Open (China)— Semi-finals: (8) A Riske (USA) bt C
Giorgi (Ita) 6-3 6-3, K Siniakova (Cze) bt (3) J Konta (Gbr) 1-6 6-4 6-4. HOPMAN CUP (Perth, Australia)—Gp A: Germany 2 Gbr 1 (A Petkovic lost to H Watson 2-6 6-7 (3-7); A Zverev bt D Evans 6-4 6-4; Petkovic & Zverev bt Watson & Evans 4-2 4-2). France 2 Switzerland 1. Final: France v US.
Today’s diary BASKETBALL
BBL Ch’ship: Bristol v Worcester. Trophy—1st Rnd: Derby v Newcastle.
Elite League: Belfast v Sheffield, Cardiff v Coventry, Edinburgh v Dundee, Manchester v Fife, Nottingham v Braehead.
European Champions Cup Pool 1 (3.45): Racing 92 v Munster. Aviva Premiership (3pm): Gloucester v Worcester, Harlequins v Sale, Northampton v Bristol, Saracens v Exeter. Guinness PRO12 (1.30): Glasgow v Cardiff B (7.35), Ospreys v Connacht.
BBL Trophy—1st Rnd: Boroughmuir v Plymouth, Glasgow v Leicester, Leeds v Cheshire, Reading v Bristol.
Elite League: Belfast v Sheffield, Braehead v Cardiff, Coventry v Nottingham, Dundee v Edinburgh, Fife v Manchester.
Aviva Premiership (3pm): Wasps v Leicester.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
It’s Novak again for Murray TENNIS
From David Cox in Doha ANDY MURRAY will today have his first confrontation of 2017 with Novak Djokovic, the man he ousted as world No1, when they meet in the Qatar Open final. The pair produced different performances to come through their semi-finals yesterday and line up their 36th clash. Murray powered past Tomas Berdych 6-3, 6-4 but Djokovic needed a Houdini act to defeat Spaniard Fernando Verdasco 4-6, 7-6, 6-3, saving five match points on the way. Cezch Berdych was once a bogeyman for Murray earlier in his career but the world No1 has now won their past seven matches for the loss of just one set in the process. “He was playing super aggressive,” said Murray. “But I played him at the end of last year so I was expecting that a little bit. It’s been the perfect week to get ready for the Australian Open.” Competing in cold, windy conditions on a sluggish court which favoured Berdych’s powerful, flat groundstrokes Murray was at his sharpest, thumping down 10 aces and
MURRAY: End of a perfect week producing some scintillating passing shots when necessary to keep his opponent’s regular net forays at bay. Berdych began the match with a heavily strapped ankle and Murray added to his discomfort with a rapid start, chasing down a drop shot to break for a 3-1 lead, before going on to wrap up the first set with two straight aces. Berdych rallied briefly in set two, recovering an early break, but Murray continued to increase the pressure, breaking again for 3-2 with razor-sharp returns. Despite losing his cool at a late, but successful Berdych challenge a game later, describing it as ‘a joke’, Murray maintained concentration to comfortably wrap up victory. Djokovic, meanwhile, was facing defeat, trailing 6-2 in the second set tie-break, but rallied as Verdasco tightened up. “I started the match well and then just lost timing completely,” said Djokovic. “Down 6-2 I was just taking one point at a time. In four of the match points he had a forehand to finish it off but didn’t make it. I’ve been in that situation a few times before so maybe that experience helped.” Djokovic admitted that Murray is the player to beat at the moment. “We have always very physical battles, long rallies, entertaining matches,” he said.
DAN COLE says Leicester’s players will carry a sense of guilt into tomorrow’s Premiership game at Wasps after the dismissal of Richard Cockerill.
You can never keep a good man down, and last night Cockerill joined French club Toulon until the end of the season. But Cole, the England prop who was moulded by Cockerill in the Tigers academy, goes into his 168th Leicester match without the abrasive old rogue in his ear for the first time – and feeling bad over how it all ended at Welford Road for the club’s longserving director of rugby. “You feel for Cockers and for his family because he’s lost his job. You never really want that to happen,” he said. “You do feel a sense of guilt. As players you look back and think, ‘Could I have said or done more?’ “We’re in a bit of a bubble in the squad but when you step back and take a wider world view of it, this is quite a momentous thing. “I spoke to him and he said he wanted to come in and say goodbye properly which, after 20-odd years, he has the right to do. We owe him that at least. “It was good to see him. Sometimes we have had people here who have been fired and you never see them again. “I’ve been here 13 years and he’s always been a part of it. It’ll be different without him – probably quieter and the swearing might be down. We’ll find out.” The
We all feel guilty over Cockerill personal unease is exacerbated by the role the dressing room played in Cockerill’s departure. The endless clashes over coaching outlooks with Aaron Mauger, the man who will carry Leicester forward for the rest of the season, left the players with no option but to intervene. Asked how much of a part the squad played in Cockerill’s downfall, there was a telling pause. “We played a part – as did everyone in the club,” said Cole, eventually. “People [on the board] ask you for your opinion and you talk honestly as it is done to make the club better. So the players played a
part but didn’t have the ultimate say.” With no Cockerill to apply the brake, Mauger has a chance to take Leicester in the direction he always wanted, and has picked two specialist No7s – Brendon O’Connor and Will Evans – in his back row for tomorrow’s match. He spoke with admiration this week of the Wasps style that is lighting up the Premiership but if Leicester want to ape it, some old dogs will have to be taught some new tricks. “I don’t think it will be difficult to embrace,” said Cole. “It’s not like we are going to throw out everything Leicester is about. We have to play
to our strengths. We can’t just try to be the All Blacks. “I don’t think Mauger wants that. He understands the history and the ethos of the place. He understands you need a decent forward pack but he is a bit more backs-focused.” The truth was that the hybrid between English pragmatism and Kiwi flair was not working. Fifth place in the Premiership is not good
enough for England’s biggest club. “You grow up watching Leicester winning Premierships and in Europe and you want that for yourself. You watch Saracens do it and you are envious. You want that glory,” said Cole. “This is a big club with a big fan base. We have good players and some great players. You want better than fifth. “As players we have to make a decision, whether we want to swan through life or commit to it and win things. If our aspiration is to win the Premiership, at this moment in time we are not good enough to do it. “There has been a decline from the glory years and part of this change is to ensure we pick up. Making the play-offs has to be a minimum requirement. “Wasps are obviously flying high but we need a performance and a victory. It might kick us on for the rest of the season.” James Haskell will make his first appearance of the season from the Wasps bench after shaking off a toe injury.
THE WAY FORWARD: Cole, right, wants a play-off spot after the sacking of Cockerill, inset
Big Ben shows perfect timing to sink Bath DEAN RICHARDS could not hide his delight as Falcons snatched victory with a dramatic late comeback. The home side hit back from 22-10 down to steal victory with a Ben Harris try five minutes from time, converted by Joel Hodgson. Richards said: “Even at 12 points down, we never lost our belief and the boys just
24 22
By Ross Heppenstall went for it. They showed a lot of guts and courage.” It was the first Premiership match since World Rugby’s zero-tolerance clampdown on dangerous tackles came into force as part of its policy to
reduce head injuries. There were encouraging early signs that teams will have more freedom to attack and display their skills following the new rules. Newcastle took it upon themselves to throw the ball about with abandon in the opening 40 minutes. Their bold approach harvested a third-minute try for winger Vereniki Goneva.
But Bath fought back, George Ford booting a penalty. The fly-half then darted over the line shortly after the restart before Anthony Watson, making his first start since October at full-back, created two tries for Semesa Rokoduguni. Yet the Falcons showed their fighting qualities and two late tries gave them a
stunning victory. In the 72nd minute, Mark Wilson was driven over the line and Kingston Park sensed a famous victory. Sure enough, five minutes later they had it when replacement prop Harris barrelled over the line. Hodgson then landed the vital conversion to send the home crowd into raptures. ***
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017 Main picture: BRYN LENNON
Doswell is pitching in to KO Dons PAUL DOSWELL is the heart and soul, the financial guru, the manager at Sutton United – and he also bought the pitch.
The 3G surface at National League Sutton’s Gander Green Lane home will host one of the most romantic ties today when AFC Wimbledon visit. The Sutton boss, who with his brother and a partner owns a building firm, has at his own estimate ploughed £1million into the Surrey club in the eight years he has been in charge – including £500,000 for the new pitch in 2015. The ebullient Doswell, the man largely at the root of Eastleigh’s rise from the Wessex League to their current National League status, has seven children, runs a firm that has a turnover of £100m, and another contract company worth £60m. And he manages a fast-growing National League club. Doswell, 50, did manage to find time to prepare for today’s tie by taking his wife out for their traditional Friday night ‘date night’ which included a couple of bottles of red – an indication of the almost relaxed attitude towards this tie. AFC’s first game as a newly-formed club was a
By Tony Banks friendly at Sutton in 2002. Many AFC fans watch Sutton when their League One club are away and the AFC ladies team play at Gander Green Lane. Last week Doswell allowed his counterpart Neal Ardley, below, and his team to practise on the 3G pitch. This is not a bitter rivalry. But do not be fooled. Doswell, who led Sutton into the league last season as National League South champions, is fiercely competitive and feels his team can produce another cup upset today. On his pitch. So, with all this cash ploughed into the club, is he unsackable? “It’s a question I’ve been asked before,” he said. “I am sackable in the sense that if I offended someone or got above my station, the chairman wouldn’t hesitate. “I’ve put £1m probably into the club. I don’t draw a salary. Through our company, I put in £30,000 or £40,000 a year in sponsorship, me personally £500,000 for the 3G pitch, about £250,000 for the refurbishment of the ground and over the years I’ve probably chipped in another £25,000. When I was
at Eastleigh, we got them right up to Conference South. This was a different challenge – like going into your grandma’s house. “It was in a terrible state. Step by step, we’ve tried to put an infrastructure in place. The 3G pitch has been huge – now we’ve got almost 200 kids who use the surface, from our under-8s to U18s. “So if it’s philanthropic, it’s philanthropic to my benefit. Without football in my life, I’d struggle. “The pitch is an interestfree loan, but if we were to win and draw Man Utd or Arsenal, we’d make £1m. Bruce Elliott, our chairman, would repay me there and then. I don’t necessarily want the money back, but Bruce insists. I’ve got no ambition to be a manager in the Football League.” Football is the key for the Southampton season-ticket holder, not dosh. He travelled to Prague and Milan to watch Saints in the Europa League and they would be his ideal fourthround draw. “They would be my dream,” said Doswell, whose club have a noble FA Cup history. They beat League Two Cheltenham to get this far, and few will forget their win over then First Division Coventry at a muddy Gander Green Lane in 1989. “This tie is 50-50,” said Doswell. “We know the pitch, its nooks and crannies. That will be an advantage over a team used to playing on grass.”
Odion has chance to go for a Burton ODION IGHALO will start for Watford today despite renewed interest from the Chinese Super League. Ighalo, above, has twice turned down big-money moves to the Far East in order to stay at Vicarage Road. Watford could now force his hand with a January switch to Shanghai Shenhua back on the table for a striker who has scored just three league goals in the past year. Hornets manager Walter
By Darren Witcoop Mazzarri would not be drawn on the Nigerian’s future but insisted he was not suffering from a crisis of confidence in front of goal. Mazzarri said: “Mentally, I can’t be inside his head but in training he’s doing well. I tell all my players the same thing – if you give everything and run and
fight for every ball then you are helping the team. The goals will then come.” Watford have nine players injured while a flu bug has not helped preparations. It means the Italian, who has picked up just one point from the past five league games, has ditched plans to shake up his side. He said: “We have been unlucky but the players we put out will be ready. And I don’t want the injuries to be an excuse.”
POOLS GUIDE TODAY (3pm unless stated – * all-ticket match)
DOING IT FOR LOVE: But Sutton boss Paul Doswell aims to break Wimbledon hearts
No way back for Jose’s outcasts JOSE MOURINHO will not consider playing unsettled pair Morgan Schneiderlin and Memphis Depay while their futures remain unresolved. Everton are understood to be edging closer to a deal for £24million-valued midfielder Schneiderlin, above, who is also wanted by West Brom, Juventus and AC Milan. But Manchester United have knocked back attempts by the Merseyside club, along
By Richard Tanner with Roma and Nice, to take Holland winger Memphis on loan. They are only interested in a permanent sale and are looking for about £20m. United take on Reading, managed by former Old Trafford favourite Jaap Stam, at home today and Mourinho will rotate his squad with one eye
on Tuesday’s EFL Cup semi-final first leg against Hull. He said: “As a player everyone knows Jaap Stam but not as a manager. After analysing three or four of their matches, the way Reading play football so positively indicates the manager is very good.” Wayne Rooney will start still looking for the strike he needs to equal Sir Bobby Charlton’s club record of 249 goals.
Emirates FA Cup Third Round 1 Accrington Stanley v Luton................. 2 Barrow v Rochdale ............................ 3 Birmingham v Newcastle ................... 4 Blackpool v Barnsley ......................... 5 Bolton v Crystal Palace ...................... 6 Brentford v Eastleigh ......................... 7 Brighton v Milton Keynes Dons........... 8 Bristol City v Fleetwood Tn ................. 11 Everton v Leicester............................ 12 Huddersfield v Port Vale .................... 13 Hull v Swansea ................................. 14 Ipswich v Lincoln City ........................ Manchester Utd v Reading (12.30pm) 17 Millwall v AFC Bournemouth............... 18 Norwich v Southampton .................... 19 Preston N E v Arsenal (5.30pm)......... (Live on BT Sport 2) 20 QPR v Blackburn ............................... 21 Rotherham v Oxford Utd .................... 22 Stoke v Wolves ................................. 23 Sunderland v Burnley ........................ 24 Sutton v AFC Wimbledon ................... 26 Watford v Burton .............................. 27 West Brom v Derby ........................... 28 Wigan v Nottingham Forest ................ 29 Wycombe v Stourbridge ..................... Sky Bet League One 30 Bradford City v Chesterfield ................ 31 Bristol Rovers v Northampton ............. 32 Scunthorpe v Bury ............................ Southend v Sheff Utd ........................ 33 Swindon v Shrewsbury....................... Sky Bet League Two 34 Colchester v Carlisle.......................... 35 Hartlepool v Grimsby ......................... 36 Leyton Orient v Barnet....................... 37 Mansfield v Crewe ............................ Morecambe v Notts County................ Stevenage v Newport Co ................... Vanarama National League 38 Aldershot v Southport........................ 39 Braintree Tn v Chester FC .................. 40 Bromley v Forest Green ..................... 41 Dover v York ..................................... 42 Guiseley v Maidstone Utd .................. 43 North Ferriby Utd v Dag & Red ........... 44 Solihull Moors v Gateshead ............... 45 Torquay v Boreham Wood .................. 46 Wrexham v Woking............................ Vanarama National League North AFC Fylde v FC United of Manchester . AFC Telford v Gainsborough ............... Altrincham v Gloucester ..................... Boston Utd v Stockport County .......... Brackley v Chorley............................. Darlington 1883 v Nuneaton ............. Harrogate Tn v Alfreton Tn ................. Salford City v Kidderminster ............... Stalybridge v FC Halifax ..................... Tamworth v Curzon Ashton................. Worcester v Bradford P A................... Vanarama National League South Bath C v Hampton & Richmond.......... Chelmsford v Whitehawk.................... Concord Rangers v Weston-S-Mare .... Dartford v East Thurrock .................... Eastbourne Borough v Poole Tn.......... Gosport Borough v Hungerford Tn ....... Hemel Hempstead v Welling .............. Margate v Bishop’s Stortford .............. St Albans v Maidenhead .................... Truro City v Oxford City ...................... Wealdstone v Ebbsfleet United ........... Ladbrokes Championship 47 Ayr v Dunfermline ............................. 48 Morton v Dumbarton ......................... 49 Raith v Falkirk................................... St Mirren v Queen of South ............... Ladbrokes League One Albion v Brechin ............................... East Fife v Stenhousemuir ................. Peterhead v Livingston ...................... Queen’s Park v Airdrieonians.............. Stranraer v Alloa ............................... Ladbrokes League Two Annan Athletic v Forfar ...................... Cowdenbeath v Berwick..................... Edinburgh City v Arbroath .................. Montrose v Elgin ............................... Stirling v Clyde.................................. Evo-Stik South—Prem: Chesham v Dunstable, Cinderford v Biggleswade Tn, Cirencester v Merthyr Tn, Dorchester v Banbury, Frome Tn v Kings Langley, , Hitchin v Stratford Tn, Kettering v Basingstoke, Leamington v Chippenham, Redditch v Kings Lynn Tn, St Ives Tn v Slough, St Neots Tn v Weymouth. Evo-Stik North—Prem: Ashton Utd v Whitby, Coalville Tn v Blyth Spartans, Halesowen v Buxton, Marine v Barwell, Matlock Tn v Corby, Mickleover Sports v Nantwich Tn, Spennymoor Tn v Hednesford, Stafford Rgrs v Ilkeston, Workington v Rushall Olympic. Ryman—Prem: Bognor Regis Tn v Billericay, Burgess Hill Tn v Leiston, Canvey Island v Dulwich, Enfield Tn v AFC Sudbury, Grays v Worthing, Hendon v Merstham, Kingstonian v Staines Tn, Leatherhead v Harrow, Lowestoft Tn v Havant and W, Needham Market v Folkestone, Tonbridge Angels v Met Police, Wingate & Finchley v Harlow.
TOMORROW Emirates FA Cup Third Round 9 Cardiff v Fulham (11.30pm) .............. (Live on BBC Wales) 10 Chelsea v Peterborough..................... 15 Liverpool v Plymouth (1.30pm) .......... (Live on BT Sport 2) 16 Middlesbrough v Sheff Wed ............... 25 Tottenham v Aston Villa (4pm) ........... (Live on BBC 1)
Evo-Stik South—Prem: Hayes & Yeading v Cambridge C.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Cowley’s big test now school’s out THE Cowley brothers took the gamble of a lifetime by quitting the security of teaching for the circus of football management. But Lincoln boss Danny Cowley believes he and brother Nicky, his assistant, could not turn down the chance to follow their dream. The siblings take their side to Ipswich, of the Championship, today, having already led them to the top of the National League. And their achievements come just eight months after they gave up PE teaching jobs at an Essex school and their part-time management roles at Braintree Town – who they took to the National League play-offs last season – to make the leap into full-time football. “You pretty much have to commit murder to give up a job in
By Steve Madeley teaching and we know what football management is like – it’s a volatile industry,” joked Danny, below, who spent 15 years in teaching and was head of PE at FitzWimarc School in Rayleigh. “Once the opportunity came around for us it wasn’t a big decision because I knew if I didn’t do it I would always been thinking ‘if only’ or ‘what if’. You can’t live your life with regrets, so it’s an opportunity Nicky and I had to take. “I loved teaching. I loved the children and I loved the subject that I taught but football is my No 1 passion. “You only get one life so I intend to make the most of it.”
Whizzkid Joe is set to go at last JOE GOMEZ is hoping it will be third time lucky when he attempts to kickstart his top-flight career for Liverpool in the FA Cup against Plymouth tomorrow.
BROOKS REPORTS in his squad in order for Gomez “to be able to develop”. Yet while Gomez may be forgiven a flutter in the stomach when he walks out tomorrow, the last person getting carried away is the player himself. Gomez has spent plenty of time with his fellow cruciate ‘victim’ Danny Ings over the past year so he knows how tough the return battle can be as well as how quickly it can
greatest moment of his managerial career. Adams guided Ross County to the final of the Scottish Cup in 2010 and led them to promotion to the Premiership two years later after going on a 34-match unbeaten run, extended to 40 the next season. He said: “To be stood on the sidelines at Anfield is not quite the top, that was going 40 games unbeaten and being a First Division club in the Scottish Cup final. However, if we beat Liverpool, that goes to the top.”
STAR IN THE MAKING: Gomez in action at Arsenal in 2015
Hughes: We’ve had a raw deal STOKE manager Mark Hughes has hit out at FIFA for allowing some clubs to bend the rules on releasing players for the African Nations Cup. Hughes, above, is upset the Potters were refused permission to keep Senegal star Mame Diouf, Ivory Coast striker Wilfried Bony and Egypt winger Ramadan Sobhi for today’s clash with Wolves while other players, including Liverpool’s Joel Matip, West Brom’s Allan Nyom and Bournemouth’s Benik Afobe,
sour. Ings injured his ACL in Klopp’s first training session just two days after Gomez’s injury and then sustained a similar injury to his other knee on his comeback in October. “That wasn’t easy because I know how hard he worked,” said Gomez. “Everyone was buzzing, he looked so sharp.” Yet he insists he is confident he will carry no fear into his own return as a result. “There was a lot of time for me to prepare myself mentally. Now I am back I don’t really think about it or fear it in any way.” Opponents Plymouth are relishing the trip to Anfield and boss Derek Adams says a victory would be the
The highly-rated central defender, 19, has suffered two major injury setbacks since joining from Charlton in the summer of 2015. The first came when he ruptured his anterior cruciate ligament on England Under-21 duty in October 2015 and then, last July when he was close to returning, he sustained an Achilles tendon problem. Yet after completing his second period of rehabilitation and coming through a behindclosed-doors friendly in November, Gomez is now ready to show Liverpool fans what he can do. And if the glowing reports about his composure and strength are to be believed, that is going to be plenty over the coming years. “It has been a tough year at times and there have been phases where I have felt that everything has been against me but I am thankful I came through and that it’s behind me now,” said Gomez. “I still have a long way and a lot of learning to do, but I am just happy to be healthy and have the opportunity to be back out there.” It is a measure of the esteem in which the teenager is held at Liverpool that he was applauded on to the training pitch by the first-team squad when he returned at Melwood last October. And professionally there is no disguising the regard in which he is held by Jurgen Klopp despite the defender being signed by his predecessor Brendan Rodgers. Klopp was quick to cut short any discussion about Gomez going on loan when he got his fitness back and admitted yesterday he has resisted the temptation to buy defensive cover to keep space
Boro’s call for Bojan warrior
were allowed to withdraw from the African tournament. “It just smacks of being a bit unfair and allows clubs in our league to gain an advantage,” he said. “It should be one rule across all the associations. “Some are more receptive to requests. It seems to depend on who you’re talking to.”
AITOR KARANKA is going on the attack in a bid to beef up goal-shy Middlesbrough with a move for Stoke’s Bojan Krkic. Rudy Gestede arrived from Aston Villa within hours of the transfer window opening and former Boro loanee Patrick Bamford is a target. But Krkic, above, is a man he wold love. He knows the player well from his days in Spain and rates him highly. “He has played for AC Milan, Barcelona, Roma and Stoke, so can play,” said Karanka. “I like
to bring in men who can play in different positions, so will try. I know Bojan because he was in the national team. We’ve made one signing but it could depend on someone leaving.” Karanka will not stand in the way if Jordan Rhodes or David Nugent ask to leave. He believes Gestede will offer more. “Gestede knows this league and can score goals,” he said. /lmx
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
SAM ALLARDYCE returns today to the scene of what he says were the best years of his managerial career.
The Crystal Palace boss spent eight years in charge of Bolton, taking them from the Championship into contention for the Champions League. And all based on an idiosyncratic management style he admits he would not get away with now. Sheep testicles, for instance, which he threatened the Bolton players with as a post-match meal if they ever lost by three goals or more. “You can’t do that now,” he said. “Unless you go on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here – which I was rumoured to be going on, but was never true, by the way. “It is difficult to have a bit of fun now, sadly, even with the players. If I took them out for a bit of fun, someone would say, ‘What are they doing having fun when they are in that position?’ “I would never, ever, swap my time as a player for time as a player today. But in terms of what we achieved over a long and extended time, yes, they were the best years of my career. “Football was impatient then but it is far more impatient now. “I got a 10-year contract so I am unique in the modern era. It gave me time to do the job properly and we grew and grew every year. It put me on the map, which I am very grateful for, and I have been fortunate to manage at this level – the top division in the world – for the last 16 years. So Bolton started me off in a great career in management.” As he built his reputation, Allardyce never made any secret of his ambition to win some silverware and one day become England manager. “Well, I am not going to manage England again,” he said, with what still seems like an air of awkwardness after all that has happened in the past six months. “I have done that. I feel my time at Crystal Palace
Silva admits it’s a Hull of a risk
HAPPY WANDERER: Sam Allardyce with the FA Cup in 2000, when he took Bolton to the semi-finals
Bolton is still in my blood will be to see it into survival this year, then a progression into a top-middle finish and, after that, go on to a cup final.” When Allardyce returns to Bolton, he will see few reminders of the glory days, when the club twice finished high enough up in the Premier League to qualify for Europe and reached the League Cup final in 2004. Although he made his peace with former chairman Phil Gartside before he died, the acrimonious split following Allardyce’s decision to leave in April 2007 made him persona non grata at the club. His
name was almost erased from Bolton history and things began to go wrong almost from the moment he left. “I don’t want to be too unkind to Bolton but they let the infrastructure that I had built collapse,” said Allardyce. “Once that infrastructure collapsed, it became unstable and then it became a fight whereas they didn’t need to fight for anything. “All they needed to do was invest and it would have been ongoing. You cannot guarantee that, but it would have gone on a lot longer. “When a club becomes unstable, everything falls by
the wayside and many clubs have done that. Blackburn Rovers since I have been there. Newcastle have also been up and down. “There are many clubs that you can get the infrastructure right and invest properly in the academy and recruitment. “You need to grow slowly but nobody wants to do anything slowly any more. Everybody is in a mad rush. If you as a manager don’t get results, you cannot help that growth because you just get the sack. It is a different way of working now.”
happen, and maybe in May the miracle will happen for us. “When you look at the table and the last few games, it has not been an easy decision to come here. But after you see they are a good club, and the Premier League is a fantastic step, I’m here and confident I can change things. “It’s clear we have problems, but always as a coach, life is a risk. I believe we can do it, not because I’m crazy but because I believe in our players. We’ll fight until the last minute to keep this club up.” The ex-Olympiakos head coach has been out of football for six months after quitting the Greek champions in the summer, citing personal reasons. He
succeeds Mike Phelan, below, who was head coach for only 82 days before getting sacked. With Hull up for sale and vice-chairman Ehab Allam notable by his absence at Friday’s unveiling of Silva, the new boss will have his work cut out. The Portuguese admits he is short on numbers for the visit of fellowstrugglers Swansea, saying: “It’s clear we need to improve our team but we don’t have a lot of money to spend. “Yesterday in training we worked with 13 players, and today there were 15. We need to improve our roster and the owners know what we need.”
Batshuayi gets a start at long last FROM BACK PAGE my players because we are building the right spirit. Now it is important for Michy to be concentrated – see the present, not look too far ahead,” said Conte. Batshuayi, below, scored 26 goals in two seasons for Marseille. Conte said: “It is important to be focused, to play very well and show me he is into our idea of football. “It could be a good opportunity for the other players to show they deserve to play more. “Of course it is frustrating for Michy if you are used to playing every game with Marseille, but when you arrive at a great team like Chelsea, it is normal that you have to fight to find a place, and Michy is finding
difficulty in adapting to this league. “Michy is only 23, a young player who can improve a lot. In front of him there is Costa, and he is finding it difficult to play. But he has the time to show me he deserves it. “I am not concerned that he will leave. Because every decision that we take must be always a good decision for him, for me, and the club.” Conte will also give French defender Kurt Zouma his comeback tomorrow after 11 months out following surgery on a cruciate ligament injury. John Terry is fit after a muscle injury and he could also return after two months out.
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
City grateful GOAL KING: Aguero’s flick makes it 4-0, left, and, right, Nordtveit puts the ball into his own goal net for City’s second
BANKS HEAVY DUTY: Wycombe striker Adebayo Akinfenwa
Now Jack’s out to tame ‘The Beast’
JACK DUGGAN hopes to go from giantkiller to beast slayer today. The 23-year-old student teacher comes face to face with Wycombe cult hero Adebayo Akinfenwa. Duggan has a black eye to go with his newly-shaven head as he prepares to get up close and personal with the man known as ‘The Beast’. Former Wimbledon striker Akinfenwa weighs in at 16st and could be mistaken for a super-heavyweight boxer. Northern Premier League Stourbridge have defied the odds to reach the third round and face a club fighting for promotion from League Two, who sit 96 places above them. Central defender Duggan, who scored the late winner to knock out Northampton in the second round, is raring to go even though he knows Akinfenwa will show no mercy. Duggan said: “He’s a big lad. He’s probably
the biggest footballer in the world but I’m not too bothered. I’m not exactly small myself. “I might be small compared to him but I don’t fear him. He’s a good player and you have to respect that. “But I don’t fear anyone, so hopefully I’ll give him a good game and see how we get on. “We can play a bit. Northampton didn’t have a shot on target.” Duggan insists the drastic haircut is not to make himself look more intimidating. “Maybe it could be that I’m trying to scare ‘The Beast’ but it’s not an image thing,” he said. “I’m losing my hair so I thought I may as well get it over with. “If I could have hair, I’d have it – trust me. Add to that, I’ve got a shiner but that’s what our league is all about. “It’s very physical. You’re going to get a few kicks.”
Defoe staying a ‘no-brainer’
FROM BACK PAGE and what is at stake. I’ve looked at deals going on and when you see the valuations and then look at his level and where he is, and our ambition to stay in the Premier League, it’s a no-brainer. “When you think of the figures involved in staying up and then receive a bid for Jermain, who is scoring regularly, it’s clear.” West Ham bid £13m for Defoe, 34, who is likely to be on the bench for today’s FA Cup tie with Burnley. Moyes, set to play several youngsters, is confident the striker’s head has not been
turned by the bids. “He signed a new contract in the summer and I don’t see a problem,” he said. “I’m not worried. He is liked here and is enjoying a purple patch.” Burnley boss Sean Dyche remembers his first sight of Defoe when playing for Millwall 17 years ago. Defoe was on loan at Bournemouth and Dyche said: “We beat them 2-1 and he never had a kick – apart from the one that went in, the goal. We had a really strong side but he was sharp.”
0 5
YOU can stop being tetchy now, Pep. Stop talking about retirement.
Things may be a bit wobbly in the Premier League for Manchester City but when they meet opponents as accommodating as West Ham in the FA Cup, they suddenly seem a lot brighter. Slaven Bilic’s side went into this tie with such optimism, with City and Pep Guardiola looking flaky. But when Angelo Ogbonna gave away a penalty, West Ham fell apart spectacularly. It was a result that may have relaxed the Spaniard but it only highlighted the need for Bilic to spend well and recruit well this month. Otherwise his outclassed team could be in real trouble. As may he. Bilic sprang a surprise at the start, with playmaker Dimitri Payet left on the bench after a poor run of form, despite the fact he has been the main creator of their chances in the Premier League this season. Andy Carroll returned up front on his 28th birthday. Guardiola, knowing a result was needed to restore sagging confidence, named a strong line-up. After his snappy, edgy public performance following the narrow win over Burnley, perhaps Pep needed some calm and reassurance. West Ham have been linked with all and sundry since the transfer window opened, including Jermain Defoe, Scott Hogan, Moussa Dembele and Robert Snodgrass. For some of the players who lined up last night, it may well have been last-chance saloon if some of those targets are landed. Stung by the harsh fortunes they suffered in the defeat by Manchester United on Monday, West Ham tore into Guardiola’s team from the start, intent on capitalising on a perhaps fragile City confidence. But City soon settled into their rhythm, as John Stones nodded over and then Pablo Zabaleta saw his shot blocked. Then Gael Clichy broke into the box to feed the elusive David Silva and Hammers keeper Adrian had to save with his legs. West Ham did have some spikiness about them, and Michail Antonio tested Willy Caballero with a stinging shot. Bilic’s side were determined to try to upset City’s flow, with Sofiane Feghouli darting down the right and Carroll hurling himself around in the middle. But City, looking uncertain occasionally at the back, were lethal up front – and when Antonio dithered in the area,
Sergio Aguero whipped in an acrobatic volley that Adrian brilliantly tipped over the bar. Then Silva found Zabaleta galloping into the area and Ogbonna was foolishly drawn into the challenge. Referee Michael Oliver gave the penalty – and Yaya Toure rammed it home. It was hard on the Hammers, but it was not a decision in the Mike Dean class. A minute later Bilic’s side should have been level. Antonio galloped through the City defence to shoot, Caballero pushed the ball away and somehow Feghouli, from five yards out with the goal gaping, managed to screw his shot wide – though Clichy’s last-ditch challenge was crucial. But then calamity for
West Ham – a double dose. Just as Bilic’s men were trying to claw their way back, Bacary Sagna crossed and, as Adrian hesitated, Havard Nordtveit, under pressure from Raheem Sterling, turned the ball into his own net. Two minutes later Aguero put Sterling away into a gaping hole on the right of the Hammers defence. Silva was all alone in acres of space in the middle to control his cross and side-foot the ball into the net. As 10 minute spells go, it could hardly have been worse for the home side. It was yet another desperately disappointing night at the Olympic Stadium for the new tenants, who have now lost six of the 14 league and cup games they have
played there. And it got worse. Adrian had to make a great reaction save from Aguero straight after half-time from close in but, when West Ham did not clear the corner, Sterling laid the ball off for Toure to shoot and Aguero diverted goal number four past a flailing goalkeeper. The faithful were already trooping out when Stones headed home a late corner. WEST HAM (4-1-4-1): Adrian; Nordtveit, Reid, Ogbonna, Cresswell; Obiang; Feghouli, Fernandes, Lanzini (Noble 58), Antonio (Fletcher 72); Carroll (Payet 58). NEXT UP: Crystal Palace (h), Sat PL. MAN CITY (4-2-3-1): Caballero; Sagna, Stones, Otamendi, Clichy; Zabaleta, Toure (Delph 78); Silva (Nolito 58), De Bruyne (Garcia 68), Sterling; Aguero. Goals: Toure 33 pen, Nordtveit 40 og, Silva 42, Aguero 50, Stones 84. NEXT UP: Everton (a), Sun PL. Referee: M Oliver (Ashington).
Main picture: TOBY MELVILLE
for Pep walk
SILVA BULLET: David Silva’s cool finish makes it 3-0 and, above, Toure converts City’s controversial first-half penalty
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
Martin cannot wait to cash in V
MARTIN ALLEN is BRENTFORD plotting an upset today EASTLEIGH after making the KICK-OFF: 3PM brutally honest By Alex Smith admission he ditched Barnet to join he said. “The rich are non-league Eastleigh getting richer and the for the cash. poor are getting poorer. Allen surprisingly “It is a shocking switched from the decision whoever made League Two promotion it. It should definitely chasers to take over be a televised game. the National League “It would have side. And as he record viewers if we prepared to shock his were 1-0 up going into former club Brentford, the last 20 minutes. he said: “I dropped out The kettles would go of the Football bang. League “The clubs at because the lower level Eastleigh should be offered me a lot looked after more money and supported, and it is a great it is the opportunity. FA Cup. You “I’m excited should be at the putting clubs challenge of like us on TV.” taking them up Allen, who the league and ALLEN: Outrage masterminded making history. a run to the fifth round with Let’s hope it comes Brentford in 2005, has soon.” only has 14 players to Non-league sides pick from, with injuries, have been snubbed by suspensions and TV this weekend with cup-ties all restricting the two Manchester his options. clubs, Arsenal, He said: “If Liverpool and Brentford’s attitude is Tottenham all spot-on then I can’t see benefiting from the much chance for us. extra income. “But if their attitude Allen is furious his is not right then we will return to Griffin Park have an outside has been ignored. “It is absolutely outrageous,” chance.”
Harris ready to roar again
NEIL HARRIS needs MILLWALL no reminding of what BOURNEMOUTH the FA Cup means to KICK-OFF: 3PM Millwall. Harris was a key cog By Darren Witcoop in the side that made divisions above us. history in marching all That’s what we thrive the way to the final in on and what this is all 2004. about.” Millwall’s record Pictures and cuttings goalscorer started in of the south Londoners’ the 3-0 final defeat by cup adventure under Manchester United Dennis Wise 13 years along with his assistant ago adorn the walls at David Livermore. their New Den home. Now the pair are looking to carve fresh It provided hope to memories, only any club this time it will outside the be from the Premier dugout with League hoping Millwall’s class to make it all of 2017. the way, but The Lions only Cardiff, in host Premier 2008, have League repeated the Bournemouth feat. today and Yet Harris manager Harris said: “We will said: “I know enjoy the HARRIS: Glory what the cup distraction. You want to test means to the club. yourself against There have been a lot Premier League of changes here but opposition. And we those memories will want to win every stay with us forever. game. But we know You can’t take that we’ll have to be at the away from us. It was an top of our game.” amazing achievement. Promotion from “In the FA Cup League One is everything goes out the Millwall’s ultimate aim window. It’s an but skipper Tony Craig amazing competition. said: “This is a huge This is an opportunity to try to cause an upset opportunity to show what we’re capable of.” against a team two
BACK STAM’S LADS TO SCORE NOW it is the big boys’ turn scored nine goals in their to enter the fray – and past three games so why there are potential banana not get a bit more value skins lying in wait. and back United to win with Today’s early both sides scoring kick-off sees Jaap at 2-1? Stam heading back Sam Allardyce’s to Old Trafford as struggling Crystal his high-flying Palace head to the Championship side Macron Stadium to take on Phil Reading look to halt an impressive BY JOE CRILLY Parkinson’s Bolton, currently second in six-game winning League One, with an streak for the Red Devils. The Royals are 10-1 upset very much on the cards. The Trotters are to win and 11-2 to take it 12-5 to win. to a replay. They have
Guardiola: That’s better FROM BACK PAGE saw off the Hammers far too easily. Bilic’s side simply fell apart on their dreaded home turf. Guardiola said: “Hopefully we can start again to play like we did in the first three months. “We are not strong enough and fast enough like the other teams. We have to play with the ball more as a team. “We were able to keep the ball more. We created more chances. After the second and third goal it was easy. “The pitch and the stadium helped. It looks a lot bigger. Normally the stadiums here are tight. We are happy. We had a period
when we were not good. But when players like David Silva and Kevin De Bruyne touch the ball a lot, the rest is easy. “Here the people spoke a lot before I came about how important this cup is for all the clubs. Anything can happen. I’m enjoying it.” Shattered Bilic said: “It was a bad night for us, it is hard to say anything positive after a 5-0 defeat at home. “There were crucial moments apart from the penalty. “We made mistakes, we started to chase them on a big pitch which is very difficult. “The penalty was soft but you cannot talk about that after a 5-0 defeat.”
Daily Express Saturday January 7 2017
DEFOE IS ‘PRICELESS’ DAVID MOYES insists Jermain Defoe will not be leaving Sunderland, saying: “He is priceless to us.” West Ham have made two bids for their former striker but Moyes revealed owner Ellis Short, chief executive Martin Bain and himself all agreed it would be financial madness to cash in on their top scorer, right. With the club fighting for survival and a
Michy to get his chance
DO WE LIKE THAT: Aguero and Stones celebrate after the Argentina striker scores City’s fourth Picture: JUSTIN TALLIS
By Tony Banks
By Peter Edwards
Premier League place worth a minimum of £60million, Defoe on the pitch is more valuable than cash in the bank. “Jermain is priceless to us,” said Moyes, who has also told Crystal Palace boss Sam Allardyce to forget about a reunion with Patrick van Aanholt. “Jermain’s goals are so important for us TURN TO PAGE 78, COLUMN 1
It’s high fives for Pep as City are back in the goal routine
ANTONIO CONTE has laid down a challenge to £33million misfit Michy Batshuayi: prove you are worth a place in my team. The Belgium striker, who caught the eye at Euro 2016, is yet to start a Premier League game for Chelsea despite his big-money arrival from Marseille in the summer. His only start came against West Ham in the EFL Cup in October. The 23-year-old was even left on the bench by Conte on Boxing Day when top scorer Diego Costa was suspended. Batshuayi has been linked with loan moves to West Ham and Lille this month, but he will get a rare chance tomorrow when he leads the Chelsea attack against League One Peterborough in the FA Cup third round. And last night Conte told him he had to grasp his moment. “I want to keep all TURN TO PAGE 77, COLUMN 5
By Tony Banks PEP GUARDIOLA warned Manchester City they had to repeat this performance to get their Premier League campaign back on track after they swept aside West Ham last night. City had faltered in the league and had their boss looking bad-tempered in public – but the Spaniard was much happier after his side eased into the fourth round of the FA Cup with a 5-0 win. City profited from a soft early penalty, converted by Yaya Toure after Pablo Zabaleta was felled in the area, but Slaven Bilic’s Hammers then fell apart under the pressure. A Havard Nordveit own-goal, strikes from David Silva, Sergio Aguero and a late header from John Stones TURN TO PAGE 79, COLUMN 3
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WE NEED A MIRACLE Hull boss eyes Silva lining
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BOTTOM’S UP: New Hull manager Marco Silva knows he has a mountain to climb
Even though he has little cash to bolster a threadbare squad, the 39-year-old with no experience of English football has agreed to a sixmonth deal to take on what even Hull fans see as mission impossible. They are bottom
By Jason Mellor of the league but Silva, after starting his reign yesterday by blocking West Ham’s bid for Robert Snodgrass, insists he can do it. He said: “I know people say we need a miracle to stay in the Premier League but I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe we could. Miracles do TURN TO PAGE 77, COLUMN 5
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