07 National Support Letters
25 International Support Letters
37 What you didn’t know about Colombia
38 Airport Facts
42 Visa Information
45 About Bogotá
47 Bogotá City of Worldwide Events
49 Bogotá The Host of Large International Events
52 Top Ten Places to vISIT IN bOGOTÁ
55 Magical Venues
57 Moving Around Bogotรก
59 Safety Perception vs Reality
63 Peace - Post Conflict. Colombia
65 Greater Bogotรก. Convention Bureau
67 Pharmacovigilance In Colombia and latin America.
69 Proposed Committee
71 Suggested Topics
72 History of ISoP Events
73 Venues Options. Grand Hyatt
80 PCO Grupo Destinos Information
82 Social Programme
Bogotรก, January 31 2018
Board of Directors International Society of Pharmacovigilance
The Asociaciรณn Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) is interested in submitting its application for hosting the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Bogotรก, Colombia, in November of 2019. Since its foundation, the Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance has demonstrated actions that lead to the strengthening of human talent, promoting activities as the 3rd ISoP Symposium for Latin American Chapter, articulating wills for the safe use of medicines and the development of Pharmacovigilance in Latin America as the "Declaration of Bogotรก", developing academic activities and promoting strategies for safe use of drugs in hospitals, ambulatory and transition spaces. With these activities developed, we seek to strengthen the capacities of the different health professionals involved in Pharmacovigilance activities, to form academic, professional and research networks for strengthening the public health systems of the region. Thus, our association has focused its efforts on training human talent, from the development of its strategic priorities: -
Generate proposals for harmonization of Pharmacovigilance activities in Latin America Analyze and raise awareness in health professionals on the economic impact of Pharmacovigilance for public health and sustainability of health systems. Promote the scientific discussion in the national and international field, on topics that promote a safe medication use culture. Facilitate the implementation of public policies in the region, in coordination with the different regulatory agencies.
The National Competent Authority (INVIMA) and the Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance have been making joint efforts to increase awareness of Pharmacovigilance in the region, mainly in the development of competencies in
health professionals to increase Pharmacovigilance quality standards. Currently, we can affirm that Colombia is a leader and an example for the region to be follow in terms of continuous improvement of the quality of its health systems. Given that pharmacovigilance is a globalized activity that must be widely disseminated through actions, processes, knowledge and standardized practices, the development of an event of global magnitude in Colombia, allows to establish a propitious space to reactivate cooperation agreements in the region, representing an opportunity to standardize best practices. In addition, the geographical location of the country makes possible to count with the assistance of professionals from different countries of North, Central and South America. Therefore, we are confident that the 19th Annual ISoP Meeting in Colombia will allow collaborative and reflective work among the different health professionals responsible for the safe medication use in benefit of our patients and would be a great reward for patient safety at the local and regional level.
Angela Caro Rojas President Asociaciรณn Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia
International Society of Pharmacovigilance Latin-American chapter Jan 31st, 2018
To the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PHARMACOVIGILANCE (ISoP) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, President: Mr. Sten Olsson, Vice-President Prof. Ian C.K. Wong, Secretary Prof. Mira Harrison-Woolrych, Treasurer Dr. Jean-Christophe Delumeau and ADVISORY BOARD, Hilda Ampadu, Brian Edwards, Deirdre McCarthy, Jan Petracek, Phil Tregunno, Dr. Marco Tuccori, Prof. Hervé Le Louët Dear Members of the ISoP Executive Board, With a great pleasure we are writing to you in order to express our support to the Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting the ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, in 2019. Latin-America is a region that is currently developing great activity in Pharmacovigilance:
Recently, two more countries have met the WHO Program for International Drug Monitoring (Ecuador -2017-and Paraguay -2018) Three successful ISoP-UMC training courses have been held in the region: in 2015 in Brazil, in 2016 in Perou and in 2017 in Panama. The ISoP Latin-American chapter has held four Symposia in four consecutive years, in four countries of the Latin-American region: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico (the largest and more populated countries in the region).
The ISoP Latin-American chapter Symposium held in Bogotá, Colombia, in 2016, was organized with the collaboration of the Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance. More than 200 professionals attended the Symposium, most of them from Colombia. The great interest of audience and the high level of the Symposium’s presentations make predict that an ISoP Meeting in 2019 will show a high scientific level and the same enthousiastic and crowded audience.
International Society of Pharmacovigilance Latin-American chapter Besides, the Colombian National Agency is very active and leads regional annual conferences, which are held in Colombia each two year. This adds an additional incentive for professionals from regulatory agencies of all the LatinAmerican countries. As President and Coordinator of LatinaAmerican we commit the efforts of the whole Latin-American chapter in promoting the event among its members and to support the 2019 ISoP Annual Meeting Scientific Committee. Latin-American professionals will enjoy this new opportunity and will host the event with efficiency and warm hospitality. We really appreciate
your consideration,
support and your time.
Kindest regards,
Raquel Herrera Comoglio
Luis Alesso
Coordinator ISoP Latin-American chapter
President ISoP Latin-American chapter
23 January 2018 Respected, Board of Directors International Society of Pharmacovigilance -ISoPUnited Kingdom BestCities Global Alliance support On behalf of BestCities Global Alliance we are delighted to hear that Bogot á is bidding to host the Annual Meeting of International Society of Pharmacovigilance -ISoP- for 2019. BestCities is a global collaboration comprising the convention bureaus of twelve cities: Berlin, Bogotá, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Dubai, Edinburgh, Houston, Madrid, Melbourne, Singapore, Tokyo and Vancouver. The Alliance was launched in 2000 and is built upon a promise of quality, expertise and professionalism. The alliance has the strength in numbers and the optimisation of collective resources to pursue common goals. We offer unique benefits to clients that no bureau can offer on its own by helping clients from one destination to the next. Incredible Impact Grant BestCities has recently joined forces with ICCA to create the Incredible Impacts Programme which celebrates the “beyond tourism” value of international association meetings to create a powerful plat form to advocate their positive societal impact. A panel of independent judges form the association world will det ermine which meetings have proven impact to award three grants of USD 7,500 on behalf of BestCities Global Alliance and ICCA. We would be happy to give you more information on this programme and we are here to help you with legacy development. Bogotá is ranked highly as a global city where business is done and meetings are held. As a growing international meetings destination Bogotá is currently ranked 59th in the world among more than 900 destinations classified by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). We hope that you will take your meeting to Bogotá in 2019 and experience a BestCities destination first hand. As an alliance of twelve premium convention bureaus we have local and global connections and we are here to help build on the success of your congress moving forward. Kind regards
Jane Cunningham Director, International Associations
Bogotá D.C, January 18th 2018 Respected Board of Directors International Society of Pharmacovigilance – IsoP United Kingdom Bogotá has witnessed an intense transformation process, especially during the last decade. This evolution has touched its social, urban and economic roots, making it a highly diverse multiethnic and multicultural city. As the capital of Colombia, we have been pushing and are responsible in a high percentage of the positive results the country is sharing with the world. Last investments in infrastructure, human capital and social mobility have shaped what Bogotá is today. Additionally, we know our city fulfils the highest standards required to host international events. To guarantee that is our everyday job and that is proven by the high level events we host every day, by being the only Latin America city member of Best Cities Alliance and with our position as the 6 th city in Latin America and number one city in Colombia regarding ICCA Ranking. Hosting 19th Annual Meeting of International Society of Pharmacovigilance -ISoP- is not only about technical requirements, it´s about the value proposition that this industry can provide to transform our society, especially at this unique time in our history. For all of the above, and knowing that we can commit to a successful Congress, is that we address you to ratify Bogota´s interest in becoming the next city to host the Annual Meeting of International Society of Pharmacovigilance –IsoP-. Best regards,
Sandra García Giraldo Executive Director Greater Bogotá Convention Bureau
Cra 15 No. 93ª-84 Of.309 Edf. Business 93
Tels.:(57 1) 6103879 – 6103895 – 6224146
www.bogotacb.com Bogotá, D.C.-Colombia
Bogotรก - Colombia 26 January on the 2018
Receive a warm greeting,
16 On behalf of National College of chemical pharmacists of Colombia, I am pleased to inform you that we support the Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance, to submit a proposal to host the 19th meeting international ISoP of pharmacovigilance in Colombia, 2019. We are confident that in our region comply with all the requirements to carry out an International Congress of the highest academic quality, such as the meetings of the Colombian Association of pharmacovigilance. Therefore, we are expressing our unconditional support to the plan underway for the celebration of the 19th International meeting of Asociaciรณn Colombiana de pharmacovigilance in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations about this issue.
Bogota, Colombia Jan 20th, 2018
On behalf of the Faculty of Science at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is a Catholic university founded by the Society of Jesus in 1623, recognized by the Colombian government, which aims to serve the human community, especially Colombia, seeking to establish a more civilized, educated and just society, inspired by Gospel values. The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana promotes comprehensive training of people, human values, development and transmission of science and culture, and contribute to the development, guidance, constructive criticism and transformation of society. The Faculty of Sciences was created on 1971 and currently is formed by the Departments of Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Nutrition and Biochemistry and Chemistry and the Institute of for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. The Faculty has the undergraduate programs of Bacteriology, Biology, Mathematics, Industrial Microbiology and Nutrition and Dietetics; the specializations in Instrumental Chemical Analysis, Hematology in Clinical and Management Laboratory Blood Bank and Medical Microbiology, the Masters in Biological and Medical Physics and a Doctoral program in Biological Sciences. The facilities and state-of-the-art technologies, allow researchers to carry out research to answer national and international relevant problems. In addition, our Faculty is proposing a new pharmacy undergraduate program, in which we would look for the formation of professionals with a high compromise with the patient, innovation and quality. FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS – DECANATURA Carrera 7ª 43-82, Edificio Carlos Ortiz, Oficina 521– Teléfono: 3208320 ext. 4041. Bogotá, D.C. – Colombia
We are sure that in our region we comply with all the requirements to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Meetings. Recently, Colombia defined a National Pharmaceutical Policy, which look to solve problems associated to medicine access and patient quality attention. Among the strategies to solve this issues, the improvement of the skills and competences of health professionals, as well as the construction of working and discussion networks, play an important role. In addition, our country is living a new era after the peace accord that marked and end to the conflict. This peace deal represents a great opportunity to satisfy the needs of a population excluded from the health systems, and, in this way, contribute to the achievement of a lasting peace. In this sense, we consider that to host the next ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, will be a great opportunity to learn from the experts and share our experience. Therefore, we are expressing our encouragement and support of the ongoing plan for the hosting of the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations on this matter. Best Regards,
Concepción Puerta, PhD. Dean Faculty of Science Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS – DECANATURA Carrera 7ª 43-82, Edificio Carlos Ortiz, Oficina 521– Teléfono: 3208320 ext. 4041. Bogotá, D.C. – Colombia
Bogota, Colombia Jan 30th, 2018
On behalf of Asociación Colombiana de Estudiantes de Química Farmacéutica – ACEQF (Colombian Association of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Students), I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. ACEQF is an association that gather all the students of the pharmaceutical chemistry programs of the country, and seeks to complement through academic and social activities through strategic alliances the academic training of its associates, in addition we seek to strengthen the skills of leadership, entrepreneurship, social sense and volunteering as one of the fundamental axis of work in our country, we belong to the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation - IPSF the world organization of Pharmacy students , giving the opportunity for our partners to exercise International Exchanges to know the professional exercise in different parts of the world and as an opportunity also to show them our country We are sure that in our region we comply with all the requirements to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Meetings. Having the opportunity for the global pharmacovigilance meeting to be held in our country is of special importance for Colombia and the region in order to show the progress that has been made, as well as the alliances established in Latin America. It is important that students of Pharmaceutical Chemistry are linked in these topics as leaders and managers of pharmacovigilance programs and strategies, because they are the ones who are going to face the challenges that currently presents in the provision of health care and pharmacovigilance
Therefore, we are expressing our encouragement and support of the ongoing plan for the hosting of the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations on this matter.
Best Regards,
___________________________________________________________ Daniel Castellanos Orozco President - Colombian Association of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Students
On behalf of PHV LATAM, I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. PHV LATAM is a Pharmacovigilance Service Provider with high quality standards that gives support to different companies worldwide with their PV operations in Latin America region. We are sure that our region, and mainly Colombia comply with all the requirements to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Meetings. The National Competent Authority (INVIMA) and the Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia have been doing strong efforts to increase PV awareness in the region, mainly on the health care professionals. These activities are leading to an increase of PV quality standards. Lot of training activities were done in the last years and we think that a meeting like the Annual ISOP meeting would be a great accolade for patient safety at the local and also regional levels. Colombia is leading the region in terms of improving Quality in health system, and an example of this is the Instituto de Evaluación Tecnologica en Salud (National Institute of Health Technology Evaluation). Therefore, we are expressing our encouragement and support of the ongoing plan for the hosting of the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations on this matter. Best Regards,
Pedro Pieczanski, MD Head PV & QA. PHV LATAM
Bogotá, D.C. febrero 2 de 2018
Señores JUNTA DIRECTIVA Sociedad Internacional de Farmacovigilancia Atento Saludo:
En nombre de la Organización Colegial de Enfermería OCE que represento, me complace informarles que apoyamos a la Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia a presentar una oferta para ser anfitriones de la 19ª Reunión Anual de ISoP en Colombia, 2019. La OCE es una organización privada sin fines de lucro, que realiza funciones públicas de registro profesional a enfermeras con formación universitaria. Así mismo, se esfuerza en la realización de actividades y programas que continuamente apoyen el fortalecimiento del ejercicio de la profesión de Enfermería en Colombia y su desarrollo acorde con los grandes retos contemporáneos por una mejor salud y servicios seguros y con calidad para el público. Tenemos la certeza de que Bogotá D.C., cuenta con las condiciones y requisitos para llevar a cabo un congreso internacional de la más alta calidad académica, como las reuniones de ISoP. Por lo tanto, expresamos nuestro aliento y apoyo al plan en curso para la celebración de la XIX Reunión Anual de ISoP en Colombia, y apreciamos de antemano su disposición y consideración positiva que permita que la iniciativa de la Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia sea aceptada para la realización de tan importante evento, que tenemos la ilusión de acompañar. Cordialmente,
Representante Legal C:\Users\CAROLINA\Documents\Corresp 2018\Apoyo Asoc Col de FV 19ª Reunión Anual de ISoP en Colombia, 2019.docx
Dirección: Carrera 7 #27-52 of 401 edificio Victoria - Bogotá, Colombia · Celular: +57 3219282407 / +57 3167598693 · Correo electrónico: oce@oceinfo.org.co Página Web:www.oceinfo.org.co
Bogota, Colombia January 30th, 2018
On behalf of Red Latinoamericana de Farmacovigilancia y Tecnovigilancia (Latin-American Network of Pharmacovigilance and Technovigilance), I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) and Dr. Angela Caro Rojas as their President to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. Latin-American Network of Pharmacovigilance and Technovigilance (RedLaFarTec, Red Latinoamericana de Farmacovigilancia y Tecnovigilancia A.C.) began in 2015. It’s a non-profit organization created in Mexico by healthcare professionals working at universities, hospitals, and pharmaceutical industries throughout Latin America, for the promotion of pharmacovigilance and technovigilance through specialized training and continuing education. The network aims to join forces with the health authorities of Latin American countries to promote patient safety. We believe that we have in Colombia all the ability, attitude and conditions to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Annual Meetings. Our entire support to Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia as host of ISoP Annual Meeting.
Best Regards,
Alejandro Zamorano Carrillo President of Central Committee RedLaFarTec
Email address: informes@redfvtv.com / Phone +521 55 7471-2127
Lima, Perú Jan 20th, 2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PHARMACOVIGILANCE On behalf of Red Sudamericana de Atención Farmacéutica (REDSAF), I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. REDSAF is a is an academic initiative established in 2006, offering a communication platform for researchers, students and health professionals in South America and thus promoting the development and execution of projects that are carried out in a coordinated and simultaneous manner in the countries of South America. We are sure that in our region we comply with all the requirements to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Meetings. Pharmacovigilance is a global activity and needs to be widely disseminated with knowledge and standardized practices. In this sense, global events are the propitious space to be able to reach agreements and establish minimum parameters for a homogeneous practice of pharmacovigilance. In this way, it is necessary to hold the 2019 annual meeting in Colombia since thanks to the geographical proximity it will be possible to count on the assistance of various professionals involved in pharmacovigilance and also, due to the academic-professional advance in Colombia in the field of pharmacovigilance, it is appropriate to grant the headquarters for the realization of the annual meeting in 2019. Therefore, we are expressing our encouragement and support of the ongoing plan for the hosting of the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations on this matter. Best Regards, Aldo Alvarez Risco Coordinador
San Salvador, 05 de febrero de 2018 SE-COMISCA/N2018/052
BOARD OF DIRECTORS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PHARMACOVIGILANCE (ISoP) Receive a cordial greeting, I take this opportunity to inform you that as Executive Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic (SE-COMISCA), we support the Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance to present their offer as hosts of the 19th Annual Meeting of ISoP in Colombia, to be held in 2019.
The mail objetive of the SE-COMISCA, as executive and permanent technical entity of COMISCA, is the fulfillment of the decisions issued by the Council, as well as the coordination and execution of strategic actions that allow the proper development of the regional integration process in health in the Central American and the Dominican Republic. For the foregoing, and the joint work done with the Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance, we are sure that they meet all the requirements to coordinate and carry out the 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP), which will serve as a space for the presentation of advances in pharmacovigilance in the Latin American region and especially to show the experience of the Regional Pharmacovigilance Program of COMISCA. Without another particular, I take the opportunity to express to you the samples of my highest consideration and esteem. Fraternal greetings
Dr. Alejandro Solis Martinez Executive Secretary COMISCA
C/C: Archivo
Solidaridad entre los pueblos para la integración regional en salud Final Bulevar Cancillería, Distrito El Espino, Ciudad Merliot, Antiguo Cuscatlán,La Libertad, El Salvador, Centroamérica Teléfonos: (503) 2248- 6901; 2248- 6802
Email: info.comisca@sica.int
www.sica.int/ comisca
Asociación Mexicana de Farmacovigilancia A.C. FUNDADA EN MAYO 2005
Ciudad de México, México Jan 29th, 2018
On behalf of Mexican Pharmacovigilance Association, I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. The Mexican Pharmacovigilance Association since its creation in 2005, promotes and collaborates with the health authority to promote activities related to the subject and invites all health professionals to participate to know their obligations regarding the safety of patients at the moment of using medicines and medical devices, in this way we strengthen the national program and we link our activities with the universities in order to train human resources that know the importance of pharmacovigilance in their professional activities. We are sure that in our region we comply with all the requirements to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Meetings. Encouraging pharmacovigilance in Latin America is fundamental, since the monitoring and implementation of regulations that guarantee patient safety is required. Congresses such as ISoP undoubtedly contribute to this development, which in the future will allow programs of excellence and useful information to be developed for patients. Therefore, we are expressing our encouragement and support of the ongoing plan for the hosting of the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations on this matter. Best Regards,
M in Ph Sc. Everardo Vázquez Moreno
PRESIDENT Mexican Pharmacovigilance Association A.C. AMFV 2017-2019
Asociación Mexicana de Farmacovigilancia A.C. FUNDADA EN MAYO 2005 www.amfv.org.mx
Bogota, Colombia Feb 2nd, 2018
BOARD OF DIRECTORS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PHARMACOVIGILANCE On behalf of DOTLIB INFORMATION LLC, I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. DOTLIB INFORMATION is a market leader on the distribution of Scientific Publications and represents the most recognized publishers of Clinical Research, Medical Journals and Evidence Based Medicine publications; such as BMJ, AMA, NEJM, Micromedex, McGraw Hill. We are sure that in our region we comply with all the requirements to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Meetings. Colombia has become as one of the most representative countries in Latin America in terms of clinical outcomes, patient safety innitiatives and clinical innovation programs. In addition to that, Colombia has a very strategic geografical location and great infraestrucure that will assure that the event will be a complete success. Therefore, we are expressing our encouragement and support of the ongoing plan for the hosting of the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations on this matter. Best Regards, Miguel Andres Garcia Regional Sales & Operations Manager DOTLIB INFORMATION LLC
Santiago, Chile Jan 30 th, 2018
On behalf of Sociedad Chilena de Farmacovigilancia (Chilean Association of Pharmacovigilance) , I´m pleased to inform you that we support Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) to bid for hosting ISoP 19th Annual Meeting in Colombia, 2019. The Chilean Society of Pharmacovigilance was born in January 2018 with a national positioning and in the process of registering more professional health associates. We are sure that in our region we comply with all the requirements to carry out an international congress of the highest academic quality like ISoP Meetings. From Chile, we hope that the annual meeting in Latin America can be held in order to encourage the participation of professionals from the region, which highlights the economic facilities to participate and the common language of the region. Therefore, we are expressing our encouragement and support of the ongoing plan for the hosting of the 19th ISoP Annual Meeting in Colombia, so we really appreciate your thoughtful considerations on this matter.
Best Regards,
Dr. QF Héctor Torres Aguilera Presidente
PHARMACOVIGILANCE IN COLOMBIA AND LATIN AMERICA ÂżWho is the Colombian Pharmacovigilance Association? We are a group of professionals, researchers and organizations dedicated to the promotion of Good Pharmacovigilance Practices. Our non-profit association does not represent any personal, political, religious, economic, racial or geographical interests. We were born with the idea of being central pillar in patient safety and adequate use of 66 medicines and treatments, at national and international level, based on our knowledge as society and group of healthcare professionals, hand in hand with regulatory authorities. We want to decrease the gap between research and training in our community to get focus and develop real options that can contribute to obtain well-being of patients through applied pharmacovigilance. Our Purpose is to study, develop, implement and standardize pharmacovigilance in Latin American region. Our group of professionals are committed to generate efforts for the progress of this science in Colombia. We blend efforts to maximize benefits from the proper use of medicines facilitating communication between different actors involved. From 2020, together will be national and international reference society for all the interested parties in patient safety and adequate/efficient use of medicines, being recognized for our independence, experience and knowledge, research and training, and also for our contribution to regional pharmacovigilance education. Colombian Pharmacovigilance Association has actively participated in creation of a network between professionals and universities that allow the development of pharmacovigilance in our region.
Our co-founders and members are constantly working on research, development and implementation of good pharmacovigilance practices, working with national and international regulatory authorities (INVIMA), and several health institutions in Colombia. Our National Competent Authority (INVIMA) and Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance have been doing significant efforts to increase awareness of pharmacovigilance in our country, mainly in the development of health-care professional competencies. These activities lead to increase pharmacovigilance quality standards. In this way, we can affirm that today Colombia is leader and reference in terms of continuous improvement of health-system quality. Angela Caro President of the Colombian Pharmacovigilance Association
PROPOSED COMMITTEE Suggested Local Committee President: Angela Caro Rojas
Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Pharmacovigilance Colombian Association)
Member of Committee executive ISoP: Brian Edwards Organizers
Jairo Andrés Camacho
Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Pharmacovigilance Colombian Association)
Santiago Gárnica
Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Pharmacovigilance Colombian Association)
Daniel Castellanos
Asociación Colombiana de Estudiantes de Química Farmacéutica (Colombian Association of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Students)
Suggested Scientific Committee ISoP 2019 Carlos Maldonado Muete
Asociación Colombiana de Farmacovigilancia (Colombian Association of Pharmacovigilance) Universidad Nacional de Colombia (National University of Colombia)
Julio Cesar García
Asociación Colombiana de Farmacología Clínica (Clinical Pharmacology Colombian Association) Universidad de la Sabana (La Sabana University)
Álvaro Vallejos Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud (University Foundation of Health Sciences)
Jorge Machado
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (Technological University of Pereira)
Pedro Amaríles
Universidad de Antioquia (Antioquia University)
Support of Latin American Chapter Luis Alesso Raquel Herrera
PROPOSED COMMITTEE Colaborators Latinamerican Networks Alejandro Zamorano
Red Latinoamericana de Farmacovigilancia y Tecnovigilancia (Latinamerican Pharmacovigilance and Medical Device Safety Network)
Victoria Hall Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica University)
Paúl Domínguez
Red Ecuatoriana de Atención Farmacéutica (Pharmaceutical Care Ecuatorian Network)
Aldo Álvarez
Red Suramericana de Atención Farmacéutica (Pharmaceutical Care South American Network)
Pilar Alfredo Lagos
Consejo de Ministros de Salud de Centroamérica COMISCA (Council of Ministers of Health of Central America)
Hector Torres
Sociedad Chilena de Farmacovigilancia (Pharmacovigilance Chilean Society)
Everardo Vasquez
ISoP Mexican Chapter and Pharmacovigilance Mexican Association
SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR BOGOTA 2019 CONFERENCE Medication errors Risk communication Risk management plans and siignal detection 70
Pharmacovigilance education throughout the system Herbal medicines Women’s medicines Social networks impact in Pharmacovigilance Patients and pharmacovigilance How to energise pharmacovigilance when engaging different actors such as health (reimbursement) authorities, hospitals, payers, academia, etc. Real-life pharmacovigilance challenges such as impact assessment: how do we know we are making a difference?
Bogota, Colombia (2019) ? Geneva, Switzerland (2018) Liverpool, United Kingdom (2017) Agra, India 2016 Prague, Czcheck Repunlic (2015) Tianjin, China (2014) Pisa, Italy (2013) Cancun, Mexico (2012) Istanbul, Turkey (2011) Accra, Ghana (2010) Reims, France (2009) Buenos Aires, Argentina (2008) Bournemouth, UK (2007) Liège, Belgium (2006) Manila, Philipines (2005) Dublin, Ireland (2004) Marrakech, Morocco (2003) Amsterdam, Netherlands (2002) Carthage-Tunis, Tunisia (2001)
GRAND HYATT BOGOTA Carrera 57 # 24A – 35, Bogotá DC 22795-007, Colombia
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• Hyatt E-Concierge and on-site concierge
• Unmatched on-site technology
• Full-service Business Center
• High-speed Internet access
• Multilingual staff • Safe-deposit boxes at front desk • Valet laundry service (fee applies) • Valet parking
7 A ER
Simon Bolívar Park
E 10
TRANSPORTATION Bogota’s El Dorado International Airport – 8.1 km/5 miles (15 mins)
El Dorado Airport
VISITOR INFORMATION • Language: Spanish • Currency: Colombian Pesos • Climate: dry warm summers and mild winters, average yearly temperatures between 75 °F and 45 °F • Visa: Please refer to your local travel consultant for visa information prior to travel
POINTS OF INTEREST • Monserrate • La Candelaria • Plaza de Bolívar • Gold Museum • Botero Museum • National Museum • Casa de la Moneda • Quinta de Bolivar • Convention Center – Corferias • Simon Bolivar Park • Botanical Garden • Paloquemao Market
LOCATION Conveniently located in the Ciudad Empresarial Sarmiento Angulo mixuse development, near Simón Bolívar Park, National University, US embassy, Corferias and upscale shopping and entertainment options at the Gran Estación luxury retail mall.
• Retail shop
Paloquemao Museo Nacional
Museo del Oro