Tenemos el enorme placer de darles la Bienvenida al Hospital Infantil de México, cuna de la pediatría latinoamericana y hospital vanguardista en la neurología pediátrica del país. Ahora, con el enorme gusto de contar con el comité ejecutivo de la Asociación Internacional de Neurología pediátrica (ICNA) y sus profesores; quienes siendo pilares fundamentales en cada una de sus áreas nos honran con sus exposiciones de alta calidad en donde cada uno de ellos es punta de lanza en la investigación mundial. Así, durante tres días tendremos la oportunidad de compartir los últimos avances dentro del diagnóstico y la terapéutica de la neuropediatría a nivel mundial, favoreciendo un foro de intercambio de ideas, opiniones y sobre todo enriqueciendo el conocimiento en nuestro medio, con la única finalidad de poder mejorar la atención actual de nuestra población. Además, por primera vez desde la formación del departamento de Neurología del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, podremos reunir a los más de 100 egresados que con orgullo pertenecemos a esta escuela académica y que con dedicación atendemos no sólo en la mayor parte de la república mexicana sino en varios países latinoamericanos, siempre buscando con esmero el lema del departamento, IMPULSANDO CEREBROS EN DESARROLLO POR UN FUTURO MEJOR Esperamos que esta sea la primera de muchas reuniones donde todos, como pares, podamos seguir trabajado sobre el futuro de nuestros pequeños. Gracias por pertenecer a la gran familia de neuropediatría del HIM Dr. Eduardo Barragán Pérez Jefe del departamento de Neurología pediátrica del HIM
Comite ejecutvo del HIM El Hospital de Pediatría más antiguo de Latinoamérica (71 años) 30 de abril del 1943 por el Dr. Federico Gómez Santos. Es uno de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud y líderes en asistencia e Investigación pediátrica en México. HISTORIA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE NEUROLOGIA PEDIATRICA DEL HOSPITAL INFANTIL FEDERICO GÓMEZ De forma simultánea al progreso del Hospital infantil de México el servicio de neurología pediátrica buscando la formación de recursos humanos fue una prioridad que se profesionaliza de manera progresiva hasta lograr en 1986 la formalización del curso universitario de la especialidad de neurología pediátrica. De esta manera desde la formación de este curso se han entrenado más de 112 especialistas; 84 nacionales y 28 extranjeros. Durante los últimos años existe una transición en México y el mundo de la medicina en general y la neuropediatría en particular, sobre las enfermedades neurológicas, la forma de abordarlas y sus tratamientos. El departamento de neurología del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG) no sólo ha sido participe de estos cambios sino ha participado en su desarrollo. Esto ha favorecido que el departamento de neurología se encuentre en un proceso evolutivo intentando posicionarse como un departamento vanguardista basado en sus tres objetivos fundamentales: Investigación, Enseñanza y Asistencia. Todos estos procesos requieren para realizarse de tener una base firme que los guíe, los cuales están sustentados en la calidez de la atención otorgada y la generación de conocimientos. Toda esta generación de conocimientos deberá no solo de tener una visión vanguardista sino que deberá de impactar en nuestras comunidades. Así; por ejemplo, se ha logrado realizar la primera aplicación para teléfonos celulares inteligentes en epilepsia, logrando impactar sobre la calidad de vida de pacientes con este transtorno no solo en México sino en nuestra región. Los retos de estos objetivos requieren del esfuerzo y compromiso de todos los que participan dentro del departamento de neuropediatría, por lo que el trabajo en equipo es indispensable, logrando mantener una motivación en cada uno de sus integrantes; desde el jefe del departamento hasta el residente de primer año de la especialidad e integrando a cada uno de los egresados en estos puntos indispensables como la gran familia que formamos.
Ser un grupo de alto desempeño enfocado en brindar una atención de excelencia para los pacientes, a través de un trato cálido y humano, basado en el desarrollo de un conocimiento sustentable y permitiéndonos formar especialistas de alto nivel.
Ser un departamento líder a nivel institucional nacional e internacional en la generación de investigación innovadora y de alto impacto; favoreciendo la atención médica integral de alta especialidad; mejorando la calidad de vida de nuestra sociedad a través de un equipo de trabajo enfocado en la excelencia académica, respeto por el paciente y responsabilidad.
Una base indispensable para lograr la misión y la visión del departamento, en concordancia con los del HIMFG; son los valores que se promueven dentro del departamento. Estos están basados en tres principios fundamentales: a) Ser integral b) Búsqueda de la excelencia c) Respeto por la gente
LOGROS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE NEUROLOGÍA PEDIATRICA Primera aplicación móvil en español para pacientes con epilepsia El Departamento de Neurología del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG), ha desarrollado la primera aplicación en español en el mundo para beneficiar a los pacientes con epilepsia, mediante una descarga totalmente gratuita. El Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG) ha sido pionero en la atención de este padecimiento y permanece a la vanguardia en la búsqueda y generación de nuevas soluciones que beneficien la salud de la población pediátrica, razón por la cual este año desarrolló una aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes que mejorará la calidad de vida de los pacientes con epilepsia del mundo de habla hispana. + Control Diario de Epilepsia es una aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes, gratuita, que permite a los pacientes acceder a una aplicación fácil de utilizar en su dispositivo y que tiene varias ventajas. En esta APP el paciente encontrará los siguientes tópicos, mismos que le serán de utilidad para su enfermedad: Emergencias, Primeros auxilios, Expediente, Grabar video, Diario, Guía médica y Directorio latinoamericano.
Vanguardia en imagenología del desarrollo En los últimos dos años, junto con el departamento de Radiología se han logrado establecer seguimientos tractográficos en los pacientes con problemas del neurodesarrollo y epilepsia, consiguiendo verificar no solo las alteraciones funcionales en estos pacientes sino los impactos en los tratamientos farmacológicos específicamente en el tracto frontocerebeloso y describiendo por primera vez afectaciones sobres estas áreas.
Descripciones clínicas de alteraciones del desarrollo. Se ha reportado desde el 2004 la propuesta de un subtipo terapéutico en el ADHD, presentado por primera vez en el congreso de la Academia Americana de Psiquiatría, se ha logrado consolidar esta propuesta sobre modificaciones motoras a partir de funcionalidad cerebelosa.
LISTADO DE EGRESADOS Jefes de Departamento Dra. Hilda Alcalá Negrete (1986-1997) Dr. Mariel Pérez Ramírez (1998) Dr. Saúl Garza Morales (1998- 2014) Dr. Eduardo Barragán (2014- ) Número total de egresados: 112 Extranjeros: 28 Países: 10 Nacionales: 84 DF y área metropolitana: 34 República Mexicana: 50 Estados: 24 Bolivia Dr. Gunther Paz (1989) Dr. Gaston Schmidt (1998) Dr. Edil Escobar (2007) Dra. Silvia Marca (2009) Dr. Kleber Márquez (2011) Dr. Roger Condeymata (2015)
El Salvador Dr. Francisco Posada (1994) Dra. Lorena Celaya (1994)
Colombia Dr. Oscar Rengifo Ramos (1989) Dr. Alberto Trujillo (Ver,1991) Dra. Yolanda Hernández (2002)
Nicaragua Dr. Rene Silva Somoza (1991) Dr. Pablo Navarrete (1999) Dr. Ivan Acuña (1999) Dra. Idana Elvir (2002) Dr. Luis Fonseca (2005) Dr. Marco Urrutia (2007) Dra. Ana Vega Castro(2012) Dr. Marlon Medrano (2014)
Dominicana Dra. Dayana Caridad Gonzaléz (1998) Dra. Evelyn Lora (2001) Ecuador Dr. Dennis López (2013)
Honduras Dr. Morgan Medina (1994) Dr. Mario Velázquez (1999)
Panamá Dra. Carmen Báez (1999, 1 año) Dra. Silvia Velarde (2004) Dra. Marion Alleyne (2015) Dra. Saskia Bermudez (2015)
Panamá Dra. Carmen Báez (1999, 1 año) Dra. Silvia Velarde (2004) Dra. Marion Alleyne (2015) Dra. Saskia Bermudez (2015) Paraguay Dr. Victor Gaona (1996) Paraguay Dr. Victor Gaona (1996) Dra. María Lezcano (2000) Venezuela Dra. Angelina de la Cruz (1998)
NACIONALES Aguascalientes Dr. Jorge Malagón (1985) Dr. Juan Antonio Hernández (1989) Dr. Fernando Capistro (2008) Baja California Dr. Eduardo Sánchez (1990) Dr. José Rubén Romero San Luis (1992) Dr. Diego Barrera (2014) Campeche Dr. Manuel Padilla (2000) Chiapas Dr. Rubén Espinoza Montero (DF, 1995) Dr. Luis Alberto Ocaña (2010) Chihuahua Dr. David Lyncet (2006) Estado de México Dr. Américo de la Cruz (1991) Dr. Jorge Contreras (1995) Dr. Francisco Urrutia (2008) Dra. Eva Bastida (2012) Durango Dr. Victor Hugo Huerta (1994) Guanajuato Dra. Silvia Rico (León, 1997) Dr. José Visoso (León, 2004)
Jalisco Dr. Miguel Mercado (1995) Dr. Eduardo Barragán (2000) Dra. Abril Castellanos (2008) Dra. Alma Maritza Huerta (2008) Dra. Azucena Delgado (2009) Dra. Minerva Gonzalez (2013) Dra. Jenny Dionicio (2015) Michoacán Dr. Carlos Montes (2011) Dra. Irene Heredia Barragán (2011) Dr. Gessen Salmeron (2013) Dr. Carlos Oseguera (2014) Dra. Guadalupe Vargas (2015) Morelos Dr. José Luis Arreola (1993) Dra. Leticia Soto (1996) Dra. Laura Mendoza Mandujano (1996) Dra. Karla López (2002) Dr. Alejandro Olmos (2003) Nayarit Dr. Feliciano Santana (2007) Nuevo León Dr. Arturo Garza (2004) Dra. Jazmin Olivas (2015) Oaxaca Dra. Mariel Pizarro (2009) Dr. Ruben Caballero (2013)
NACIONALES Puebla Dr. Alejandro Cuevas (2008) Dra. Ek Ixel Arellano (2011) Querétaro Dr. Eduardo Kanemoto (2006) Sinaloa Dr. Javier Ahumada (1998) Dra. Erika Borboa (2005) Tabasco Dr. Ovidio Cornelio (1990) Dr. Luis Calderon Pliego (2009) Tamaulipas Dra. Alysophia Hernandez (2014) Tlaxcala Dra. Griselda Fuentes (2009) Yucatán Dr. Fernando Chanona (Mérida, 1992) Dr. Mariel Pérez (DF. 1995) Dra. Julia Ribbon (2002) Veracruz Dra. Alicia Mondragón (Puerto, 1990) Dr. Gustavo Hernández (Xalapa, 2001) Dra. Verónica Pérez (2009) Dra. Maydalid Animas (2014)
San Luis Potosí Dra. Dora Elvia Estrada (1995) Dr. Vicente López (2010) Dr. Cesar Guillermo Sánchez (2012) DF y Estado de México Dr. Juan Hernández Aguilar (DF, 1990) Dr. Guillermo Shoener (Dr, 1991) Dr. Gerardo Sánchez Vaca (DF, 1992) Dr. José Antonio Martínez (DF, 1992) Dr. José Luis Gordillo (1995) Dr. Juan Carlos Reséndiz (1996) Dra. Gabriela Dominguez (1996) Dra. Susana Jiménez (1996) Dr. Alberto Serrano (1997) Dr. José Rivera Quintero (1999) Dr. Magnolia Anzures (2001) Dra. Marisela Hernández (2003) Dr. Oscar Benavides (2006) Dra. Enoe Cruz (2007) Dra. Diana Guerra (2008) Dra. Jeannie García Ramos (2009) Dr. Yair Garfias (2009) Dr. Antonio Rizzoli (2010) Dra. Rossana Huerta (2010) Dra. Lluvia Leon (2010) Dr. Suarez Sabino (2011) Dra. Guadalupe Jean (2011)
Zacatecas Dra. Elvia Estrada Dora (1995) Dr. Guillermo Osorio (1998)
ICNA Executive Board 2014-2018 President : Ingrid Tein Secretary : Jo Wilmshurst Treasurer : Linda De Meirleir Executive Board Roberto Caraballo, Argentina Silvia Tenembaum, Argentina Lakshmi Nagarajan, Australia Russell Dale, Australia Lieven Lagae, Belgium Marilisa Guerreiro, Brazil Sergio Rosemberg, Brazil Michael Shevell, Canada Pratibha Singhi, India Masaya Segawa, Japan Takao Takahashi, Japan Charles Newton, Kenya Jaime Campistol, Spain Michèl Willemsen, The Netherlands Banu Anlar, Turkey Helen Cross, United Kingdom Jonathan W. Mink, USA Kenneth Mack, USA Michael Johnston, USA Robert Rust, USA Sakkubai Naidu, USA
Profesores Nacionales Dr. Eduardo Barragán Pérez General practitioner Pediatrician and pediatric neurologist. Graduate of General Medicine from Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, and for Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurology from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Chief of residents of National Mexican Health Institute for children (HIM) (1999-2000). Chair Professor in pediatric neurology, UNAM. Master of Sciences in medicine and odontology, UNAM. Associate professor at La salle University. Coordinator of the neurodevelopmental clinic (ADHD, learning disabilities and autism) and refractory epilepsy at the neurology department, HIM. Principal investigator in neurodevelopmental disorders and epilepsy. Chief of Neurology department, Hospital Infantil de México. Ixtliton Award, for the best pediatrician under 40s, Hospital Infantil de México (2007). Past General Secretary, Mexican chapter, ILAE (CAMELICE) (2005-2007). CAMELICE representant for the Latin American Academy (ALADE)(2007-2009). Commissioner Credentials’s committee, Latin American commission, ILAE (2007-2009). Past-President of the Mexican Chapter, ILAE (2009-2011). General Secretary of the Latin American Commission, ILAE (20092012)(2012-2016). Member of the Task force (ILAE) for Autism & Epilepsy and pediatric sub commission for epilepsy surgery (ILAE). Associated editor for the e-book ILAE. Founder and past-president of the Experts National group for the study of Attention Deficit disorder (GENPETDAH, A.C.)(2005-2008). Founder and Past-President of the Latin American League for the study of ADHD (LILAPETDAH)(2007-2011). Author of 6 textbooks (ADHD, Epilepsy, and neurodevelopment), author and coauthor of more than 70 national and international chapters for textbooks, and more than 50 articles as author and co-author in national and international journals, national and international speaker. He has more than 20 tesis of child neurologists. Areas of research are ADHD, neurodevelopment disorders and epilepsy. He describes a proposal for one ADHD subtype and are working in MRI functional characteristics of patients with ADHD and epilepsy. He develops the first App for epilepsy in Spanish. Is member of the Academia Mexicana de Pediatria.
Dr. Mariel Pérez Ramírez Neurólogo Pediatra Médico Adscrito al departamento de Neurología del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Jefe del servicio de electrofisiología del HIM y Coordinador de la clínica de epilepsia del HIM. Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Neurología y de la Asociación Mexicana de Neurología Pediátrica Originario de Mérida, Yucatán. Egresado de la Universidad de Autónoma de Yucatán. Médico especialista en terapia intensiva pediátrica, ISSSTE Fellow en epilepsia y electroencefalografía de McGill, Montreal, Canáda (1999-2000) Investigación de interés: Epilepsia, síndromes epilépticos. Tiene un especial interés y ha trabajado sobre la actividad electrodecremental como fenómeno ictal en la epielsia; además de estar desarrollando características electroencefalográficas sobre los diferentes lóbulos y sus manifestaciones sindromáticas. Ha sido titular de más de 20 tesis de grado y postgrado en neurología pediátrica. Dr. Rubén Espinoza Montero Neurólogo Pediatra Médico Adscrito al departamento de Neurología del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez Coordinador de la clínica de trastornos de movimiento Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Neurología y de la Asociación Mexicana de Neurología Pediátrica Egresado de la Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional Originario de Tapachula Chiapas. Investigación de interés: Movimientos anormales, síndromes neurocutáneos, enfermedad vascular cerebral. Ha sido titular de más de 20 tesis de grado y postgrado en neurología pediátrica.
Dra. Matilde Ruiz García Neurólogo Pediatra. Jefe de Servicio del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría. Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Neurología y Miembro de número de la Academia Mexicana de Pediatría. Miembro de CAMELICE. Ex secretaria de CAMELICE. Profesor titular del curso de especialidad de Neurología Pediátrica. Expresidente del Grupo Nacional de Expertos para el estudio del TDAH (GENPE). CORREO: Dra. Erika Rivera Muñoz Neurólogo Pediatra Neurofisiología clínica. Médico Adscrito al departamento de Neurología del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Coordinador de la clínica de Nervio y músculo del HIM. Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Neurología Miembro de la Asociación Mexicana de Neurología Pediátrica Miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Neurofisiología Egresado de la Universidad Lasalle, ciudad de México. Originario de México, DF. Investigación de interés: Epilepsia y síndromes epilépticos. Neuropatías periféricas en la infancia y su presentación heterogénea en los niños. Monitoreo transquirúrgico de tumores, epilepsia y columna. Dr. Juan Hernández Aguilar Neurólogo Pediatra Jefe de servicio del departamento de Neurología del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez Coordinador de la clínica de cefaleas. Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Neurología y de la Asociación Mexicana de Neurología Pediátrica Egresado de la Originario de México, DF. Investigación de interés: Cefalea. Ha sido titular de más de 10 tesis de grado y postgrado en neurología pediátrica.
Dr. Hugo Ceja Moreno Neurologo pediatra Egresado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Guadalajara (1982-1988) y su especialidad de Neurología Pediátrica en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (1992-1994) Médico adscrito al servicio de Neurología Pediátrica del Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde” de Noviembre de 1994 a la fecha. Profesor de Pregrado y Posgrado en Neuro-Pediatría en el Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde” desde Octubre de 1994 a la fecha. Vocal del Comité de Enseñanza, Investigación y Etica en el Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde”. Marzo de 2001 a la fecha. Coordinador Adjunto de la Especialidad en Neurología en el Hospital Civil “Fray Antonio Alcalde”. Período 2007 – 2008. Presidente del Capítulo Mexicano de la Liga Internacional Contra la Epilepsia durante el periodo 2007 – 2009. ASOCIACIONES: Colegio de Neurólogos de Jalisco, Colegio de Pediatría de Jalisco A.C., Academia Mexicana de Neurología A.C. Sociedad Mexicana de Neurología Pediátrica A.C., Miembro activo en el Consenso Nacional de Epilepsia. Capítulo Mexicano de la Liga Internacional Contra la Epilepsia
Professor Oscar Benavides Aguilar Médico Militar Neurólogo Pediatra. Director del Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil SEDENA. Maestría y Doctorado en Alta Dirección. Doctorante en Ciencias de la salud. Investigador principal estudios Fase III multicéntricos internacionales. Director de la clínica de Espasticidad, distonía y sialorrea CRI SEDENA.
Profesores Internacionales Professor Sergio Rosemberg Pediatric Neurologist. University of São Paulo Publications: 61; Citations: 311 Fields: Neuroscience, Diseases, Oncology Collaborated with 199 co-authors from 1982 to 2011 Cited by 1462 authors Full Professor of Child Neurology at the Department of Pediatrics of the Santa Casa of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil. Full Professor of Neuropathology at the Department Of Pathology of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine. Chair of the ICNC14, which will be held at Iguazu Falls, Brazil. Member of the boards of "Brain and Development" and "Brain Pathology". Member of the ICNA EB between 2002 and 2008 and 2014-2018. Professor Marilisa Mantovani Guerreiro Universidade Estadual de Campinas Publications: 108 Citations: 625 Fields: Neuroscience, Psychiatry & Psychology, Diseases Collaborated with 220 co-authors from 1992 to 2011 Cited by 2026 authors Graduada en medicina en la Universidad de Sao Paulo en 1979. Realizo la residencia en neurología infantil, maestría y doctorado en la Universidad de Campiñas (UNICAMP). Realizó un post-doctorado como profesora visitante en el Instituto de Neurología de Montreal, universidad de McGill en 1997. Jefe del departamento de Neurología de 1998 a 2002 y presidente de la Liga Brasileña de Epilepsia en el bienio 1998-2000. Ha publicado más de 65 artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales, 5 libros y más de 20 capítulos. Ha formado 6 tesis de maestría y 5 dedoctorado. Realiza investigación en epilepsia, en especial en malformaciones corticales. Es profesora asociada del departamento de Neurología Facultad de ciencias médicas (FCM) Unicamp.
Profesores Internacionales Professor Pratibha Singhi Member, Executive Board of ICNA (2010-2014). Member ICNA Educational Committee, Nomination Committee. Professor & Chief Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment; advanced Pediatrics Centre, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh 160012 India. Chief Consultant, Prayas–Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children, Chandigarh. Dr. Singhi did her graduation from the University of Rajasthan. She did her MD Pediatrics from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India in 1978. Almost 27 years of academics (teaching and consultancy at University Hospitals in India and abroad). Consultant Pediatric Neurologist –at the Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK in 2005 and 2008. Special Training In Pediatric Neurology, Epilepsy and Developmental Pediatrics at Royal Hospital for Sick Children Edinburgh, and at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK (1991) and at Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, USA, and at the Kennedy Krieger Institute Baltimore, USA (1991-1992). Research Interests include CNS infections, Neuro-developmental disorders and epilepsy. Conducted several research projects including those from WHO, ICMR, ICSSR, PGI, and INDO UK, INDO-EU and INDO-Swedish Collaborative Projects. Contributions to Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment Dr. Singhi is one of the founders of the specialty of Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopment in India and has helped in its development through organizing several seminars, training workshops and other educational activities. Research: Published 249 scientific papers (128 international and 121 national) and written / edited 3 books. Academic Awards and Fellowships – several including the First S. Janaki Memorial Oration by the National Academy of Medical Sciences (2013). She received the Asian Research Award and the Medical Scientist Award and several fellowships from the National Academy of Medical Sciences and so more.
Professor Robert Rust Residency: Pediatrics, Yale University Neurology, Washington University; Fellowship: Neurochemistry, Neonatal Neurology, and Brain Metabolism, Washington University. Thomas E. Worrell Professor of Epileptology and Neurology, Professor of Pediatrics, Adjunct Professor of Ethics and Humanities in Medicine, Training Director of Child Neurology University of Virginia, USA. Presidential Advisory Council, ICNA. Member, Executive Board, Child Neurology Section, American Academy of Neurology Chair, Child Neurology Section of the American Academy of Neurology. Member, Committee on Sections, the American Academy of Neurology. Senior Examiner, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Editorial Board Journal of Child Neurology. Editorial Board Pediatric Neurology. Research Interest: Epilepsy, headache, neonatal neurology, degenerative disorders, and clinical pharmacology. Email:
Professor Michèl Willemson Head of the department of Pediatric Neurology (since Jan 2007) and acting head of the department of Neurology (since Sept 2013). Clinical and research focus is on genetic (neurodegenerative and neurometabolic) disorders of the brain, with an emphasis on pediatric movement disorders. Member of the board of Dutch Society of Pediatric Neurology (NVKN), and the European Pediatric Neurology Society (EPNS). One of the organizers of the ICNC 2016 meeting in Amsterdam.
Professor Takao Takahashi Professor and Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Chief, Pediatric Neurology Service, Keio University School of Medicine. International Child Neurology Society, Executive Board Member Chair of the Research Committee (2011-2012).International League against Epilepsy; Member of Neurobiology Commission. Asian Society for Pediatric Research (ASPR). Past President of the ASPR Congress President of the 3rd Congress of ASPR (2007). National Delegate of Japan Global Pediatric Education Consortium (GPEC) National Delegate of Japan (2010-) Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Executive Board Member, Chair of the Committee for International Affair Japanese Epilepsy Society, Executive Board Member Japanese Pediatric Society, Executive Board Member (20062012, 2014-), Secretary General (2006-2008), Vice President (2008-2012), Chair of the board of representatives (2012-2014), Chair of the Committee for International Affair (2006-); Society for Neuroscience (USA) Child Neurology Society (USA).
Professor Jaime Campistol, Spain El Jefe del Servicio de Neurología del Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Esplugues de Llobregat) recibe el Premio Jaume Suñol y Blanchart instaurado en el 2001, que premia las iniciativas que hacen más fácil comprender las enfermedades a los pacientes y familiares que las sufren. El proyecto: Guía metabólica: los errores congénitos del metabolismo al alcance de todos, presentado por el Prof. Jaime Campistol Plana ha ganado el Premio Jaume Suñol y Blanchart que premia las iniciativas que faciliten a los pacientes y familiares la comprensión de su enfermedad, promueven su autonomía y mejoren los recursos y/o la disponibilidad de los profesionales para informar y darles soporte. Lo que ha motivado la entrega de este premio, es la manera didáctica y el gran número de recomendaciones prácticas, con que la guía se dirige a dar soporte a los familiares y a los niños afectados de estas enfermedades
Professor Jo Wilmshurst Associate Professor Jo Wilmshurst is Head of Paediatric Neurology at the Red Cross Children's Hospital, University of Cape Town, in South Africa. She attained specialisation in paediatrics and sub-specialisation in paediatric neurology in the United Kingdom and South Africa. Her areas of interest, and peer reviewed publications, include epilepsy in childhood, neurophysiology of childhood disorders, neuromuscular disorders of childhood and neuroinfectious diseases. Her MD thesis was on peripheral neuropathies in children. She is a member of the Commission on Paediatrics for the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). She is chair of the ILAE task force for infantile seizure guidelines and co-chair of the Guidelines Task Force. She is chair of the African Paediatric Fellowship Program - a training program under the auspices of the University of Cape which aims at developing skills in paediatric disciplines of doctors from across Africa. Professor Jo Wilmshurst is Head of Paediatric Neurology at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, University of Cape Town, in South Africa. She is a member of the executive board of the Paediatric Neurology and Development Association of Southern Africa (PANDA-SA) and the African Child Neurology Association (ACNA). She has been Secretary of the International Child Neurology Association for the term 2010-2014. She is chair of the Commission on Paediatrics for the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). She is director of the African Paediatric Fellowship Program – a training program under the auspices of the University of Cape which aims to develop skills in paediatric disciplines for doctors from across Africa. She is an associate editor for Epilepsia and on the editorial board for the JICNA, the Journal of Child Neurology, Epileptic Disorders, Seizure and is a regional co-Editor for Epileptology. She has interests in rare neurological disorders, such as neuromuscular diseases, and in common high impact diseases, such as epilepsy. Her work ethos is aimed towards developing improved care for children with neurological diseases especially in resource poor countries through the specialist services in her centre, training of health care specialists, the development of rational management templates which are viable in the African context, and the adaption of international recommendations.
Professor Harry Chugani Dr. Harry Chugani is Professor and Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurology and the Rosalie and Bruce Rosen Endowed Chair in Neurology at Children's Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, USA. He is also the Director of the Positron Imaging Center in the Detroit Medical Center and runs the Epilepsy Surgery program. He is currently Past-President of the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA; 2010-2014). Dr. Chugani was born in Hong Kong and attended St. Joseph's College (High School). Following this, he went to Philadelphia to attend LaSalle University and then attended Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, DC. He underwent Pediatrics training at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago and returned to Georgetown University for Neurology and Pediatric Neurology training. He held a faculty position at UCLA between 1981 and 1993 and received tenure, but was subsequently recruited to Children's Hospital of Michigan/ Wayne State University to establish a pediatric neuroscience program. His interests are in epilepsy, particularly epilepsy surgery, molecular brain imaging and brain development. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles and has edited 2 books, including one on infantile spasms. His awards and honors include an invitation to the White House in 1997 by President and Mrs. Clinton to discuss the importance of brain development in children. He has been invited to testify in the US Senate as well as in numerous states regarding legislature on early brain stimulation and education. He has given a keynote lecture in the National Governors' Association annual meeting.
Professor Helen Cross Professor Helen Cross is The Prince of Wales’s Chair of Childhood Epilepsy and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Neurology at UCL-Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London and Young Epilepsy, Lingfield. Professor Cross has published widely on seizure, neuropsychological and behavioural outcomes in children who have undergone surgical resection for treatment of their epilepsy. Her research has focused on improving outcomes for children with early onset epilepsy. Her early research was into improving imaging techniques to determine areas of likely seizure onset in children with drug resistant focal epilepsy and has developed an epilepsy surgery programme based on her research. She conducted the first randomized controlled trial of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of children with drug resistant focal epilepsy and are endeavouring to conduct the same in the very young and adults. Recognising there was little in the way of control data with regard to neurodevelopmental progress, she initiated the North London Epilepsy in Infancy study, where a cohort of children was recruited at diagnosis in the first two years of life, and has been followed to at least three years. She is now aiming to conduct a similar study over a wider geographical area, also examining phenotypes and genotypes. She is also endeavouring to examine mechanisms of cognitive impairment – in particular examining the relationship of sleep to memory consolidation. The Prince of Wales's Chair of Childhood Epilepsy. Deputy Head of Developmental Neurosciences Programme, UCL-Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, & Young Epilepsy, Lingfield, UK. British Paediatric Neurology Association Treasurer 1999-2005 President 2008-2010 Immediate Past President 2010-2011 Chair Paediatric Epilepsy Training Course Steering Group European Paediatric Neurology Association Board 2001-2010 Assistant Secretary 2006-2010 International League Against Epilepsy Chair Task Force for Epilepsy Surgery 2001-2013 Chair Commission for Paediatrics 2005-2009 Co Chair Task Force for Global Outreach 2009-2013 Commission for European Affairs 2009-2013 Secretary General 2013-2017
Professor Ingrid Tein Division of Neurology, Dept. of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, and Dept. of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, The University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Ingrid Tein is founder and Director of the Neurometabolic Clinic and Research Laboratory, Staff Neurologist in the Division of Neurology, and Senior Associate Scientist in the Genetics and Genome Biology Program of the Research Institute at the Hospital for Sick Children and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto. Her expertise is in the investigation and treatment of children with disorders of mitochondrial metabolism and cofactor-responsive encephalopathies. Her Research Lab focuses on the biochemical/molecular investigation of fatty acid oxidation defects and development of in vitro disease models to understand the pathophysiology in order to develop new therapies. Dr. Tein is currently President-Elect of ICNA. Professor Linda DeMeirleir Professor and Head of Pediatric Neurology and Metabolic Diseases. Dept. of Pediatrics, Vrie Universiteit Brussels, UZBrussel, Laarbeeklaan 1011090 Brussels, Belgium. Linda J. De Meirleir MD, PhD is Professor of Pediatric Neurology and Metabolic Diseases. Dr. De Meirleir received her MD at the Free University of Brussels in 1979. She then completed her specialization in Neuropsychiatry in 1984 in Brussels. Her further training included a Clinical Fellowship in Pediatric Neurology at HSC Toronto (1984/5) and a Foreign Research Fellowship Award from the HSC Foundation (1985/6). She subsequently obtained her PhD in Neuropediatric Sciences in the clinical and molecular characterization of Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1-alpha deficiency in 1993. Dr. De Meirleir received her specialization in Pediatric Neurology in 1997 at the Free University of Brussels. She is currently the Chief of Pediatric Neurology an Metabolic Diseases at the Free University of Brussels in Belgium. Her primary area of research is focused on the intensive investigation of inborn errors of metabolism resulting in congenital lactic acidosis syndromes including the clinical, biochemical and molecular investigation of mitochondrial respiratory chain defects and pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency and lysosomal diseases. Administratively, she is an active elected Board Member of the European Pediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) since 1998. She is also member of the board the ICNA since 2010. Currently she is the president of the Belgian Society of pediatric neurology and president of PAG
Professor Sakkubai Naidu Director, Department of Neurogenetics, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, USA. Dr. SakkuBai Naidu is a research scientist and director of the Department of Neurogenetics at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. She is also a professor in the Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Naidu received her undergraduate and medical training at Madras Medical College in India, graduating in 1962. She served internships and residencies in pediatrics at hospitals in Madras and in Brooklyn before accepting a fellowship in pediatric neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. She worked in hospitals in Chicago at the University of Illinois and Loyola University in Maywood, IL. In 1983, she trained in Neonatal EEG/Neurology at Port Royal Hospital in Paris. She came to Hopkins in 1985 as a Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation Scholar. Dr. Naidu works as a pediatric neurologist at Kennedy Krieger Institute (KKI), where she directs KKI's neurogenetics unit. Dr. Naidu is a member of the American Academy of Neurology, Child Neurology Society, American Neurological Association, International Child Neurology Society, Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders, Society for Neuroscience, Neurological Society of India and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. RESEARCH SUMMARY: In Rett syndrome (RS), Dr. Naidu is a trained pediatrician and neurologist with special interest in developmental and neurogenetic disorders affecting children and adults. Combining careful clinical analysis with technological advances in neuroimaging, genetics and neuroscience. Work involving this interface provides a unique opportunity to understand the developing brain, the biological basis of disease and to develop new strategies for prevention and therapy. Dr. Naidu and colleagues, in addition to having extensively studied the pathogenesis of RS, proposed a chemical explanation for why older girls with the disorder have fewer seizures, and experience less psychomotor regression than younger ones. In her work with other neurodegenerative disorders, particularly those associated with abnormalities of the white matter of the brain, Dr. Naidu and colleagues have tested criteria for in vivo MR imaging diagnosis of Alexander's disease, usually eliminating the need for a brain biopsy to obtain a definitive diagnosis. She has also demonstrated a novel MRI manifestation of adult KrabbĂŠ disease. Dr. Naidu works with unclassified leukoencephalopathies, and has identified new categories of disorders in which genetic studies are being pursued.
Professor Silvia N Tenembaum, MD. Department of Neurology, National Paediatric Hospital Dr. J.P. Garrahan Buenos Aires, Argentina Child neurologist at the National Paediatric Hospital Prof. Juan P. Garrahan in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as staff member of the Department of Neurology since 1989. Other relevant positions: Chair, Steering Committee of the International Pediatric MS Study Group from 2007-2010. Member of the Steering Committee of the Regional Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Centers (peer review process), funded by the National MS Society (USA), 20042010. Co-author of the “Consensus Definitions for pediatric MS and similar disorders, diagnostic considerations and psychosocial impact”, published in a special supplement on pediatric MS in Neurology, the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology (2007). Member of the Neuromyelitis Optica-Roundtable Study Group since 2009, and since 2011, Chair of the pediatric subcommittee, International Panel for NMO Diagnostic Criteria Task Force. Active member of the Argentine Paediatric Neurology Society (SANI). Active member of LACTRIMS (Latin American Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis) since 2005. Editorial board member (Latin America advise committee) “Neuro inmunología” journal, Barcelona, since 2010 & Editorial board member, “Latin American Multiple Sclerosis Journal”, since 2012. The investigation of neurological inflammatory/demyelinating/immune-mediated disorders in the pediatric population its her priority.
Professor Banu Anlar, MD Faculty, Hacettepe University, Department of Pediatric Neurology (1989) Memberships: European Pediatric Neurology Society (Board), International Child Neurology Association (Board), Turkish Child Neurology Society, Asian-Oceanian Child Neurology Association, American Academy of Neurology. Editoral Board Memberships: Journal of Child Neurology; European Journal of Pediatric Neurology
Professor Roberto Caraballo Chief of Seizure Unit, Neurology Department, Pediatric Juan P Garrahan Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina Past President Argentina League against Epilepsy, Treasurer Latin American Affair of Epilepsy.
Professor Michael V. Johnston M.D. Blum Moser Chair for Pediatric Neurology Professor of Neurology, Pediatrics and PM&R Chief Medical Officer, Kennedy Krieger Institute Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, MD 21215 USA Member of the Child Neurology Society and the American Neurological Association and a Fellow of American Academy of Neurology, as well as ICNA. Associate Editor for Child Neurology of the Annals of Neurology and Director of the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry. Active in clinical and laboratory research on perinatal hypoxia-ischemia and cerebral palsy as well as Rett syndrome. Received the John Stobo Pritchard Award in Tokyo in 1990. He is a professor of Neurology and Pediatrics at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and he holds the Blum Moser Chair for Pediatric Neurology. His research interests are in cerebral palsy, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and Rett syndrome, and he has been especially interested in developing cost-effective methods to reduce brain injury from asphyxia. He has lectured at numerous ICNA congresses and in many other venues throughout the world including a recent ICNA-sponsored teaching symposium at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He has held numerous NIH research grants and has served as the Associate Editor for Child Neurology for the Annals of Neurology.
Professor Lieven Lagae Professor of Paediatric Neurology University Hospital KULeuven, Belgium Editor-in-Chief European Journal of Pediatric Neurology. Lieven Lagae is Full Professor at the University of Leuven, Belgium (KUL), Head of the Paediatric Neurology Department of the KUL University Hospitals, and Director of the Childhood Epilepsy Program at the KUL University Hospitals. Lieven Lagae is the holder of the 2005 – 2010 UCB Chair for Cognitive Disabilities in Children. He is the President of the European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) and serves as an elected Board Member of the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA). Since 2004, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. His main scientific interest is the relationship between childhood epilepsy and cognitive development. Current epilepsy research projects include event-related potential (ERP) study of prefrontal functions in childhood epilepsy; wireless and miniaturised EEG systems for the detection of seizures; simultaneous ERP and fMRI measurement of cognitive functions in children; and new anti-epileptic drugs in childhood epilepsy.
Professor Jonhatan Mink Pediatric Neurologist, Frederick A. Horner, MD Endowed Professor in Pediatric Neurology, Professor of Neurology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Brain & Cognitive Sciences, and Pediatrics. Chief, Division of Child Neurology and Vice Chair, Department of Neurology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY USA. E-mail: Dr. Mink is a pediatric neurologist and neuroscientist at the University of Rochester. He has active research programs in the physiology of motor control, the pathophysiology and treatment of movement disorders, and experimental therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases of childhood. His clinical interests include movement disorders and neurodegenerative disease in children. He has been interested in the neuronal ceroid lipofusinoses (NCLs; Batten disease) and has conducted clinical research in Juvenile NCL for the past 13 years. Dr. Mink serves on a number of medical and scientific advisory boards including the Batten Disease Support and Research Association. the Pediatric Neurotransmitter Disease Association, and the US National Advisory Neurological Disorders and Stroke Council. He is cochair of the scientific
Professor Michel Shevell Michael Shevell, MD CM, FRCPC, FAAN, FANA Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Professor (with Tenure), Departments of Pediatrics and Neurology/Neurosurgery McGill University Guyda Chair in Pediatrics. Pediatrician-in-Chief Montreal Children's Hospital/McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) Dr. Michael Shevell received his undergraduate, medical school, residency and fellowship education and training at McGill University in Montreal. He was Director of the Division of Pediatric Neurology at the Montreal Children's Hospital-McGill University Health Center from September 2008 to October 2011, and a Professor (with Tenure) in the Departments of Neurology/Neurosurgery and Pediatrics at McGill University. Board Certified in Neurology in Quebec, Canada and the United States, he also holds a subspecialty certification in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. He has an active clinical research program focusing on issues related to neonatal neurology and children with or at-risk for neurodevelopmental sequelae, in particular cerebral palsy and global developmental delay. He has presently close to 180 peer-reviewed publications and 50 book chapters/invited papers published. He has edited or co-edited 5 monographs on topics related to child neurology, (Seminars in Pediatric Neurology) and recently published (2009) the multi-authored textbook "Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Clinical and Scientific Foundations". He was the lead author on the American Academy of Neurology/Child Neurology Society Practice Parameter on global developmental delay and co-author of its statement on cerebral palsy. He has served on both the Scientific Programming and Ethics Committees of the Child Neurology Society. For over a decade he was Chair of the Society's Ethics Committee. A former President of the Canadian Association of Child Neurology, he presently serves on the Executive Board of the International Child Neurology Association (ICNA). He was Chair of both the Scientific and Organizing Committees of ICNA's 2006 World Congress. He is the Lead Investigator of the Cerebral Palsy Demonstration Project of the NeuroDevNet Network of Centre of Excellence that combines epidemiologic, imaging, genetic, animal and regeneration approaches to advance our understanding of cerebral palsy. He has longstanding interests in both bioethics and the history of the neurosciences.
Professor Michel Johnston Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer. Director, Neuroscience Laboratory Kennedy Krieger Institute & Attending Physician Hopkins Children’s and Kennedy Krieger Professor, Neurology, Pediatrics and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Johns Hokins University and Kennedy Kreieger Institute Dr. Johnston is a pediatric neurologist who graduated from the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Medicine in 1971 and then came to Baltimore and trained in pediatrics, clinical pharmacology and pediatric neurology at Johns Hopkins. During his neurology residency he spent two years working in Joseph Coyle’s laboratory at Hopkins doing research on the effects of brain injury on neurotransmitters systems. After completing his residency training he was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor where he practiced pediatric neurology and started a laboratory to continue his research. His laboratory was among the first to recognize the important role of the neurotransmitter glutamate to cause brain injury from hypoxia, stroke and trauma in infants and children, and the potential to design therapies to protect the brain and salvage brain tissue (neuroprotection). After eight years at Michigan he returned to Baltimore to become the Chief Medical Officer and Director of the Neuroscience Laboratory at Kennedy Krieger Institute and Professor of Neurology, Pediatrics and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins Children's Center. At Kennedy Krieger Institute, he holds the Blum/Moser Chair for Pediatric Neurology. Dr. Johnston is an attending physician in pediatric neurology at the Kennedy Krieger Children’s Hospital and the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. He has a special interest in the neurological care of children with critical illnesses in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and the Neuro-Intensive Care Nursery (NICN) at Hopkins Children’s and the follow-up care and rehabilitation of these children at Kennedy Krieger. His laboratory is funded by the National Institutes of Health to perform fundamental studies on the mechanisms for of brain injury, plasticity and neuroprotection, including a project on the use of low temperatures (hypothermia) to protect the brain during cardiac surgery with Dr. William Baumgartner at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He has also been a co-investigator on clinical trials to protect the brain from injury, including girls with Rett syndrome at Kennedy Krieger (Dr. Sakku Naidu, Principal Investigator) and children with traumatic brain injury in the PICU (Dr. Hal Shaffner, Principal Investigator).
Professor Lakshmi Nagarajan M.B.B.S., M.D., F.R.A.C.P. Consultant Neurologist / Epileptologist Head, Department of Neurology Princess Margaret Hospital for Children. Clinical Professor School of Paediatrics and Child HealthUniversity of Western Australia, Australia. Honorary Research Fellow West Australian Neuroscience Research Institute Telethon Child Health Research Institute. Director, Australia New Zealand Child Neurology Society ANZCNS representative to AOCNA Epilepsy Society of Australia (Chair Education Committee & Ex Vice President). Scientific Committee Member ICNA 2012 Chief Organiser, ICNA 2012 satellite meeting, Perth, WA Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, WA • Ex Secretary Clinical Staff Association • Governance committee member – current • New Perth Children's Hospital project – several committees. • Reviewer for several journals. • Reviewer for National Health & Medical Research Council, Australia
Professor Charles Newton Currently reside and work in Kenya, as a Senior Clinical Investigator with the Kenya Medical Research Institute-Wellcome Trust Collaborative Programme, where conduct research on neurodevelopmental disorders, epilepsy and sickle cell disease. I am currently the Senior Editor of International Review of Child Neurology Series (2006 – present) and Editor of Journal of International Child Neurology. In addition, a member of the executive boards of Society of Neuroscientists in Africa and Kenyan Society of Neurosciences, a member of African Regional Committee for the International Brain Research Organization, International League Against Epilepsy Epidemiology Commission and Task Force on Seizures and Epilepsy in the Tropics. Member of the editorial boards of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Lancet Neurology and Lancet Psychiatry.
Professor Kenneth Mack Kenneth J. Mack MD PhD is a Consultant at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, United States. He is on the editorial board of multiple neurology journals, and is the former Secretary of the International Child Neurology Association. He is a child neurologist and headache specialist who deals with patients who have chronic daily headache. He has researched and written on the subjects of chronic daily headache, new daily persistent headache, and co-morbidities in headache patients. Professor Naibadu Dr. Naidu’s advocacy for patients and families with rare diseases is matched by her enthusiasm for the encouragement of the development of child neurology in India and elsewhere in the world. Dr. Naidu received her M.B.B.S. from the Madras Medical College (MMC), India, in 1962. Dr. Naidu achieved board certification in electroencephalography in 1982 pursued fellowship training in neonatal EEG/neurology at Port Royal Hospital, Paris, France, in 1983. Her early research concentrations included the role of taurine in childhood epilepsy, the effects of aspartame on early developing brain, neuro-developmental effects of intraventricular neonatal hemorrhage, and the efficacy of clorazepate in treatment of epilepsy. In 1984 she was recruited as Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation Scholar and as member of the faculty at Johns Hopkins and the Kennedy Krieger Institute. At Hopkins Dr. Naidu formed a particularly close and remarkably productive relationship with Dr. Hugo Moser. Both manifested a remarkably similar capacity for the enlistment of the collaborative efforts of individuals from diverse professional backgrounds in order to achieve advancement in the understanding of the pathogenesis, treatment, and outcome of neurological illnesses. At Hopkins Dr. Naidu concentrated on leukodystrophic conditions (peroxisomal varieties as well as ascertaining the causes and providing definitions for those of “unknown etiology”), genetic causes of mental retardation, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, and Rett syndrome. She has achieved international standing in all of these areas with efforts and achievements ranging from elucidating pathogenesis and refining clinical descriptions to meticulous clinical trials. To date, Dr. Naidu and her associates have contributed 142 original papers to the peer-reviewed literature. It is a challenging task to report within the compass of this sketch the breadth and depth of these papers. The most striking observation is to note that sixty-eight of these papers concern almost every imaginable aspect of Rett syndrome, a condition concerning virtually all aspects of which Dr. Naidu is among the world’s leading experts.
THURSDAY 05, MARCH 2015 08:00-08:15 Eduardo Barragán (HIM) HIM EB
08:15-09:00 HIM Neurology department New Insights in neurodevelopment and Epilepsy 09:00-09:45 Dra. Matilde Ruiz (INP)
Estudios clínicos en epilepsia pediátrica en el Instituto nacional de Pediatría.
09:45-10:30 Dr. Oscar Benavides (military) Aportaciones del Neurólogo pediatra a la investigación en Rehabilitación infantil.
10:30-11:00 Dr. Hugo ceja (Hospital civil GDL)
Experiencia en epilepsia infantil
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Coffee Break
11:30-12:15 Simposio UCB
Importancia del tratamiento antiepiléptico en la cognición
12:15-13:00 Simposio Armstrong
Tratamiento inicial de epilepsia parcial en México
13:00-13:45 Simposio Lilly
10 años de atomoxetina en México ¿Que hemos aprendido?
13:45-14:30 Simposio Zydus
Todos los genéricos son iguales?
Comida Libre
FRIDAY 06, MARCH 2015 08:00-08:45 Anlar, Banu (Turkey)
Assessment of brain development and risk factors in early childhood
08:45-09:30 Takahashi, Takao (Japan)
Early events of neocortical histogenesis: proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells.
09:30-10:15 Harry Chugani (USA)
Imaging in neurodevelopment
10:15-11:00 Shevell, Michael (Canada)
Cerebral palsy in term newborn asphyxia
11:00-11:45 Singhi, Pratibha (India)
Autism: early diagnosis
11:45-12:00 Coffee Break
Coffee Break
12:00-12:45 Dale, Russell (Australia)
Autoimmune encephalopathies
12:45-13:30 Tenembaum, Silvia (Argentna)
Update on diagnostic criteria for paediatric ADEM, NMOSD and MS.
Movement disorders in children
14:15-16:00 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:30
Mink, Jonathan (USA) Lunch Campistol Jaime (Spain) Cross Helen (UK)
Caraballo Roberto 17:30-18:00 (Argentina) 18:00-18:30 Lagae, Lieven (Belgium) 20:00
Cross Helen (UK)
Lunch Neonatal seizures Optimising outcomes from early onset epilepsy Benign Focal Seizures in infancy Epilepsy and cognition Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery Dinner
SATURDAY 07, MARCH 2015 08:00-08:45 Newton, Charles (Kenya)
Epidemiology, including Global Burden of Neurological Conditions
08:45-09:30 Nagarajan, Lakshmi (Austraia) New treatment Options in Childhood Epilepsy 09:30-10:15 Wilmshurst, Jo (South Africa)
Co-morbidities of childhood-onset epilepsies
10:15-11:00 Guerreiro Marilisa (Brazil)
EEG and Epilepsy
11:00-11:45 Caraballo Roberto (Argentina
Epileptic Encephalopathy associated with ESES New Epileptic Encephalopathies
11:45-12:00 Coffee Break
Coffee Break
12:00-12:45 Naidu, Sakkubai (USA)
Approach to Neurodegenerative disorders in childhood
12:45-13:30 Tein, Ingrid (Canada)
Approach to Fatty acid oxidation disorders and their management and treatment
13:30-14:15 Linda de Meirlier (Belgium)
Update on Treatment of Mitochondrial Disorders
14:15-16:00 Lunch
16:00-16:30 Wilmshurst, Jo (South Africa)
Approach to status epilepticus in resource poor countries
16:30-17:00 Willemsen, Michèl (Nethe lands) Pediatric movement disorders (clinical aspects, MRI
of basal ganglia disorders, biochemistry i.e. dopamine biosynthesis defects)
17:00-17:30 Mack, Kenneth (USA)
Chronic migraine and other primary headache disorders
17:30-18:00 Johnston, Michael (USA)
Neonatal Cooling for Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
18:00-18:30 Rosemberg, Sergio (Brazil)
Pilocytic astrocytoma: Clinical and therapeutic considerations on the most frequent tumor of the NS
Hector Peñuñuri
Elisa Cortés Hesselbach Diseño/Arte Oscar Lorenzo Cruz Tania Girard