Bagel Bites Rebrand

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l bite e g a s b

Table of Contents Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . Logo Progression . . . . . . . . . . . . The Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Color Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collateral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stationary Social Media

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Mission Statement In the beginning, rebranding bagel bites seemed like quite a reasonable stretch. If you look at the box it comes in, you question it and ask how the graphic designer got away with it for so long and have it become the face of an iconic frozen food snack. It’s had the same if not close to similar approach of the box and it’s identity for a very long time, and has gotten to the point that even me as a fan know it deserves better. Frickin’ pizza rolls has been making advert moves to try and think they’re better than bagel bites of something and bagel bites has been pretty quiet and this must mean they’re cooking up something big for the company itself. You can consider this being just that. Here there are many circular executions done around the faces and that’s pretty much the aesthetic of the brand. The faces being that of a happy customer knowing what they’re in for or a newcomer trying a bite for the first time, and at bagel bites, they know one thing: One Bite Says It All. The ripples coming from said happy face are supposed to represent two things, the explsoive taste of a bagel bite emitting outwards and the heat that comes from the frozen food once heated up in either a toaster oven, cvonventional oven, or microwave. The final outcome was to embody a playful and carefree approach that was structurally sound and not falling apart. The was supposed to radiate towards the eyes just like the food and flavor does to someone who enjoys the bites. This colorful array and semi optical illusion execution is meant to intrigue and captivate the eyes of anyone passing by in the frozen food aisle but also seem attractive as a new approach.


one bite says it all

B Logo Progression

The progression that got the logo of bagel bites to where it ultimately got took one of the if not most time extensive component of the rebrand. This was for good reason as though trying to make such a quick and easy iconic frozen food choice apporpriate and have it not reach a contemporary goal of a food so cherished by the youth of now and the youth of the past couple decades. The literal bite has been an idea to incorporate since the getcgo, it was just trying to figure out a solution that would look professionally silly enough to represent these bite sized bagels. It took a short amount of time to figure out the circles making a letter “B� idea, it was just making sure the thought got across and the simplicity not being ruined in some sense. The ripple idea within some early thoughts about the logo execution eventually led to the idea of incorporarting that ripple into the overal design lay-


out thanks to the logo.

The first couple of ideas were scrapped due to it seeming more like an athletic type of vibe and nothing really like a frozen food or one meant for the very youth age randge primarily. The circles i feel we’re very embraced becausde of how they can resemble a literal bagel and how the holes white spice being bitten realy suits how small bagel bites are and taking that literal conotation of “bit-sized” into the design aspect and actively pursures the idea of the bagel bite. Another fun tidbit, with the typographic solution of the name “bagel bites” being lowcase, it makes the logo seem like 2 of the Myriad b’s being put together, consisting of 2 b’s which is true for bagel bites’ annotation. Boom.


The Logo The final logoform was quite interesting considering it involves three colors which makes the idea of a black and white simplified version very difficult and not so sure. It breaks those norms and in return follows of 3 colored pattern that is bagel bites’ structural layout of rippled circles to form heat or radiation like when bagel bites get warmed up. The ripples are also supposed to represent the explosive taste that would be emitting from the bitten marks inside the circles making the logo. All together this is supposed to be a subtle flex on a dynamic and explosive design idea; making it approachable and welcomed versus completely overwhelming and not up to interact with with your eyes. Instead, it is like a welcome towards the ripple effect and is like a start point and bridge point into getting your eyes to see and feel the ripple emitting from the logo’s bite.


Color Palette Choosing the color for the brand was fun in a way. Of course the red and yellow came to mind first because of pizza and pepperonni. Since pepperoni is my favorite of the bunch ,that was the first one I worked on so it was the first 3 colors i had to choose. I didn’t want the red to be the usual bright vibrant red, so i found a dumbed down version that’s slightly duller so it’s not completely distracting nor too crazy of a hue to distract from other colors. The same idea was used for the thinking of that original yellow; it couldn’t be school bus yellow but more like honey mustard. The rest of the colors besides black came after as a sort of reflection of the 3 flavors offered and redesigned. The darker red is to identify with how pepperoni is darker compared to red sauce. The two oranges are to symbolize how buffalo sauce on buffalo chicken pizza is and the lighter yellow when merging with cheese or blue cheese sauce since it’s white. The green is the most out of place color in the palette and stands out the most in this fashion and is to symbolize the green bell peppers put on all supreme pizzas in the world. The black was added through artistic direction advice for the packaging bagel bite boxes sides. The sides stuck and so did the color and was then integrated into the overall aesthetic and execution of the design layout.

#22B573 R: 34 G: 181 B: 115

#FFD217 R: 255 G: 210 B: 23

#FFAE1F R: 255 G: 174 B: 31

#FF6631 R: 255 G: 102 B: 49

#FC3D3D R: 252 G: 61 B: 61

#D53121 R: 213 G: 49 B: 331

#000000 R: 0 G: 0 B: 0



d l o B e n i l d r a l a u e g e H R o e n C i l d a m M l e L k K H j J i I h H Co g G z Z f y Y F x X v e V E u U d t T D s c S r C R b q B Q a p P A o O m M l L k n K j J i I N h H g G f z Z y Y F x X e v V E u U d t D T s c S C r R b q B Q a A Pp




The main typographuic solution that defines this rebrand of bagel bites was choosen because of how the logo came out. It had to be round just like the circles used for the logo but not looking

stupid or obnoxiously circular for a type and not seeming true to a fontface or alphabet. Myriad was the ultimate choice because of how every letter consists of curvy while circular features.

A a B b Cc D d E e

N n O o Pp Q q R

Ff Gg H

r Ss Tt

Myria d Pro Myriad Bold Pro R egul ar

h Ii Jj

U u Vv

Kk L

l Mm

Xx Y y Zz

A a B b Cc D d E e F f Gg H h Ii J N n O o Pp Q q R r Ss Tt U j K k L l Mm u Vv Xx Y

When it came to choosing the secondary font that would accentuate the main copy of the brand and details, i had to think

a bit harder than when it came to Myriad. It couldn’t be curvy again because it wouldn’t seem different from Myriad and that wouldn’t differentiate from that typeface and there needzs to be a difference for such a typographic duo to work so dynamically.

y Zz






Packaging There we’re a lot of aspects to keep in mind when it came to the packaging, between keeping the fun, reinventing it, and making my radiating circle idea come to life on the back for the instructions. The shifting colors was made in order to differentiate the cooking instructions. The black on the sides came along later and was embraced by the aesthetic in general by the time these boxes were finished. They are the only place to showcasde the polka dot idea for each flavor and I keep it there in order to not overuse is and have an overload of circles everywhere. Also because the lil pepperonis and lil bell peppers on the supreme pizza so the mini circles symbolize those well. Depending how the color came out with the yellow on each package proved which colors would stay and which ones would be scrapped. In order to get the template used for the box I went out to my local rite aid, bought a box of bagel bites and measured the diensions so it’s all 100% what the box should be. The sides are black because of grounding all the colors that without a grounding feature would run wild and seem overwhelming and not approachable to the eye but more of a clusterf*ck. Don’t want to have that so black was added and has been embraced since then.

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Website The process behind the website was quite unique. Told to be unconventional to what most websites are like today, yet while honing in on a simplistic approach that is also bold in itself. With that said I went out of my way to incorporate the circulare ripple aspects to be included into each page and have each section be color coded based off the colors used for the brand itself. The yellow is the connecting color of the brand and included into each flavor and so was pretty consistently used throughout the website to connect it together just like how it connects the other parts of the brand together. There were a lot of ideas running around for when it came to choosing a general design layout that would successfully do bagel bites a justice and this form of tonal color based new wave web design i think does just that. It doesn’t have a nav just a home page that connects it all together with easy access home buttons anywhrre you can go. That intro blacked out page is for aesthetic and welcoming purposes while showcasing how black is indeed a color that is used for the overall feel of the brand. If you pay attention (or i guess when you don’t) you might notice how the lines in the background shirt sometimes and certainly creates a optical illusion to the eye when noticed. This gives off the radiating vibe since the lines move white also using the design implications that are showcased on the back of the boxes with the shift in the colors for the circles to seperate the instructions. Also didn’t want to super include the smileys too much or else they’d get over used and wouldn’t want that.

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Contact Us

Flavor Options


What We’re Made Of

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Collateral: Oven Mitt


This was one of the initial ideas I had for the brand when upon expanding on its identity that actually stuck for the long run. There is a side of humor dispelled within the core of bagel bites and comes out within’ it’s collateral pieces. Collateral to me is like accessories of the brand world but depending on the identity it could be way more than just like keychains, it can be something very indepth that may seem like an extra tidbit but in reality can enhance the overall look and feel. As all oven mitts are implied for hot foods, it’s funny how it’s specifically tailored for a food found in the frozen aisle. It in a way mocks this fact and to keep things going, the disclaimer has nothing to do with heat or protecting the heat from burning your hand but instead says how it can’t protect you from your mouth watering from grabbing the bagel bites. It’s basically a funny idea trying to come to life. There was an alternative version that flip flopped the color scheme where it was the circular radiation effect all around the glove and the touching part would be just yellow but was turned down due to how point blank the circular adiation on the touching part is perfect since it does represent how that’s where the hot contents will be and that’s where the hot contents will be.


Collateral: Vinyl Floor Ads

I haven’t seen these in person much but I knew they were a thing so when a friend suggested it as an idea i didn’t really know where to start or how to do it. There we’re versions involving arrows and being an arrow of a sign but we’re all scrapped because it didn’t have to do with anything else in the brand. What became of it was 3 smaller vinyl matts and one full aisle matt. The 3 circle matts are meant to be scattered around a supermarket in order to grab the attention of a someone parusing the aisles. The full aisle one is meant specifically for the frozen aisle and meant to take the person from end to end leading them to the bagel bites. The humor is strong with this one just like the mitt because it’s a game of hot and cold where it only gets hotter and not colder for the person. The game of hot and hotter is aimed at the frozen food aisle. This in all honesty is flippin’ hilarious and very valid because it’s not going to get colder in the frozen food aisle, things will only get hotter.

1 Stepping Stone Vinyls

m war

2 real warm


1: Very Warm 2: Warmish 3: Warm

rmish wa


Stationary This is usually the part where things get tighted, get business like and looking like so, and become the least fun. However, with bagel bites I found ways to keep it fun. Yes, the ripple is on top as a header for the card and letterhead, so that brings in the familiar theme behind the rebrand and keeps things unified which is good. For the envelope though, that ripple is on the back but put in the right place being on that open tab in order to get the letterhead in it. Later throughout the design process I decided to try and have some fun with the back of the letter head and business card. Usually a business card can easily be expanded on but the letter head it is unlikely to pull such a move due to how professional things get when it comes to stationary, so i broke those rules and kept things lively and structured well while giving off the playful vibe mixed with the slogan. The fact that the design includes the smileys used is nice considering it is an aspect that isn’t touched upon tooo much but is used. Who says being professional is boring? The product is fun and lively so the design should be too even for the positions in the company that have to take things more seriously. Another reason why including smileys in the layout is real beneficial and reflects the aesthetic of the food.



Business Card



Social Media


When it came to the social media outcome, i wanted to show a difference in what was being presented before, memes, and the beginning of reannouncing a brand by hyping it up with later posts and the 3 post banner for the logo announcement. Hence why the change is different once going from the bottom three to the 3 post banner. I incorporated the game of warm and warmer with the vinyl cuts as if to countdown the announcement or at least tease something coming soon. The reason it’s a 3 post banner is because that’s a big enough announcement to take up such room and post multiple times in order to look nice and give enough emphasis on the announcement.


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