The Chair’s Corner Welcome to March 2021. Just when we thought we were starting to get out of the woods with respect to events interrupting our local section activities, we experience once in the century winter weather and temperatures. Given the difficulties that many in our local section were having we postponed Dr. Angela Wilson’s talk that was scheduled for February. That talk is now rescheduled for March 26th at 6:30 PM. It will be held via zoom (https:// and is free to join. I hope to see many of you there (virtually). Dr. Wilson is the president-elect of the national honor society. For those that do not know, Dr. Wilson is also a long-time member of the DFW Local Section, so this will be a bit of a homecoming for her. Dr. Wilson will present a talk entitled, “The ACS: Past, Present, and Future.” We have officially opened the nomination process for the Wilfred T. Doherty Award, Werner Schulz Award, and the Chemistry Ambassador Awards for 2021. Anyone can nominate someone from the local section for these awards. Each nomination should contain a completed nomination form, a cover letter highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments, and a copy of the nominee’s CV. One second letter may accompany nominations. The nomination package should be sent by email as a single pdf file Dr.. Trish Smith at Nomination forms are available on the webpage ( The deadline is May 01, 2021 Our Local Section is also soliciting nominations for outstanding seniors in ChemisMarch 2021
try or related principles at each college/ university in the area each year. We are also doing the same with community colleges and their second-year students. Each university will nominate one senior to be recognized and the chair of each department should have received information to nominate their outstanding chemistry student. The DFW Local Section is also very excited to be presenting the local Meeting in Miniature virtually on May 01, 2021. Additional information including abstract submission can be found on the webpage ( Additionally, the Local Section is also looking at an industryfocused talk in April, and a graduate-student led roundtable in May. Further engagement of our colleagues in the industry and our graduate students are focus areas for 2021. Much more information to come on all of these topics. Once again, the executive committee is very excited about 2021 and the local section's future. If there is anything that I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time ( Best, Trey Putnam 2021 Chair DFW Local Section of the ACS
The Southwest RETORT