This Constitution loss is recovered at the rate of 2 points per day of rest. If Constitution reaches 2, the wearer is exhausted and must rest immediately. No activity, not even walking, can be performed until Constitution returns to 3 or better.
Spell-Like Magical Rings The following outlines spell-like magical rings (other than those detailed above) that can be enchanted. However no total of bonuses can equate to greater than a +5 for a magical spell-like ring. These modifications cannot be added to the special magical rings listed above. Spell-Like Power: A non-permanent spell that affects the spellcaster in the text of the spell can be imbued into a ring for a single use per day. Only 1-5th level spells can be used. Only one spell can be used (active or latent) per round. Magical Adjust: +1 per spell level. Additional Spell-Like Power Use: To add an additional use per day of a spell already imbued. Magical Adjust: +1 per additional use. Cost of Spell-Like Magical Rings +1 - 5,000gp +2 - 10,000gp +3 - 15,000gp +4 - 20,000gp +5 - 25,000gp
Section 4: Rods Rods Rods are about 3’ long and as thick as your thumb. They are normally found in cases or similar storage places. Rods can be fashioned from metal, wood, ivory, or bone. They can be plain or decorated and carved, tipped, or not. Rods are powered by charges, unless noted otherwise in the description of a particular rod. Each time the rod is used, one or more charge may be expended. Characters do not automatically know the number of charges possessed by an item when it is discovered, although research and spellcasting can reveal this. A rod can sometimes be recharged according to the rules given for constructing magical items if its charges have not totally been used up. When a rod is drained of all charges, it loses all its magical properties and cannot be recharged ever again. When discovered, a rod normally contains 41 to 50 (1d10+40) charges. However, while rods almost never have more charges than this, it is possible to find a rod with significantly fewer charges, particularly if it is captured from an enemy who has previously used the item.
Command Word Rods require the utterance of a command word (or phrase) to operate. The command word is etched in magical writing on the rod (requiring a read magic to translate). 15