2014 SWRM exhibitor and sponsor invite (6)

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Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SWRM 2014) November 19-22, 2014 Fort Worth, Texas http://www.chem.plu.edu/norm2009 Dear 2013 SWRM Participant: Many thanks for your support of SWRM 2013! Plans for SWRM 2014 are already underway - the DallasFort Worth Section of the American Chemical Society is pleased to host the Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM) from November 19 – 22, 2014 in Fort Worth, Texas at the Renaissance Worthington Hotel. We invite you to participate in our SWRM. Exciting research and practical presentations will delve into timely topics such as climate change, chemical education, innovation and patenting, business formation and development, natural products, and computational chemistry. Exhibits, sponsorships, advertising and symposia are great ways to promote your organization. At least 750 attendees from academia, government, and industry are expected to experience SWRM’s cutting-edge technical program. The significant number of science and technology professionals in the region, the centralized location of the Worthington Hotel, and the ease of travel to downtown Fort Worth lead us to envision even higher attendee numbers. We know that challenging economic conditions may be on your mind, so this event has been kept as economical as possible. Fees are $750 for commercial vendors (includes two registrations) and $375 for not-for-profit and academic institution representatives (includes one registration). SWRM 2014 is a great way to reinforce connections with your customer base: The exposition will be located in a high traffic area at the heart of lunch rooms, refreshment breaks and poster sessions, ensuring a steady stream of attendees at your booth. If setting up an attended booth doesn't meet your organization's needs (or even if it does), there are many diverse, unique advertising and sponsorship opportunities, as well as literature-only booths. Please see the Exhibitor Application Form, below, for details on sponsorship opportunities, registration fees, deadlines, and booths. Information soon may be downloaded from the meeting website (http://www.swrm.org/swrm2014). A block of reduced rate rooms for SWRM participants is available at the Renaissance Worthington Hotel. Reservations must be made directly with the hotel; information is available on the SWRM 2014 website. When reserving rooms, identify yourself as an attendee of the 2014 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SWRM 2014). We look forward to your participation in SWRM 2014! Sincerely, Kirby B. Drake General Meeting Chair Klemchuk Kubasta LLP kirby.drake@kk-llp.com (214-207-2286)

Primary Venue for SWRM 2014 is the Worthington Renaissance Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas.

Exhibitor and Sponsorship Application and Contract In accordance with the Notes and Regulations (below), I (we) apply for exhibition space at the Southwest Regional ACS Meeting at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas, November 19-22, 2014. Please complete the following information on both pages as you would like it to appear in the meeting literature and on the meeting web site. Name: Title: Company name: Mailing address: City, State, Zip: Phone:


Company/academic web site link: Authorized signature:

Check the boxes below according to your interests and mark the total on the next page: Commercial vendor table: $750 (fee includes two registrations) Name on Badge 1: Name on Badge 2: No representative can attend – literature only table (send materials c/o Kirby Drake, see below) Academic/Not-for-profit institution table: $375 (fee includes one registration) Name on Badge: No representative can attend – literature only table: $200 solo/$75 shared (send or bring materials for arrival on 11/18/14 to the Worthington Renaissance Hotel 200 Main Street FW TX 76102 Attn: SWRM 2014) Exhibitor areas include one six-foot table, two chairs, electricity, and wireless internet access. Additional Sponsorship Opportunities: Sessions, Breaks, Social Events You can also sponsor a technical session, a refreshment break in the exposition hall, a part of the awards banquet. We will prominently identify your organization as a SWRM sponsor. You can also purchase special advertising in the Program Book. Full Day Symposium or Session: $1000 (also includes acknowledgement on the specific symposium room placard) See the website for symposium and session titles. I would like to sponsor the following session or symposium:____________________________________ Half-Day Symposium or Session: $500 (also includes acknowledgement on the specific symposium room placard). See the website for symposium and session titles. I would like to sponsor the following session or symposium:____________________________________

Coffee Break Sponsorship: $500 (per break, also includes signage at break stations) Friend of SWRM 2014 General Sponsorships (your logo and link on the SWRM 2014 website and program book acknowledgement; inclusion on all signage for SWRM 2014 at Gold or Platinum Level): Platinum Level $5000 minimum (specify amount ______) Gold Level $2500 minimum (specify amount ______) Silver Level $1000 minimum (specify amount ______) Bronze level $500 minimum (specify amount ______) Print (Program Book) advertising options (500 or more copies, according to registration): Full page (7.5" w x 10" h) $500 Half page (7.5" w x 4.8" h) $300 Quarter page (3.6" w x 4.8" h) $150 Business card size (3.5" w x 2" h) $100 (free with Exhibition Rental if printable ad copy provided) Social Event or Other Specific Sponsorships: $1000 minimum (if sponsorship is $2500 or above, will be included on all signage for SWRM 2014) Specify amount ______ and event/item to sponsor ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Brief company description of products and services as you would like it to appear in the meeting program and on the meeting website (50 word limit).

TOTAL COST: ______ Charge my: Name on Card




Card Number

Expiration date (month/year)

Security Code: _____ Signature

Make checks payable to “SWRM 2014� and send checks or credit card info with completed application and contract to: Martha Gilchrist, Treasurer SWRM 2014, Physical Science Dept. Tarrant County College, 5301 Campus Drive Fort Worth TX 76119; FAX: (817)515-4954; Email: swrm@acsdfw.org; Online payment capability will be available soon. Contact Ms. Gilchrist for more details. Notes and Regulations 1) Security will be provided when the exhibition is not in session. 2) All exhibitors will be listed on the SWRM 2014 website and in the abstract book for the meeting, including corporate descriptions and corporate or academic website links if provided. 3) Reservations accepted in priority of payment receipt date, and on a space-available basis. An exhibitor must give notice of withdrawal at least thirty days prior to the beginning of SWRM 2014 in order to receive a refund of the exhibitor fee.

Thank you for supporting and participating in SWRM 2014!

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